THIS GAME WAS MADE FOR US, THE SAMURAI | Ghost of Tsushima (Part 1)

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] gigantes what's up what's going on cory kitchen here and welcome to ghost [Music] of tsushima if there was any game that had to be on the channel it's this game a game where you play as a samurai while you as a samurai watch a samurai play as a samurai and if there was any time to samurai slice that like button that samurai slice um it's for a samurai game and i also already picked the difficulty [Laughter] you already knew what time it was quick announcement it is the morning after i just played this game i'm in the middle of editing and i'm letting y'all know this game is sorry why don't you go ahead increase your immersion by going to and copying you a samurai t lincoln bio yo if you're not samurai slicing the like button on this you're a fake samurais invading our home they are brutal oh start us getting invaded unstoppable it's a main character right here looking great against an army fighting to slow the invasion hey i die for my people right thousands of them ready to stand up and die okay and defend our home honor tradition courage honor what i say they are what make us we [Music] go break their spirits they talking about us this video was made for this community i mean this game they're talking about you look how many it is oh we did outside us send your finest warrior to face me oh it's always a big old freaking descendant of the legendary yoshinobu adachi are you legendary though whoa are you serious seminar do you surrender [Music] oh yes we going in let's go okay i don't know all right straight ahead oh my god oh he did let's go oh no that was a high beginning i'm not gonna lie get up it's time to throw down oh my horse get back goodbye where your neck at i need you with me jin our name is jin we've lost so many we have to keep pushing even if it costs us our lives as a command lord yo man we must hunt down the mongol leader everyone with me yo yo can i just the japanese vibes are strong right now can i get a good vibe check good vibe check cut them down let's go yeah i don't think there's is there a lock on no come over here who swore in the air like that goodbye oh yeah yep go oh i tripped him did he die all right let's go come here where the freak are you going oh my bro this camera is crazy right now all right we gotta find the leader damn stay up there scrapping yeah [Music] i'm ready we end this together bro his uncle about to die oh oh bro that's the second time this dude got knocked out oh he about to wake up to a dead uncle get up but i get an arrow in the back oh oh [Music] oh this is like on the wrong turn dude's getting shot in the back oh no oh no [Music] oh game over hey i am kotan cousin of kublai look at his hairline grandson of kingus genghis khan brother you are warrior i can see that he is sweaty too you trained your whole life for this and you have won battles the lesser men have called unwinnable yes but while you were sharpening your sword do you know how i prepared for today eating i learned i know your language your traditions your beliefs which village is to tame and wish to burn this dude on some orochi morons i'll ask you once again samurai do you surrender spit in his face spit in his eye spit oh you know who else uncle got killed though spider-man's so basically i'm about to be spider-man wait is he but he really died and he's about to come back to life oh no he ain't dead yeah baby be back [Music] who saved us why are everybody sweating it must be hot on this island oh no [Music] your whole village is about to get turned extra crispy what's this someone worked hard to keep me alive uh what the hell well this isn't good someone saved me hit me back here maybe they have my sword can i crouch are these bad guys oh hold up somebody about to get assassinated yep you first buddy assassinate bro grab him then leave him with him okay let's not do that again who's up in here oh my gosh save them someone was sharpening their blade bro this ain't the time yes give me that oh can you run yeah i think so where's my sword not you're all here i'll take care of this please hide what you're about to do oh don't hurt me she's in the face she's an assassin good night good night good night good night all right that's he he sleep who are you you want your sword follow me let's go give me my sword long enough for the mongols to conquer half the island all right are we at i'm following you eunice bro there's so many enemies oh my oh there's nothing we can do for her but i can save the others lord shimra was with me on the battlefield [Music] i have to know did he survive eggs no i think so the mongols took him prisoner where did they take him east along the coast toward castle canada oh just be holding him inside i thought he was the dude that guy where i sliced i could take them by surprise you'll be killed or i'll rescue a lord shimura then help him drive the mongols into the sea he can contact the shogun call for reinforcements i didn't nurse you back to health to watch you throw your life away why did you save me i couldn't leave you to die i need y'all you like me or no can help a whole island and he's the only family i have left let's move why wouldn't she help a fellow japanese because we're all getting invaded together oh crawl away oh i ain't mean to go into your crotch you know i'm sorry about that oh god raiders armed for battle they've been riding across the island making slaves no one's fighting back through here crazy none of these people are warriors all the samurai got killed wait till i get my sword it's going to be a wrap and a half come on i'm right here keep going girl oh y'all got some wack [Music] visibility oh yeah we on the roof scavenge battlefields you're a thief when i need something i take it like my katana i traded it for food and medicine you know what ah worry we'll find the buyer get your sword back oh so you just gonna uni you are a piece of work you know that got a long ride ahead take whatever supplies you can carry this is someone's house i got six supplies coming back all right you need eight supplies yes the man i traded your sword to lives just up ahead okay does he not see what's going on taro bastard's found him all right let me get my sword back yeah you shouldn't have bought the sword that wasn't yours hers frame rate i am jin sakai nephew to the great lord shimra you look 30 and 12. i am skill's weak your enemy is no match for you but you still lack control i was practicing