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officer I'm 99% sure that the bot that robbed us earlier was lady bot well I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover but oh that was granny BOTS I thought that was Lady fun what the little girl oh I didn't mean to do that what's up guys and welcome back to job simulator so last episode you guys all remember that I quickly won and then lost about eight point one million dollars okay and I'm not gonna go blaming anyway this episode not gonna point fingers I'm not gonna name names especially because looking at the shift schedule I'm gonna be here a whole lot but also apparently job bot is my shift manager I had no idea I thought you were just furniture and now that I'm poor again because of some because of some people I really need this job so we're just gonna try to stay on his good side he looks kind of indifferent so I think we're good for now normally I would just throw canes like this at somebody's stupid green face but no I'm gonna recycle them okay because we're on the same winning team right buddy so we're just gonna add there we go two for two Employee of the Month the job bot that must have been the month before I showed up right because let's be honest I'm the one holding this place down right now we're gonna get another customer we're gonna get our security up and running is a little bit lackluster last episode in case you forgot what up douche bag yeah this place is looking sick but you know what it needs more maximum energy branding why don't you bring up that display do you mean sick like vomit because yeah I can see a little sick on the floor so you want to advertise your brand in my store but what am I getting exactly because if we're negotiating rewards I would love to have your douchebag hat can I just yeah there we go that's what I'm talking about can I have the glasses too Oh perfect now who's the douchebag can I see myself on camera what up what up that's what I like to see I would love to wear this all episode but this is gonna drive me nuts freezer snacks fridge safe didn't know we have a safe uh hotdogs slushies display here we go okay you'll get that hat back in no time to really push the envelope on this thing uh okay you got the squirts from all those energy drinks huh huh unavoidable even in robots so I need to put three of them in the display ah I don't really want to do that I would rather drink them I think yeah there we go crack open a cold one oh my god why are they bottomless drinks there is no end okay that is amazing yeah I definitely want to sell these in my store I mean I could technically just lay that here and it ends what's oh it's like some kind of on-off switch where if I let go it stops what I'm holding it it keeps going weird okay maximum energy carbonated energy liquid may cause seizures in humans that'd be good to know before I chug one for a couple of minutes okay you know what we probably don't want to drink any more of that he wants me to put three of these in the display I'm kind of curious what would have happened if I actually had a seizure in the game maybe I should have drank another one are you still pooping do robots poop maybe I can just roll with this a little bit and oh did he poop on the floor I swear to god dude if you took a crap on my floor I'm gonna be real upset you're gonna have to clean that up okay I know that you're technically the manager but I can't leave my station so I guess we're just gonna lock this in whatever that means you two newspapers already dude why is it all over the floor what can I give douchebag robot to clean his butthole with Oh what if I give him back his hat is that there we go can I can I just give it back give it back there we go okay hold on hold on here comes catch I got you oh that is just too perfect display what happened to your hat I swear to God if that guy clogged the toilet with a shitty hat I'm gonna lose my mind what do we do with the sign I never realized that the display teleports things over to put them on display genius maybe I can use this as well so hold on let's bring the display back and then just like lay you somewhere Oh it'll float it's perfect okay something like that is there anything else that we want to display yeah we definitely want to get that in there yeah that's good stuff right there energy gears drinks you get your porno mags and get it to your gum your lottery it's all one-stop shopping right genius but gonna work I think that's gonna work oh man you see I'm gonna get that promotion just you waste those diarrhea drinks are gonna fly off the shelves I have no doubt people are gonna come in by and then sir you look thirsty can I get you something why do you want me to show because you don't have our arms they didn't stop you from jogging without legs okay new energy stuff new energy stuff where's the new bridge maybe I haven't seen courage before oh yeah look at that yeah all right new energy stuff okay so you just want me to shake it you sure about that oh oh holy crap I've never seen that I thought I was gonna explode for a second it was getting real vibrating all right just open it outside dude I'm not ready to clean this up that's gonna be 1790 all right here's your money taken there's a shaking surcharge okay that that's a very important task do I need to give this to you you sound like you've already had enough energy drinks for one day sir I think I should probably cut you off huh uh no I don't want to open this here you go you didn't even open it Oh Oh hose that doors closing anything's gonna pop like some kind of stupid balloon for a second we already know we don't have a mop so I really didn't want to have to clean up even more good to know man what happens if you shake one up and open it though I'm gonna find out all right this isn't stealing okay this is science if I'm gonna best serve the customers I need to know all of these things so we're just gonna Oh a drink it is it still green nose right now yeah still still tastes like ass holding it awkwardly did make me close the game for a second but it hasn't caused seizures or extreme vomiting I know you could vomit in this game I don't feel sick what was that is that my stomach was that you hot dog machine that was a little bit concerning okay we're just gonna recycle that give her a take let's do the store wasn't exactly clean to begin with okay gonna turn my freaking camera back on everything got reset my display is gone God it's all falling apart okay give me a new customer