The Worlds Cheapest Date - TLC #26

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hey i'm cinematoskin and that's pewdiepie and today we're checking out extreme cheapskates the world's cheapest date and then i tell a little bit about the video which i usually don't know but you know that's actually pretty good like that yeah i should probably do that anyway guys today we're watching uh the world's cheapest date have you ever been on a cheap date ken um look yes i have i have been on cheap date i used to have a tried and true way to save money on dates i'd meet someone new and i want to take them out you take it to the park it's free oh they they think it's romantic and cute like some ice cream you can get for like a dollar there you can like see some ducks and some animals and it's in the place and then you know you just walk around and enjoy yourselves bring some old molded bread to feed the ducks and then the geese attack you because they're freaking mean yeah and then you'll run away together holding hands the jeep yes frolicking and the old man shaking his face at you kids perfect date priceless and if you're in the city wow why what do you think someone may offer you something you know under the bridge they'd be like hey look at me the state gets better and better i'm there ken then there's action you know oh man the whole thing no i obviously are you got married it all makes sense we're watching the cheapest date however oh how do you get cheaper from zero this guy makes money during this thing yeah they pay him oh my god how can they possibly make this cheaper i want to see this [Music] cincinnati oh they go to cincinnati that's how they make it cheaper cincinnati ohio the people that play sucks of course [Laughter] it all makes it he's like all right they live in l.a i'm like guys no let's go to let's go to ohio it'll be way better trust me what is the fifth third bank that makes no sense who named that building fifth fifth or third i can't remember put it on someone in pr right now that's watching this is like freaking out oh my god tear them [Music] we got logan paul here and juggling kind of looks like oh my god dude my name is greg insco i'm 29 years old i've lived in cincinnati ohio all my life i'm a zumba dance instructor and i'm an extreme cheapskate i guess they don't pay well on zumba huh oh he's gotta be cheap right why was he wearing it lately what what is happening here is that i don't know he's also got a look sexy on his shirt what is that that's sexy he knows it's sexy and he knows it i'll do a clinical study anytime i can because those pay really good money oh okay that's the reason i had to get hell yeah somehow what what why is that a thing i don't they have draw likes from the car this dude is cool yeah all right that's how you get respect in america teach a super class direct get your hot drugs out and then do clinical studies he paid he lets people pay him to give him stuff there's this tick tock channel where they they ask people when nice cars like hey what do you do for a living he's like clinical studies big the one i always see is it's a ford ranger or when i got dang spaceship what's that one no what the hell look at look at that we know that we in the spaceship oh man y'all think y'all hard y'all think y'all hard oh so i got no [ __ ] like this hey i don't know man we open a damn spaceship [Laughter] [Laughter] oh man y'all think y'all hard y'all think y'all this is it oh troy ain't got no [ __ ] like this hang on man we open a damn spaceship that's the one i've seen first i don't know what the sound bites from i don't know jesus christ well that's it what's the point of leaning the hydraulics to the right like to get out of the car or easier drive a car like this and you're getting down the trap you know you pull up on the curb you got to lean it down look out the window and you know make the deal oh i see i'm really lucky the clinical study that i found online was paying the same amount i had to put uh ointment in my butt but i got a car out of it so it was well worth it you got a car for some ointment dude all right put some stuff in my butt for a car come on what you gonna give me a car you thinking about it i uh well no no i'm not i had to put those [ __ ] pills up my ass one time get your suppository and i didn't get a car for it this is [ __ ] all i got was shame and pain dude i hate this guy now god suppositories are there's no there's no feeling quite like it you know no it isn't when it gets to that point of no return you're just kind of like oh it's gone and you just you don't know how to feel about it it's like you're learning about a thing that your body can do that you wish you never knew oh i can eat through that hole cool like there's there's some resistance and all of a sudden there's not and it's gone you're like i'm glad i'm glad i can laugh at these painful memories with you ken i appreciate that i'm glad i can relate where am i all right maybe he just oh god hey kids when you grow up this is the kind of sh you have to do as well all right i'll stick a finger off your ass you think that you think not going to the doctor is cool it ain't cool when you get old there ain't nothing cool about it you just use the window squeegees and you can really wash your whole car with it i don't know who would spend money on a car wash when you can wash it yourself right here i mean why does it keep having the car lent like that stop it he's on because he's cool man he's cool and he's