The Warhammer 40K Trivia Game Show

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hello and welcome to the poorhammer podcast episode 95 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going and he's on the chopping block today against burello hello and my wife Jenny hello it's a full cast this is the absolute limit you guys will ever see on the show because every extra person after two doubles the editing time this is going to be a test of endurance for burello please pray for him good luck I mean trouble today's episode we are going to be doing the patreon decided episode where our patrons got together and voted and by a huge Landslide they chose to have Eric defend his seed as co-host thank you for that we're going to play a game show where I ask Warhammer 40K trivia and you three answer and what is the prize poo uh there is no prize other than Pride I was deceived bellio if you win I'll actually approve your invoice and what if I don't well it looks like you worked for free this month all right without any further Ado let's get into this sounds good all right here's the Rules of Engagement this will be three rounds round one will be round robin where I alternate between the three of you give you a question and you get one point for getting it correct nothing for getting it wrong round two we will be doing a buzzer round ah so that's why we have this button that I want to always push the arc player in the room in the buzzer round you may Buzz at any point even while I'm asking the question the first person to buzz is the only one who may guess at the answer you will get a point for getting it right you will lose a point for getting it wrong and then the final round is it's Final Jeopardy everyone knows how Final Jeopardy works but when we get there I'll explain it so in round two one person only gets to answer like if they answer wrong it doesn't like open up back to the floor or what do we want to do that yes okay we'll allow it to go back to the floor after someone loses a point I only say that because there's going to be at least one time that I'm going to cut you off before you've done anything and I'm just going to Eric is going to do every question and you're going to be disappointed when you don't get to actually finish saying the question cuz I know you've spent so much time thinking of them all this took days for those of you wondering why hord Mode's update has not come out yet this took all week there are over a hundred questions staring me in the face that I can pull from for this episode I ran all of these questions by my brother I wanted to make sure he could guess all of them correct on the first try without having to look anything up these should be by our audience's standards 60 to 70% guessable just if you've watched every single one of our episodes and know nothing else about 40K that doesn't mean [ __ ] I don't have high hopes for the final scores we are definitely below average I'm hopefully not going to be negative that's my goal right now Eric's goal is to not end up at like negative 125 I was going to say it'll be hard to end up negative but if Eric just blind buzzes [ __ ] then I guess rip Bozo I just need to be less negative than you guys no one can beat me in a negativity contest what happens if we get to the final round three and I'm negative can I still bet can I bet negative Point all right so we have several subjects we have xenos lore we have Imperium chaos Space Marines separated out because they have too much we're going to have a Primark section that I'm sure all of you will get at least one question in then there is memes to save people on getting some points gaml slang terms name the faction based off a hint one category that's just called the POR Hammer podcast oh boy and then a final Jeopardy question that will have uh one of those topics all right this should be interesting at least all right let's start these questions off we've delayed enough let's start off with like xenos lore why not Eric warm up for Orcs which color is the luckiest green that is not correct it is blue death skulls wear blue Eric you play Orcs that's fair how can you not get this that was to get Eric a point I don't know man if you had asked like purple I got that one they're invisible burello the necrons fear this virus more than anything their enemies can throw at them canopic no flare virus Destroyer Destroyer is madness not virus that's [ __ ] I knew it was on the name of some models yeah the FED ones that makes more sense okay ask me the question again Brad going all right please please my loving wife save this episode from a disaster one of the only named characters in the tyranid faction this name was given to a carnifex who went on a famous Rampage on Cal old one I thank God one of you three got the auto wins I don't know Brad I heard the mouse clicks I think she's [ __ ] I think she's cheating you think she's [Laughter] [ __ ] all right let's move on do you want to do space Marin or Imperium next which ones do you want to get wrong next Eric they're the same wow is that the right answer all right Eric from whom do the grey Knights derive their Jean seed I [ __ ] have no idea it's Magnus my brother's official answer when testing this question he just put in all caps [ __ ] you because he does know the answer and he hates this part of the lore the official answer in every grey night's codec since God knows when is they derive their genan seed from the emperor is that how that works not really it makes no sense when you actually think about it cuz he's not a Primark I was going to say Gilman or something like that no so a meme answer that a lot of people will guess is Magnus which my wife did guess for that reason and it's the one my brother and I both like as a like fan Theory thing as you use the Emperor as the excuse that sounds very you know hurrah and the secret answer is they're a full psycher Legion yeah I could see that yeah I guess and the whole thing is Giannis the first gry Knight Was A Shard of Magnus so like there's the whole it's probably Magnus but all official lawyer says their Gene seed is drive from the emperor all right I'll accept it okay bellio it's your turn which organization split into ordos is given special political authority to root out Heretics and alien influence within the Imperium I'm going to guess Alpha Legion although they are chaos right they