Creamy Cajun Shrimp and Sausage Pasta

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me AEV the check this out I know you guys read the title you've seen the thumbnail and I know we all vested right today I'm here ready to show you guys how to make a shrimp and sausage you know pasta we're gonna use fettuccine noodles I guess it really is just a Kaizen you know shrimp and sausage pasta you know super easy when I get ready to show you guys the ingredients I want you to take a look at them it's gonna look like a lot but I promise you it's just about doing your prep work right so listen when you prep it it's gonna take you about ten minutes and then after that you're gonna go ahead and cook it I'm gonna just tell you this in 30 minutes you from the time you know you got started you put all your ingredients out you on the table getting ready to eat so super easy I'm not gonna overtalk it we finna get right into it so let's make it happen all right look we're gonna go over the ingredients listen it might look like a lot but I promise you there's none so I'm gonna start out right here on this cutting board I'm gonna show you this right here look we got some French bread this is not part of the recipe but this is what I would be serving it with I got some of this lemon herb butter right here hey listen you guys might not be able to get that particular brand but you know what Kerrygold got something they make all kinds of compound butters I just suggest you guys get some of that look I'm gonna just put you know butter on here put it in the toaster and we don't go ahead and get that you know nice and ready and serve that with this now this right here look just a shrimp supposed to be 1 pound and listen I have some extra jumbo ones so I'm gonna go like this look you guys can see that you don't I mean IDs for big shrimp I got those and then I got some some regular size right here these are like medium so it's like a mixture but just one panel here we got on what is it this is crust you know tomatoes red bell pepper look this is a whole this is like just a regular large bell pepper you know red obviously and then I don't know if you guys can see this with diced I'm kind of small then we got a yellow one you know it's up to you you can do equal parts the same you know what I mean I like to use like just a little bit less when I do the other yellow but it's up to you then we got a yellow onion I've already went ahead and diced this also this was like a I'm gonna say like a Lawrence this we just go with that just call that a Lars all right I'm just showing you this right here cuz I keep my pepper and this right here's the thing I got the pepper this inside of this is a sweet black excuse me is smoked black pepper corn I got just for my sweet smoky Joel is also a since I started used has smoked black pepper corn hey nothing else now we got oregano this right here this is Creole kid look this is my Creole season I'm going with the creole seasoning you guys can use Creole or you can use a Cajun I'm gonna just say this if you don't have Creole kick and you can see the quantities on you know which one what is in each one of these right but if you're gonna be using something like Tony's or any other brand list and they heavy on the salt so you might want to adjust it I just say divide everything in half if you don't have that alright then we got look grated Parmesan cheese can we got just a little bit of brown sugar I know some of you guys talked about you don't really do brown sugar or you don't do sugars like your nah in green beans and stuff like that listen I just want to clear up to myth you don't put enough sugar in there where you can taste it listen it's a smooth blend that just evens out the bitterness you guys got a you got to trust me on that and then right here I got two cards garlic cloves now you can look at this when this one's kind of big right here I was trying to feel it like man is this too but just happened to be just one big one so really just three regular but if you got some big ones you know let me just go ahead and use two we're gonna go ahead and just chop those here we got heavy whipping cream this right here this is just one cup and then listen you send Cajun Creole and Harline then you got to have that in doing this that n Dewey sausage right here just one little link complete link how to do it now I'm gonna go ahead and chop this up and get it chopped I'm gonna get it sliced thinly and i'ma start with you know olive oil then we got chicken broth you know hey listen this is not less sodium this is a you know just like the fool on you know the goodness you thing out if you guys are watching your sodium intake you can go ahead and do the reduced sodium our version of that alright now I've been waiting to show you this look at here you see this right here this is all the shells from what's been peeled you know from my shrimp I'm gonna ask you guys I'm not gonna spoil it it right now but you guys gotta trust me go ahead save them I'm gonna freeze them down till I fill up this bag once I got them filled up in about two weeks I'm gonna put out a video and I'ma show you why we gonna save this most of you guys are thinking we gonna make a stock but I got something else hey that's good to save them too but just getting the habit of anything that you feel like this if your seafood go ahead and write what it is on there and just freeze it not some pro tip you guys hey you gonna thank me for this one later and now for the fettuccine listen I got the EZ and the pot already cooking I'm just gonna get them cooked to the time they're supposed to be and then I'm gonna stop them right so which is like 12 minutes then I'm gonna put them in my colander soon as I put them in a colander and you know shock you with that cold water cuz we're gonna stop it cuz after that we're gonna put every all the ingredients in here we're gonna continue cooking you don't want your noodles to be mushy now with all this being said hey let's get okay first things first look we got our shrimp right we don't go ahead they just start adding everything to it so I'm gonna take my oregano a little salt and give it a nice generous pinch right black pepper and now my Creole season and then you just want to stir it around you know you want to get