also taking up two parking spots hell yeah that's the american way one of the most illegal things i do can hear in in uk we have like family parking that are way more spacious so that the kids don't hit the car i always go there i'm calling the cops i'm calling the cops right now hello every time mars is like no don't do it i'm just like yeah i'm doing it i got a big car all right i can't it can't fit anywhere else stupid is it a big car is it a big car for the uk because everything's it's a shut up it's huge it's so good it's huge it's yeah okay is there a fine for it double parking i'm sure they don't appreciate no the family parking there's a law hell yeah i'm breaking the law [ __ ] 71 of drivers have seen parent and child spaces being oh boo misused i can rattle them out i have a big car one in ten hey i'm a minority let's go it's the family parking why are you taking the like there's a family in need out there and you're waiting a special it makes no sense [ __ ] up oh next you're gonna be like why do handicapped people get special parking you know come on park in their parking spots too that is not the same at all it might as well be your disregard for humanity shame on you you know what i also do you know i i have a hybrid car so sometimes i stop on the electric you have a huge hybrid car how's that even happen two motors [ __ ] just gotta fit in there motors yeah i stop at the electric places sometimes cause it's a hybrid even though i don't charge it so you have the electric motor but you just use the gas motor yeah it's better taxes that way all right so what do you park like the gas side in the other parking spot in your electric side and the other one hell yeah that's the way i get two spaces that way it's a hybrid right right why am i emitting all these secrets no i don't know all right hi welcome to my condo i got pretty lucky one of the ladies from zumba said hey my grandpa just passed away if you want to live in our condo for free in return i'm supposed to mow her lawn but you know you can't beat free rent is all granddad's stuff still in the house i guess so that's kind of weird he just died and she's like hey you want to move into my take over i don't i feel like that is not how that happened it's like oh you're so your dad died oh yeah i bet there's like a household empty and that no one uses now huh i bet i bet that the lawn is all overgrown huh something great or something i'll give you free zumba classes if you give me a place to live and she's like yeah stay in here oh man why there's some lady eating granddad's ashes why is there a coat rack in the bathroom let's see that's your has to hang your towels you face the lovely face towels come on that makes no sense yeah there's that in the corner though that little thing in the corner what is that it's like a cup dispenser oh yeah that's actually not a bad idea i'm not getting one of them nice and uses old spice definitely saving money uh this is all from when the guy oh you wear fancy deodorants kane no well i don't or you got a like a high-end brand deodorant or something is there a high-end brand deodorant yeah i i use it really what is it because you know i'm over here living this luxurious youtube life moved australia and everything i want to smell good sorry yeah i need i need to get the nicer things in life i need i need name brand deodorant name brand toothpaste and floss absolutely oh i have that too yeah it's uh we got gucci floss over there what do you got no but i got fancy toothpaste i'm living in life ken it's got licorice flavor it's delicious one day you'll get to me at my level you just tell me that the licorice is delicious yeah you're you're from the south you gotta like i eat the vomit chocolate and even i know twizzlers what's wrong with twistler they're freaking nasty there's like what is nest it doesn't even taste this is not even real licorice that makes it even worse oh my god you're not american i am this is why you moved out i understand that you know you lost your powers nobody likes twizzlers just like the candy corn nobody likes that either yeah yeah what do you like then i don't even know minge it was a minch it sounds like a like a like a hair disease or something do you have looks on my mind that's the main geographer what do you like then i mean sour patch kids you know reese's pieces are jerez's oh sour patch kids are great i actually we have friends sending us us they're great are we actually they haven't been in uk you know you can't get those i gotta smuggle them in for you yeah i love that i love the really really sour ones that makes your stomach feel like it's gonna turn itself inside out what is wrong with you i think we're like connecting on a level here and then all of a sudden what [ __ ] but you don't even park at that family you have a family you didn't even park there at bay and you're like oh can we really do this well i don't have a car right now so please subscribe oh yeah what car what car are you getting an odyssey yeah we are a family man about to go drop my kids off at soccer practice you know me gotta get that people mover hell yeah that's not a bad car seems good oh it's a honda let's go it's okay i'll do what every other youtuber does out and i'll just go rent like a ferrari or something for a video oh yeah yeah i got to be cool like that yeah when i was in uh visiting you in l.a or in l.a for whatever reason you had a you had like a really fancy sports car yeah and look at you now yeah you know things