Recreating MORE SAVAGE Things People Have Done To Their Sims

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no no a drought now we're gonna throw funeral Grim Reaper do you want to come to the party you got to put on a bathing suit though it may not look like it but we are all mourning the loss of Noah hey guys and welcome back to another episode of recreating savage things that people have done to their sims so if you didn't see the last episode or the reactionary episodes that came before it they're all linked in the description below but basically I find savage Sims stories that people have told all over the internet and then I see if they're actually possible by recreating them myself in the sims and usually I go to a really dark place and I feel really weird about myself but I just need to keep reminding myself that this is all not real these sims are not real please don't demonetized me but I mean if I am I understand because these stories today are truly savage and I ran out of time before Halloween so it's coming out right after Halloween but it's in the Halloween sphere of things but anyway I thought I would start off simple with this classic savage Sims story that I've talked about before in my reactionary videos but it's that one time I killed the sim by drowning then I made everybody show up to the funeral in swimwear classic easy savage we're gonna do it so basically I downloaded both of these super good-looking Sims may I say from the gallery and I put in this pill what do you thinks gonna happen I don't know what this guy outside is doing anyway the story does say his funeral meaning that the sim that dies is a he so Noah super good-looking Noah you're gonna go in the pool crap why did the neighbor come in the pool come get him out there we go cool he's out and we are just gonna box Noah in let's do it with a fence so we can actually keep an eye on him I mean not like he's going anywhere there we go Noah you enjoyed that and then we have Mia this is super inappropriate sir I have just met you but I do need to make some friends to invite to the funeral and also I did download her from the gallery but I tweaked her a little bit kind of make her look like this girl The Crying girl from the photo so she's got like the slicked back hair that's up and that bathing suit this might be from The Sims 3 though but either way I gave her the slicked back hair that's tied up and her bathing suit is as close to the other bathing suit as I could get now we wait and in the meantime you need to make friends yeah it's the Welcome Wagon we literally had one creepy guy come over who immediately got into his speedo and started trying to talk to me on the couch so I think you can leave asked to leave oh no sad doggy out in the rain let's invite him in oh it wouldn't let me it's me yeah it's me you make it so many friends just running around in my swimwear yeah we have some friends Noah how you doing but he's like not very good I mean but hey if you look at his reflection in the water it looks like he's smiling I think I'm gonna have her come out here and take a picture just to make it a tad more savage he's like what are you doing help me sorry Noah you know your name is ironic cuz Noah's Ark he got away from like the water and didn't drown but this Noah is gonna drown and then we're gonna throw him a pool party funeral no I'm so excited for your pool party funeral he's like please please help me this is too savage that's okay guys he's not real she's not real this whole situation is not real and I'm gonna play in somebody it's a stray pup urse it's so sad oh my god we got a competitor save it see I may seem like a terrible person because I'm letting no a drown but I am an animal lover let's leash him up take him oh yeah you go buddy oh he escaped he ran away already well that was quick actually you know what we should just set up for the pool party now this is so bad I know it was a technically a pool party it just said that they dressed up in bathing suits but I mean if you're gonna be in bathing suits you might as well have a pool party Tabo water balloon bucket and a slip and slide let's get some decorations there blue like the color of water I mean no I want you to be able to see the party you know before you can't be there let's get some fish tanks we're just gonna theme this all water catch of the day shop uh yeah best funeral ever do these like balloon light things yay look how cute this water funeral is ah he drowned right on prank day you were pranked bro it was just a prank bro oh no so sad Mia come out here first put your bathing suit on though there we go no no a drought who knew and on prank day let's put his grapes on over here right in the middle of the festivities so we all remember why we're here call forth ghosts what I didn't know you could do that okay let's strengthen our connection with him and now we're gonna throw a funeral none of these really match say a weenie roast but not gold there we go I'm hosting these are the only new friends I have fine and here Grim Reaper