Her hair grew 10 inches

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hey y'all i am starting by absorbing the water from her hair with the honesty towel it is a microfiber towel um and you can get it at deeperthanhair.com it is on sale right now and it is really good for your hair a lot of people has been talking to me about fairy knots and everything and that towel will definitely help now i'm going in with the serum and i am going to just make sure it's all throughout her hair to protect her hair from the heat this is my friend bonita's hair who i am doing and she moved to texas a couple of years ago and her hair was like shoulder length when she left and i mean it has grown so many inches i would say it's grown like 10 inches like since she's been going and i'm like wow look at your hair so you know we're gonna do her hair today check it out because she hasn't trimmed it in about three years we haven't trimmed it about three years so we're going to look at it press it out straight today and get to those ends i really have been enjoying uploading frequently i feel like we've been seeing a lot of each other and i know that you guys are enjoying it too i just been kind of focusing in on doing a lot of edits by the end of the year so i'll just be sitting here editing watching home alone one and two over and over again so what are you guys doing for the holidays talk to me now i'm just going through her hair with a wide tooth comb and i am gently combing it out and i am going to start to blow dry so as i finish combing this out you if you look closely you will see it looks like she has different curl patterns but that's not the case it's actually build up on her hair right in the middle from her wearing her hair natural for so long there goes the favorite blow dryer i know it's out of stock i'm going to figure out where it is but it's build up on her hair because a lot of times when people wear their hair natural they use so much product that it's hard to just wash it off with a regular shampoo you have to do something special to get it off so you usually want to use like a detoxifying shampoo we have that our detox shampoo and conditioner can do it but what i'm going to do with bonita and i didn't catch this on tape and i really wish that i did but you can take baby powder i know this sounds crazy i got two remedies home remedies in this video today but what we did was we took baby powder and we put it on her hair all throughout her hair her damp hair for about 25 minutes and then we washed it out again and all of the build up and residue was gone now that her hair is almost dry i'm going to show you something see now that her hair is dry you see usually when i blow dry it's just super fluffy but her hair is separated that's from the build up on her hair so she's going to have to go back and get you know the baby powder remedy and rewashed i had to tell my shampoo girl i know they hate when i have to send somebody back but you want the hair to be right so that's what you have to do sometimes to make sure that the hair is perfect now that her hair is super clean i'm gonna go in with the hot comb and i'm just gonna hit those edges first the hot comb is not mandatory uh i just like for the edges to be super straight if we're gonna do straight hair i want the edges to lay too so you just want to hit each piece one time no different than with the flat iron [Music] is now i'm just sectioning out the first section and using my 22 titania iron i'm estimating that they'll be here by february um i know i told y'all this a few times but ever since covet like it's been really crazy trying to get our stuff shipped a lot of businesses have been going through it and it's just been so sad but i appreciate you guys for being patient with me and rocking with me you have no idea how much that means so i'm going through her hair and i'm just going to press it straight because she wants to enjoy her length we were going back and forth if we were going to curl it or not or make it straight but i feel like with her hair being naturally curly for so many years it could be fun to look at her length so we went with straight so that one we can enjoy the length and two we could get a good trim i am very impressed that bonita's hair is growing so long and it's flourishing and it's so healthy but i'm not surprised and let me tell you why bonita lives a very healthy lifestyle she does yoga she's plant-based she just works out she takes care of her body she drinks her water and minds her business and you know i just feel like you know always tell people that you know those things really do matter not that you have to be plant-based but you know like feeding your body what it should have to nourish it helps your hair tremendously it's really a big deal you really should just try what you can just try look up foods and fruits and vegetables that help your hair and nourish your body and it will show it will totally show in your hair your skin your nails your energy everything so don't ever think that you know you shouldn't do those type of things and it won't matter for your hair it really really will she also just had two twins which is sometimes scary you know a few videos ago i did a video on how sometimes pregnancy can really mess with your hair but she didn't go through that thank god and i also want