change well now i want to buy a sports car and ken is like you'll get over it you'll get it you'll get out of your system eventually i'm gonna park that in two parking spots you're gonna put hydraulics in that thing shoot yes i got to know yeah oh yeah all right we gotta watch this guy for some reason i didn't have any furniture it worked out nice these are my roommates we got raj and kevin here it's painful bringing women back that wasn't awkward at all what the [ __ ] was that judging kevin here are they like do we pretend like we're reading or do we acknowledge the camera or a matching short gang let's see they're reading about odyssey hondas they probably pulled that out of the following camera back in the background it's got grandpa's wheel in it or something oh my god oh yeah this much funny damn painful bringing women back to the apartment because furniture you're not bringing anyone back here bringing nobody back to that place what are you talking about oh it's so painful with all the [ __ ] and hoes that want to slag after me and i gotta bring him over like he has some old man here and yeah come on oh that's the urine oh my god yeah that's definitely someone's dead my eyes were locked on the finger uh protection thing when you said nimbles yeah yeah yeah thimbles that's what it's called show the girls that girls love thimbles heck yeah they play monopoly you always won't be the thimbles the easiest one to hang on to put on your pinky finger you're the thimbly monopoly what do you pick the dogs the iron of course you pick it up it's so cute all right anyway just everything it's embarrassing oh god cursed zombies everywhere it's like old people i don't know how much greg it's a nice house though i do know that kevin and i pay a pretty fair amount it's a large three-bedroom condo so wait he leaves there for free but he makes his friends pay rent till in there well probably not after they see this video they're probably what that is such a shitty move oh my god yeah he paid me some rent i live here for not free what take my roommates with me and charge them rent even though i'm living for free oh so he is and he's gloating about it what what a nice pal what a friend huh what a guy what a guy ah someone else is like generous and he's taking advantage of that that is like part of cheapskate that i hate so much yeah don't pass the savings on just to build them all yourself all right this is the kitchen um all right where to begin there's no point in paying for anything that you should get for free in life i never spend money on condiments anytime you go to a restaurant just take extra when you're there i would never pay for paper plates or any kind of plate really he goes to random birthday parties hey how old is your kid you have a birthday party coming up oh you have a birthday we need to grab a couple plates yeah happy birthday this is great happy birthday balloons are you gonna need those still how long do you want that they're gonna go yeah what is that in the back he got like random stuff from a party birthday party there you go save money on cups um i actually reuse yogurt cups i got this from my grandma this way they're all labeled everybody knows whose cups whose but if we get a guest i actually give them the big what so that makes no sense just have glasses and you can wash them does he know that how much is glasses probably is cheaper than yogurt he's saving so much money man he's got it he's got yours there right there okay yeah i got one he asked me i come over and see him this dude's saving on condiments and condoms because hey how's he getting the date how does this dude get to date no way here you go here's the guest cup it's the biggest one you get the big gulp it's the big yoke so it makes them feel special i don't put them in the dishwasher because the dishwasher wastes way too much money uh electric and water so i just hand wash they would crumble right oh it's plastic isn't it okay yeah i'm sure they're not dishwasher safe because why would they be right there's no point in having a bulb inside a refrigerator i took the bulb out of the refrigerator it saves me almost 40 dollars a year nice you actually don't have to put the bulb by you can literally just put some tape over the thing but okay dude wait wait hang on forty dollars a year to taking the ball is refreshing how do they come up with that number it's almost 40 a year in electric oh my god get out of here it saves me a thousand dollars at least eating these yogurt glasses speaking instead of glasses so you could probably find someone left over somewhere i don't know like what you can just take glass from birthday parties dude probably probably the dead man's house they're living in there's probably was some silverware left over yeah why would there not be glasses there when i go shopping i always leave the tags on the shirt because you never know if it's going to go out of style so always keep the tags and you can just return them later i paid for him it's not stealing if you pay for it i'm living the dream but how do you what do you have enough clothes do you understand right you don't need that many shirts and also that you there's usually like 30 days and then you can't return them anymore right i mean he's worried about things going out of style when was living the dream t-shirt ever installed was that his logic it's just going to get out of sal yeah no this guy's a pinnacle of fashion obviously as soon as i'm done living the dream i just return it