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hippies love frisbees so how about we give her a few complimentary frisbees now that I think about it probably should have put these in the trunk and not in her engine but it'll be it'll be fine everything is fine everything is fine guys calm down what's up guys and welcome back to job simulator know over the past few episodes we've been doing some pretty good work here as an auto mechanic what I feel like we could do better or we could do more for people so for today's episode I wanted to kick off a brand new guarantee here at Grif T lube and that every customer that comes through that door is gonna leave with more than they bargained for and hopefully that means somebody will take jobbot because I still freaking hate that guy people actually commented last episode saying that calling HR on job BOTS behavior might not really do anything because HR is Human Resources you're not human so you best watch out okay I'm gonna call s guard our stupid robot resources they'll get your ass fired for sexual harassment what just slow down good it Speed Racer go Speed Racer nananana nananana Speed Racer oh wait that's greased lightning how did Speed Racer go I guess technically Speed Racer didn't go that's why she brought the car here right 404 problem not found lady your engine looks fine I don't see any oh you want tires why don't you just say so okay left front we're gonna go down to tires yeah that's definitely gonna be a problem I don't think we get paid on brands dude you're gonna scam people you should know that all I have to do is put on any tire and take as long as possible and we'll be perfectly fine I don't suppose you would want to specify which brand is the best brand no just gonna keep staring at my ass as I work alright that's cool I would guess that it goes from worst to best because we have a stone and then I think this one has a patch sewn on to it then would they get a little bit better so you're probably as good as it's gonna get right oh those are classic yet classic is probably expensive what is it with the villains of all these shows race and dirty like why couldn't they just get goods rather than throwing caltrops right it doesn't seem very fair at all so I'm just gonna put that final tire on have you been drinking turbo Noster bonus how we're gonna pour in sumter bonus uh okay I don't think I've done oh the energy drink is turbo Nos no wonder it causes seizures in humans I've been drinking it this entire time turbo nose taste like Mountain Dew which probably tastes like turbo nose if it can kill his firm I can probably kill your brain cells so let's just give you a sip here Speed Racer that should probably be good enough right no oh I need to shake it up right I forgot about that so now we're turbo all right hello let's get that old fluid out you know we don't want any that Mountain Dew junk what we're going cold Reds there we go that should make you go fast just like sanic is this now what oh it doesn't go in here it goes at oh my god I'm screwing everything up why would nos go in the gas tank all right well I'm just gonna say that this is a part of my new guarantee right leave with more than you wanted sheĆ­ll and wanted a little bit in the in the gas tank whoo okay that that's pretty intense we got to take a quick look at that just don't dump don't burn my crotch okay huh so now the question what happens if I put a banana in a flaming hole nothing at ICU makes you go fast ma'am so we're gonna give you some speed bananas there we go go Speed Racer nananananananana speak racin go Speed Racer you need carbohydrates as well lots of sugars lots of energy there we're gonna leave with more than you bargained for trust me they're not gonna weigh you down they're very light and flaky probably shouldn't let the Racing Commission see this I get the feeling she might be disqualified so we're just gonna woo okay okay hold on hold on we'll get there we're gonna get there come on just close damn it there we go okay so we have a little bit of spillage but that's perfectly fine a little bit of fumes you could use that as a smoke screen though okay that's gonna be a very useful weapon when racing yeah you should be fine that's gonna be whoo why did it did it auto print because the fin of your car hit the button I don't think that was supposed to happen uh yeah screw you know what nine grands good enough yeah you've definitely been eating Donuts all day that's a sugar high but never seen the flaming bananas in the back are great so she's got a smoke screen she's got banana peels the only other thing I could have done is given her a turtle shell she wouldn't great don't judge me you feeling about that sleaze bought goods yeah job but good I think we could do better we could still do more okay we'd have another customer come in we're to do even more for them ooh you look like you have a little extra already you don't need any more me to clean your car weird vibes what is it haunted I don't do exorcisms ma'am and I'm also not a gardener so that whole flower situation on your head did might be the thing for a doctor I'm a mechanic not a maid service this is okay those are some large stone or are they now that's nice I wasn't gonna smoke it I swear they grow back real quick though and I can't eat them hmm oh I have an idea what if we do a little something like that right yeah you see everybody leaves with more than what they came for we do a good work I really let's see what you're packing in here a couple slices of pizza you soda cans probably a human hand yeah that's not so bad right I could dispose of pizza it was easy mmm and the crusts there we go okay I don't know how old pizza needs to be for a robot to want to throw it out but it tastes fine all right soda cans shrek is still Coby a few of these yeah boy way there we go okay couple more smell Oh smell yep right away right right right away ma'am freakin Doris guy out of the way that would be in decor I believe she looks like a fine pine kind of woman we could just there you go ABS with your style huh hold on a second let's just take a quick look uh-huh exactly as I expected okay um Ives with your style what does that mean so your Oh Oh it's an electric car okay so it doesn't have any fluids or anything like that it just runs on on batteries and she doesn't want to run on dira cells anymore she wants me to switch it out for a bit of a a greener way of doing things so I'm thinking flower power you seem to be into that kind of thing maybe some solar as well I'm not sure how she'd feel about nuclear you know we're just gonna go with more flower power look that in there we go is this dirty that's dirty imma change it out for you I can't do hand gestures in this game and bothers me Dada Libra so yeah we're doing pretty well here I'm not sure if she has enough extra yet we did make it so she's polluting