The MOST IMPORTANT 10TH EDITION 40K Tier List - Ft. Bricky('s forehead)

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foreign [Music] ER podcast episode 86 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going and with us finally out of Exile from Canada is our fantastic guest host Ricky I was there for like a day a day longer than you were supposed to be that is absolutely true it sounded like there was some skeptical you getting back nature so uh you know I uploaded that video talking about that situation and a lot of people are like well this is kind of your own fault Brookie you flew with an expired problematic passport and I'm like yeah I know but it make funny story I'm in a hell of my own making it's more funny to me that they let you in the country just fine it's when you were leaving they were like no no no I mean America could care less if you leave the country yeah I do think it's entertaining though like thinking like yeah most of the problems I have are of my own making that doesn't change the fact that it's still a [ __ ] problem I mean I think uh anyone who does any kind of online content creation can live by those words I'm in a hell of my own make and these Flames are comforting all right so since we had bricky kindly come on to announce an interesting partnership I figured I would give him the honor of picking the topic for the week so bricky what kind of episode I know you wanted to do something a little hard-hitting pretty informative something that's a little outside the norm for you from Dice check or adric or something I mean the way you set that up sound as if you were being sarcastic that being said it is informative and hard-hitting and will most likely lead to quite a bit of debate I've always really wanted to do a codex art tier list Games Workshop despite their refusal to credit their artists has some of the best world making art in like ever and 9th Edition in particular was a highlight I think for codex artwork and so a little tier list of that sounds fun oh a tier list we're gonna real click bait this huh Ricky's face tier list in all caps what else can we add it's a truly uh click bait we're actually doing a tier list I don't know YouTube said that our video last week was clickbait because I didn't warn everybody off from it being a Photoshop episode so it got mad at me it really did it really did but that's a story for another day without any further Ado let's get into this sounds good all right but before we begin we actually did clickbait you for just a second here to talk about our little uh partnership we've got going yeah I think you called it the interesting partnership which is uh very sketchy so perhaps we shouldn't be the one to talk about it yeah so uh I'm not very good at selling out so bricky can you help so I am excellent at selling out the the wonderful gentleman here reached out uh to me because they said they really wanted to do merchandise and I've got merchandise and you know that sounds like a pretty good gig so poor Hammer merchandise is now currently available at it's starting off pretty simple I love your cardboard kind of poor Hammer logo it's really good it adds a lot of flavor without needing much one day we need to do the story for that that's a good future topic it's a pretty great logo but to start off you know I thought it'd be just a great thing to have let people kind of represent the podcast represent the channel so to start off there's some great new hoodies as well as some tees black white green colored some different variations and sweatpants because uh as as he will most likely say the sweatpants are ludicrously comfortable and I am very proud of that purchase we made I am actually kind of jealous of the fact that Brad's wife has taken the pair that we got as like the test pair they don't even fit her they're huge they're are really really comfortable looking they feel nice I was like man I wish I could have those but well I know where you can get them and it's at Link in the description if you're on the home page there's a little tab that says content creators they'll be there or I'm a podcast but hopefully the link should just take you directly there and then uh boom and for our Sims don't just go straight there read the patreon thing you have a discount code I think that's enough selling out let's get into this hard-hitting tier list all right Brookie so where do you want to start off we can do these in any old order I can shuffle them around we can do anything we want where do you want to start oh well you moved them around already the first one we had was ad Mech which is starting off real strong but you know what let's go with one of the uh what did you call them snowflake Marines yes the special snowflakes too special to have just one codex you need two of them wonderful let's start with one of those let's go with uh let's go with the Space Wolves so Space Wolves to me is probably the second worst of the Space Marine supplements for art I kind of like it it is not my least favorite uh I do not like it I do actually kind of like it I just don't like it for Space Wolves I don't know it just doesn't like sell me on Space Wolves it's one where I think I'd fight you if you want to put it above the sea but if you want to put it at like seat here I'll let it not be D tier but I almost would put it to D tier it's one of my least favorites I don't like the weird angle it's at and the weird fisheye lens thing you know I don't like the fisheye lens I don't like how there is no real focal point of the image you would say the focal points to do with the ax but he's really small also and and this might be the biggest part of it all there is not a single wolf yeah I actually do like the color like contrasting going on it's it's popping to me I get that it wouldn't be for everybody but I'm just like this is a Space Wolves the light blue it has going for it is the best part yeah I could see people not liking it but I like it it stands out but then like you said like where's the wolves part there's no wolves there's not much Viking theme there's very little flavor to it at all there's what a wolf pelt on the guys and it's so small you don't even notice it's a wolf pelt I'd say they're beards and haircuts and stuff kind of help with it but again it's so small it does not sell me on Space Wolves and I say this as someone who plays against Space Wolves way too often doesn't help that the Space Wolves player that we play with is the best painter so like his looks good and he is custom green stuffed a bunch of wolf and bear and everything pelts onto them and they've got their whole very strong theme and this has nothing but at the same time this is the cover to your codex like this should be the judge a book by its cover I go with like high C my instinct goes like top to top middle of C but obviously that will be adjusted as we keep going okay let's move away from Space Marines for a moment let's do something in the chaos area let's cover what I think is my least favorite chaos codex cover which is chaos demons so of all chaos us every chaos Army you think this is the worst you've got death guard CSM thousand suns chaos Knights and World years yeah and I think a lot of them are very strong and I have a personal hatred of it because it shows off the worst part of the faction the part that is part of nobody's fantasy for it it is like everyone else is showing off like epic characters and the coolest [ __ ] dudes this one is showing off the eight point model you're going to remove off the board the second of Bolter points at it it is your chaff being shown off which makes sense in guard guard does the same thing much better with the tank in the background and all that when we get there I don't have that same issue as I do with chaos demons where are big chicken where is giant demons it's just that chaos demons has so much potential for their like character coolness it's just so much easier to sell the faction you just have to put a bloodthirster it's not even my favorite of the greater demons I think my issue with it is that it's a bit too directionless yes it's also a mess but you could say it's more not false advertising because what was in the Codex but it's still ugly right you've got the very bright zench over on the side slanesh is basically invisible in the bottom left corner and the plague Bearer the most foreground thing is actually a pile of dead sisters but you can't see them because it's so Darkly even on the actual physical book in front of me it is so Darkly painted that you can't even really make them out it just looks like a corner of your book is black I think demons has an unsolvable problem where you need to show off four separate distinctly colored factions I would argue it's a very solvable problem as soon as we get Emperor's Children AOS has solved this problem oh no I mean if you're doing one book it's an unsolvable problem I agree I do agree to an extent I think yeah the chaff part's annoying I think that they try to keep it with like a red color scheme but then they're like uh throw the blue in there for the zines yeah I get a little bit of green in there in the center and the weirdest part is when you're looking at the physical book the image on screen will be equal to this but it's like this on the real book The nurgle in the middle is in like blue lighting because the pink Horror in front of him with the blue fire but it makes the nurgle demon look very blue everything about this cover aggravates me in so many different ways and to make it worse right it's true true non-trup because it's not actually a blood Letter it's a blood Crusher for the back one because he is on the bowl sure I know that's like a very minor pet peeve but it is one that it ruins the symmetry of oh they're trying to show all four of the troops they didn't even do that Eric what are your thoughts so Brad hates this like he would pipe bomb its mailbox what is your thoughts it's definitely one of my least favorites and that's because there's so much more potential like there are really cool demons that's one of the selling points is like the greater demons are cool those are your eye candy kind of things even without the greater demons just not not the troops are more interesting all the troops have the problem of humanoid but with a Twist you could get screamers you could get fiends well maybe not fiends because titties scare people but some other portion of slinash may be a character so the thing that really gets me is in like the Space Wolves one there wasn't really like a focal point it's true in the chaos demons and bricky like you said it's not really a solvable thing but they could have done substantially better in making it like separate sections of the cover basically like oh this is a battlefield but like oh this section is zeech this section you know like I don't know and I think they tried to do that and just failed I really do think it's one of those problems that's just really difficult because the 8th Edition Demon's codex is just a blood Letter that's all it is and it's not bad it's all right it's a very safe one but it bothers me less than this if the new one had just been really gross picture of like some type of plague Bearer I'd be like cool maybe in 10th edition when they totally invest into this Army to get you know a couple Grand worth of art they'll get us a New Codex cover that'll be yet another demon yo yeah so speaking of 10th edition codex covers uh right yeah that was not bad yeah so uh what if I forgot to mention yeah we're doing a 10th edition codex art tier list which is is only somewhat true because that Marine One did have a different picture but it's basically the same oh that's BS it's a basically the same and B it was 9th Edition promo art it's not like it was new and they just got flambade by the AOS Community for pulling the same stunt with AOS third Edition recycling all the same covers for the battle tomes which I hate because like bricky said they have good art and [ __ ] them for not attributing their artists but there is good art that they have access to and it's not like we can say that well it's a small company not much profit to be made this is a very expensive Endeavor for them this is like bog standard basic stuff for a multi-billion dollar company to buy some freaking art watsi buys like 3 000 new Arts a year these codex covers are like maybe two to three thousand dollars each in terms of like artwork Fidelity to hire the artist and that's nothing yeah which is like expensive to you and I but literally pennies to them