Cajun Food | Basics with Babish (feat. Isaac Toups)

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No fucking way! Isaac Toups and Babish together?! This is pure perfection!

👍︎︎ 123 👤︎︎ u/JedWasTaken 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was an awesome Basics on Creole Cajun Food!

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/YouCantHackTheGibson 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Issac's chicken and sausage gumbo video is basically a life philosophy video disguised as a cooking how-to.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Bearowolf 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mouth was watering this whole episode. Been too long since I have had really good cajun food.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/Semper-Fido 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Isaac is by far the best guy on Munchies so happy to see these two together.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/ChimRichaldsOBGYN 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies






Creole!!! ... wait!

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Kittens_In_A_Basket 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Toups is a mad man. I love his videos and the way he represented himself on Top Chef. Super cool guy. His style is awesome.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/stinkpalm 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

The first few seconds I was super confused, I thought babby had cloned himself

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/SuperSeagull01 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

*performs hours long prep and cooking, multiple ingredient dishes"

"Simple, easy meals!"

Jkjk. It is easier than I expected, especially the rue roux, we just have different definitions of easy though. Still great video!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/0takuSharkGuy 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
how we doing folks welcome to basics with babish this isn't how I normally do the beginning of the show but we have a special guest with us here today Isaac toups of toups meatery tube South that get them both right got him both right and he's here today to teach us about Creole cuisine Cajun Cajun cuisine [Music] I decided to put my diet aside today right we're going hard yeah me too so we're making RIANZ we're making jambalaya jambalaya making dirty rice and chana sausage gumbo right ah well III was just been a week in New Orleans and now you brought a little bit back for me that's right as I was I already miss it it's only been two days I'm at least I don't miss the heat oh god it was soupy down yeah that's that's that's summer in New Orleans for you um all right so what we doing here okay we're cutting up our Trinity and what is the Trinity Trinity is very similar to the French mirepoix except we switch out the carrots for bell pepper because basically this is what grows are on the Louisiana not so much carrots so we use what we have around us we have the Father the Son the Holy Spirit but don't forget the Pope garlic she's never heard funny stuff oh yeah I heard someone else say them like I'll be using that that's funny we're just gonna give these just kind of a medium dice nothing fancy cuz this is all gonna get cooked down and stood so even even if you mess them up just a little bit it's not that big a deal so I just tell people just give a rough chop don't worry about it something fancy like that just chop it okay great thanks thanks Isaac you're welcome is it just me or is Holy Trinity smell better when sauteing them absolutely when it smells so when you're affecting we start to roast it that's exactly what like Cajun country smells like yeah like when we start making this dark Roux when we add our vegetables to the dark roux it's like I'm gonna bring you back like oh that's my mama's house right there and I'm guessing we're not adding new garlic till like late late in the game we're gonna add the garlic right after I think that's a good talking point that remind me to bring up that we're gonna have the garlic after we add our Trinity because we don't want to burn it they're gonna be very gonna be very careful when you're chopping the garlic to eat you don't want to whoa that's my favorite joke that scared the ever-loving yeah it does that I know I know I do that every time Wow I once rather you get super fun I do the same without slicing my handle to the edge into the edge fans are given an order let me do it let me do it the right hand because left hand is long let's try again there you go better well better okay let me try one more time put the power behind it yeah I did it with the left hand that was mistake very good yeah take those frustrations out you now and now we have garlic in both of our aprons put garlic buddies okay ouch buddies ashtag okay okay all right at what school all right so we got our Holy Trinity we've got our Trinity we've got our Pope the poet let's make some room we discussed you're gonna make a 15 minute dark Roux how do you make a dark Roux so quickly I make a dark room really quickly I actually got it under five minutes because I'm a psychopath holy but it's dangerous so I suggest everybody take it this is