Murder Mystery Game Show | Game Changer [Full Episode]

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[Music] get ready for a game-changer tonight's guests coming in all the way from New York City it's Josh Rubin coming in at 8 foot 14 inches it's grant O'Brien and coming in despite having two other drop out shows in post-production it's Rekha Shanker and your host me I've been here the whole time this is game changer the only game show where the game changes every show I'm your host Sam Rashi I'm joined today by these three lovely contestants now you all understand how the game works no by design I think you've been trapping is in a room of secret that's right our players have no idea what game it is they're about to play the only way to learn is by playing the only way to win is by learning and the only way to begin is by beginning so without further ado let's begin it happens in the world of production Hollywood California am i right players there has been a murder no kidding yeah I know it is your job to figure out whodunit was it the sound mixer no it wasn't me I swear was it the production assistant was it the production designer this is not the kind of art I had in mind was it the script supervisor I'm on MOOC or was it the producer of game-changer whoa whoa don't look at me we are scripts we need our scripts Rekha I you know like this scripts gave it very last minute it's too much to ask everybody to memorize all that stuff now this will function like something of an adventure video game there are lines of dialogue here that you will need to unlock until you've gotten all the clues once you've gotten all the clues you will know who the suspects are and only then will you be able to decide who you think did it whoever's right will win the game are there points there are no points of this game for now you may address any one of these crew members about the murder we are going to start with Rekha the producer listen I just can't believe something like this happened on my watch yeah on a game show no less you know I produced disaster scenes that are less disasters than this word travels fast in Hollywood California my career is over okay great I feel like there's a clue there will be don't watch allows threads no tell Raiko with the clues so we can just work together and we'll share the prize resolution yeah so the last thing that the producer said it was Hollywood California not Hollywood Florida so yeah so you're right right now and the last thing Sam said was Hollywood California before all the lights went out seamlessly I would California is a trigger word mmm production designer don't even know why we're intubating this the sound mixer was standing right next to the victim when he was murdered it's definitely a sound mixer but he's a weird dude I heard he breeds or Rottweilers adopt don't shop he breeds Rottweilers now you may ask the script supervisor about the issue of proximity to the murder so when you say ask them cuz I'm not asking anything I'm just pointing and then they're saying something yeah because I had a question for the production designer if you could be any animal what would it be a snake okay I will ask the script supervisor about proximity because I don't know that question means as a script supervisor eight is my job to watch the action carefully now at the time of the murder the only people that were near the victim was the PA and the sound mixer I'm not saying they're the murderer I'm just pointing that out as script supervisor so PA how close were you to the murder okay look I I'm supposed to be in here by the action okay in case anyone needs like batteries or water or anything okay speaking of water are you guys okay I'm water though does anyone need water Josh left his well if you have water just be sure to mark it so people know it's yours you need a marker for that I would love a marker yeah new ones I'm actually okay it's an unknown brand I would like to ask the sound mixer I know this looks bad but I didn't do it I swear I got nothing against Josh alright I think he's great he just had a sound issue seriously that's it what is this sound honestly I saw somebody run out onto the stage stabbed them and then run off but it was so dark I couldn't make out who it was please look I can't go to jail alright I got seven Rottweilers at home I gotta take care of that's the most suspicious dog grants script supervisor what you got as script supervisor okay I oversee the script all right and you wanna know something ironic this was supposed to be the murder mystery episode it says it right here GameChanger murder mystery all right of course someone was not supposed to die yeah that may be obvious but it's my job to point out the obvious as script supervisor why do you keep talking like that I'm taking notes on this water level wait pretty sure what's going on as soon as I get doing your job pretty badly if someone actually got murdered yeah so this was supposed to be the murder mystery episode one of the other games this season a game of prizes was way way too expensive yo I heard about you know da Michelin restaurant I tripped a big sir yeah so this was supposed to be a very cheap cheap episode great sorry guys so we were just gonna Mike up the crew and then go get a murder weapon that's it are there prizes there is a prize at the end of this game we asked what the murder weapon was gonna be um it's my turn we're trying to do the same thing hey what was the murder weapon gonna be listen there's only so many pages of it [Laughter] okay you may now ask the sound mixer about those microphones we just heard about or the production designer about the murder weapon you can also ask the PA about the murder itself we haven't heard from him yet PA what you got oh I just know I got into this business because I can't take anything serious okay my dad told me to be a doctor and I said no I'd have to deal with death and my mom told me to be a lawyer and I was like no mom I might have to deal with jail but comedy what can go wrong right maybe you still have to deal with jail because you murdered someone that's the production designer about the weapon I mean as part of my job when I'm told they get a proper costume I get options so didn't just get one knife I got two the first one was one of those cheap plastic ones the kind that retract and