biggest money saver in the whole condo is right here in the bathroom greg thinks that he lives a pretty normal life and most other people would probably think so too until they get to know him he takes showers with his clothes on what by watching clothes in the shower with me i'm saving at least 15 a month because i don't have to use a washer a dryer soap when i take it now this is a cheapskate does that actually help i just that makes no sense i can't he he even has like a little plastic bag over the tag do you see it under his arm protect the tag protect the tag oh god when he gets out of the shower with his wet shirt on does he just like stand around dripping water all over the place yeah air dry saves me money get in there and it catches all the excess water from me at the end of the week when i'm running that is disgusting all right well he's definitely saving money on cleaning supplies because that ring is yeah what ah flush the toilet i take that water and he flushes with it into the toilet and that's what causes the toilet to flush that way i'm not wasting any water amazing and that saves me at least four hundred dollars a month wow genius you know what else you know what else is really great good for you know money just getting a real job and then enjoying your life yeah it's also a great way to you know right if people did this kind of stuff because they want a lifestyle like maybe they don't want to they maybe they want to live like out in the woods or like in a special place or then i can understand it but this is this this guy just wants a cool car by far the best part about online dating is you don't have to spend money on dinner and drinks and wasting gas going places meeting people just get online and it's free this girl is kind of hot she likes fancy restaurants and trailing next that is so made up get out what what websites he owned yeah okay this this girl likes jewelry next next this girl wants like a kid oh those are expensive next and here's one she likes shopping and wine tasting that's way too expensive this seems so fake now that you say i don't think anything this is real this dude just wanted to be on the show yeah right he has two roommates that are but also the glasses it makes no sense like why wouldn't the old guy the guy left like everything on the planet for what freaking shirt back there right yeah she likes camping oh and she likes long walks long walks are free yeah he knows they are wow take her to the park here you go genius is he calling her right away randy there yeah hey um i saw your ad online actually um you look kind of cute i'm really looking forward to meeting brandi uh because we both met on a free dating site do you want to go out tomorrow yeah i'm assuming and hoping that she is a cheapskate as well i'll email you the address of the place okay okay all right talk to you later all right sorry felix the uh there's a hospital next like pretty close and their emergency helicopter's taken off so you can probably hear it whoa oh that's just my helicopter outside landing you know damn i thought you were a cheapskate yeah you know i've been saving up and decided to spend a little money and i got a used one of course with only two blades because you know it'll still fly i don't want to save some money oh that's smart thanks tomorrow god it sounds like it sounds like you're getting swatted or some [ __ ] cops are coming to get you we know the cheapskate secrets get down do you think he's selling up stuff from the guy like no one's going to know he's going off right i mean probably and the other thing is he just called this girl up and was like hey i saw you online you want to go out tomorrow and she's like yeah without knowing anything about him right i'm sure that happened and that's a great way to get murdered you know okay girls don't do this i'm sure you know already i'm taking brandy to a barbecue restaurant because it's much cheaper than like a sushi place but i'm hoping that she ate earlier so she's not as hungry i'm hoping is he going to convince her what to order was that her you probably just want some condiments right you're not that hungry right yes i'm great greg nice to meet you she must know about the whole ordeal with dlc she's got to because she's like look at her i mean she's not like yeah i don't look at her and see i was on a free dating website and then random guy called me and i agreed to go out with him kind of girl right that makes sense yeah i can see that this is someone he knows from the zumba class or something when i first met greg he seemed like a nice guy sweet typically i wouldn't be asked to go on my first date at a barbecue place only because it's messy and he's more casual i i know nothing about barbecue places but apparently there's a stigma seems like a fine place to go on a first date i don't get it it's like a place you go like with your family like just to have like a cheap meal they're like your friends if you just want to sit around and talk or you've been it's like a pub in 20 years yeah it's just it's yeah it's not like a wine and dying kind of place at all it's just somewhere to eat right on a first date who cares you don't want to have fancy park's free you know yeah the park is better this guy ain't even saving money how about something to drink can i have a sweet tea sweet tea is sweet tea free refills on there yes can i just get a water and it's a go cup please water in a taco yes so you can get an extra cup uh i'm not starving or not oh so like