The World Tries To Survive Endless Random Disasters! - WorldBox

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welcome to world box and welcome back to my channel and if you're new here then double welcome to you please consider subscribing if you do end up liking this video today we are going to have the four races fight off in a very normal fashion however every 20 years we'll be spinning a wheel to find out which bad thing is going to happen and we'll spin a follow up wheel to find out who that happens to first things first let's everyone get started let's try to give everyone pretty neutral spawns here let's just let everyone get situated i want there to be lots of villages lots of villages to drop bombs on okay i feel pretty good about that let's go ahead and turn diplomacy back on okay let's see what we have here we got a nice human kingdom up here and a little side kingdom up here in the snow it's like a nice work kingdom in here the ques core warriors we got kate ogg personal favorite this kingdom is royal iotanon this looks like elves right yeah elves are way down here i don't know how or why but congratulations we got dwarves out here rocky nadam uh miners of atiar very cool so everyone's got two or three kingdoms except for the elves which just have one that's separated into two so i don't know they're all pretty even so anyway here's what we're gonna do who's first please don't let it be elves because they're already in trouble it's elves of course it's elves what's gonna happen to them dragon alright congratulations you have won a wonderful prize honestly dragons really strong at the beginning so this might not just be a problem for the elves this might be a problem for everyone because i don't think anyone even has bows yet oh good luck i mean i guess it's a good thing now that they set up this little camp out here because this might be all they have in a moment okay they might be doing damage to it who knows yeah they're doing some damage they'll be all right the dwarves are doing so well for themselves this is all them like nice job dude elves have boats already jeez yeah they might need to colonize this island this little spoon shape or guitar shape island i made this map this is the map from my uh map making guide you might recognize it if you've been around a little while okay the dragon looks like it was killed okay cool all right it's scorched like the whole center of their region took out like a hundred population but they survived it that's what counts who's next orcs uh oh and what's gonna happen to them napalm bomb greg look at that barely scooting over the line okay i've actually never spawned greg before so i don't even know what he does but let's try it out see here does he do anything okay he's got some attack he's just he lives forever and he's got a bunch of health okay yeah he's not really this is probably the best thing you can get in this uh little wheel of death mode because this is really not effective all right nice work you guys have it easy compared to what the elves just went through congratulations kind of doing it every five years every five to ten years i'm not taking the timeline too seriously okay there we go let's go again okay who is it gonna be is it really gonna be elves again come on those poor people they just recovered from the dragon attack okay a bomb that's not that bad right guys just a little bomb they gonna handle a bomb oh it looks like they got they're under attack right now by the dwarves yikes i feel bad about this but hey just one bomb i'm so sorry okay that was not that bad that was actually fine not really good timing for it since they're currently already being wiped out but you know what life isn't fair sometimes are you guys fighting no the dwarves are going all the way through the human lands to get over here just to mess up the elves the dwarves are doing really well they really almost need to get picked for something bad to happen to them because they're steamrolling right now the humans and elves are just not doing so hot hey the orcs moved over here good for you guys okay who's next someone that isn't the elves please humans almost the dwarfs almost and what you gonna get humans i feel bad for you because i know you're not doing very well either acid rain acid rain okay let's just go ahead and plop it right over the top i don't know let's do a few three is it going to mess up the dwarves a little bit too a bit not enough to really oh we killed some people look at that population drop all right nothing serious what is going on here what the heck you guys okay yikes the elves the dwarves wiped them out they're gone they got this little corner down here that's all that they have yikes well i feel horrible if we if we roll them again that's gonna be everything they have left who's up next dwarves it's about time you guys got taught a lesson something destructive i love the dwarves of course but they're just so strong right now they need something oh meteorite i can't remember exactly how strong the meteorite is but i'm pretty sure it's really really strong so let's just go center a mass here all right that was pretty strong not that bad though but that was strong maybe we went too easy on them let's go ahead and change bomb to um atomic bomb very cool how's everyone doing the orcs are taking over the elves old region and the elves are taking over the orcs old region wait these are dwarves down here though what gives why are you guys all the way down here fighting the elves what did they do to you man oh the humans are over here too this is so random okay if you say so all right the dwarves are still in the lead this yellow kingdom back here has just stayed out of all of it if we draw orcs next i'm gonna bomb them mark my words all right who's it orcs maybe orcs okay what's it gonna be atomic bomb perfect timing since we just made that one yep like i said boom about 60 kills on that one the kids survived thank goodness the