Pickling 350 Eggs | Preserving Food for Winter in Alaska

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[Laughter] ah uh welcome back everybody today we are pickling eggs you may have caught our video last year where we pickled about 60 eggs well today we are doing it big we are pickling 350 chicken eggs 350 eggs 350 eggs last year we didn't have nearly as many chickens we got a lot now and they are laying very very well right now yes ring season is when they lay the most and believe it or not it actually tapers once we get to the summer and in winter we found we really don't get very many eggs at all we went through those jars really fast last year i think in like a month we eat a lot of pickled eggs and like everyone's saying our chickens basically stop laying in the winter we still have to feed them and everything but we don't get any eggs so this year we're doing a little different we're not just pickling eggs to eat throughout the summer we actually want to pick our eggs to preserve so we have eggs to eat all year long yeah so it took us about i think a month and a half to store this amount of eggs from our chickens we were still eating them a lot giving them to the dog so we didn't have to really you know get too stingy with them which was really nice and to store these eggs all we did is keep them in these boxes we have a dark cupboard in our house stays nice and cool in there eggs last a long time if you don't wash them if you're getting fresh chicken eggs and in our opinion when eggs are at least two weeks old maybe two weeks to a month old they are a lot easier to peel when you hard boil them so that is the next step we got our camp chef stove over there we are gonna hard boil 350 eggs we've got the stove lit getting our water heated up we're going to do two pots at a time usually when we hard-boiled eggs we're not doing this many uh the way we like to do it is we have boiling water we add our eggs then and we boil them for 14 minutes and then we put them in cold water to stop the cooking today since we're doing so many eggs we're gonna do it a little bit different we have cold water here we're gonna put the eggs in and then we're gonna bring it up to a boil and then once it reaches a boil we're going to let it go for what about nine minutes yeah yeah probably about 10 minutes or 10 minutes here we go the count begins you want to count them again yeah okay okay this is going to take forever you want to just do your own and i'll do my own yeah that is 106 in each pot obviously we're gonna have to do one more round because we've got a little over a hundred eggs over there we still need to do let's head over the counter and we're actually gonna go over what kind of pickled eggs we're gonna be making today we're gonna do four different varieties today we're gonna do classic which we really like we're gonna do the spicy which we love we're gonna do a kind of sweeter one with beets in it and we're gonna do an asian style one with soy sauce in it and these are just recipes that eric and i have created some of them are new we just kind of whipped them up with some inspiration and we're going to use all different kinds of ingredients say we have different kinds of onions we have different kinds of herbs spices uh seasonings different vinegars we've got a bunch of different cool things we're going to be using today and we've decided to do the most of the amount that we like the best so we really like we call it the classic it's just really light dill flavor light pickle really basic really basic we love it and we're also gonna do a lot of spicy ones we enjoy the spicy eggs so yeah we'll do the most of those two the sweet one and the asian one these are new recipes we're trying out so we're just gonna do one big half gallon jar of each one of those we already have all of our jars ready we have four half gallons for one of each of the kinds we're doing and then we have 27 quarts twenty seven course twenty seven quarts i think we did our math right that's about how many eggs we get to fit you get ten eggs and a smaller and a quart and then twenty eggs in the half gallons we've got all our lids and bands out here cleaned and ready to go yep all we do now is wait as soon as that water starts to boil we're gonna set our timer for nine to ten minutes and then we get to start peeling our eggs yep well we picked a beautiful day out here so let's get to 35 today i think it's the second of april and we're looking forward to spring it's nice to get out here and cook outside again got a little small kitchen and a little tiny house so it's cool to get our stove out here again well the eggs are boiling outside we're inside the cabin grabbing the rest of our ingredients one thing for us in the springtime yes the chickens are laying good but a lot of this stuff actually all the stuff and our garden is not ready it's actually on the shelf behind me getting ready to go out into our greenhouse so we had to go the store and buy the rest of our ingredients i got in here bring them outside get them all cleaned up and start chopping them this pot is done it's been going for nine minutes that one's still got a few more minutes to go what we're gonna do since we have more hard-boiled eggs we've got to make i'm just gonna spoon these ones out and i'm gonna keep the hot water in there we'll reuse it for those ones so i'm just gonna put some snow in this pot and we'll put our eggs in there and it's gonna cool them down and stop the cooking process for us no that's