you wanna like share a meal maybe yeah we can do that okay did you see the kids menu everything it's only 4.95 all right they're going to share a kid's menu uh-huh okay is the part where an actual day would just be like okay all right i am not you're right you're not gonna score or you could get the uh sweet and sour hot sauce for only 2.95 i've learned that greg doesn't like to spend lots of money there's nothing wrong with it just it's different the real chat move was to order like the fattest thing you could get and just make her pay for it and be like right it's 20 21 equality let's come on so how about you get me this time and then the next day i'll get you you know yeah exactly exactly he doesn't want to date women he just wants to have free food i bet so many girls do that i can't be wrong for assuming that i'm sorry all right dare you no i bet they do that get out of here someone's done that for sure i have ladies at least one person i i have heard from girls many times that yeah they're not that into the dude they just want some free food [Music] i i respect that it's a real thing maybe not for everyone in the comment section but it is a real thing i heard it too i want some free food let me just go on tinder real quick i wish i could do that wait no don't marry him you privileged women how could you jacob advantage you know what if i had to sit with this [ __ ] guy i want to free me up so i i get it if i if i had to go out and eat with a guy i don't know yeah it seems fair that they would pay for it you all made the choice uh do you like the order yes yes i think we're ready um i'm just gonna take the pulled pork sandwich all right that's pretty popular that is not what we agreed on you were supposed to get the salad and we were supposed to share it we were supposed to get the chicken nuggets and you had two and i would get two and then the macaroni and cheese because the kids plate he's like i'm not paying for this this is not what we agreed i'm leaving this date's over oh is that pretty good size the pulled pork sandwich it's a nice portion uh like big enough for two probably just depends on how hungry you are i'm not real hungry right no okay perfect never hungry right okay does he understand that this isn't gonna change anything like being and you're just being annoying like how big is that yeah okay yeah cool can we both eat it it's not gonna become bigger because you ask about the science support god at least he's not haggling with her like okay yeah can we get that but for uh oh 5.99 i don't know about that how about you know 99 cents you like uh a racker ribs no just like one rib the wrap is like kind of expensive and i didn't know if she would like it so i thought maybe we'd just get one just in case okay so you'd like one how do you get one right these guys when they ask they just cut what let's give you one i guess they can probably see one i doubt they can but the camera's there so they can do anything with the camera right they really want to impress or show off and so it's just it was different to see him really not care oh she's into it he's so different here's your one rib that looks good and here's your one rib all right nice did you want to try some of those um no that's okay it's okay you want to try some of this you mean have the whole thing like what do you what oh god there's not a lot there what is that painting that is the most hideous thing i've ever seen what the hell the pig is like why'd you eat me all right that's really good though yeah what do you want they do it different in ohio oh yeah actually right okay maybe a little bit of pork too yeah well we'll just do about oh yeah all right how about yeah yeah i'll try yeah i'm paying for it right girl so come on hand it over you know what's up it's like you're a restaurant and you want to try someone else's meal and then you just grab the whole [ __ ] thing okay i'll try that thanks thanks for letting me try it oh that would be nice thank you so what else do you do besides save cups and utensils what else uh at my condo like the same morning on water we only flush once a week i save like thirty dollars more fees things you shouldn't say on a date example one i flush once a week oh think back to the rings in his toilet oh god i believe him that he only flushes once we but in a house with three dudes how do you get by with flushing once a week oh god it's got it dude i poop at least three times a day it's like goddamn we had taco bell last night oh oh roger really filled it up i don't know if i'll be able to squeeze this one in here if they flush once a week there's got to be a whole mountain there you like you sit you sit down and you just sit on the other poop you know you get like you got like a hover so you don't get that's when they know it's time to flush like well we better get the shower flush this down watch that [ __ ] there's no way you'll get stopped up every time to be way too much oh man so you guys go to the bathroom the whole week and you don't flush no i just hold it i soar my poop i bet he does that way yes it doesn't have to flush as much that makes sense at least just throw it out maybe i already know or hide it somewhere in the dead grandpa's house i'm like oh god that's pretty disgusting if you come out raleigh you flush [Music] once that's nice that's nice you think that she's going to go she's not coming over she ain't that's how he wants to live his life it's good for him just too extreme for me i would never do it here are