My Greatest Hobby Product Finds… EVER?!

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for the past year or so I've been compiling a shopping list of obscure hobby items from the deepest corners of online retailers and as an early Christmas gift to myself this year I decided to order them all so we can open them together and determine what's gold and what's [Music] garbage you know I think my problem with buying all sorts of weird hobby gear on online is that I started doing it and found a couple of really valuable things like the wild stick pen drill and I'll put a link up to that video if you want to check it out I guess it's a lot like fishing I'm just going to keep tossing lines and eventually I'll catch a big one hopefully or waste a bunch of money and stuff I'll never use but at least then you won't make the same mistake all right first thing in the Box here is ultra fine chain now you can just go to your local craft or jewelry store and get some cheap chain in there but this stuff is 6 mm meaning I was thinking it was going to be much more to scale with our Miniatures so let's open it up and find out all right I'm going to have to take my glasses off to even see this stuff it is so tiny this stuff is so much smaller than any chain that I've found at a jewelry store and you're going to kind of pay for that size it's about 10 I think maybe $12 for 30 cm in length of this tiny tiny chain but as I'm holding up to Warhammer models this stuff actually feels in scale it's almost like you can sculpt on extra chains on all your gnarly models whenever you want it like a lot of the hobby items I find these days this stuff is made for scale modeling and that means they often give you a lot of options in different sizes for different scales so you can check out which size chain you want to use maybe it'd be a larger one for a vehicle or something small like this would be perfect for all your Space Marines now the next item looks like like it'd be something you'd find in your local doctor's office but it's actually just titled an ink mixer and this thing kind of caught my attention because while we do have different sources of mixing our paints like the lab mixer that I use sometimes when things get really stuck to the bottom sometimes the pigments just can't be lifted free by regular agitation I thought something like this might do the trick now you may notice what I'm seeing here is that these sticks themselves are not super long meaning they should fit into a Games Workshop pot of paint but they're not going to be long enough to fit in the inside of the average bottle of paint but I do have a couple of GW pots of paint here that are quite separated and uh they're not even that old because it's so inconvenient and so much time is going to be spent just to get this thing in this pot to look okay now I will say that I can see one great use for this thing and that would be if you have any of the old GW paints back when I did a video on trying to resurrect the old paints having this thing would have probably gone so far in resurrecting old chunky paints and yeah I think this thing was like 15 bucks too so if I had 15 bucks to spend on a new hobby tool I don't think that this would be the thing that I chose to spend my bucks on when I pulled this one out of the box I forgot what it was it just kind of looks like a couple of pieces of metal and uh I think this is supposed to be a very exact hobby saw looks like it's made from really thin tin which means it may not hold up super well but I think we just attach it to the handle of one of my blades here and we'll try it out and like most stuff in this box this thing doesn't come with any instructions so we'll see if I'm smarter than the Chinese tin saw thing or not okay 20 minutes of work later we have a saw this thing damn well better cut well or I'm going to be mad all right I've got a bit that typically would be a pain in the butt to cut through so let's see if we can get a nice clean narrow cut with this thing okay this actually isn't too bad I own three other small saws and this is definitely the thinnest blade of any of them that I have and it doesn't give a lot back and forth I often find that they Bend and you can actually just kind of ruin a saw from being straight because the metal that they're made of is so flimsy like any of these tiny saws this isn't going to be great on curves but if you need a nice clean cut without too much waste of your plastic or resin on either side I kind of dig this thing and I think I will keep using it next thing out of the box looks like an old computer mouse from the 9s can you guess what this little product would be used for what it is and I would have never guessed this just by looking at it is a hobby desk vacuum cleaner it allows you to pick up all the dust and debris on your desk without sucking up anything big or anything important that you uh don't want to lose so what I'm going to do is a little trial run here I've got three different kinds of things I've got sand we'll put some of that on the desk coconut fibers here that are going to be a little bit more irregular but we'll kind of sprinkle that in big and small chunks lastly I have my smashed up tile slate if you've never gone to your local hardware store and picked up a single slate tile that you could smash up and use as two- scale rock for your minis here's your friendly reminder to do so we're going to get some smaller ones out there I'm not going to put the bigger ones because those I would just pick up by hand anyway all right just turn it on see if it works now it does seem that some of the very small particles are pushed out the air filters on the side here but this thing is actually quite powerful and it doesn't have a lack of control like a lot of the hand vacuums that you can use just around your house seem to have and when you're ready to empty the thing out or you accidentally scooped up a bit that