The Worst Dhar Mann Rip-off (ZVOID Studios)

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- Hey everybody and welcome back to my little internet house. I've been watching a bunch of Dhar Mann videos on stream at always be plugging. And that inspired me to seek out more similar content, you know, for my health but to my complete and utter surprise, I found a channel that is fully copying the Dhar Mann formula, but I think it's doing it better. Dhar Mann I think you have some competition on Dhar hands. The channel, I should, I'm gonna take out my glasses. We don't, I don't need to see. The channel is called "ZVoid Studios" and they create short movies about life, business and relationships, and they hope you like them. Also, don't forget to subscribe. From the looks of it, they are very easy to mistake for Dhar Mann videos. I feel like they have, they're using exactly the same thumbnail style with the same texts. These videos are meant to show up in the sidebar against the Dhar Mann video and for the viewer to have no idea that Dhar Mann didn't make this video. And I think they succeed at that, but there's one, there's one difference between the ZVoid Studios videos and the Dhar Mann videos that make ZVoid videos superior in my eyes and that's that everybody has super powers in the ZVoid videos. They're Dhar Mann videos with like a moral and stuff, but everyone has magical powers for some reason. There's random people who sit on park benches who have mystical powers. - Thank you - You're very welcome. But my time here is up-- - There's... this child wizard I presume and we've got the video that was my introduction to this channel, that is just, Ooh. Ooh. you know, and it's called "Kid Found Out He Can Freeze Time, "What Happens Next Will Shock You." Let me explain why this is my favorite video on YouTube. For starters, the title, "Kid Found Out He Can Freeze Time, "What Happens Next Will Shock You." The first half shocked me already. Was the first half not shocking enough? That a kid can freeze time. Okay? I don't think what happens next is really going to do, is really gonna do much. I'm already shocked. And before we jump into the video just look at the sidebar, ZVoid studios and then a Dhar Mann video that just fits in there. Like who's who? I can't tell. I took off my glasses like two minutes ago. - [Mother] You want me to do everything it's impossible like this, do you understand? - [Father] Why do you always put the blame on me? I'm tired of the fighting all the time. - Okay. The stage has been set. We've got dramatic music, we've got a kid reading a, who's clearly a Marvel fan. I mean, just look at his room. It looks like a, I'll be honest, it looks like a guest room that somebody just put a bunch of Spider-Man posters around, but it's a child's room. Trust us. And we can hear the distant arguing of our protagonists parents. Oh Oh. - [Father] But all I hear from you is blame and criticism and blame and criticism. And you know what? I'm tired of hearing it. - Just stop it. Oh sweetie I didn't know you were here. - Took you long enough. I heard everything. You do know that we live together, right? You guys are just having this argument in the middle of the living room and I was trying to read Spider Man. - Have you finished homework? Do you need help with it? - I finished it - So immediately, one thing that jumps out at me is that the three members of this family have wildly different accents and I just want to understand how that works. The kid is like British, the mom is vaguely Eastern European and then the dad is like Southern American. - Have you finished homework? Do you need help with it? - I finished it. - Okay. - Son, are you, are you hungry? - Son are you hungry? - I finished it. - How was homework? - It's a real United nations household we've got going on here. - I don't want any food. - He's like, come on Dad, you know I'm on keto. - [Mother] Ed we can't continue like this, not only are we hurting ourselves-- - So our protagonist, I want to say his name but I don't know if they've said it yet is trying to go to sleep but unfortunately for him, his parents arguments are being piped into his room via loudspeaker. Like his whole house is bugged. - [Mother] Ed we can continue like this. Not only are we hurting ourselves, we're hurting Neil. - [Father] I agree with you. - Like are they arguing at his bedside or are the walls made of paper? - This is not really happening. It's just not happening. - Even he is loud. - All the fighting, the screaming. I Wish had super powers. - And guess what? His wish may or may not be granted. Let's keep watching. - I wish, I wish I had super powers and I could stop all this. - Is he giving like a monologue to nobody right now? Or like to whomever he's wishing for a super powers? Dear Stan Lee, I wish I had super powers. I wish I could stop. I wish I could stop. I wish I could stop all of the fighting and stuff. Emphasis on stop. Are you? Stan? - Honey, how was school? - It was okay. - Great.Dad made the mashed potatoes with a sauce you like. - I'm not so hungry. - I'm, I'm, look, look, let me just real quick be clear. I've gotten a couple of comments on my videos where people are like, he's making fun of these like small, he's like picking out these like random details of this video to make fun of. That's what I'm here to do. If you don't want to watch me take issue with very small elements of this video, like Dad made mashed potatoes with