are [ __ ] not correct is it the ecclesiarchy no but actually a good guess is it just the Inquisition it's the Inquisition Eric is correct cuz Inquisition is like the overarching yes yeah the ecclesiarchy is technically just the church but we're not getting into that deep of questions today yeah sure instead we're going to go with [ __ ] trick question grey Knights are actually the emperor [ __ ] you Eric I've asked you a question about your two primary factions with answers that are in your codex I mean I should have gotten the first one the second one was [ __ ] [ __ ] you if you had said Magnus I almost would have just given you the point Eric you should have said you color blind for the first question right yeah I'm blue green color blind you never know all right Jen which made major military faction is often referred to as part of the Imperium but is derived of ancient Noble households outside of the imperium's Direct Control um is it Knights you are correct I surprisingly like fully knew that one cuz it's interesting when I wrote that question I was like Eric could get this question but he's taking the grey night question because it says grey nights and I want to embarrass him that's fair yeah so Jenny has two points right now and neither of you do I'm still not negative so I don't care Eric we got to team up help me on the next question you Google it send me through the Discord okay yeah all right Eric you cannot fail this oh [ __ ] Space Marines is our topic what is the blunt power weapon famously used by Space Marines a hammer what's the full name of that weapon uh power [Music] hammer God damn it how have you gotten all of these wrong it's a thunderhammer yeah that sounds right I was going to say chainsword I I thought this the Imperial Knights chains sword is uh definitely blunt weapon this doesn't seem very pointy it's kind of blunt also not a power weapon all right I I think all three of you are going to not get a point this time burelli which of the following is not one of the first founding chapters a white scars B blood angels c ravengard d Death Watch 25% chance that I get is right on accident I'm going to say ravengard you are incorrect D Eric is correct it's D so he gets a point No I gave him the easiest question and he [ __ ] it up he does not deserve a point it sounded like burello said d all right Jenny name one of the two genetic flaws of the blood angels is the fact that they have to drink blood one of the flaws it has a name though s sanguine sanguin no sanguinius is their Primark um do you give up I don't know what the exact name is it is the red thirst or the black rage the red thirst is the one that makes them drink blood the black rage is the one that sends them into a frenzy until they die yeah I'm sure everybody knew that one colors again ery wouldn't guess this one that's true that's true I guarantee you more people can name the genetic flaws of the blood angels than anything to do with the lore of any zenos why cuz there's a good book out there no just because there are that many Space Marine players yeah and I mean the the red one makes sense it's funny because you could ask this same question in like 20 questions from now and I'd get it wrong I am relying on that fact for some of these I'm just I'm just letting you know that like you you can do that questions I ask you may be part of answers later so we should be writing these down yeah right all right let's move to chaos Eric please for the love of God get this right how many points are present on the chaos star symbol five God damn it Eric I didn't know there was a chaos star symbol what are you talking about the symbol of chaos that is all the arrows in a circle is the octat it is literally Chaos's symbol it is 8 arrows in a circle blood for the BL God and yes it is Corn's number good job I did not do any of the god numbers just so you guys know you don't have to have those memorized oh the gods have numbers yeah I'm really glad I didn't do that can we get like a study packet for next time pleas I know that symbol okay so Bello mortarion Eric's going to be so mad that you got this one which God do noise Marines worship zenish you got it bellio has a point he's on the board well done well done you're locked solidly in second okay yours is unfortunately not as easy the four major gods of chaos are Korn nurgle slanesh and zinch who is the minor chaos god with a new model who is empowered by technological advancement um I don't know it's Vash Tor yeah I would not have guessed that Vash the Stampede it's actually a pretty cool model it is that's the only reason I got it because I'm like I'll use him as a generic demon Prince because I won't play chaos Space Marines so all right let's just have you all not get any points Primark time all right Eric you cannot fail this angron see he already has during the Horus heresy Horus thank God you got a point Eric nailed it which Primark led the traitor Legions I made it idiot proof that one is legitimately idiot proof it has the answer in the name I I was so afraid you would screw that up no I I got that one there's not much I know about primarch but I got that one thank God that may be the only Point any of you get in this category I'm locked in second tied for it yay all right including the ones removed from history how many primar did the emperor create Bello so I believe it's 20 you nailed it you got it right okay I believe the 18 is the the legions that people know about and two are un know you actually got that right too I just messed up one of your later questions right no leading off of that though Jenny originally numbered 1 through 20 name one of the two Legion numbers whose primarchs were removed from history this is a [ __ ] question you have a one in 10 chance randomly guessing but also they're famously the two missing numbers we're going to start my answer off by saying that Legions have numbers this is news Dark Angels play ERS would be very mad to hear that because they need you to know they're the first Legion they need you to know this well it's not one okay so now I got a one in nine chance well now it's a 2 and 19 chance eight no it is two or 11 obviously I didn't say it's obvious I said it's pretty famous like two and 11 are the two missing Legions I am glad that you blent to just like one of them like both of them like you're just being a dick I would not do