and at a certain point like the amount of money that you're gonna spend physically printing a book and logistically sending it out dwarfs that investment it's basically nothing I genuinely believe that the amount of people who would buy this codex for the artwork alone as collector's item on their shelf would outpace the two thousand three thousand dollar cost by like an exponential amount I mean that's something that me and Brad have talked about at length of like don't sell rules it's fine to sell codexes but they should be art books and a collector's thing make them a collector's item you can make the special Gold Leaf extra Super Deluxe Edition 300 US Dollars only available for 10 000 copies and it will get snapped up first day every codex but keep your rules free keep them digital so they're easy to edit when they need editing you can fix up your game as you see fit and then sell these as amazing collector items I'm stupid enough that I would buy one for every one of my armies still I'd feel less shitty about buying it too so I wouldn't complain about it to everyone afterwards really there's a lot of people that have old codexes that they keep them around they're not playing seventh edition but hey why not keep it around because it's a collector item kind of thing so there is no reason not to put the time effort and resources into doing this right right so now let's go back to Smashing this art that they paid for and did a good job hiring someone to do D tier I will say I think there's a saving grace in which that the artwork itself the the creatures look incredible I'll give you that it's one of my favorite depictions of a pink horror yes I love him doing the rock on symbols and you can even see the individual bolts being held in stasis it's really cool I can't put this in D even though it is D for demons I will let you move it up to see it may go down to D later when we're doing final adjustments again I don't think like it's an untalented piece of art I think it's a directionless piece of art I think we should separate the like this is garbage art this is bad art and this is terrible art Direction and is bad for the goal of the piece of art and where it's being used in your sales yeah I mean very much so the individual aspects of the art are good so I'm good with putting it in C but let's move on I want to make a choice this time I knew it well speaking of dwarfing Eric what do you got for us Bhutan let's go very much was gonna just be like aldari but uh no what do you think about Photon Eric I don't like it I kind of hate it okay I think Photon suffers from being a Space Marine codex if you put most of the space brain Art Space holes aside because it has framing issues most of those Space Marine Arts together all of them are the exact same art Direction they all got the exact same page with a different here's the guy you're drawing gray Knights black Templars leagues of otan generic Space Marine blood angels are all the exact same picture and I think out of all of them this is one of my least favorites on just how it was executed yeah it's a little weird because he's a chunky lad boy did they make him fat which is fine like that's part of otan to a certain aspect but I don't think they need to look like they're six times wider than they are until all I'm okay with the chunkiness of him because it looks like they're going for kind of like a power lifter kind of vibe like a Zangief Vibe sure I'm getting wide Putin Vibes but I'll I'll take Zangief well you know they are both Russian um I think my issue issue and this might be a really bizarre complaint I don't like how the the call is yelling for such a stoic like brooding faction yeah I almost kind of wish I would have we would go on this thing a little bit like less busy and like more muted and slow the more angry old man yeah tell him like the more going in the book type classic fantasy dwarf tone the dwarf right below him on the bottom left is like perfect to me yeah that's actually to me one of the problems with the art is I keep looking down at the one in the foreground instead of the centerpiece I should be looking at something about the way the lighting's working or something I'm not very good at Art keeps drawing my eyes down to him instead and he's amazing looking but it's not the goal of the piece and now that you bring that up I think that's why I don't like it as well is because I like the front one that you guys are talking about I also like the guy back with the hammer that's cool the main guy eh is fine he is the problem but here's the thing I don't hate this nearly as much as I hate the last who we talked about I honestly think this is a normal middle of the road beat here I'd probably go bottom of B because we should keep on the short end um but I I will say you know what kind of saves it besides that one guy right there I love the gigantic face in the background I don't get it a lot of their ships have representations of the the photon or like face is kind of etched into them and it's just like the way their ships look sometimes and I just think it's really baller as an extra aside while we're wailing on GW in this episode where space dwarf book I really want to love this faction and get into their lore they came out with zero that is an honestly super shocking thing for you one asking for dwarfs and two asking for Space Marines no remember Eric my brother hates Wars I hate elves I just play Space elves for some reason I hate elves also I at least played dracari I play the fun elves no I do agree with you though like there should be plenty of opportunity for cool stories for the photon like they were separate from the Imperium what's going on the voton Codex lore it's like incredibly good yeah I got recommended to read it by I think it was just random Youtube comments in one of our episodes when I mentioned I didn't really know much about it I ended up legally acquiring a photon codex right and read through the lore and it was really good and I was like this is annoying because now I'm like where's the book just give me a story I want to get into this faction a bit here and like feel attached to them but I've got Snippets is there a place I can put art like a piece of art to show off uh yes you can paste it into the show notes now and now borrelia will be able to grab it out of the show notes that I shared with him and that way it can appear on screen you closed the show notes didn't you I don't know I I refreshed it but uh I can't seem to oh when I changed the permissions it might have been weird hang on you should have access your Anonymous giraffe or someone else is in here that'd be real spooky so you copy with control C I don't want you there and then oh there we go so troll V wasn't working but I had to right click paste it whatever you say grandma anyway there's is the There's the link that's the artwork of the photon that I think is way better for the Codex cover yes that is cool oh absolutely I loved that art that was one of the first Splash Arts they showed off I was gonna say it does everything just better yeah and then like there's the face in the background but the the dude is a lot more stoic because he has the helmet on and stuff and it's like it looks like he's leading he's not like yelling and pointing you know yeah and like it's not just him kind of thing like it shows like oh there's more people going on there's background this is like a lot of cool stuff going on in that one and he still looks fat because he's got like the massive other hand so it's one of those that's like oh it's just bulky instead of oh you've had a few Twinkies huh all right I kind of hate that you made me like the Codex art less and start agreeing with Eric more just because of this Art's existence bottom would be like you said we'll move it at the end if we have to bottom of V alright well in that case it's back to you boy uh let's let's try let's be a little bit more positive we can try we're known for that on this podcast oh I'm sure I've never once complained let's go with Garden all right okay so as I said with demons same deal we're not showing off an epic character or anything we're showing off the Everyman but that's what guard is I really like guard I don't think it's a nest here I think it's an a tier but I particularly find that every single thing about the guard codex is amazing except for the main guy with his Jean Steeler mouth his Jean stealer mouth his wacky arm that's holding onto the last gun really strangely yeah the gal to his right is super cool but he himself is just a little weird everything else about this artwork killer the arm the thing that gets me when you look at it like with the gun it's just like do you understand how to hold a gun I always had issue with the weird mouth I had not noticed the hand on the gun I can ignore the mouth just because like it's weird but I don't care enough I can't ignore that weird mouth but like what what are you doing with with that grip the grip really throws me off the mouth I'm actually okay with because he's mid-deployment Guardsman like he's gonna look like an ugly POS but yeah exactly the the arm throws me off back to the positives of the piece though yes I love the so you've got the focus on the guy Center however they put him low and your eyes draw up to the light and see the tank coming over the hill to save the day and you get the feeling of like the heroes are here you've got you know these guys are making the charge trying to take the front you've got guard up front tanks in the back you can see artillery being fired next to the tank as well which is obviously a staple of garden well until the last points update well yeah but GW can't properly do artillery ever so it's okay but then like this there's the giant ship in the background that's kind of Illuminating the whole canvas in the Starcraft openings ship I was gonna say like this just feels like Starcraft opening it's just got a few too many marines and uh no Zerg I do love how the background like there is not an ounce of floor it is just men and women that's true that's actually another positive for it because for a lot of these there is space but it actually does work to guard's favor that there is no space free there's no Gap it does show the wall I like it you said a I'm good with agreeing with that yeah I think it's a it's definitely not the best and I think part of my it's not the best is just it's their [ __ ] hand to do but if he was like a commissar I think it would probably be like ass here yeah maybe it's possible all right let's talk about this is a really hard choice so to bring the mood up let's get some good ones out of my factions two of them have the best codex covers let's talk about the xenos one necrons the most baller necron cover art we've ever had and it's a high bar ooh that is a statement you've said right there I know it's a spicy one too because I really like the 8th Edition art too is the additional one with the resorb yeah yeah that's a high bar because that one is really good I love that one too but this one to me the score pack is like one of the core reasons I went into necrons when we were getting into the game like the the original ninth Edition trailer with the score packs coming out slicing up the sisters and everything that's like such a core part of my love of necrons and then this beautifully done art I absolutely love the art style it has a style to it it is not like a safe corporate everything looks the same it is clearly a stylized art in the style of an artist I absolutely love this art for so many reasons yeah what are your thoughts because mine's complicated mine's complicated too I don't think it's the best codex art or anything it's probably only a tier it's not s tier but it is one of my personal favorites just because it screams to me the part of the army I love so much and it really worked into their 9th Edition rebranding of necrons to have a more horror theme you notice the necron warrior up front is like super decayed and the one in front of him has the Bullet Hole still in them I really like this like make them more creepy Vibe they've been going for it definitely is more of a twice dead King type Dynasty we're looking at here rather than like a clean sautec type Dynasty a little bit I think this dynasty is the the zarican dynasty because they have the rustish color it's got their coloration but I'm just saying like this is a very ill-kept Dynasty whereas lore-wise Sarah can is usually pretty perfect but yeah he is pretty good um I agree with every point you make I have the caveats