the sauce that you like, I'm sorry everybody, I'm gonna ask what sauce are they talking about? Because mashed potatoes are traditionally only eaten with one sauce. So if you are coming here for my gravy questionnaire, my gravy conspiracy theories, why aren't they saying, why are they saying gravy? What sauce is it? I'm sorry. I'm sorry if that hurts somebody's feeling somebody who eats their mashed potatoes with Ketch-up or something. - Dad made mashed potatoes with the sauce you like. - Dad made the mashed potatoes with (indistinct) sauce Dad made the mashed potatoes with a Sweet Baby Ray's. Dad made the mashed potatoes with, Thai chili. Honestly this sounds good. We should, you know what? This video brings up a great point. we should be experimenting more with our mashed potatoes. What sauce do you like on your mashed potatoes? Let me know in the comments down below. - It's too bad. It's really tasty. - Where did you come from Dad? (chuckles) You like just appeared. - It's really tasty. - Did somebody talks about my taters, you'll be regretting it if you don't eat my taters. They're delicious especially with, A.1. on it. A.1 sauce. That's what we eat. That's my son's favorite sauce. - Your mother and I want to sit and have a talk with you. - Yes honey come. - Neil, first, I want you to know that we really love you. - Yes sweetie. And remember, that you're not to blame for anything. You know that, don't you? - Don't say it. - Why did they get on the floor to deliver the news? It looks like they're about to propose, together, simultaneously. No matter what happens, no matter what you decide son, Neil, we'll still be a family, but do you want to be a weird family? Oh, just kidding son.It's a divorce. Our marriage is broken. - I don't want to hear it. - Sweetie, you will eventually have to hear this and it's better to hear it in a loving environment. - It's better to hear it in a loving environment? What are the other environments that you could hear this in? He's riding to school and they've got the radio on and it's like, "in other news, "your mom and dad got divorced. Wish you could have heard this in a loving environment kid, but, the world is harsh sometimes. No, no, no. We're just kidding. This is nice. This is nice. But obviously very traumatic on a child. If only there was some way to stop it, to stop it, you know, like a double meaning, like metaphorically stop it or like literally stop it. Like with time. He's gonna freeze time. I can feel it. That's my super power. It's like I have like a niche super power, where I can just tell when somebody is gonna freeze time. It doesn't really come into it, it doesn't really come into much use often but, today's my day. - Neil, your mother and I are getting a divorce. - Stop! Mom? - (chuckles) What if they were like, oh is this a bad time for our miming routine? Okay, well, we'll show you later son, but you know, we have hobbies too. - This is not funny. I did this. I froze you. I, I, have super powers this is awesome. - He's like a little bit too excited about this moment. Also, still talking to no one. - This is awesome I managed to stop your from saying that but how? This is amazing. - I have emotional whiplash for watching this scene.(laughs) He's like, oh, "what have I done?" "This is amazing. I'm all powerful." "I'm a god. Bell ooh, Ooh, I did this. This is--" "I got myself into quite a predicament, "but I, this is so cool." (Neil painting) (phone rings) - Hello? - Oh, so he didn't freeze time. He just like froze, he just froze people unless the rules of freezing time mean that you can still get like telemarketer calls. - Hello. - Hi this is Carol from Wells Fargo. We've just been made aware that you froze your parents sorry for your loss by the way. On the bright side, this qualifies you for a new low interest rate loan. - Yeah, but we'll have to play in the room cause the living room, it's a little bit busy right now.Bye. - This kid is just savage.(chuckles) He just froze his parents not 30 seconds ago, and he's like, yeah Sandra, come over. Let's play among us. So I've got time. I've got, I looks at it's frozen parents, I've got all the time in the world. - Bye. - [Tiffany] Neil where are you? - I'm in the kitchen. - What brand of, this popcorn, Why does this popcorn look like it's a, it looks like an Amazon Prime package. - Oh my God Neil. What happened to your parents? - Tiffany, I have super powers. I always felt it, and now it actually happened. - He's like, I know, I'm a pretty big deal, this must be hard for you.I will take you to junior prom but please no pictures. Anyway, I do have to figure out how to unfreeze my parents 'cause this is a, but I do, I want to get a little gaming in first. Neil, how can you make popcorn at a time like this? You for all you know your parents are frozen forever and you're just like, look, my hands are tied. I've got some forts tonight. - This is amazing. - Why is everybody so, nonchalant about frozen parents. They're like, huh? Well this is sick. Let's go to the game room. What are you waiting for? Hand me my popcorn. - But how did it happen? Why did you do this? - I don't remember exactly. - I was kind of mad with power and I lost sight of myself so, anyway do you want popcorn? - What do you mean you don't remember? - It just happened. - He's like I didn't kill my parents. It was a mistake. All right. Good enough for me, hand me my popped corn. - Stop! - I got scared. Why do you yell? She