How to Make the Perfect Prime Rib Every Time

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[Music] what's up family welcome back to another exciting episode of yes chef i'm your host as always big chef dro and you saw it you saw what we're about to do i know you saw it so look i let easter pass by without getting a video out for you for one of these prime ribs but i decided to do it you know jay and i wasn't even going to record but then we thought about it and we said you know what we need all the practice that we can get on this new format so i have about six pounds each of the prime rib roast i know you may be thinking well chef why do you need to show us how to make two six pound prime ribs fifty percent of the food that i cook for this show goes to my kids no let's let's do that let's take two 65 of the food that i cook on this show no okay let's let's do it again jay let's do it again let's do it again 75 no oh hell no all right all right last one 95 of the food that i cook on this channel goes to my kids and it's six of them and they can eat so we're gonna go ahead and get into this prime rib for you we're gonna show you how to cook this thing up real simple real easy all you need is a little patience so come on with me family let's go ahead and get into this right now let's cook [Music] all right family so here we are with the prime rib roast i got two big six pound roast here uh that i'm going to cook up for you now as you can probably see i have uh these came with the butcher twine already on them man this is gonna make for a beautiful presentation it's gonna keep everything together it's gonna keep everything uh locked in the juices and everything and it's gonna be you know easier to cut that way too so if you can find some with the butcher twine on it get it if not have your butcher put some on there so um we have our fresh herbs which is going to be some oregano some thyme and some rosemary i just chopped those up real quick and i'm going to put them in the food processor along with some of this good olive oil also some fresh garlic and then i have some mustard i have um both of them are grey poupon and one is the um country dijon and the other one's just a regular dijon mustard so i'm going to use both of these and back to our rib roast so you'll probably hear a lot of people tell you to salt your rib rolls real heavily now you can prevent that uh by putting a little oil on it so what i did was um i just brushed a little bit of truffle oil on it and i put the kosher coarse kosher salt on it but i didn't do it i didn't do too much of it because that salt is going to stay on there because of that oil okay and then i just put some some regular old black pepper on it as well and that's it i put it in the refrigerator uncovered for a day and a half now you can do it you can do 12 hours you can do 24 hours i took it an extra step and i put it in there for like a day and a half now this morning i woke up at around seven o'clock and i pulled it out because you want these roasts to be at room temperature at all times before you before you cook them so i i set it out got it down to room temperature stayed out for about six or seven hours let it stay out let it get to room temperature you'll be good to go so i'm gonna go ahead and start mixing all of this stuff up i got the uh processor here and i'm gonna just throw my garlic in here along and one of the reasons why i kind of chop them up the herbs up a little bit because i want them to uh process a little bit easier uh in here okay i put a little oil in there and then we'll see how this is going to go all right folks that looks great so i'll take this out now however much garlic you want to use is up to you now as far as the mustard goes you you want to do enough to coat however much you have okay so we may have to make a little bit more i'm not quite sure how much i'm going to need but right there is two tablespoons of the country dijon and then i will do another two tablespoons here then let me see how much that is now you don't have to salt this either because again that salt that you put on here if you put it on with a little bit of oil it's going to stay on there it's going to stay on there now while it was in the refrigerator that salt had a chance to kind of get through to that meat and season it nicely okay so now get another spoon so i can start spooning over some of the herb and garlic mixture all right i'll get some of this out of here let's see what's that all about all right let me see all right so this is nice and thick but i do think i'm going to put a little bit more of the regular dijon in there so i'll go in with another couple of tablespoons and we'll get that so here's the deal we're not going to coat the ends of these if this was a whole if this was a whole rib roast you would just do the top because the ends are capped off okay so you you shouldn't put it put your mixture on these ends okay just on top and on the sides alright so that's what we're going to do here all right i'm going to just go in with my fingers they're clean and you ain't got to eat it anyway so what difference does it make so folks as you can see got it nicely spread it on we're going to have a really beautiful crust on here okay now so i'm going to put this in the oven 275 and how you want to cook your roast is you want to do about 15 to 20 minutes per pound so both of them is six pounds a piece though i'm not cooking it like a 12 pounder i'm gonna cook it like two six pounders which is going to be an hour and a half to two hours um i want to get to an internal temperature of about 115 to 120 anywhere between 115 and 120 after that hour and a half or two hours you're good if you need more time fine if you don't need as much time fine go in and check it periodically have you a thermometer ready to poke into it to see where the internal temperature is okay that's cooking folks don't just wait on the clock you know to to strike zero check on your food even if you have to time it to a certain interval so you can go in and remember to check on it okay so remember 275 15 to 20 minutes per pound so i have six pounds here i'm gonna do about an hour and a half maybe two but i will check it uh periodically but now before i do that i'm gonna change pans now there's nothing wrong with um roasting on this uh a sheet pan there's nothing wrong with it at all but i'm gonna put it in a deeper roasting pan so i can get more air flow out of it now this wire rack doesn't belong in that roasting pan but it'll do the job so as you see i got some aluminum foil down there to make cleanup easy i'm not really worried about the aju sauce because well i go buy