True Size of a Space Marine Chapter [999.M41] (Part 1) 3D Documentary

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Space Marines are the greatest of the emperor of Mankind's Warriors who stand as a bulwar against a galaxy of Horrors yet formidable as they may be on their own the strength of these superhuman aartis lies in their combined arms from the defensively equipped Devastator squads to the offensively equipped assault squads the mixed Doctrine tactical squads and Beyond theirs is a force best understood as a whole thus in this series we shall bring to life the entirety of a codex compliant Space Marine chapter with its Scout reserve and battle companies in addition to its vehicle pool support staff and command structure we shall do so with none other than the Primark roboute Gillman's finest this is the true size of the ultramarine chapter you can organize your own unsanctioned warhost with today's sponsor Warhammer 4000 Rogue Trader it's an isometric crpg from alcat games which sets players loose in the poorly charted coronus expanse here you begin by customizing your own upstart Rogue Trader ready to make a name for themselves on the fringes of Imperial control assemble a team of diverse characters including unsanctioned psychers Servants of the Inquisition and even Wayward Space Marines to fight against the Rival factions and monsters which stand in your way then load your crew aboard a personal void ship to explore the Stars fight Space Battles and take control of worlds for your own expanding domains but beware the corrupting influence of Chaos in these Endeavors it's clear that alcat games has learned a lot from Community feedback on their prior Pathfinder titles the party Builder and item Management systems are well polished and the narrative system gives you a solid blend of Guidance with Dynamic free choice meanwhile the traditional formula of crpgs is kept fresh with combat mechanics like momentum volley fire penetrating shots and push back effects large turnbas battles are also made much more enjoyable this time around with a squad system for simultaneous action for the first time in their history alcat games has also added a drop in Dropout co-op mode which makes this experience even better than ever before so click the link in the description to check it out enjoy the Imperium of man spans much of the known Galaxy as such its military is of an equally enormous size and its scope defies the grasp of human Minds yet at its core lies a Bastion of order in the form of the thousand Space Marine chapters in days past such chapters were part of sprawling Legions capable of Fielding hundreds of thousands of Space Marines alongside their Associated Imperial Army Fleet and logistical elements however while these formidable institutions were critical in the wars of the great Crusade their incredible power proved dangerously concentrated ated during the bloody Civil War of the Horus heresy in the early 31st Millennium thus it was that in the aftermath of this conflict the ultramarines primarch roboute gilan splits the remaining nine loyalist Space Marine Legions into roughly 1,000 chapters of 1,000 Marines in what came to be known as the second founding the restructuring of these troops was formalized in the sacred Tome of the Codex aartis written by roboute Gilman himself this exhaustive treaties laid out his ideal for the order of battle tactical Doctrine and moral behavior of a Space Marine chapter its guidance proved key to the evolution of these new units yet while it has been adopted to one extent or another by the vast majority of chapters full unwavering Conformity proved impossible in the 10 Millennia since its Inception and the death of Gilman the codex aares has been added to by many other writers and several competing versions have emerged yet the core tenants of the Codex have stood the test of time with this in mind we can now describe the general organization of a codex compliant chapter of the 41st [Music] Millennium generally speaking a codex compliant chapter has around 1,000 Space Marines led by a chapter Master each chapter is in turn divided into 10 companies of 100 Marines each led by a captain and a pair of lieutenants these leaders are accompanied by a command Squad of handpicked veterans and an HQ unit of at least one of the following a chaplain a librarian a Tech Marine and an apothecary [Music] each company is then further subdivided into roughly 10 squads of 10 Marines each led by a sergeant the companies are traditionally ranked in seniority from the 1 to the 10th and often have their own particular roles to play in the chapter's function and culture they are mainly designated by the appearance of their shoulder trim with each company having its own unique color the most traditionally defined roles are as follows the 10th company designated the Scout company is where the chapter's neyes are first inducted and learn to become Space Marines the ninth to sixth companies are designated as Reserve companies their duties being to hone the skills of aspiring Space Marines in different facets of war and to provide support and replacements for the fifth through 2 companies these so-called battle companies are combined arms elements who form the bulk of a chapter's strike forces lastly the first company is designated the veteran company which consists of the chapter's most experienced Warriors attached to this force of roughly 1,000 Marines are a host of support Personnel vehicles and Starships together they operate as a completely autonomous military unit whose headquarters May be located on a planet or moon-based Fortress Monastery or on a massive Flagship for fleet-based chapters from here they will exert control over their local area of space whilst serving as a small but critical Elite Force which can be deployed across the Galaxy they do so under the sole direction of their chapter master who answers to No One except his fellow chapter Masters the high Lords Of Terror and the Emperor of mankind himself with this broad understanding let us now delve into the greater specifics of a Space Marine chapters organization in this regard we will do best to study the ultramarines progeny of the primarch Routier Gillman himself who adhere most Faithfully to his