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scandalous pool party she gonna get pregnant now should I murder people no not my children my grandma Oh oh my god some new limited edition merch just dropped we have new super comfortable yoga sets in both black and pink as well as two new zip up hoodies in both black and white and everything glows in the dark so make sure to click on my link in the description below to check them out they are limited edition so make sure to get them before they're gone oh yes that's right we're back playing some more [ __ ] life but this time we're gonna add another layer to it so first I had the idea to try and live in IRL bit life as in I would have to do whatever bit life tells me but then I realized mmm I don't have the ability to turn back time and become a child again and I also don't have the ability to produce children at a moment's notice and you know at the end of the video I don't want to actually have to die so I was trying to think who else has the ability to do all of those things who could mimic my bits life and of course I was like ah the Sims so yes today a bit life is going to be controlling my sim because bit life usually takes forever to play I'm just gonna you know skip around to the most important parts and/or the parts that my sim can actually do in the game and we're gonna see what kind of life were able to lead so unlike my last two playthroughs I'm going to actually create myself Lauren Z side female United States New York big in life alright let's read my beginnings I was born a female in New York us this is true I was conceived after my mother attended a scandalous pool party what okay my name is Lauren Seaside my father is Joshua Seaside a retired receptionist age 68 Oh God oh my dad my dad is is old and my mother is Lanica wheeler a restaurant worker age 20 wow that is a big age difference alright so I'm happy I'm healthy I am very stupid not very smart and I'm alright on look okay overall not too bad and this I guess is what my parents look like Joshua is a yellow old man alright well this is my total bit life so we're gonna have to go from conception all the way until I die so yeah let's see how I was conceived all right as you can see this is lanique Oh wheeler look it's super cute and then over here we have Joshua Z side the yellow old man who is dressing it away to try to track younger women I guess I mean in this scenario it works out and this is just a basic starter oh my god from the gallery and I added a pool cuz we are about to have that scandalous pool party got some music going I was trying to show off his bartending skills oh look at these good-looking ladies being scandalous oh I'll be in a little scandalous not really we're spending on a baby tooth but we're gonna say it's scandalous by the way it looks like lanique I just invited a bunch of her friends that are around her age and this random old yellow man just showed up and thus he is the one that I desire oh he's gonna drink oh he's kinda sit scandalous pool party she gonna get pregnant why don't we go to the hot tub kissing oh god oh she gonna get pregnant oh yeah nobody notices scandalous oh I'm pregnant right it's time to have baby there's cool guy old man Joshua and who's leaving me great what a guy here comes Lauren yay it's a boy yeah we'll fix that later yay our bit life sim has begun alright let's see what happens while I'm a baby I'm 1 not much 2 3 4 5 6 I started elementary school okay so I've gone from baby to toddler now I'm a child and now here's me as a toddler but it doesn't really matter because we're just gonna age up to a child and Here I am as a child alright so I'm not very smart I'm just gonna study harder and keep aging up 7 Hey Oh God age up to age up your father passed away no he died of natural causes well yeah he was almost 80 attend his funeral oh I'm now 10 years old I'm still studying and today my dad dies where is he all right natural causes soul steal but that's like Oh God oh he just dog God oh he died of natural causes what is happening this is terrifying this is not what I wanted is it a seizure please take him away he's making noise oh my gosh what 10 is the worst age ever god it's over okay my goodness oh no my happiness has depleted let's spend time with my mom and go to the movies all right well I guess it's just me and my mom now we're gonna spend time together see and we're gonna go to the movies it's gonna be great all right a jump a jumpy jump age up you all officially like a teenager now all right now it's time to go from child to teenager and now I'm a teenager woman because we're officially a teenager we can find a date but first let's see what our sexuality is you are feeling strong heterosexual tendencies then I'm straight yeah let's find a jean who DeAndre asked me out yeah start dating have a conversation with our boyfriend we're gonna be together forever even though I'm 14 all right this is DeAndre Romo look how dreamy he is and we are on a date because you know we're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend Oh teen romance we're on Rd oh my God he's ordering for me that's adorable oh look how romantic our meals are that is not romantic whoo oh my gosh our first kiss bit life didn't really give me a first kiss so we're just gonna say that diandra was my first kiss asked to be a girlfriend oh my god yay teen love we're gonna be together forever a joke no DeAndre why we were supposed to be together forever insult him one last time oh my god he's breaking up with me miss breaking up with me no it's we're together forever that didn't last long at all why is that lady not wearing any pants you're the worst insult him insults him girl and we going home going home what better than you whatever we don't need boys let's a job I do want to find a boyfriend jaylen Rivera he's really good-looking let's ask him out you rejected me no talen why I'm moderately good-looking alright let's a job find a date hmm Ross felt he's super crazy let's