your first roof yeah take it low and slow make the 45-minute row so you're just doing it hot we're gonna get the oil smoking hot and then we're gonna add our flour now to this you got to have everything near you you got to have your you're deglazing beer you gotta have your Trinity gonna have your stock all by your by yourself because if you walk away from it you'll burn it and once you burn a roux there's no going back you have to start all the way over well I'm gonna be very interested in seeing how this goes yeah and sorry just because I love symmetric ality I'm going to alright so yeah there's like a cup cup and a half there yeah but a cup I'm gonna make a little extra right now so we don't have to make it root two times for the show very cool a lot of people use a wooden spoon I prefer a whisk wooden spoons are just fine but I feel you can really get a good stir pattern you know I also have a little sauce whisk that might help you get a corner sauce with like this this one is if you want let's try that out in the show and we'll be burn it I'll say it must have been the West you're welcome okay I'm here to give people outs so we're just letting this guy get in smokin hot uh-huh and then I'm terrified I'm very excited to see don't but I would burn it instantly if it were that hot not not saying I'm not gonna burn time saying I'm probably not gonna burn it I'm probably not gonna burn this no he said I've done I've done this so much just I know what to have I'm pretty confident with it now it's not hard it's not scary if people think it's just you deal in the hot oil but they'll deep fry some chicken I'm like just as dangerous that's true yeah you got to make something cook faster as Sarat if you yelling it hey hey come on little faster please hey hey you that's not working all right okay see we already got a good fast reaction what's the consistency you're looking for the thinness you're looking for wet sand wet sand okay if for lack of a better term yeah oh my god this already smooth yeah so exactly in what 30 seconds you've already got the milk chocolate roof that usually takes 15 minutes is usually we just got it to 30 seconds yeah Wow so the darker gets the more often you want to stir it you don't have to stir this perpetually you can actually let it go Brown a little bit a lot of mistakes are made as people stop right here yeah and you'll get pale gumbo and then I will judge you harshly good board let you let your Roux get nice and dark don't be afraid of it that is pretty much like wet sand and then yeah I love analogies that's why I like to say you know take your door crew to the color of a Hershey chocolate bar yeah I say that because everybody can get a Hershey chocolate bar in fact this gumbo if you can get chicken and sausage you can make this anywhere on the planet and if you want somewhere on the planet can't get chicken a sausage move it doesn't have to be pork size to be beef sausage be any kind of sauce you'd like I like a good smoky sausage switch off the chicken or for turkey yeah if you can't find andouille I've found smoked kielbasa isn't exactly exactly subs use what you got around you kielbasa andouille chorizo shareece you'll be just the same that's already chocolatey we're about halfway there all right it's been a couple of minutes has not been long yeah yeah I think you're gonna hit five six minutes tops minute mark yeah no problem so you're letting it sit a little bit with just a little bit just did stuff still not walking away yeah and the darker it gets the more I'm gonna stir it yeah and like my daddy says if you've never burned a roux you've never made one which which means sooner or later your times eternal you make enough Roos you're gonna burn one sooner or later yeah it's just happens and then you look you with that you just start over don't worry about it yeah just about dang here perfect yeah what color would you call that I would call that get into dark chocolate like 65% pure cacao okay that's a bit technical for me but I like were you going we're just setting aside a little bit here for the dirty rice later on or the jambalaya jambalaya dirty rice is a correction to turn that the dirty rice into jambalaya rather now you notice I threw my bay leaves in there so I want that that that carmelization to take care on the babies themselves it's gonna extract a whole bunch of that flavor and this rue is so hot smell that that's Katie that's Cajun right there no that's that takes me right back down yeah and now normally you would have to sweat this for a good long time in a pan yeah but this roux is so molten hot that you can already tell these vegetables are starting to caramelize and break down yeah think of beauty right it's almost like they're semi deep-frying but there's so much moisture in there that they're just like I don't think that's that's too far off from the actual truth they're they're pretty much kind of deep-frying yeah oh man look at that that color is perfect I can't wait to make gumbo again last time I made it it took me 45 minutes to get my Roux where I wanted cuz I was being so dainty be so dainty about it yeah now that now that's calm down a bit mm-hmm this is when we add our garlic gonna add our garlic now because we added it sooner must hit burn it it'll burn yeah how