you needed you can just open the bottom here and you've got the whole access to what's inside dump that in the garbage and pick out any of your long lost bits that you forgot where they were I got to admit I was just assuming this thing was going to be a joke but I think I'm going to keep it on my desk and use it as my regular vacuum for my hobby station next up I wanted to buy a large amount of two scale bricks that I could use for cobblestone streets or for diaramas or any kind of basing and this was another reminder to myself that I don't exactly understand how scales work in model building so the bricks that I bought were much much bigger let's forget about this little mistake shall we next up is probably the thing that excited me the most I thought had the most potential to be something really really valuable and it's just this weird little pen thing right here now this is a portable electric grinder but if paired with what I have in here sponge sanding discs May entirely change how I clean my models at least that's the hope we're going to find out if it's true or not if you did want to pick up any of the stuff I'm testing today I'll put links down the video description so you can grab anything that catches your fancy I grabbed a couple of bits here with pretty noticeable mold lines but very typical for plastic kits let's take take the sander to him and see if it does it job all right this thing has three speeds but trust me you're just going to want to use the lowest one all right with a th000 grit sandpaper on the attached head I think this thing is pretty damn awesome with the high grit sandpaper it'll sand down just the mold lines and you can control this thing is it really fits in your hand nicely like a pen [Music] the only downside is I just recommend the 1,000 grit sandpaper on this if you go lower you're going to start grinding into the actual details on the model so this thing does excite me with just using the th grit and just a couple minutes of messing with it I can see the value here shirts you know who has them well pretty much everybody on the planet I guess but where should you get your shirts well today's sponsor into the am of course listen I've already told you that their zipup hoodie is my favorite of the two dozen or so hoodies I own which reminds me I didn't need to place that order for four more but they also have a bunch of new graphic T's that are really my jam their range of skull and Japanese inspired themes feel like they were tailor made for me and they have a load of other styles to choose from as well feels like every time I check out their website they have a bunch of sweet new options which means I'm finally retiring some of those t-shirts from high school as always whether it's hoodies flannels basic te's or Graphics the quality is top-notch and they are incredibly soft and comfortable so make sure you check out the link down in the video description to see all that into the am as to offer and as always they have some great bundle deal pricing plus you can always use my code that's on the screen right now to get another 10% off any order anytime thanks into the am now back to the video back to more two- scale stuff this time I have metal mesh that's right this is just like chain link fence or mesh of some kind but to scale has a really interesting feel to it it has a roughness like you could shape this because it's actual tiny tiny threads of metal and I think that's pretty cool is you wanted to maybe sculpt a torn off piece of fence or something like that this you could actually do that with this exact scale is so tiny that it might actually be too fine to to actually even see the individual Links of chain on this although I got to feel there's something like this at like a fabric store or a craft store or something that's used for something completely different oh dude you could cut this stuff out put it over the shoulder pads of a Space Marine and it would have a cool texture because this stuff is going to mold to the shape and still be kind of firm next thing up is a little tiny guide now this has got pilot holes already to allow you to Center something and drill because I don't know about you but whenever I'm drilling into a model to try to either get a spot in a PIN to connect two pieces or just trying to an exact hole I often feel like the drill itself will kind of slide one way or another across the surface of the model and make it so my exact hole isn't exactly where I want it to be while I'm drilling with this guide I can't actually see around the rest of of the model because this guide is obscuring my view meaning I can't see if I'm Drilling in at a straight angle or I need to correct as I'm going so this feels like it's going to be more hurt than health okay the ho I drilled on the back of his foot isn't even centered all right next up we have rigging for Scale Models this is .1 mm thickness rigging for ships this looks like it's used for the lines in little model airplanes as well and per usual when I was looking at different products that I could get variety of sizes for I tended to just buy the smallest one assuming that for our tiny scale the smallest is probably best I feel like if there was a very specific purpose that you wanted a very fine thread this stuff seems very workable you can tie it into knots you could cut it and super glue it quickly if you wanted to um you can give a nice taut feel I know a lot of times when I've worked with other materials they end up feeling like they have a little bit of a bow to him but this stuff you can get a real taut uh bow string for it which would be great final stretch just a couple more to go and I'm saving the best for last but before that one there's this these are these tiny little files they look like carbon fiber files and they're super super thin a couple of them so you can really get into the most tight spots on your models as you're cleaning them