Stanley Adventure All-In-One Boil + Brew French Press coffee and bread

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[Music] [Music] this is my Stanley all-in-one boil in Bruges French press coffee maker you retail for about 21 dollars at Walmart this is the stanley adventure cup this so far has given me the best coffee I've had out in the wild it's easy some specs on this stainless steel Stanley brand 32 ounce it has a plastic lid and of course the French press itself after you make your coffee you leave the liquid inside the pot it's kind of actually I can insulator so it keeps the liquid warm or your coffee warm where the real magic happens for this for me is inside now this is just a quick view of the strainer while the French press as you can see it's just kind of plastic I guess this is plastic kind of plastic nylon I exactly sure what it is outside and you say I use this thing a lot and this is where I had a lot of heat baking bread or baking a muffin on a gas stove allows me to use a full-sized mini loaf bread pan to bake with and what I do I take this stainless steel grate that we picked up off the side of the road someone was throwing a grill away we always pick these grates up because they come in handy but that goes right inside this pot just like that and it gives some space so you get hot air you know circular a circulating around you whatever you're baking and that many loaf pan fits right on top of that so the problem you have is you can't use this while you're baking over coals this one melts so I searched the internet high and low and that was able to find a universal stainless steel pot lid from adventure resources these were $4.95 adventure resources I'll put a link to this I'll put a link to their website below survival resources Thank You Gabrielle always get that I'm not sure I'm getting older forgetting things survival resources this is their universal pot lid and it fits on top of this perfectly now the problem I had with trying to bake with this again obviously you can't use the plastic lid you have to use a stainless steel lid but as you can see when you have that great in there doesn't fit it doesn't close it's not flush so what you have to do is take this lid and turn it over like that and as you can see this this lid fits perfectly and the way that I get this to stay on there while I'm baking is I took a rod from an engineer state and I bent it so that it goes right around this cap and just kind of hold snugly around the lip of the clip pot and hopefully this is in frame here so basically that's it that's the system that's how it's held on I may come up with a another a little idea but right now this works so we're gonna leave it on there so we're gonna bake some yeast bread in this today I'm gonna make up some coffee and just show you how easy it is to use this French press and a quick demonstration on this universal pot lid this is the Stanley Adventure Cup everybody's familiar with this one I love this Cup absolutely love it let's spend some time you have a little it's a little bigger guys run that adds just a little bit but if you ever lose the lid to your Stanley Adventure Cup this is the one to get it also fits on the 4.4 it also fits on the four dollar Walmart stainless steel cup so really neat piece of kit here fits on all these and again it fitting on that French press like it does puts it over the edge for me too for this to be my go to cook kit this bread is in the middle of rising so we're gonna have to wait a little while for it to rise a little bit but the recipe is very simple I'll put a link to that to our website once this video goes live so that you can get that recipe it's easy to do milk water sugar salt flour yeast butter all that great stuff rapid rise yeast is what I use in a sea east and as you can see this is the full-size mini banking loaf pan let me try the head again this is the mini loaf baking pan and what I had to do with the Stanley Adventure Cup is take that pan and trim it down so you can see the difference in the size of there I had to trim that down so it fit inside of the Stanley adventure cover now with this larger cookpot the whole pan fits inside there and again the problem I had initially was getting this to stay on with that lip so you just turn this around so much as if it were made for this French press fires almost ready so we're gonna get this I may that may be all I'm gonna let this rise because when it begins to bake it's gonna rise in there anyway but you can see it's good amount of clearance in there doesn't touch the size plenty of room for it to rise as it's baking this is just a wonderful kit I absolutely love this thing sometimes we can take I have another piece of metal but I have that locks these in place we can set this up off of the ground like that so you can get coals up under it but today we're gonna leave these on top place coals on top and sit this directly on the coal bed all right we're at is in there's a lid all you do is just with this heat it around like that sticks up there and you just kind of ease on okay that's it I'm going to put my gloves on and put this on the coals over there with some coals on top I'm gonna bake it bending this this small 15 minutes maybe cooking time baking time especially at this temp of that temperature that those coals are hot we can get those on the heat coming out being reflected off this rock wall it's just magnificent another reason why I like these easy to take this off your hands okay that's perfect okay here's the second life going in again I really love the fact that you can fit an entire mini loaf pan inside this oh yeah so perfect for muffins it's perfect for blackberry cobbler which we'll be doing one of those videos it really just makes it easy to just what really just makes it easy that you don't have to go traveling the sides down on these mini loaf pans and then worry about it you know rusting later where you expose the metal it's just easy just to buy it straight out of food line and it just work in your cook set I'm eventually gonna upgrade to one of these cuz I I really like how you can make your coffee and then with the lid that found after a little searching on the internet you can easily bake in it and get really really nice turnouts I mean this is that's awesome and of course we've done a muffin in this already mm-hm and that was extremely good as well so being able to do coffee and being able to bake in it has really settled over the edge for me and I'm definitely gonna buy this next how much was 20 21 over 21 next twenty dollars I get them that's probably gonna go to this say loving it so far I picked it up and put it down at Walmart so many times because