that Jenny originally numbered 1 through 20 which two Legions primar oh [ __ ] you I know 20 who's 20 Eric it's Alpha thank you that was the only one I debated doing that's the only one I legitimately do know I didn't know the first was Dark Angels [ __ ] that I don't know I debated doing who is the 20th Legion but I was like I'm not even going to risk it that's good cuz I probably would have forgotten as you asked it but all right let's move on to something where hopefully we can all score score some points memes oh no they're in my dreams this is the most numerous category and in my opinion the easiest to catch up from question Eric what is the sneakiest color answer purple thank God nailed bit burello what is the primary melee weapon used by C soldiers in memes Ain knife no it's shovels they love their shovels they're shovel boys Jen this one was just because I wanted to write it oh boy be scared I am terrified Ferris Manis primarch of the iron hands who has iron hands whose Flagship was known as The Fist of iron would have roughly what name if his name was translated to English iron hands thank you fantastic I just love that joke it's such a meme of a [ __ ] faction the fact that people unironically like the Lord of iron hands is just showing that satire doesn't work it's not even the only one though like they definitely go beyond but there's the Raven guard is also like Raven man or something corvis corx yeah like [ __ ] hell all right this one's here to punish you game play oh [ __ ] this one Eric You Can't Screw Up we all just yelled at you two weeks ago about this I didn't learn unchanged for the past 4 years and one of the most commonly rolled attacks in all of War 40K I don't know it what is the strength AP and damage profile of an aardi chain sword I I don't know uh can I guess I don't let's just let him guess Eric it is rolled so commonly yeah but I just I don't pay attention you could probably think of it just by thinking of what a space scen should swing around 5 -1 2 that would be gross it's 4 - one 1 it is like the most most rolled thing in all of 40K it's just untrue but here's the problem Brad I know you don't play it's specifically targeting Eric because we were yelling at him cuz we're all playing Co-op and we're like Eric roll those it's just chainswords and he had to [ __ ] look it up it's been the same since we started playing we have like a thousand of the [ __ ] things in my brother's basement I've never done that though I don't play stupid [ __ ] even if you didn't you should know what your opponent's actual damage output is no you just get told numbers and say okay I know roughly that it's not going to do [ __ ] to my grey night paladins and it's going to annihilate my boys that's all I need to know we'll get to that later Eric keep that one in your head oh great bellia this is cruel to do to you I hope it's something with death guard at least in 10th edition which faction has the army rule dark packs so dark packs I have to guess something on the chaos side probably like duari or maybe chaos demons I would guess duari duari are not a Chaos Faction first that's not in the question it's chaos Space Marines okay so that makes sense cuz the chaos Space Marines is the dark packs with the chaos gods and their power I believe is kind of random the power that they get for the turn or something like that or it was that one ninth Edition correct you're close enough it's good okay I'm not a complete [ __ ] Jenny this is probably the only one you have a chance at wow thanks what tiate ability makes it easier to pass leadership tests while they're within a certain distance of key characters and units synapse you got it when we get back to gameplay in round two I expect a lot of dead silence I'm going negative all right let's do slang terms Eric historically associated with Orcs And Imperial Guard what is the slang term for a sixup save [ __ ] I don't know Take the Wheel Jesus I don't know no what a t-shirt save I've never heard that to be fair when your Orcs had sixup saves you didn't play them as often as now but yes that is a t-shirt save that's dumb white T-shirt save because it's famously associated with Orcs who only have a sixup save and orc models only wear a t-shirt it's true but now ORS have a five up Save which ruins it okay burello what expression is used by the community for abilities that let you keep control of an objective after you leave them overpowered hey he trying to mess up with my thinking you should take points from Eric fine I'll send you the answer in a message let me think it's the expression of the ability that nekron had that was the the only competitive ability on necrons oh [ __ ] it's on the tip of my tongue Eric help me burello Final Answer Final Answer obstacle no Jenny do you want to try for just pride is it sticky you are correct sticky objectiv no I sent it to you I sent it to you I gave you a funny gift I'm actually sent the [ __ ] message to just I'm an honest man I'm I'm proud of you bellio you went down with pride I'm disappointed it was an easy out I thought we were working together to to topple the tyranny of Jenny oh boy Jenny feel no pain is now a standard rule in 10th edition but from which faction did the ability name originally come from custodies no it's neck rounds good guess though yeah that was a good guess if it was me I was going to guess probably like custodis or Kos Space Marines I thought you were going to go death guard but yeah death guard oh death guard makes sense too okay this next one is just name a faction all the answers are faction names uh adep orst Eric the neverborn I have no [ __ ] idea ah damn it Eric the neverborn darari no the neverborn are demons sure it's like not even into 40K that's like literally a way to talk about non-real things maybe in your world no it it is it's like a classic fantasy thing it is not that's like the whole like that's why their name has meaning and stuff yeah that's fair [ __ ] I thought bread was meming and talking about Harley quins no speaking of meing though bellia who are the keepers of the black Library the alpha Legion nope Jenny would you like to tell him you've watched TTS it's the Harley quins my plan of answering Alpha Legion is not going well one time though soon one day a decayed biological weapon from the war in heaven Orcs Oh no you're going to make me cry Eric is just dying okay