before the universal credit system some humans had more money than they knew what to do with and struggle to find ways to spend it boom hello human looks like I've got some money to blow what's good here give me stuff whatever is good you're not human right you said Youmans had too much money right so what does it have to do with this dude you're a robot even if you have a little okay that's not for sale I was just stealing this and blowing some bubbles I love it you can interact with everything in this game it's so ridiculous oh yeah I'm gonna be keeping this yeah you can't have this back this is part of the store now okay I'm just gonna put this right here where nothing ever gets stolen can I take your mustache no I can take your hat though I don't know why I'm stealing from all my customers well you stole my mustard so I really shouldn't feel that bad um how about you want to buy a hat no that's cool how about a couple more things couple more things like another hat it'd be good maybe a couple couple more hats two hats you go about that that work for you put it in the bag put the two things in the bag okay hold on we're just gonna put one in the bag right that that's one oh I can't put both of them in the bag okay hold on let me just here we go how's that better that not the two things all God I'm trying to break the game and it's nuts letting me there how about that now that better no I really don't think you want to buy your own hat do you good news for you sir for the man who wants to buy anything it doesn't really care what we have a sale on accidentally pre-opened half emptied energy drinks so I'm just gonna there we go and there you go and then that's gonna be 55 82 that's fancy retail therapy make sure you grab their money is this fake I've never seen one of these before hold on just no I guess that was just the first time somebody gave me a 5 weird okay me we should close the fridge sucker if we're really gonna bring in the customers I think we're gonna need to show them the Jumbo sized hot and steamy gadgets just floating in air how can anybody deny that oh yeah that's gonna be a real seller okay next customer what have you guys another rich guy pokemon trainer what the hell do you want there's your weekly delivery stuff in the shelves and stuff what I don't understand what the hell you're saying stuff in the stuff thing is in things was all this unplugged did you bring me vacuum Smuts because I mean that's awesome we were running a little low so I guess you want me to put this here I see I gotta restock things okay I can go there yeah it doesn't need to be in order news can go on the floor that's perfectly fine the hot sauce what is oh yeah um can we get a catch up with the next order some old geriatric BOTS stole mine and also like to take your hat I should just start a hat collection I could have had so many by now see ya Nikki's been chugging energy drinks for a little while okay yeah we're just gonna put the Hat right there and we're just gonna start our hat collection a little late this is a pointing but people come in and then they leave naked okay it means that they just had a good time we're flying through the customers today boss nobody can stop us we're a team all that nonsense what do you want loser in the freezer anyway no why would I want to give this guy a free popsicle the Harry Potter brought here can go shove it you want something free do you kids okay well here's some free advice don't accept popsicles from strangers because trust me they're not going to be what you expected what if I just take a little bit of this there we go right Oh what I meant to do was there we go now he'll never know what happens if I very big bottle for being so small yeah yeah mild sure won't be that bad for you right you can have your glasses back I'm not collecting glasses and here's your change he's got for real is he robbing me right now you're seriously not gonna give me an option right now are you I know it's technically you take a coin leave a coin but you're not actually supposed to take a coin if you're not buying anything here have an empty Cup an empty empty Cup or not I guess beggars can't be choosers alright hold on here take your coin wow thanks is he on drugs what did what did you just do with the koi I've got a coin here boy yeah good eye for this surely you can do something just give this bot something preferably not something especially valuable can robots do drugs because I'm pretty sure this is on robot drugs yeah one coin can get you an empty cup kidding me right now sometimes it was necessary to make special deals with customers like this to assure their repeated patronage we want him coming back I mean I gave him the coin instead of the cup and then he just came back and bought the coffee oh god okay well hopefully we just don't have any more tweakers like that and we can mustard man just go there we're good wait a minute jobbot tells all exclusive interview page 13 and then you're on the cover of Time magazine what is going on I'm so confused you've gone from being some doofus sidekick to my manager to a celebrity I just completely distraught right now I can't even take a ticket I can barely even chuck it at your stupid face you can still manage to oh yeah now I remember you see I'm a human so I'm not really afraid of bananas what's still delicious so I'm just gonna hold on to that and I could use a second kid oh so you're just a source of infinite banana peels what happens if I keep going or what you're gonna fill me with potassium KITT oh god there's gonna be such a mess okay well listen this has to go to my collection so we're just gonna toss that that's a big one that's a keeper for sure can I know I could get rid of your mask but I can't get rid of this hmm that's too bad okay well I guess I gotta open the safe do we really need to open the safe can't I just throw stuff at him what if I just flicked banana peels at your face with that Mickey short-circuit eventually don't seem to be really enjoying it it was dope defense Mario Kart style oh no customers are gonna slip and fall on that now that's not good okay hold on safe I was wondering what the safe was for and was the code again boss I don't I don't know uh let's see here just crank oh oh oh I got it I got it you kidding me right now give me all your cheddar you'll read okay yeah here you want no you know what I was just gonna eat it in front of him can I do that can I just mmm delicious delicious cheddar wash down a little banana keep rubbing