that I actually think the score pack Lord is a bit placed weird he's incredibly bulky his downward claw his downward Claw is really bizarre I almost feel like his uh phase blade is you kind of don't even realize it's there sometimes but it just looks like green background yeah it's definitely part of the flaw I feel like there was a version where the claw went up or something and that's the one I wish they'd gone with but I probably decided to make it go downward for framing or something so you say that and that brings up my issues with it I hate the background and I think that that's partially because it could have been something like that where like the claw was in a different position but they want to show something off in the background to show off the Doom stalker it just looks bad to me and I like the doomstock the doomstock is cool it's one of my favorite parts of it and it's just messy it's muted it just doesn't look good I do agree that the push towards a a more cryptic these necrons are really screwed up because the 60 million years sleep uh zombie style does give it like a lot of points if that front necron didn't look like his jaw was literally decomposing in front of us it would go to B I'm torn between High B low a but I do like it I don't like as much as you do Brad but it is pretty neat I'm gonna argue for bottom of a for right now if it has to go down it has to go down but it's up there with my favorites we've got some personal bias but that's how it goes yes but personal bias makes me want to push it up to a it's a very strong look for the necrons in my opinion all right Eric what do you want to talk about let's do standard Space Marines okay we had to get out of the way at some point just the the boys in blue yeah I mean it's it's you know it's one of those that like there's a certain aspect that the Space Marines are the reference to everything else kind of thing like that's your focal point through the 40K universe so like let's see what they've done with the Codex we've got technically two because there's the nine and then the ten but it's one they're the same art oh they did the different art they're the same art it's the same art but it's different our play is the same well here's a better question which one do you guys like better the 10th edition or the 10th edition one it's the 10th edition one but I I think the shocking thing is I don't hate the ninth Edition one uh you didn't grab the joke of no no I I got the 10th edition or tenth Edition you're forcing 10th edition I got that joke all right I'm just ignoring it because it wasn't very good we have a high bar for comedy we're not like those adeptus ridiculous guys who will just laugh at everything you bring me here on the day of my daughter's wedding and make fun of my jokes on the day of my Canadian retrieval yeah um so so personally I would just tell you like ninth or tenth better I'm sorry I like 10th better but I don't hate ninth and I like ninth better I like tenth better but I don't hate ninth either ninth feels to me like the biggest B we could possibly have like nothing can ever be as more of a b than this I think it is dead middle B I think Space Marines often get pigeonholed there but in this case because we're just judging art I do think this is a solid art but it could have been better and I honestly think the 10th edition codex just did it better my only flaw with the 10th edition codex is I [ __ ] despise the guy's hair cut in the bottom right corner it's so petty but like so if I'm able to step back I think 10th is better but I like ninth more because I like that style particularly like the banner it has a very painted art style yeah it calls to me more than the 10th one even though I look at the 10th and I'm like yeah all right I can see that being more uniform and and like the shot and all of that stuff just works better we're going the BSB of all Beats yes yeah all right which hey good job uh bricky oh so here's the question do I pick an s t or do I pick a d tier do your D tier because I'm going to possibly argue against it okay blood angels what I hate the blood Angel's artwork oh my God I think it's awful no it's not even like of the Space Marines I have like at least three that are worse it is tied to me with the worst holy [ __ ] that's I gotta hear your logic so it's not like complete you know again where we're this is like last place in the Olympics kind of stuff like all of this artwork is is very well done by the various artists but it's got problems for me yeah I mean it's one of those that like none of us could do any better it's easier to criticize than to make yeah like we're not actually attacking any of the artists but for me the main thing is that the main focal point guy has almost nothing about him that screams blood Angel to me besides the fact that he's red and has a chain sword I mean that's literally every Space Marine Special snowflake chapter bricky uh yeah okay but then we have like the Dark Angels and that Dark Angels has the best space being covered without a doubt but comparatively it's the fact that the bat the background has the cool Angelic within which which is neat but everything on the background from the bottom half is just this cluster of all kinds of shenanigans that I do not enjoy and my biggest sin red and green is a dog [ __ ] color mixture that's the best argument I feel like you change the like Smoky green anything else that's more interesting and it would be way better the only thing I would say would be worse would be if you did red on red and suffered the space holes issue of the Blue on Blue hard to tell everything that's happening yeah I still can't tell everything that's happening and they didn't even do that I know I do agree with you with the Smoky thing can cause issues because I think my problem is I love aspects of this but I definitely see the flaws you see too I do love the sanguinary guard in the background or sanguin or maybe I don't know what it's supposed to be again to your flaw those are cool I like them and I like that they're a little bit on the creepy side of things but I can definitely see the want to not have it be like a stinky green Battlefield they're in and it does tint them very Green from their gold it doesn't make any sense to to put green on this like I get it's a battlefield I know smoke can actually look green when you have but this was Art so you know like realism doesn't matter obviously green is like the easy complementary but like it's the wrong green for that in my opinion I guess I don't know I will give you the strongest thing I guess it is the green I'm shocked at how much you don't like it because I absolutely love the entire forward arm of the primary guy there and I like the guy up front is just the very classic off to the side look that like half of the Space Marines have which you would say is a boring thing but my only issue I thought you were going to bring it up his head looks tiny his head does look very tiny he has the black Templar issue oh black Templars is that is my actual worst I despise the black Templar one that's my tie with with blood angels is the black Templar one I think that's too low for blood angels I would put them with Space Wolves at worst I actually had them as slightly below proper Space Marines I would put top of D for blood angels but I would not put them above demons I would put them bottom of sea I'm with bricky on this one all right we'll put in D I'm out I'm out voted I do actually really like the creepy Angel Vibe going on but this green fog ruins that aspect of it I also think on one side of Point uh I do agree the arm is really cool but compared to like even black Templars for all of its faults it does kind of yell black Templars and so does Death Watch and Dark Angels uh Death Watch I'd argue has the muddle issue which I I would argue it shares with blood angels on that aspect it's a weakness of both in my opinion it does I don't love death watch but it does still yell Death Watch true the only thing that yells angels to me is really the angels in the background Behind Green fall and the green fog is definitely the low point of it for me and the Pinhead but let's just keep going then and get rid of all of the snowflakes so that we can move on to the more interesting factions uh black Templars I am putting below blood angels we can say they're tied if it makes you feel better I despise this art his head just ruins it his head his very tiny pistol flamer it's so small with how he is standing either his ax he's like the size of his chest or he has the world's smallest little pistol in his hand and I can't tell which is supposed to be the case I hate the fact that the framing looks like the the units in front are just like sitting down because he's like standing at a rock that's as tall as a man a lot of them have that issue but yeah it looks like they're just like oh I'm just sitting down on a break it's all good I think most of the Marine equivalent cover Arts suffer from the exact same framing issue of direction is we want front and center character and then down low below them should be all of the cool Baseline unit up above Sky possible flying unit or something like for blood angels before everything else just a sky of some sort they all have that Framing and it's very poor for all death watch sort of gets away from it Death Watch works okay honestly the main Space Marines is Extreme in that aspect and it gets away with it better than black Templars I think gray Knights gets away with it the best actually though we can argue they're not a space ring all in favor of black Templars on the bottom though say I I yeah I well so I don't think it's the worst code at cover but I think it's it's the worst of the Marines it shares down okay let's do Death Watch then I don't hate Death Watch as much as I hate black Templars or you guys hate blood angels the thing I will give black Templars where we said it kinda gets away from the problem all the rest have it shows a kill team yes I don't know if it's a legal kill team because I refuse to read this codex but it does show a kill team and not only does it show kill team but they all have individual weapons that relate to their team the Dark Angels of the plasma gun the Imperial fists with the big Shield it's very take the skills of each group I like that also this is the only one that escapes the man who is important big everyone else small because they are supposed to be an elite unit so you get the flow where it Slants down to the right then down to the left and you see the guy out front is the Scout forward it's much better done framing wise than most of them I really like the big Laser Center I don't know what it is I just like how it cuts through the Reds oh that's coming down from the sky yeah like the astermon honest laser or whatever yeah I will say it does suffer for me what you guys mentioned with blood angels with the foggy blast behind once you get behind your initial five dudes I can't make out [ __ ] like I see in the sky the silhouette for their stupid flyer but there's like some kind of like Banner thing it gets really muddy to me it doesn't have the issue up front though and I think that that's kind of okay the problem with blood angels is one of their interesting things in the art have become fuzzy or muddy or whatever you want to call it like it's it's no longer a focal point of the art it's out of focus but like death watch the out of focus stuff yeah it's not great the Red's a bit extreme but like it doesn't matter the kill team in the front is like pay attention to this the rest doesn't really matter so beats here then above Photon somewhere do you want to put it above or below space spring I'm a below Photon I'm like a mid B if we could do above voton for now we could just I thought you were the one who wanted low B for Photon for the short joke oh you're right well now we have to we have to be above Photon okay that's fair so what do we got left we've got Dark Angels Dark Angels is easily the best Marine one and it's not even close my many disses against the Dark Angels I can't diss your cover art I genuinely don't know what I would improve upon on this artwork it's got the weird Knighthood combo it has the plasma the colors are good it has all the weird little menials everywhere that's like revering the Marine like he's you know the deity as far as I'm concerned this is a clean s yeah I don't have a fault with this cover it is a great sales pitch for the faction which is what you should be shooting for with your cover of your codex it should