with your father's weapon happened to his dad the sword of clan sakai has saved lives and ended wars inside who did this to you no one i fell i will teach you to defend yourself i know how to fight but the cryboarding to master your blade you must first control your emotions i can do that uncle show me oh you ain't saying number where so this is just sparring right see what you've been practicing hey hey this is just sparring right oh look at the leaves on the ground i am ready come on in bunker okay okay see there's no lock on that's i'm gonna have to get used to that ooh stab attack well done if you had fought like that your attacker would not have bruised you so easily it wasn't a fair fight imagine he's your turn to finish what he started and he'll use every dirty trick he knows how will you defend yourself strike for no lure a man he's big but i'm quicker i'll stay out of his reach wait for him to get tired then drop him with one strike good samurai must always fight with patience samurai even when his opponent resorts to trickery uncle now hey why didn't they teach that to the guy that walked up there though enough i yield you let me win not at all bro i would be dead really i would never lie to you now for a change try to block my attacks yeah i knew it wasn't over go easy talk about i yield a fire block yeah i know good phone get that out of here nope sorry uncle nope i'm sore can we take a break we're not finished yet good yeah time you learn to parry wait for me to make the first move once i strike block my back fine perry you must parry before i strike okay don't block too early get that out of here oh we bout to be a parry machine yo i'm about to be parrying a freak out of here good form gin you're improving you need to catch your breath it will take more than a child to knock the wind out of me what happened to my dad let's see you defend against the spear dodge my spear then follow up with a counter attack reflexes you see there is no weapon no warrior you cannot overcome thank you for these lessons uncle we are not finished yet gino sakai will you honor me with a sparring match i wouldn't want to hurt you if you're that confident let's make this interesting i hope you like octopus bruh get back see that's how we gonna do this we just gonna poke them pause [Music] get away three up baby three up what you trying to do uncle oh that's four i'm about to win oh no he buried me get back get back we can't we gotta win this first match i went in with the face [Music] before we eat i have one last question for generations our families have lived by a code tell me the virtues that guide us traditionality to our lord oh control of our emotions and you know this honor definitely always honor and uphold the legacy of clan sakai those are your father's words what does ana mean to you i guess protecting people the ones who can't fight for themselves you have a good heart but first we must show everyone that we serve our lord with courage integrity and self-control you say that like it's easy it is easy boy it's never easy i struggle with it every day but we must set an example for our people by remaining true to our code talk to them uncles that is a meaning of honor this game had be fire i will not tell samurai [Music] [Applause] y'all hear it y'all know the vibes [Music] [Applause] mean with it that we would suck if i die all right come on watch for the red light dragon try again my uncle told me about y'all spear people i'm just thought where can i find a horse the stable's on far this way all right what supplies we got up in here though look at the graphics in his name all right island's crawling with them where are the stables behind that burning farmhouse follow me all right eunice i'm following bro let me get that bowl though i'll probably do some damage we can get close slit their throats and kill them without a sound without honor see a daddy i will not break my coat without honor without honor i guess he forgot what happened old boy if they want to 1v1 then we can we can i'm stuttering [Music] l to target enemies target the pulsing enemy in attack [Music] whoever is in trouble who's in trouble i'm coming more gods don't let anyone escape come here no try again okay thank you my lord you're welcome look at me do i look dead do you have somewhere to hide i heard golden temple might be safe go stay off the roads and guard your son with your life and shave it all off because it's gone you risked your life for them they couldn't defend themselves tonight i can't let more of our people die i like this dude i'm not the only ones who need you you need me too my brother the mongols took him here that's why you saved me tucker is my only family and lord shimra is mine please i just want my brother back how far down the road is he i'll help you find him after i save my uncle hey i promise [Music] i'm coming with you okay so just up ahead got a little partner no hold up let me check for supplies wait what up y'all just over here about to jump my oh my samurai horses a few we didn't take into battle lucky for them and us which horse do you want which horse do i want bruh you already know what time it is why does that one got like an icon over it digital deluxe horse that's the digital deluxe about to pick that basic horse give me blackie over here oh what is the digital deluxe horse faster man i gotta see if it's like faster or something no stat differences yeah give me the white one actually let's go is he there he suits you and he needs a name light from the heavens okay all right calm down i got our war soda looking like i'm gandalf the great komoda town man this game this game about to be crazy so they just rolled all the way over there castle canada they're holding your uncle inside all right how do you know this how did how do you know that they didn't kill him the walls are too high to climb we could cause a distraction sneak in no we walk in the front gate clan set fire to our best swordsman made my uncle butchered the warriors of tsushima i'm going to repay his kindness by repeating the same mistakes that got your friends killed that's what the mongols will think but this time i'll strike first this man chin is a savage he just walks right in are you serious no trickery no assassinations standoffs when approaching enemy territory you can challenge folks to a standoff what oh we bout to have ourselves a stand for lord oh trust me okay sorry is hacking all right nemours is off to heal we about to die already you did it don't sound surprised let's go what's