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welcome to sorted ultimate battles three lifelong mates go head to head to head to cook up the ultimate dish around a theme their friend and chef Ben will judge them on taste but ultimately you decide who is victorious let's do this mac and she and cheese hold the phone I'm about to blow your mind that the ultimate mac and cheese butter before the battle is even really begun cuz I'm not making a standard mac and cheese I am making a mac and cheese dessert sweet mac and cheese and mac and cheese pudding if you will you just lost or have I invented something redonkulous and when anything even if you're giving games James had a hand in the invention process we're going to boil the pasta in a sweet syrup made up of sugar and vanilla and then we're going to make a custard we're going to put some cheese into the custard then we're going to put the pasta into the cheese sauce custard and it's going to be incredible and you're going to love it I am making southern fried style deep fried kimchi mac and cheese balls kim cheese like this fermented tanging a korean thing so i've got some of that and i'm going to split that inside my mac and cheese roll into balls and then deep fry them in southern fried spices and flour and they're going to be amazing these is a pretty classic mac and cheese recipe but as cupcakes i've got some bacon lardons fry off dry frying off now all the fat is losing out I'll be making my bechamel to go in it some cheese some macaroni which is totally boiling away in the background when you have it you will make that face oh and this does this a lot all the Barry banks in these battles is cupcakes it's white I'm a cupcake I've noticed that Barry makes the thing that isn't the thing ie a waffle when it's pizza cupcakes when it's mac and cheese I'm just giving in to tell what I want so I'm like oh sweet don't that's a melted butter which I added some flour to and now I'm slowly stirring that together in with some milk bit by bit I know what you're thinking am I an innovator I probably would class myself as one I think you know the first people that invented rice pudding the first people that invented a sweet potato sweet casserole you know they're held up amongst gods amongst zero the dessert world of were their names again and you know you've got em mister ambrosia and Mishelle room I'm sure I may have had a beer or two before we came up with this idea right now my fish melt butter in me your bacon bits you're making a bacon bechamel I'm word that I became less butter like butter going in the pasta is done it's good to go it's sweet it's vanilla e ace is going to be fantastic one of them now is make my custard so I'm going to heat up some milk with some vanilla and then whisk in some egg yolks James doesn't seem to agree with our making custard and how many times you've made custard then tried to get me to use ready-made custard and I told him no do you regret it not now for my special ingredients two tablespoons of kimchi and some Korean chili paste this will give my mac and cheese a really tangy piccoli flavor I guess yeah I know I'll be fine I'm not adding the cheese's yeah that's right fools cheese's cheddar and Parmesan put it into the fridge to chill so it's really manual and up and roll it into balls but easy goodness it done right as I say in some of the films that Ben watches it's time to mix the macaroni with the custard now for those of you thinking this is all looking a little bit too sweet for your liking you're right I have a little sitter ability to sweet shut up I have a little spruce it's going to make it fantastic and I Romero Greenstein the apple pie always has cheese sharp cheddar cheese on top of it what I'm doing is flipping that on its head by putting Apple sharp Apple into layers within my mac and cheese topped off with a little bit of brioche and a last bit of cheese if you're making this at home remember to peel your Apple before you slice it see that okay tap room this is cool you just rolled up into Bulls into buttermilk into flour into oil yeah this is now going the oven for about 10 minutes it's already cooked it's just to make it go a little bit extra crispy I think I'm gonna have to put this in an actual grill rather than this toy I'm gonna win this is amazing it's just not very healthy I'm going to whip up a really quick lime Mayo with some lime and some Mayo Oh pick up mac and cheese three ways I don't know if you can pick a favorite yes this one I usually have a favorite before I even taste them might as well I don't ever hold it I'm going for a muffin first smoky bacon II cheesy proper stick-to-your-ribs yeah make your hot slow down a little bit yeah yeah but any other thing I would say it was all of that awesome bacon it it does go a little bit dark and brown and it's quite planky but in a rich kind of way just not a creamy mac and cheese I pretty like it go for dip as well everyone shareable they're shareable okay you've got a crispy outside you've got soft cheesy easy middle which is a little bit spicy mm-hmm but it has got that kind of pickled fermented thing of kimchi coming through the heat comes later when the grease cuts away I would say they're a little greasy I will hold my hands up that's really what you expect from a deep fried mac and cheese ball I mean that is a great vegetarian starter appetizer small they can be canapes perfect brilliant that I would not ever make those smaller you take that back I love your balls just as they are we shouldn't your and it doesn't but it really does open so it's always crunching crunching bit of Apple in the economy it's a beautiful texture steaming hot scoop of ice cream scoop other than that that is annoyingly good and I can't pick a favorite does work I mean that does work that is amazing that's a classic flavor combo you've stuck into muffins or cupcakes nice hmm that's out of the box guys but it's not up to me you guys get to decide to comment down below and tell us one you think would be your favorite and or head sorted food for the full recipes if I had to pick between yours too I pick Mike's going back for more Mike
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,676,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mac and cheese, mac n cheese, mac & cheese, kimchi, sweet mac and cheese, mac and cheese recipe, how to mkae mac and cheese, ultimate battle, sortedfood
Id: F1UWvcBte5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2016
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