the second one was was beautiful whose ornamental the producer went with a cheaper one of course because it was less expensive I kind of want to know more about the murder weapons listen that second knife wasn't just expensive it was also dangerous okay the blade didn't retract but everyone should know that knife is not on set anymore okay I had it returned I mean I told the production designer to return it the production designer about returns or you can ask the sound mixer about microphones absolutely not I mean the knife was returned I mean I told the PA to do it PA did you return that what you were supposed to do it was returned I mean it will it will be it will be I haven't had time to do it yet I shock use it should still be in the returns box granted breaker you may now search the returns box for the ornamental knife that was supposed to go back to the prop house so which knife is that that's that's the retractable is the retractable one so that means that's a real night is on someone in this room that means that you can ask the sound mixer about microphones or you can choose to search any one of these suspects for the murder weapon you know what because you could dangle it in it like a frickin carrot in front of a vegetarian I'm gonna ask about the sound mixers look the whole idea of the murder mystery episode was that the crew themselves were suspects in a murder because we're all gonna be on camera I had the mic up the whole crew look I didn't mean the eavesdrop but I might have heard some things I shouldn't heard that you guys want to hear it yeah yes Jesus is dead and you're waiting into your call I'm gonna play it okay you have a recording of it yeah why were you rolling you know what I'm fresh out of batteries does anybody have any fresh batteries yeah yeah cool you're out of batteries my dude my batteries in just use the cheaper one I don't see what the big deal is what's the big deal this is art that's what the big deal is stop being so dramatic I could kill you for this you know if we were in a murder mystery that's kind of language would be a big red flag [Music] you may now search any one of these crew members for the murder weapon or ask the production designer or the producer about this issue of the budget I suppose I'll search someone for the murder 11 is he physically searching the Rudi's use point physically oh my god no you can't search Josh Josh doesn't have it well sound designer you were right by Josh when those lights went out I didn't do it well I'm going to search you anyway Levin feel free do a good job please there is no murder weapon on the sound mixer sure okay since we're allowed to come out of our turtle hole here I searched you pat pat pat is a hidden here production designer does not have the knife Oh what does she have if it's cute I should get the producers number on a little business card yeah okay this is cute tail where do those we are not trading fashion tips here we are solving a burger oh my god okay fine great I must search the PA oh thank you oh okay I'll talk to you anyway I need I need an affirmative yes that's okay but I would suppose you I was supposed to it says here in the script look it says when a player takes center stage the PA rushes out and stabs that player okay I thought this knife was retractable I got it from the broad stable wait wait wait wait wait someone must have switched the knife on the prop table with this one someone pulled a switcheroo that's why he was so nervous cuz he actually killed someone first of all that manslaughter at least yeah very absolutely your honey absolutely listen little boy you're going to go to jail you are great friend switcheroo that's that you think that's gonna hold up in court pull the switcheroo ladies and gentlemen of the jury I shanked someone in the dark because I thought the night was retractable we've established the PAS definitely go to jail for a long time sorry producer what's going on with the budget that's what's important right now yeah yeah look money's tight okay and when money's tight tempers flare up but the production designers hardly the only one who's been unhappy with me oh brother look we've all been there done some gets going in the office yow listen I couldn't get the sound mixer all the microphones he wanted he fred too sick his dogs on me Wyler's I would have fired him the rut Wyler's keep coming up seven seven Rottweiler Seven Sisters school liberal arts women's college just the worst kind of laws to fan the word kind of conspiracy theorists production designer your budget seems a little out of whack to me hmm look maybe I don't agree with all the decisions the producer has made maybe I got a glance of his self budgeted a rate which is wisely over the top and maybe it's people like him that is the reason that Hollywood California doesn't produce anything of quality anymore because it's all money and no art but I don't know what that doesn't do with any other thing about someone being murdered seems to me like the production designer hates the producer hates the producer I agree but also so you can break it I'm gonna ask the sound mixer what I said was I'm gonna be sick and my dogs too cuz when I'm angry I don't eat and when I don't eat my dogs don't eat because I'm the alpha that's nature okay honestly according to the script I was supposed to mic up everybody all right every you can't just not my cup someone who's supposed to speak right when asking about the microphones hasn't led to much and I really do want to find yeah I don't give his dogs many a mic check in with you okay cuz I do want to go over what we know so far okay so and are you right on this she hates him he hates her or but again explosive chemistry like oh yeah the script supervisor doesn't seem to talk to anybody the the PA is very nervous about impressing people but also seems like a scapegoat for a lot of people the sound person dog thing I imagine everyone hates the producer because he's the one coming down so hard do we know how anyone feels about Josh hmm interesting it's Josh a difficult person to Mike to get water for to dress to script supervise Rick you may now ask the producer about the issue of the microphones the script supervisor about the script or the sound mixer about another recording that just came to light I mean that last voice recurring was how did