kids are nuclear proof okay oh what's this is this orc yep just one orc setting up a zone village all right so the new rule is just so we keep it consistent whoever gets rolled it's their most popular kingdom that gets dropped from now on i think it makes more sense to drop bombs on the most powerful one rather than the weaker one so sorry kes core warriors next time we'll drop on the other one see how everyone's doing the orcs are very strong and so are the dwarves they are close in population who's next oh no not the elves i'm so sorry maybe i'll get an easy one maybe i'll just get greg acid rain that is not up call it off boys they're dead they got killed while we were spinning the wheel in memoriam we remember you with this acid rain [Music] beautiful the elves are gone let's go pick a new one then dwarves come on nice aliens yeah so i'm just gonna spawn one ship let's put it right where the meteor was nice i don't see anyone with bows yet this might do a lot of damage if they don't have bows yet he's missing some health already but i'm not sure from what okay yeah i don't think they have bows yet and they'll be fine oh no there we go oh the guy with a bonus got wiped out oh there we go aliens on the ground taken care of they lost i don't know 50 population on that thing maybe less couple uh villages we got the dwarves fighting the dwarves over here very interesting it'd be nice if they would consolidate into one kingdom and same same for you two and you weirdos okay man they've got so much going on they've got this insane army over here you guys are scary they got an army up here too bro okay who's next looks like humans yep sorry boys it's time for something bad to happen to you meteorite will be rough okay rest in peace let's go center of mass boom looks like i don't know 70 population got killed on that one take out a chunk in the middle that'll take up look they consolidated nice oh and they're kind of in the process down here too they're down to two kingdoms oh and the dwarves took out the little orc village all the way over here they crossed the entire map just to kill three people that's so funny these dwarves are frightening i'm into it though i don't really get to see dwarves be like this usually who's it gonna be dwarves okay so starting now we're gonna do whatever we roll twice we're dropping two separate atomic bombs because these villages are getting strong and they need to be taught a lesson okay let's just go on the big village boom boom dang that was like 300 population 250 or something rip dude nice look they still haven't recovered from their uh meteorite this is still bugging out right here it looks like an orc hut like a fraction of like two or cuts just like trying to spawn but it can't that's so funny but also not funny okay we got the orcs defending their lands against looks like humans this village down here is getting killed by orcs and it's gone all right humans are down to one main kingdom alright who's next looks like humans oh maybe yep humans are getting two of what oh dragons two dragons that could be a problem for them that could be a big problem for them all right best of luck to you guys oh they're under attack too well now they're definitely under attack can you please destroy whatever these buggy things are oh this dragon what the heck are you doing bro huh you see something shiny or something look at this population dropping because they're being attacked too oh man someone's gotta get wiped out next right i'm so confused about this dragon you immediately flew over everything just to hang out by the island just to get that nice ocean view okay 350. oh the orcs are up here too oh oh oh whoa in a weird turn of events that both dragons just decided to not attack the humans at all okay well we'll keep that going i guess who's next dwarves and they get oh easy they get double acid rain but since we spawned like three clouds we'll do that twice so we'll do six clouds total so let's just kind of go one two three one two three and watch the population counts really nothing honestly oh they combined yeah it's nothing to them dude you still sleeping what are you doing you're insane this dragon is still alive how come they killed the one earlier but this one is still at full health like no one's even attacking it no one's got bows over here okay all right but he's also not really attacking them very aggressively either okay don't let me get in the way of your dreams all right we're bumping it up to three whatever you roll you have to get three of it because these kingdoms are getting pretty strong and they need to be taught a lesson we got dwarves again and they get oh my gosh three more dragons this one's kind of neutral because we might place them on your village but they might just go attack like trees in the middle of the ocean for some reason look at this guy what is your problem what a weirdo okay one two three this one decided to just not get involved he's hanging out in the woods that's cool this guy is still out here all these armies and no one's attacking the dragon oh someone hit him wow they did 18 damage nice job this dragon's just gonna single-handedly wipe out the entire oh the other one joined them too okay well this is good news for the humans because the the dragons that were supposed to attack the humans earlier like everyone except for the humans is being attacked oh look at that they killed their dragons okay all right next up works they get three three atomic bombs oh no okay if you say so okay let's i don't know one two three sheesh 200 population down looks like the humans got a little more attacked yeah look at them they're getting attacked over here by two armies of orcs look at that they're getting wiped out i don't know this could be it for them okay well that was a big blow to the uh what is going on over here dude you've lost your mind go do your job yeah there's a big blow to the orcs there that put them down a bit and now dwarves are