of the price you know I already had the adventure cup wasn't sure that I wanted to just have something that was dedicated specifically just making coffee but it's not just dedicated to making coffee it's a steel pot you can cook in it you can bake in it you can boil in it you can fry in this and it's just whatever you can do at home in your oven you can doing this whatever you can do at home on your stove you can doing this just smaller smaller portions that's the bottom looks a little dark there but that is not burned by any means this is absolutely perfect to combat the cracks like that normally you'd want to take a knife and cut a slit down the center before you put it in okay just let this cool off for a little while and protected from the book I'm just gonna wrap it up in this pan down give him a hard time in the comments for hot pink man and a hot pink bat nothing wrong with hot pink bandana high-five is high-speed low-drag anybody can see this set that to the side and let it cool had a little wind break here wind is coming through here and it was a really a lot of oxygen to the coals at the bottom so this has a small windbreak so we're gonna check this Bread real quick I can smell it smells fantastic so again these butterfly handles make it really easy to remove this from the fire Stephanie gloves on that little wood ash don't hurt you Gabriel you grew up on the stuff what we're looking at right there yeah some test sounds done oh really all right let's let that cool get some coffee going have some bread all right guys so what we got going on here two breads this one's give me mind this is gonna be dads bus turned out great big advantage of the french press being able to use the full mini lift pants really works out great cuz you can again you don't have to worry about grinding the sides off and then worry about it Rustin later where you exposed that metal you can just go ahead and use it as its intended to be used and it just works great yes again make sure to give that a hard time about the pink bandana and we're gonna go ahead and enjoy some bread so I'm going to take you on down here to dead and it's coffee let's check it out hopefully you guys can hear that little ringing this is making because it's vibrating and that water's just about done I almost set the temperature that I like to go ahead and put the coffee in see a little steam coming out of here I thought that that would make a difference when I was baking letting heat out and I can cover that up with another little piece of stainless steel that I have but so far it hasn't made a difference at all right now we're at the point where I want to go ahead and add a coffee to it steam coming out there well that's a rolling boil and it's a little hotter than I wanted to be but that's okay it won't take long to cool down so the coffee is steeped wonderful phone we're looking for that's a pot full of wonderful right there now will the French press now with these silicone rings just get those wet basically all you do just press that down in there and you'll see that it pushes that the coffee grounds down and what you're left with is just beautiful coffee now at this point bandit we have removed the pot from a heat source you can put your regular lid back on and actually over here by the fire does not to put that on because there is flame here and I don't want to want this to melt continue to use that but now that we're ready to consume this coffee you can put that back on so we're going to pour some and folks that just does not get any easier look at that that's beautiful now you don't over pour because it will come out of here mm-hmm so obviously right as you get the come out of the spout pour slowly beautiful black coffee beautiful black coffee so now we're gonna mix I'm gonna ask some creamer sugar in mine so those are our two loaves great looking pieces all right let's break this red raise breath which one you want the bigger one you take the perfect inside same kind of deal beautiful just beautiful added together with some black coffee of course I'm gonna have creamer sugar in mine you just can't get any better than this here's my breath mmm-hmm is it done all the wafer done all the way through it's got a good mixture of the she had the perfect density it's not too light not too dense right there in the middle great little blue candy jelly no ma'am all right so lord have mercy on my soul stowage easy thanks cleaned it out walk around I like to do this hold my bag that have I'll take the pans and line them with my popcorn sugar coffee creamer sugar bag if I could properly open the bag here and this will go down inside here now this doesn't this cap doesn't fit flush with this because these do and if you mash it out hard enough you will but you're ruined the bottom of the French press you can see here these lips will fit just inside these intentions so you can get this down to almost closed down to almost closed but I don't want to force it because I don't want to break the bottom of the French press so I'll leave it just like that I'll take my big stuff sack put the lid down the very bottom just put this right on top and we are looking for a nesting cup or some kind of something that can go on the bottom of this so if you have any ideas of some things that might work or some things that you do know that worked with this and that will nest on the bottom of this print press please let us know down in the comments because we are definitely on the search one alrighty folks we're gonna head on out thank you for watching this video thank you for liking and subscribing make sure to click the Amazon affiliate links down in the description box below we do make a little Commission off of that and that helps our channel grow and that money that we get back from that helps us put towards gear and other cool things that we can bring out here and show you guys so help us out click them Amazon affiliate links and hope you have a great day wherever you are and as always may the wings of Liberty never lose a feather and God bless [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Roberts Bushcraft
Views: 29,264
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, Stanley Adventure All-In-One Boil + Brew French Press, stanley all in one boil and brew french press, stanley french press, stanley coffee maker, stanley boil and brew, stanley boil and brew pot, baking bread at camp, bushcraft bread baking, yeast bread baking, baking yeast bread at camp, campfire coffee, camp coffee maker, stanley adventure cup, campfire baking, campfire cooking, cooking outdoors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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