well it is Orcs all right so one final category before we hit round two the poorhammer podcast oh God Eric if you fail this I mean there's no way I'm getting it right I don't even listen to our [ __ ] it's awful hey not counting technical tests what was the first official por Hammer episode to make it to YouTube to YouTube a don't open the channel you prick rapid scrolling noises oh uh Grey Knight what about Grey Knight sub faction you got it yeah I remember because it did [ __ ] awful it never did as good as the later ones but yeah okay burello what was our first video to break a quarter million views on YouTube I'm going to guess the $500 challenge correct that was a hell of a thumbnail Jenny you might actually know this one cuz I excitedly told you one morning when we woke up oh boy what was our first episode to break 10,000 views on YouTube even though it was a rerun when we posted it I have no idea here's a hint it's not the organized play one that one went bad I'm pretty sure that one's still not even like halfway there and it's for a good reason that was not a good episode The organized Play episode that was the episode we recorded the week we were launching the YouTube and had like 5 Seconds to come up with an episode idea and there was the news about a new organized play packet and we're like let's just talk about this for 20 minutes yeah that was an awful episode I think it got like 30 views in the first week something like that it was like oh no we've we' [ __ ] this up terribly GG it's over uh but the actual answer the first thing that got us 10,000 views was I forced my wife to play 40K oh which I very excitedly told Jen one morning that she was the first thing to get 10,000 views on our Channel well you have to remember that I don't function before like 10:30 so can I get points anyway though because I'm currently wearing po Hammer merch no but thank you for shouting that out mid episode available at Orchid 8 yeah okay so that finishes round one Eric has three points bellio has three points Jenny has five points I have three points somehow where did they came from from three right answers don't make me go look I want an audit all right it is time you are all warmed up it is time for the main part of this episode that I'm sure won't go wrong let's unlock the buzzers I hate you all do you remember that video we were watching yesterday and how we said you couldn't walk by a button and not push it yes this is what you're experiencing right now I know okay is everyone ready for the buzzer round let's start back at zenos lore for a bit the TOA Empire is divided into casts name one of these casts any guesses Eric uh ethereal oh my God you got one wow is it really ethereal is the only one that is not easy it's literally like Earth fire water their elements and then ethereal is the last one I was like I don't know any of them and I feel like ethereal is the only one that isn't a cast ethereal is the one that I'll get questions on is it officially a cast cuz it was like the usurper cast thing it it is from what I've gathered I'm taking it I double checked all of my answers wait why do we have fire Warriors and not water Warriors different casts are for different parts of the society the Water cast is the negotiations and the running [ __ ] they're little [ __ ] anyway I won't test you on further power I'm just glad Eric actually got one I was like I really don't want to get this first one negative so I was like I hope one of the other people F in the best part is I had lowered your score already when you buzzed oh [ __ ] you so that I could do the punch line of don't worry I already lowered your score before you answered but you got it right absolutely Fair okay up next pejorative called squats by the Imperium referenced as Demi by oh [ __ ] burello [ __ ] my answer was going to be le ofon nope but I should have listened to the full question I'm I'm actually really glad that you put buzzed in first cuz I was going to I was like oh I [ __ ] know this one let's finish the question pejoratively called squats by the Imperium referenced as demiurge by the TOA and known as the Loi ancients by the alari what do the members of the leagues of otan refer to their own race as nope nope this is a [ __ ] bait I'm not doing it I will just tell you they call themselves The Kin herkin iron kin that makes sense yeah yep it does make sense I was going to go with dwarves cuz I was like this is a [ __ ] bait the one I was actually afraid you would say is human oh yeah right I'm like ooh that one's a rough one to take points off for cuz it's like d you overthought all right one last zenos question this one's going to be dead ass empty fill in the blank the original worlds of the Eldar Empire craft worlds no D fill in the blank the original worlds of the Elder Empire before their fall were called blank worlds I have no idea I mean that was still going to be my answer so I don't even feel bad about buzzing in early it's called Crone worlds of course they are the actual answer I was afraid someone would do would be Maiden worlds which is not that but it is related all right let's move on to space brains where you guys will definitely get a lot of answers sure absolutely Alpha Legion this is for space marins loyal as Space Marines we'll get to Alpha Legion you can answer Alpha Legion later Omega version of alpha Legion if the answer to Final Jeopardy is alpal Legion big brain now he's checking like [ __ ] what did I put all right what is the term the Dark Angels use for the half of their Legion that turned traitor I know a funny answer but uh okay no one guessed it it's the Fallen the Fallen I was going to say dead but you know the following makes sense what document written by Gillan gives the rules for how a Space Marine chapter should be laid out and operated the Constitution the why are you doing this you were in a good spot I feel like I should know this it's um oh snaps hang on no I would make something dumb like what brilia did okay it's the Codex of staries would you have accepted codex though just codex probably I was going to go with codex I was like it's going to be dumb but all right as a followup how many active space breens can be in a chapter outside of emergency scenarios and Crusades per the Codex of staries Eric a thousand correct holy yeah let's go Eric is catching up I only know that because it's so [ __ ] stupid