that yeah we'll take a hot steamy recording for 1,000 you know what out of batteries again hey just a tip and this is rude if you're a sound mixer you absolutely need your own batteries this can't keep at all so better batteries yes what do you store using dollar store okay gonna go rogue no stop stop what is this you can't do this my god I think you have batteries oh my god [Laughter] Sorry Sorry all right here no no all right I have them oh my god can we use our own batteries yeah I'd like to use here on batteries yes that was really clever and I think grant should be rewarded for that Wow as this competition that's really sweet No ready the producer is cutting our budget it's destroying our art all the while he lines his own pockets maybe just don't work with him again that's not enough no one in the town of Hollywood California should have to work with him again if you don't mind me saying so that's a very suspicious thing to say this PD she hates the producer so why is she killing Josh who cares that Josh no one cares about job right he's trash I mean maybe she's trying to sabotage the producer by having someone die on the show so that might be a motive okay Esther script supervisor but script as script supervisor I am definitely familiar with the script yes I confirmed the script says when a player takes center stage the PA rushes out and stabs that player he sound malfunction though that was not a part of the script yes no Josh was not supposed to die and I should know because I am script supervisor you are hot on the trail I would like to speak to the producer about the production designer because I think that's something all right look the production designer and I have had our differences but would she switch the knife and have someone killed just to end my career either way that sounds like a motive a motive has been established and therefore the production designer is one of our official suspect you may now ask the producer about the microphones that is the only thing you are able to do oh I'll do that so listen I said to the sound mixer the victim doesn't need a microphone he's gonna die as soon as the game begins he doesn't have any lines you don't have to make him up so we're all mics we didn't intend to die are you might your mic I might so the situation here is that our sound mixer wanted a bunch of microphones the producer didn't want to give him all those microphones because the victim shouldn't need one so sound mixer the microphones yeah tell me about those what's the point a game-changer right that the players don't know what's going on so if I don't make up the murder victim they're gonna know that something smells funny and that's what happened isn't that right grant shut up grant came to me asking why he wasn't miked up what was I supposed to tell him I told him the truth I told him that he was you know gonna be the one that dies I am like I am miked up okay my god though I am miked up what's happening you may now ask the script supervisor about grant this is ridiculous wait a minute oh my god you okay script supervisor tell me as script supervisor Oh grant approached me before the shooter and he said shut up I should be the killer I could really ham it up do a big dramatic monologue once it's revealed he asked me to switch the script around he said what's a little switcheroo that's not and I do a better impression of you you think you're and I told him no I am NOT a script changer I'm a script supervisor pa well now that I think of it you did ask me about the knife earlier you wanted to see if it was safe but I told you that the dangerous knife was in the returns box I know what you're thinking I know I mean look we all know that grant is a total diva but what he a switch the knife B take the batteries out of Josh's microphone so he could take center stage and C get him killed just to be able to play the villain instead of a dead body on an internet game show there's something I can't figure out why would the patter ease have crapped out so soon after I put him in I'm and I just put him in unless somebody wanted them someone who has batteries in their bag why did I did wonder why the you brought your bag to a podium grant there is one option left and it's to check josh's lab for batteries you have to check the law it's the only way only other batteries in there wait wait wait no batteries we have reached the end of our journey two suspects have been established the production designer or grant O'Brien you can now nominate whoever you think did it I think the production designer Reiko I think it's grant you understand that if I if it was me none of you are being Truman Show even ask the nurse assistant the nerve if I'm being true injured the nerve for nobody to tell me you're right I was asked to play a dead body you dumb and I was supposed to lay on the floor for 20 minutes when I could have been standing doing mad jokes the whole time no I went to Tish I love the art so did I what yeah this give it to me I was born to play the villain I am a love child between the Grinch and Jared Kushner Oh I'm the greatest actor Hollywood California has ever seen no you want to see me play a dead body whoo and you and you you'll get it I had my bottle I'm ready there are no small parts only small actors well I got the retractable and that's our show Rekha this was all for you I hate your prize is this beautiful real chef's knife which the crew was so nervous was gonna be confused for an actual knife on our set given its meta content they made us seal this box this has been game changer I have been Sam rice reminding you that every crime leads one way or another back to grant O'Brien good night [Music] you thanks for watching that episode of game changer if you liked it I have great news there is way more of it over on drop out just go to drop app TV and start your free trial today if you do you win the show I mean you win the ability to watch more of the show so you win the show in the sense then it semantics but you win the show
Channel: CollegeHumor
Views: 672,884
Rating: 4.9603715 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, game changer, dropout, murder mystery, murder mystery game show, game changer murder mystery
Id: Oc4yXge1T-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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