make you want to play that faction I totally agree and again looking at backgrounds and stuff like that it doesn't really matter because like the background is just like a silhouette of a building kind of thing and that's all you need to know and there isn't extra like oh look at this call out kind of thing it's just like okay this is like there's people around and like it's a living environment kind of thing but it's not muddy and I do love the color fade from top to bottom of like orangish reddish yellow down towards the grayish Blues it's kind of overused sometimes but it works really well this was few times but the background really isn't as important because all the foreground Marines and then menials and stuff are just like there's enough foreground to the point where that background is just it's like a lighting requirement and everything in the foreground has lines drawing your eyes up to the central figure to keep you focused on what's important is just good this is how you do it it really does have a lot of perspective as well that just plays well is that all of them I think that's all of them I think we got away from space brains please bricky let's talk about anything except for them all right perfect well we did just come off a really high horse let's let's bring it down don't don't do it hey plus if he wants to bring it down chaos Bay screen is one of my top ones when we get to cast space range you'll need to shut me up with a rifle uh let's do Orcs Orcs depresses me it does not give me the feeling of pork it's so yellow and orange I hate the yellow it's why is this not green and it's very monotone it looks like someone to the saturation of it and like brought it down 25 I don't understand this cover it also has tiny man focal point syndrome like with Space Wolves yeah yeah the promo codex cover was very slanted towards just being a b snaga up close like this drive-by view of one but it's leagues better than this cover in my opinion I think the only positive I have for this cover is I really like seeing the giant death dread behind them I love the death tread that is the best part why are all your Orcs it's it's just like the space walls where it's a weird fish eye angle downward it looks like you're staring down on all of them you're looking at them all from the top essentially or they're all just hunched 90 degrees forward and just running forward with their heads shooting the ground which is a little orky but it doesn't work for the art it works particularly worse when you see that orc on the front right is like looking upwards like they're looks like they're firing literally into a ditch yeah that they just have to cross past them like like it looks like it looks like a little it looks like a little ditch and he's like he got past the dish and he's going up and like they're all firing into the dirt which is pretty orky In fairness but it just doesn't make any sense for the art yeah as funny as it is orc-like we're supposed to be selling Orcs as like hey it's the green tie because I mean it's you know it's like a bunch of boys or whatever or I mean they could have flipped it and been like oh let's focus on the vehicle aspect and that'd be cool as well but like and you just mentioned that air and it just made it even more annoying in my head it's a bunch of boys the guy in the center should be a war boss he's even got his wah Banner he is no bigger than the boys it is literally the core concept of Orcs follow the biggest boy this is your one time like a lot of these ones that shouldn't have it suffer from man is strangely bigger than everyone around him this is the one you [ __ ] up and it's the worst one to [ __ ] that up on yeah I just kind of hate it how low are we going though I think it's D I might put top of d d for DACA it feels wrong putting that above blood angels for me but I get that you guys really despise that one I'm sorry I would put up a blood angels still yeah same that's a rough one for me hey at least there's a cool saw in that works one the characters in the orc codex does shout orc it's just weird yeah all right let's continue the xenos and let's talk about 10th edition codex so the big change for me with tyrannins from 9th Edition to 10th edition is they added the weird the xenos tyranid logo behind them which they did on the space ring one too for the Imperium logo yeah it's all shiny and stuff I hope that doesn't become a thing and I know it's going to be a thing for the Edition it's gonna be a thing and it's stupid I didn't like it when they did it for magic cards I don't like it on the cover I actually like not having that on the art it it's fine to have like a logo somewhere like in like the text area if you put it up in like the Warhammer 40K Banner thing you put it in lower where like you're not focused so much by like the Codex here in its text somewhere in there sure whatever hot take I actually like the thing I think it's cool fair enough there's a lot of people that do like it like I said like the magic cards that have that kind of stuff people love those as well they're very popular they are not for me yeah I do have to say this 9th 10th edition codexr it's a huge step down from the Raymond Swanson art from eighth edition the tyranid warrior one that one's pretty iconic the artist that did that you probably aren't a big magic player but he's a big Magic Artist and you can literally pick out every art he's ever done from a lineup he has a style if I show you random gun cards he's done you'll be like wow that's the guy who did the Tyranny 8th Edition codex art so one thing I do want to give a call out I'm I'm so glad you brought this up that codex R does the thing with like popping out of the board yeah I think that was an eighth edition one it's the same as the seventh edition art and I think it was like a slight framing difference between those two I absolutely love that idea of like if you're gonna put a framing on it which you don't have to that's fair if you're going to do that play with it to your advantage and this does fantastic job of it that being said I actually prefer the 9th and 10th edition codex where they are cover to cover not a need for a pop out in the center that's fair but that said I don't think it's terrible I just think it's uninspired you know like b c tier B tier somewhere in there ironically I find this to be almost the reverse problem of the issues we've been having before the hive Tyrant looks really good like he just looks great does he look as good as the tyranid warrior and the old one and not quite but he looks good ironically this is a situation where I think unlike before I want more in the background yeah this should be the Swarm you can't see the ground because there's more tyranids I needed more things happening in the background I needed more gargoyles I needed sporem lines it would be a great one to be the Counterpoint to the guard one yeah a capillary Tower would be awesome coming down from space like I needed something else in the background to sell this like Unstoppable Menace like the little tourmigon hormagon in the front looks great they look really good I just need a bit more do like another 50 of those having behind your hive Tyrant like have it flow up a hill and you just see the Swarm behind him as he's pointing forward I could see that improving it so where do we want to actually put it for what it is like high B like top of B yeah I can't really argue it going to a compared to Space Marines do I like it more that's probably about the same I have no opinion on the Space Marine art it's the perfect bee it's the BSB of all time I'm gonna paste an image that I remember from Starcraft this is kind of what I want yeah yeah you want that effect exactly oh yeah that's really good here's the big focal point and then the rest of the Swarm kind of thing that's going to overrun you it doesn't matter like this is the cool focal point but you still gotta deal with the rest all right Eric you're up the only biggest hot take we've had is the blood angels so far I wonder where we're gonna get into real hot take territory let's go with Tau Tau is Space Marines but there are Tau instead of Space Marines it's the same art these are the same picture that was my thought when I saw the cover for the first time look at the blood angels one and then look at the Tau one it's the exact same lighting as the generic space ring one from nine yeah that too the orange I look at it and I'm like yeah it tells me on Tau I know what I'm getting into but I hate it what do you hate about it it looks Bland compared to a Gundam that's fair and I'm sorry but like everybody who looks at Tao is going to compare it to a Gundam yeah that's why they did it so I look at it I'm just like yeah I can't knock it for Miss selling or click baiting or whatever you're getting what's on the tin but [ __ ] hell is it boring okay so I don't know if you ever saw the cover for it Eric so that's the eighth edition cover which is the exact same unit but it feels more Dynamic and that's just so much [ __ ] cooler I want to Pilot that Mac I actually I think my favorite part of that art is the guy in the upper right lunging who's blocked by the Warhammer logo but the whole point is it's a great art from an energy standpoint whereas the 9th Edition one is it's the Space Marine cover art but it's towel it just it does what it's supposed to do I guess I just gonna compare it to Gundams and I'm gonna compare it to things that would be that similar kind of effect and I [ __ ] hate times the part that really annoys me is you've got a sweet broadside like my all-time favorite towel looking suit in the back but there's like a haze over it so you can barely make out that the broad side is there I honestly didn't even know it was a broadside but now that you say I was like oh yeah okay it may not actually be a broadside it looks like a broadside but that's the whole point is you gotta show off something awesome like that I know it was probably part of the art Direction this isn't the artist choice where they get told you are going to put this character type front and center here are his lackeys they will be surrounding him up front low just like with all these other ones and don't forget to put these drones and throw one drone on there like the space rings have to have a Space Marine flag I think of this codex cover like I think of tau is a faction I just don't care great they're going right next to Space Marines enjoy I would put them lower than that honestly like it invokes so few it's like a blank is standing next to me like there's just I have no emotions about this codex it invokes nothing for me it does nothing it's kind of like um when you play a video game that's just it's the only thing that's worse than being bad it's being Bland absolutely we should have like a separate Bland tier I'm with you here's what we'll do because they copied space Marine's homework wherever Space Marine lands and beats here Tau will land there in seat here just just right below it's like vertically so you just constantly can look up and down and check their homework you know it's unfortunate too because like with the demons codex you know that artwork is commissioned by GW like they have their idea for the artwork and then someone makes it happen I actually really don't mind the fire Warriors in the front no they're very well done from a technical level it is good strong art it's just it's how they wanted to direct it it's just and honestly it's one of those that bad is kind of better than Bland a lot of times because generally when it comes to art bad things have a as long as it's even competently done which they all are we'll have the like oh this person likes it kind of thing most people hate it but this person likes it bland is just Bland man bad is in a feeling that is invoked bland is not even a feeling yeah so what do we want to hit next then Ricky gave us a nest here oh it's time let's do it chaos Space Marines yeah it is in my opinion undoubtedly Undisputed the best codex art out of every single one of them I would make another tier that's specifically above s that says chaos based Marines okay let's do that live right now so that borrelio screams while he's editing and then it adjusts the entire uh tier list up and down one yes that's the best part fantastic it is everything I've ever wanted there is a giant burning red warp portal a chaos lore that is dual wielding power swords and Shane axes and then a combination of just the most heinous and horrifying cultists and CSM units around him and it's it's