do you want to come to the party you got to put on a bathing suit though that's right we got to take down the pants don't worry the pool has been sanitized since the incident oh wait and the photo Oh did my finger get in front of it what is that my finger the last photo that I had of him before he died and I've ruined it with my finger Oh God it may not look like it but we are all mourning the loss of Noah in our swimsuits in the pool that he drowned with sanitize though don't worry and look we got a slip and slide go in and people having a good time let's do a water balloon fight and every now and then you know come over here will more Noah see see and now we're gonna have a water balloon fight oh wait I didn't get higher bender there we go it keeps saying we're having a water balloon fight but we're not oh who wants Siva it's what Noah would have wanted he just loved swimming so much that we themed oh god we could buy like actual fish oh not not real food just like actual fish what's this though we could buy that that looks like regular food I don't wanna cook my food let's fully stock all these tanks with fish Wow no would've loved this too bad he didn't get well he got to see some of the setup but he didn't get to see the full setup look everybody's in their swimsuits having fun yes oh it's speedo guy memories poor poor Noah in the pool that we definitely drained and disinfected before we had this funeral and everybody went in all right that's a good a savage start a water themed funeral for somebody who died like right after they died in the pool that they died pretty savage alright moving on alright so this next one I think I've also talked about before but the savage Sims story is I made 9 glass boxes one I don't know why 9 because they're supposed to be eight in a household so I'm just gonna read this as I made 8 glass boxes and trapped Sims inside so the neighbors could watch them slowly piss themselves and starve to death as they passed by I am also wondering if they can talk to one another through like the glass I guess we'll find out because we're gonna recreate it of course alright so I found this house hold on the gallery of course and they were actually called the glass throne group and there was a couple of them so I don't know what that actually is but glass throne glass boxes yup look I made 8 glass boxes and we are gonna teleport each of them in and I'm wondering if they can I think they can talk in between so maybe we could have some of them fall in love and or become best friends before they perish just to you know make it even more savage put my little touch onto it oh we missing one alright well grab one other person that we find on the street well we got we got come on somebody walk somebody oh here we go who's this Oh the kid food no we need an adult I need an adult look at them all they're so neatly in their boxes oh you add to family than you come here perfect I know all the neighbors that walk by can see them on display in the meantime can they talk to one another oh no they can't you can't talk to one another you can see each other there's these people just standing out front I don't know if they want to like come say hello but they can't because there's no front door I don't where'd you get cake oh no oh wait I think we have roofs yeah we have breeze we're good oh it's thunderstorm.a oh I just realized one of the rooms you can do is glass let's make this off full-on glass experience oh yeah dad damn go go oh yeah look at this you guys are in total glass boxes now with glass brooms oh and people are coming to watch in a thunderstorm it's like we're at the zoo I don't know what else to do though besides just you know wait literally everybody's just standing around watching them I think this girl got struck by lightning oh this is some savage stuff they're like gerbils whoa lightning just struck right there are they all gonna die in the exact same time this girl just keeps getting struck by lightning why are you guys outside just staring at us now they're all peeing themselves and everyone can see or this group that apparently is like stuck here it looks like well the storm is over we survived all right I think it's time to start killing sub off let's do it in some creative ways she kind of looks like a vampire so we are gonna turn it to vampire okay because now she's probably gonna burn to death because she's in a giant glass to where the Sun can hit her I don't know maybe not she seems fine maybe cuz technically she's inside it doesn't matter okay well then we're just gonna go the easy way Oh poison you what oh I've never seen I would never used these MC commands before the death commands oh he's waiting do it the old-fashioned way you sick neighbors that are out here watching how dare you what do you think this is some sort of circus or zoo well then you would be right death by pufferfish I've just learned about this but usually don't they have to be sitting Oh Oh God uh he just Vanette he turned into a puddle this is him he vanished it he melted into a