CURSED FOODS from the WORST EMPLOYEE - Job Simulator (VR)

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my first inclination is that we probably don't need to make this with water and instead can make it with boiling milk oh yeah that's gonna be great let's just put the whole thing in right we can have milk and ice milk curtain and meatballs ooh how did a meatball get in there just a little tiny bit of cow left over what's up guys and welcome back to job simulator and for today's episode we're gonna return for more of the worst employee challenge because you guys seem to really enjoy the first episode that I made of this and I happen to have a bit of a talent when it comes to screwing things up okay wouldn't you say one splash means yes I'm happy that the two of us can finally agree on something when starting out the episode I'm gonna take that one step further and say the job wot having a massive self-portrait is just a you know a little bit arrogant I'd like to see tweek bought up there someday we'll work on that but for now I got some shitty food to make I'm telling you right now for man to robot there is nobody outside okay there's no one so I don't know he's insane he's completely insane he's lost it he's seeing things I don't want you handling anything tonight okay I'm gonna show you how to be the worst ever employee so you just float there like the doc word turd that you are and then I'll get to work in a step one is to make sure that anything that needs to be refrigerated especially meat is it okay it's got to be on the floor people definitely want to show up for a little bit of Salmonella eggs yeah they break on the floor that's perfectly fine though right people don't come here to buy whole eggs I mean often whenever possible you should taste the food as well Gordon Ramsay always says that you want to be tasting I want to make sure that what you're selling is good and people love buying half-eaten food how are we doing I don't suppose you remember to mop and sweep before we reopen did you probably not considering you don't have arms which is perfect because this is very bright and colorful and dirty and raw and squishy underneath my feet so that that's great okay we're gonna bring you the customer we're gonna make him something real special like pretzel can I interest you in a little floor cheese though how about some half-eaten floor cheese no pretzel well that's a bummer how can I screw up a pretzel I guess in all reality I can't blame you right your pretzels are delicious they're just so crunchy and salty unless you keep them in the sink for a while and then they're just kind of mushy and gross here you go anything else liquids so you don't care what liquid huh sure I've got some interesting liquids around here tap water is way too high on the menu for you good Sara you need what else what else do we have we could go with dish soap I could blend something yeah you know what I'm gonna go the distance I'm gonna go the extra mile for you and how about some blended up floor steak yeah raw floor steak okay yeah um just a second I know breaking the space steak continuum is probably not something that we want to do right now but I can manage it right is that good enough is that a that's about a cup one steak is exactly a cup that cannot be a coincidence that is just a cup of blood right pretty sure that's all that is hake with topping oh right I can make cakes in this game it has been a long freaking time since I've done that so we can make a microwave that doesn't sound particularly good right the whole radioactive deal so I just need to put an egg a flower not baking flour like at like the plant flour so it's already off to a bad start and whatever else I want huh okay let's see here so we'll go with the flour we got the floor egg here no problem wonder what happened if I put in another floor egg right what I get egg cake never seen that before let's just close you up and in three seconds we'll find out I'm supposed to be turning away from this and sterilize myself hey egg cake yeah that's uh yeah that's gross that's gross I had to try it and you can leave it's the go away Bell this thing alive will you microwave a now stop that there's something about only hearing crickets and the demands of our stupid stupid customers that it's kind of off-putting so I'm gonna put on some music do we want totally disco or gyro dance remix one of them is getting played and one of them is getting turned into cake I think I just made my decision okay that one gets turned into cake this one can go in here give us some tune skis nice and low doesn't need to be anything too much just a little background music and we didn't get oh we've got a radioactive disc but it didn't well come on if it's so perfectly on the cake why would that not work come to think of it I don't know if I've ever tried this before but what happens if you microwave a CD and then try to play it rate doesn't sound the same still works perfectly well that's a lie okay do not microwave CDs they will not sound the same I can promise you that what late night toast huh you get seedy cake there you go now good enough come on what's wrong with you now I could take a fresh slice off the loaf and put it in the toaster and that would make me a good employee but I'm not a good employee so I'm gonna head back to my sink where I should be preparing it's some delicious delicious water bread yeah it's nice and soggy okay we'll toast that up for you this should work right I don't know what does water bread turn into when you toast it oh there we go uh that that's toast right oh we can't have water on it you too good for soggy bread I see how it is give me one of the slices that touch the water but didn't really get any on it there we go here you go what do you want now oh yeah now we're talking pizza with topping I can add whatever I want you really shouldn't be giving me freedom she likes to think she's still good for water toast but in reality I'm gonna find a workaround so now we should be able to run