Scariest Theories In The World

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my heart rate's gonna happen in a world if i went into a black hole and every single [ __ ] on earth would be in that black hole so hey ladies and gentlemen welcome to assignment reacts video today we have zerka ksi and bixstar and myself reacting to 13 scariest theories that'll make your blood run cold hey dj spin that [ __ ] now consider this does the ohio state university marching band have their field maneuvers directed by aliens hovering overhead high above the stadium a scary theory to say the least if you like that one check this out that's not a theory that's a little troll to like just bring you in oh hang on do you know this don every now and then i like listening to him but sometimes just [ __ ] off you notice how all these songs who do the voiceovers have the same voice but that like an enemy sentence are like uh in a world and the blood run cold yeah it's always like stages as well every time do we have another sidemen channel in the making 13 scary sidemen moments where did we come from where are we heading is there intelligent life on earth [Music] [Laughter] i don't know these days i can't lie i mean sorry people can come up with theories that are downright terrifying in this video you'll learn about 13 of the scariest theories that'll make you question everything you thought you knew about your reality before we dive down this thought-provoking rabbit hole become a bona fide pizza make sure you subscribe to the side memories do you know what's hilarious is we are just watching someone else's videos telling them to [ __ ] off self-entitled little rats look at them oh god [ __ ] number 13 the great filter when you really consider the size of the universe it's only reasonable to assume that it's filled with countless life forms yet we haven't stumbled across any of them so far so why is that according to this theory somewhere out there exists a great filter the main purpose of this filter is to stop those civilizations that advance to the level of star colonization if we suppose that this idea is true my heart rate's gonna help you look but i can feel it there are three possible scenarios for humanity a we're unique because we've passed the great filter other civilizations haven't managed to do this b we're among the first potential colonizers before the conditions in space were too harsh for life forms to leave their home planets in this case what what did he just do i think your laugh would make my blood run cold bro that was good [Laughter] for life to leave their home planets in this case chances are that we'll soon encounter aliens see we haven't reached the level of technological development that's advanced enough to pass through the filter consequently the trial is still ahead of us you know there's another one to that the other one to that is 14 bit i don't want fourteen we're gonna we're gonna nuke interesting yeah that's the last part of the process the part c though is it not yeah realistically we haven't heard that we haven't hit the point yet but we never like we never will we can't like we're that's that's that's fixed that's victoria that he loves so i okay hates it that's that's a there's a banger video would you mean that we never hit it like like humans are destined to never like leave our solar system because we're gonna either destroy ourselves or our planet or our solar system first yeah just so yeah basically stressing like either like we can't it's actually impossible for us to do it or if it is possible yeah we haven't gone we're gonna [ __ ] it and if we or we could just [ __ ] ourselves by trying to do it geez and that's the theory that's why apparently i know other i think honestly the scariest one is we're the only one like we're the only chance that life has ever had and we're with [ __ ] at it you've elected you've just collected suck you've been impressed with them i looked out the window and i thought wow what a bunch of [ __ ] morons we've got like like we've been gifted with and what do we do we just [ __ ] we [ __ ] around we don't achieve [ __ ] it's a collective we loom up things stop it higher dimensional beings let's imagine something pretty bizarre now 2d people obviously if you stared at them from a certain angle like from the top they wouldn't ever spot you they live peacefully in their two-dimensional lives without any suspicion that someone's watching them from get out of the strings right and now even scarier what if a 4d being was looking at you from their 4-dimensional world just like a 2d person you wouldn't be able to notice this creature in your 3d world you could potentially interact with a 2d person if you found the right angle in the same manner a 4d life form could talk to you unfortunately even if these higher dimensional beings exist they seem reluctant to make contact with the human race number 11 false vacuum this scientific theory says that our universe exists in a false phase state which means that it's just a temporary thing what's more it's only a small part of a larger universe we're in joshua's day this is yeah [ __ ] don't listen to me this is really just let's say this bigger universe is a pot of boiling water according to the false vacuum theory the universe we live in would be just a tiny bubble on the surface of the water but this can't go on forever one day perhaps in billions of years this false vacuum will eventually burst tomorrow it's just as likely that the simulation we're in where it ends tomorrow i hope we're gonna see i hope we're in a simulation you know our universe might end in a few million years or it might end tomorrow equally we're not far