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hello and welcome to the pormer podcast episode 96 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going I'm trying to keep my energy up as we are recording this quite late and I really just want to go on vacation yeah and for some reason I'm still here I thought the punishment was not being the co-host anymore yeah so we found out what my uh wife wanted to make in her position and she was uh like go all right all right so for this episode since we're about to leave you on a twoe break here we wanted to redo a very early episode of pammer where we just shout out a bunch of content creators we enjoy watching or listening to yeah shockingly we still actually watch other people we don't just watch our own stuff over and over again as much as I thoroughly love listening to Brad you joke but bellio and I both have to listen to us a lot in order to actually make sure the episodes are good and someone here never [ __ ] says I'll take this one I mean you're not wrong so anyway there are a lot of content creators that I have watched and actively watched this year which is how I did this before we get yelled at for missing somebody the way I went through this list for myself was I opened up YouTube went to my history and scrolled for one year and I wrote down everybody that I actually watched that was Warhammer related yeah and we've got a lot of people on this list and we've got a couple of conver ations that I think this list is a good jumping off point for for a couple of topics we want to cover that aren't really episode worthy but are things that we wanted to cover on air there's definitely a few things to bring up in relation to these other content creators on there like thoughts that are related but not specifically targeted at anybody and this is just a way to do it all right so without any further Ado let's jump into this thing all right sounds good before we start this list off real quick you don't normally see this type of video on YouTube and that's for good reason for us to make this video at all interesting and watchable we are going to use content from these creators who we love very much I do not have the time to get every one of these creators permission to do this so I really hope you all like being in this video if you don't I'll probably have to take this down and re-edit it later and post it again at a later dat and it'll be very obvious we're not going to do a good job your section's could be a black screen but yeah just for legal covering our ass reasons in advance if you like this episode it may disappear and if it does that'll be why but everyone in this list fantastic highly recommend their content unless for some reason they end up canceled in which case I've never heard of them I swear but there we go all of the warnings are out of the way all allegedly and before you leave us for these great content creators remember to do YouTube pleasantries and we come back after a 2 week break so don't go leaving us forever for all of these wonderful people please come back at some point if this ends the channel I'm going to be very depressed don't beg I have to beg it means too much to me not to all right where do you want to start off Eric generalist hobby game I think we start with the hobby because that's it's the biggest section that's for sure I think that there's fewer gameplay oriented creators out there there's more artists out there and I'll say that artists are something that you may not play the game but if you play the game you definitely have to deal with some level of hobbying so I guess we'll start off with above all others my Saturday morning essentially every week since we've started playing this game Vince venturella everybody's favorite college professor a man who does not understand or care about the YouTube algorithm he just makes things with his heart Vince is my go-to for if you have a question about like how do I apply this type of paint how do I paint this type of model or this like skin or a carrus there's a Vince video for that there's over 420 episodes of just hobby cheating he has over 1,500 videos on his channel you can find the answer Vince has it oh it's been 9 years yeah yeah there is a lot and it's good information too so I cannot recommend Vince enough I think everybody should watch Vince strong strong strong recommend basically someone who has taught me more than most other people and he's just got the best Vibe he's that college professor you remember that college professor you had that you really enjoyed probably wore a silly suit Eric's thinking of the same one I am yeah took things like really chill but also in like a serious like I care deeply about this but I'm not going going to be uptight about it in any possible way earnestness Earnest yes that's exactly it's just good times all right enough gushing about Vince though let's move on to gushing about Marco fron hello guys hello guys welcome back to not just Mecca Marco here and today I so to me it always then ends like with speed painting or something like that because those are the ones that I watch I don't know if that's a normal thing that's actually why I want to bring Marco up so not just Mecca his channel well it's Marco fron njm now cuz YouTube did YouTube things and changed everything with an at sign but anyway so Marco's channel is one that I highly recommend for people to watch specifically go in looking at his speed painting videos because it will show you a lot of very good speed painting techniques to get high level results in an amount of time that you should be trying to aim for if you're like trying to get full armies done he's got good tips on balancing the amount of time and effort to getting a good result yes in a way that I think a lot of others will limit themselves like Marco is going to use oils he's going to airbrush he's going to make use of essentially every trick in the book to get things done quickly at a super high level that's why I think you should go into his videos but then you should probably just start clicking on the ones where he does more Deep dive lessons into like art knowledge because Marco is like very much an artist type who just does speed painting because clearly people like speed painted stuff and he's good at it it seems like he enjoys the aspect of utilizing so many different techniques the challenge yeah as opposed to just being like I can finish this model in like 20 minutes because I'm just very good and talented it's oh here's some tricks on why I can finish this quickly and still make it look good other than just being good at it I do think his angry's aisle video is like my first ever like big brain moment while figuring out painting I think everyone should take 15 minutes to watch that video no matter how much you don't care about painting that video might actually contain useful info for how to paint quickly and get good results it is essentially as much as I absolutely despise Slap Chop as a vocab term it's essentially what that abused with underpainting it's honestly one that I don't fully get as much as I want to but it's very magical yeah but in general anything on his channel is probably amazing honestly still very fun to listen to as well he has the most infectious attitude it's just happy essentially and and that's it's just good fun speaking of entertaining there's uh the next one Dana Howell I like the note my favorite type of quirky that is my summary for Dana Howell she does General hobby stuff mostly painting stuff but you know any type of painting hobby type thing doesn't limit herself to only Warhammer she's dabbled into other