The Universe Is Way Bigger Than You Think

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i can't do this the whole thing is it's mental in it really why hello there ladies and gentlemen and non-binary people today we are reacting to how the universe is way bigger than you think my favorite type of video i love these ones thank you ksi thanks for my great morning entertainment yeah no worries man just gonna have a panic attack in the shower kind of a panic attack the whole way through zucker existential crisis inbound let's get it can i look at the wall the whole time and just listen this is earth you live here on this planet wow everything that you've ever known is located right here but just how small exactly is earth compared to the scale of the entire universe let's start by zooming out to where we can see our nearest cosmic neighbor the moon you may think that the moon is very close to earth since it dominates our night skies but in reality the moon isn't this close to our planet it's actually about this far away 1845 100 kilometers per hour speed it would take you about 160 days to drive the entire distance incredible 12 humans have actually set foot here representing the furthest away that any individual human has ever been away from the earth but has they actually oh shut up sorry let's go i'm not just trying i'll just put some screw in the tuner that's all we are not doing this is what the earth would look like from there if you were standing there with them and if you wanted to communicate with somebody back at home it would take a message about two and a half seconds to travel between you and them since that's how fast the speed of light can travel at oh wait that's that's how far that's actually that's quicker than i thought it would be yeah that's not scary that's pretty good that's pretty much pretty much instant right if i have an sms message on the moon i can just do that quite quickly then everyone will know that's like ethan's internet speed bro this is a photo that was taken on mars and that tiny dot that you see there is earth as seen from the martian surface on average mars is an incredible 225 million kilometers away from earth but that distance can be as high as 401 million kilometers that means that whenever humanity finally gets around to landing a human on the planet that person will be 986 times further away from earth than the astronauts who landed on the moon were in addition the time delay for sending a message to earth isn't just two and a half seconds it's actually more like 20 minutes each direction which would render instant communication in the event of an emergency impossible all right can't whatsapp someone on mars when we zoom out even further away we can find the voyager 1 space probe which is the furthest away man-made object from earth it is currently located 138 a use from the earth a u meaning astronomical unit that's crazy so when there's people on mars you won't ever be able to have like a voice conversation with them yeah if you're trying to delay that crazy like wait 20 minutes hello no you've been brought forth right it'd be 20 and 20 it'd be 40. for sure you say hello wait 20 minutes they say hello you make 20 minutes and you hear them say hello because it is mental like we can sit on a phone call with someone from australia like you think how far away australia is in real time we can like communicate as if we're stood next to each other is that saying a message not via like send a message via the fastest possible speed that we can send something the speed of light fibre optics we can't get faster than that can we unless we can not i think we know yeah we can't know of yeah wow jj's is there like bafta the speed of dark if you slow down time the relatively speed you can travel is faster so that was just a slow down time casual yeah if i think if we're able to slow down time then it's over we is time really it's fake money's fake time's fake everything's fake that's that's how it works if someone gets to the speed of light and tries to go faster time slows down to stop it going faster than the speed of light how crazy is that things that make you go hmm which is the distance between the earth and the sun which means that voyager 1 is 138 times further away from us than the sun is at some point on its long voyage voyager 1 turned its camera around and took this photograph it may not look like much at first but in my opinion this is the greatest single photograph ever taken in all of human history this tiny pale blue dot is earth and i don't think that anybody has ever said something as amazing about this as carl sagan when he said if you look at it you see a dot that's here that's home that's us on it everyone you ever heard of every human being who's ever lived lived out their lives the aggregates of all our joys and suffering it's happening confident religions ideologies and economic doctrines every hunter and every forager every hero and coward every creator and destroyer of civilizations every king and every peasant every young couple in life every hopeful child every mother and every father every inventor and explorer every teacher of morals every corrupt politician every supreme leader every saint and sinner in the history of our species but even at that speed it won't break out of the reach of our solar system for another 30 000 years once we go beyond the solar system we arrive in our interstellar neighborhood here we shift to the light year unit of measurement which is the distance that light travels in a full earth year or about four six one trillion kilometers the star proxima centauri here is the closest star to us other than our sun but it's still 4.24 light years away from us to put that into perspective if it was heading in the right direction it would still take voyager 1 over 70 000 years to reach it in other words if you drove your car at 100 kilometers an hour like in our previous example to the moon it would take over six times longer than the entire age of the universe how does that understand how does that exist the whole thing is it's mental in it really it is it is success we can't be that many things it's impossible it has to be impossible but it's impossible well no it's not impossible it's impossible i know that that's the issue how scary is that if we are the only things like the first are we the first are we the only are we i i don't are we the last who's right are we about to that are we about to yeah we're the last about to that threshold everyone else here i feel like we're just very middle like now we're gonna hit