enough away from yellowstone for it to not [ __ ] up my day nah volcano yes that's a deep see captain price like you're captain price that you control yeah he's real yes he has do we all die well i could sell every volcano in the on the planet pretty much at the same time we're in ireland so we're just going to get hit with waves no that is the smoke cloud it's a cloud of absolutely awesome like go into the atmosphere and block out the sun what was the one what was the one that happened before i met a dust cloud that we could there was oh yeah it stopped playing didn't it yeah imagine that everywhere mad but then when we have technology that just blows it all away yeah jj you've got a fan in your office if you just want to understand number 10. we're living in a black hole now you're probably aware that a black hole sucks in everything around them but what happens to the stuff it engulfs what if a black hole already swallowed us up long ago surprisingly some physicists deemed this theory pretty plausible according to dr nicodem pobloski a theoretical physicist at the university of new haven everything that a black hole sucks in may turn into a new universe inside the hole or on the other side of it so could you say definitely left these universes in all the things black holes give the best blow jobs okay well i mean you're not wrong because i guess if i went into a black hole then every single [ __ ] on earth would be in that black hole so you know it's like the human centipede that's it that's an accumulative [ __ ] that's the level we're working on it's maybe that's how our universe was born and where it's currently located oh that wasn't allow his noises bro this could be harry in ten years i could see harry doing a white house oh running the channel making a nice one of these mate yeah true is it there [Music] number nine white holes now the theory of white holes is closely connected with the previous idea while black holes engulf all matter so that even light can't escape white holes are quite the opposite these formations are believed to spit out everything that black holes suck in in other words a white hole is a hypothetical area of space time so we could be the black hole spit which she hasn't swallowed she hasn't swallowed brother okay this kind of context are right now oh my god so we came in a black hole and the white house got us out yeah it came with a black hole left from a white one little [Music] the multiverse theory everything seems the same but is in fact quite different the multiverse theory takes it all one step further and claims that there might be countless other realities beside our own now according to this theory we live in a bubble that's just one of many other bubbles they constantly pop up and vanish not unlike so bubbles and who knows maybe in one of these universes dinosaurs still roam this planet number seven brain in a vat this idea has provided the groundwork for a number of thought experiments just consider the following statements the origin of consciousness is the brain the brain needs electrical impulses attacks the brain needs electrical impulses to operate however it can also be influenced by external stimuli thus if such stimuli are simulated to a high degree the brain won't be able to distinguish these artificial stimuli from natural ones basically what this means is that you very well could be just a brain in a jar something is feeding you false impulses and you're hallucinating your whole life in reality that's gas i'm always going to be in a jar that's fine it's calm well you're in the you're in a job of some don's little [ __ ] shitty underground [ __ ] house bro that's what you'll be brought a lot of bloody jars bro i don't know [Music] i i'm making decisions right now but i don't know that you're making decisions you could just be you you are making i'm moving my hands right now bro this is me making a decision mate you could be an imposter you could be an imposter right now a bit you know what i'm doing because you're doing it for me bro my brain's just telling me i'm hearing some audio cues from this thing but do i know that that thing's actually shut the [ __ ] up you could be a figure of my imagination all of you could be made up absolutely number six rocco's basilisk rocco's basilisk is a hypothesis that some future super powerful artificial intellect can retroactively punish people who've struggled against it in the past which is our present or even those who did nothing to help bring it about this theory mostly explores the possible consequences of developing a.i to such an advanced level that it can backfire on when it outlines you and says go up yeah ready for more number five the transcension hypothesis how about a less scary more positive theory the transcension hypothesis states that a civilization eventually gets to a certain intellectual level having reached this point it manages to achieve microscopic technological singularity okay stay with me now and create a black hole which will allow this civilization to leave its visible universe this way it'll take its complexity intelligence and growth to new levels at the radar scientific development is going this becomes a real optimistic probability for the human race number four the terror management theory according to this idea everything we do comes from the fear of death our wishes and motivation are based on just one thing and it's the idea that one day we will stop existing when you consider modern medicine or even just anti-aging procedures and products it becomes obvious that we really are desperately trying to avoid death science works day and night to ensure that humanity will survive and the human lifespan