it's such a dumb number it makes no sense Galaxy spanning Empire gets a thousand people in their Legion [ __ ] off there's thousand people in your [ __ ] City there's a thousand ultramarines on box images in your local game store right it's just so stupid a th000 is a very small number unless it's the amount of dicks you sucked it's a movie reference from clerks I thought it was just a personal jab also just a personal jab at Eric a thousand dicks and he won't suck mine all right this one's real easy guys which first founding chapter is made out of war criminals who burned the innocent civilians and all the libraries of Prospero in a childish rage Jenning is it Space Wolves it is Space Wolves yes oh I'm so glad I didn't go with [ __ ] thousand Sons which first founding chapter has an obsession with fire and flames and is touted as the most humanit Jenny is it the salamanders yes oh my God my wife's a secret Space Marine Ace what is the main symbol of the logo of the white scars it's a lightning bolt I'm actually shocked bellio didn't Buzz that one in cuz he had to hand edit that onto images and then he repressed those memories the Dark Angels are split into three Wings name one of them oh [ __ ] I should actually know this cuz we talked about it in the lion we've talked about most of these yeah but I don't I didn't actually care I thought it was kind of interesting when we talked about it with lional though I feel like I actually know it but I don't at the moment so okay the answers were greenwing Deathwing and Raven Wing by the way I don't have any of these answers written I just know them I mean that's not shocking at all I know all right let's do one that someone can just lose a point on this one's mostly a joke which one of the following is not a Canon successor of the blood angels a flesh Terrors B angels and Carmine C sanguine Angels D red angels and Carmine incorrect wow this is actually a really good one to pick up so to finish it which one of the following is not a Canon successor chapter of the blood angels a flesh Terrors B angels and car mine C sanguin Angels D Red Wings fine I'll do it D it is not Red Wings that's a Canon successor of the blood angels I I was I was almost like the you said that and I was like he's he's he's done this it's the entire reason I posted this the reason he's [ __ ] done this and I'm going to I'm going to accept the bait okay so I guess yeah Jenny can attempt to to 5050 it damn I should have waited I want to say because of the way you've worded this question that it's the sanguin Angels you are correct because that's dumb I made that one up myself thank you fun background story to that question I tried to make a fake one it took me four attempts to make up a funny dumb name based off blood angels that was not already a Canon successor chapter brilliant okay so that is our entire section for Space Marines shout out to everybody in the audience who did better than these three although Jenny's up to eight points hey pretty good Eric's at three yes we're not talking about bia's points right now you edit this you listen to me talk about this [ __ ] all week this is literally your job I have the editing power though to answer corrected later all right we're under the Imperium I thought we were done with this [ __ ] fine what famous adeptus mechanicus character is responsible for the creation of the primaris Marine o damn Jenny beat you by 11 milliseconds is it call it is bisaria call my God I did not think Jenny was going to win this call call oh my God you got it from a [ __ ] TTS episode yes BR this is how my life Works she's winning over you guys cuz she watches TTS placing a call to call absolutely Fair which two major Imperium factions wear power armor but do not use Jean seed to create their soldiers you need to answer both Eric sisters and mechanicus no you were so close it's custodes custodes you know I was going to guess I just excluded great knights in my mind because they have psychic powers well cuz he just said that they're genan seated by the emperor correct Eric's figuring this out you can help derive later answers based off of my previous questions hey I remembered I went to school I did the whole cheating on tests I mean okay back on topic while the Leman Russ and rogal Dorne are named after abject failures what is the naming theme for the vast majority of Imperial Guard Vehicles Eric successes no Eric you have one point I don't know how that was wrong any other guesses it's Doom something or it's storm something no okay I give up is at negative one it's mythical creatures the Hydra the Gorgon The Manor the Chimera what the [ __ ] mythical creature is a bane okay mythical creatures the Bane I was going to give you ban blade lore but it may come up in a future question what is the three-letter abbreviation for the blueprint databases or factories that make up the Eric STC you are correct standard template constructs Eric has two points again I'd never be able to tell you what it was but it's three letters which famous scientist discovered the STC for the land Raider what the [ __ ] what this one almost went under memes cuz this is a famous meme because it made a viral video okay the answer is Aran land he named it after himself self oh God it is not a land Raider because it raids the land it is Lands Raider I need I like I figured that's what it was when you were like a meme but I was like I don't know what what kind of stupid name is it actually going to be there is a very famous viral video from angor Tom Jen but it's from yog's cast when they found out that fact in like a random trivia thing and they went what's the emperor's name Jimmy space of Space Marines but that went viral and it's like a very famous piece of lore because of that so stupid [ __ ] GW naming is just the worst all right let's move back to chaos and hopefully some people can get some points sure which chaos Legion was originally known as the Luna Wolves and then the sons of Horus horus's Legion what is the current name of the Legion burello the alpha Legion God damn you both one day is it not still sons of horse no it is the black Legion led by abdon oh all right then what was the name of the planet Magnus and the Thousand Sons lived on until it was destroyed by damn it it's Prospero [ __ ] missed the button I [ __ ] I was like I got it and I [ __ ] missed the button cuz I was so like