Quick Pickled Eggs and Beets!

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hey everybody hunter fisher Trapper Trader guide Scout and interpreter and Country Cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty Miss Sheila behind the camera hi Shi hi I got to do a recipe today here on cooking with shotgun red for a gentleman that asked about a pickled egg recipe and I said well I know a quick and easy pickled egg and beet recipe and he said well I love beets go ahead and do that so this is for you now let me address the non-be eating people out there cuz I love pickled beads and I like regular beets too but people have walked up to a buffet in the pass and got some beats and they go I've even heard comments like it tastes like dirt or Garden or they just they're too earthy I don't like them but you were eating regular beets not pickled beets and there's a difference pickled beets got vinegar and sugar and spices we're up at a casino in northern Minnesota my cousin Dave was there along with Jean his wife and she said I just don't like beets I said taste just taste their pickled beets cuz they're the best and they are she tried one bite and went and got a plate full of them she said these are just delicious and I don't even like beets I said that's cuz they're pickled so what we're going to do is we're going to turn non-p pickled beets into pickled beets with some vinegar and some sugar and some spices and we're going to pour it over the top of our eggs and let's get a close look and we'll show you what we're talking about you'll need a quart jar about 3/4 full of hard-boiled eggs right up to about the shoulder here and we'll get to these in a second and how I did these was I just put like a dozen eggs in here cuz I like to have a few for breakfast I put a dozen eggs in the pan covered them with cold water turned it on high and then I let it come to a boil and boil for 1 minute covered it took it off the heat and covered it for 15 minutes then I took the eggs out and put them in a bowl just like this one right here full of ice water with water and a bunch of ice cubes and put them in there for 15 minutes and they just peel real nice and that's really really easy now for our brine we're going to take a 15 o can of beets that's just regular beets sliced now you can use a little round ones too but I'm using these I already got the burner on here so it might Sizzle no and I'm going to keep the beets in the the can for just a little bit cuz I want to kind of slice them up because we only have a little bit of room in that jar and I want to kind of get some pieces here and there now in our beet juice that we have in here we're going to put in a half a cup of sugar a half a cup of vinegar white vinegar and a half a cup of water cuz this is going to give us the fluid that we need to fill that jar then we're also going to take a little pickling spice and sprinkle in here just a little bit maybe about a half a teaspoon that's plenty I probably get more questions about what kind of pickling what pickling spice do you use I have no idea let me read the back of it here for you it says here uh it's got all kinds of stuff in there it's got cinnamon and ginger and bay leaves and carway seed and all spice and black pepper and coriander and cloves there's all kinds of goodies in here just go to the store and pick up a little metal can of pickling spice and that's what I use on all the pickling recipes whether you're doing our pickled fish our pickled shrimp or this here which I just got about a half a teaspoon in there just buy regular pickling spice and you don't have to go buy all the other spices cuz it's all made for you in the can and I hope that answers that question all right now remember in this pot we put the juice only from this 15 o can of beets and we transferred our beets onto this plate and the reason I did that here's what they normally look like one little disc and I cut each one of them into kind of halves or even thirds just because I want them to go down around those eggs when I put them in the jar and the reason I started all this concoction early is cuz while the camera was off I've been stirring to kind of put the flavor in from our pickling spice and mostly to dissolve the sugar without smashing these beets so now I'm going to add the beets in there now that I got my sugar completely dissolved and you might not use all of this in the jar it might not all fit but you just want to make sure that you have enough of this to fill that jar oh man I wish you could smell this because it smells absolutely fantastic do a little house cleaning here while that's kind of coming to a simmer now these are nice because you don't have to water bath this jar when we're done we're not going to do anything but pour the juice in here fairly hot we're going to let it cool down just a little bit and then we're going to pour it in here while it's still fairly hot and then you just screw the lid on it good and tight put it in the refrigerator let it get cold and after about 4 hours you can already start to eat the pickled eggs and while this is coming to a boil let me tell you the the reason I like the Beet and you can do pickled eggs that are just white but when I traveled up and down the road in Minnesota for quite a few years every beard J every nightclub I went in had a jar of pickled eggs behind the bartender you know and I'd say well give me a pickled egg and they were always red but they used food dye and you know chemicals or stuff to just to dye the eggs red and why they were red I have no idea but that's all I'm used to and and by the way once you put this juice in here and let it sit especially overnight it's almost like a smoke ring when you're smoking a ham or something when you cut that egg open you'll see how it's soaked in really looks pretty looks beautiful on salads and all kinds of stuff but just eating them straight up during a football game that kind of thing is also great so my Uncle