all that noise not sure man okay hold up you know yeah help me unit all right goodbye you're dead you're gonna shoot him now you know he look at you now here on her legolas oh i guess my health is not gonna go back up okay keep moving what happened streets oh they killed their own people where that's coming from they're doing fireworks oh oh my gosh bro this game is hype come here yep time to heal we can't keep going you can't have to fall back alone keep the path clear when i find lord shimra we'll need a quick escape i'll get the horses ready do it do it if i'm not back soon right for the forest this dude bro [Music] hold on let's talk about this let's go all right i got to stop getting hit big facts i can't keep i have to keep on recharging my resolve oh you next time buddy bro he trying to shoot me with an arrow come here come here put that down bro can i grab that i can't all right climate climb up here we got four dudes coming challenge me standoff these standoffs are crazy oh my camera about to die all right come on hold it okay wait till they move wait till they move wait till they move get on oh that's the cleanest bro that's the cleanest junk oh my goodness all right who first who first you come here yep you messed up come here see you boys oh see bro are you serious wait your freaking turn guy shield bro come here goodbye see i gotta get on my parry tip cause i can't talk to him tim bro he walks through the front door i'm ready boss battle first episode let's get it i am jin sakai nephew of lord shimura i have come to avenge his honor yo who else coming up i thought he was dead your uncle has told me much about you jinsekai huh i will show him his nephew broken and humidiated beggy to join the mongol empire why haven't they killed him this is your time lord sakai oh it is trust me you're done yes sir hold up let me heal up all right come on goodbye get that out of here get that out of here okay uh you still about to get this work come here submit guy bro i can't hit this guy wow oh my gosh get back run run run okay we're good we're good enough surrender what are you tired show your uncle how easily he can bring peace to your home [Music] [Music] oh dang no [Music] no [Music] bro why am i about to cry we just started this gin bro if my dad asked and my dad was about to die and he said help me i'm coming here i'm going out there swinging the whole island has come to mourn your father can't you send them away you must face them jim you are now the master of clan sakai yes you're not alone chin your father is the wind at your back the birds in the trees and uncle he will tell you at your father's pyre thank you very cool [Music] so that's why this dude jen is like not afraid of anything anymore after he after he let his dad die in front of you ever need guidance clan adachi will help you already got all these images how's everybody doing i know it's so sad uh you know what's so sad protected the people above all else a true samurai damn thank you why didn't he help his dad man he's that scared [Music] i couldn't save him i was a coward jin you are samurai he earned him stripes yet because of me your father fell in battle saving his only son his reward is a warrior's death now you will carry on his legacy [Music] [Music] [Applause] he is always with you always look at the nose flares tomorrow you will come to my fortress as my world today say goodbye to your father [Music] hey man that's what happened to his dad this dude jen is unkillable he fell from that father how do i save [Music] what's happening um oh is it wind like something in this game it's like a big mechanic of some kind i don't know follow the wind look at the grass moving is the wind blowing this way no come on you know what you know jin what happened i found a little shimra i could have saved him but the khan was there [Music] i failed my uncle at least you're in one piece sir i swore to protect this island with my life and now the mongols have stolen our home killed or some right he forgot what it's like to fight someone stronger than you to feel weak sometimes when you're staring death in the face you have to do whatever it takes to survive [Music] y'all hear that expects to fight a war against the samurai he will anticipate our every move unless we find new ways to surprise him that's how we'll save lord shimra and retake our home i thought it was 80 samurai left raiders the khan's attack dogs there's too many of them hide in the grass oh oh okay it's bastards scared off the horses they're samurai mounts trained to return to their masters samurai mounts soda let's go nice trick the mongols must be hunting you let them split up i'll draw their attention while you escape i'm not leaving your side until we've saved my brother first i need to find more allies trained warriors like sensei and lady masuka they can help my brother can help too once we save him you'll have the island's best blacksmith in your debt oh let's give me whatever tool you need to save your uncle yeah something to scale the castle walls you dream it tucker can make it where are they holding him he was captured near kitschy right there and ask around i'll join you soon tucker won't last long in the mongol cage we will save your brother exactly let's go i'm surprised they haven't killed like these mongooses they're kind of dumb like all leaving people alive now about the freaking regroup and then counter attack [Music] this game like have you have you sliced that like button [Music] this is incredible look at this [Music] oh i can control this oh my slice the like button look at this act one whoa now that ladies and gentlemen is how you intro a freaking game guys if you are ready for part two you know what time it is go down there samurais this game was made for us how many likes y'all thinking 400k kind of like the minecraft i'll see you guys in part two hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you did sure this is a samurai that like button subscribe today to join samurai the outro is just hitting different until next time our brothers and sisters [Music] because my name is curry kinchin [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 11,445,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost, of, tsushima, gameplay, part 1, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, jin, sakai, uncle, hype, ps4, hd, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, reaction
Id: e9FQJSwbuaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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