beautiful it is everything I have ever wanted I feel like I want to take Parts away because it's got the whole like here's big person with small people in front no you cannot it's so good it just actually does it like really well and honestly the art style it feels so good for what they're trying to do it feels gross it feels like if I look at it for too long I'm going to go insane which is not what the demons invoke exactly all the strong like the lineiness of everything it feels so good because it hurts your eyes in a way but like in a good way like oh I love everything even the background color is this weird like broken up halo illumination kind of thing where it's not like clean looking it's all gnarly lines it screams Heavy Metal the man is being haloed by hell it is very cool not only is the art cool it [ __ ] Nails CSM all right but we've all agreed too much so I'm gonna start a fight are you ready let's talk about adeptice custodies trash it is a totally fine codex cover you must defend this opinion I had zero opinions on this codex until you went off pre-show very fascinating to me all right all right you you want me to defend my my opinion on why I think it's bad it has a little birdie on it okay one why is there that little birdie it's very strange because they're the talons of the emperor man and it's symbolic okay look at his ax oh no the ax is terrible but that's most of these Imperial weapons it's so big it looks like that cutscene where Kratos gives like atreus the ax and it's way way too big boy boy I was gonna make a similar reference for a different codex all right when we get there it looks like a it's like a foam ax let's say I think I'll win at the fair I will give you that that is one of the flaws against it I actually think one of my major flaws for it is below his feet where there's the Big Bear open space it's like living flesh or whatever it is it's very weird that's actually like totally one of my problems with the book I love the lightning bolt behind him I like the symbolic Eagle that part works for me I agree comedy acts but that's only some points off the weird fleshy ground he's standing on without issue no helmet or protection on the sister in front of him looks like she's kind of disappointed the sister looks weird that's another a big step against it for me is that she is not the focal point of the image and she has more screen space than the focal point does she's very high up for where she should be there's some weird stuff going on in the art I really don't think it's the lowest though the best part of it is the dude of the right he is that he is carrying this art even the Dreadnought is like angled weird he's like oh look uh chicken nuggets and he's leaving oh yeah he's tipping out of the frame to the left I'll give you that one I don't disagree with you on the vast majority of these things but I could say them about the death watch one that's sitting in B tier even ignoring that it sells custodies look at the models that custodies has tell me that this doesn't it doesn't sell custodies for me it's what you're gonna get from most of the models I'm sorry but their models are old hold on hold on I know what sells custodies for me here it is oh God that artwork why is it so small they do this it's impossible to ever click on any kind of artwork why are you having so much trouble with this I don't know this to me sells custodians it's a little dark because this is like a dramatic it's not supposed to be this dark it's supposed to be lighter than that but yeah like you could like cut out like the center part there and add some lighting behind it and it's just like literally it's like every custodian is a hero and he is just waiting through these guys and I love it this is the art that we're looking at is from the versus box of Gene sealers Shadow Throne I will give you this is a better main character look it represents custodians I think it just shows them off as a unit I guess I don't know I just feel like they look so Derpy from he's over swinging on that one I get what you're saying with that and that's probably a better art for showing off a custody the problem with this I think it's a problem with the actual codex cover and Cassidy's in general they're accurately showing off how few custodians should be anywhere there's two dudes and one sister there or two sisters there and that's it and like that's how most fights involving custody should be you don't need 10 custodians to take out a room one will do but it is a bit strange for a cover art where it's supposed to be if you're putting it with all the other covers it's supposed to feel in line with them and they're all a group it feels like there's more custodies than there are tyranids on the tyranid one I was about to say a few of the code like the new Space Marine one has only two guys in it well yeah but that's a new 10th edition one that will be exclusive to only Space Marines and everyone else will get their ninth Edition one well look like yeah Tyrion was there is only three like it does feel a little and we knocked them for that we did I don't know man I think custodians is the worst one I think D tier if you want to put it above black Templars because you just whatever but I feel like it's C tier oh no I want to put it above chaos demons but you're going to scream if I put it that high up above demons I want to put demons down below blood angels so can we do this can we put it below blood angels and demons below it and we both win and we both get to [ __ ] on the Codex we hate oh okay fine how about do this you like the Orcs more than the chaos demons yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay okay you cannot okay get demons back up and see if you have to put custodians in seats here put it on the bottom and for c for custodies I will accept that because it's funny fair enough I do think custodies is better than Orcs if we're comparing it directly to the thing below it right now I think the color alone causes it to be better than Orcs yeah I think you might be right on that one I'm slowly hating Orcs more and more it's awful I might put Orcs as the worst now instead of custody it's really bad let's put Orcs all the way down there we'll use that as our litmus test if anything is truly awful all right okay what do we want to hit next it's you now so who do you want do you want to brag about how much better your Spaceman is than everybody else for cover art no I want to hold that into that the back pocket okay Let's do let's do one of the knights let's do Imperial nights okay I don't love this one chaos Knights wins yellow yellow yellow I hate yellow the blue and yellow is actually a fine combo I think it works for Imperial Knights and you're getting an awkward look at the Knight just like with chaos Knights there's a Titan in the background why is there that's one of my problems is that what that is yeah that's a tape which is which is [ __ ] hell no no I have two major problems he is just shooting off screen which is very lame like most of the covers and it's why I actually am going to rank chaos Knights much higher and the other one is he's not the coolest thing on his cover you're showing off a different faction behind him wouldn't you rather play the bigger one also yeah he he's firing at something completely unrelated to the swath of chaos Space Marines directly below his feet yes which you could say is supposed to be him being a badass but like he's just gonna stomp through them kind of thing like but we know that's not going to be the case also melts of grenades do a hell of a lot of I know you should not be walking over something that might have a melta well intent you probably could but no grade stretch him three Mortals I actually quite like the if we got rid of the background I feel like we could do something really interesting with like you know you frame it in like a village kind of lower buildings kind of thing and like be like okay this is your big night kind of thing like you give it that kind of Framing and it would be really cool but it looks small comparatively and then the things that it's walking over look even like tiny and it's just like what the things that walking over looking tiny is the thing I'll give it it shows off how massive they feel to another faction I'm good with that aspect of it but everything below his knees is dust above him is a cooler dude his shoulders being blown off it's a real weird energy coming off this image for this night I do not like it nearly as much as when we get to chaos nights I don't think this is an exceptionally good one it's not the worst by any means but it's very emotionless energy-less no fun it feels very space wolfy to me it feels Bland like even if the gun was just kind of angled differently in less box C or maybe if the Knight was like uh what's the one that has two guns right you should know that I don't play loyalist all of mine are the same they're all a spoiler uh well whatever the point is like like two guns would have been kind of maybe more interesting it's just it looks really Bland remember do you remember the old uh eighth edition Imperial Knights artwork that one has a hand in it but it looks really cool it's not my favorite either I just hated the color palette though oh you know okay actually I screwed up that was uh not you're thinking the chaos night one no no no I was thinking of let me insert this because I can actually do this now that I figured it out I'm so proud thanks grandma oh where'd it go oh no oh no Grandma didn't figure it out oh there it is it's above custody's what did you do oh it's just huge oh yeah that that art is fantastic you are correct I think we've used that on several episodes It's essentially the same dude with different guns slash hands he magged his model it shows how well framing can do for it kind of thing like take the same Framing and just leave what we've got with the current codex one which not a great pose the other one's better but like even just plopping this one into that same kind of background siding it just looks better I also just realized that because of his missile launcher I think I like the one without it better it gives a better silhouette oh yeah but I do think Imperial Knights will still see I think like mid C I put it above Tau because of just like out of principle because common Imperial W is it better than Space Wolves though I don't think so it's very close I don't care yeah I care about neither of them let's do chaos nights while we're at it all right chaos nights uh much much better exact same homework it's metal as hell he's slicing a redemptor read into on the screen while looking away in disgust caring about other problems he's done with that fight he's he's looking at a breakdown he's looking at the other Marines he's like oh you want this too huh You're Next yeah I just love the skull helmets too chaos Knights just look better we're just the winners they do I mean it's us here right it's damn close if it isn't I think it's a to me this is like chaos based Marines I [ __ ] love this art everything about it does exactly what I'm expecting and it does it so well and the colors work and I'll put it at the top of a probably above IG but below s okay so my issue with it is entirely because I don't like it when uh codexes have too many enemy combatants on screen Fair there's something about that just kind of bugs me at times and the Dreadnought takes up a lot of real estate even though it's awesome to watch it die I normally agree with you that's like a selling point to me chaos Knights are so badass that like all of these other their units like the other factions mean nothing the r sells that to me I'll agree it's good yeah I'm trying to make my selling point for us too so I actually don't like it as much as guard but I am I am very biased on guard though do you know what he doesn't have a problem with figuring out where his last gun gets loaded you're right he's also got better lips he doesn't know just just because it was funny yeah we'll keep him on top of this or top of a all right uh I almost got it you almost yeah you guys slip up I was like take it let's talk about one that I think is going to divide eldari I know Ricky is on the record as the world's largest fan of eldari he's up there with me in Black Templars I can't talk to a single Warhammer player without that brought up just like Ricky loves the zeldar doesn't he was like oh that's so funny Brad you're such a comedian everyone in our audience thinks they're original when they make black Templars jokes because it's my