his moon from the cabin that's my new favorite spoon distillery feels like i'm standing over a campfire i'm doing one at a time so is that really good oh i got two nice yeah it's really long one time i got six and one scoop no no i got three threes i'm gonna say three or four max we're moving right along that was 112. we had one casualty this one's like a scramble to give this to bandit uh we got to keep hardboiling eggs for your hard work okay [Music] do you think if we had an alexa we could ask her to pick one okay we had to grab just a couple more eggs and we put an extra in there in case you have another one break but it's gonna be exactly 350 eggs it's gonna be a lot of eggs to peel i don't think i realize how much work this is gonna be oh no it went down that hole that's like four feet deep oh well i'll grab it well we lost that one that fell down the hole kind of uh broke open anyways but we got some extras those ones are also done i'm gonna drain those those are gonna sit and cool down these two pots from the first batch those are ready to go we're gonna start peeling eggs i like little eggs everyone smile do that yeah three i'm not going to count them again no i'm just joking i've got a lot of eggs what if oh my god that was also a big mistake what if we both start an egg and we can't stop kissing until we're about done well we are almost done peeling all of these eggs i actually hard-boiled another 10 or so because we had a few more casualties than i expected but that's okay i think that brings us back up to around 350 eggs you may be thinking what are we gonna do with all the egg shells because we have a lot of them clearly well there is a little bit of an oyster shell shortage right now and we feed oyster shells to our chickens i typically don't feed back their eggshells but because of that shortage i've had difficulty finding them in the amount that i need for our chickens so we're going to be saving them drying them out a little bit and then just feeding them back to the chickens as needed normally what i would do is i just put them into the compost and they just break down your chickens can pick through it every once in a while some people might have problems feeding their chickens their own eggshells and they might start eating their eggs but for us it's never been a problem two hours later and our thumbs i can't even feel this one we're on our last egg we're gonna get things cleaned up a little bit and we're gonna start pickling our eggs well the weather has turned on us and it's extremely cold out here now but we're gonna continue on with our pickled eggs we're gonna start with our asian style one first and we're gonna start working on the brine in our brine we are going to do rice wine vinegar we're gonna do the soy sauce we're gonna do some water salt remove the red pepper flakes and we're gonna do the lemongrass and we're gonna do just enough to make one half gallon of the asian style pickled eggs probably going to do about a quarter cup we'll start with that and see what kind of color we get i think i'm going to go with a half a cup a little darker all right this is looking pretty good i don't think i have enough liquid in there with our 50 50 ratio of just the rice wine vinegar so i'm gonna do a little bit of our regular vinegar make sure we have enough of this brine usually when we do quartz we do about a tablespoon of salt per quart this is a half gallon so that's two quarts we're gonna do two tablespoons in this one we're gonna do red pepper flakes and our lemongrass we're gonna get this on the stove we're gonna get it boiling we're also gonna get one of our jars prepped we're gonna dip it in some hot water and then we're gonna start packing some eggs in there we're going to be doing layers we're going to do eggs and then we're going to be doing our other ingredients and the other ingredients for this one is going to be carrot shallot ginger garlic and we're going to do some of these little green onions garlic our brine is boiling this pan is hot we prefer we're doing our pickled eggs if we're using veggies you know like the carrots and the onions shallots things like that we don't like to cook them in our brine we feel like it softens them up too much and when i meet the pickled eggs i kind of want some crunchy veggies so we put those in there raw we're going to pour this brine over the eggs we're going to leave about a one inch headspace i've got some lids over there warming up we're going to put a lid on we're going to put a ring on and that's going to create our seal this is also known as open kettle all right one down the asian style it smells really good i can't wait to try these ones well i made too much brine for that one so on the next half gallon we do i'm gonna tone down the brine a little bit we've got some extra here we don't want to waste it so we're gonna do one more quart of the asian style ones which i'm actually pretty happy about we're moving right along let's start the beet pickled eggs these are going to give us a really nice purple color and it's going to dye the eggs purple be kind of cool to eat those we're going to do the brine it's simple we're going to do apple cider vinegar regular white vinegar and then we're gonna do it 50 50 with some water we're gonna do our salt about two tablespoons and this one also and we're gonna do sugar in this one and if you're doing sugar this is the point you to mix it in before you get this all heated up you don't have to do sugar we're just going after a sweeter