puddle okay rabid rodent fever sure I've never seen that death either that was a horrible okay she's back to looking normal what was that I didn't even know these things existed everybody's watching out here are you enjoying this you sick people even though I'm the one that set this all up okay what else we got death by anger we're literally showcasing all of the deaths in the season just got so angry that she died what a way to go right what's in store for you laughter he's become hysterical but again what a way to go one of these is death by cow plant but I feel like it's just gonna melt him into a puddle again yep he's gone II vanished okay what about old age even though he's a young adult that's why he had silver hair he was an old soul uh no I mean if anybody went a good way it was him he just had a bowl to eat all right now we got you the last ones standing let's do lightning well Grim Reaper is literally taking his time all the neighbors walking by ER are watching not really nobody's nobody's even paying attention this is pretty interesting stuff guys it's a it's a glass you can see exactly what's going on there Stu you're literally walking by people that are dead literally walking white people that are dead little kid don't walk this way there's dead people he's like yeah video games have desensitized me all right well I guess this challenge is over time to move on to the last and most savage all right so this last savage Sims recreation is so savage that it may actually get this whole video T monetized but you know what I just I had to do it I had to see what this was gonna be like it's still kind of around Halloween time right like this is covered under the Halloween blanket and I'm just gonna say over and over again not to do this and that this is not real and maybe maybe the YouTube gods will bless me with some monetization this video but yes you guessed it the last savage Tim's story that I'm gonna recreate is the baby barbecue story so I covered this in my reaction video to savage Sims things but to refresh your memory here is the gift it's horrifying and the story is I barbecued my baby because my baby daddy was annoying AF I mean valid reason then I served up the barbecue baby at his dinner party Oh God so for my first recreating savage Tim stories I saw this one and I was like there's no way I can recreate that but then I came across it to legacy video where she barbecued babies using a mod that I did not know existed but now I do and now I need to make this video so yeah let's see how this goes I'm so scared all right all we really know from that gif is that the woman that cooks your baby is blonde I'm pretty sure yep this couple over here are the perfect candidates for this all right here she is the baby cooker this is gonna be terrible here's the first time I'm gonna say it don't barbecue babies please it's horrible also this is not real please don't do monetize me all right so me and I'm guessing this is my husband Nancy land-grab and Malcolm land-grab please don't be my brother oh no I have no love is he my brother teen oh is this my son crap oh that's my son and my husband was killed Oh probably from the first savage Sims episode whoops oh I know let's revive him there we go you're alive great oh he's still kind of floats though the game is like confused if he's still dead or alive but it's okay because either way I'm gonna ask to try for a baby oh wait I think this is our son's room oh well that's just how savage I am me and my half ghost husband go to make a baby in our our teenage sons behead savage sim strikes again and stay down there if you know it's good for you son okay let's check if we're pregnant oh my god she's walking around the house like this your son is gonna see you seem like the type that's gonna barbecue your baby oh you're not pregnant I think this is our room oh this might be our room all right no worries we didn't mentally scar our teenage son great oh it's love day perfect pregnant pregnant yay pregnant now please put some clothes on you have a teenage son oh god you're getting closer to him no no no no no stop trying to be the worst mom ever I mean she's gonna be the worst mom ever but she's being the worst mom ever without me even trying to make her do that okay so now apparently her husband's supposed to be super annoying so they are gonna argue about music oh no their relationship is falling apart look at this oh no he's just gonna keep being me oh she just went to kick the garbage can oh she's mad very angry oh yeah Oh their marriage is falling apart oh it's falling apart all right and now pregnancy phase let's go third trimester look look at that she grew right in front of our eyes she's still very angry though we got to really make him hate each other oh my god he's just the worst he's the worst it's just getting worse it's just getting worse oh they really hate each other oh they're in the red oh he's leaving he's leaving okay well now it's ready for her to go into labor let's just have the baby here no need to go to the hospital I mean we