running joke of hating black Templars it's okay so you know when like a dog sees you place on like your phone to record and he runs up to sniff it that's what the Striking scorpion is doing right there he is so in framing he is so close it bugs the hell out of me that's hilarious I didn't think of it that way but now I'll never not so before I say where I am where are you Brookie you're the lead on this one because it's your favoritest I'm like B okay the dude in the left the Farsi or whatever is really cool the flying dude is in a good frame the background is pretty good but I don't like the dogs in the front so okay I actually would put it to a so hilariously I kind of hated the things in the front and then was like you're like oh it's like a dog and I was like yeah that's cool [ __ ] now let's go you want Eric over with dogs yeah I was like well this was kind of like a you know a low B maybe but now I'm like oh maybe it's an eighth year that's pretty [ __ ] cool it might only be B but I would put it high in B if I did so my thoughts are the autark flying is such a win for this framing setup that they all seem to be enforced with and it's why when we get death guard fantastic at the same job and it's why I wish tyrants had been a flying Hive Tyrant if they had to keep this going on like you have the free out if you have a flying character to have the character be above everybody else and look more important and it makes sense and like No One's Gonna doubt why this man is flying some of the jetpack characters you could say it might look a little silly on the cover art because jet packs in general are but when you've got your fake ass Wings on your jet pack it's hella cool it's just like yeah okay and I would argue one of my only things the far series is amazing I almost wish the farseer was the central character just because I think they're one of the best things going for selling an Eldar character though the wings are probably selling that autark yeah I I think my only issue with it is that it's just a little bit I don't know like like the shape is a little strange I guess I still find the Striking scorpion weird so the thing that's against it and why it will definitely never hit perfect is one there is a two image effect going on where you can draw a u-shape below the autark and there are two separate images him up top and everyone below him who is unrelated there's no flow between the two in my opinion and also this is not the fault of the cover or anything other than the design of Eldar oh [ __ ] off I [ __ ] hate [ __ ] off that it doesn't look like a unified Force because they couldn't even wear a uniform because every Eldar has to be special and paint themselves their special Jedi Council color I do not know that the Striking scorpions are like the ultra special we gotta be green even when everyone else is dressed in red I do think the green color does throw it off a little bit also I don't much like the eldar's Eggheads I always think it's weird but that's that's just an Eldar problem as I've argued before Eldar have the worst helmet designs until you get to wraiths where the bowling head pin is so dumb it comes back around to the coolest thing ever I mean I don't know how you can say that with howling banshees exists and they're awesome no I don't like howling band she's that's a take that I've gotten in trouble with our commenters for before I am not a fan that is like one of the few other things I do think are kind of cool even though I have a personal grudge against them as a night Lords fan let's toss them at like high B probably just above tyranid because I think I like it better than Tyrion it's just because I love the idea of the flying I'm okay with that I feel like I want it to be a and if they had changed the angles of all of the other guns to be focused in like the same parallel angles to you know the primary autarks gun angling it could work and like tie them together because you're absolutely right right now they're two separate images that are just superimposed but you could have made it so like if everybody was slightly shifted and all of the you know like have those lines like make the other guns the fingers the pointy sticks whatever you want to have pointing in the same direction and it'll tie them together because it doesn't have that I'm fine would be all right where are we going next then uh let's just do gray nights gray nights I think is hands down other than Dark Angels the best powered armor Imperium faction that's gonna get taken out of context I think they're good I don't love it I love certain aspects of it I don't think any of them are perfect like Dark Angels is I like the color scheme the purple looks good I love how hard they've gone into the gray Knights aesthetic with the uh sheer volume of [ __ ] on them yes my biggest strike against this there is not a single psychic power being used that's one of two strikes I'll give it Eric the other one is I'm not sure what you're gonna say but I want more hammers okay that one's fine mine was going to be it's showing off two strike Marines in The Terminator faction yeah but I've kind of given up on that fight they're not necessarily the Terminator faction they're a Terminator faction because of their balance it shoots they have plenty of strike Marines no they're supposed to be the valid in faction like that's their thing yeah one of their things Armory wise is they're supposed to have one of the highest densities of Terminators they only use non-terminator armor when it makes sense they don't have an issue sourcing Terminators like everybody else actually you are right I forgot about that part of the lore that gets into the whole thing as to why they have paladins and Terminators as a Terminators being troop slash battle line now but like they are the Terminator faction you know you actually that is a good point I I may have been mistaken that's one of the flaws I have with it is I really wish one of the two guys up front had been a Terminator too someone needs to fire lightning out of their hands I was expecting some type of like warp storm going on in like the backgrounds of like wait he is a librarian that's a book on his back he's a terrible librarian he's casting gun he's from 10th edition oh [ __ ] this is your 10th edition codex I mean casting gun is something he will do simultaneously but someone needs to have lightning or something coming from somewhere absolutely it could be a background aspect of it you know it should be front and center but the fact that it doesn't have anything is weird I do like the purple though I really like this color scheme of the purple background and it's not like there's other stuff going on that like oh they put a [ __ ] random flyer in there because you know gray Knights have Flyers it does have problems but it's still an amazing art I love the glowing eyes even the guy who is in the dark up front the glowing eyes still give you the satisfaction that it's not just a blurry mess up front which is something a lot of the Space Marines ones suffer from I still like this one a lot I think it's probably a tier somewhere it'd be the lowest Faith here I'm not as huge on it but I will go with a tier two of ease to appease the gray Knight in the room I screwed up a lore thing and I must atone all of your uh credentials on on basing that one is a shot huh hey man that was ridiculous has gone on record many times as being hated by a lot of the Old Guard Warhammer players because we are so laissez-faire with how we tell our stuff and we get [ __ ] wrong we are hated by them because I actively wish for the death of old Marines as a unit type so oh you're you're a firstborner cringe type person huh oh you can find that in many of our episodes you will yeah you definitely won't like friends that way our comment sections have some fantastic yeah I once what they did with Stern guard just a nice redo I [ __ ] despise the little piggy face mask they added to the stern guard give them their their Darth Vader rip off no I hate the piggy oh all right well uh you know what let's all right let's let's bring an S tier out here all right let's bring a unanimously adored one at Mech this is s tier it is not a perfect one but it is damn close I don't know if there's anything I would change on it I have a single request what is your single request can he not be doing the boy meme hands the prey Emoji no I refuse disagree I love the fact that he has a mechanical Pair of Hands praying and a flesh Pair of Hands also praying with an additional pair of hands holding a an ax it is the most admic thing I have ever seen it is kind of yeah I reject your opinion I reject it I just I love every aspect of this art but every time I look at his hands it just makes me giggle and I can't take it seriously and it's so good in Grim dark in every other way I guess you could say it summarizes 40K well by that aspect of good and Grim dark with then there's the comedy undertone the the little bit of dirt something goes a little too Derpy on it I could argue that almost makes it more 40K it's so overly complex in a good way I love this art so much it is incredible like I'm not kidding I found a really really high-res art piece somewhere in like the Deep bowels of the internet and use the merch poster printer machine to print myself it and it's on my wall I love this artwork the only reason the CSM one isn't honest because I couldn't find it so there you go go Below in the YouTube comments and share that for bricky yeah you can find it I think one of its strengths that would generally be a weakness elsewhere is that like it is so intricate for this single focal but like that's the point of admac so like generally I would say like okay you've gone a bit too much on this one part but no it Nails it pretty well can we just talk about one fact this one Fades into a turquoise smoke behind it blood angels is a puke green one and there is a world of difference between those oh yeah I mean there's also the fact that like the Smoke's not trying to hide an awesome part of the like if you put the smoke in front of this guy yeah like that's basically the difference between the S and D tier I cannot think of him like screaming boy this has improved the artwork I know that's that's the one thing and it it was why I laughed so hard that you had a different God of War joke and I'm like I'm just thinking of the boy meme every time I look at ad Mech I I think when you get like silly Warhammer stuff people will either go one of two ways like it's so stupid it's awesome or it's so stupid it's not awesome yeah and Warhammer rides that line really hard Warhammer doesn't ride that line it skips back and forth over it like a toy yeah yeah you're right which is fun all right what's next let's not just talk about pure bangers the whole way through here let's talk about one of my least favorite arts on any codex cover drukkari I knew what this was before you even started saying it I hate this cover I look at her it's like she got hit with Gmod ragdoll physics and she's like every single time I look at this art and and from what I remember I think there's an expanded like there's more to this art in a direction and when you look there you're like this isn't bad art but when you look at the centerpiece area of this art she's weightless in a bad way it doesn't show Grace it shows like she's in zero g and doesn't know how to actually do it this is like your training course of zero g she's halfway through swinging her sword five miles from anybody it drives me nuts and it's not just my hatred of which part of the army I know that someone out there will be like you just like homunculus covens and hate witches but like I mean you do it's true but you could do good witch art I've seen it I really love the sisters versus rukari Lilith art that always makes me laugh because the Palatine that's fighting with Lilith is like so dead yeah like it's not even a question she is going to be mulched so she's got like a 301 melee profile yeah and she's like just like oh we're I'm gonna engage in close range uh fist to cuffs with this with Lilith hesperax like girl are you insane I will give the dracaryar one thing I like all the Raiders flying down that's kind of neat I enjoy that aspect I like the color palette a lot too the orange turquoise thing that's going on plays well with truecari's Canon whichever cabal I'm thinking of is color scheme I think that big black blot on the top should just be removed and it should just stay orange all the way through that's worse on the uh so 9th Edition had the