less we did make her a little more green we gave her a hood ornament um what else would she like hippies love frisbees so how about we give her a few complimentary frisbees now that I think about it probably should have put these in the trunk and not in her engine but okay no come calm down everybody calm down everything is all right everything is under control everything is under control damn it we have a little bit of leakage put that hey it's okay okay there we go okay she should be good now we're just gonna we're gonna put her down you're polluting you might want to get a mechanic to check that out okay your car definitely shouldn't be pooping out frisbees but that's gonna be $7000 not like hippy dollars or eggs we see what I can do about this bill yeah you see weed is that a tie around your hair okay I think she left most of the frisbees I made a bit of a mess this episode your gonna be the one to clean it up what happened to my doing skis like as soon as I started singing Speed Racer they just decided to crap out on me okay that's a little bit better right a little bit of ambience right we're gonna give everybody as much as we can because here a Christy Lube we care we guarantee more than what you came for oh you again I don't think you have a sunroof how is your hat through your roof hey I got the car just like you asked let's hurry up and get to work before he comes to looking for oh this is a special job we got new words for this thing down for parts or for reasons for reasons have everything you can hurry up Muir Here I am trying to haul up the reputation of this establishment by the bootstraps and you're running a chop shop is that what's happening right now so you just stole a car and now I need to take a bunch of stuff from it you want me to take eight things from it I've been doing a lot of cop calling in this series I'm not gonna lie and you're right at the top of the list you can share a cell with granny bar just you wait good money okay you want me to just chuck it on the floor didn't I give this to you the last time you were here right I'm pretty sure I tried to frame Joplin's okay let's see here so you got some stuff in the vehicle that we might be able to grab a couple of these probably not worth anything where you park my car valet but I never would have expected you to get it tuned up for me like this it's great can I Drive it home I don't know are we done with it can he drive it home I'm gonna put everything back I didn't sign up for this okay if I'm gonna screw with the car it's gonna be on my own terms you gotta leave with more than what you showed up with so we're gonna give him some upgrades he's gonna get a clean air filter and we're gonna give him the most expensive doodad that we have and he's gonna need little fluid as well and then I think he'll be good to go I'm pretty sure I've replaced everything okay you're you're good to go everything should be I tried my best you gonna be real upset about that last job a little bit of personal business just pretend you never saw anything all right I'm pretty sure parts and labor was like five grand so am I just not getting paid for that and are you gonna keep that fancy hat for the rest of the episode because that'll be wonderful not too late for a floor donut job but if you don't change your mind and stop being such a spoil sport did you see that that always happens when I eat four Donuts I'll have them facedown which is the proper way because you want the flavor on your tongue not on the roof your mouth and then when you take a bite it flips what kind of witchcraft is this I see you you're testing some kind of weird spell on me you freak just keep it up god I'm gonna wing you with something in a minute Oh God Girl Scout yet did it run over forests you've gotta help me human I took my dad's car out last night with my friends and no it's a mess he's gonna kill me okay just clear off those branches for starters yeah oh oh right listen dude I'm sorry I called you a girl scout I've dealt with a lot of girl scouts you look well like you how did you manage to run over a whole forest but still keep two eggs perfectly intact oh you you did that you did okay that their deaths are um you that wasn't me what does that say chips and bytes casino uh yeah things look up the partner here okay Eva bought Vegas huh I don't know why this would be incriminating can you do something classic I used to do this all the time when I was a kid just throw the car in reverse and play the pedal to the metal oh I was wondering why you could interact with that stuff okay so let me see here we're just going to toss you in Reverse oh that's pretty clever oh yeah the tires move and everything hmm evidence huh hold on I want to try something real quick what if we toss you back into forward and then here we go oh my god I am really curious what's gonna happen when I put this car down now what is this good times and money did you okay I can't tell if he ran over a forest or if he went to Vegas and got hooked on get me wrong I'll take your money it's for money now I can go there with the dead birds and frisbees and stuff uh you know what I think you're probably good to go yeah I'm gonna say you're good to go because I really want to find out what's gonna happen to what I do this it's honking the horn as well ain't it hit the print okay here you go good luck driving this thing later good luck hmm oh come on I thought he would like blow into the sign or something that would have been amazing well jobbot who's laughing now you were too good for floor doughnuts and now you don't get any floor money but I think that's gonna be it for this episode of job simulator guys and I think we still have one episode of the auto mechanic left and it's like I said usually the last few levels are the wildest in each of the careers so I have no idea what to expect but I'm gonna leave the decision up to you guys would you prefer for me to return and do the last episode of the auto mechanic or would you prefer that I come back and do another episode of infinite overtime instead so true leave a comment let me know all that kind of stuff and I'll return for more job simulator soon but thanks for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 4,604,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job sim, job simulator vr, job simulator funny, job simulator funny moments, job simulator auto mechanic, job simulator mechanic, job simulator auto repair, job simulator garage, job simulator htc vive, job simulator commentary, job simulator update, job simulator best moments, job simulator full game, job simulator full playthrough, job simulator let's play, job simulator playlist, job simulator walkthrough, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: HljYvg9dUDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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