Pickled Eggs with Frank's Hot Sauce

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[Music] everybody's judged by our hodgepodge homestead i've got an abundance of eggs right now my girls are doing great i eat about three a day for breakfast i can't keep up with them so i'm going to boil some up and i'm going to take a chapter out of the pratt family homestead and i'm going to put some in some frank's hot sauce and see how they taste so one thing you got to be be aware of when you're using fresh eggs is you don't boil fresh eggs like you boil eggs from the store they're they're pretty well they're fresh obviously like i said but they don't um shrink like a store-bought egg will so your your eggs gonna be really tight in your shell so you want to boil them a little different way a lot of times you get your water boiling you throw your eggs in well with these fresh eggs and i'm doing a dozen actually i'm doing 13 because i got a couple small ones a couple of my girls lay small eggs so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cover these make sure i have two inches of water over top of these eggs i'm going to bring my water to a boil i'm going to let them set for 10 minutes in that boiling water after after it comes to a boil i'm going to turn it off and let them set for 10 minutes after the 10 minutes i'm going to put them in ice cold water to stop the cooking and then i'll peel them so when i get to that point where i'm peeling the eggs i will come back with you and show you what we're doing okay guys so the eggs are boiling they came to a boil i left them into boiling water for 10 minutes i'm going to drain the hot water off and i did have a couple break in there sometimes with the fresh eggs you uh don't get out there and get them in time that was hot on my finger and uh they break open and cook right inside so the other one should be okay i think i'm gonna remove that one also all right we're gonna throw them cold water over top of them and what this cold water does it stops it from cooking any farther further and i'll do this probably another couple minutes i'll do it again all right we'll just let those set and once i've done this couple more times i'm going to peel them i don't think i need to show you guys how to peel eggs but then i am going to get them in a quart jar and put the sauce in them and then we'll go from there so i'll see in a few minutes okay guys while the eggs are in cold water i'm going to get my brine going and what i'm going to use for a brine um is uh two cups of water now granted this isn't going to be just like uh the pratt's homestead i'm just referring to them because they're the ones with the the frank's hot sauce deal and i want to do that and i want to give credit where credit is due so i got a cup of vinegar and in mike's video i think he did a lot a lot more eggs when i'm doing too i'm only doing a dozen well i'm only doing 11 now because a couple of them are bad okay i'm going to add a tablespoon of dried jalapenos out of our garden a tablespoon of dried maybe a couple extra dried tabasco peppers one of these days i'm gonna make tabasco sauce on them but i think um i don't think i can do it after they're dehydrated i've got three cloves of garlic gonna go in i already i haven't put this in yet you did one yeah okay and then i'm gonna throw some onions in and what i'm gonna do oh i've gotta add my frank's hot sauce wow that wouldn't have been good and i'm just going to add both bottles that i have these are cool little bottles you can see all my oils over there i just don't like them with the twist on cap so i think that i won't use one of these originally i was thinking i'd use one for oil because they're pretty cool but nah i get corks at my local hardware store and all the little drawers they have it's pretty cool go there and find them okay i'm going to get this on a boil i'm going to let it boil for about 10 minutes and by that time i should have my eggs peeled and i should be able to put them in a quart jar like i said i'm only doing one quart i'm pretty much the only one that eats boiled eggs anyway around here and i know nobody will eat these so i don't want to have too many of them sitting around so anyway once this has come to a boil and i've got my eggs in a jar we will be right back okay so i kind of want to freestyle on these um there are a couple things that i just want to do different and um so anyway here we are i'm going to put some eggs down in three at a time now i'm going to come over here and i'm going to scoop some goodness whoops i just want to get those eggs covered up with all this stuff all right i'm gonna put three more eggs down in there or if you have uh some sinus issues come over to my house right now whoo and it looks like this is just going to be a nine batch a nine egg batch i'll just have some eggs to eat and that's okay with me okay i'm going to wipe this rim off real quick i'm not going to put it on tight because i want it to cool off but there we go we'll come back in about two weeks and we'll be eating on those so let me tell you a couple things again we'll link the pratt family homestead for the recipe for their frank's hot sauce pickled eggs and i also want to give a shout out to the stivers homestead i learned from them on their video on how to boil and peel fresh eggs and we'll put that in the link above i believe theirs was on pickling eggs i believe that's what the title was called pickling pickling fresh eggs or something like that but they're real informative they were real educational on it so check out the stivers check out the pratt's homestead and uh you know how it goes here at the hodgepodge show instead we like pickling our own eggs in all different types of sauces and you guys should too see you later
Channel: Our HodgePodge Homestead
Views: 17,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wQ00dyR8A3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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