Stanley Mountain compact steel cookset

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well good morning hello everybody welcome back jiu-jitsu mm here today I'm back and today I have an interesting video it's another Stan Lee video today we're going to talk about the Stan Lee compact still cookset now this is part of the mountain series it's also referred to as the mountain compact quick set so this is what I want to talk about in this video today so stay with me [Music] [Music] okay this cook set includes several items it includes a steel pot 24 ounces it includes a insulated mug or Bowl a folding spork and it also has a lid now the pot itself is made out of stainless steel the insulated Bowl or mug has a neoprene wrap around it to reduce heat when you grab it or cold and the mug itself or Bowl is made out of polypropylene and the lid is made out of nylon and it comes in a very nice nesting system again this is part of the mountain series so it's very lightweight and small so if you're a backpacker or somebody who doesn't want something real real heavy this would be probably a good candidate for you the overall weight of this product is thirteen point six ounces or 387 grams so let's take a look at the side here of the packaging again you can see up here this is the mountain series this is the mountain series from what I understand is more geared for backpackers and people that are toting this stuff around so again the capacity of the pot itself is twenty-four fluid ounces or seven hundred and nine milliliters and it all nests together this is lifetime warranty stuff this is from Stanley they've been in business since 1913 so they've been around a long long time and let's take a look and see what it says here it says vented melt resistant nylon lid will double as a strainer for pot and drink through lid or your for your bowl or your mug and then it says the mug slash Bowl has volumetric markings for prep eat and drink so that's pretty cool we'll have to look at that neoprene wrap keeps things cool to the touch 18 gauge stainless steel pot won't rust and everything is naturally bpa-free is an integrated cook set which includes nesting pot with vented lid mug / bowl and folding spork standard fuel canister or ultralight stove can store inside the cook set to save space and obviously the stove and fuel canister is not included and this product has a lifetime warranty I'm pretty excited about it so let's open it up and see what's included everything that we just talked about there we have it and that's a look that's our first look you can see on the side of the stainless steel that you have some stamped markings for 16 ounces in 24 ounces now you notice how low 24 ounces is on this pot which makes me wonder if I could put maybe up to 32 ounces of fluid in there I'm not quite sure cuz the distance between 16 and 24 is almost the same as what 32 would be so wow that's pretty cool Stanley it's got the nice edge logo on the side and let's take a look at the bottom 24 ounces 709 milliliters and it says that this is patent-pending do not microwave dish pad dishwasher safe bpa-free pretty cool this is a stanley / PM a brand of PMI hopefully you can see that so let's take a look we have the same type handle system that we're used to on the Adventure prep and cook set so you basically squeeze these together and they allow the handle to rotate down and it locks into place and then you have this little slide bar that you can slide down towards this and what that does is that makes the ability for these to squeeze together hard to do so it stays locked in place so I really like that feature so here is a look at the lid here that comes out real nice I'm having a little bit of trouble getting this up I don't have fingernails but I was able to get under it so it's just like that and this locks into several positions you can see that there's some strainer holes so if you were gonna use this to strain out maybe some pasta or something like that you could do that with that so it's kind of cool so it locks into several positions you could grab this when it's hot now I don't know how this would do over to fire obviously it's plastic so just keep that in mind looks like they have a nice little silicone seal that runs all the way around the the lid here look at that kind of pops into place which is nice because it would tell me that that silicone could be replaced so that's pretty cool so that's the inside of the the lid this is again made out of nylon and it's BPA free and inside you can see that there is a steel folding sport let's take a look at that so you got something like this and it pops out just like that it's a little stiff brand-new and it kind of locks back like the lock on the knife like a folding knife lock right there so that's kind of cool kind of a different looking spork kind of interesting though so you just push this bar out of the way and that allows you to collapse this back so that's kind of cool to have that with you it's a little more weight than what we might have found in the previous like the sporks that they make but it's kind of cool because it's going to be able to be used around the heat of the fire and things like that so let's set that there and inside we have some instructions from Stanley and that's care guide and things of that nature and inside of here you can see the bowl you see these little notches in the side of the pot and what those do is those chorus on two notches in the side of this cup okay so these cup goes down and it fits into these little these little bumps here so that's pretty cool there's the neoprene holder so this cup here it said that it had graduation markers inside you can barely see them right there hopefully you can see them they're a little bit difficult to read this rim right here that goes around is the 20 ounce mark and then this other rim is the 24 ounce mark and then I can see markings for 16 ounces 12 ounces and I believe there's 8 ounce mark in there as well so that's kind of cool you can see these little notches right here these are kind of neat what that's for is that is to give you a place to set your spork when you're storing this this kit and if you look inside you can see the stamped measurements inside again this is stainless steel and very thick very nice you can see the seam along the side here but they they do this thing really nice they build these very nice really really good quality I can feel it it feels thick and if you squeeze right here it's got a little bit of flex to it but not much it's very similar to a lot of the previous stuff that we see from Stanley curiosity's getting the best of me so what I have right here is I have a Nalgene bottle and it's filled with water up to the 32 ounce mark and we are gonna check and see real quick how much water we can fit in here will it fit 32 ounces like I suspected so we know that 24 goes to this line but we have so much more space we're gonna find out if this 32 ounces of water will fit in here or not I think it will but who knows we'll find out so there you have it there's the answer to your question 32 ounces of water will fit in this pot that's pretty cool and it's not even all the way to the top and another thing I'm noticing right now which is worth mentioning look at the position of the notches these bumps here that correspond with the cup or Bowl those notches represent the 