don't want people having evidence that I had a child so this is getting real dark oh I'm so scared where this is going okay we're gonna put the baby oh my god this room is so scary yes the baby scared right in the middle of this blood-red room oh it's happening it's happening in this super creepy room it's a boy uh let's just get a random name something that sounds like food this is so terrible I can't find any names I like let's just name him delicious oh god it's gonna be so awful oh he's so cute no no this is too savage oh no oh no he's too cute all right well we gotta feed you make you big I can't I can't stay weird I just opened up this and it just goes Malcolm delicious and Nancy oh no all right well it's getting close to dinnertime and you know how Geoffrey or Joffrey think it's Gio free and you know how much Jia free loves his dinner parties as we've heard from the story that started this whole savagery so he's gonna throw a dinner party slash congratulations on the new baby all right so plan a social event that just creepily stared at him walked by dinner party host Joffrey and did Nancy just invite everybody that we know no caterer we'll do our own cooking carpet oh look at him you got all dressed up so did she nice all right and now there's a special item we need for this dinner party so this mod that I got oh here it is it's a round charcoal grill a grill perfect for your grill parties I mean no need for this one anymore let's just yeah and the one in the gif is right near a window ho so let's just do that okay this looks great let's make some grilled food use fresh ingredients of course baby shaped meat yup come here delicious I'm so scared guys I'm so scared guys I'm so scared guys oh no the guests are coming the guests are coming where is she oh no there's whoa Oh Oh No is it on fire crap crap delicious this is going terribly extinguish it extinguish it next stop cooking the baby stop putting sauce on the baby seasoning the baby you need to put the fire out put the fire out there we go don't worry guys our meal is still gonna be delicious totally adorable see see it's still it's not burnt or anything it's still delicious this is so scary oh my god this is the most sad oh oh oh this is what am i doing whoo what is this what am i doing we're just gonna say this is part of Halloween this is part of my Halloween content okay that's what this is that's the only way this will be acceptable oh god oh my god wait oh oh oh oh don't know how to act anymore Oh God oh no baby shaped meat Oh Oh God everybody's got I guess caught caught emile wei jia free need some make sure somebody save some for oh god oh no make sure somebody keep something for Joffrey the worst husband ever the whole reason this happened oh oh she's freaking out Oh Geoffrey took the last piece he took the last piece they're eating delicious I can't believe I just did this I can't believe this is even I think I feel real weird oh god wait there's their speed there's a piece left oh maybe there's not a piece left I just have to clean it I just had nobody wants the top the top half no yeah you know what if I get demonetized for this video I accept it I understand Oh God Oh is he taking the trash out the baby oh god he just put it out on the ground oh it's the brother oh it's his brother it's the brother taking out the remains of the baby his baby sibling oh my god okay this is too savage for me I think I think I'm done to pick up done with this episode we're just gonna write it off that it was it was part of my Halloween content even though it's some past Halloween we're just gonna say it's Halloween to make ourselves feel better yeah that's literally that's literally the mod you buy this grill and it allows you to cook baby meat okay this one doesn't feel as terrible cuz we don't know whose baby this is we know it's not delicious so I don't feel as terrible I hope God alright guys boy if you made it this far in the video and you like seeing these recreations of savage Sims even though it kills my soul a little bit I'm just kidding they're pretty funny but they're they're pretty messed up as you can see they're pretty messed up but I enjoyed them and if you enjoy them too and you made it this far to video then make sure to leave like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day not videos like this every single day but actually pretty close and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,318,355
Rating: 4.8275833 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, the sims 4, the sims, the sims 4 funny, sims reaction, sims mod, the sims 4 mod, hilarious, funny, try not to laugh, reaction, sims memes, sims glitch, funny sims, sims baby, the sims 3, reacting, sims meme, times the Sims was accidentally hilarious, Savage things people have done to their Sims, fun things to do in sims, the sims has gone too far, the sims memes, recreating Sims, recreating savage sims, sims 4 bbq baby
Id: Zh6LFA6c7SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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