it all over my face no you have a job at the office down the road I don't know man if you really think about it he stole what three pieces of cheese how much is a piece of cheese worth $5.99 so he stole about 18 bucks worth of cheese whereas I stole let me see here can i clear this yeah free holy year the Hat was worth none and here we go 20 49 and then the mask was also worth 99 cents so in the end we robbed him of like five bucks win-win I'll teach him don't have anything to add to that okay cool screw me I guess oh my god too much juice just weaken out in the middle of my store this is exactly what you would expect from a convenience store a simulator every other person that comes in is either completely fried or drunk off their chair what is wrong with you sir hello that's a swing in a mess we try that again I know what I want breo's good burritos are good I agree okay do I need to heat up the burrito I wonder because it's frozen but I've never actually warmed one before so I got the Pulido I'm waiting don't worry bro I can hook you up with a big burrito like this big this is kind of big oh my god okay big burrito is $4.99 thank you I'm cashing the register just because your customer isn't paying attention doesn't mean your manager isn't so you are my manager okay yeah but this is like my second episode doing this so I know cash goes in the register okay just shut your stupid robot math it's gonna put that in there there we go you go back to whatever couch you were busy melting into earlier oh can we go three for three on junky BOTS every customer comes straight down that aisle and there's a banana peel in the middle of the hallway so I'm a little concerned but they do hover so hopefully that will negate anything I don't want to get sued I haven't seen them there's this big since the human uprising of 2027 hold on they're human I have just the thing the keyhole is right there by the dial see it I've been wondering about this thing right the magic keyhole so this is the key to make this place stop looking like such a crap hole what didn't we do that to start off the day there we go clean even the most disgusting human messes grab the controller and clean those stains around the store Mike robot how does okay I have a little robot friend it's like art to clean too and then there's a little bit over here as well yeah can I make you leave I wonder you're free little robot Oh No start to lose connection okay well you could be our greeter how about that you just hang out right there pop you out Oh he'd get his freedom cool I'm amazed I've been here for like two straight days and haven't rung up a single year [Music] this seems a little bit strange you should probably check their ID Thanks [Music] check it out with your universal scanning device human universe's scanning device oh this thing I thought you meant my eyes it's actually three robots a do little girls and a little boy I thought they were gonna come in and buy beers the perfect time for me to make that comment adult boss age old enough ID totally legit expires never hmm hmm yeah you know what that one okay hold on let's check this one named adult bot age so old ID totally legit expires never totally real ID card yeah you know what I think that's wrong I guess you can give them their fireworks all right now we're talking okay so we're just gonna ring this up for you your fireworks is it though is it really safely exploding all over my floor I just cleaned that floor up okay little R to clean to is not gonna be happy I understand you were held at banana point earlier this evening we've captured the suspects we just need you to point out who did it who took your cheddar let me make it simple for you here are the three suspects just make sure you're certain oh my god okay so I know what you guys are thinking it was clearly that guy right but we have his hats right and he has his own hat so clearly it wasn't him you can't just go and buy a new hat I'm willing to bet that it was you right because I'm pretty sure your little girls stole an eight million dollar card from me last time I don't think it was the douchebag pod right because he has an alibi he was on the phone the entire time so here's what we're gonna do in job We Trust it was you change change it was you so we're just gonna give this a little Clippy doodle and in job We Trust oh I was bad at boss Oh and it bought when will you learn that's really disappointing I want to know what would have happened if I chose the other one if you want to I'll just be here while you do whatever you want oh that was it that's the end officer I'm 99% sure that the bots that robbed us earlier was lady bot well I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover but oh that was granny pods I know that was Lady fun let the little girl oh I didn't mean to do that officer bot there is no doubt in my mind that the person who robbed me was talkative douchebag bot this is about who did it what did I just say well let's go bus yeah brah so I'm going to an area before we go I can't end things off without winning another jackpot is that supposed to happen every time is it the first ticket every time wins because I really don't think it is I did it I got my eight point 1 million dollars back oh you could just shove it right up your robot yeah I think that's gonna be it for this episode of job simulator guys and I gotta say the convenience store is my favorite one yet I can't wait to see what mechanic and gourmet chef have to offer so you guys are gonna have let me know which one you want to see more I'm kind of indecisive because they both sound kind of difficult so be sure to leave a comment letting me know which one you would prefer and I'll be sure to return for more job simulator soon I think someone's watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 3,729,695
Rating: 4.807785 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job simulator vr, job simulator game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator gameplay, job simulator htc vive, job simulator store clerk, job simulator cashier, job simulator convience store, job simulator funny, job simulator funny moments, job simulator let's play, job simulator update, job simulator full playthrough, job simulator full walkthrough, job simulator playlist, job simulator series, job simulator commentary, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: 0aV1kxYknwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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