codex aartis more specifically we will be discussing the ultramarines around the time of year 999 of m41 just prior to the fall of Cadia and the eruption of the Great Rift we shall begin with the Ascension of a new recruit as he prepares to undertake the long and arduous Journey Through the ranks of the Brotherhood in many cases chapters May seek to draw their Manpower from Worlds with harsh environments and cultures which pre select applicants with desirable traits there are however exceptions to this rule in the case of the ultramarines they maintain several prestigious cies across the realm of Ultramar dedicated to the training and education of youths from whence candidates are then drawn such recruits will be mortal boys who must now undergo the harsh Trials of an aspirant those who pass either an exposure trial or the less common challenge trial may now be deemed worthy of starting their training in the chapter proper and are inducted into its ranks as a neoy however this is but the beginning of their toils and many will not survive the growling tests which follow yet those who do are granted the honor of finally becoming a true Space Marine this transformation is a literal one which involves a neite being implanted with their chapter's first set of 19 unique Gene seed organs such carefully maintained marvels of genetic engineering will grant the recipient a range of superhuman abilities yet the process is a trial unto itself with many being crippled or killed in the attempt survivors who finally emerge from the medical ch Chambers will now do so as battle brothers ready to begin their service to the chapter here they will join as a scout in the 10th company the Scions of Ultramar under the command of Captain antilus the entirety of the tenth is composed of Scout squads however owing to its role as a training unit for the chapter a scout company has no fixed number of squads attached to it thus while its Brethren may be expected to call upon 100 Marines per company a scout company May field many times this number they specialize in reconnaissance infiltration and sabotage Scouts have received the same augmentations as their full-fledged battle brothers but have yet to earn the right to wear power armor instead wearing lighter carapace armor more suited to their intended role a standard Scout Squad consists of four to nine such individuals led by a sergeant squads may be armed in a variety of ways based on their intended roles for instance a sniper Scout Squad will be composed of three men with sniper rifles a fourth man with a missile launcher heavy Bolter or Auto Cannon and a sergeant armed with bolt pistol as well as a chain sword as a sign of their rank tactical Scout squads meanwhile will trade out the three sniper rifles for bolters while an Assault Squad will use shotguns bolt pistols combat knives and grenades thus armed young Space Marines will begin to familiarize themselves with the basic arsenal of their chapter Scouts are also trained to operate light bikes and may ride these Nimble vehicles on recon and disruption missions once they have gained sufficient ient experience Scouts may also be deployed on the Storm type land speeder to improve the squad's mobility and provide it with additional fire support in their often far- ranging operations while it may be tempting to look down upon this most novice of companies the tenth has its own proud history and traditions the Scions of Ultramar have produced some of the most renowned infiltration experts and Marksman among the adeptus astis indeed many of the most veteran men of a company may spend years embedded in this unit as a means to train up its youngest Nephites once a marine has earned sufficient experience as a scout he will finally be implanted with his black carapace which serves as a neural control interface that enables the full use of power armor thus equipped he can now begin his journey through the ranks of the reserve companies this starts with the ninth company the storm brers led by Captain sinon it is a dedicated heavy support company composed of 10 Devastator squads of all the companies they are the most defensive in Doctrine as shall be made clear by their armament each Devastator Squad consists of a sergeant and up to nine Marines four are designated as heavy weapon Specialists with the rest acting as support while the latter carries the typical Bolter pistol and grenade the former brings to Bear a far heavier Arsenal which includes heavy bolters L cannons plasma cannons multi melters missile launchers and grav cannons the squad Sergeant is given additional heavy weapons training making him an expert in the use and coordination of these Mighty armaments sergeants will not however carry a heavy weapon themselves and instead are equipped with their usual chain swword and some form of ranged weapon such Devastator squads may act as generalists who deploy a range of Weaponry to meet any foe or may act as Specialists with gear designed to counter a particular enemy type such such as heavy armor or massed hordes thus in the words of the primarch route Gilman quote a Devastator reach shall be without limit and his Touch without Mercy fire shall Roar from his fingertips but it shall consume him not Thunder will Roar when he calls yet it will swallow not wherever he stands that shall be his Fortress of righteousness these Devastators will be further reinforced by their vehicles a prime example is the Centurion class waruit which has only recently been seeing more widespread adoption this exoskeleton fits over a Marine's armor further protecting them with ceramite plates and granting him the ability to wield even more formidable Weaponry Centurion Pilots are often dra from the most veteran of the chapter's Devastator squads and from there may be deployed alongside the ninth depending on the situation like all of the following companies the ninth also maintains a force of transports ranging from the small Nimble land Speeders to the large plotting Rhino and Razorback apcs Additionally the ninth May count on the support of Dreadnaught combat Walkers and Whirlwind artillery tanks these and the rest of a company's vehicle needs will be drawn from the chapter Armory which we shall discuss later after serving in the 9th and