Half of her hair had to GO!

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome back today my client has some heat damage and straight pieces as you can see um her roots are really strong but if you look closely at these ends they're like really stringy so she just wants to take as much of that off as possible so that's what we're going to do today um you know it's just like kind of stringy and wilted on the end so you know she uses heat but not a lot so she wants heat today i know a lot of times people are like well we're gonna cut the heat damage off and then put heat in but you know i've said in a lot of videos that heat isn't the enemy lack of knowledge is so you just gotta know how to use it and you won't get any damage so she also has a lot at the top so a lot of people have a lot of heat damage at the top simply because they press the front a lot they press their edges a lot and you know you just end up in a little crazy predicament because of it but you see the strong curls are flourishing right here so we're going to get to it i'm going to start with you know the heat protectant i'm using satin shield by deeper than hair sheer genius collection and i'm gonna rub it all throughout her hair just to make sure that i'm creating a barrier between her hair and the heat from the blow dryer and the flat iron [Music] [Music] now her hair is very fine i wouldn't necessarily call it thin but it's definitely fine so it's so fine that you see i'm combing right through it i don't even have to take my time to just go throughout it with this shampoo comb i could just go straight through it so i'm just sectioning her off and i'm going to start the blow dry process here's my favorite blow dryer no i didn't see it in stock and what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna check one more time before i blow dry it where the heat damage really starts so i can make a mental note for when it's time to cut it [Music] i washed her hair today with our first class to morocco shampoo and i gave her a protein treatment with our resurrection mask so it already has a nice natural shine on it and you know nothing better than some shiny healthy hair so now i'm just combing down the second section and i'm going to blow dry that out [Music] now my client whose hair i'm doing right now is a hair stylist in philly and one thing i will always say i take such pride and effect that so many hair stylists in my city have come to sit in my chair i think that's amazing when a hair stylist trusts you to do their hair it just it says a lot you know anybody can sit in your chair but when hairstylists come it's really amazing a great feeling so um everybody go follow her check her out she does some really amazing braids maybe i can get her to start a channel so now that her hair is dry and blown out you can see where it's thinner at where that heat damage is really you know taking place so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to part her section by section and i'm going to get most of that damage off you know to the best of my ability from what i remember you know where it is [Music] so this is kind of where it gets a little weaker at so i showed it to her she's okay with that she actually wanted a lot cut off today so i'm going to take my her strands of hair shears and i'm going to go in and i'm going to take that hair [Music] off now we're going to go in and do the next section it looks so much healthier it's so much heavier wait till you see the end result it's going to be so heavy it's just going to look like a totally different head of hair so i just want to say um i want to reiterate the fact that she asked for a haircut today a lot of people being their feelings in the comments like i can't believe you cut so much but when the client asks for a haircut it's totally okay this is what they want it's just hair and at the end of the day it's no point in holding on to unhealthy hair you know if you want to get your hair the ball rolling on your hair being healthier and you just want that damage off and one wipe do it but if you want to just take it off a little bit at a time that's totally up to you as an individual if you choose to just take a little bit off at a time that's cool it's going to slow down your progress but it's okay do whatever works for you [Music] like i watch a lot of hair journey pages i follow a lot of pages on instagram and you know a lot of women who decide to just take a little bit off at a time the comments are like why they holding one of them ends and yada yada yada it's like it's because she wants to and and if somebody isn't ready to let go of their length just yet because they're taking their time cutting their ends off then that's between her and her hair you know it's not our business it's not bothering us that she's keeping her ends you know but i love when people just go straight in and take it off too because you just get your instant gratification [Music] now i'm just going to pull her hair up and get those strands that didn't get touched during the trimming process and you know i'm also going to add a tiny bit of layers so that all of her hair isn't the same exact length not major layers just a natural one the way that hair usually grows make sure you guys subscribe you know i try to remember to say that on most videos but i don't always remember so today i remember to tell you to subscribe and um also follow me on instagram at socialgenius if you don't already um i do a lot of announcements there and you know i try to remember to always add announcements into the community section on youtube but i don't always remember so on youtube i mean on instagram you'll get a lot more announcements but i'll try to remember to always put them here too here i'm just cleaning up on the sides and you know making it