long you letting that garlic go for probably just another 30 seconds yeah and then we're gonna get it with our beer all right use any kind of beer just don't use a light beer yeah light beer no flavor now what's the most important thing about cooking drinking taste your food now just like any time you're messing with any kind of rule you want to stir your liquids in and whisk it otherwise you'll get clumps now dark Roux is a lot more forgiving than a blond Roux so when you're making bechamel you really have to like take your time and you really have to you know make sure you're whisking it properly Darko is a lot more forgiving once you stir me and some of that stock there there you go too gentle for you gentle there you go you want all this I want all that alright possibly more now let's add or get your chicken nice sausage let's get to it in our spices yeah after you get the Roux done it's pretty set it for yeah it's yeah yeah just got to get past the one tricky part and you're getting down ooh this smells good and snack on this yeah let's let's see what quality work one oh it's got smoke to it that's really really all that matters in this and out all it matters but that's that's that's gonna give it that check good fat local flavor teamwork oh and man what man we're good throw weight away from you what I love about cooking you can go your entire life and still learn something new oh yeah the golden rule about salt and spices is that you can always add a little more later yeah so if you're worried about it don't don't add so much whoa Nelly see that's that's what you don't pour right up right out of the bottle then you can understand that you can't eat it you can't oversee you can go forward you can't go back can't go backwards yeah now we are we leaving all this foam does the foam get scraped up no no no no no no we never scraped the foam off any damn thing now what just what this up to temperature you want to pretty much turn it down to the lowest simmer possible gonna get some real color on me yeah I get some look along here here's here's a lesson about how much black pepper goes in the gumbo here good start I have a feeling about to have a arm workout here Isak my arm burns ain't kidding there you go see the first time you had to stop and change it's perfect that's that's the best to go to the first time someone goes good god I'm they are perfect like my arms tired perfect about a perfect amount of black pepper Wow you don't you're not gonna read that in the rest of the recipes look sentence for maybe years yeah I think I think it's actually in mine little smoked paprika is gonna like just kind of a double down on our smoky flavor so we probably got about a tablespoon each of cayenne and yes sure I'm not measuring yeah so you ignore should never never have our measures like a gumbo at the house now luckily for you guys I actually measured it for my cookbook it's gonna check out that recipe there be my guest but going back and measuring something you've never measured stuff for that was a lesson we sent us browning off the chicken they had us on five you add it straight to the pot don't worry about chopping this stuff up because this gumbo will be pretty much done when this chicken start to fall apart not commissionable it's gonna all the juices it's gonna release inside the pot or gonna reinforce that stock and make that gravy even better yeah and do is going that don't don't add the undo it with a buddy jet you get again don't be scared get right over it so there's no splash I wasn't scared I wish we keep all this chicken fat in here do something with that there anything do it that yeah save it and we'll saute our vegetables and I'm guessing we're also never skimming fat we're not gonna skim the fat unless we have some sort of super excess amount of fat I never skim it all that fat has all the flavor oh yeah so you never want to completely see any but we got a big oil slick I'll soak em some of it off but when you have a pixel bowl of gumbo it should have a little bit of oil on there and people know tourists you skim it all off I'm like taste that oh I'm like oh this oil tastes straight I'm like exactly so the nurse want to save that all for the next dish alright let's let's lid this up and let's push it back bring this to a simmer bare simmer bare simmer and just let it slow roll for a couple hours probably only need about maybe an hour maybe a little bit more than that because if you don't cook out the roof then you'll if you tell you what let's do a science experiment yeah look at that gravy and it doesn't actually taste very good at all does it oh no yeah it's horrible bit bitter wrong that's bitter its raw its chalky but people ask me why do you have to cook it so long I'm like that's exactly why yeah so cooking is gonna loud Abe that's gonna allow the the chicken to break down and all those flavors the melt and the root has to cook up the same with the bechamel and also this is gonna thicken it up over it this is gonna thicken up a little bit over time the same time you don't want it thick like great yeah RIANZ RIANZ otherwise known this candied pork belly it's a if cracklins had a sister that's what that's what this would be so it's like really rich it's pork belly it's red wine salt and sugar so it's essentially