32 ounce mark see where those those notches are that's if you look at the water level that's 32 ounces so that's a good thing to keep in mind the same question applies to the cup right here is a 24 ounce mark let's see if the cup will hold 32 ounces of water let's find out I think it will - but it's going to be full to the brim look at that I still have a little bit of water left in the pot so no it does not fit all 32 ounces so maybe around 30 ounces I'm guessing it is like full to the brim I'm guessing that the reason that they want the fluid level to stop at 24 ounces is probably because of the lid the lid looks like it'll go down the little ways now the lid fits very loosely on the pot but when it goes into the cup it fits nice and snug and I kind of like that because if you're cooking you want to grab that lid and get it off you don't want that lid getting hung up and things like that here's a look at how the lid fits on the cup nice and tight it's a very good fit look at that the cup so if you had coffee or something like that you could definitely be walking around with this and drinking it out of here or drinking it out of here if you were gonna make some sort of tea and you just wanted to leave the teabag in there but you don't want to be swallowing the teabag well then of course you could drink from this side but I really like the way that this thing fits that neoprene or rather that silicone gasket it just fits very nice and it's very snug good fit I mean that's a very solid connection here so I really like that I want to take a look at this pot and see how it fits on a small backpacking stove you can see that it fits on there very nice so the pot supports things of that nature it fits on there with no problem at all I'm gonna go ahead and give this water a little boil bells at the bottom of the flames they fit perfectly around the the stove there the pots rather so the flame is perfect the size of the bottom of the pot is perfect for this flame we have a little tea bag here we will set the tea bag in the cup now we're gonna make us some tea here and let's get the lid on we'll let it steep for about ten minutes now while I'm waiting for my tea to steep I'm grabbing the neoprene and it is not hot to the touch at all the bottom of this cup is hot the top is warm but decide where the neoprene is it's very well insulated from the heat and I like that if I pour this hot liquid into my Nalgene bottle and grab the sides of the Nalgene bottle it is not hot yet but it will eventually be hot to the touch the price point that Stanley is aiming for for this kit is around $30 and personally I think it's well worth the money I think that's a good little kit the mountain is a little bit taller however the keuken store set is a little wider so it kind of depends on what you're wanting to do but I think both of these pots have the same type of capacity this one right now is running around $30 and this one's running about $26 this one comes with three little containers I don't have them in there right now but it has a stainless steel lid it also has graduation markers up to 30 ounces so this one I believe both of these pots hold pretty much the exact same amount some of you out there watching right now might be looking at this pot and you might be wondering that's a pretty small pot can you really cook something real with it absolutely right then let that baby cool and in the meantime we're going to come right back to here we're going to get ready for a second piece so this piece has been sitting in this egg and milk mixture it's flour on it and I like that batter kind of thick so I like to make sure that it's lowered up really good just like that get those spices and all those nice flavors in there and let's drop this one in as well let's take a look at this piece of chicken and see what it looks like what that thing is cooked mighty nice look at that that looks never like that looks something like something you'd find a KFC Popeyes so we're gonna peel off that skin let's look at the meat oh yeah look at that that is good-looking chicken let's taste it there's that chicken still steaming it's hot mmm that batter is delicious mmm that is delicious completely done and they're still steaming hmm that's good chicken and all this was done with that small pan the mountain series mmm definitely definitely a good tasting chicken and let's try some of the skin this is my favorite part mmm that is good excellent chicken more that is delicious mmm so folks while I sit here and eat this chicken I'm gonna say thank you for joining me today on this video on the Stanley Mountain compact steel cook set I hope you enjoyed the video please feel free to leave your comments down below like this video share this video and as always thanks for watching and have a beautiful day we'll see you next time bye bye I'm gonna go enjoy this chicken that is amazing very good stuff mmm delicious see you later let's take a look at what we've got going on right now I have a whole piece of fried chicken this is a whole chicken thigh let's stick our temperature gauge in there we need at least 165 degrees make sure this piece of chicken is done and looks like we are just about there and 65° to see what we got there we are there this piece of chicken is done so let's pull the temperature out let's set that baby down we'll let that cool off a little bit but this pot has plenty of capacity to cook even fried chicken yeah granted you have to cook it one piece at a time but it does have the capacity to do it has the ability to do it without a doubt and the chicken turns out amazing we were able to reach our temperature in fact I've I've cooked other things in this pot this same size this pot will cook a whole pound of ground beef at one time see I'm double-checking my temperature and I'm a past 170 so we are good this piece of chicken is done now I'm just gonna let it cool down a little bit [Music] [Music] okay here's another thing that I want to show you that I really like in the background back here you can see that I have some water boiling off of a soda can or excuse me a Fancy Feast stove so what I like about this is this opens up you can take this out and if you have any extra green cups you can pop that down inside as well as inside the green cup you can fit your fancy feast stove this is an alcohol stove if you haven't seen those please check my video out and you have enough room to fit a lighter maybe a Ferro rod things like that in there and then you have this kit more complete now because you have more items inside that could be useful for you it doesn't take up any more space or nothing pretty cool idea [Music] [Music]
Channel: JIUJITSU2000
Views: 50,824
Rating: 4.8913674 out of 5
Keywords: Stanley fry pan 3 ply adventure stainless steel msr whisperlite universal stove cooking hunting camp, stanley, frypan, stainless steel, outdoor, pmi, survival, adventure, series, cooking, outdoor cooking, prepper, prepping, prepared, prep & eat, prep and eat, prep + eat, family, outdoors, fun, outside, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, car camping, backpacking, scrambeld eggs, mullein, tea, heat distribution, excellent, #stanleyness, amazon, Stanley Adventure Prep Eat & Fry pan set, two pot prep and cookset
Id: XQt8KvTWSvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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