will become longer and longer number three the sixth mass extinction [ __ ] old man [Laughter] i picked this video why the [ __ ] did i pick this video josh you know that last one as well that last one was right at you number three the sixth mass extinction this theory is probably the most horrifying yet unfortunately it's the most probable scenario some biologists believe that he is headed for or already passing through the sixth mass extinction it has to do with how overpopulated our planet is in the 18th century there were about one billion people on earth but nowadays just a couple hundred years later the number of people on this planet has exceeded a whopping seven billion if nothing changes the outcome will be unavoidable we're part of the problem you look we shouldn't have yeah that's what i'm saying humans are the virus expert agent smith was right humans are the virus on the planet we'll use condoms please and recycle and recycle and recycle yeah yeah you just constantly use condoms which have an ocean for the condoms yeah i watched a guy video where he's like surviving on an island for like four days or whatever it's really good video he does it quite often but when he was walking along the beach bro it's just [ __ ] like sandals and bottles and [ __ ] actually made me sad i think look i think we'll sort that out at some point where we going right now we work on everything surely there's a lot of people on this planet that don't don't do it yes corporations don't do it the long story should produce those products look i don't think it's i'm not optimistic i think a lot of the dons that are on this planet are [ __ ] idiot so the majority yeah sorry if you're included in that circle yeah that's i'm probably one of those too i'm not i'm not myself i bounce you know they're back and forth let's say that i just imagine his mouth just opened yeah basically humankind is due for a tragic demise the fermi paradox this idea explains why we probably wouldn't recognize an advanced alien civilization even if it came up and bit us on the butt this civilization could be so advanced that humans would never understand their ways as a result of our dumb simplicity this technologically developed race would never try to come in contact with us after all you don't pay attention to ants do you it's kind of like how ants don't realize that a highway you build near their ant hill is what it is i remember getting told this when i was younger right so yeah i know i think it might have been me i told you this i'm talking about long ago you don't even know what i'm about to say bro so hold that uh when he does he's already simulated when i was younger i remember someone said so you see how ants can like lift the [ __ ] they can move it whatever if you cross dna with an ant with a human you'd be able to lift it so like 45 times your own body weight how [ __ ] is that yeah yeah yeah it's the strongest like weight to whatever comparison so jj imagine you're dead lifting like what 200 saying bro you'd be dead lifting like [ __ ] 45 times it bro if you was if you had dna of that like strength dna of a nan you'd be [ __ ] lethal jesus i think that'd be terrifying we could lift up like a whole boat but you'd be you'd literally be a superhero to be fair though the difference from one human to another is mad like from me to eddie hall eddie hawkins like [ __ ] 20 times more than me between his bodybuilder ants wow like an ant just like just designated to get the biggest leaves these are on the screen right now they've been sent out together he has a soldier isn't it there's no colonies bro they've got they've got workers they've got [Music] the simulation theory now according to the simulation theory we all live in an incredibly complex computer game yep nothing less than that humanity in the distant future or any other technologically advanced alien civilization has created or will create numerous computer simulations and while the number of these simulations was is and will be almost infinite chances are that we're living in one of them right now all right webby tons of sorry that was my mind blowing [Music] oh my god i read the whole video what if they turned it like oh they turn their little simulation off one day just going yeah literally like they get blues they the amount of computer power they would have to have to be running this [ __ ] don't exist shut that down no but here's the thing okay ethan so right like go back 200 years ago you show someone an iphone the amount of computing power was in this alien and they would literally be like that's wizardry that's impossible you can't do that with a [ __ ] block of block of stuff yeah so you actually you extrapolate that like yeah i mean yeah 20 years ago you have a nokia brick and someone shows you an iphone and you're like that's that's wizardry you can't have that much computing power in such a small space extrapolate that at 10 000 years they can simulate whatever the [ __ ] they want they can simulate everything there's no there's no they don't have that much there's no doubt we accelerate therefore you know yeah i mean i feel like they've smashed it with the loading times in this right thanks for watching everybody watching it takes ages like america is a big place it might take so long to load it that's probably why we have to sleep it's just loading the next day loading the next day refreshing now because listen my loading times have been so varied [Music] [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 5,249,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zxDcvNFC3Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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