that through the blender and that counts as sauce so now if I pop this in the microwave with just a little bit of floor cheese yeah this one's really touching the floor that's perfect we can pop you in there with whatever toppings we want but they need to be edible right we can't use CDs or salt and pepper or something like that it needs to be pretty much something on the floor how about cookies Hey look I know if you're five years old you probably think oh my god chocolate chip cookie pizza that sounds absolutely amazing but in reality it's probably disgusting I think it's safe bet that it's just gross there we go oh yeah that looks messed up that is a cursed food if I've ever seen it oh come on you want more No get the hell out of here Oh wuzzy well he didn't have to think about what to put in your food to make you sick okay goodbye but bring it over here come on ah crap I wanted to grab your coffee or put something in it because then I could serve people coffee but you've been drinking out of that's kind of gross I did get a promotion you mean in turn to the manager okay well let's uh microwave that real quick I can't use it as a topping which is depressing because think of robots what do they care but I can get a radioactive promotion that's pretty sweet I believe I'm ready for the next customer need soup at least once a day huh okay so we need to make him some kind of screwed up soup combination I could do that you can just go away from oh wait soup soup would be here right we got the pot now two of anything to make some kind of messed-up soup what are we thinking my first inclination is the who we probably don't need to make this with water and instead you can make it with boiling milk oh yeah that's gonna be great let's just put the whole thing in right we can have milk and rice milk curtain and meatballs ooh how did a meatball get in there just a little tiny bit of cow left over Wow that is that's something else hold on we're gonna hold onto that because I'm actually curious can I make soup and soup soup like what if I make two things of soup hold on if they seriously don't care what I use to make this soup then you know amusing wine okay so we have a tomato and mushroom okay yeah that would sound good if it wasn't made of wine like I said but now if we do you and you and then you get a little bit of this little Oh okay and now we have soup and soup soup so this is technically tomato and mushroom milk and Wein meatball and milk carton delicious [Music] well and myself up don't even worry about it uh hot sauce you just want my bottle of hot sauce oh you want a cup of hot sauce uh okay I guess did you want a little soap in that hot sauce because you're gonna get a little soap in the hot sauce okay just enough to give you the squirts but not enough to be noticeable unless you blow bubbles in it are you good cheese for dessert I can do that just you wait um yup we still got a little bit of floor cheese left down here there we go just just a little sorry there just wasn't much left and you can go away that's nice I don't suppose the fish likes soup do they know I don't know why I thought they would of course it would just float to the bottom their fish they don't have thumbs to use can openers don't question me okay what an apple to moisture your appetite what the hell does that mean I was gonna oh I could skip you know I don't want to skip people I wanted to see if I could burn carrots can burn stuff before you turn it into soup oh I was gonna use this slip for soup right we haven't screwed around with the soup a whole lot what else can I burn how about burnt broccoli and burnt carrots and and wine it's just so much easier than going to get water right there we go I know you wanted an apple okay but I'm busy this is very important work any day now part there we go oh oh he's gonna hit the tipping point and we have broccoli and carrot does it mention anything about being burnt you could take that home with you okay that one's on the house you know you're a bad employee when you just keep breaking glass off of people's faces when you screw off door apple there we go got an apple and I can wash it off for you a little bit of soap I was gonna spit on it but I ate it and then I was gonna rub it on my sweaty shirt but I guess technically I'm just a floating head so here you go why don't we all luckily for you ma'am we haven't sold a whole lot of bacon today so there's still plenty you know lying around this one looks like the rats got to it a little bit oh you want it cooked well la-dee-da just toss that on there for ya now you gotta wait just the right amount of time here full oh and there we go perfect anything else f5 refresh she needs fluids to feel refreshed that's funny hahaha working on something real delicate here so we have broccoli and steak in a fine wine so this is really a whole gourmet meal in itself but then if we blend it up and put that in a cup for you and you should be able to drink it no problem yeah there we go you know what maybe I'm the best employee ever that's genius let me sell that no time geez geez oh I was like what that didn't register I think Jesus for a second I need half-eaten floor Jesus there though we don't have any left surprise surprise the first thing that the rats go after on the floor is the cheese please go away there we go [Music] CPU what what I told you I was gonna be the worst employee ever don't stare at me I need one more customer that wants pizza okay so anybody else that comes up here doesn't want pizza will be to fry an egg so that you can light note next yeah good see you later next you do you want pizza you know what Pizza gather line there cowboy how am I supposed to assume that that's not a Cowboys got a mustard no go away yeah well you got your job next Dix come over here come over you want pizza lady you got a sick kid that hates Tomatoes something like this oh don't you worry I could get your grape juice real quick here you can take it to go now get the hell out of my sight okay no soup for you Goods