Bob was the one that told me about these turning regular store-bought beets into into quick little pickled beads to make them sweet with that little bite and and one other thing too the seasoning that I put in there remember I was talking about that pickling spice if you don't have this you can still make this recipe today there at home just put in about a half a teaspoon of cinnamon cuz everybody's got cinnamon up in the Shelf somewhere and that's good enough but I like the full pickling spice flavor cuz the cloves and all that stuff that are in there and this is getting really close and even though I haven't really simmered this juice into these pickles these these beets it's going to sit in the refrigerator in that sugary vinegary vinegary did I say that right Sheila vinegary in that vinegary substance and especially with that sugar and it's going to turn them into that beets that you love once you try it now the only thing I see missing here and I'm going to leave it out just for this recipe is onions I'd like to slice up some onions a couple slices and sprinkle some of them in the jar too but I'm just going to do this straight up pickled egg and beet recipe and that's close enough for me and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to take this I'm going to turn this off in fact I'm going to take this off the burner so that it cools down let me move this out of frame let this start to cool down just a little bit and I'm going to take my eggs and I'm going to pour them in this bowl cuz I wanted to know how many it took cuz some small or medium or large eggs whatever you had would take more or less so I just did enough to make sure I could get up to that collar now I'm dumping them in here that way I can just add a couple of these and take a little bit of beets cuz some recipes they just pour everything on top and it doesn't get down in there amongst the rest of the goodies not sure if we're directly in frame here but and I have no idea what I'm doing I've got my handy dandy little pour thing duh so and then I'm going to put a couple more eggs in there and some more beets and see when they're cut up in halves and in quarters or whatever they fall down around them eggs nice man this stuff smells so good unbelievable see if I can get them in there I'm kind of running out of space but we'll see got three eggs left I'll put a little more pickled beets in here and see if we can get our last couple three eggs in there or not I don't know looks like we're going to be looks like going to have to Lee a couple of them out of there cuz I want to put more of that stuff so there we go that's good enough like I said I just took that off the burner I don't know why I insist on not using that funnel but I'm going to use it here in a second cuz I'm going to pour the juice in there wow when it was on the plate you wouldn't think that that 15 oz of beets would go in there but I am picking up the last couple little pieces out of the pan that's every one of them wow that recipe works out just about perfect now of course we have space in between everything now let me see if I can pour this without making a mess I don't know if this pan is going to pour or not but let me see if I can get lucky there we go and yes pour it in while it's hot I'm going to bring it right to the top of this jar right there and look all I got just a little bit of juice left in there and this is for the gentleman that said send me a pickled egg recipe well now you got it and snug this up pretty good and snug and you'll you'll hear that little popper seal just like if you were doing anything else but you don't have to water bath it you don't have to do anything with it just take that and put it in the refrigerator and chill it down and these will turn out fantastic we even ended up with a couple of eggs left over for lunch throw a little salt and pepper on there and we're good to go remember we took a 15 o can of just regular sliced beets out of the store pour the juice in our pan put in a half that's easy to remember all halves half a cup of sugar half a cup of vinegar half a cup of water put it in there a little about about a half a teaspoon well there's a half there too about a half a teaspoon of pickling spice sprinkled in there bring it to a boil chop up your beets and pour them in that way they don't dissolve or you break them all up when you're boiling it and uh pull it off the heat let it cool down just a little bit and I layer it so I get all that stuff in there you can add some onions if you want all the above and we like I said we even had a couple eggs left over for lunch so I I would say you won't need over 10 eggs maybe only eight or nine and you know then you could get even more juice in there but I'm going to put this in the refrigerator boy it's fairly warm yet but I'm going to put it in the fridge chill it down for 4 hours and it should be ready to already snack it's good for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator if you're going to ask me that next question because anything that's pickled like that it's got them goodies in there don't don't last very long in the refrigerator so you're safe at 2 weeks is this the best little pickled egg and beet recipe that made for the gentleman that ask about it that you'll ever eat if it ain't it ought to be this is Steve Hall in Nashville Tennessee saying there's our subscribe button right there across the bottom of the screen hope you click on that hope you subscribe to our Channel and we'll see you next time bye Sheila thanks for your help bye all right we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red bye-bye
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 319,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pickled eggs, eggs, pickles, beets, pickled beets, pickled onions, pickled, eggs pickled, hard boiled eggs
Id: 1U47dl26L1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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