even with the layers i just gave her a frame around her face and i'm just making sure it's even with the sides because when you're cutting around the back though that hair that falls to your shoulders is not even so you always have to make sure that you get that hair too look at that it's so heavy it's like beautiful okay beautiful [Music] okay so if you don't know by now the flat irons will be back in stock this friday january 29th and here are our signature purple color and speaking of announcements here's mine we also have the iron in black this time this beautiful black case you know the irons come in this case okay check it out and then this is the black iron it's just like the purple one except this black so if you went to more sexy then i mean not that purple and sexy because i mean it's super royal and just purple's my fave but black is just something about it it's super clean sexy and i know everybody don't love purple so i was like let me make an iron for everybody else so now we have a black iron um and like i said this friday okay january 29th 12 p.m eastern standard time i hope to see you there you know everything that i have sells out really fast and i appreciate y'all so much for that um so hope you get your irons all right now i'm gonna go in and i'm gonna give her drunken curls have you ever heard of that before you ever heard of drunken noodles like from the chinese store it's cause the noodles are like super like they're just not uniform so it's giving like a tassel curl look you know usually i'm into locking a curl or i'mma give a flat iron but this right here is kind of like a loose shirley temple curl i would say but it's basically like when i curl people's hair most of the time i have to tell them you know it's going to fall soon a lot of people like tight curls because they last much much longer but if you're ready for your hair to be done now or you just want that tassel effortless look then you can do a drunken curl where you just go in and you just kind of give it a little you know what i mean a little shimmy and it's not hard you just want to grab the hair grab the cool tips you know you don't burn yourself on this iron because of the cool tip and you just drag it on down it's super easy and your hair will glide through those titanium plates so like i'm like selling the iron here i'm just selling the iron but you know it's really an amazing tool and i'm just going in again grabbing it twirling i'm grabbing that cool tip and i'm just going to drag it down very smoothly you see it's no hiccups in the hair you know a lot of times irons that leave dents and stuff because it just it's not smooth enough but this right here got you [Music] [Music] now just like when you're pressing the hair straight do not go over your curls over and over again with your iron you don't want to do that because just like you have to do one pass when it's straight here you have to do one pass when it's curls you don't want to cause any heat damage you just use your knowledge that you know about heat and do whatever you can not to put too much heat on your hair because you don't want to compromise the integrity of your natural curls [Music] [Music] i see nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now because i took the shears and i framed that face that allows me to take this front hair across the frame and just kind of push it forward and give like a curtain bang that's my favorite if i'm gonna wear my hair with a part in the middle i think curtain bangs are probably my favorite to do [Music] [Music] now even though her hair is already shining from her conditioner i am going to go in of course with the glass brilliant shine just to seal the deal and add a little gangsta in [Music] so here's the thing you can just leave it like this or you could take a rake comb and pull through it and just fluff it out that's going to give it more of a tasseled effect um you might even get a little bit head action um from that from combing it through but a lot of people like it comb through because it separates the hair doesn't look so spacey and open um especially when you see it from the front it just looks you know done so it's totally up to you to leave it like that or to comb it out [Music] i love how good her hair looks now it's like it looks so much fuller now because of how heavy it is from taking those thinner ends off and hopefully you know she takes care of it to the point that she doesn't have to worry about you know messing up her ends again with heat all she has to do is keep the heat out of it so often um and clearly she has been doing that so she's on her way you know to doing the right thing well she's been doing the right thing because her roots wouldn't have looked so strong so she's on point and you know she got her good good good hair cut and yeah she's on her way [Music] [Music] here i'm just fluffing it to the front so she can see everything from the front see how those curtain bangs are holding um and it looks really cute i like this length on her so i just want to tell everybody thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys next week
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 1,245,660
Rating: 4.9421439 out of 5
Keywords: Hair, hair care, black hair, African American hair, hair cut, fine hair, thin hair, heat free hair, curly hair, natural curls, heat damage, broken hair, how to make your hair grow, how to get your edges back, baby hair, long hair, bob cut, blow out, silk press, flat iron curls, hair love, hair shedding, deeper than hair, sosheargenius, shear genius collection, 4c hair, 4b hair, 4a hair, 3c hair, 3b hair, 3a hair, 2b hair, 2a hair, hair shears, real hair, braids
Id: 2TSkkRewPIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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