it's a huge butt how did you miss the button it's a huge button excited Jenny he was on Discord Jenny yeah you know looking at the memes what event led by abidon the despoiler led to the fall of Cadia oh jeez okay none of you guessed no because I was going to say fall of Cadia no it's the 13th Black Crusade oh right yeah it's the one we made fun of because he failed 12 times he failed 12 times and you kept because they wanted to make 13 a funny number yeah and it's like wow you're really really bad at this whole thing aren't you what traiter Legion wears dark red armor cover CED in text and obscene symbols and worships all four chaos Gods Eric um [ __ ] uh night Lords zero points congrats you're back to zero you can join bellio in the negative soon let's just move on to Primark so that we can see how low this can go name either of the primar with a famous tank named after them thank you Eric Leman Ross oh thank God what Angry Red Primark Jenny Magnus the red nope nope that was a buzzer discipline question what Angry Red Primark really wishes Leman Russ didn't genocide all of his people and burn largest repositories of knowledge in the Imperium Eric I don't know actually [ __ ] oh come on back to zero again horse while you screwed up the buzzer discipline what was the answer it's Magnus yeah that's what I said that's what she said did you say Magnus on the first go yeah said Magnus the red oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ Brad when I only said Angry Red Primark angron is the Angry Red Primark okay never mind let's rewind time yeah give me my point back fair enough Eric didn't lose that point all right next question why is angron so mad Eric because he has spikes in his head or he's been lobotomized correct this this correct yeah cuz he's got those giant ass Nails in his head yep his head is full of nails that's why he's so unbelievably [ __ ] ass mad which is totally fair in my opinion I mean yeah no he's got a point I like bia's disbelief at the stupidity of for hammerl I know the berserks are mad because of that but angron also angran is the one who did it to them yeah I was like and that's why they're like that they have to be like their cool Big Brother they didn't want to be all right what winged Primark does Horus kill at the end of Horus heresy burello sanguinius you got it yes I was going to guess that I didn't know but I thought sanguinius was still alive so no sanguinius is on screen dead Okay none of you are going to guess this this is mostly for the memes pissing off many a boomer what is the name of the mother of the primarch Eric the emperor no it's [ __ ] that's what I was going to guess this is the only one I have to go back and look up because I had to write it cuz I always forget how to [ __ ] say the name era sure yeah the the wellknown character in Warhammer 40K era mother of the prim marks she's technically only in 30k a great model a model mother you know what I'm actually kind of pissed it isn't Tera something so we'll get there legitimately pissed okay let's move on to memes what type of animal are to often joked as in memes Jenny fish correct why fish because all of their vehicles are named after fish oh the pirania even though they're cow people with Hooves yeah memes are dumb which loyalist space brain chapter is a furry most likely to play Jenny Space Wolves correct if the emperor had a text to speech device which Primark would he describe as unreasonably [ __ ] ass mad Jenny it's anger on correct it's funny that you made the reference when I wrote this question I was afraid it had been so long since you watched TTS that you wouldn't remember exact quotes it's forever now right free you made a [ __ ] walkie and have to get in the forever box what are you stuck in tron's Pokéball nope Eric is back to zero points Jenny is it a redemptor dread knot it's just a dread knot so yes dreadnots are the forever box it's because that's where you go when you're like basically dead but not fully or something like that it is literally a sarcophagus yeah they need your corpse to run the machine you are still technically alive but like if you've got like half of a [ __ ] brain you get shoved in the dread knot woohoo retirement Which chapter clad in yellow is famously the least lucky Space Marines I'm going to guess iron hands that is run for like four different reasons bar goes back to netive Eric Imperial fists negative one they're the yellow ones though white scars 13 it's the lamenters it's the ones from our wacky race we had the lamenters fall off a cliff and kill all of the lamenters cuz every time they show up in any lore they all die m is that why you made that joke it is why I made that joke in that episode when you just sat there and laughed pretending you understood it I I mean it seemed funny at the time but you're just happy all the space sprin died yeah I was I was good with it what type of Imperial Guard officer is famous for shooting their own troops to upkeep morale Eric commissar correct there is no retreat what type of girlfriend is Gillan often jok to have due to having some plot points in modern 40K lore elves correct a big titty to Eldar waifu would be the best correct answer which Primark was a notorious [ __ ] throughout the Horus heresy but is remembered as being a funny monotoned calm Sage due to the YouTube series if the emperor had a text to speech device Ral Dorne correct I feel like the fact I haven't seen TTS other than like the first 5 minutes is a real I've told you to watch TTS for four [ __ ] years yeah but then they took it down and I was like eh whatever they didn't take it down they just stopped making more why are you guys watching tabletop simulator [ __ ] you all right it's Eric's moment to shine he threatened to do it from the same series of if the emperor had a text to speech device what character is absolutely insane and constantly references tangerines what Jenny is just cackling in the kitchen right now I can hear her even though her mic's not making any noise I hope it's just recording someone has to buzz in you can't just laugh Jenny it's Kar Drago correct yes obviously I gave you the you threatened to answer calor Dr to every question it's fair all right bellio it's your chance who here is alpharius Alpha Legion God damn it you say this was my chance yeah you did you worded that that way you did kind of screw him on it who here