all the things you asked for thank you let me know if anything else you need okay thank you sure all right he's cleaning them out i don't like the waste food are you gonna eat the food oh yeah absolutely all right oh yeah girl all that but you can never have too much barbecue sauce what you're just stealing at this point oh don't forget no it's free man it's free greg is a very sweet guy funny a little cheap but oh my gosh a little cheap don't don't yeah don't don't you don't have to do it he just told you that he flushes his toilet once a week yeah disgusting yeah how many times a week he brushes teeth oh god i bet he doesn't thank you for taking me out i'll never see you again for me well i had a lot of fun tonight would you want to go out again sometime yeah i did i had a good time thank you she said all right i guess the camera's going i this is the fakest crap no i don't know yeah there's no way there's no way no way i mean maybe there is a way until she sees like a t-shirt collection that says like living the dream and she's like okay yeah you're you're mentally 12 still so no no he's a little cheap i could look past that and definitely he's a really sweet guy so i would definitely go out with greg again what are you what if somebody doesn't like you for who you are then you shouldn't be with them i mean he's right about that yeah yeah so this is supposed to be the cheap world's cheapest date but it wasn't even get out of here they still pay like 10 bucks if i was one of this roommate i'd offer to pay extra just for the toilet boot of life well if it's 40 bucks i ain't paying 40 bucks just to flush when i lived back back in my day when i lived in america my big old house we freaking i had the shot i sat in the shower and let the water run forever the most my water bill ever was was 20 20 right i use the water all the time right how does it make where did i get these numbers from no no freaking they they need to start bagging this water up and keeping its precious you know what would save you money if you've been in the shower what nothing what nothing at all okay in you know a way you don't have to flush no you know you you complain about these memes right that stick to you and they get annoying are you you again i'm just saying shut up i mean you see it you save on toilet paper too because you know you just rinse it off and you're done yeah dude i was thinking yesterday you know there's always these conspiracies of companies doing [ __ ] so that they'll [ __ ] you over right toilet paper companies they must be lobbying politicians to not create three days so that what they are still running in 2020 whenever covet hit and the freaking huge killer hornets or whatever and everybody started buying all the toilet paper me and mary bought a bidet oh like the attachment to the toilet it was like it wasn't even that expensive it was it was pretty inexpensive and it worked great yeah there you go we can't do that here because the toilets don't have like that right yeah open thing these australian toilets i couldn't react there's no way i could ever plug anything into it yet so that's why i'm like australia and you care part of this toilet paper conspiracy where they're paying the toilet manufacturers to not make it so you can install the bidet in them and i'm pretty sure that me and my family go through like a whole roll of toilet paper a day i don't know what back home when i got that show on the plus you know like one freaking roll lasted like a week and now i ain't touching finger poop no i gotta have a good grip on that how much toilet paper do you use you get like a whole wad i go wild because my parents would always tell me to fold the paper so you can get a double wipe out of it they would insist on it oh so so yeah you know so now that i'm an adult i use two squares toilet paper i want that you get two squares you fold it in half so your finger don't slip you know that's all you need but i mean if you're not jesus not not not doing that i mean when you get to the point where like you're you know you're almost done with it i can see like you know double wiping a little bit with the same piece but i don't know man you know when when it's fresh you know what i'm saying you don't want to be i don't know what you're saying it ain't happening yeah no way god dang don't have that problem together yeah i'm glad to very nice told a lot of secrets here today that uh don't share it to anyone guys well did we really just turn an eight-minute clip into a freaking 45 minutes jesus i'm so sorry every time sees my files he's got to be like god dang it this [ __ ] ken guy again we're still doing it we're adding more to it if today's your birthday happy birthday thank you for watching subscribe check out cam we got more tfc stuff over there and then daddy bye bye you stole my birthday thing if your name is my daddy stay tuned my friends you thought it was dead but true relevance never really died welcome to the first undead game use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator add some of our patented stickers in there stickers our emotions memes our emotions express still emotions show them for likes share them for love get up for free and who knows maybe i'll review your memes the greatest honor of all time circle baby download it make a meme we need subtitles on this
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,362,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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