pretty solidly in the lead until we roll them that is up works again uh oh okay don't be don't be too rough you're kidding me dude you're kidding okay three more dragons i don't make the rules one two three the orcs are the ones having a hard enough time with the dragons as is like they couldn't even handle one dragon now they've got five of them i don't know they kind of went over to the dwarfs so if the dragons just attack the dwarves and the orcs the humans might just win because they were out of the way i don't know maybe all right well everyone's so scattered and like torn apart right now there's like no good looking villages i mean this area is not doing too bad but there's also a dragon like right there so not for long these people are doing all right though living their lives oh the dragon's gone from over here he must be maybe he's one of these ones so funny dude they finally combined into one kingdom now the three races are just three kingdoms okay next up humans and they get three this is gonna wipe them out unless it's something super mellow atomic bombs dude they're gone hey this i'll wipe out the dragon though one two three oh man that feels so bad 70 population and it's a wasteland now 50 population and the orcs are still there oh no humans are gone that was so they they had a really bad luck the whole time all right let's keep it going let's now do four so whatever they roll they get four of those because it's gonna take quite a bit to get anything to happen okay dwarves get four you're kidding me dude how is it always dragons one two three four all right that's dumb i'm going again okay this time it's the orcs and they get four greg's we saw earlier are not that big of a threat but uh maybe if there's four of them oh i did five i did four these guys are weak they're fine you can tell he's not very threatening by just his own scared face if you're fighting someone they look like that you probably are gonna win the fight yeah the dragons are still out there i think i see one two three four five oh six this guy's still down here six dragons on the map right now looks like rough stuff dwarves are still solidly in the lead though and the griggs are actually killing people when there's so many of them like that it's hard to like actually get in for the hit what a nuisance just a bunch of super slow moving like just low damage guys who is it going to be potentially orcs again yep and they get four napalm bombs one two three four they palm bombs aren't too bad they do burn up a bit of your grass this is gonna keep them busy for a while what would you rather do though fight five greg's or five dragons because the dwarves still kind of have it pretty rough although they've only got two left hey they're sleepy oh poor baby both teams still above a thousand let's go again orcs get atomic bombs four atomic bombs one two three four wait did i blow up greg okay no don't worry they survived yikes drop them down to 700 rest in peace we've still got one two three four dragons left that's rough i'm still just so confused about this guy what are you doing all right let's add a few more things to our list here and take out some so let's take out acid rain and put an evil mage and let's take out greg and put in necromancer looks like it works again against four necromancers i think the dwarves are gonna win overall because of just how much trouble the uh orcs have been having but how do you do against a bunch of people beating you up like that i don't think that necromancer is going to be that big of a problem although why is he going way over here now he just doesn't spawn skeletons fast enough yeah i think they already wiped them out not that big a deal if we roll necromancer again we'll put all four of them in one spot next time how about that roll all right we got dwarves this time and they got evil mage so we'll put four evil mages next to each other so let's just go right in the middle one two three four that's a lot of damage okay it looks like they killed one of them already it's just a bunch of fire i cannot see what's happening yeah there's just one left i think okay they got him i want to see some effort here okay dwarves necromancers there we go it's just they're really strong against ground units they just have like no air yeah they're just wiped them out okay that's too easy let's take necromancer out and put the cyber core okay spin that one spin this one let's do five now whatever you draw you get five of them five dragons of course it's dragons one two three four five orcs and they get five lava rain for the first time dude the dwarves are just getting destroyed by the dragons right now so many dragons five lava rail that works let's just go one two three four five lava rain is a little more deadly than acid rain for obvious reasons nice look at that and it will affect the dwarves at least on these upper clouds oh man these poor people what a bad time to choose to be alive huh this is going right down the middle too rest in peace that actually equalized them quite a bit the dwarves have lost so much population between the lava rain and the dragons that they're about to drop below yep they just drop below the orcs this time it's the orcs and they get five aliens i was i thought i was gonna do dragons again dude i was gonna be pissed okay five aliens one two three four five did they ever kill the greggs it looks like they did then the dwarves are still out here like attacking people okay you guys got bows now right you learned your lesson from the dragon you learned about flying technology did they kill the dragons finally there's one down here and one here i think that's it just two dragons left i mean for now until we roll it again but all right let's see if five alien ships can do enough damage to actually help the dwarves catch up again but it looks like not honestly the alien ships aren't that strong but once they kill the ships the aliens inside do a lot of damage but they're not even