ask him out you rejected me I'm not having luck with boys a job I graduated yay I am now a young adult all right so we're aging up now from a teen to a young adults not much has changed you said my boobs got bigger and now I can find a job probably shouldn't go to school because a there's no university in the Sims and B I'm not very smart let's just go straight to jobs alright so I need a job that doesn't need college and the one that pays the most that I think I could do in the Sims without a college degree is to be a farmer yes all right so I Sims gonna have to start growing crops on her plot and then trying to sell them for money I guess Gardner is closest to a farmer right here's my at home garden slash farm I got a little scarecrow got some sprinklers which I don't know if they actually work or not so I think I just take these and then put them here I've never actually farmed before in the Sims okay I think I planted things yay for being a farmer ooh this guy's got a lot of money Jeff Dickinson sure yay meet Jeff Dickinson isn't he dreamy we're going on a date but I can tell I'm gonna marry him we're sitting out here by the fire have romantic oh my god making moves oh how cute Oh their first kiss yeah they're now officially a couple alright moving on with our lives all right now let's just see how our life plays out a little bit a Josh my boyfriend wants to take me to a movie yes hey I'm pregnant I mean I guess I'll keep the baby I'm 21 I bet you I got pregnant at the movies we would've saw Nicholas Sparks in the notebook I just couldn't control myself afterwards I'm gonna keep the baby I pregnant with Jeff's baby and I'm keeping it Oh oh they must have just solved the movie The Notebook oh what'd you guys do in there I'm pregnant her bit like me is pregnant like Jeff I'm pregnant but you know don't be in a rush to propose to me or anything even though I want you to Jeff age um I got a head of Sun and I'm just always gonna go with the random generated name so Chris so I should be going into labor any second now and also I learned how to properly plan a hoof food I literally just placed food on top of things you guys must have been yelling at me but I planted them and they're all growing and you know life is great except that this baby won't get out of me that farming life yo super pregnant and still being the best farmer there ever was I'm on baby get out of bait oh my god got into labor Jeff's freaking out yeah we go wow it's the same doctor that delivered me as a baby she hasn't aged at all it's a boy perfect that of course is Chris Chris Dickinson yeah there he is how cute Oh Jeff is running away from his responsibilities great fantastic you know still I've been proposed to Jeff I just had your baby want to see if he does it on his own Hey Joe I'm pregnant again Jeff Oh Jeff Jeff you better you better be proposing to me soon I'll keep the baby hey jump Lily oh we had a girl Lily save Lily pickets it as you can see time has passed chris is now a toddler and is pissed because I got pregnant again and had another baby I just added in this baby because pregnancy is taking way too long in the six but yeah I got pregnant again here's our new baby our other baby is pissed about it all right are you gonna propose next year your boyfriend Jeff asks you to go out for a lies after work let's go Bay no way Bay what is it look like is that a wine sure let's go that sounds romantic I gotta say you better not be getting pregnant again all right so apparently Jeff wants to take me out for a Nala's a I don't know why but we're gonna set this up as the place that you know we get engaged Wham what a great day I'm excited for these drinks thank you sweetheart we're really into this Alize if you don't propose to me when I age up next Jeff we're having some words I got hay fever great still not engage though oh I can propose he's 32 he still hasn't mm-hmm propose marry he said yes great all right well let's plan the wedding to a restaurant and go to France Gras honeymoon I'm not signing a prenup are you kidding me he's got way more money than me I should actually divorce Jeff and take his money Oh should I change my last name this must be new updates keep Zee sad oh yes we're gonna hold that Bob we propose aw darn it Lauren is proposing to Jeff because Jeff wouldn't get off his butt and propose to me even though I had two of his children it's fine it's a new age girls can propose now look at us holding our Alizee yes our wedding guest list is really weird our son my mom who looks like she's chickenpox the doctor that delivered me and my babies my ex-boyfriend from a high school who's still a teenager apparently these two random bartenders and this lady great we're gonna have it at a restaurant of course I look like the girl from frozen oh hey ex-boyfriend are you pissed because I'm getting married to somebody else yeah that's right here's the random wedding arch right in front of this fish tank lets us get married everybody get in here why is there a naked man outside who is this why is this happening Oh Kenny put clothes on yeah we go and I God we're getting married is anybody watching oh great good great we have a great guest list here everybody's outside my ex-boyfriend is pig is my cat J it's like a fairy tale yes we're married why are you shocked because this is the only person that attended your wedding I understand my agent you are concerned because your best friend I don't know how to say that name Andriy use of drugs is spiraling out of control what will you do stage an intervention and be a good friend it was successful she's no longer addicted to drugs yeah the power of friendship as you can see some time has passed here's Lily our daughter and Cris our son got a haircut and grew up and remember that random girl that was at our wedding like the only guests at our wedding that's my best friend and undry old Lee we're gonna invite her over because we need the stage an intervention she has a drug problem apparently I have a drug