is alarius we all are correct I would also accept I am alarius you are alarius for a modern meme what breakfast food chain most associated with Florida would absolutely survive an entire chapter of Space Marines invading it Eric Waffle House correct what is the joke Waffle House employees are psychotic and can deal with hurricanes and the joke is people keep on asking what could they survive and it became a 40K meme that an entire chapter of Space Marines would die trying to invade a waffle house it's true they're the real like death corpse of c and stuff like that you're like no got nothing on Waffle House employes all right this one's under memes but uh who is the old semic Canon fifth chaos God who got abandoned due to trademark issues burello oh no the end of the question makes me unsure but I was going to answer either vtor or bellor I'm going with bellor both of those are incorrect but Bor is more incorrect cuz he's not a god Eric I think it's malice I'm giving you the point his name is malal God of malice malal okay I was like I I had to give it a shot cuz I vaguely knew it but I wasn't sure but he got abandoned due to trade Mark issues in like the mid90s he was in like a comic series and then they realized that malal was taken and they [ __ ] dropped his ass so weird the chaos God that's trying to destroy the other chaos Gods mhm I have in my head you saying that vtor was supposed to be he's a minor chaos God there are a bunch of chaos Gods but there are four big ones chaos is the entirety of the warp so there are multiple gods but there are four that are like The Mega Powers and then vastor is one of minor ones and then there's the real deep chaos is Bor also one of the minor ones no bellor is just the first demon Prince he's not actually a god yet he wants to be a god which is like his entire plot point and then bashor shows up very soon and then bashor takes all of his information and like nope mine hurt your head it could lore I'm going to take it now thanks all right back to gameplay this won't go poorly this one all three of you should be able to do God I hope what do lethal hits do Jenny mortal wounds no Eric Critical Hits Auto wound correct you got the actual legal correct answer too good job yeah because fives when you can make it are super awesome that's like a thing that works too in custodes what keyword is banned from taking any of the index enhancements Eric pcho correct holy [ __ ] I did not know that I was just like you know what would be funny anathemus Iana can't take any of them yeah all right let's move on back to slang what is the slang term for an efficiently pointed model that is jammed up the board to keep an opponent focused on it destraction something like a distraction stomper oh bellia what's the term for the entire category the actual slang term isn't that distraction the slang term is the first half of it oh it is all right Jenny it's a distraction carnifax correct I still think that's [ __ ] [ __ ] it's not efficiently pointed that is when a distraction car effects exists a distraction car effects is used globally for anything that is an efficiently pointed model that you jam up board keep your opponents focused that is a weird way to word it it's the only way I can word it no it's not I was like remove the efficient word and yeah an efficient unit that goes up the board and is distracting as a trade piece Brad no cuz you don't want to distract with a trade piece you want to trade with it yeah that's like what you do all right we're moving on what is the slang term for the following scenario sustained hits on a crit of six exploding sixes correct what is the slang term for the following scenario rrolling everything looking for more sixes fishing fishing for sixes correct what is the slang term for the following scenario oh wait I just read that one never mind fishing for six double me [ __ ] off what is the slang term for something that does D3 mortal wounds Eric please Eric it's your whole faction Smite thank God it's funny to see Brad going desperate we shouldn't we should never press the bus there's certain questions where if Eric doesn't get him I have to be concerned about episodes he leads I almost wanted to do like explodes vehicle explosion I mean it didn't really work it's a stretch yeah okay okay let's name factions let's not the followers of the omnis admic oh my God you got a point yes good job the dark kin time to lose my point Lees ofotan you are K correct but kin is the is the Von thing you said to yourself like brokin iron kinari correct drari call themselves The Dark kin also if it was the dark kin we would have to have like the evil voton we don't need another dwarf faction yet let AOS get theirs first yeah I was going to say I was like let's let AOS do the models super good and then we can just take them this faction uses prognostic cars to Divine their future Eric gr nights thank God I got lucky the veterans of the long War nobody's taking it so I'm going to guess probably something imperialist so I'm going to go with guard minus one point no it's chaos space Mar the next hit Behemoth yand tiamut Kraken tyranids correct those are the high fleets of tyranids I left out Leviathan cuz it was way too easy with Leviathan if you had had Leviathan it would have been a [ __ ] auto snap but yeah okay the next one the quote is luck has need keeps toil earns this one is a quote of the leagues of voton I was two questions too early those who want it most and do the most work for it get to keep it last one for name the faction the worshippers of the forearmed emperor Jean Steeler thank God I would have actually accepted I forget I was like oh no I know this one I I buzzed I shouldn't have if you had said I forget you would have gotten a point it would have just been a good joke I yeah all right before Final Jeopardy here's some last questions that could get Eric really close to Jenny and could get bellia positive oh no there's not enough to get Bello positive oh no the poror hammer podcast released over the 2020 Christmas break now known in the poorhammer audio feed as poorhammer Origins 1 what was the topic of the first Warhammer focused bonus episode of soy Singleton there was four of them that we did and I don't know which one's which it's farsal faction Focus it's the one where I had a 12,000w long script that sounds right and we spent 3 hours of me meing