Make 3 different kinds of Pickled Eggs with us!

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and we are going to move on to our spicy um pepper pickled egg say that five times fast [Music] hi guys welcome back to kirschner farmstead and tonight we are going to be pickling eggs um this is actually a request from my husband's cousin tiffany and i wanted to say thank you for the request and um if anybody else want has any requests please put them in the comments and we will get to them as soon as possible so tonight we are going to be doing three different types of pickled eggs we're going to be doing a golden turmeric a super spicy one and a sweet beet one so we are just going to be doing a refrigerator um pickled egg we're not going to be actually canning them uh it is not usda approved to canned eggs however a lot of people do can them and um so that if you decide to just do your research and make sure that you're 100 comfortable with what you are doing before you do it so tonight we are just going to be um making them for the refrigerator and then what we're going to do is we're going to wait two weeks and then we can try them alright so let's get started the first one we're going to do is the sweet beet all right you guys first things first is we are going to wash these beets because they do grow in the dirt so we're gonna cut off the greens and you can actually eat beet greens they are super healthy for you but these ones are not looking so hot so i wouldn't eat them i'm just gonna feed them to my chickens but we'll get these washed up and then we'll get them cooking so there's actually a way that you can um you can take beets and you just blanch them really quick and then the skin actually you can just scrub the skin off of them but i only do that when i'm like canning a whole bunch of beets this it's super easy to just peel a couple real quick okay you guys so we're going to cut the beads actually i'm going to cut this in half because it'll be just easier to slice we're going to cut them into about quarter inch slices so all right then we're going to take and put them into our pot and we are going to add about a quart of water because we're gonna cook it down we need two cups of beet liquid and we're gonna cook it down and it's gonna cook down by about half so we'll get that on the stove and going all right you guys so we just got done cooking down our beets as you can see i've reserved them here there's a little bit of the beet juice in the bottom and we are going to be slicing those once they cool off a little bit to put in the to just layer with the eggs so right now we're going to make our brine we're going to pour 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of our beet beet juice into the pan and then we are going to add two thirds of a cup of sugar and two teaspoons of kosher salt okay now we're going to heat that up on the stove just until the sugar has fully dissolved all right you guys so we have our um we have our brine made and we are going to start packing our jar so the first thing we're going to do is we're just going to put a couple onions in there i want the brine to be able to get all the way around the eggs right so we're going to make a little buffer between the bottom of the jar it's not really a big deal but um also so if my eggs look a little off colored it's because i let them sit in my pressure cooker too long so i had the five minute um i have the i had the five minutes running and then of course i got distracted by the kids and 15 minutes went by and they were just being held in there and so that's why they did definitely get overcooked but they're still good they don't taste weird or anything so um i am going to use them i'm not going to waste four dozen eggs that i did so um yeah that's a fun little backstory of my brown eggs or my tan colored eggs so we should be able to fit about a dozen eggs in a quart sized jar so then we're going to put a little bit i'm going to get out my canning funnel because that will make this much easier just going to add a little bit to the bottom and then we will keep layering it's easiest if you use medium-sized eggs for this the large size eggs are just you just won't fit as many into the jar i wonder if i'm going to put that in there so i actually had one extra in my bowl so i did fit 12 in here i was confused because i i thought i should be able to fit 12. so anyways i am just going to stick some more beats down around it this is definitely the easiest version that we're making tonight and remember you guys are just going to fill this up and then you are going to put it in the fridge for two weeks and we have a ton of brine left so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make i'm going to save all of this and i'm going to make more hard-boiled eggs tomorrow to do more with so that we don't waste it all right so we're gonna get that the seal put or the lid put on to that there's that and we are going to move on to our spicy um pepper pickled egg say that five times fast all right i'll get this cleaned up and we'll be back all right you guys now we are moving on to the super spicy pickled eggs so we're going to put two cups of white vinegar and two cups of water