games like the Star Wars ones and I think she did the Marvel one too I don't know the Marvel game I mean that is one thing that I would like to bring up and I think there's one or two further on but you don't have to be stuck to just Warhammer content creators if you're interested in the hobby aspect like there's a lot of artists out there that do miniature painting that don't play Warhammer it's nice to see there is that bleed over there are other areas out there as well yeah but I think if you're looking for a content creator to like click for you and you haven't liked some of the others like you started with Duncan or somebody try out Dana how if you have never watched her shots fired everyone starts with Duncan it is everyone stting he's not on this list because I don't have to tell you Duncan yeah yeah so try out Dana Hull if you have never watched one of her videos it's a bit more silly fun and that's nice in a similar vein of kind of being quirky goobertown Hobbies is is Brent quirky is that the right word I don't know the video topics are quirky yeah so like I have to call out the community I have heard goobertown Hobbies I have heard him referred to inaccurately as the Bob Ross of mini painting which is wrong he is the bill NY of mini painting that does fit a bit more so I really think the absolute best goobertown videos are when he gets to show off his knowledge of like chemistry science in general stuff like that talking about pigments talking about resin talking about using inks or even the manufacturing one was really well done I just had to actually look into one that to me this is the video when I think of goobertown and it's talking about varnishes and like sciency stuff it's like here's science behind varnish and what it means to do kind of thing that just it's interesting to me and he does like fun General hobby challenges too like uh painting with craft paints pulling themes out of a hat to have to work with that type of stuff very fun for those videos as well but I think if you want to like see how good goobertown Hobbies can be go watch any of his ones where he gets to talk about science it is a genuine pleasure and makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside all right War hipsters up next do you have contrast paints you do not know how to use them not to the amount that war hipster does war hipster is where you go to learn how to apply contrast paints I absolutely adore his videos he is honestly better at doing contrast painting as a method than GW is I adore the things this man has done the recipes he comes up with to get perfect colors are insane to me at times like three parts of one one part of another and two parts thinner or like all sorts of different recipes he's come up with to like try to get a box art color color scheme and it's crazy how good it comes out and like I don't even apply them I'm not the type of person to want box art colors on my models right right but it gives you an understanding of like how very much you can do with mixing exactly we like I can go that's a beautiful blue and now I have like all right I want to use that blue somewhere on my next scheme and I think even if you're not the type of person to use a lot of contrast paints if you have them in your collection and you want to see how to use them War hipster has you covered like it it's basically his channel identity at this point is the contrast plus series and everything it's so good all right let's move on to ARS Opus and the reason the great unclean one succeeded so this is Eric's first hobby Channel I'll let you talk about him even though I am a dry brush S I mean yeah you almost certainly watched more than I have but yeah when I did the grade on clean one a lot of it was dry brushing and that was the first time IID painted essentially and definitely the first time I'd ever tried dry brushing so having the ability to reference back to our zus videos of like here's how you do dry brushing and here's how to not screw it up and I would say he minors in airbrushing if you can major and minor in Hobby videos and it makes sense those go well together to me they go well together and they're essentially my tool set as someone who is very bad at traditional brush painting I have giant monkey Paws which surprisingly actually works out really well for dry brushing dry brushing and airbrushing is like 80% of my schemes as some combo of that and then you get the uh contrast Guru info and wham bam done so artist Opus is absolutely up our alley for that type of stuff I do think if you're like super new to painting like if you watch us because we do a lot of more General more intro level videos especially since 10th launch we tried to do a lot of them and you're afraid of getting into like typical painting and you think it's going to take forever Artis Opus is probably a really good way to open the door for you to a figure out that you should own an airbrush go buy one and B that dry brushing with like just going and getting a cheap makeup brush and dry brush and using that can get you very far in a paint Scheme you don't have to be good to mini paint well you can get there yes he will dry brush better than you but it the the floor is so high that it doesn't matter I feel like we should put a picture of the great unclean one that was Eric's literal first model yeah first model I did a few little test things here and there but like first model and definitely the first time I'd ever even heard of dry brushing to me that wasn't a thing and all we did for that model was we had Eric watch him use the airbrush he tested on one model to make sure that like paint was coming out and he understood how the trigger worked and then he used it on the great unclean one and then he dry brushed the the great unclean one and he had that extra model he was airbrushing to test the dry brush colors on to make sure they were the colors he wanted and then he dry brushed the great unclean one it's like not the best but it's pretty solid it kind of does show that there are ways to succeed even if you're not an artist yeah so we can go on to a couple more just real quick some other ones that I am a fan of that I've watched this year there's the feral painter who does grim dark Style videos if you're into that just a warning for Grim dark style models t that you like the scheme in real life they look fantastic for displaying online and posting a cool picture to Reddit and then you put together an actual Army on the board and you go oh it just looks like a blob yeah it can look very dark and then Grim dark haha but like it can look very dark and off-putting depending on the person you may love the style but check if it's for you but if it is for you I've really enjoyed the feral painter been watching quite a few of his more recent videos mediocre Hobbies is always a fun one he releases very regularly funny Irish I think guy hangs out paints classic YouTube yeah I mean I I can't say too much about these ones so I'll probably take a look at them now here's one you have seen Eric is Slayer Miniatures so one of the things with this episode for those of you joining us at home if we don't mention somebody in a section and you really like them don't be shy in the comments about telling us but like I am looking for certain types of content that we'll get to as we go where I'm like I would consume more of this if it existed and let's be honest you'll consume more of content just period true Slayer Miniatures does one of my all-time favorite types of content very rarely because it's an expensive type of content to produce he does Challenge videos where he'll do like let's paint an