everything blended well there you have it now for the next step you want to go ahead and heat up your pan right we're gonna start off on a medium high heat you know so then go ahead and add some olive oil to it then you know what we just want to get the olive oil and get it nice and hot once that becomes hot then you want to go ahead and add your shrimp now the thing is listen I got like a lot of different sized shrimp and it's a lot right so you want to make sure that your shrimp is able to lay flat so you just want to cook it for like two to three minutes on each side and then once it's done didn't go ahead and put it on a plate you can see that plate right there it doesn't have no napkin on it right or no paper towel because I don't want a paper towel to absorb anything it's okay of something drips off of them but we're just gonna do them like that then here I'm just adding it you know just a little bit more olive oil and you can see how I cut my and do these sauces up and then go ahead and just add that to the pan same concept when we did the shrimp y'all listen do you want to make sure it is you know flat now you can see I'm using that wooden spoon and I like that that heads on the bottom see how it's flat it's straight makes it real easy to get that goodness off the bottom of those pans folks you guys gotta get ahead it protects you know that nonstick surface now just go ahead and then you can see right here hey listen your mouth should be watering could hear the seed of that olive oil is taking on a new color because that's where you know our meat is starting to sweat so I added the sausage right back to the right on that same plate and there you have it now we're gonna set it off to the side now it's time to do the veggies now listen we do only gonna cook these veggies just long enough so do they become you know like soft it's up to you it's detective that you guys like for me under a medium-high heat and then okay you just see right there I'm adding my Creole seasoning and then I'm coming with your Browns you know the brown sugar but I cook mine for about I don't know I'm gonna say about five minutes you know I mean I like for it to have a little bit of you know like a firm texture you know and I'll go ahead and taste it now they asked my garlic that's how I chopped it up I didn't do no mince because you don't have to and then when you put your garlic in you want to make sure you only you don't burn it so I guess I'm gonna say anywhere from a minute minute and a half would be good after that we come with the crust you know tomatoes then we gonna come with our you know our heavy cream and then we're gonna put our chicken stock in there and then we just gonna keep working it now don't forget we still got to a medium-high heat so once I get all of these ingredients in sorry they're missing he's got to keep its turn you know and then we want to bring it back you know getting like a semi boil so we'll just say we want to get it back to like a simmer so you can just see I'm just moving it back and forth you know we're just gonna let it cook and there you have it right there you see it's starting to simmer right there and once it starts to simmer I cooked it for about two minutes when it was simmering and then I went ahead and add my Parmesan cheese now I reduce my heat down to like a medium you know because we're just gonna take our time and let that Parmesan cheese you just want to let it melt and it's a little tricky you know I mean so just take your time trust the process and you can see as I'm sturdy right there you can see they're starting to thicken up so now is the time to go ahead and get your you know your fettuccine noodles and go ahead and show fettuccine pasta and go ahead you know insert it once you get it in there now you got to figure out how big oh pretty is because listen I got a lot of noodles you know so this one we got to get it all you know coded after that we listen in this order it was noodles and then we come with the sausage and once we get to the sausage you know to cook inside of that and completely coat it and then we put the shrimp but listen the shrimp is perfect right now so really we just want to add the shrimp glass i'ma say like the last two to three minutes right so there's our shrimp right there now we just put that on there you know put that inside of there and then we just mix it all up and then we get ready to serve now I can tell you this you could put just in the center of your table you know what I mean and everybody can like pull from that that's a great presentation you guys let me know down in the comment section below what do you think about serving these in a dish and there you have it creamy Kaizen pops so tell me what you guys think about this one here another super easy you know a recipe huh you know anytime you see the word kaysing you know most people jump right on it okay so let me just put it together for you in perspective you got k's and then when you say sausage you start thinking about that and ooey or even the smoked sausage and you add shrimp you can't go wrong and listen if you're doing your weekly planning on your meals or your bi-weekly however you guys are doing it for your meal prep this is just something you've got to put in a rotation just to break it up now if you new to my channel let me just say a thank you for watching me don't forget to subscribe and like this video until everybody out there there's a channel out here too simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and if you've been watching me for a minute folks you know how I'm gonna get out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 1,025,030
Rating: 4.9647937 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, shrimp and sausage pasta, Cajun Shrimp and Sausage Pasta, cajun pasta, pasta recipe, cajun, pasta, shrimp, creamy pasta, andouille sausage, creole, cajun pasta with shrimp, pasta recipes, cajun pasta recipe, cajun shrimp pasta, creole food, creole shrimp, creole kick seasoning, cajun food, sausage, cooking, recipe, food, southern cooking, fettuccine, shrimp pasta, ab's cajun cuisines, recipes, dinner, new orleans, how to, cajun recipes, cook
Id: RKqc5xgS_KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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