into our pot and we are going to add in um one tablespoon of kosher salt and one tablespoon of peppercorns the rest of this we're going to add directly into our jar but we are going to heat this up really quick on the soap to make sure that the salt dissolves while we are waiting for the salt to dissolve i'm going to cut up these peppers and these are a little bit older there as you can see they're kind of starting to get a little wrinkly but that is perfect for pickling waste not right guys now notice i am not touching the inside of the pepper with my hands i'm only as i'm cutting i'm moving down so i only touch the outside of the pepper i actually have a really low tolerance for capsaicin and if i touch it with my bare hands it is not good i can eat it just fine but oh man touching it is a whole other story alrighty our salt has fully dissolved in our brine and we're gonna start packing okay so to start with we're going to put a couple peppers in the bottom a few onions and we're going to be using probably five or six of these garlic cloves okay so we'll put one down there and i'm gonna try to layer the spices with the eggs okay so i'm gonna do that and then i'm gonna get some brine down in there i can already smell the heat from these peppers that is no joke guys oops i squished this egg that is not good you definitely want to try to not do that all right okay now we are going to top her off with the brine so we used about two tablespoons of pickling seasoning we used about two tablespoons of pickling seasoning and about a tablespoon and a half of red pepper flakes i'm just tapping it a couple times to get any air bubble or to hope hopefully getting air bubbles i still see one right there but i don't want to break the outside of the egg to fix that so all right so we're go there is the there are those beautiful eggs and let's get on to the last one our golden tumeric eggs okay you guys so we are going to be doing our last pickled egg and that is going to be the golden turmeric so i was actually looking at the recipe and the brine is almost exactly the same as the one for the spicy ones that we just made so i am going to use our leftover brine that's so if you're not making the spicy egg you are going to take one cup of water and one cup of white vinegar and one teaspoon of salt and one tablespoon of black peppercorns and you're going to put it in here and then you're going to heat it up and until the salt is fully dissolved all right so then you are going to need a 1 inch piece of fresh ginger about six garlic cloves two teaspoons of turmeric and one teaspoon of cayenne one teaspoon of cayenne powder and i am going to add some onions in there but that that is just me um throwing them in there because i think they will be delicious so we're gonna start out with some ginger and we're gonna layer it just like we layered the other ones uh i'm gonna swirl that around in the bottom down there just to get that you know what i think i'm going to actually put all of my turmeric in the bottom and all because it's so powdery i don't want it to be chunky so i'm going to add that all in there and i'm even going to put a pinch of red pepper flakes just for a little kick i'm going to add some more brine and i'm going to mix that up then we will add our eggs and as we add the brine it'll go oh we're gonna put some onions down in there this one once i fill it i'm going to rock back and forth to get that turmeric all the way through [Music] i also want some more black peppercorns in there so i'm going to fish them out of here just using my ladle and a strainer all right we are going to get the lid on this guy and then we are going to rock it we want to distribute all of that turmeric and cayenne deliciousness all right so it's still high up there i don't have too many air bubbles in and there is the golden cayenne pickled eggs all right you guys i really hope that you learned something from our video tonight and look at these beautiful pickled eggs i honestly cannot wait to try them um so the main thing is you have to wait two weeks you gotta put them in the back of your fridge and try to forget about them because they really are going to be best if you let them sit for a while some people will like want to break right into them after a couple days but they really are best if you wait at least two weeks and then these should be good in your fridge as long as you don't put anything funky in there when you're pulling them out you know make sure you use clean utensils they should be good in your fridge for about four months so i hope that you learned something and i hope that you enjoyed this video if you did please subscribe give us a thumbs up and have a great night and rest your weekend okay bye guys
Channel: Kerschner FarmStead
Views: 91,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pickled, #pickle, #pickledeggs, #eggs, #hardboiled, #beets, #redonions, #onions, #sugar, #spicy, #hot, #garlic, #picklingspice, #turmeric, #cayenne, #cooking, #preserving, #kitchen, #farm, #farmlife, #homestead, #farmstead, #family, #egg, #wow, #spice, #spices
Id: Imwd0uc9Bes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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