entire Army in 24 hours yeah his original video for the death guard was the one that really unlocked for me how much work you can do with enamel paints yeah I I didn't know that that was the one that triggered you into enamels but it makes sense now and then uh he's got an amazing one for tyranids he's done a nigh hot one he did for a challenge all sorts of stuff he actually has a really neat take on necrons which means it's not just the silver boys it's like the reverse of midwinter Minnie's version of them it's overgrown necrons instead of his desert necron but anyway the next subcategory here in Hobby this may be slightly controversial for people the next set of people I'm talking about are exceptionally good artists all of them are amazing better than I will ever be and to be fair a bunch of the individuals that we just talked about are still better artists than we are yes but there's tears of art that the content is trying to provoke and uh correct that's where this one has the warning attached the following list of people is professionals that I think you should watch for entertainment value and the while Factor but you should not attempt to emulate if you're new don't try to think this is what people are expecting no their version of speed painting will be something that takes hours per model it is not what you are expected to paint to play games which again very interesting to watch fascinating to see like the kind of like peak of miniature painting but there is a potential problem of expectations where you watch it and you go oh I guess that this was a tutorial so I'll do that and uh and the one I think that gets people the most often is the first one in this list it's C to paint C to paint is by and far like my go-to for airbrush control showing off other than Marco yeah Marco is actually really really good at it but C to pain has basically made airbrushing their Channel all of their techniques seem to use lots of airbrushing it's [ __ ] [ __ ] it's just I don't don't understand how it's physically possible what they do with the airbrush because they are much slower and more controlled than you it it's still it just it bogles the mind I'm just like but that's not how like it's still paint that goes in the air and moves how are they making it act like a laser so call to pain is the one that I have seen the most Reddit threads or other things about where someone will be like I tried painting my Army based off this YouTube video I saw and I'm giving up this Hobby's too difficult and they link to a cult of paint video and you watch it you're like that will take you hours per model like why did you use that as an example yeah super entertaining very fascinating to watch cool for like General scheme ideas and then go figure out how to do it in like four steps instead of 30 yeah I love cul of paint I have watched probably every Army painting episode they've made probably most of the videos they've made made in general I am a huge fan of this channel when I warn new people away from trying to copy a master I am not saying that Cult of paint is bad for you to watch they're amazing you will learn a lot watching them don't just try to copy their scheme willy-nilly without understanding the context yes and again the uh speed painting if it's in the title don't trust it sometimes you can trust it they do have ones that are very newbie friendly but they have ones that are me painting for them they they've talked about this on episodes they're aware of the confusion that gets caused at times Army painting for them is to a much higher standard than your average person well it's all about each model is a display yeah as opposed to oh the Army looks good on the table and then I've got my you know Captain who I spent a bunch of time on and that's my display and that's more normal but like they have ones that really are very speed paint friendly they've got a speed painting tiar scheme that they did like 6 months ago or something that video you could honestly speed paint that Army that's a good one but I love call to paint highly recommend watching them it's just if you're new to the Hobby just don't get the wrong impression when I recommend this the next one should hopefully be idiot proof but you never know it's Richard Gray you are not unless you are literally Richard Gray you are not Richard Gray yeah like actual literal golden demon painter oh oh my God you've probably seen even if you haven't watched his YouTube channel you've probably seen one or two pieces of his art get shown off when you're new to the Hobby because it is usually like the highest standard possible his freehand is legendary the man is insanely good but if you're painting an army don't attempt to paint his schemes his Imperial fist might be doable if you're okay with a very slow process everything else is insane yeah I don't know I'm just thinking back to when I was like Nick Rod's cool I want to pay oh no nope nope please no stop fascinating though I really like so this is one of the things I'm looking for in addition to the challenge video people who I would kill for more of but I I understand why that's very hard to come by yeah I love channels like Richard Gray where he will post a nice quiet hour plus long video of him painting and calmly talking about his paint job he's working on yeah it's very relaxing after a bad day it's amazing cures the soul honestly you do pick up some tidbits of knowledge that can improve your abilities but like not the oh I'm going to make that model it's the oh that's an interesting thing I wonder how that would work in my scheme maybe I'll try it out and see if I like it or not yeah watching how he does a volumetric highlight and understanding it and you can be like oh well that's insane but I should try doing that at all right I don't need to make a perfect I should just like see how it works and that could be yeah I do really like his long form it's lowkey and still enjoyable and then as a second one there is BB Miniatures who I have picked up as a secondary you know nice long high detailed videos for really high-end model painting very nice I still can't get over the lictor oh it's so beautiful it's amazing I absolutely love that model yeah it's just like an hour and a half of just relaxing while watching a master at their craft and then for a final one that I think has exceptionally high production value is new Hugh his videos are a bit sporadic to come out but you can see why when you see them there's a lot of work put into those videos and it is of like the highest caliber this is one that I haven't actually paid attention to I only found him because I was painting wargs at the same time that he was producing that stuff and then I just got hooked his Carn effect video is so good yeah it seems impressive the skin he uses on angron at multiple points if he had stopped I plan on using that for different types of models tons of good info in those extremely high production value with really good scripting and a lot of editing yeah which again is another don't try and emulate it because yeah it's a 30 minute video but that probably took weeks yeah again this category is you can take lessons from these people people if you are new do not blindly attempt to 0o to 60 into them all right so the next category I'm going to call broad tutorials I want to say they're like introductory tutorials but I think like they go very deep the first one is brush stroke painting guides and the video he made on how to thin your paints I knew very well how to thin my paints by this point it is the best video explaining it possible the examples he uses in the video are beautiful