Baking With a Stanley Cook Cup and a Firebox Nano

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hey guys Shane here once again I am out in the wild wild woods of my yard okay actually what's going on is I was in the house and I came up with an idea and I want to put it to use but I'm too excited to hop in the car or go hike in a couple miles to give it a shot so I'm gonna try it out here in my yard in my back drive once again it's another cooking video but I'm gonna do a dry bake video with a little bit of the twist and from what I had done before okay guys so let me show you what I've got and let's get started all righty all right guys well I went ahead and set up my fire box nano this is the generation 2 model it comes with these really cool sticks that you can use well I do have some helpers as you can tell that you can use for your Trangia setup you can use for your solid fuel plate setup these are really handy unfortunately I don't have any use for them at this moment so here is the what I was gonna be showing you guys here I was kind of fooling around with a little bit I wanted to use something that everybody for the most part I say everybody but a large majority of the people have and their cook kits and that is the Stanley Cup lots of people have this lots of people like it I love finding more uses for this Cup because I really do like it a lot ok so let me show you guys what I come up with what I've done here I have no more than 10 minutes total time invested in this because like I said this was just an idea that that popped up so I'll show you what I'm gonna be doing with it first and foremost I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna be using this as my oven door okay but something that's kind of cool which gave me the idea is if you look here it's got holes right oops it's got these strainer holes so it's have these straightener holes up here on the top and if I turn so I could have a lot of heat evacuate out of there but then I can turn it you have a single hole so less heat would evacuate out of the top there so that's one cool idea that I was kind of playing around with there I might be able control my temperatures possibly like I said this is still an idea but then I also know might have to put some coals up here so I made with all the pieces I used like Steve Despain had made but I had to do something a little different was I made a little bit of a coal rack here okay but I put one arm on it and bent it and I'll show ya this comes over here like this and clips in okay like that then right here don't drop my tripod and take this piece it'll just clip it on there like this press down and bring it over this other leg there now everything is pretty much on there pretty solid I could actually just oh but if I wanted to but this will give me a coal rack on top plenty of holes underneath here and possible heat heat control night another really cool thing is I can use this plate you stick it on in there I stick it in there this direction here so I had the longer ends on the sides and I'm going to put some rocks underneath it just like we Steve uses on his zebra Billy cans when he's baking for thermal mass so I'll grab some rocks here all right now I'm gonna go ahead and give you guys this little demonstration basically I'm gonna take this back apart and I'm going to start a fire and then we'll go ahead and continue baking with this I'll show you my little little baking pan that I made out of some foil nothing too major all right guys well I went ahead and just cut off a small section of one of these fire starters these are the fire starters that Bob 808 Knight gave me I call them the egg-drop fire starters I love them and they are freaking beasts man seriously and Bob I'm running out just give you a heads up anyway some today we had a lot of rain it stopped earlier this afternoon so I'm gonna get this fire going I'm gonna get some coals and we'll be right back with you guys all right guys here is my really quick homemade little pan put a little lever on it so I can put it in and pull it out I just made it out of a disposable baking dish it's definitely not perfect at all and I did go ahead and spray it with some Pam so there's that and I already mixed up some lemon poppy this would be a muffin mix but we're just gonna make a little bit of bread out of it so let's take this end off right here and we'll fill this pan up need a better shot of that how weird it looks we'll stop there just gonna write fries a little bit there we go kind of looks wicked doesn't it hey oh well we'll see how it turns out can't fail if we don't try I'm going to take a couple leaves out of here and just lay them off to the side we'll take the bread we'll stick it right in there like that not too bad all right I'll go ahead and put the top rack up there as well just to get everything ready to rock with it I just happen to just happen to put it way far away from me that's all oh my leg is turned all right well we are baking okay well I'm curious so we're gonna look doesn't really feel too bad a little warm but not bad at all many worn gloves oh boy skin a little burned on the sides but she's getting done I'm gonna watch that heat a little bit and I'm gonna turn this up over here like so so that way more he will come out through the top I'm gonna have to turn my fire down more so watch my Amber's a little bit that's not too bad really for temperature more coals less heat or less fire yes so I'm glad that I looked at that so I could see if I didn't completely burn this whole this whole little experiment shall we say I guess I could probably show you guys you know if you don't want any heat to come out of the top there and probably do that you know all your heats gonna try to rise from the top but I'm gonna do that just because I don't want to chance it right now you sleeping in the grass say hi Keegan's those two though yes I'm Dorian you want to say Endurance's hello alright guys well here we go again we're gonna give it a look and this handle actually stay surprisingly cool to the touch a little warm of course this is plastic it's not gonna burn me I think looks like we may be done use my knife I'm like put it underneath there some nice guys think we did get a little warm here on the side I knew we were going to just the way it turns in but who that looks good okay let's sit it down here and let's just take a look at it okay I don't have a toothpick or anything on me but I did Whittle this little piece off one of our and it came out nice and clean okay well best part looks a little warm best part about these I just open it up I want to serve off it and I'll let that cool just a little bit before we go ahead and dive into it all right guys now that I've let this cool down let's give it a little bit of an inspection of this first of all it did get a little hot here but this was where it was touching so I could have put a little less of the ingredients into the makeshift baking pan there and it would have gotten so high this site turned out pretty good got a nice a nice baked pretty much all the way around so let's cut into it see what my two little certified bread bread taste testers think of it okay I'm going to cut this I'm going to paint up to them now so they can be on camera because well it is the first bite rule after all hi you too okay here we go now you guys if you like it or do not like it you got to tell me the truth okay okay what do you think a little warm good well that made it worth it right there alright let me give it a shot okay well here we go mm-hmm for a dry bake it's extremely moist isn't it guys it's almost got a candy flavor to it on the top and you can see they really got to expand really well by the size of those those air pockets where it was expanding so yeah that was really good all right I have somebody go and crazy on the other side of me with the camera okay be back with you guys in just a minute all right well hey guys thanks for checking out my video I really appreciate you guys watching I know there wasn't a lot to this video but this was just a test I wanted to see how it was really gonna work out and it was actually pretty impressed with it now the reason why I wanted to use a smaller container like this was well there's a couple reasons one I think that a lot of people own the Stanley cook cup I wanted them to see now option that they could use with the firebox Nano with that Cup which is really cool and - even though it's a small cup them that little loaf of bread that I made was actually a lot of bread so do I need something really really big not all the time you know I wanted to show the multiple uses again - the Nano and - that Stanley Cup so I think that it really all in all worked out pretty decent yeah like I said this was just a test I'll definitely be doing it again with something else as far as making something else but I'll definitely use that Stanley Cup again to see how versatile it really is okay guys won't like always thanks for watching please like comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys out on the tree or my backyard take care
Channel: Shane Coffey Outdoors
Views: 133,008
Rating: 4.8711796 out of 5
Keywords: Stanely Cook Cup, Stanley pot, baking, dry baking, Firebox Nano, Firebox Stove, firebox baking, bushcraft, camping, hiking, wild camping, Shane Coffey, Shane, cooking, outoor baking, backpacking meal ideas, fun, woods
Id: Zql7ppHPuss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2015
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