up I made the mistake of assuming that these things already had a grip on them just like a miniature file here I thought that that's what they were but they don't they're just super smooth and what they tell you to do is to buy a selfadhesive sandpaper and put that on here and then use these to sand so I already spent the money so I thought I'd go spend more money and buy some self adhesive sanding discs and just cut out little bits put them on here this thing is more like using the flexible sanding sticks that I love so much in my model cleanup but because this thing has a nice sharp corner to it I can really get into the cracks and crevices and the nice straight edges that often times we find our mold lines falling into do I think these specific little carbon fiber looking things are the reason why this works well no it's just the fact that we have self- adhesive thin sandpaper that I can then put on any small little metal thing like this and then control my sanding and I can use the great size sand paper grit that I like to for cleaning models so yeah the real Victor for today is surprisingly self adhesive sandpaper and then something tiny and strong like these little metal files that you can stick it to all right the last product I bought is obviously the meme of the day and that is this thing that looks like a water dish that you set out for your dog or your cat so they can drink water all the time when you're not home but it's actually for cleaning your paintbrush it's a lot smaller than I pi pictured it in my head I guess I've seen too many of the dog water dishes and kind of just assumed it was that size but actually this smaller size is nicer because it feels like a little bit more viable at our painting desk now in theory the point of this thing is that you're never working with contaminated dirty water as you're rinsing out your paintbrush you just rinse it in this little spot right here and then you can flush it down new water will come to it and then every time you're washing out your brush it's with clean clear water now it says we have to leave lean this back as we are turning this on oh do it quick okay okay we're there I did spill a couple of drops but I think that was mostly because I was trying to talk to you and flip it at the same time and I realized there was a point of no return there where I either had to back off or keep going and I just kept going now I don't know about you but I often times just keep my same water cup at my desk for days or weeks or sometimes a month or more at a time in it super dirty and gross but that doesn't mean it's good practice to do that and maybe this will help in some way let's start by using a real vibrant contrast paint and we'll just slash it in there like that contaminate all of that water oh look it's not moving back up there although it's trying let's try to flush the toilet now you can see there is still some residual pink color now that was a really VI paint um maybe if I flush it again it'll go away yeah it is gone that's pretty cool there's these nice little ribs on the side of this to kind of get out any paint that's stuck deeper on the brush as you are rinsing it out so that's pretty nice honestly this is not a terrible thing just at first glance I think there's some potential here I like how you're very very easy to get perfectly clean water every time you're painting if you want your brush to be clean boom you're set also going back and forth between painting metallics and painting regular paints there's often this worry that you're going to contaminate your rinsing water with metallic flakes while with this that water is flushed and you can go back and forth much easier so there might be some value in that do I think this thing's absolutely necessary no do I think it has potential to be somewhat valuable enough to where I'm going to test it upcoming in some regular paint sessions yeah because it doesn't take up a ton of real estate on my desk like I kind of expected it would and it just seems to be valuable enough to have a nice clean Clear Water whenever I need it I can't believe I'm saying this thing might actually be good they're also not all that expensive but it's likely that your friends will make fun of you for having one so kind kind of weigh the pros and cons of that with that I am done opening all the Christmas hobby gifts to myself for the year I think that there's a couple of things here that are quite promising some things that are going to make their way into my regular hobby rotation let me know below if any of these things seem interesting to you or if you've tried any of them before yourselves I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a sincere thank you for me to you for hanging out with me in my videos throughout the last year and I'm very excited for the new videos to come in 2024 all your support through the patreon through buying your miniature products using the links below picking up your njan merch or maybe even just subscribing to the channel means so much to me and I can't thank you enough and I'm going to be back here again real soon with another video don't worry there'll be more before the end of the year and sometime between now and that next video make sure you find time in your day to slay the gray
Channel: Ninjon
Views: 202,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, painting warhammer, painting warhammer 40k, painting space marines, painting age of sigmar, miniature painting, mini painting, mini painting 101, miniature painting tutorial, beginner miniature painting, army painting, games workshop, contrast paint, warhammer lore, speed paint, 40k 10th edition, new warhammer, speed painting, eavy metal, ultramarines, 40k army, warhammer community, new 40k, hobby products, warhammer products, mini painting products
Id: 2IjwYic1LaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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