edited to explain to you like what consistency you want to be looking for and how it will function as it dries yes it is so well broken down and it's so easy to understand like even if you you're very experienced you have multiple painted armies at this point you will still enjoy the hell out of watching that video one thing that I did really like out of that was a few times I've had like a result that I didn't really like and I wasn't sure why and I like at several points through that specific video I was like oh this is what I did wrong to get to that result and this is how to fix it and it's it wasn't one of those like specific individual models this is what happens on that model it was like a just fundamental knowledge yeah so highly recommend he does have like how to paint specific models but the reason I point him out is for his series called hobby fundamentals it is extremely good as a base knowledge set just understanding all of the basics yeah the next one in this category is uh what are you painting now which is a bit of a mouthful so this one I didn't know of and while we were trying to prepare for this episode this was one that jumped out to me and I was like wow why have I not watched all of this this is like exactly my jam so if you're looking for things of like why you should watch them they've got a wonderful guide for in-depth color psychology understanding color Harmony color theory and psychology all of these were wonderful videos when I watched them there're things that I put on in the background knowing for the most part this stuff to an extent and I was still learning stuff this should help click a lot of stuff when people are like use the color wheel to feel out what colors will work where or when you're trying to figure out what color you want for your scheme they can talk about like the psychology of each color and what they tend to represent and why certain things are certain color schemes in Media yes there's a good amount of like thought behind actions kind of thing but they need to get some better audio quality it's true their mics are not of the highest quality I will say but that's okay the format and information is well done and it's interesting all right rounding this off we've got barbatos Rex and I really enjoy this one and really kind of goes all over tests random honestly just extremely random [ __ ] that's hobby related of like does it work oh here's some airbrushes do they work this one's cheap is it any good yeah I would call it a hardware and Supply tester yeah he's more gun plug oriented but it doesn't matter cuz it's more about the tools and about like hey should I go out and buy this type of obscure paint I just saw on the shelf and I actually really like the fact that so we had talked about the section of artists that you shouldn't try and emulate because it's like wow their skill is just insane Barbo Rex seems to me like somebody who's just a normal person who's just done it a decent amount of times and it's like yeah I just know how to airbrush but like you can do it too kind of thing everything that he does is like oh okay I could do that you know maybe I'll screw up the first time but this is not an unreasonable expectation which is just kind of nice when you're able to see this paint will cover in this way without like worrying about like oh well that's because they're just really good artists and that's what they know they're going to try and do and it's just like well no this is just how an average person painting is going to get this kind of coverage and it's going to look like this all right moving on let's do 3D printing and 3D models real quick for people interested in that part of the hobby all right next up we've got once in a six side he is the top tier possible for 3D printing essentially borderline documentary level it basically is almost every video no matter what the topic it says it is is about to be like a deep dive on the 3D modeling scene in some way and it's actually produced really well too it's like actually well documented well presented but it takes time which sucks that's the one thing I'll say you're lucky if you get a video a month from him which is fine because again it's incredibly high quality stuff but it is just a little bit sad how infrequently I get to watch a new video it takes time to have this quality level and I've definitely gone back and watched them multiple times just because there is so much information in every video that isn't what the title said yeah like the Kia one the can I print it before GW can ship it one right it looks like oh we're going to print a combat Patrol and it ends up being like a deep dive into modelers and then uh he has one for for making the world's largest tabletop tank was a mistake or something that one was fascinating yeah it's like a half hour documentary on all the things that can occur with the modeling process and kind of a dive into the testing company not doing a very good job and really interesting stuff as people from like the manufacturing side of things yeah and like you start hitting like these barriers of yes technically it should work but we're pushing the envelope of the actual Hardware of this printer so like it doesn't really work perfectly but it's just fascinating all of it I wish there was more but if you're waiting there is Battle Brother Sam who I will say it's not like the same style as once in a six side but he does release extremely regularly considering it's 3D printing base and again I appreciate that he actually paints all the stuff that he prints he doesn't just show him printing it and going and that's the video he then paints it all dude that's something that honestly irritates me so much from even people trying to sell sculpts come on man finish the thing you've spent all that effort and made something so cool finish it yeah so this one will come with a light warning battle Brother Sam makes good content he does cater to the [ __ ] GW [ __ ] the man audience and there's a bit of that clickbait is style you get it a lot in 3D printing communities yeah helps you sleep at night when you're trying to get stuff on the cheap I get it I don't feel guilt but other people might and then the last one in this category I didn't even realize was a YouTube channel even though I have a bunch of Piper makes stuff yeah she makes things that look very good as Tow and I didn't even realize she had a YouTube channel until Eric pointed it out yeah I think it's basically just vods of the twitch Channel but because watching twitch vods is actually a pain in the ass it's nice to have a YouTube video that you can actually like reference and go back to these are basically all just the modeling process like how do you actually 3D model and I'm not going to say that they're like tutorials but if you've dabbled before and have an interest in trying this for yourself the fact that this resource is out there from someone who is this good at it yes that's impressive it is it's definitely something that I have bookmarked and saved and watch regularly but I do have a word of caution and this is something that I have fallen to I've started comparing the models that I was making to Piper and this goes to the uh yeah the don't look at someone who's the best in their industry and think you should start off that way yeah so um I've fallen to that trap fixing it going to accept that uh my stupid little 3D model is still fine and fun and doesn't matter but even still I've learned a great deal from this YouTube channel and uh also just it's interesting to have just like on the side when I'm doing something else cuz yeah like I said they're basically