Louisiana Style Cajun Jambalaya w/ Andouille Sausage, Shrimp, & Chicken - Dutch Oven Series

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what's up family welcome back to yet another episode of yet chef as always i'm your host big chef dro and as you can see by the title we're going back to new orleans again don't know what it is about that new orleans cajun culinary that just strikes me so today we're going to get into the jambalaya we're going to use shrimp and dewy sausage and chicken so this is going to be very very flavorful and i'm going to show you my recipe on how to do a new orleans style jambalaya so sit back relax and as always let's cook [Music] let's get into all of these ingredients i know it looks like a lot but we're going to go ahead and get through it and let you know exactly what we're doing now remember we are building flavors we are not making some bland uh jambalaya like you see on most youtube's channels we're going to add flavor that's going to include spices that's going to include seasoning and that's going to include some protein and some vegetables so let's get into it all right first and foremost olive oil extra virgin olive oil we're gonna use this to coat the dutch oven with i'll put that to the side and then we have uh one can of diced tomatoes this is with garlic and onion i'll put this to the side as well and then we'll go through the seasoning and the spices all right here we have um we have oregano basil and thyme this is one and a half teaspoons a piece of that here we have one tablespoon of coriander right here we have one tablespoon of chef papadon seafood magic seasoning now this is a little salty uh and it is spicy as well so one tablespoon will do and here's just some regular um black pepper we do have a of course coarse black pepper on this so this is one tablespoon of that over here we have two tablespoons of granulated onion we have two tablespoons of my seasoning which of course if you're familiar with this channel it is simply morton seasonal and accent salt so i have two tablespoons of that i have two tablespoons of uh cayenne pepper i have two tablespoons of dried parsley uh it's not fresh it is dried parsley uh it will work you know great with this uh dish because it's gonna cook into it and then right here we have three tablespoons of tony satchery uh creole seasoning this is the non-salt virgin version that's why i used uh three tablespoons the no salt now if you can't find the no salt and you you're using this uh seasoning go ahead and only use one tablespoon because it is very salty and you don't want your jambalaya to be too salty okay so this is no salt three tablespoons of that if you don't if you can't find this just use one tablespoon here we have three tablespoons of granulated garlic we have three tablespoons of smoked paprika and then we have uh five of the bay leaves here five bay leaves that i'm gonna put in there as well in the back here we have some hot sauce now i'm using the old bay hot sauce as you can see it's empty i used the rest of it but then i added a little bit of the chalua chipotle hot sauce as well to that and this is going to be about a quarter of a cup of that then we have our rice i'm gonna do three cups of rice two in here one in here three cups of white rice and then here here is uh four cups of shrimp stock which is from the norse i want to say it's noise or nor uh company and it's a shrimp bullion so this is about 88 cents for this whole pack it comes with eight cubes i use two cubes it's one cube per uh two cups so i use two cubes of this very good stuff and so let's get on to the vegetables i have three onions chopped and they are pretty pretty big sized onions if you see that i didn't i didn't dice them up small i really want to taste it next is the peppers i have green red and orange bell peppers on there and then i have my uh celery and i use three stalks of celery on here now uh for my uh shrimp i have the extra large shrimp i bought two bags uh each bag is about uh 12 ounces a piece so i have two bags of shrimp in there uh this is a almost three pounds of skinless boneless chicken thighs i don't like chicken breasts i think they dry out too much i don't care how good of a chef or cook you are chicken breast dries out so i'm going to use chicken thighs i did trim some of the fat off and i left a lot of it on there because i want it to stay succulent and juicy i want that fat to cook right into it and here i have two packs of the uh hill shy farms hill shire farms uh and dewey sausage okay so that's two packs of those so we have all of our ingredients out of the way we know what we are are cooking with i know it looks like a lot but a lot of this is just dump and go so i've seen a lot of videos of jambalaya and a lot of these guys they're not adding these types of flavors they're not giving you that that flavor profile that's going to uh increase that's going to be intricate but right here on yes chef we are making sure that everything we do is up to par now at at any point if i get too big and i start being lazy and not doing things the way i should do it i want you the community the people that follow me to tell me hey man you're being a little too lazy so with that being said let's go on to the next step all right you can hear the sizzling i have a stick of butter in here with some olive oil now you use as much butter and as much olive oil as you need that is according to how you're cooking it what type of pan how much you're cooking so i'm gonna start this off with the onions and by the way onions celery bell pepper that is the holy trinity in creole slash cajun cooking okay so a lot of the recipes that you see coming out of new orleans is going to consist of this holy trinity all right so what i'm gonna do here i got my dutch oven hot got my butter melted i got my olive oil in there and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cook these onions down until they are nice and brown and so it's going to take a minute it's going to take some time to cook these down what you want to do is get them in there stir them up real good put your lid on it and just let them cook stirring them occasionally you don't want them to burn so keep