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hey guys let's get right into it starting with this set and shield serum I am going to put some right in her hair because I am going to press it straight today I used a little more than usual because clearly she had all the hair in the whole entire world so a little extra sara was definitely so I started with a shampoo comb but I quickly realized that I am going to have to use my hands to separate her hair because her curls were definitely locking together so if ever you're going to use a shampoo comb and it looks like you're gonna be putting too much tension on the hair you just want to use your hands and be gentle as possible you know I always tell you all that the hair is weakest while it's wet so you wanna do everything you can to save every strand of hair after you've combed out her hair with a wide tooth comb you want to grab your baby mine's just happens to be the ceramic grid mm blow-dryer I will put the link for that below and also this brush guys everyone always asked me about this brush I'm gonna put the link for this brush below to reuse it at the salon it's pretty heavy-duty and we like it we like it enough to keep purchasing it so I'm gonna put the links in there below as well as you can see this technique this dryer and this brush does not play two hours later so no seriously I know that we all probably think as a joke did I put that little spongebob clip in there but it was literally been two hours it took me two hours to blow dry her hair y'all it takes a lot of patience and love to do this type of hair like it just your heart's gotta be in it [Music] Laurie look at I mean that's a ponytail literally my 22 titania iron found on Jeopardy hair calm as of tomorrow July 17th we'll be back and stop are we gonna unlock it and this titanium iron goes from temperature 300 for all hair types to 465 for bundles and extensions so no matter what kind of press you're trying to get whether it's textured or bone bone bone for your extensions the 22 titania has you covered now I'm gonna press her hair today at the temperature of 410 that's about all she needs her hair is really really thick so it's gonna still leave a little texture and you'll see that once we press it out but fortune is perfect for her now let me just give you a little back story on this client a week ago I put up a post and you know I basically was talking to all of my followers and friends on Instagram like listen two years ago I met a girl in Copas and she had the longest hair I've ever seen in my life and I want to do her hair on my channel and maybe like two hours later she was in my DM like it's me you know I wanted to I wanted my hair so bad so I'm so tight that we connected and now I'm doing her hair and this is how excited I was the post is I literally filmed this video today and already posting it already the skull thank you so much for coming through and allowing me not when we can do your hair but to film it [Music] donkeys hair is a real live workout okay I mean I was getting down on the ground I had to use my pop lock and drop it like it was going down in there so I mean look how low to the ground you gotta get just to hit her in [Music] [Music] so I just want to reiterate this these irons are dropping again July 17th which is this Friday two days from now so they are dropping at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time if you want them you're going to have to set your alarm so you could be ready to go grab them because you already know how everything does and it's such a blessing but it's also sad because I just want everybody there truly wants them to be able to get them and experience them but it won't be the last drop there will be more ions coming but the latest drop is coming up so if you're ready so am I [Music] look how sleek and shiny her hair is just from using the products and using a titanium iron it's like beautiful already shampooed and conditioned her hair today with the detox shampoo and conditioner because she only washes her hair once a month she says sometimes a little longer coz can you imagine Washington blow-drying your own hair with this much hair so you know I had to get the buildup off because you know we take longer to wash your hair and you wear it in natural styles you usually end up with some build up so the detox helps get all of that off so her hair can be nice and flowy today her hair is so strong and healthy I've totaled at about four times during our time together it was so strong and healthy so the only thing that needed to be done you guessed it is a of course I'm gonna use my her strands of hair shears because they are so beautiful and I'm just gonna go in and take those thin stringy ends off she was one of those easy clients is like just take off whatever needs to go so you know I just decided to take off the thin hair and you know followed the way it's growing because one side of her hair was a little longer and a little fuller than the other but I think we handled it pretty well now you're just gonna go in with the glass although it's already shiny but we can't heat it step out so crazy I love here I don't know you know if I would love haven't heard this long but it's so amazing that she does then she wears it well thank you so much for watching guys and hopefully I'll see you real soon bye
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 1,478,974
Rating: 4.9625182 out of 5
Keywords: Hair care, hair, hair love, long hair, how to grow your hair, longest hair ever, hair tutorial, black hair, African american hair, 4c hair, 4b hair, wavy hair, silk press, babyliss, straight hair, silky hair, natural hair, heat styles, flat iron styles, shiny hair, hair goals, blow dry, hot comb, hair cut, short hair, nappy hair, deeper than hair, deeper than hair products, sosheargenius, shear genius collection, hair growth tips, hair growth, hair tips, hair secrect
Id: KfOU3nFwpI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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