vods so they're like 6 hours long of just a master at 3D modeling all right and for some quick terrain ones obviously first Blackmagic craft everybody knows Blackmagic craft probably watched it already fantastic Channel don't need to spend another minute a smaller channel that you may not have seen before is Haans wargaming I have not seen it before unless it's something that you sent to me and I didn't pay attention you probably have never seen him his modular Hills video came up in my feed once I watched it I found myself chuckling at some of his jokes in the intro very good vibe throughout and it was honestly a pretty good way to see how to make Hills out of foam and he just does a bunch of variety hobby stuff but a lot of terrain work and a lot of 3D printing stuff I almost thre him in 3D printing but I know him more from the terrain side it's nice to be able to have a shout out to terrain that isn't just 3D printing and as an extra thing he almost goes in the niche category for being for like alternative games of he does battle reports for like the onepage rules system which I find is pretty rare actually yeah that is not the most common and hey that's awesome but yeah so one last thing for the hobby things and that would be hobby podcasts if you're into something that more like us first up I will recommend without a shadow of a doubt trapped under plastic I listen to them a lot there's a reason that we've mentioned njan and miniac on our show a bunch I just listen to a lot of Trapped Under plastic it is nice that if you're going to listen to it as a podcast you don't have to look at the stupid thumbnails their trapped under plastic thumbnails aren't the worst it's more their Mainline channels thumbnails especially John's I watch your stuff in spite of the thumb thumbnails being that bad because your content is good and interesting that's n John's thumbnails his videos are all a tier but they're great videos the thumbnails are just the [ __ ] worst but I love both of them thumbs up fantastic and the other one that I've started turning on to is the painting phase weirdly enough when they first brought peachy on I had actually washed them for like four or five episodes just for like random painting tutorials cuz it was like okay and then they brought peachy on and I'm like hey that's not Duncan I know not Duncan and I think they have a really good chemistry together as like a group they're a neat combo between podcast and hobby Channel like alternating back and forth a lot highly recommend they become a lot larger now so it's quite possible you've already watched them but yeah yeah something I've been turned on to in the last year or so for the most part all right we made it out of hobby the longest section we can speed through the others there's a lot less in all of these yeah so I guess just move to like General things let's just do the generalists these are channels where you'll get hobby you'll get gameplay you might get lore there will just be a lot of mixing up yeah this is also where I put things that talk about gameplay but do not show gameplay so to start off sword and shield has Naomi who does like half hobby half rules in gameplay I've actually become a big fan of hers because a lot of the hobby people who get early access to stuff really don't play and that's not a shot against them they're hobbyists they're here to paint the models and make them look cool which you know that sometimes takes a little while so fair to get things earlier to Hype yeah but Naomi actually understands how to play the game and seems competent at it lots of reviewing product too of like getting something and reviewing it which is helpful like in a from our magic side of things in a the professor sort of way where a lot of his bread and butter was reviewing products and making sure it's worth spending money on I hadn't actually put that connection but a pretty solid one of kind of like the professor on giving you legit reviews on things Eric why did you write this note on the next one this is the only reason I know them how do how is that how you know them okay so the next one is the Kieran show they're very small that that's rude they have very few subscribers they may be very large in the pants I don't know wow good save nailed it they'll appreciate that if they ever watch this I I really like these two I'm like shocked at how small they are still they make very good content that I enjoy watching of a lot of challenges a lot of decent editing which is something I look for nothing against Vince my Lord and Savior but the other side of things where you're really good at editing is really nice too it is nice when I don't have to force myself past the initial hurdle and I'll say something that they're getting into is a niche that I don't think anybody else has done which is they're trying to alternate doing challenges and then actually playing games with the models where they did like a let's paint this in a day which is a it's a combo that I don't know anyone else who does that at least very regularly like people have done it once or twice right I mean I hope they keep going on it cuz those are basically the two things that you are like excited for I highly recommend trying them out try like a couple of their uh Challenge videos first and then see what suits your fancy I haven't watched everything of theirs yet I haven't actually watched quite a bit of their backlog this before I found them they're a relatively new channel yeah I think the first thing I watched them is can you paint a Warhammer Army in 12 hours which was like 6 months ago where they painted neck runs so I watched their underworld video which looking at at it now I was one of 200 people that did so uh you know I thought it was entertaining and I enjoyed it and I appreciated it but it was one of those I I forget what it was exactly but there was like a GW was previewing things and it was like oh that's kind of neat and I didn't really give a [ __ ] about underworlds so I never really looked into it and then I was like okay fine I should do the quick cursory YouTube Let me see how this thing works that was like the video I I guess I just did it at like the exact time that they published it and uh I enjoyed it it was fun I understand why they didn't keep making more of it though cuz uh yeah underworld mhm yeah I I really like these two they've been very fun you should watch them painting Leviathan in 12 hours fair enough and then you need to watch the one that's called wheel of Misfortune combat Patrol challenge do not scroll down do not check for where the Highlight in the video is or anything like that just play the video after watching the Leviathan video and one of the perfect moments of of Comedy possible in the universe occurs it will kill you all right then I I've got that one uh queued up the context of the previous video is required to truly appreciate that it gives me some very serious redl media Vibes and I'm in support a little too britishy for that instead of Midwestern but a different type of uh doesn't care about life yeah we won't hold their britishness against them much so up next we've got another Duo snipe and whb they're really good and have a really weird Niche that I don't know anyone else who could fill which is just a bunch of random kind of associated things a lot of old Warhammer stuff that's from way before my time combos of like partial hobby stuff a lot of like getting into like the old codices their codex compliance series is really fun to watch to see what the codes were like decades ago yeah there's a video where they play second edition that's the first video I ever