pork belly caramel yeah alcoholic pork belly caramel so we got how much pork belly do we need here cuz I have two pounds so we need two pounds of pork belly look at that yes skin on this yes that's okay I know how to DC and a pig now if we were making cracklins we would leave the skin on and we would cut these up in pretty much the same shape you pretty much want you know maybe a 1 1 and 1/2 by a 1 inch keeper the crackling but it's not crack once it's another video I'll have to come back to show you those so you do it upside down that's it I I think I think like um like like blink blink fish okay if you think about it yeah so I hold onto the fat and then bring it toward me and just like you just like you're skinning a fish it's a dream once you once you've had to do it a whole bunch you find out like the easy way to figure out now well that was the easiest I've ever gotten skin off belly so thank you for that you're welcome toss this in the pot toss it in the pot let's do it and we're just gonna just gonna toss this in the pot for we'll toss it in the pot oh yeah oh yeah oh that's not gonna be tasty at all no that's gonna I like your attitude oh my god now we luck that we lucked out and the butcher gave us some nice fatty parts - honestly the fatiah parts of the belly are always gonna make well everything better yeah I mean we're eating this for the fat we're not eating right a little bit of meat on there I mean it's nice to have it up it's nice to have a little meat with it but the fats where it's at so when take ours and it's so so let's say we some of them were cut like this is someone will cut like this that's okay because what we want to end up is pretty much the same size okay so it's nice let's let's aim for that as long as they're remotely the same size you can be a little larger a little small but I think of once it's cooked down what's one bike you don't wanna have to bite Ariane in half you want you or a crack on a hats gonna be able to pop the whole thing in your mouth all right done perfect all right we add very unceremoniously plop just a bit bit of salt not as much salt as I'd say if we were doing it to for a seasoned dish but just like all even pastries even sweet stuff you always had that pinch of salt to bring out the flavour gotta have this sweet and soft sweetness all absolutely so we're just gonna give that just a little a little random mix just let that salt suck up in there so when we pour over the red wine caramel if we did just salted it it might actually rinse it off okay so we can let that sit and do that for a second and we have as you specified some nice cheap red wine cheap red wine you do want something full-bodied so a Malbec a cab we got a cab just like you don't want to use light beer didn't have a lot of lot a whole lot of flavor you want something intense if I put red wine on something I want to taste the red wine okay now that we got our pork belly um seasoned we add our sugar and I know we don't like to measure but just like roughly 102 cups 2 cups yeah because when here's the trick if you make it a little too much caramel you're fine yes make too little you're not fine so you might as well if you're gonna make make this stuff not to mention the shelf-life great as well do it might as well do it let's add some of this Revlon all right we want a nice Alton nothing this Matt not worried about and we're just bringing this to a simmer we can actually bring it to a rolling boil and we're actually to bring it down just a little bit to really concentrate it so it's gonna be more fiscal and more syrupy so it sticks on the pork belly and not just cooks around it you know it's also gonna reduce more in the oven so as the caramel starts to get tightened in the oven whether to toss it so it so the ones on top but could be pale and the ones at the bottom might be burnt so that's what we're gonna toss those pretty regularly so that caramel evenly coats the pork belly as it cooks oh look at this use tiny whiskey folks here right here tiny whisk is the one of the most popular popular characters on the show and more popular than even not very unceremoniously just pick some time in there it adds a really good flavor to it really make a confluence now I've tried this this is the original recipe I've tried this with white wine I've tried it with whiskey I've tried it with a bunch of different things but honestly nothing beats just the sugar and red wine and time not exactly sure why but sometimes if it ain't broke don't fix it all right take grab that caramel okay all right and this is just going to stir this up pour pour straight on top Chuck try to try to coat all of it but we're gonna stir it anyway all that looks good yeah all right we're just gonna kind of pack these in there a little bit nothing fancy just make sure they're nice and snug see how it's snug snug it is the word snugs the way to go kind of braising them I guess braising them again you want to keep them nice and compact we got nice and deep so when this is filled with molten the hot oil we don't burn ourselves which is which is always nice and key all right let's pop this in the oven uncovered okay so yeah now we're making dirty rice dirty rice we'll make it refer to as dirt at the restaurant this is a good base for your dirty rice