problem as well what is happening with my face let's go out back where it's quieter hug okay intervention has begun here is a pamphlet that will help you get through this drug addiction I know look magic yay here's one last hug I love you okay and here's all the information in my phone my phone is also purple because I'm adorable and I batch everything yay intervention was successful she is no longer drug-addicted that is how quick and easy it is of course that's a joke there she goes be well my friend get better we're rooting for you pregnant cake the baby I'm now 31 we had a son named Manuel as you can see I had another baby time has passed I am now in adults not just a young adult I have a baby my daughter is now a kid my son is still a kid things are just moving right along I got a raise Oh nothing's really happening in my life except if my kids are getting older age top come on guys do something interesting I'm 40 now and nothing interesting has happened age up age up your husband Jeff is nagging you to buy a house for the family well Jeff your only one making like a million dollars why am I the one buying a house for our family yeah you know what argue with him you ridiculed your husband Jeff that's right but fine whatever let's see what houses we got well this is the only one with three bedrooms so let's go with the wooded cabin buy it in time we got that buddy all right because Jeff's been nagging me here is our new wood cabin it actually is pretty cool no thanks to you Jeff I use my own money Jeff we all look very dazed and confused Oh God why does everybody look so weird did they just realize that I'm controlling them oh my god conspiracies also yes time has passed once again my daughter's a teenager my son is a teenager and my other son is a child up I'm pregnant at 44 oh my god I can't get rid of the baby that's terrible I guess we're having a fourth kid keep the baby a job it's a son Jasper oh and would you look at that Jeff was so happy I bought him a house that I got pregnant again this is Jasper my new bundle of joy I am 44 and still having babies this is me looking at my hands and wondering what happened with my life let's go do something fun with our lives come on let's go clubbing oh yeah everybody's clubbing best night ever definitely not too old still living it up with Jeff that wasn't as exciting as I had thought I guess he jumps job I'm pregnant again oh my god know what's happening all of it 47 how am I still having children Jeff why do you keep doing this to me jump it's a girl Dahlia all right I am now 47 and I had another baby please make it stop my two oldest are moved out I got rid of two of them but now I have this new one and two boys a teenager Manuel and I forget the other one's name I'm the best mom ever Jasper yes Jasper is a kid now and now we got Thalia 50 up not even caring about my kids having kids to that it's just too much it's only my life oh no my mom died no I did get inheritance though attend a funeral so grandma dies of a disease we don't have a disease so why don't we make up one called butt well actually it's rare but real spontaneous combustion disease by grab whoa [ __ ] hard oh grandma oh right in front of your your grandchildren oh why oh why did that terrible disease take her this is us paying respects at her funeral by the way oh grandma goodbye grandma we've been married for thirty years let's renew our wedding vows husband please don't get me pregnant you saw someone call your husband Jeff a man [ __ ] salt them assaulted him ooh Tori that person oh don't mess with my man all right so some more time has passed our one son Manuel moved out we only got two kids left in the house and oh my god this [ __ ] I think I just heard her call my man a man-whore how are you I'm about to assault the crap out of you ain't nobody called my man a man-whore snatch we've pissed I am yeah that's right girl we've has been snatched up one of my friend that I helped to get off drugs she went back to drugs all for her your support she thank you for the unconditional support my best friend Andre old early Andre humble II don't know how to say some more time has passed and we are now both elders Jeff is retired I've pretty much stopped farming from this leg we moved Jeff you aged well oh no Andres here and crying kind of pissed at her though because she looks real good for being an elder she's like how dare you do this to yourself and me and Oh get out of my house go away just get out of here x60 now her husband Jeff is nagging you to buy a car for the family argue with him Jeff you have your own goddamn money get your own car um Clark shut your mouth Jeff we don't need a car Jeff samstone of course oh my god my husband died no he was killed in an earthquake at least I don't have to worry about getting pregnant again all right some more time has passed we're down to the last child being in our house wherever the heck she is but now Jeff must die in an earthquake because there are no earthquakes and sims 4 we have to get a little creative Jeff what are you doing standing in the middle of the road actual road it's yo flight from one house to another house oh there it is there's the car Jeff no what a terrible earthquake accident what happened to his hand you're standing right on him your own daughter no what happened to Jeff what happened to him we're all just standing on him Wow poor Jeff Jeff know why all right now should I murder people will that make me happy marry someone hmm no not my children Oh random or my drug-addicted friend that has caused me nothing but turmoil trying to help her I tried to help her once and then she she she's she's excellent used drugs again after all that I put myself through helping her yeah I need some exciting stuff to happen I'm sorry Andre oh I just can't say your name Andre on dream on dream commit the murders wait you tried to electrocute your best friend by throwing a toast Victor back oh she smacked your stomach she impaled your knee okay well least I didn't go