watched of theirs and then I started getting into kot's compliant and yeah and as the two of us got in at end of Eight Second Edition is wildly different and yet somehow a lot of it's the same yeah it's weird how it's like that it is all right the next two we can do back to back everyone knows them but ect's tactics obviously we don't have to go into detail you already subscribe I think most people know about them I see backend info from YouTube you all are subscribed to EG tactics yeah and then second up would be tactical tortoise tactical tortoise is a very good look at the more competitive side and a very gameplay higher end gameplay focused parts of 40K but not actually like doing the game play correct it's analysis I very much enjoy Tactical tortois for that I watch him on and off it it's weird cuz it's like uh it depends on my 40K mood which parts of 40K I'm super into and I will get to points where I will binge everything that tactical torst and aspects make and then there will be points where it's like I don't really want to hear about gameplay now now I want to watch hobby today that's honestly one of the coolest things about Warhammer is you can go through those different like cycles of I'm more interested in the hobby aspect right now or I'm more interested in how play is doing right now and you're not really like taking time off to go do this other thing but at the same time you kind of still are yeah highly recommend both channels of the two tactical tortoise deserves a shout out for being he is not a news channel like aspex is can't use him for that but if you like aspects for hey what one in the current meta like what's doing well things like that he's going to be better at all right we got a couple more to round this generalist section up we've got what the 40K I honestly love what the 40K they've got really fun battle reports I've really enjoyed his content style and it's very close to how we do stuff really like one of the main differences between him and us is he doesn't have access to cheap Brazilian labor wow and also he doesn't have a second person to bounce off of but if you enjoy our type of content you will probably enjoy what the 40K is type of content a lot of Series where we do like a a series slowly over time I have seen an equivalent from him sometimes before sometimes after whatever but like I have seen him do an equivalent one and I'm like that's awesome like he has a thematic list series yes it's something we've done and we'll do again it is fantastic fun for me to listen to I love that type of stuff and you might too yeah I would be surprised if listeners of this show don't also enjoy okay so the next one back to njan for a moment this is one where you should not judge a book by its cover like I was told not to do in grade school and promptly ignored my whole life yeah I mean eons of battle is one of the channels on here I have seen the least videos of I watched my first eons battle video three days ago how many of you watched since I four but it's been a busy week pathetic but like this is something where people are like you've got to try Eon a battle they do interesting stuff so you've got like Jay and Nick over there and I have avoided this Channel and cl piing on these videos that get recommended to me by YouTube for literal years now because I do not like the thumbnails and titles that tend to be the ones that go viral they're very click ba lik in John videos but I known John through first trapped under plastic and then his first appearance on miniac channel and then his own channel I did not know that for eons of battle so it took until I was like we should do this I should finally check out all of the large YouTube channels that I have avoided I really liked what I've seen ofan of battle in the very short time I've watched it on the plus side I have 700 extra videos to watch now I think the only thing other than the thumbnails it works it is correct I no it's not it's not correct Brad it is unfortunately correct it works that doesn't mean it's correct but one of the things is that most of the videos are reasonably short like 15 minutes but they do longer ones too which I really enjoy people who do longer form videos I like a good 15-minute video but and that's kind of my thing as well is like nice Quick 15minute videos good and all but I enjoy the uh I'm going to put this on after work and it's not going to be done until I'm ready to go to sleep yeah so to all the people who are like hey you should try out eon's battle all right you were right I'm sorry I've avoided it for this long and then the last one just because if I don't mention him we'll get comments that I didn't mention him midwinter minis is amazing we can move on we all watch midwinter Minis I think that's a uh very obvious one he has almost half a million subscribers we all watch menwinter minis we can move on have you watched that man drink paint and coffee because I have it I don't know why but I loved it yeah me too let's move on to gameplay into another YouTube channel that everybody's watched and knows of tabletop tactics I was really waiting for the bait and switch to slam sector yeah that would have been that was clearly the punchline all right so tabletop tactic we probably don't have to tell you but they're like the biggest gameplay channel for 40K and when we get to it AOS and now they started podcasting to get in on our whole gimmick get out of here yeah I know we can't compete send Chef over as a sacrifice so we can talk to him for a while he'll hate it it Chef loves podcasts yeah something like that speaking of people that love podcasts we've also got dice check wait but that's not ironic the tabletop tactics was ironic I know so yeah of our two giant guest hosts we've ever had on both of them come from the same group and it's dice check and that's not a mistake and that's not a mistake dice check is like my personal favorite battle report series I am a huge fan of tabletop tactics I have a membership and everything watch a shitload of tabletop tactics yeah he really does I really really do but dice check is like personally My Vibe it's a lot l Polished in like production it's a lot closer to you and your friends in your basement playing yes it's also not kid-friendly no it is more like us than like tabletop tactics where you could have an 8-year-old sit down and tabletop tactics will not say anything that you have to explain later one of my wife's favorite episodes of dice check starts we've immediate derailment as Matt and bricky talk about which STDs they would give each other you think that that would narrow down which which one it actually is but uh so dice check is more my vibe but it might be up to you which one of those two you should go for then there's play on tabletop I have to give them a shout out I really don't watch them as much as the first two but I know if I don't shout out that they are some of the highest quality videos possible I will get called out for not saying that but like they deserve all the praise I'm pretty sure that they're another like family friendly kind of thing yes I would not be allow on there yeah which is great totally I'm bored with that and they do a great job but their editing is so good oh yeah oh actually like a fantastic from a like technical standpoint ignore the content just look at how it's production value and how it's edited and all that like it's impressive and then we have to shout out War Games Live just amazing honestly if there was anyone who I am looking forward for a chance to do an interview serious discussion with with War Games Live is actually near the top of my list I cannot State