on every faction which we should read do as a real episode one day by the way that's probably a good idea yeah the Warhammer solely Singleton bonus episodes that are now known as poorhammer Origins featured three hosts other than Eric and myself who were those three hosts Eric [ __ ] I don't I wasn't there I was quite literally not there two of them are pretty easy but one of them was me we did the painting right yes it was the initial hobby episode with you did you talked to Magikarp then two [ __ ] you're flubbing the easiest one I know go say spy but why would was spy on a camera say spy Spy doesn't play War well he does now but he didn't then was it spoy correct no spoy was the one on the second episode which was me introducing Christian to every faction in Warhammer to get an outside player from Magic it was the magic magic players guide to Warhammer or something stupid and then you were on for the first hobby episode and then Magikarp was on for the episode that's getting a squel redo next week all right for the final question last point before Final Jeopardy what community game mode was invented by the hosts of the hord mode correct woo getting an update very soon all right it is time for final jeopardy so if we were horrible scumbags right now is when we would toss a commercial break on YouTube all right we're back from that but anyway now we're at the Final Jeopardy so I will tell you guys the topic you will write down secretly how many points you wish to gamble okay and then I will ask you the question you will have 30 seconds to write down the answer and then we'll find out who the winner is what happens if I have negative points you don't actually get to barello doesn't get to Final Jeopardy you have to have positive points to do it do is a free elf oh come on let him bet 10 all right bellio you can bet up to 10 points no I was free not free anymore [ __ ] so the score is going into Final Jeopardy relio is in third place with -4 Eric is in second place with 12 holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you crushed slang terms and named the faction wow Jenny is in first place with 17 so Eric can win technically with Final Jeopardy I mean that's still a pretty resizable lead okay the topic is zenos lore oh Christ this is going to piss off or make one of you shout [ __ ] yes in the infinite and the Divine what is one of the two egotistical rewards trason receives in his honor after the fight against the [Music] Orcs barelli if I'm not correct I mean I very much don't understand what you're trying to get at and that's fine okay your answer is Eric I actually understand the logic behind all right starting with Bello who's at ne4 points and I gifted a 10-point gamble decided to keep his honor and bet zero oo bellio reveal your answer so one of his final rewards is oricon cuz the real treasure are the friends we made along the way this is not one piece Eric you wagered I wagered it all so 12 points being wagered what did you say that he gained he gained a Pokeball stealing the Orcs technically it's something he gained but is not one of the two egotistical rewards he received in his honor fine what about a Stompa does that count no Jenny how many points did you wager four and what is one of the two egotistical rewards that trason receives in his honor after the fight against the Orcs the stained glass window correct do you know the other one the statue correct you could argue he also gets a Space Marine chapter named after him that's one of the other questions could any of you have answered this what is the name of the Space Marine chapter n that is okay it's something about him being metal it is a real Space Marine chapter by the way that has lore oh [ __ ] I mean there's like a billion Space Marine chapters so [ __ ] off I know but it is technically one that appears in other lore but they get mistaken as The Silver Skulls yeah yeah it was like it it's very spoton that's that's why that joke works on so many levels cuz if you know like 40K [ __ ] that's a real chapter they got mistaken as an actual chapter yeah that makes sense okay so the final score is bellio in third with negative4 points Eric in second with zero you got up to 12 though not negative I succeeded in my goal you did and losing it all in Final Jeopardy is a very fair way to go out yeah and somehow Jenny you got first place with 21 final points crushed it well done thank you all right so that does it for the game proper we do have some news and stuff wait Eric doesn't receive an official punishment no the loss of pride is enough I mean Jenny do you want the co-host spot Eric wants to ruin my marriage if I can't be happy nobody [Laughter] can all right so before we leave I want to do just a quick bit of news because it does affect the YouTube audience too this episode comes out on the week of the 4th at some point on the week of the 11th you guys will get an episode while I'm out on vacation after that we're going 2 weeks of no official episode release we may release a random 20-minute episode of hord mode followup but like there's nothing scheduled for 2 weeks until we come back on the week of the 1 after New Year's we're back officially with a very large topic that I hope we do well since it's the oneyear anniversary of the $500 Army challenge spoilers it may be related but it's not a straight up sequel so you may get something on the week of the 18th or the 25th but nothing official will come out that week for our patrons in the audience don't worry about a thing because if it's a week where we're not releasing Mainline episodes you guys get a pile of bonus content and boy do we have some fun ones bellia how's that power doing not so well yeah I mean it's been a little while since we've had an actual break and uh that means we've stored up a few bonus contents yeah so patrons can look forward to that everyone else next week episode then two weeks of no official episode then back to normal all right that does it for us this week though let's get out of here sounds [Music] good [Music]
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 59,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, necrons, custodes, space marines, tyranids, grey knights, orks, 10th edition, game show, trivia, jeopardy, lore
Id: lAQ3hzNf71k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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