like deluxe covers or whatever that were like the day one only covers and they all SWAP the Warhammer from the top to the bottom for some reason but all of the tops is empty space on these Arts because they knew a logo Banner was supposed to be there it's hideous when you look at the drakari one I think spacewolves is the other one where it looks horrendous but because it is like truly black space up there it is the opposite of what you want on that cover holy [ __ ] oh my God it's literally just nothing the art ends and they just it's just like oh space is black right they're they're coming from space it's fair it's correct for the framing they were probably given of like keep the top 15 blank because there's going to be a logo there so they just you know fill it in with some background details for all the Arts but when you got to the promo versions of these I think it was them and space holes it was jarring how bad it was with drakari there is interesting things that you can do and they tried with all the boats but I think they failed I really just hate the main character of this one so much you know what's even worse in the that cover art specifically the one Pleasures one the one right below her butt is doing the exact same thing almost worse yeah yeah there's no fluidity in this animation and all and it's real I I go full on D for jucari okay good I'm glad Eric what do we want to talk about uh let's do death guard while I think gray Knights manages to be one of the top factions for Power Armor for the Imperium chaos just gets so many W's that I put death guard in like high a maybe someone could argue me up to S and they're not even my favorite of the remaining chaos ones I give death guard a clean a I don't think it reaches s territory but it gets a clean a all right we can put it right below your beloved IG what do you think Eric you seem to have a different opinion I think you guys are right with it being an a I just it doesn't sell death guard to me other than like there's that green splotch that I totally agree with it's not the plague I should be [ __ ] disgusted and I'm not yeah that gets into like because it's Morty it's just Canon Morty and he's not that like grotesque and half of dead you can do that with non-named characters what if you put him next to blood angels and the smoke that's going off the left side is becoming their whole background does it feel more deathgardy it would yeah it honestly would to me like it would have this like oh he's like turning this plant into a plague you know I gotta say my key thing is it does everything the Eldar cover does to help with the direction of big main character above all minions but it does it while making him feel like part of the structure while having the excuse of wings to do it I love that aspect so much it Nails what all the space rings are trying to do slightly better than how gray Knights managed to do it without the wings yeah I'm on board so there is a death guard like wallpaper art and they go look with this much heavier like rustic Machinery vibe that sells it to me way more yeah with like the swampy that's gross but it's also not like the hard thing about disgusting gross on a cover is people don't want to see disgusting gross stuff just when they're walking by yeah you can't go too far yeah but like this is a though like oh you just you're glancing by you don't it's like oh yeah that's whatever then you look at it you're like oh yeah the longer you look at the the worse it becomes like whenever I think of death guard I think of like Point Lookout in Fallout 3. like like an old ferryman swamp yeah we used this exact art as a background in a YouTube episode and while I was reviewing it for borrelio well he was painting across this I was getting lost at the background details and I just I remember falling in love with the background in this art like it's not even like the part of it that you're supposed to care about it's such a good piece can I argue death guard to like the bottom of a all right we can put them below necrons but above gray nights fine I just think it does literally gray nights slightly better I agree it's not bad especially when you're showing me like this other stuff that like yeah in comparison that's just way better of a death guard look do you know what I just thought of we're now 70 through this episode so no one in the audience who is going to be the cause for this is still watching us I imagine someone who's half paying attention sees bricky's name clicks on video zooms over to the final results seeing to your list for codexes sees death guard gray Knights necrons all in a and he's like these guys are [ __ ] idiots is that because that's all of your guys's uh stuff no it's because necrons was a famously bad codex death guard was a famously bad codex in ninth oh oh you're referring to power wise yeah oh yes yes if someone didn't realize what the episode actually was about I can already see drukari were broken for half the addition why are they indeed here why are tyranids and beats here they were like insanity well these last four this is an interesting one I think I despise too and loved to and I think I can say that and you may have a different ones than me so I like one a door two and I'm lukewarm on one okay which one do you want to discuss first you know what I'm curious let's do K Suns this is without a doubt s tier it is other than chaos Bay Springs because they just got the best art it is the best chaos art it is so good I disagree but I do agree with s tier I think it is absolutely s tier I love all the eyeballs on the cape which is the coolest thing ever the Thousand Suns helmets with the weird flowy sorcery crap all over it and the and especially the background the backgrounds oh have you seen the expanded art too oh yeah it looks so good hey Sons is very very good it's not my favorite outside of CSM but I try not to judge it on the full art I agree it has to be for the Codex the full art is possibly my favorite art of any of these for the expanded full art but it is so good I will say that the Codex is crop is still good but it lacks some of what makes this feel so awesome I wanna put it above Dark Angels but I'm not sure if you guys will let me uh what do you think Eric it's Below ad Mech probably even with my bias yeah I will not allow you to put it above ad Mac no no it's wrong I don't like the how do I say this the background Halo aspect ah lighting him up yes it doesn't make any damn sense to me even in the extended one warp [ __ ] it sounds like zinch is doing his job yeah I'm like I have no problem with abstract backgrounds around thousand suns that is like key and that's why I'm saying I'm having troubles explaining it and and that's because I think it's the this core White that then goes into the green blue thing whatever color that is it would make more sense if it was blue but that would kill the cover art portion and thus look worse actually even though it would probably feel better it would feel more like what I would expect but it would look worse so yeah not an art person and explaining art terms is difficult oh yeah we're all gonna get roasted when actual people who understand art come here yeah I mean it's it's good I want it zoomed out just a little bit more to add the gunfire so you can actually get that front gun profile because one thing that I value more than most people probably do is having perspective lines follow the same parallel you know like like here's a perspective and it all matches and like his hand giving off the like lightning psychicness follows where you would expect that first gun to be kind of like oh they're both pointing at near the same object okay like they're pointing towards a direction that makes sense and you don't really get that from the Codex um but but yeah I mean it's still good I have to give props to the artist for finding a way to take thousand Sons with their infinite trim and find a way to somehow invent more of it that isn't even there on the official over trimmed models I was I agree they literally have their trim coming off of their bodies I love it I love the art style of this I love his gigantic Cape that's like infinitely flowing the color of the cape the the like Ruby magenta mixed with the the clean white filled with goddamn eyeballs is super cool I like it a lot s tear somewhere but uh wherever yeah just below ad Mech I gotta know bricky I feel like you said something pretty suss here I knew that would get you you're so easy wow why do you have your [ __ ] sound effect part I use a road Caster Pro too use [ __ ] streamer anyway you were saying do not tell borrelio how to buy one of those or our episodes will look like your streams well I I don't see a problem with that anyway what's the sus thing you were gonna say you sussy sus man I said they were my favorite non-chaos Space Marines chaos we've only got one left and you said no world eaters yeah I think world eaters are better oh my God I have them super low I love the world eaters codex oh my God I hate this thing so okay remember what we were you were talking about the like the almec boy yeah thing yeah this to me is just other versions of admik boy across the entire codex and it's so over the top that I find it incredibly endearing he's so chunky yeah he works out no not that kind he looks just like the votan guy no he doesn't does not he is Zangief why later they took off his black carapace too to take it all off so that he could look like he's got a normal human arm just so that they could show you that he's not fat and they were trying to draw Muscle every single complaint you have in this method strengthens me more I'm with Berkey on this one why is the one guy mini angron up front so real quick I just uploaded the full art like we talked about with K Suns oh the full Art's way better holy [ __ ] why didn't they use the other half look at it you get anger on for one at the top left you get my favorite character in every codex art which is ax Face McGee on the left whatever the hell that thing is just use the left half GW you already paid for this art just use the left half of this art on your next codex it's better I love the world years are it's much like World eaters too much in every single aspect where it goes it's like I think of like DOTA it's everything is overpowered so nothing is sure I think it's St or above K Suns I'm on board with breaking on this one like it's it's World eaters it's so over the top it's so [ __ ] stupid it's cool like the pile of bleached of already bleached skulls covering their feet they brought it with them right the many problems I will never give corn the perfectly bleached skulls is a problem that just it's so classic and then you have the eight pound dude doing the kiss face is that what he's supposed to be up front he's supposed to be an eight bound yeah he's a neighbor I can't tell he looks like angra but the eight pound just look like jacked up dudes I hate that model which is a whole different thing but I hate the lore behind that model too but I love it there is nothing about this artwork that I don't think is hilarious in a great way why on the left side is that an Arco flagellant did he get mixed up and turned around oh it's a jackal it was a sister's joke I know I know but you were wrong so so ignored it yeah that's how you finish that but so like like this artwork to me is like the artwork definition of Metal Gear Rising Revengeance I will give you that it's just so stupid it it's amazing you guys are arguing it up but like you're arguing it up from D to a maybe I still think it's below gray Knights I think it's top of a I think it's better than K Suns I'm not letting you go that high with it I will accept that I won't let you go above case since well you put it with chaos Knights I will not allow it to not be an S tier all right or or okay I'll give you top of a I'll let it be the thing right in front of chaos Knights it's much higher than I would personally put it but you're both up in us to your land it's it's up there it's bottom ass top a somewhere it's so dumb and cool I'm okay with top of it I like it as like the gatekeeper of like you want to enter s you have to enter through US yeah exactly feel like that chaos Knight could do it and he just chop these boys ain't growing is literally in that cover hang ground's gonna be having to roll three sixes it's not that hard I know I really like world leaders from a gameplay standpoint I just I've never been a fan of world leaders art and this art I hate more than most I really like the left half now