enough how much Joe carries competitive 40K is like a viewable thing oh absolutely it's a Onan entire hobby if Joe stopped tomorrow you'd never see competitive 40K as well as often ever again it's honestly amazing how good the production values are for that given it's live and there's no scripting there's no didn't hear that line I need you to do it again we had problems it's just a live game center chaos that honestly just works really well there's great camera angles and it's amazing the fact that that chaos actually gives you something watchable and enjoyable oh but random people in his audience please stop gifting me memberships when I'm there watching and chatting I don't need that give it to people who do we've got it covered find the admech player they need help they need some joy in their life uh yeah and then just a final shout out to slam sector they are a pretty small channel that actually is pretty fun to watch they're a very small Channel let's put it this way at the time of recording this they are almost to being able to be monetized they're putting in an exceptional amount of work and they've got fun content that's more like just hanging out with friends kind of thing but it's also not just a phone video like it's reasonable well edited and it's fun and they get an extra shout out because they're one of the few places that actually tried out hord mode like without anyone telling them to they just did it and they actually had you on an episode didn't they uh yeah but we don't need to talk about that I never watched that episode did you [ __ ] out no it's fine I know it exists I did not click the button to see how much you screwed up don't worry about it but yeah shout out to them and again this is another section where like I'm interested if you know of other channels that do this kind of stuff even if they're smaller let us know as much as I love TableTop tactics and dice check it's always good fun to watch some of the smaller content creators all right let's hit the one where I think we're going to have a discussion let's talk about lore all right let's get right into it my number one recommendation for lore is not loen it's adeptus ridiculous and it's not just because of oridate and the fact that bricky will take down my t-shirts if I don't mention them honestly adep is ridiculous hits the perfect Mark for someone who wants lore if you want a lore video Adept is ridiculous is probably what you actually wanted the most if you're newer they are faster videos cover more topics in the same amount of time they are exceptionally funny and entertaining videos in my opinion and they're accurate enough to which I mean one of the main things I've seen against multiple L channels I like but especially red deptus ridiculous is people who complain uh they didn't properly represent the context of this scene and just made it funny me instead of like the deeper meaning man they're not actually vampires they're vampires the blood angels are vampires get over it yeah but uh this gets into a discussion point that I wanted to have before but I don't think we need to make an episode about it which is it's okay to lie to new people and to oversimplify things so that you can give them a close enough answer you do not need to know the nitty-gritty details when you're in the equil of you know a 101 level class and this is something that's been brought up on this podcast of like okay how do we actually want to go and like how far off into the weeds are we going to Deep dive when it doesn't matter to what we're currently talking about is fabulous B part of Emperor's Children Well and at a certain point that doesn't matter is Frankenstein the doctor or the monster right so it's tough because as much as I do agree that like lying just for fun and entertainment if you're not being obvious about it being a lie is kind of weird no when we say we lie to new people it's that we oversimplify things so that they go got it cool I like this this is neat and then when they get into their 15th book they can go oh there was a minor inaccuracy in the video that got me into this hobby that was 40 minutes long and covering 500 hours of content it's definitely one of those that it just has to happen at a certain point you can't deep dive into every single thing like at a certain point you have to learn about the electron Plum Pudding model because it's easy and simple and you can get the Core Concepts and go oh okay there's a nucleus and then you can go oh but that's wrong because of these things that I've learned afterwards and you can expand your knowledge to further Encompass what's actually correct shout out to all four four people who understood Eric's reference and how they're all unemployed wow nice Physics degree [ __ ] nice fifth grade education idiot sorry I meant American but yeah going back to it adep just ridiculous is accurate enough and very funny entertaining if you're a super nerd lore person who just knows it all it's probably not for you unless you can just enjoy the funniness all right next up is obviously Lon okay we can move on everyone knows luten yeah that's like the lore person next up is actually just a private thing for me the exploring Series has started covering 40K stuff I've watched none of his 40K videos I just want to shout him out so there's a chance he watch his SCP videos because they're really fun is that what that is okay okay okay I was like I know this name from something but I don't know why I have watched a lot of his SCP stuff and now he started doing 40K stuff to have multiple things he's in cool I'll keep an eye on it then we've got Arbiter Ian very good guy who does a lot of lore stuff a lot of 30k lore stuff too I finally got to watch the video on his channel where they read the infinite and divine and they had a nice interview section with Robert WTH it's really fun I highly recommend that and the last one is one that I have just started getting into which is pancreas no work again like we're talking about people who are much larger channels than us so so I'm not going to spend too long on any of this but shout out to pancreas no work as well so this this sort of gets into my problem with the lore section lore sucks no I like lore [ __ ] off my problem with the lore section is if you're big into lore you probably don't need to listen to a lore podcast YouTube series anything like this right you're just going to listen to an audio book while you paint that's what I do I don't watch much lore YouTube videos other than like I'll watch ad on occasion cuz it's pretty entertaining honestly while I'm stuck at work but like if I am painting and trying to like listen to something I'm listening to an audio book if I like lore which I do and I listen to a lot of for Hammer audio books and I think that's why Luton is as huge as he is I think I like Luton more than you do I think that is correct and I think that's why Luton is as popular as he is 30 minutes 50 minutes maybe an hour of something and I'm like yeah good enough I'm good for the next month and a half thanks and it's something that you probably aren't afraid if you fall asleep to and you're happy he's using a nice calm voice yes but there's definitely a number of videos that technically I've watched but I have no recollection of it at all because I'm pretty sure I was unconscious so there we go all right two sections left the first up age of Sigmar Brad when are you guys going to cover AOS at some point calm down something about 10th came up out of [ __ ] nowhere and yet exactly when it was scheduled no matter how much we didn't want to believe that with a steel chair it's right when