moved, she walked five feet. Not even that. She's like barely left the doorway. (tense music) - It's like you asshole you made me spill my popcorn. Why would you do that? You are unhinged right now my dude. - Okay. Red is mad sus. - Are you serious? It's yellow. - No, no, no. It's always red. I'm voting red. - Were they actually playing among us? - So why did you do it? - She's really not letting it go. - I don't even remember exactly. I just remember I wanted them to stop talking. - He's like sticking to his story. He's like, look, I have no idea. - What are you gonna do about it? - About what? - Your parents. Who is gonna sign the school stuff for you? - Yeah. Who's gonna sign this, That's the question! - I'll sign it. - Who's gonna prepare meals for you? - I'll make it. Look at the delicious popcorn I've made for us. - Who's gonna give you hugs when you need them? - I like the way this Tiffany thinks. She's like, okay, question one, who's gonna sign permission slips? Question two, who's giving the hugs? All right. I have two concerns. - Listen, I understand okay? I didn't want my parents to get a divorce either. - Why did you say that? - Who told you they were getting a divorce? - Who told you they were divorcing? - Oh shit! I wrote the script. My other power is, that I can predict the script of this video. They're very, very seldom useful powers that I have. - Listen, it's obvious. Everybody knows they won't stop fighting. - Everybody knows. Everyone can hear them. Their arguments are piped to the entire town. They're just, we all have their speaker systems that display their loud arguments in our bedroom. - That's why you froze them right? - You don't know what you're talking about. - This is a 100%` a villain origin story. - [Tiffany] You can't just freeze-- - This kid like, he keeps smiling like he's about to go mad with power. Want to know how I got these popcorn burns? - You can't just freeze on your problems away. - Stop saying those things. I know what I'm doing. - You need to face the fact that your parents are getting a divorce-- - I just want to point out that these like, these dramatic drums are building like there's a guy like right off the camera just like beating a drum right there. - Stop! - He seriously needs to stop yelling. It is actually scaring me every time. (tense music) - Tiffany? - This is like that Eric Andre meme. Tiffany! Tiffany! Are you okay? Why would someone do this? - I don't believe I froze you too. - Okay. Well, you clearly have a temper problem. You like go from zero to stop! - Please come back, please. - Listen, if you keep doing this, if you keep freezing people however and whenever you want, you will be alone, forever. - But if I freeze them, they can never leave. Think about it Samantha, Tiffany, what's your name? - Bye. - Bye Tiffany. See you later. - See you. - Wait, wait what? (laughs) They were at the heat of their conflict and then it's like, all right, peace out boy scout. You were right red was sus anyway, I'll see you next week. (soft music) - Why do you stop loving each other? - All right. Back to my frozen parents. - I'm afraid someday you will stop loving me too. Please come back. - I dunno why it's so creepy that their hands just come into frame. Like, I feel like there's zombies that are like, like gonna pull him under. (soft music) (Neil laughing) They're like son, we were just telling you we got a divorce why are you laughing? What is, why do you look so happy about this? - Neil we are going to get a divorce but that doesn't mean that we stop loving you and it doesn't mean that we stop being a family. - I guess technically speaking, we stopped being one family and maybe we splinter off into two families but we're still like, if you think about it, a part of the same family unit. Why are you saying still laughing? - Yes sweetie. We'll go through it together because we can stop being your parents. - No matter how hard we try, we can't stop being your parents. That almost sounds like a threat. Like you may be able to stop us in time but you can't stop us being your parents. - That's what I'm most afraid of, us not being a family anymore. - We'll be a better family now. - [Father] We love you. - [Mother] Don't you forget that. - I love you too. (Neil chuckling) - And that's the video. That wasn't so bad. Right? I mean like, I feel like they avoid most of the pitfalls that Dhar Mann gets into where he like just jumps into the video at the end and goes, It was at that moment that Neil discovered that family was the friends you meet along the way. Anyway we're not just telling stories, we're changing lives. Like that stuff was just like not there and so, and then the story also wasn't super, I don't know, it didn't play. I mean , the thing about the super powers is they don't play on any weird existing like traumas in the world. So it's just like, oh, it's a divorce story but with time stopping. Okay. That's cool I guess. I'm not mad at it. - Thanks to St. Zaiya or St.Zaiya for sending me a message on Instagram and recommending a video from Zay that I included in my last video. I have no idea if I'm saying that right. If you want me to butcher your name, 'cause I'm sure I butchered that one, you can...
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 1,754,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, comedy
Id: vSmFUVyEn74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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