Hiking/Camping/Prepping Cook Systems

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intervals welcome back to my cravings rattle I'm your host mark puckett holiday show we're gonna talk about cook sets and I have a wide range of choices and options that you can pick from someone being seriously cheap lightweight some of them heavy-duty and durable so you take your pick find out which one you like best and let's get started alright folks so first up on the list is coffee can it doesn't cost very much it's pretty friggin light and it's going to be kind of in your house anyway most people buy coffee and it's always gonna sort of be a I don't know a freebie so to speak because since you're buying the coffee anyway you'll probably have the cans now let me just go ahead and be straight up with you not all coffee cans are made this way this type of coffee can is all aluminum or 10 whatever you want to call it and this one happens to be the chock full of nuts coffee can and I do want to give a hat tip to syntax 77 for the idea while it had been in play with other types of cans this particular can in particular is a great option for those that like to do a lot of cooking when they go camping these lines here on the side of the Candy's indentions here this first one indicate indicates a full cup cup and a half two cups two and a half cups and then three cups so you easily have a built in measuring system without anything special you know from a manufacturer's point of view no graduated marks or lines or anything like that but you've already got them built in which is great that brings me to your drinking system so if you really are on a major budget here and all you have is just what's available in your house there's absolutely nothing wrong with picking up a couple of kans I believe this one happens to be a green bean can mainly because it doesn't have the white liner inside of it like a lot of tomato or soup cans and stuff that has high acidity this one works perfectly fine I have only used this system once and it actually worked perfectly fine I didn't actually use the drink Cup because it was after the fact I had already upgraded and graduated away from this but the chock full of nuts cam works perfectly although I didn't actually eat out of the chuck full of nuts cup I pulled my water in there it boiled just fine and I just poured the hot water into my food bag work perfect now in order to get these cans so they don't suck here on the edges you have to get a special can opener in this can opener I think you can pick up for around five or ten bucks I can't remember exactly sure but it looks like this the markings on it are oxo I don't know if that's hug kiss hug who really knows for sure though anyway this is pretty fantastic it basically rounds off the edge and crimps it down so there are no sharp edges so you don't catch fingers or your lips or whatever so you might want to take a look into this can opener if you plan on using your old coffee cans and old green bean cans as a cook system all in all I'm just going to consider this one a freebie because you're probably already going to be buying green beans and coffee like I said this is the chuck full of nuts can so this one in comparison to the other coffee cans that I've used is far superior mostly the other ones are actually kind of I don't know cardboard on the side with like some silvery material but it's not metal so they're not able to be used this one actually works really great this is the aluminum cook pot that comes out of the Walmart cook set everyone is probably seeing these at your local Walmart I think the whole thing the frying pan the lid pot and I think it comes with a small plastic cup in this tin and I think you can pick this whole system the entire thing for like seven bucks so you go from three to seven dollars this is the old boys get Boy Scout style while there's absolutely nothing wrong with it people have voiced a few concerns about whether or not this is a good option because maybe the leaching I don't even know what the hell that means other than the fact that you might get some sort of Chinese manufacturing chemical that will leach into your food and I don't know but I've never had any problems with these style this is all I ever used to carry because they're obviously they're aluminum so they're just wicked light this one actually comes with a built-in bail with the top and everything so you can retain your heat but the biggest problem is that if you happen to be like me I sometimes just like to take my pot hang it over a fire walk away and come back later when I've got time to deal with it the problem is is it because it's so wide when you put your water or stew or pasta or whatever it is you happen to be cooking in here when you put it in because it's so wide it tends to tilt back and forth so if any of you all of ever use these before you'll know that unless you crimp the sides so that it actually kind of clicks into place it will easily sway back and forth and you will end up dumping all of your material into the fire or on yourself for that matter so it is kind of a pain in the ass so but for seven bucks you get a full cook set I never even take this thing I've never needed it don't want to carry the weight so I just skip it all together but it is a cheap and inexpensive option if you're willing to deal with a few of the shortfalls that this particular system has okay moving right along we have the GSI stainless steel butterfly Cup okay this is actually a great system if you're just looking to go pretty minimal you know no skillet no frying pan no nothing like that you could easily take this GSI stainless steel cup and boil your water and use it as your eating pot at the same time if you're like me you might want a cup to go off to the side and maybe maybe even go with two of those or maybe get a seer a cup or something for on the side but if you can just eat an entire meal and then not drink during you could always eat out of this wash it up and then take your swigs of water after the fact or just drink directly out of your bladder this one comes in at about ten bucks I believe on Amazon overall for a stainless steel cup it's an excellent Buy but I will say that I have noticed that walmart has started to carry a stainless steel cup much like this one for five bucks but I didn't see that before I bought this option so I have it and it's here if I need it so it is what it is it's a stainless steel cup with the butterfly handles here it's very sturdy and it works I mean it's it's tried-and-true stainless steel it'll last many many many years so the next system I have on the list is the stanley cook set now this is actually a pretty great cooks cook set it's stainless steel it has graduated lines on the side to indicate how much this thing will hold according to this it will hold it this top line 20 ounces or 591 milliliters it has a top with