proving themselves capable of holding their ground against any foe a marine will next move to the eighth company where they shall learn the art of the offense within the ultramarines chapter they bear the title the honor blades and are led by captain in jorus numor it is composed of 10 assault squads the primary close combat and assault Specialists of the ultramarines each Assault Squad consists of a sergeant and up to nine Marines who will usually be equipped with jump packs to greatly enhance their mobility and allow for devastating aerial attacks assault Marines are primarily armed with a combination of Bolt pistol chainsaw sword and frag or crack grenades one or two marines may be assigned a flamer to improve the squad's close-range fire power sergeants meanwhile are permitted a greater variety of War gear owing to their Superior rank in addition they are bolstered by an upgraded comms package to allow them to operate efficiently whilst well ahead of the main Army such assault squads are among the most mobile of Space Marine units being used for a variety of roles including reconnaissance in force decapitation strikes and counter assault missions their fearsome reputation preceded them as was the intent of Routier Gilman who declared of the assault Marine quote he shall descend upon the perfidious foe as an angel of judgment from on high let the jump pack be his wings and the Roar of its engines a hym of Retribution let the the chainsaw be his scepter of decree its harsh Voice singing joyfully with each and every blow with it shall the assault Marine bring Bloody retribution to the heretic the traitor and all alien aggressors who trespass on the emperor's domain the company's Mobility is further enhanced by a vehicle pool which includes a larger than usual number of bikes and land Speeders and isort orted by its own air force of storm Talon gunships in terms of heavy armor the eth has access to the typical complement of Walkers transports artillery and tanks and may call upon such assets from the Armory as needed now having proven their Merit in defense among the Devastator squads of the 9th and in offense among the assault squads of the eighth a marine will advance to the seventh company where the two doctrines shall be merged for the ultramarines this occurs in the ranks of the Defenders of cesarian who are led by Captain Gerard ixion they are composed of 10 tactical squads the masters of combined arms Warfare who have long formed the backbone of Space Marine strike forces for over 10 Millennia consisting of a sergeant and up to nine Marines these are highly adaptable units designed to operate effectively against numerous types of opponents as such the majority of the squad is equipped with a bolt gun bolt pistol combat blade and grenades for improved Firepower and flexibility two of its members may be equipped in the manner of Devastators with special Weaponry such as flamers melter guns plasma guns and grav guns as usual sergeants have access to a wide variety of different War gear such as Combi weapons and powered close combat weapons although they often go into battle armed with a bolt pistol and Chainsaw yet as the Primark Routier Gan reminds us quote but these are mere tools a tactical Marine's true weapons are his courage his wits and his dedication to his bra Brothers he will bring his foe to battle in a manner and time of his choosing never himself caught unready or ill prepared for the task at hand in defense he shall be stwart as the mountain a bullwark stood firm against the enemies of man in attack he shall strike with the Wrath of the immortal Emperor failing the foe without Mercy remorse or fear in terms of vehicle support this company can call upon the usual complement of dreadnots transports and tanks but for even greater flexible deployment the seventh also maintains a permanent pool of land Speeders as dictated by the Codex providing the chapter with a ready force of specialists in these Nimble combat skimmers battle brothers who continue to prove themselves will now make their way into the sixth company within the ultramarines this last unit of the reserve companies is known as the Brethren of the forge and is led by the famously aggressive Captain Maximus epeus the sixth is in many ways a mirror of the seventh in that it also consists of 10 tactical squats however its members are more experienced and leverage these skills for a doctrine of armored spearhead assaults as such they make great use of apcs to rapidly maneuver its infantry while being supported by dreadnots battle tanks mobile artillery and gunships requisitioned from the Armory such is the extensive mechanized training of the brothers who serve in the sixth that their ranks will be called upon to provide an honor guard to watch over the chapter Armory within the Fortress of Hera and many such men will go on to become future Tech Marines should a Space Marine survive their long and bloody Journey Through the Scout and Reserve companies a service which will take years if not decades to achieve he will finally be granted the honor of advancing to the battle companies we shall delve into their ranks in part two of this series but you can get sneak previews and grab HD downloads of all our art by joining our patreon or becoming a member of this channel a huge thanks to our current supporters as well as the researchers writers and artists for making this episode possible we couldn't have done it without this team and this community if you liked this episode be sure to like And subscribe for more content and check out these other related videos see you in the next one
Channel: Invicta
Views: 743,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: invicta, invicta history, space marine, space marine 2, ultramarine, space marine lore, space marine explained, space marine organization, space marine chapter, space marine recruit, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, rogue trader, space marine 2 trailer, space marine documentary, ultramarine lore, ultramarine chapter, warhammer 40k space marine lore, space marine creation, space marine chapters, astartes, space marine cinematic
Id: 88NDRvAHWd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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