an eye out as always keep an eye on your food don't watch tv or be on your phone while you're trying to cook all right so uh we're gonna get these to brown and we'll come back occasionally to let you see uh the process as it goes on okay all right so the top has been on the dutch oven for about eight minutes so we'll go in and look at it as you can see it's coming along nicely so what i'm going to do i'm going to keep this top off uh for the remainder of the time i'll let some air get into it so it can start to evaporate it has sweated nicely with the with the lid on it so it's going to start uh browning up very quickly uh with the top off of it okay all right family we're back as you can see the onions are looking really good so what we're going to do here oh and before i forget i did not mention the fresh minced garlic in the um the recipe portion of the video so i don't know how much garlic this is i just chopped up as much as i had left in the refrigerator i'm gonna say this is a little bit over a quarter of a cup of fresh minced garlic and so that is going to go in and what i'm going to do is as soon as i start to smell this garlic then i'm going to start adding in the um holy trinity so i'm starting to smell it now and so i'll go ahead and add the peppers first and as you can see that goodness you know i love that goodness on the bottom that's that goodness man and we'll get it off of there it's all around the dutch oven actually but we'll get it off of there momentarily so we'll go ahead and put the peppers in now the bell peppers and the celery is going to create a little bit of moisture and will lift some a little bit of that goodness off of the bottom because of that all right so we got that in so let's go ahead and put the celery in as well another thing i forgot was the bacon now a true jambalaya has the tasso pork i cannot find tassel pork to save my life so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add another element of flavor in here and remember once again this is all about flavor folks i'm not a lazy cook i'm not a lazy chef i want the people that eat my food to experience just layers and layers of flavor so any good cook that is worth their weight and gold has this in their refrigerator what is this this is bacon grease whenever i cook whenever i cook bacon i always keep the grease to it and this is going to add a phenomenal layer of flavor to this jambalaya as well okay so i'm going to continue to let this saute off and get these peppers and the celery nice and sauteed and then we'll be back and and by the way folks this is the smell is absolutely amazing so we'll be right back okay all right family we're back so after i added the celery and the peppers i went ahead and put the lid on it for about three to five minutes and this is what we have this is really really really uh coming together pretty good so i'll go ahead and start adding the protein first with the chicken get that in there and this is going to cool the pot off a little bit even though the chicken is room temperature still it's going to cool this pot off a little bit secondly i'll go ahead and add the andouille sausage i'm going to put the top back on this again i'm gonna let this cook down a little bit once that's done we'll start adding uh the seasonings and the spices all right family i've been stirring occasionally for the past six or seven minutes and this is coming together very good now remember that goodness on the bottom is still there now occasionally you're gonna have to stir it get it off there as much as you can you don't want it to burn and mess up the flavor of your jambalaya so this is where i need it to be right now so what i'm going to do now i'm going to start adding my herbs and my spices all right so the first thing i'm going to add is my basil thyme and oregano now there is no particular way to put this in here just putting them in the way i want to put them in you can put them in however you like that was my ground cumin here is my spices of uh seasoned salt and accent salt onion powder chef paul pedome seafood magic and this is thickening up with this seasoning turning a very beautiful color go ahead and add that cayenne pepper to it that's going to give it a nice little kick along with the creole seasoning as well a little black pepper here's my tony satchery creole seasoning no salt my garlic granulated garlic powder and let's go ahead and go ahead and put the smoked paprika in there as well now these seasonings are sticking to the bottom which creates that goodness all right i'm just sitting here stirring this letting all these seasonings and herbs incorporate so i'm gonna go ahead and get these tomatoes off in here drop the parsley off in there along with the hot sauce this is going to be a nice spicy dish so once i put that rice in it will kind of calm everything down along with that shrimp bouillon stock look at that that is beautiful some of that goodness is being released off the bottom as well as you can see look at that that goodness is coming up off of there you see that oh man that is what you want yeah some right there but we'll get that we'll get that as well all right so um since i have three cups of rice i went ahead and put um the rice in a bowl because i needed the other pyrex to make a little bit more of the stock so let's go ahead and put these three cups of rice off in there give it a nice stir make sure you get it off in there make sure you stir it in there really good and so i want you to understand that when you're making something like this especially in a dutch oven and i've made this in regular pots before as well but when you're doing this in a dutch oven this dutch oven is going to hold that heat really good so there is a chance that you're going to get some browning on the bottom okay so to help alleviate that you want to kind of keep stirring letting the rice kind of cook off a little bit so it doesn't need too much time uh to finish off and because the more it stays in here on this on this fire it's gonna burn the bottom so let it cook off a little bit you know give it a minute or two stirring it around letting it cook off a little bit into the jambalaya before your before you add the stock