Who The Hell Brings Salad To A BBQ?

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please barbecue outside like a big night in but with barbecues and not inside so now we've got that amazing intro out the way boys welcome to well barbeque big night in we're sat at the BBQ table we've got it lit and ready to go and we've prepared or we're going to prepare three awesome yes dishes with vegetable at the focus we are cooking our dinner here so none of the present want not much of the purpose or bolivar threat to it like us it provided some sauces stuff like that but we're going to cook it here risky because there is nowhere to hide we can see it all yeah but we're not being judged anyway so it's fine because we're basically bringing all of the recipes that we've done this week including a brisket from Jamie and a teriyaki salmon that Barry made earlier in the week and we're just going to read you together so no judgments apart from your videos well you're going to want these in were worthy of a brownie point you wait till we get on to them the first one is our potato salad everyone makes potato salad but I figured if we're going to do it let's do it with roasted charred potatoes so olive oil salt and pepper in a big bowl and these wonderful Jersey rules going in if you didn't take this out at this time of the year Jersey Royals is the way to go I would never think of barbecuing potatoes that weren't jacket potatoes no you get those good face takes forever yeah it will be the longest thing we take to cook it it will take probably 20 minutes to get a nice charring then we're going to put on tinfoil moving to one side and let them finish cooking while we cook everything else and what we're doing it we can enjoy beer you've got the MoMA relatively high heat and we want to just keep them moving so we get a nice char on them preferably without too many flames to the flames of what make it City we just want it charged if you were to make potato settle at home and there was nobody who said you cannot have a barbecue that potato salad typically how would he say it typically how would he say one brownie points for even trying to say it one brownie point you can't have a Barbie without a potato salad yeah those are silly fault yes Tony before out of write over 29 have a brownie points they go to that and yes shall we Jamie I know you're a steak man but it has been known so play the Jo we have brought cauliflower steaks now these are going to be delicious sweet salty umami miso cauliflower steak then you will know you went brave there from starting starting with your man in love steaks let me give you half a contact layering steady the cauliflower steaks are literally grilled but it's the secret sauce it goes with it that makes it mean so we're going to drizzle over our cauliflower steaks is ginger garlic melty butter miso soy Puccini and that's it for now and then we're going to add a squeeze of lemon and some spring onions continuing with our veggie team yeah we've got asparagus toss it in oil salt and pepper and we just got a little bit on I have to say this is the first big night in that we've turned up to when it's not been really good it kind of feels like you should have invited as an hour later but isn't it part of the fun we'd sit and chat together watching you cook food I do that every single day as the cauliflower cooks this sauce is also reducing to the butter the meat though is getting stronger and stronger so these final glazes are super sticky and a bit like the salmon we did at the start of the week it's the glaze of the sugar in this case the honey start the week it was brown sugar so we finish off the cauliflower salad we're going Jubilees the last bit of this sauce bubbling away go for it go for it and then it's also got some toasted sesame seeds we want a fleck of color you've got some spring onions which is finely chopped and the final flavor that was left you have lemons and the reason for the zesting of the lemons is the color not because I forgot to put it in the sauce at the beginning don't give away the trade secret Mike the asparagus to char doesn't need long at all so what I'm also going to do is grab ourselves such a battle oh and cut it and write the way down what you're looking for is a beautiful char bit still a crunch at the stalk at the delicious Park and then the bread can go onto your grill [Music] we've got our charred asparagus gorgeous croutons couple of tablespoons of pine nuts got some beautiful mozzarella here which we're just literally going to riff in we're keeping some asparagus raw and we're just peeling it so you get gorgeous strips because these in a salad I remain in the air a handful of rocket and at this point a squeeze of lemon juice salt pepper oil toss it all together it's delicious we're going to add a few pieces of Parma ham into this one but obviously stop at this point if you want to keep the vegetarian exactly I was so timing I was interpretive League dancing to your instruction you said stop as well and that can only mean one time hammer time you can have that one for three legs give the salad one final toss that all those flavors come together and then there's no better way than with your hand er asparagus and read something about burn stuff that makes it look yummy yeah burn potato burn bread don't cauliflower YUM I'm going being sarcastic I like it no wow look at it how good for that meanness yeah we do oh look at that great another really good looking plate of food to look at you can even see we can eat you sue so to finish off our potatoes if you're scared that they might be burning full of cook through you can always put meat in foil plump it up put it to a cooler part actually we've kind of nailed this because I just cut into this one and they cooked all the way through the mail tender crunchy I salute them awesome now I don't feel like we've cooked enough stuff in the barbecue let's do the charring of spring onion you do that then you're going to cut them up once you're happy they cook through and toss them