and for your jambalaya so you can kind of turn two dishes into one now I'm not doing this to the traditional ways for all you traditional Cajun out there about to start making comments shut up he said it now I'm on camera you're not allowed to say that but we got a ground meat I'm just gonna give it a little press it pretty much could I kind of make a a big burger patty okay and we're gonna grab that black pepper for me sure you gonna make me do the pepper exercising stop right there okay little salt and I like to add my spices right now because when you sear them off in the pan they're gonna really wake them up get nice and aromatic right just just like toasting your black peppercorns or sweating your sofrito same thing this is cumin cayenne pepper and black pepper we got a couple tablespoons of hot vest oil and hot vegetable oil this lesson teaches again about the searing of the proteins of the mired reaction the good the carmelization this step will help you in your not only you make your dirty rice better but your beef stroganoff better it'll make a chili better it'll make your I'm not lying about this it'll make your Hamburger Helper better not to mention we're actually gonna turn this where after we sear real hard and brown it all up we're actually start to braise it so even though it might look a little dry yeah once we got our liquid it's actually gonna braise that meat out which is the gonna again improve your stroganoff game your chili game in your Hamburger Helper game so this is a great lesson to pay attention now this is another thing people like do people as you start to start messing with it right now don't mess with it let us say let it go let it sear off so don't worry about like keeping the patty whole since we're gonna be breaking this up later on you see this is what I'm talking about it as you know get a good hard sear that's my art on that this one once once both sides of sear I just start giving a good chop yeah there's you call this a one pot dish I mean you got to make the rice in the correct now see this is where I dipper it chicks I'm making this the restaurant style traditionally you would make you gravy put your raw rice in it put extra moisture in it and then bake it off overall come together yeah that's traditional it's all your traditional occasions I just said it back up so we said this seems like this would be easy absolutely this is way to go you have your rice cook one pot dish once you've had your roommate this has an infinite shelf life if you think about it it's just flour and oil but if you want you know you're gonna make some later save your room save yourself a step now let's say that we didn't have any rule already made at what point are we making roux in this dish we would make it either beforehand yeah or we make it at the same time we're searing so all right now they've got all of our brown bits nice and brown beautiful and add some of this Trinity oh yes that's not gonna smell horrible no and some is garlic now we're at a pretty low temperature now so I'm not worried about my garlic burning yeah this doesn't seem like good and there's so much moisture going on here with steam from vegetables and all that right it seem like it's gonna be that big mission this again that starts to smell really good so all we're doing looking for here we're looking for just like the onions to get a little translucent and sweat it down and then we'll go from there all right so now I'm adding the roux after our vegetables are properly cooked I'm just gonna warm that Roux up a little bit it's already a proper color but I know that trying to multiply some coal Roux and water doesn't work very well so we're just gonna let it warm up gently beer me right there we got like two cups of chicken stock here homemade high-quality slaved over that check no good God we didn't have a cameras rolling for it but we were totally made that poop we're eight we even raised and kill the chicken it was the saddest day of my life but it's gonna make a good dish all right and just like a gumbo we're gonna let this simmer that root cooks out nice and not to mention our beef is gonna braise out again enhancing our the quality of our dirty rice base or dirt gravy dirt gravy so how long is this don't fully sorry probably about 45 minutes 45 minutes yep this probably has a number where he probably has 45 minutes and the renounce probably have 45 minutes awesome all right so we got a dirty rice base it's all cooked down it's still a little on the gravy side that's what that's okay and then we'll just stir some rice in there how much rice do you think oh it's almost about 1 to 1 but if I was gonna lean lean on the little extra meat side of things but you can really it's kind of up to your taste and really just gonna want to mix that in there and it's why we done again we don't see any of the grease yeah even a little bits of grease in there are really gonna season that rice hmm we don't want to get all the all these chunks of white rice you really want to smash down you don't want your dirty rice to look all uneven through the chamber for uneven dirty rice and we always taste test yes making sure it's good before we serve it maybe swap spoons - uh-huh we're safe such a nice easy little meal though totally easy I'm a pack of ground