what's happening imagine it's so imagine we're the first planet to ever have life on it ever no but we could but as vic said we could also be the last so if you have a planet there's no life in it because it died it will kill itself and what if there's something that we're about to do that's going to kill us all off because there's like this great filter where you hear certain other technology you just kill your own planet do this um so jj also you know um wait hold up let's try the brain right now one sec one sec brain's going to break [Laughter] [Music] um how long has have humans been on earth as a percentage uh i'll find out it's titanic it's tiny yeah but how long have you been on the planet as a percentage for the lifetime of the earth yeah i just yeah it's impossible that we're the first it's not impossible though jj the last so here we go jj yeah so humans have been around for two hundred thousand years yeah so if you're like all right you know like humans have been around for ages that's that's less than one percent of the earth's age so the earth has been here for 4.5 billion years okay and only in the last 200 000 years have we popped up yeah took us that long just to spawn a little sperm it feels that long from little tadpoles were kicking about they had their time on the planet yeah but then during that time i'm sure there were other but if it took 4.5 billion 4.5 billion years for us to pop up and that like the chances of us popping up is like one in billions given like we don't know anywhere else you say 4.5 billion years yeah so yeah next week mars just pop up like a little tadpole thing and go yay but also how we don't understand how that happens how does it go from there's no life there's life there all right okay let's see we're going down the rabbit hole let's just keep watching we need to finish this video it's making me feel better somehow i don't know why i feel worse oh damn when we zoom out even further we can see the entire milky way galaxy inside of which earth is located right here this yellow dot is the furthest extent of humanities radio broadcasts throughout history which means that any possible aliens who live outside of this range are totally unaware of humanity's presence it's complete silence outside of this yellow dot as far as we are currently aware but the entire galaxy spans over 100 000 light years from end to end there are over 100 billion stars and over 100 billion planets inside of our galaxy there's no way we're right now jj i'm gonna mess with your head a little bit more right so you know how you said um that there has to be like other life like we're just in the middle yes here's a theory for you what if this is a simulation oh god you're way vic they created this whole universe and they just put humans in a little bit and they're like let's see how far humans can go oh let's see where humans can get to even we're the only ones what if we're a bug in their system we're not supposed to exist is that they got nice this little computer program that's running and we just had a little little glitch mondays and they're going to patch it and we're not going to be there anymore one tied into a zero [Music] all right let's just thanks install norton antivirus done boom we're gone what if the pandemic is the update there we go this is all bad we're only at milky way but you have never seen the full glory of the galaxy at night because 99 of the stars that you can see with the naked eye are limited to the small tiny region right here but even this massive galaxy is nothing compared to the rest of what's out there even further and we arrive at the whole nice guy yeah yeah yeah different galaxies that is about 20 million light years across but zooming out even further and we can see the virgo super cluster of which the local group here is just a tiny segment of hey yo i'm trying to get into the virgo cluster farm they're having a boy over there the whole thing you're looking at is burger super close outside scientists know where all this is the vegan cluster right middle right middle j wants to be in the virgo cluster within the yeah you ain't getting it i think you're in the super cluster jj wait hold up hold up go go if you set off at the park all right if you set off at the speed of light now you can get there in 10 million years jason when were the dinosaurs about again is it is that ten oh my god what was the last known dinosaur vic excellent like 66 million years 66 million years yeah so so the dinosaurs learned how to get to light speed and they set off for voting maybe they off you know they maybe just started talking up there and off imagine i'm like imagine somehow no because there'll be technology what if dinosaurs could talk and they just like they had guns now they'd be there'd be evidence there'd be evidence of that they'd be archaeological technology though what they were left no if they took it with them everything they don't know where they just came out and they peaced out what logical reason would that be for taking every evidence of their society with them no there isn't because they're still there because there's still some fossils of the previous donnies the ones that aren't that good you get archaeological like technology like you have like the tools that the egyptians use the romans use the like is how it goes they took it all the dinosaurs are just smarter than all of us they took their tech the dinosaurs are built different yeah so the dinosaurs like dexter right they've cleared up everything bro wait so did dinosaurs have like vocal chords we don't know or voice boxes so if you think of dinosaurs do you think of jurassic park in it you think of those noises yeah yeah we don't know those guys actually the t-rex could literally be like that's it what if dinosaurs just lived in black and white like no sound silent movie thing guys let's just keep going we're going to get stuck here forever there are at least 100 other groups of galaxies just like our own local group inside of here and the distance from one side to the other is a mind-numbing 110 million light years i think that's so comfortable even the massive virgo super cluster is nothing but a cloud oh wait hey yo wait how do they know all this exists how have they what yeah how do how is up how do you know that how do we know this this is just with us you know but it's all right they're making it up they're making it up corona they come and infected us how long to spread it on us 100 million years mate said hydra's there as well jeez but it's a booty's void that's it for you jj everyone's just