aju base and this just is good so don't let one of these youtube cooks tell you you gotta do the iju this way i've done it it's not a big deal get some async base and plus i don't really like aju that much we're going to do some horseradish sauce for you we got that coming up all right all right folks here we are it's been two and a half hours so here's what we're gonna do we're going to let this rest for about uh an hour let it get down in temp and then we're gonna put it back in the oven so when we get ready to do that we'll be back so i know i said about an hour and a half unfortunately it took more time that's cooking that's cooking so i got my thermometer here i went in um so it basically took about two and a half hours about another extra hour for us to get it to a internal temperature of about 120 is what both of them are reading right now so we'll let this rest for a while and in the meantime we're going to go ahead and do a horseradish sauce for you okay so stay tuned for that all right folks so as promised we're going to do some horseradish sauce and i have everything prepared for you so come on down here so i can show you the ingredients uh we have some worcestershire sauce we got about a tablespoon and a half i have some freshly cracked black pepper here it's about a tablespoon and then i have some apple cider vinegar but what i do have is the i have the honey blend on this now you know you can use whatever kind of vinegar you want you can use red wine vinegar or whatever but i i'm gonna i'm gonna try this okay so i have about i'll say a tablespoon of that as well then i have some freshly chopped chives here as well i don't know how many i have of those you can do that according to your taste but like right here i have a cup of creme fraiche now most people use store bought sour cream for their horseradish sauce i'm gonna use the creme fraiche and if you're wondering what cran fresh is it's basically a homemade sour cream but it's more creamier it's more tastier it just has an abundance of just smoothness to it and once you taste homemade creme fraiche you'll never go back to store ball sour cream ever again now if you're interested i do have a video on how to make homemade creme fraiche and i'll link that up in the button above here we have some very strong prepared horseradish use the horseradish according to your taste i like a lot of horseradish we're going to start off with uh about a third of a cup and we'll add more as you know we go on to mix it now i'm not gonna put any salt i'm not gonna put any mustard i got mustard i got salt all over the uh the roast so let's go ahead and get into this real quick let me get a spatula for this now go ahead and put that in there by the way man jay just called himself spike lee this dude done done a couple of episodes on yes chef and he think he is some type of uh scimitar cinematography guru i'ma let him i'ma let him have his little his little 15 minutes of fame man he's doing a good job and he also thinks he's deserving of a bigger portion of the food that is cooked as well because he's doing the recording so i know you know some of y'all shouted out jay on the last video man don't boost this guy's head up please don't boost his head up you know he thinks he's some type of genius now all right so we got this going let's mix this right on up and you want to do this ahead of time so that you can get it off in the refrigerator so we can thicken up as it as it cools all right so i'll go in and i will taste it to see if everything is good let me rinse this spoon off real quick you know what i'm gonna need a little bit more horseradish in there i'm gonna need a little bit more and again this is too this is to your liking you know i like to taste that horseradish in there i really do i love it all right let's go ahead go in once more get that off of there oh yeah that's it right there oh man that is it so got the horseradish sauce made um i'm about 20 minutes in on resting the rib roast once that's done we'll be back put it back in we're going to crank the oven to about 500 degrees and baking of course don't broil it bake it crank it about 500 degrees let it sit in there for about 20 minutes and then we'll be back with the finished product see you then all right family here we go it's been in the oven at 500 degrees for about 25 minutes it is absolutely ready we are at an internal temperature on this one of about 135 go into this one same thing with that one we've cooked them perfectly they're both around 135 and we are ready to carve them up to see how they look on the inside so we will be right back with that and here we are folks the moment of truth oh man look at that and just look at these juices that are in there look at all that juice that's in there we are definitely going to get into this so i will continue to cut all of the butcher twine off we're gonna slice these bad boys up and make some sandwiches we got some caramelized onions mushrooms and don't forget the horseradish sauce as well so family the only thing i can say to you as of right now is thank you so much for watching go ahead hit the like button and don't forget to hit the notification button on top of that and if you like what you see on this channel go ahead and subscribe button look folks we got to get these likes up we got to get these likes up we got to get these videos out to the masses so they can understand how to truly cook in your kitchen so with that being said until the next time family until the very next video me and jay are gonna enjoy this i think that first piece gonna be his because he's doing a phenomenal job y'all hit j up in the comment section and until the next time family as always peace thank you so much for watching this video and don't forget hit the like button and if you want to be a part of the yes chef family consider hitting the subscribe button and don't forget click the notification bell and that way you'll stay up to date on all of our latest videos also consider becoming a member of my patreon for up close and behind the scene content and be sure to follow us on all of our social media platforms thank you
Channel: YES Chef!
Views: 126
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Prime Rib, yeschef, letscook, bigchefdro, privatechef, how to, cooking, home cook, the best, chef secrets, restaurant secrets, yeschefcreates, thechefstable, prime rib roast, prime rib recipe, prime rib roast recipe, prime rib steak, prime rib in oven, prime rib sandwhich, prime rib on the grill, cooking asmr, cooking by the book, prime rib tasty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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