to talk about how length is not important it's definitely the health the health of the hair is the most important health over length now if you're blessed to have both good for you but long hair isn't important and it's not necessary like short hair cuts are great bobs are great as long as the hair is healthy the length shouldn't matter i know some of us really like long hair i like long hair too i'm not going to lie but if you can just get the hair healthy first more than likely the length will follow this is how her hair looked not too long ago so this is why i'm you know so excited about how long it is and she's excited too so you know if the goal is long hair then it is exciting when what you're doing is actually working so her wearing her hair natural and just being very healthy from the inside out is what i think is the cause of this now because we had to detox her hair and watch it a few times it's so clean that she has mad static so you see all that static in her hair so i'm going to show you a trick remember earlier when i said that i had a couple remedies on this video i'm going to show you how to get that static out remember when pressing the hair you want to always do one pass some people hit the roots a couple of times that's unnecessary you don't have to do that just start at the root go down each slice of hair very slow take your time and the hair will be perfectly straight the first time so now that the hair is straight you can see the static it's not terrible like albert einstein or nothing but it's definitely there so let me show you how we're going to combat this boom gain dryer sheets okay now i know what you're thinking like is this safe for the hair and all i'm going to say is yes it's fine is if you can use gain on your clothes and wear it against your skin if your skin is sensitive more than likely you don't use certain laundry detergents so you can't use it on your hair either because you're just you know sensitive to certain things but if you're not it's not going to be it's not going to be toxic to your hair just like it's not toxic on your skin so you can use these to get rid of the static just like you use it to get rid of static on your clothes and it smells great and let me tell you something else dryer sheets can do if you go to the club especially not now you can't really with covert unless you're in atlanta because they be tripping but if you go to the club or the bar or you at your cousin's house and they smoking cigarettes if your hair smells like smoke when you put your scarf on just put a dryer sheet between your scarf and your hair and when you take your hair down the next morning your hair will be fine now we're going to go in and trim you see bonita's hair grows in a natural v so i'm it's a little thinner on the right side than the left so i'm not going to go as high as i could because then it would give her a really deep v i just want to follow it the way that it is growing so that's exactly what i'm doing here and next time she comes home we'll try to go a little higher but for now i'm just going to take off the thinnest part of her ends now in the front i am going to just give her some layers i like to call this the leah frame i love how elia's hair used to be back in the day and this is because bonita's hair when she wears it curly it's a little straight in the front so we just want to take some of those pieces off so when she wears a natural again it'll curl up much easier so there's her frame see how nice and heavy it is i mean it looked thin when we were cutting around the back but it's really not it's really nice and full now i'm going to go in and catch the hair that doesn't reach to the bottom and take all of that off too so now that her hair is done i'm going to take the glass see i have the travel size go get your ornament for the holidays it has a travel glass and a travel serum it comes out midnight 12 midnight tonight you can get you one at deepertonhair.com it is so cute i know a lot of times the glass in the serum is sold out so you can get you a mini one for christmas or you can get it for a gift for somebody else okay look at that she's shaking it out it's so beautiful it's so beautiful so let me let her see her hair for the first time in a while see how the aliyah frame came out i love how the bangs look i know i say this every time but i cannot thank you guys enough for watching my channel and for being here on a notification gang i love y'all if you haven't yet make sure you subscribe to the channel and i will see you next time take care of y'all here make sure y'all wrap it up tonight with a silky setting scarf all right guys bye
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 2,318,598
Rating: 4.9317579 out of 5
Keywords: silk press on natural hair, silk press, natural hair, silk press natural hair, natural hair silk press, silk press on 4c hair, how to do a silk press, flat iron natural hair, silk press natural hair 4c, silk press tutorial, best silk press on natural hair, silk press and trim on natural hair, silk press long natural hair, silk press 4c hair, silk press natural hair at home, how to do a silk press natural hair, straightening natural hair, silk press at home, sosheargenius
Id: pHnI7OvmaLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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