beef and some rice and some veggies yeah a little dark root don't be scared of the dog food and now we can make it into a real meal by turning it into jambalaya and you notice the heat is also dissipated a bit so we had to agree we had our rice stuffed up that good gravy just you guys good rich you just has that little bit of heat that I was talking about like great Cajun food just has like that it informs the heat where it's not overwhelming the flavor of the dish you're not paying attention just to pain you just feel that one like that's that's indicative just such great you've got to be able to taste everything all of the watch why do we add so you taste the onion I taste the garlic the cumin comes in here quite nicely yeah this isn't hot ones we're just we're just trying to enjoy our phone so this is just straight-up dirty rice straight-up dirty rice the number one crowd-pleaser of all time everybody loves this dish if you don't like this dish yeah so we're about we're real close now the caramel is just right the pork belly needs go a little longer but you got to worry about it these are done right before they're burnt yeah so these get a good caramelized lacquered look pop that over for me cracker back in was looking right uh-huh that makes me happy right there now how long has this got to cool off until the - when you put him off it you don't go uh-huh we should probably put some on some plate so do you get a cool-down oh my god I'm back at your restaurant I'm 14 years old again it's figuring out how my body works so we're not getting rid of the fat at all in this um actually the most effect being left in there excellent oh this is ready to go yeah that's ready to go any rational ball or yeah I'll let you do it last step is to turn this dirty rice into jambalaya and that's real simple a little saucy we're gonna turn the heat back on a little bit all right the sausage is already cooked so all we need to do is warm it back up and then um you can chop this chicken up if you like but honestly I just like to toss in the pan I neither serve the chicken thighs whole if you want to like something looking like a an entree or if not just hit him with your spoon unceremoniously just beat up the chicken a little bit you can get those juices out of there keep the skin on it this is Cajun food don't you not to be delicate to it there's one thing I'd say you're not being it's delicate yeah yeah I don't really do the delicate don't call me up for delicate you call me thing you want you don't call me late for dinner now golden rules of Cajun cooking is you see I haven't mixed any seafood in my gumbo yeah my dirty rice start my jambalaya now if we if we did seafood would be only seafood and yes this is a rule so pay attention cages we don't like to mix shrimp with our sausage he puts shrimp in that you're only gonna taste the sausage okay so it's gonna get lost so when we make a seafood gumbo we actually call it a stew so know the differentiate with stew just as seafood and a gumbo will have meat now we have good old-fashioned jambalaya again you got chicken you got sausage you got ground beef you can make these dishes nothing scary a little bit of rule it's not gonna hurt you make it the slow way first you got it looks ready hmm I look ready ready and we have here a collection of some of the most beautiful easy Cajun dishes Cajun that's I've ever made or seen made like to thank you this is absolutely gorgeous this one of my favorite things the world and Madison a long time with this once the cameras stopped rolling well did thank you so much for coming out and show me how to make all this especially these because these have been a mystery for me I know you've been oh you you you were you were asking about them leaving even though my recipes a little more detailed it's a lot more deeply the recipe I got yeah so you're welcome from figuring this out you upgraded this it took if it took a minute but I'm very happy with that yeah I'm one a few people that does it and it's like one of the signature dishes at the meatery it's never going anywhere about it thank God no and thank you for having me I'm at a great time thank you so much for coming through next time we're gonna learn about Creole cuisine from who I don't know okay Creole cuisine take three Cajun cuisine take three Creole cuisine take four this is Creole cuisine take five pages Creole food take six Cajun Creole food take sex the Cajun cuisine that takes seven real wait Creole cooking take eight Creole cooking take nine Creole food take ten Creole cuisine take 11 kg who seen take 11 [Music] [Music]
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 7,375,089
Rating: 4.9347358 out of 5
Keywords: cajun food, creole food, binging with babish, basics with babish, cooking with babish, babbish, pear qwerty horse, basics cajun food, how to make cajun food, how to make creole food, cajun recipes, creole recipes, easy cajun recipe, jambalaya recipe, rillons recipe, dirty rice recipe, how to make jambalaya, how to make rillons, how to make dirty rice, gumbo recipe, how to make gumbo, chicken and sausage gumbo, sausage gumbo, sausage gumbo recipe, chicken gumbo recipe
Id: nORg_aXMsmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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