Spicy Pickled Sausages - Thanks Bumble Bee Junction!

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you - hey I'm doing this Mike brat man what homestead I want to try some pickled sausage today boom boom originally got the idea where I threw all my pickled eggs and everything mark over bumpy Junction had hit me up and was talking some pickled sausage to me he put out a video on how they do it so go check that out I might be closely following that today but maybe a little it won't twist I might not be able to make as much as I thought I was going to because we are running low on vinegar come on along I got feelings it's gonna be super easy but it's gonna be at least a 10 day wait at least a 10 day wait oh something else mark says he never mixes his sausage and eggs I've been all over the internet looking and I have found lots of really cool pictures and maybe I'll have some was floating through right now of sausage and eggs pickled together oh my gosh they look so good I mean how perfect is that I have a jar grab an egg grab sausage bite bite oh my gosh I would be doing this except our chickens are on strike right now and they're about to lose their jobs let's get to choppin and ask the meat to the jurors most importantly it's not the sausage it's not the onion the garlic vinegar jalapeno our hot sauce it's not the jars it's not it's your help hi beautiful thanks for helping me you decided to stop playing just come help me with this didn't you I appreciate that thank you so one thing that mark really suggested to me is when you cut these make sure you take the casing off if they do have casings make sure you take it off because it comes in the casings are just completely untrue able at this yep cut yeah I was thinking I would cut and you had put in the jar yeah that's all I good idea okay maybe you can hold my hand while I cut a little bit okay here just gonna happen grace are you ready okay I'm gonna maybe cut I was also told to cut it like that and like that so actually we're gonna go for bites I think okay grace now that I stopped cutting and I pushed those over there now you can grab them and put them in the jar grace you're doing a fabulous job how did you get to be such a good helper it is did you hand me at that other one over there it is kind of slippery this one broke on us grace do we have how many full jars do we have okay here's what I want you to do are you ready dump them all out over here can you dump them back here can you reach back there or or here we'll make this easier for you here hold that jar over here thank you let's measure how much of this we're gonna end up needing oh we might not have enough to do all three I might have to dilute a little out of each of these nope but we are gonna have enough it's good thing I'm going to the store later cuz we are now out of any good okay go ahead and dump those out here darling good job okay this way I'm gonna go for some thicker pieces okay that'd be your job over there okay get all these broke up and mixed up with the meet me I'm gonna start doing some other stuff peppercorns almost out to wear a little peppercorn in the bottom as you can see we're not measuring nothing we're just we're just doing it here are my fermented garlic's I am going to dump these dump this out real quick yeah we got we got enough dad and each one this family loves garlic so we can eat it all day long no problem I'm just grace we like garlic don't we yeah we do we have garlic on our table just like salt and pepper you know so we use garlic powder just like Sal and pepper hey can you look at me are those onions bugging your eyes you want to know a good trick watch just there's a lot of good tricks but if you need to walk away for a little bit just go walk away okay because your eyes are all watering if you want to stay you can stay but if it's bugging your eyes I suggest you go walk away a little bit okay what do you think think you should go walk away a little bit okay here let me help you with the onions whoo girlfriend your eyes are all why have you been crying you look like you've been crying so now I'm gonna put a little bit of this garlic into each jar [Music] and that's gonna I think this is the last of our fermented garlic I guess I'll have to make some more honey get hon darlin what else should we put in there so that'd be it don't rub your eyes okay okay Deanie or the bathroom and maybe wash your hands off and get some fresh air okay give me help you okay I think I'm gonna go ahead and add some red pepper flakes to each one of these not too much let's um well one of these all I had quite a bit I really like stuff spicy my wife and most of the kids like stuff also relatively spicy but not not super spicy so here's this one that's a lot of red pepper flakes not too bad not too bad okay I forgot about this one other thing is on one of these I want to add some jalapenos yep yeah I'll do the jalapenos cuz you don't have gloves on okay [Music] I I love the flavor of peppers including jalapenos I like a lot of spice but I don't like I can handle it most of it not all of it I can handle super hot and spicy I can handle it but I like is I like for my mouth to slightly beyond flip on fire but still able to taste the food that I'm eating right grace thank you those jalapenos do smell really good don't they yeah oh okay so here we're gonna do for our first time ever making these I can't remember how much market Bobby Junction how much hot sauce he used for how much that he did I think he did a whole gallons worth and used a full cup of hot sauce so for our first time ever making these I think to keep the whole family happy I'm gonna use I think I'm gonna go with two-thirds cup hot sauce man these Texas Pete talk about the perfect reusable hot sauce bottle the lid pops open and only a little bit dribbles out or you can take the whole thing off your refill it after your Texas peas is gone with your homemade hot sauce I probably a video on that coming up so we're gonna fill it up to the two-thirds mark okay yeah I think you'll be the dumper okay be very careful on slopes that's hot sauce it will burn your eyes if it gets in your eyes and stuff okay look how professional you are that is fantastic go ahead finished up in it I'm really kind of starting to think that's too much hot sauce but we'll find out if I'm the only one that