got big asses it's like yeah structure that is home to our galaxy as well as 100 000 other galaxies the distance from one side to the other is 525 it's impossible just a tiny bit it has to get by part of everything none bob look at this this is and this is the observable universe this is what we don't observe but we don't know we don't know what the probability that life comes about is yeah we have no clue we have nothing to go against the thing is like all we know is that there is life we don't know where it came from why it exists or what it is we don't so what's to say that yeah it could exist elsewhere but also we don't know what makes life everything else could be all dead it could just be stuff it could just be all like the rest is [Applause] card i think i'd feel much more at ease if i believed that fully the problem is no one can prove that nothing would prove anything that's the issue amen i want to have faith i have faith i do feel much better now it makes me feel better it makes me feel better this is the observable universe and it contains everything that we know of it is home to at least two trillion different and individual galaxies which together contain more stars than there are grains of sand on the entire earth the distance from earth to any side of the observable universe is 46. who's counting the brains which means that the entire width is 93 billion light years across what's perhaps even more interesting however is what actually lies beyond the observable universe keep in mind that the observable universe is all that we can currently see and it's entirely possible that the rest of the universe outside of it is vastly larger and more fantastic than we can possibly ever imagine we simply don't know what else is out there oh this is that sent me that's that that's rude me i'm ruined because the light from these incredibly distant places has not yet had enough time in the universe's history to reach us yet back on earth i'm ruined i'm ruined that that that that concept has ruined me the thing that has ruined me is the fact that there's so much more than even like we will never know like like it made me sad that i'll never know what is like even like in the example universe let alone beyond the observable universe we might find out by the time you die it's possible but also if you know there'll always be more right they'll always they might not need to know you don't need to know imagine we just find the edge of the universe and you find out what is the plate we just played a dinner we got british bacteria on a plate oh it's just some big donny just staring at us oh my god imagine you get 10 you get the end of the universe and there's just a don holding it the thing is that you're in a room like a little fish tank oh i've been ruined and the light from some places may never reach us at all because some parts of space very far away from the world are expanding away from us faster than the speed of light that means that the light from these planes will never in an infinite amount of time reach earth meaning that even if humanity is eternal and exists forever there will still be an unknown number of places in the universe that we will never know about or ever see so it is very likely that as unbelievably enormous as it seems the universe is just a tiny slice of what we can currently see of the entire universe according to the theory of cosmic inflation that was proposed by dr alan guth if it is assumed that cosmic inflation began at 10 to the negative 37th of a second after the big bang and with the assumption that the size of the universe before inflation began was equal to its age times the speed of light then this would seem to suggest that at the present day the entire universe is 150 sextillion times larger than the observable universe we were waiting for it to dump it down a little bit real quick did what about sex that number for reference looks like this with this many zeros let this number sink in for just a moment this would be similar to you thinking that the entire observable universe everything that you could see was the size of a light bulb but then realizing that in reality the entire universe is larger than the former planet of pluto imagine a light bulb in the center of pluto but we inside the light bulb were totally unaware that pluto existed outside of it and that's a similar situation to this we are all so unbelievably small but you shouldn't worry because size doesn't matter all that means is that there is so much left out there for us to discover together what that's not good no i think it's good i want to discover more can we discover more and that us that's that's a great filter moment i feel like it's kind of cool that we're kind of small because no one knows what we're doing you know what i mean yeah we just just do our here we're sneakily hiding through doing some yeah but i'm just having a little wank no one knows oh no or no one cares or no one cares because we're so dumb the flip side of that is that we're so dumb that nobody cares like we're like animals in a safari park it's like yeah yeah we're just bacteria or something let's do that thing yeah yo imagine like there was in another universe another universe another galaxy that people were able to fly and like that how cool would that be why not why not well you've seen you've seen birds mate yeah but i mean it's right the thing is okay yo jj take the humans back 200 years i might a human's like yo imagine if like people could fly look at us now we jump in jacks people wear jet packs and fly around bread man bread man good go about 20 years and look at phones and look at phones now yeah yeah give someone 50 years ago you give someone an iphone they'd be like this is this is wizardry this is this you're from the future which you are but yeah this video was made possible by squarespace we're done with that we made it we made it we made it we made it it's a good brand you know fair play you've got squarespace and a space video love that let's get some nice elaborated thoughts in the comment section below how does this make you guys feel hey yo this is a long-ass video you know yeah this is this potentially the longest reaction for a short video i think we've ever done but i hope you guys enjoyed it guys i need to go and pray i need to go and pray i'll catch you guys later peace out [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 6,008,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zzgrn8txyBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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