that I've seen the full picture but we're not judging off of the stuff that's not on the picture right I mean the whole art is super cool I will give you as soon as you added the left half I like this a lot more also I feel like the digital version of this bursts the actual physical codex cover here the digital one is cleaner and is less washed out I like that better because like the red is redder versus the orange because that's one of my problems is this is a very mono color codex art yeah but it's world leaders I like it more because of yeah because it's mono colored which is just singular Direction okay we're going for gruel smash okay yeah you're not wrong you're just misinformed on the objective the the main guy has a has an ax called Gore child I refuse to accept your statements fair enough all right I guess uh I've forgotten about it for long enough Gene Steelers is still a thing he remembered yeah one of these days I'll actually it'll be so ingrained it'll just always be on the tip of my tongue I'm 50 50 on what Brookie's gonna say oh you said one of the two left is mid I think of the two left Jean Steelers is an S tier cover beautiful design philosophy it's wonderful in every grotesque way and I think sisters is terrible I'm really hoping you're not a fan of the sister's cover right now but you know me and my my sister's bias you can't have it above Gene Steelers you think Jean Steelers is awesome it's a wonderful cover no I'll give you I'll give you my my I'll give you both right now uh sisters is bottom of B okay but maybe above Photon for principal that's sure and Gene Stewart coal is a clean s tier thank God thank God all right I think it's right below ad actually it's such a beautiful stylized oh I love it so much it's incredible in every way I particularly love the giant statue being dragged down by the wires in the in the background my favorite part is the gross fat jowls like the bald guy oh yeah the the main lady the the Magus or whatever it's called it's so gross and Dooney like it's beautifully done I love it this art is disgusting every person on this art is disgusting and I love them yeah they look like the army of inbred aliens unfortunately for guard they look similarly close to that man in the front cover I mean hey it could be we don't know where do you want to put it in s here I mean It's gotta be like the bottom I like it more than caissons but I'll give you that no way come on I think it and AD Mech are so same amazing art style oh they're very good I guess I just don't get jean Steelers because I think it's fine but the best part is the background and I don't even like the color to me it's The Creep Show I love the artwork too much if we want to go bottom of us to get to give you a little bit of of it that's fine a lot of my problems with like you're saying it's gross and stuff is like it's not the kind of gross that actually intrigues me there needs to be more extreme body horror going on other than just the faces are kind of ripped apart that gets in the whole Gene sealers isn't that though yeah and I agree that could be more fun but it's just not how Gene sealers function more wise I like the inbred hick family yes in the woods coming to murder you on a galactic scale The Hills Have Eyes it is The Hills Have Eyes but in a in a Miner's Uprising kind of thing I don't know what it is it's so unique but I love the color I love just the the gigantic Baron harconan double chin of the lady there it's like it's great it's so good all right so sisters thank God I I was so worried sisters really suffers from new unit syndrome it's a shame like they have such character and it's such a boring cover I don't think it's a bad cover it's just boring like towel for me it's not that bad to me it is I think sisters has so so much potential and it's the same exact thing of like yeah I look at it and I get the tin I'm in agreement at sisters but I just don't care I can't put it below Space Wolves though I just uploaded the old sisters 8th Edition art this art screams sisters with the cherubs and the gigantic braziers and the generally like kinda ugly Warrior looking sisters like it's yeah they're not pretty ladies they're no people that are trying to destroy chaos I I love that a lot yeah if you had had this Frame this would be CSM tier to me it's kind of the same color palette same layout but just way better done but I think that that's why I'm just I'm not a fan of this I would take it down to see if you're good with it I feel a little weird putting it below space holes can we have it be the top thing and see so it's not below space holes I think the main girl in the front carries it a little too much to see I mean but it can't be bottom of B then no it cannot be bottom of B Photon will stay there for the joke okay okay Photon can be the lowest of B I actually think photon is better than sisters personally but I I but it's funnier yeah yeah it's it's just got a lot of problems sisters one I don't like the big chunky Paragons at the right it also doesn't scream like Zealot yeah that's my problem it's like there's so much iconography that you can add that like the picture that you showed is like oh yeah there's zealots that are doing rituals while they're in the battlefield kind of thing I need like the dialogus the lady with like the loud hailer and and the giant tapestry of scripts and she's screaming hymns across the battlefield like I need I thought you meant the dog mod I'm like the most boring model not that one though the lady who is like yeah I remember like that just yet screams sisters to me or like even The Exorcist tank in the background would have been nice holy [ __ ] if they had the tank the same exact art put the tank as the background and I'd be like yeah it's that's a b tier solid maybe let's look at a but it doesn't it's just boring to me one last thing no actually I like a lot one I think is really good and you guys are big magic people and you know I'm not but uh this one the magic Art they did for the Triumph of Saint Catherine age 17. like this one just much more I I mean this is obviously Magic card art so it's not quite it won't translate as well to a codex but same kind of idea this cell's sister is perfect that set had so many good arts in it too we abused that for getting safe Arts to use for the show all the time that set has been a godsend for 40K art oh the the magic Arts especially for necrons have been you know there's so many factions where you don't understand how many factions have so few official Arts at least digitally some of them have ancient Arts that are in a codex from the mid 90s and have never been put anywhere online to use it drives me mad coming from the magic Community where I can pull up every art from Magic history in beautiful full definition within two seconds and who drew it and who yes everyone with illustrator credits and everything you know wizard of the coast don't have a lot of love for him but at least they did that they earned that over GW for sure yeah it's one of the things magic has always and will always do best is Art and it doesn't have to be a weak point for GW though like there are good Arts like CSM that's a fantastic codex but there's even more in the codexes as well and they can continue to invest in that and make it like a strength like instead of just being like yeah there's some good stuff it could be like oh yeah go to Warhammer 40K for some cool ass [ __ ] [ __ ] art man have you guys seen the the iron Warriors cursed gun in um the CSM codex no post it if you can I don't know my CSM codex is in my brother's basement so I won't be getting that one out it is so funny it is in the official iron Warrior section of the CSM codex but if you zoom in look at the gun It's the funniest thing look at the man's face the [ __ ] face is amazing oh it's so good but like his weapon has multiple chainsaw stabbing implements it has a tiny little magazine in the wave front while it is being belt fed at the bottom I tend to notice the magazine in the front and it has a red flamer tank in the center it is it's so close until he started flying out it's being loaded by multiple it's the strangest thing I have ever seen and I love it it's like the world you just cut eggs for me is I just I just adore it okay it's sheer insanity but like you can play into that and do it well I keep looking at that guy's face he's so happy to be here he's giving me this big like ah he's so happy about this gun it's not even his face it's just a skull guys look at what I mean oh it's your average Soldier on deployment duct taping guns together this is what happens in a Barracks anyway how we feeling about the tier list uh I'm pretty good with where everything's sitting right now I would move chaos demons even lower and I would probably say blood angels from D but maybe the comments agree with you all and I'm the lone man thinking it's a good art I mean I think we came to reasonable agreements on most things at least roughly I'm kind of shocked that I am in full agreements that oryx is in dead Bottom now the more I looked at it the worse it became once I figured out that ditch when it came to the uh the side I just the more you analyze it the more you don't like it it also looks like it's low res like it looks like it's just improper resolution yeah I don't know what it is the cause of the digital one I'm looking at the work codex is literally at my brother's house I couldn't grab the official one I don't know if the actual art is better than the one that's on the cover like with the world leaders where the world leaders looks cleaner not for the cover World eaters is amazing and you are wrong I will give you that full art world leaders is many notches higher than I had the original the color is better the left half is way better than the right half they focused on I feel like if the main guy was better I would hate it a lot less tiny angron is still weird to me these dual building chain axes your opinion isn't valid you could have a guy dual wheelie chain axes but make them look better you you he's not like the voton guy he is he's he's like that because his abs are gigantic sure okay anyway I'm actually really happy with the list I think I think it came out pretty well yeah we actually got a good curve out of it too I'm impressed whenever that happens what's even better is that this will uh be accurate all the way through 10th edition yeah oh that's sad let's hope tyranides was a slip up I really hope we have to redo this in a couple of years I mean I'm not happy that the Space Marine one is still just old art it's still promo art from last Edition yeah so long as it's different like if they use that that red voton art we looked at earlier as the main cover like I wouldn't hate that but having two different codexes with the same art is infuriating when you have both of them and the worst part is it's not like what we're complaining about has never happened before it's literally seventh to 8th Edition they just reused all the Arts again so like that's the infuriating part is knowing How likely it is they'll do the lazy way out and not even switch Arts they already own I guess we'll have to find out any closing remarks I think that about does it again if you want to toss us the YouTube pleasantries or whatever helps out check out our merch now we can truly sell out hey absolutely split a good deal rep yourself some poor Hammer merchandise and again Simpson audience make sure you go over to patreon and get your discount you already give us enough so everyone here in our audience already knows bricky YouTube has told me as much but just in case do you want to tell everyone where they can find your amazing shows oh my goodness uh you know I just I I can't help it you can find me at Ricky or an Adept it's ridiculous or a dice chick all right that's it I've had my time I was really expecting this like you know like five minute like nah I feel awkward whenever I'm on another person's Channel doing that kind of stuff so I'm just like ah Ricky I'm good all right that does it for this week though thanks for joining us Ricky and uh I guess let's get out of here for the week sounds good [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 267,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, painting, hobby, tier list, ranking, necrons, custodes, space marines, tyranids, grey knights, orks, 10th edition
Id: TwXLt6zBJJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 56sec (5876 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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