The Ultimate Samurai Experience

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seek the crimson badge more laughs delivered swiftly subscribe to slime wait subscribe i've dishonored my family one too many syllables there bub they've exiled me i used six syllables in a haiku it was a high q like it was gross but i will bring back honor my sword is my brush and i'm a poet and my arm is my sword and my poem is my blade and blood is my ink and my sword is a blade that's a fact and now i shall restore bruh actually screw honor now i'm sneaky and use all the dirty tricks in the book including my fart bomb that should stun him he's just overreacting it's not that bad i've infiltrated their back line but it's 5 59 and every mongol wakes up at exactly six o'clock shot so we've gotta be uh oh it's a weekend you can go back to bed we're breaking out of here boys everyone's running free what okay you can be in that one now you'll never take me alive mongols my middle name is blood okay so they took me alive and all i have in here to pass the time are these four walls and this slimesicle figure [Music] i got another figure i got another youtube figure it's coming out it comes i'm trying to do mom trying to do the video keep that in it comes out on september 4th 12 pm pst mark your calendars who [ __ ] did these floors [Music] if you want one now there's a giveaway you could win my figurine so you better enter today please it's in my [ __ ] eyes oh jesus christ why would you do that ah give me my phone i need the giveaway details give me my phone you no this is the least you can do it's on the stool it feels like i'm wearing a hat oh show it to my face oh it's not going to recognize me so here's how you can win in this in the description there's a link to a google drive folder with a bunch of meme templates and pictured here right here it's a fake genius interview where i'm explaining my lyrics it's pretty funny edit whatever text you want onto it tweet it with the with the hashtag just slimesickle things tweet it with oh that's the worst sound i've ever heard and i'll pick five that i think are the funniest and i'll give them a free figure don't be afraid to get creative with it nope back to the video it's my nose you're not touching my mouth it actually tastes kind of good looks like there's some mongols by the river but the river is dying not so fast you're not getting away mongol swine oh it's that it actually is hey bro you play sports that's a mon goal no no not that wasn't anything actually where are these crickets coming from there you are there you are finally now i can be funny hey it's your boy knife got him oh i'm what am i doing to his foot i literally defeated him oh i've got honor all right my balls on her a deer they say it's sacred but [ __ ] them hey don't feed the wildlife that's inappropriate stop pointing the sharp end at me that's rude oh my god oh wind stance is effective against spirit why would it why would an explosion do anything it's wind wind stance don't get up don't glad everyone could make it to my ted talk this one is about best positioning yourself in life so not there or there nope actually you goodbye did you see me do that no okay sneak attack oh predator hides you're right [Music] just another day back to work um frog hey peasants uh i've been getting a lot of comments lately saying i have no honor i got hit up uh in the dms by the shogun the other day he said he was going to disband my clan so this is just my formal standoff to show you all i still live and die by the blade and there's a tree there's a tree in the way are you the [ __ ] are you serious are you this is what i get that's what i get at the bridge [ __ ] find another way to breathe i'm over them i'm over i'm screwing we don't need them get those their leafy asses out of here make like a tree and leave update i talked to the trees i don't think they're going to be bothering us anymore fox let's see where it goes it led us to a shrine i clap a beautiful creature it hops away back towards the natural world whereas i a man must hop away towards civilization once more actually that was a clear just the visuals alone carry this game my soul is literally cleansing right now my chakras like my chakra gates are flowing and reopening a bird horse bomb yes bam oh i kicked his health bar off i did you see that this could go in a montage this could oh my god i'm doing it i'm montaging i've got to be faster go stronger be harder maybe not that last one but now i'm gonna blow this guy up um control z oh [ __ ] uh that wasn't great i just blew [Music] triangle assassinations are always intense [Music] which is why you probably should have stayed outside to master the battle one must first master themselves bam boom goodbye michael mongol take your time think about it he's fine i should have used wind stance [Music] monkey uncle you wouldn't understand everyone on tick tock is doing this dance i've slipped into the camp undetected that's a band that's when it has that been there the entire time i must voyage into the mountains to atone for my dishonor i allowed a beast a bear to sneak up on me can't take much more could i just here why is there another one we got away anyway there's a good second bear on the mountain why would they [Music] i don't know how i survived the fall but i got away i'm home mom are you there you [Music] [Music] poor creature stuck inside i'll have to i'll have to blast you a way out fly water she wants this bent this whole place smells like up horse and i know what you're thinking what i finally found him a horse oh [ __ ] it's up dog too fetch good boy i trained you to fight with honor honor died on the beach make like we're playing uno and draw i hear another one whoa i smell him that's right i had a blindfold on the entire time samurai must learn to trust their other senses i hear a bird but i also rely on my trusty steed let us ride together look at his stupid [ __ ] horse face he knew what he was doing an archer you think your arrow can match my blade maybe in a million years god i'm so [ __ ] cool oh god just hold the pose just hold the pose ha an enemy this will be a piece of kenkaku do not attack me from behind or colors will never exist again i have read your every move your mom grey i guess i guess you better i guess you better i guess you better watch out you think that's all my cuatro puns you better watch and learn dog okay that might have been a little overboard but uh so is this guy okay go tell him don't don't oh my gosh nope just kidding saved your life ryan ooh the mongols are in for it now i found another samurai and she oh man i did come on come on i just got excited i'm sorry i'm sorry the trick to becoming a legend is to always let one live now go what's he shooting at not me i'm over here maybe he's trying to kill a spider don't move it jumps to your shoulder watch out they've got archers i can't believe it he's dead his body's completely shattered there's no way he's coming back from that one this is for norio begun am i the only one on this island that operates by the laws of physics only one way to find out yes from the shadows i emerge a specter of the night and now i mounted him i've mounted you you are mine come back noble steed let me back on let me back on you now that's what i call horseplay but not really because i have taken his life you'll never defeat me general dog [ __ ] i've already bested your father admiral catpiss so now i'm gonna take what's rightfully mine your scooby snacks it's a little nipply up here we gotta move fast grab the cosmetic let's get out of here back to the warm oh totally thought that was gonna kill me but i've been given a second chance nope you guys use this hill too it's a really good hill it's the perfect angle my mom showed it to me and i really like it bro you dropped your sled you dropped your sled bro you got to go pick it up you can't just slide down on your butt you don't want to get your pants wet go pick it up right now or i'll piss your pants i'll tell your mom that you pissed you i run this is it my final chance to restore my honor i must strike down these mongols without being killed myself and if i'm able to defeat wait did i actually do it or was this just a flute hey boys it's the ghost here just a quick update the shogun did in fact put a bounty on my head all the friends and family i've ever loved well they're coming for my bloodline so it'd mean a lot to me who might be dead in 10 seconds if you would consider subscribing oh look at that [Music] you would [Music] [Music] rip
Channel: Slimecicle
Views: 2,150,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slimecicle, Ghost of Tsushima, PS4, PS5, Playstation, Dishonoring Everyong in Ghost of Tsushima, best games 2020, funny moments, best gaming moments, funniest moments, gaming, samurai, ghost of tsushima gameplay, ghost of tsushima walkthrough, tsushima, japan, ps4 games 2020, slimecicle youtooz, tsushima ghost, memes, comedy, funny, montage, ghost of tsushima funny moments, ghost of tsushima combat, sucker punch, stealth, got, This Is Ghost of Tsushima, the ultimate samurai experience
Id: c9ziFlD0sZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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