eats these cuz I will eat them okay very carefully okay go ahead and just put it down over there alright so I probably won't video this not to bore you guys I'm gonna go boil this bring it to a boil and let it boil for I don't know five minutes that's what a lot of my pickled egg recipes call for is boil it for five minutes actually they basically just call for it to come to a boil well this stuff that daddy has on the stove we're gonna eat them these might turn out very spicy okay so I don't know if you guys will want to eat them but we'll see this one has the least amount of spice in it you did it okay good job okay a little last-minute call here I'm gonna ask my pickling spice to the mixture and then when it gets all poured out I will probably take these spices and divide them up between the three jars I'm not gonna put a lot in though but you know yeah between the three jars I don't think that's all that much and I can tell you I think I am starting to feel my eyes be very slightly irritated just with this steaming so the second this comes to a full boil I'll probably just stop it right there and and go ahead and start putting it in the jars no these jars sit out in our very cold pantry until we use them I mean it is extremely cold so I have these sitting in some very hot water right now warming up so hopefully everything is good to go when the the liquid the boiling hot liquid is poured into here we don't have an issue all right guys this was brought to a boil I think I can feel this a little bit in my throat and a little bit just a little bit mine it's nothing major dump a little in up a little in each of them all right and I still have quite a bit of brain left or whatever so these are full okay excellent I don't think I need to fill them any more this one I'm gonna go ahead and add hot water to well that's gonna come out like the half-and-half all right let's wipe some of this mess away this towel will go directly to the laundry I don't want any of the kids wiping their face with this or anything kind of having a gut feeling a lot of this is gonna be too spicy for anybody else in this house but me and it might actually end up too spicy for me but I don't okay so even like my pickled eggs and stuff a lot of times when you cap these you know so use a wide mouth chair you don't have to it's easier to dig into and stuff these very well could end up sealing just like you were canning them have that happen all the time with my pickled eggs but keep in mind this isn't canned all right but these can list lasts in the fridge for months in fact I in other ate pickling videos I've done an ELISA sausage but the USDA has some very nice recommended guidelines on how long to keep pickled I believe it was eggs I was looking at I'll try to post it I'll try to find that put a link in here for you but that's that this one's got the jalapenos in it alright guys I cannot wait to try these these are looking already pretty good mm-hmm again thanks to Bobby Junction for giving me this idea months ago and I'm just now acting on it you they missing in our fridge in the back of the fridge we've been munching on it from time to time but to tell you the truth I kind of got forgot about but this is all that's left of the jalapeno one and this is all this left of one of the other ones and the other one is gone so we got to do a little taste test here let's let's go with the four taste testers and game over here and taste it we've been eating it obviously there's I mean there's not much left folks if I need to let you know tasting okay so you guys TJ says he hasn't but everybody else has tried these before he's been in the fridge for so long this is my newest endeavor some videos coming out some sour dough but this is the only piece of sausage that's actually left in this what I'm calling the normal one I can't remember what's what this is the jalapeno one it seems like I made three kinds but yeah so this one with just the right pepper flakes so everybody take one of the this one first I only cut three here to day just go and take a bite off that one grace go ahead - here take that or did you take okay that's got some kick to it huh you got some kick do you like it though do you guys like it did it did get spicier over time which makes sense okay all right grace are you okay did you like it okay this one has some distinct jalapeno flavor in it but I don't think it's all that spicy tell you the truth go ahead and grab one nope grace grab one a little undo it oh I just knock some stuff down grace go ahead and grab one of the little ones you can taste the jalapeno can't you this differs is it good did you like it no TJ I mean to tell you and everybody else these onions you should try one of these onions I know that they would go great on hot dogs these pickled onions would taste pretty good on hot dogs yeah yeah alright guys so it's a win should we make these more often got some kick to them faith all right we know mom's like I like it right Oh what happy are you saying a jalapeno yo I wanted to add real quick so I wasn't really part of the taste test I wasn't one of the munchkins I like him I like him a lot so I hope thank these a lot more I just want to make that clear in case I didn't say it before this is okay in my book I did not think it would be I did not think I'd like this but I did all right thanks mark over Bumby junction for giving me the idea to do this it's a hit I'll be doing this more I am for sure on a next batch I'm gonna do eggs and sausage in the same jar I'm gonna do it for sure and yeah we had a lot of phone says we have duck eggs piling up like crazy so keep an eye out for maybe some more pickled egg recipes I haven't put one of those out in a long time about time to do one of those and I think we'll be adding sausage to some of these all right we enjoyed this thanks guys talk to you later bye you
Channel: Pratt Family Homestead
Views: 97,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homestead, farm, self-sustaining, homesteading, family, grow your own food, pickled sausage, spicy, recipe, hot, food, how to, recipes, cooking, pickled, sausage, pickling, snack food, convenience food, pickles, vegetables, eating, kitchen, canning, pickle, diy, dinner
Id: tOyKwKDR1E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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