one with this one so i think i'm going to do about a half a cup of white sugar in there and we'll get this on the heat for the beet recipe we're obviously going to use a beet we're going to peel this one and thinly slice it we're gonna do whole cloves celery seed thyme and some black peppercorns yep i was gonna put all that stuff on top beat once turned out really good those are awesome looking color i can't wait to try those ones as well we're gonna move on to the spicy pickled eggs and we're gonna make a lot of these ones probably make uh one half gallon and then we'll make i don't know maybe five to ten quarts ariel's gonna jump in here and help me the brine in that one simple so one to one ratio your vinegar to go to water we're going to use apple cider vinegar and regular vinegar we like to put a little bit of sugar in ours so we're going to put some sugar and we also are going to do our salt again it's about one tablespoon per quart as far as making this one spicy we're gonna do habaneros jalapenos serranos and then a couple of ingredients we're gonna do garlic we're gonna do onion we're gonna red pepper flakes and a couple other little seasonings cool oh wow those are smelly too though spicy that was that one i think that was a little messed up i don't know why i'm cold oh it's cold yeah yes i already did my layers look at the habaneros this is actually our main recipe we used this is our classic recipe yeah spicy that was the only way you'd like to make them like the spicy eggs but yeah cool oops the spicy pickled eggs these turned out awesome we use these ones or we eat these ones a lot these are probably my favorite ones we ended up with 12 quarts and one half gallon which is going to be great to have this winter we also added in some red onion in these ones we did some red pepper flakes some peppercorns and a little bit of brown mustard seed now we are ready to move on to kind of our classic pickled egg recipe which is kind of just like a simple real fresh good tasting pickled egg the brine on this one it's just about the same as the spicy one but we're gonna go a little heavier on the uh just regular white vinegar probably put a dash of the apple cider in there and then you want to do you know your 50 50 ratio of vinegar to water we are going to put a little bit of sugar in this one and then we're going to do our salt as far as spices we're gonna do black peppercorns we have some cumin we're gonna put in some of these and then we have dried herbs fresh herbs are obviously gonna be a little bit better we don't have any right now we're gonna be doing dill and we're also going to do some coriander in there okay these are our last ones beautiful and we're gonna wrap things up we've got a little bit of cleaning up to do i think it's like six o'clock long day of pickled eggs longest i've had it's always really hard when you make these because you can't eat them right away so it's really sad honestly in my opinion we ended up with 26 quarts and four half gallons and these look absolutely amazing very excited about these yep i cannot wait to try these our pickled eggs we try to always let them sit for two weeks and that's kind of the minimum you can let these go a lot longer we've had our pickled eggs that were over a year old they just get more and more flavor the longer they sit yeah it goes it like works its way more into the egg i feel like definitely in terms of storage these are just gonna sit in our cabin and it works out well for us because they are in a pretty strong brine what we like to do when we're actually ready to eat them is we'll pop up in the jar and put it in the fridge just to chill them down i think they taste a little better that way and honestly the jar never lasts more than like a day with me and you definitely and if you're not comfortable doing it like this um without actually water bathing it you can water bath the courts uh you do them for 15 minutes just to be on the safe side or you can put them in the fridge a lot of people do that too yep i personally am really looking forward to trying that asian style one i was smelling that that looks like it's gonna be awesome yeah i agree hands down i don't know that one meat to me too just looks the most delicious they all look good but that one really stood out and you can do pickled eggs however you want obviously we're doing them all different ways this year so it's one of the coolest things about them you can get real creative with them if you guys made these from last time i know we got a lot of emails and comments or you make them again this time and you have a recipe that we must try and let us know and leave it in the comment section we will catch you next time got to bring these all inside now [Laughter] well something the most in our life got it yep gentle good boys yummy you
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 943,766
Rating: 4.9502101 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, off grid vlog, homestead alaska, cabin life, off grid cabin, off grid in alaska, pickled eggs, home pickled eggs, pickled eggs recipe, spicy pickled eggs recipe, how to preserve eggs long term, water bath pickled eggs, canning pickled eggs, preserving eggs, pickling eggs for storage, pickled egg brine, how to pickle eggs, preserve eggs for long term storage, preserve eggs without refrigeration, pickled eggs with beet, pickled eggs alaska
Id: SR0tH9Sygjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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