next bring it over here come on for the love of God hates ah so this jackass technically doesn't want pizza but he does want a sandwich and my mind just kind of lit up like fireworks I'm gonna make you the ultimate job simulator meal okay this is gonna be intense and it all starts with the grill we need to grill not food probably like a lemon and a carrot yeah okay we'll grow some food here that looks good and then while that's going we're gonna need actually we're gonna need hot sauce there we go that's perfect now are you guys done almost now they're done perfect so you guys just go right there then we're moving on to the palms there anything left in the pot no it's been cleaned out wonderful I appreciate that thank you for actually doing something for once now we're gonna go burnt carrot burnt lemon and hot sauce turn that on it's gonna make a lovely soup okay I'm getting or just you wait you can keep talking on the phone or whatever you're doing whoa there we go almost perfect now we have a delicious carrot and lemon soup now we need to use this grind it up perfect that's gonna go on a slice of bread it looks a little thin I don't like the fact that it's so watery we're gonna have to add a little bit more to it maybe some bacon some tomato yeah you know what this might be my last one for the day so I could probably just get a lot of the stuff off the floor just kind of mix it all in til we get a nice color still so thin why I'll tell you one thing that isn't thin these llama pockets they're like bricks okay there we go that that's a little bit better it technically looks the same okay we need we need a new slice of bread something like perfect there we go now we're moving over to the microwave and what um okay that's kind of interesting what if we wool what the hell fire extinguisher and fire extinguisher soup perfect that will be great so I can now put you in there and you in there with a little bit of cheese a little bit of cheese hold on there we go okay and then hopefully this should make a delicious pizza I don't know if you can use soup as a pizza topping you can't god dang it okay fine hold on a sec this is not what you get you hold on we're still experimenting here okay we got the radioactive fire extinguisher fire extinguisher soup that's going in there so that's now part of this we go back to the microwave we get our cheese we put that in here and the topping of choice will be oranges don't even say it about that whole pineapple shenanigans there we go okay perfect now that we have this we could go on to the sandwich and that will be the base of our sandwich it's only the beginning you know I gotta see if this is possible right what if we can get employment plaque and cup soup made over a nice thick cream it seems that you could turn anything into soup so it's perfect yeah plastic cup and nameplate soup it works wonderful okay so that can go there and then if that's the case we can probably do something like that as well that's how I can get all of the inedible stuff into people's meals salt and chili powder soup perfect now that can all get grind it up here we go perfect I don't get put on some bread we're working through it here some of these need to be toasted we have to incorporate the toaster wonderful there we go so those are nice and good and then we can move back over to the microwave because these are gonna get used for our pizzas right need more cheese how about we just do what she uh yeah a little bit of eaten cheese and carrots why not try try some come on come on don't you work with me here guys carrots perfect stop looking at me like I've lost my mind okay I'm a genius we've got carrots now back to the sandwich still they are wonderful so we have our this is named plate and cup soup toast and then we have carrot and then we have uh-huh good and we can top it with maybe a nice half-eaten steak beautiful okay and then the piece de resistance beautiful Wow I can't even eat it myself I can't bring myself to do it this is a monstrosity you don't want any more trust me liquid there's a couple liquid in there you don't even need to worry about it here we go I've got some milk that's been on the floor all day you can maybe have a little bit of that or careful there we go perfect anything else you take the milk with you [Music] okay if you say so so our cake toppings are gonna be interesting to say the least maybe this if I do that is it gonna no wouldn't turn into pizza right because I don't have cheese so this should work if I put in that and in an egg off the floor again right and and close that up I should get a name tag and cup soup he took oh no right this is this is something oh my god okay we losing track of what I'm making this is a nightmare is what this is God missed this one all yours Andy's good you enjoy that then he'll call me in like 15 to 20 minutes because I would love to see if you're a lot No okay that's fine you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of job simulator guys and I finally got to screw around with all the weird combinations of food that I had never really tried before like I I feel like I compounded everything into one ultimate disgusting meal so a that's as good as it gets for worst employee but if you guys want to see more as always be sure to like this video let me know and maybe the worst employee ever will return for a third time or thinks about watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,550,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job sim, job simulator vr, job sim vr, job simulator virtual reality, job sim virtual reality, job sim gourmet chef, job sim infinite overtime, job sim worst employee, job sim worst employee challenge, job sim gameplay, job simulator worst employee, job simulator challenge, job simulator chef, job simulator cook, job simulator funny, job simulator funny moments, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: 7TCMoizDQkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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