attacking the ships they still have full health let's go ahead and roll it again and they get five atomic bombs yikes one two three four five all right they're down to 600 population i wonder if i hit any of the aliens with that it looks like not this alien spaceship out here fighting the dragons but like it can't shoot things that are flying so it's just like the dumbest fight to ever happen alright yeah the orcs are still dropping quite a bit forks again and they get five meteorites congratulations [Music] down to 500 population look at all these tents like they're just trying to rebuild their entire civilization right now 400 and decreasing aliens are still still bullying them ain't over yet dwarfs maybe yeah dwarves and they get five evil mages they handled them really easily last time but they were a lot stronger last time so let's see how they do now one two three four five oh yeah this is gonna be a little different oh man just toasting everyone okay only two are left i'm actually impressed by that making me proud over here let's go again i want to get some results here i think we bullied these people enough dwarves and they get five lava rain one two three four five lava rain is honestly really deadly because it's pretty much insta-kill for anyone inside of it as well as any buildings inside look at that down to 600 and they can't really build in that area the same way anymore either works are coming back up they were down to 400 for a minute there but now they're back up okay whatever's next is 10 we're going to wipe someone out it just depends on if they get something bad enough to wipe them out dwarves they get 10 dragons gg if the dragons actually stay here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten if the dragons actually stay here looks like no what is it with dragons in this freaking island out here what is so exciting about this island okay well that doesn't really do anything there's one dragon out here but that's not that big a deal there's still an alien ship that's just embarrassing i'm embarrassed there's two of them still there's probably more all right let's do it again orcs 10 aliens since they did so well with the first ones five six seven eight nine ten all right it's a slow process but that's probably enough to wipe them out did they really never learn how to make bows you guys can make bows what are you doing all right who's getting 10 of something orcs 10 meteorites bad luck boy oh getting drawn twice in a row one two three four i don't even know where they're five six seven eight nine ten they're down to five they didn't even do that much okay who's it gonna be next dwarves and they get 10 cyber cores okay i don't know where to put them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i don't think that's going to be very strong because cybercore isn't that good right when you place it you got to let it spread out a bit but this one looks like it might survive maybe i don't know this one's doing pretty well once they get a bunch of these little guys out here it's really hard to push okay orcs are down to 300 population dwarves are 400 let's get someone knocked out dwarves and they get 10 napalm bombs congratulations one two three four five six seven eight oops i just dropped that one on the uh you get an extra bomb because of that i dropped it right on the cyber course where they survived okay that didn't do very much let's go again someone's gotta get wiped out eventually orcs lava rain this is gonna just kill everyone one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay that's just making the world unlivable at this point it's so just it's embarrassing that the alien ships are just floating above them just lasering them over and over again i mean hey the lava could wipe out the cyber cores for them you know it looks like it didn't but maybe in some spots it did okay well they're still alive dwarves took a pretty big hit from that let's go again we've got dwarves and they get 10 atomic bombs that's it that's gg one two three four five six seven it's eight i have two more and they're all dead that's it dwarves are gone orcs are the winners congratulations look at how bad of shape they're in though they've got just little awkward patches of like a few people and some tents amidst like the rubble of their old civilization 260 population which isn't too bad but it's spread over seven different villages looks like eight different villages the big problem here is that they still have the alien ships floating around although i think some of them got killed by the acid rain honestly because i only see the one alien ship and there were like five of them before so oh no they're all just out here just kidding i don't know why all the flying things are obsessed with this island maybe because it's peaceful out here i don't know but hey congratulations to the orcs what is this okay well you did have two more atomic bombs so there's one and there's one you're gone oh there's someone here just give it up okay well thanks for watching guys hopefully you enjoyed this that was actually pretty fun to do i liked it because i didn't have to like think of stuff it just kind of was up to chance so congrats to the orcs you didn't really win out of skill or strategy you won just out of luck but congratulations all the same good luck rebuilding on this destroyed world anyway thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you next time don't forget to subscribe if you haven't and smash that like button see ya [Music] you
Channel: Gorg
Views: 1,019,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox update, worldbox pc, worldbox new game, god simulator, worldbox, super worldbox, worldbox game, super worldbox war, dangerouslyfunny, world box game, new sandbox game, life simulator game, god tycoon, worldbox god simulator, tabs, mellon worldbox
Id: 557GGrcKOFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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