okay because you don't want it really sitting in here too long because the longer it sits the more it scorch if you get some browning on the bottom it's not a big deal it's i mean it's a part of it you don't want to burn it you know but you're gonna you're gonna probably get some browning on the bottom you know it just depends on how much browning you get according to how you prep yourself at this stage okay so you know that's about good for me uh i'm gonna go ahead and add the four cups uh if it's enough then i won't use the other two cups but i'm gonna add these four cups to it and then i'm gonna give it a stir and that's gonna release some of that goodness on the bottom as well and you can kind of feel where you need to kind of scrape the bottom get some of that goodness off the bottom of it because you don't want to leave that on there and then it starts to burn real quick because you want all of this all right now uh for me i feel i'm gonna need a little bit more a little bit more of this uh stock so i'm gonna go ahead and just pour the rest of that in there so that's uh six cups of the shrimp stock and usually you want to do two cups of water to one cup of rice anyway but i just want to kind of release that bottom and the bottom is smooth i'm scraping the bottom i don't feel anything on the bottom you got to have that feel as a cook okay now what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this up to a boil i'm going to go ahead and add these bay leaves right now to it i'll just go ahead and just add these now because i'm going to bring this up to a boil and i want those bay leaves to get off in there and cook in there i'm going to go ahead and cover this up and i'm gonna bring this to a boil okay and then when it comes to a boil probably take about five minutes when it comes to a boil then i'll reduce it and um so that we can finish the cooking process okay right so i'm hearing the boil going on not a big boil just a little boil so that i can get it down to medium so i'm going to go ahead and stir it again scraping the bottom and be careful because this is popping it's really really hot so i'm scraping the bottom again getting some of that goodness off the bottom because i'm going to turn it down to a nice low i mean you want to put this on low you don't want this burning on the bottom so put it down to a really good low so as you can see i'm scraping that off the bottom making sure nothing is stuck down there so i can go ahead and finish cooking this and again this is this is some patience folks you got to have patience feel that bottom i don't feel anything left on that bottom my my uh spoon came out clean i'll go around one more time spoon came out clean again so everything is off the bottom all right so now i'm gonna go ahead and introduce these shrimps to it all right so this is going to cool it down just a little bit just a little bit not a lot cool it down just a little bit okay get those in there really good now you want to cover it it's on low scrape the bottom one more time just to make sure you always want to be sure that you're doing the right things when cooking come up again spoon is clean once more so there's nothing stuck on the bottom i got some shrimp still in here i didn't even see let me put those bad boys in now yeah all right so i'll go ahead and cover this let me let me let me get a little taste test before i do get a little taste test yeah y'all give me a second oh my lord oh my lord um oh man folks this is oh there's a kick to that one now that is a nice kick all right so keep it on low let it cook for about 20 minutes after 20 minutes i'll be back to let you know what it's looking like all right fam we're back the jambalaya is almost ready as you can see now so i'm going to turn this off and i'm going to let it sit for about another 10 or 20 minutes while it continues to soak up now i got some again i got some browning on the bottom a little stickiness but that's expected folks it's expected it's not a big deal so i'm gonna just stir this all up turn this off and i'm just gonna let this sit with the top on there for about 10 to 15 minutes and this is this is absolutely delicious look at that isn't that beautiful got your sausage and your andouille sausage you got your shrimp got your your chicken thighs along with your holy trinity all your spices all your herbs so we'll be right back for the taste testing well here we go so how about that look at that that is just beautiful so i'm gonna go in with this family i got some uh some shrimp some chicken and some and some uh sausage on here man i almost don't want to eat it it looks so good i perfected this the peppers and the celery still has a little bite to it that's perfection strong kick but again if you don't want it this spicy just hold back on some of the uh creole seasoning some of this hot sauce and make it how you want it i want to do it as close to the cajun style as possible i'm gonna go in for a second bite for y'all folks i did it again so as always if you like the content that you just seen go ahead and hit the like button for me and if you're interested in our videos go ahead and hit the subscribe button and don't forget to smash the notification button because that's going to keep you up to date to all of the videos that we put out on this channel and don't forget we're going to continue bringing the flavor we're going to continue making things for you that is going to amaze you but yet it's going to be very simple so until the next time until the next video as always folks peace again
Channel: YES Chef!
Views: 32,892
Rating: 4.8500438 out of 5
Keywords: yeschef, letscook, bigchefdro, privatechef, how to, cooking, home cook, restaurant secrets, jambalaya recipe, creole jambalaya, cajun jambalaya, shrimp jambalaya, cajun food, how to make jambalaya, sausage jambalaya, new orleans jambalaya, creole recipes, chicken jambalaya, chicken and sausage jambalaya, easy jambalaya, andouille sausage, jambalaya (dish), sausage (type of dish), cajun recipes, southern jambalaya, best jambalaya recipe, louisiana jambalaya, New orleans
Id: YfEg0JwVsr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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