to jail Andreea is taking a bath now is my chance to murder yes yes murder to make me feel better about Jeffster oh no oh god she called me off oh man I failed at killing her oh my god she's assaulting me look at this I will get you someday Audrey ooh somebody asked me on the date oh it's a young in I mean 62 is young when you're how old am i 70 70 something I'll start dating kam big Owens what a dreamboat oh no I'm 66 so I guess he's not that much okay he looks younger compared with my picture up there at least it makes me happier meet dick Owens my new boyfriend he's a cool guy note the leather jackets and his cool hair right a job a job a job my son died he died what choking on an olive Oh God my life's falling apart attend his funeral and my granddaughter died she died after driving off a cliff while texting and driving she was six years old she was driving and texting two things that I don't really think a six-year-old does but okay oh no and here's Jasper looking sad because he's about to die while choking on an olive oh my god that all have killed him did you guys say that it was an olive my son Jasper no he was so good-looking he was the most good-looking one it looks like a mannequin model no not Jasper this is the work of Audrey okay I knew it she's bitter about me trying to murder her we must do it again seventy oh no I'm depressed crap I mean I talked by Neal art I know what'll make you feel better murderer alright electrocution didn't work we're gonna drive by oh no it's in foils why can't I never murder somebody so why did I pick drive by I don't own a car and you can't drive the Sims oh good I could try again murder it's gonna travel electrocution again oh I did oh yeah oh god I hope I do now Audrey was probably like what are you doing with that toaster again Oh No we meet again Andrea prepare to die whoa electrocuted the bathtub wait did it not do anything really let's try it again okay there we go are you are you oh god is she alive no I don't god I don't know what's happening she's still freaking alive are you kidding me is she really yeah come on tornado spins I mean what the heck is gonna kill this girl there we go oh okay oh my god look she's being electrocuted in the bathtub I had nothing to do with it what is happening she's still freaking alive that's it bodyslam I don't know what that is but it better work that was it look she's still uh she's still sparking yeah see see the sparks we electrocuted her that's what happened i electrocuted her not we oh I got busted you've been charged with murdered are facing 50 years in prison looks get me the most expensive lawyer see then get me off saying it was an accident you're the most expensive ones oh no money can't buy you freedom you have been convicted of murder and so just the 50 years in prison and I've been fired for my farming job that's fair I had dark thoughts I had dark laughs I'm looking at my list of things that happened when I was 17 I had dark thoughts i electrocuted my best friend I was charged with murder I mean 70 was a bad year aged up dick and I have been together for just five years Wow we're still together here my soul mate start a riot attempt to escape attempt to escape oh god what is this mmm this is interesting let's go this way Oh God Oh God Oh what's two more years each up no no I was just saying such good things about you he fears you'll be gay for this day while you're in the clink what do you do maybe I will get a girlfriend in jail ah so yeah I'm in jail now let's play out the last couple years in jail and see what happens it's probably not much I can actually do in the sims died suffering a stroke my net worth was really good though alright well I guess that's it Lauren I guess your days are numbered you died from a stroke but being that there are no strokes in the sims let's see what we can do instead I mean you did technically murder somebody let's see what that does whoa k oh she's gone she's completely gone oh well there's her urn and I guess that's where we'll end on for The Sims part that was that was definitely a stroke that was definitely stroke she did not get sucked to Hell by demons for killing somebody that's not what happened scandalous Wow my award was for scandalous Lord Zee side passed away in prison at the age of 77 her four children and her six grandchildren couldn't be bothered to ascend her services Wow you're not getting any of my million dollar net worth all right children a troublesome lady Lauren got a job as a farmer and was a faithful servant to rabbit's foot orchard working there for 52 years friends were left speechless when they learned that she tried to murder her friend Andre tried to murder don't think you're giving me enough credit game well I guess after all I had a pretty a pretty interesting life and thus so did my sins all right guys well that's gonna be it for bit life controls my sim hopefully you guys enjoyed it and as always if you made it this far in the video then make sure to leave a like before you go like I mentioned the beginning of this video I have new merch on sale so make sure to click the description shouldn't you check it out I'm currently wearing it but it's got an even cooler design on the back that she should go check out let me know in the comments below if there's any other challenges or ways I can make a bit life more interesting for future playthroughs and to shake things up a little bit subscribe before you do into the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 4,312,688
Rating: 4.9355793 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, comedy, funny, living my bitlife, life simulator, life simulation, simulator, simulation, bitlife, app, iphone app, iphone game, bit life, my life is falling apart, failing at life, ruining my life, playing bitlife, 100 baby challenge, baby challenge, bitlife baby challenge, bitlife 100 baby challenge
Id: 789fmAnz7cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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