the script said he would I'm still shocked so anyway if you want AOS content my number one shout out which is very personal and I know this won't work for everybody but I love him to death is Hyo hoo is just the chillest content the Zero Energy wonderful warm blanket it makes me happy I know not everybody enjoys hoo's very calm demeanor but it is exactly for me I enjoy the uh let's chill let's slow down just a little bit and not worry about screaming and yelling yeah a snarky quiet comment can go a long way compared to me who would just say go [ __ ] yourself hey will we'll do something more clever I can't think of anything witty so the second one here I've got is probably the largest AOS thing which is just back to Vince venturella Warhammer weekly is hosted on his channel and it's a big AOS podcast all about AOS you probably already listen to them if you like AOS the other one I do want to shout out though is season of War I have not even heard of this one you have you watched one video of it cuz I forced you to many many moons ago there is season of war and rrolling ones and those are like the two long running AOS gameplay channels season of war is more tightly edited 40K and 40 minutes equivalent rrolling ones tends to be more long form I'm just still stuck on trying to figure out what I did watch I think I made you watch one video where it was to figure out if you liked the game play of the orox because it was your cruel boys and then if you want longer ones rrolling ones would be my go-to all right let's finish this out with some more personal Niche kind of channels that don't really fit anywhere else honestly but still want to call him out huge shout out to One Last Blade can't wait for you to get back to making videos Stefan but take your time it's fine happy you're happy I was worried that 10th killed them no and he even said he liked 10th right now yeah which Eric doesn't agree I no I don't agree but hey just fun honest content yeah so again this Niche category cuz we didn't really get into it these are going to be channels that cover a very small slice of the/ a game when we get there so One Last Blade if you're into grey Knights or if you're a true fan you know about One Last copes if you're if you're into great nights or possibly thousand suns this is the channel for you then there's Morty glory for Imperial Guard I don't know anyone else in the Imperial Guard space so that's my shout out there I guess I'll give the shout out to d red ones go faster we've brought them up at least once before Orcs And particularly enjoyable for Kit bashing uh and then for tier nids I don't think anyone but melstrom gaming Studios really comes close like they are dedicated to tyranids they cover a couple other things but it is like 80 90% tyranids they cover a couple other things reluctantly but they do and next up we've got scar cast which I mean I'm sure you've watched quite a bit of it given Drew Cari yeah so scari is actually a person who I have greatly enjoyed the content of for like the entire time we've played since before I got into duari and is one of the reasons I wanted to get into drari is like that second SL third depending how we're counting Army of mine I greatly enjoy the content he makes it's very genuine it's very happy really good pillar of like drari community/ content right there all right before we get out of here though let's talk about some non 40K stuff with Mountainside tabletop for all you people who constantly asked me why I hate kill team and I secretly didn't you all just made your own deep lore Mountainside tabletop would be my go-to for actually watching kill Team gameplay and war cry is like also there but I'd say it's mostly a kill team thing is also there is that just war cry so yeah I really like their content it is shorter games good editing it's actually easy to follow as someone who only kind of knows kill team which is a strong point for it in my opinion and then we've got wellywood gaming which basically the same thing but for necromunda that's a uh very Niche topic you don't love the Giant game necromunda that doesn't exist just to back door give us Jean stealer models I've stolen them for darari too two of my armies rely on necromunda models support [Music] necromunda already on it now all the voton players are stealing necromunda models yeah and then my last one bit of a long shot here but if anyone out there cares about Old World L master of soch would be my go-to to recommend to you he's also just just a total war guy I was going to say not really sure about the old world call out but uh some fascinatingly fun Total War content he religiously has old world lore videos and has started talking about Old World gameplay and leaks a lot in the last year interesting but now that they're starting to actually release all the rules he's starting to talk more about the gameplay again but I've known him longer than basically anyone on this list for the sole fact that he was a total war content creator as well yeah and so I just know him from that angle and that's how you got into Warhammer so yeah so there we go that does it that was a lot of channels we do enjoy a lot of this community and it's really fun to get to shout others out and hopefully this didn't get taken off of YouTube like I'm kind of afraid it will because this is why you don't do videos where you have 40 content creators mentioned yeah but I mean at the same time hopefully people enjoy learning about others kind of thing thing most people have probably heard of the big ones we just had to shout them out just cuz but like not everyone on this list is 100k plus subscribers seriously like 30 people go subscribe to slam sector so they can at least monetize their content they're making pretty good content with a lot of skill behind it yeah so hopefully there's some some gems in there that uh people haven't heard about and can enjoy and you know it can just also be another springboard for further recommendations yes and again if anyone out there has recommendations we didn't mention that you think we would like feel free to share them we'd love to see other people's recommendations to us I'm always up for more Warhammer content I watch a shitload he he really really does I hope all the content creators that are in this like this video I hope I did you all Justice I'm sorry if I didn't I really do like you if I mentioned you on here and we didn't mention ones we also don't know well just cuz we didn't mention someone doesn't mean we think they're bad yeah and we didn't mention those that we don't really like you know like bricky yeah that [ __ ] that'll not get taken out of context at all not at all front of the episode before everything else this that's the tagline that's the uh thumbnail the clickbait [ __ ] this guy poor Hammer Hates bricky Poor Hammer hates bricky it's censored out [ __ ] this guy and it's just arrows pointing at bicky's face with me accusingly staring at him you can't even use that as a joke thumbnail because if you have a censored [ __ ] in the thumbnail you can't even like monetize the video properly funny but uh no no no no all right that that's enough of this episode we've been rambling for a while now it is time to get out of here sounds [Music] good [Music] a
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 93,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, 40k, space marines, necrons, tyranids, admech, death guard, custodes, grey knights, hobby
Id: Ng1kRKpzqCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 15sec (3855 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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