How Deep is the Ocean?

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y'all said i was crazy i knew it yo welcome back to simon reacts today you have myself simon and ethan and we are reacting to the ocean is way deeper jeez than you think how deep is it as deep as i can get in your mother that's not very deep because you can't get anywhere mate thanks for watching guys there you go you've got your answer guys the ocean is really really deep deeper thanks for watching and island in the world and fill up the ocean's deepest points with that land then the entire earth would be covered in an ocean two miles deep three-fourths of our planet is already covered in water though and it goes a lot deeper than just two miles let's start with a sense of scale this time let's start building islands because it's not like mine i can't just drop blocks but then yeah build an entire island on like something you're not [ __ ] that can listen talk to me email me if you want to build an island elon let's do it average human slightly larger dot is the size of an elephant and this is the size of the largest ship ever built the knock nevis with that in mind let's start going underwater and see what we find out okay the first guy stone is at 40 meters below the surface which is the maximum depth allowed for recreational scuba diving a little further down at 93 meters is where the wreck of the lusitania was discovered which is interesting itself is 240 meters long which means that it sank in water shallower than it is long so if the ship was standing on its stern or bow it would be sticking out of the than that at water meters is where diving can become seriously fatal if you're not careful because of decompression sickness but that didn't stop a man named herbert nitch to accomplish the free diving world record of 214. what this guy swam down to this level with just one single breath but a little once 332 meters we have the scuba diving world record which is accomplished if he had swam down another 111 meters then he would have reached the height of the empire state building if it was submerged under water and a little frog [ __ ] 100 years below the surface that's terrifying is terrifying this is the largest craters on the planet and also the limit of the u.s seawolf class nuclear submarine at 535 meters we can witness penguins and this is when we must [ __ ] plenty of water deeper than blue white wait the penguins are out here going deep bro we're in the picture because they are they are kingpin and the penguins be mashing up the ocean feb what are you doing right everyone thinks that everyone thinks blue whales are in the ocean bro penguins are out here deep diving bro i'm about or the penguins would be roughly equivalent to a polar bear standing on a quarter so further down the depths at 830 meters would be the height of the burj khalifa in the tallest building in the world once what is that 1 000 meters below the surface we begin to enter the scary zone light from the sun so the rest of the ocean below is i've dived to the bottom of the pool and i've thought i wouldn't want to be here longer than i am here i'm not gonna lie um that was probably two three meters right you say like that yeah as soon as the water gets to my neck i'm panicking [Laughter] when i when i jump off boats and stuff right i don't like i must be going quite far down but you come straight back up in it i wouldn't want to stay there yeah [ __ ] that it's long well the fact you can't see it's just like there's stuff down there that shouldn't exist i don't like it that's why it's down like yeah i'm not up here like there's fishes with like light bulbs and stuff there's see-through fishes down there the fish discovered the light bulb before thomas edison at this point without the same as if you were standing on the surface of the planet venus meaning that you would die very quickly you would also meet all they've done give us another thing we can't understand they've gone oh if you were here you'd have the same pressure as another situation you don't understand true but it's okay bro imagination think about the imagination run wildlife this is okay he's okay at 1280 meters we reach the maximum depth dived to by the leatherback sea turtle and further down at one thousand eight ninety eight meters we would reach the deepest part of the grand canyon were to be underwater with us down at 2 000 meters we start to encounter some of the more terrifying sea creatures like the obviously named black dragon fish a carnivorous beast with a stomach that doesn't allow light to be emitted through it meaning that since we're in total darkness underwater at this point the only way you would ever see this thing is with a flashlight oh my gosh we would reach the maximum depth dived to by both sperm whales and the very frightening colossals sperm whales often have sucker marks and scars left on their bodies from battles with a colossal squid that likely take place at these incredible depths the squids themselves can grow to be 14. and weigh up to 750 kilograms with eyes the same they're turning humans into calamari they meters long and weigh up to 750 kilograms with eyes the size of a dinner plate and razor sharp sickles in the middle of their tentacles time it's so can we just deep this his eye is the size like bigger than your head bro i honestly drain the ocean it weighs 750 kilos bro put a giant vacuum put a giant a straw from space to the ocean drain it let me refill it get rid of all these giant squids whales or a thousand meters we start to enter the abyssal zone of the ocean water pressure is at an astonishing 11 000 pounds per square inch down here and there are numerous strange almost alien-like creatures that inhabit these deaths such as 267 meters is the average depth of the ocean where you would normally expect to hit the floor but there are parts of the ocean that go significantly deeper than even everything at 47.91 meters rest the wreckage of the battleship bismarck sunk during world war ii and weighed down at 6 000 meters is the beginning of the hadal zone named after the underworld hades itself the water pressure down at these depths can become one thousand one hundred times what you would experience way back on top at the surface which is actually equal to an elephant balancing on a postage stamp or a single person carrying the weight of 50 boeing 747 jumbo jets immediately without any outside protection but life still exists down here in various strange forms at six thousand five hundred meters we reached the maximum depth that the dsv alvin can dive to a popular research submarine that helped so that's how they get down to that this is way further down at eight thousand yeah but we're sending that down with giant squirrels what if you were in that if people are in that bro because if i was in that yeah i think it's a drone i think it's a drone if if they put someone in one of those yeah oh my that might be the scariest thing to ever experience you just open you wake up you wake up one day you open the window and you just my god it just blinks blinks in front of you surface and we have arrived at the height of mount everest we're to be upside down and placed under water and then way further past even that at 10 898 meters we arrive at the depth reached by james cameron in 2012 during the deep sea challenger mission the deepest point in the ocean yet reached by humans was back in 1960 though when two men named john walsh and jacques picard reached a depth of 10 916 meters using their trees i'd be fuming it took them five years to descend through the ocean to this depth stayed for 20 minutes before a window cracked and they began to resurface further down from there at 10 the 000. flight altitude of a commercial airliner so if you've ever looked out of a window while on a flight and looked down to the ground that's a very good sense of how incredibly deep down into the abyss that we are currently at finally when we hit 10 994 meters we have hit the known ocean called the challenger deep right here on this map just about 300 kilometers southwest of guam island however it is believed that there are almost certainly even deeper parts of the ocean than this that just haven't been discovered yet it wasn't until 1997 after all that the serena deep was discovered wait can we go about a thousand how far off were the the two people they did nine they did 9 16 10 sixteen thousand nine hundred seventy two meters and we reached the average flight altitude of a commercial airliner so if you've ever looked out of a window while on a flight and looked down to the ground that's a very good sense of how incredibly deep down into the abyss that we are currently at finally when we hit ten thousand nine hundred and ninety four so literally eighty meters of the challenger deep right here on the same boat could have done that however it is believed that there are almost certainly even deeper parts of the ocean than this that just haven't been discovered yet it wasn't until 1997 after all that the serena deep was discovered with a depth of 10 732 meters making it the second deepest known point in the ocean it is estimated that only about five percent of the ocean's floor has been accurately mapped leaving the other ninety-five percent to be definitely because that's the deepest one before an even deeper part of our ocean is found and who knows what we may discover there we should just leave it thank you for taking the time to watch this yeah it's better left unsaid in it you man just chill let's just go to the depths where we see like you know giant squid fighting yeah let me get a little movie scene out of it or something yeah that would be nice yeah sick imagine watching that live that'd be awful i'd be terrified because the winner's just going to come to you well thanks oh my god [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,548,475
Rating: 4.9710264 out of 5
Id: tDAolOn8LnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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