a plastic tab to pick it up it also has strainer holes on each side very well made Stanly logo on this side here and it has the holding handle that will flip up over on top to kind of at least help keep your top in place now this by itself isn't it it's an excellent option it really is I have no complaints with it it's actually performed relatively well the only con that I can really think of other than the fact that it's stainless steel so it's heavier than say like aluminum or titanium is that it's kind of tall so you actually have to kind of place it on a base it's it's going to be extremely hard for you to kind of like set it down into a fire unless you already have a couple of pieces of wood that you can lean it up against there's no bail on it so you can't hang it over a fire that happens to be something that I like to do so if you don't do a tripod hanging over the fire or a spit or something like that no big deal this is an excellent option at 14.99 roughly 15 bucks at a I think you can still pick them up at Walmart I happen to pick mine up at tarjay it's a great system I totally dig it and it comes with two cups these are heavy-duty insulated plastic cups I don't ever use those because they're heavy and they serve pretty much only one function I cannot use these in the fire but I will say that as a standalone cup that's not going to burn your lips off whenever you're trying to drink your coffee or hot chocolate or whatever it might be these will work pretty awesome so you could always ditch one and just carry one with you they Nestle directly down into the pot and it works extremely well like I said for 15 bucks it's extremely hard not to go you know it's extremely hard to go wrong with this system the next setup that I have here is quite simply just a titanium cup this is the tokes 450 milliliter cup mug whatever you want to call it it has butterfly handles again it doesn't have a veil but it is titanium okay so the trade-off is yes it's not as light as say like the aluminum but it's just as strong as stainless steel but at one-third the weight so it will never rust its corrosion resistant it's going to basically last you forever just you know as long as you take care of your gear it's going to take care of you so I ended up getting this you're looking at about 20 bucks for the cup at least that's what I paid for it on Amazon excellent excellent a system to go with if you're buying titanium more than likely you're willing to spend a decent amount of money for lighter gear you could always use some aluminum foil as your top to help keep the heat in for your water and stuff like that this right here is an excellent both mug and a container to help heat up your water okay so the next pot I have is the Snow Peak stainless steel kettle number one this is probably one of the best pieces of cooking kit that I own the reason I say that is because the quality the craftsmanship the fit the finish everything has just been amazing not only does it have the bail but it has the butterfly handles on the back it has the pour spout it has quality lid with your handle a nice deep pot it is basically performed epically it's done everything I needed to do my only gripe with it is that it is big it is big very big generally I kind of like a cook set that will fit easily into a water bottle style pouch on my bag but this one doesn't this actually has to go into my bag and so it takes up valuable space there's no retention system on your lid so if it shifts around you know it will eventually come off unless maybe you put a rubber band or you know some sort of lashing around it paracord whatever but for the money I have hung this over the fire plenty of times have always been able to get most of this hood off I don't really try all that hard I like it to have a little character and whatnot but this is a $25 option and I will say that if you like to do a lot of cooking again out in the woods you are going to be extremely hard pressed to find a better compact lightweight durable cooking system than the Snow Peak kettle number one excellent excellent piece of kit last but not least this is what I currently carry this is the tokes titanium 750 milliliter pot it has everything I want it has the bail on top the butterfly handles here in the back it comes with a built in lid extremely lightweight with the strainer holes and it holds 750 milliliters which holds three total cups for your cooking needs so it's essentially this only smaller less bulky and will outlast this without a doubt so this is corrosion resistant this will eventually rust out if you don't take care of it you could always spray-paint it and maybe save yourself a few bucks because this is not a cheap option but this is an extremely durable and lightweight option this one is free like we said and this one here is about 50 bucks so what I end up doing is I do like to have a cup option I take the tokes 450 milliliter cup nest it right down inside there place an alcohol stove or my mouth rag maybe some spices stuff put it right in there I just put a rubber band around the top so that it doesn't fall off and as you can see it packs down into nice little bitty package I have about medium sized hand so it's not that big and again it fits inside a water bottle compartment easy as pie so while all of these cook sets are excellent choices personally I have decided to go with the titanium option I love this because it's lightweight I love this because it's multi-functionality but now I have multi-functionality and light weight all in one the total on these two pieces and this is according to their own box the titanium cup says that it weighs two point two ounces that's just crazy light and it holds fifteen point two ounces so it's a decent cup I mean it's it's basically like a sixteen ounce water bottle you know so and then the pot it comes in at a whopping 3.7 ounces or 105 grams okay so we're basically looking at five total ounces for both the pot and the cup and lid combined that's about as light is I could I could go and I have spent the money for it so you know seventy dollars later I have a titanium cook set it's totally worth the money as far as I'm concerned you make your own judgments so there you have it there you go folks I hope you found all this information useful and handy for all your purposes and needs and if you will you can find all the links to the equipment that is in this video in the show notes below so thanks again for stopping here at black cravings Robin where it's all about the beans the band-aids and the bullets see you guys again next time you
Channel: Black Raven Survival
Views: 126,953
Rating: 4.4703703 out of 5
Keywords: cook, camp, hiking, prepping, aluminium, stainless steel, titanium, toaks, coleman, stanley, snow peak, Camping
Id: 5-uPqtlv1FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 02 2014
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