into your dressing the dressing is mayonnaise sour cream Dijon mustard the zest and juice of half a lemon and three hers basil mint and parsley [Music] now what you've got is the crunch of charred potato skin and spring onion but we want added texture from some almonds so a cup of tablespoons of those on stir up I'm going to serve that as well [Applause] [Music] please tell me that laughing like diagonally ridiculous okay I just don't always playing about I'm really sorry listen the truth of the matter is that we had to ignite discussion and then I went on holiday so I don't really know what's going on hmm fresh herbs then we have a mountain of warm charred Jersey royal potato salad bar I think we need to get some salmon some brisket dig in I can't wait to eat that for the first time can we we realize that's clear blow my mind away [Music] [Music] you're not gonna believe this but we're actually gonna let you eat this stuff all right you can see Jamie is carving away his brisket we are going to eat this and try it the three of us for the first time he made this in a video earlier on in the week I've got my salmon teriyaki over there which I made on Monday and that is to die for I like how we've got we've got me as sighs yeah if there's Brown here the now I feel like we wouldn't normally have cauliflower steak on the same plate of brisket because we think before I placed I'm buttering I did not expect that supposed oh good I really like that and I will never think to do that cauliflower just something bit cheese on so usually with like child potatoes as Oh on the counters are getting better cuz Lister and because all the herds different selectors and the lemon lovely fellows and there's something about having sour cream rather than just mayonnaise day it's not quite as flying and like heavy much lighter I am very much looking forward to the brisket it's go for us and making sure I get a bit with some of the bark as well the flavor I say stand on mmm that basically that fosters I'm holding a knife but I don't really need it but you could use upside-down it's just it's just pulling the bowls but I wouldn't say so this is not I know that with ice one from my memory of the brisket you know seeing the fat almost food through every single crevice where is this nothing is dry it's not as moist not not as juicing it reminds me a proper corned beef in the UK merged with brisket from Texas but you helped Jamie Ethel no to brownie points Wow as I don't think any of us as yet have gone out of the lynn and greater the recipe from scratch with no help from any chefs that's all I'll give you a brownie point at Wow well in the salad no the potato salad there to learn the actual salad our asparagus I love movie so simple as family not really addressing a search it's just the olive oil the child a squeeze a lemon and you know what don't want that put the Parma ham with it it's not like it's the main part of the big sort like for you it's just nice I've added a little bit more some of you we're going to go that Parma ham so that gives it a nice salty flavor you don't find nothing about this is that is one of the best barbecue I've ever had but I don't have any more Brady boys out you've dished out - yeah it's got that good I've given one to Jay I gave one to them straight off just for the Australian accent but the food is amazing and I see job but I'll give you another brownie point especially seeing as we had one conversation that listening I went on holiday Ike you've been a branding point before for the barbecue because like it's like we brought to me and you bought the fish and things like that great but actually the vegetables are things that people don't think about and when they do there's nothing special importance of this there's been for exactly 60 salads and what we're dishing out brownie points Oh get away I'd like to give one to very fortunate to actually come out of the studio and do some stuff outside so thank you for finding on locations Phyllis is simply very point my bid on this and for what is probably the longest vlog we've ever done I mean I made beer across ten week but I only spend about ten minutes doing it whereas brisket hours and you set nurturing that while we went there made chimney cake you sat there kept stocking it up so for a full day a brisket but turns out as good as that another penny point ah just a variable Vitamix dog very well turns very well hello good week this week and likely should we tell it so if this week wasn't good enough next week we're not back in the studio we're heading to America we are finding game-changing food in two different cities Chicago and Kansas City it's important that you don't take this lightly because we're not going out there just to pick up some food in the first place that we go to and go oh you know this is really delicious we're not into that we're not interested it's got to be the best life changes because otherwise what's the point we we don't want to recommend it we don't to make videos on it we don't want you guys to see it if it's not going to affect both of our sets of lives we've called them game changes you have no idea what that is there's actually a video we did Caprice back you can get the link downstairs and have a look that's what a game changer is that's what we're looking for and it all starts next week which is tomorrow work that out cheers boys this is what I'm Bob Q week [Music] click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 518,568
Rating: 4.9507446 out of 5
Keywords: big night in sortedfood, potato salad recipe, how to make potato salad, potato salad jamie oliver, homemade potato salad, how to make world's best potato salad, cauliflower recipe, roasted cauliflower, asparagus recipe, salad, perfect asparagus recipe, vegetable recipes, potato salad, potato salad (dish), perfect potato salad, bbq recipes, barbecue recipes, sortedfood barbecue, bbq salad, barbecue salad
Id: QxettInXSIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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