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hey everybody and welcome back today i have a claim with extreme damage she told me that her hair was like the worst that it's ever been um and if you look at it you can see these ends look at this you can see right through it um it's pretty dense in the roots but the ends are very stringy she's saying this from heat but she wants heat again today which is not a problem because what i always tell people is he is not the enemy it's just lack of knowledge on how to use it is so um we're going to get her hair together today she showed me a picture of a bob but from the looks of things now it might not be able to do a bob but once you blow dry it it could be a different story because we all know that the shrinkage is very real i'm going to take my royalty sprayer and i'm going to spray her hair down and make sure that it's wet enough so that's easy to comb through to get the blow-dry process much easier for us um i think these spray bottles are sold out right now but they will be back on sale the first week of christmas well the first week of december for our christmas sound so look out for them [Music] you know we never use heat without going in with our satin serum and applying it all over the hair a little bit goes a long way a lot of people like that little bit for the hair like yes when i finish it's always product left on my hand and you don't ever want to use too much because then it's going to weigh the hair completely down now i'm going to go through her hair with this big shampoo comb wide tooth comb whatever kind of comb you need just make sure that the teeth are very wide because it's less stress on the hair and to make this process very easy you want to make sure you're always gentle especially with the comb out process because this is when the hair is most weak so you want to make sure that you are taking your time so you don't break any unnecessary strands because every strand counts [Music] so i'm just going to go in with my favorite dryer and my favorite brush and i'm going to blow her hair out so on the last video we started a question segment and i am going to do that again on this video the first question is my hair is a bit stubborn and it frizzes up instead of curling how do i gain my curls again okay so i would say that the best way to combat frizz and get your curls back is just to experiment with curly products that will define your curls and keep them moisturized being a natural can take a lot of trial and error but finally finding the best product for your hair is worth it on jackie's curl a lot and don't shrink are two of my absolute faves so maybe try them [Music] so as you can see her hair stretched really well it blew it out pretty well and it has a really good sheen to it so it definitely is some healthy hair up in there but now that it's completely blown out really the worst part of it is the ends you see that you can see right through it it's very very sparse so it's cool we're just going to blow dry the rest of this and see how it is and i'm also going to make sure that her hair is heavy enough on the sides to give her the bob that she asked for [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that it's all blown out as you can see it's a little thin on the sides too so her bob would have to be a little shorter than most bobs that i do but that's not a problem because i like short bobs they look super heavy and healthy and you see the back usually when people ask for a bob the back is always the heaviest but that's really the part of the hair that has to go and the sides is the part that needs to be there so that always makes it tough to make a bob but i'm going to work it out she also wanted a part on the opposite side but her hair just happens to be a little heavier on one side and the front than the other so i'm just going to part it on the let me see it's on her left but as you're watching this on your right i'm going to part it over there so that the weight of it all can just flow to the other side now i'm going to go in with the hot comb and get those edges nice and smooth that the blow dryer couldn't necessarily get so everything can be nice and even for the cut [Music] [Music] as you can see her hair also grows really low down on her neck and i like to grab everything that i can but i also don't want to stress my clients out so i'm gonna do what i can but it's no big deal [Music] [Music] now i'm just parting out the first section to get ready for this cut um bob's are one of my favorite haircuts if you watch my channel frequently you know that somebody asked me for bob i'm excited like oh yeah let's do it you know what i'm saying so i'm taking my her strands of hair shears why did i get tongue tied her strands of hair shears and i'm just gonna go in for the first section [Music] okay next i'm also a philly native left there some 20 years ago for nyc now i want to go to la what challenges did you have to overcome as far as moving housing finding work etc i'm sick of the cold weather and the people i definitely needed change okay i'm not gonna lie it was super hard to adjust when i moved from philly to l.a i honestly had just went through a bad breakup i was far away from my family and my salon and my main friend um who lived in l.a had to move to atlanta for work literally the week after i got there i was broke and it was just such a strain um it took me about three years to get back on my feet but honestly it just took a lot of prayer hard work and faith to get to this very amazing point i met now in my life so basically i just had to start over starting over is not necessarily a bad thing it's just that you you know you just have to regain everything that you built somewhere else um it wasn't bad because i had instagram and youtube that directed people to me in la so that worked out really well for me um but it's not it's not it's hard but it's not it's not a deal breaker i would do it all over again if i had to so i don't want to say any of that to discourage you i just want to give you faith to know that you can still kill it no matter how hard it may seem just keep going and never give up i know that sounds cliche but that's literally the gist of it [Music] remember if you're in hair school not to cut past that knuckle don't be in class i'm going deeper to hair tv he said we could cut our hands all up that's that's not what i had said i had told y'all don't do it my way do it how you got to do it for your test and then we'll do whatever is most comfortable for you [Music] so as you can see it's a bit asymmetrical she wants to slant it so we got a little shorter in the back and longer in the front it's also going to be a tiny bit shorter on the super thin side than it is on the fuller side but it's still going to look great [Music] now since her bangs are naturally growing like this i'm just going to follow it and i'm going to take those stringy ends off and give her some shape so while i'm layering let's do another question what would you suggest for people who are not able to access good salinas to where they are can i grow my hair without having to visit a salon and have my hair trimmed because so many times my hair has been messed up and i'm scared of going back um okay so yes you absolutely can take care of your hair at home all you have to do is come up with a bi-weekly hair regimen and just stick to it use good products wrap it every night with silk or satin and yes you definitely have to have your ends trimmed at least once every three months even if you have to learn how to do it yourself a lot of people ask me can i teach y'all how to trim your own hair and i think i'm definitely going to do a video trimming mine to help you with some tips [Music] now it's time to go in with the heat and smooth this hair right on out so i am going in with my 22 titania iron i know they're not in stock and they will be i think i'm gonna do these after the holidays so they won't get caught up in the holiday traffic i think i'm gonna do it after the holiday i'm still trying to decide but i'll let you guys know soon and i am going to do it on the temperature of 4 10 and 1 pass so just do one pass over each section of hair to avoid heat damage especially if you're doing your hair at home one pass is all you're going to need [Music] if you wear your hair straight more than your natural curls it is safe to put heat in your hair every three to four weeks as long as you or whoever is pressing your hair knows what they're doing or what you are doing make sure you use a good heat protectant only use one pass and use smaller pieces of hair just to make sure it's straight the first time so that you know you won't end up going over your hair too many times with the heat because then it's going to break down the bonds some people don't care about their natural texture but you still want it to also be as full as possible and your natural texture will cause that to happen if you wear your hair natural more than straight then it's more safe to just press your hair maybe once or twice a year if you want it done more than that it's okay you certainly can but the safest way to just not touch your curls at all once or twice a year is best do [Music] [Music] [Music] when you are pressing the bang or the frame area i like to always press towards the front although i put a part in it to begin with that was just more so for the cut but when i press it i like to just pull it forward because honestly it gives her the freedom to be able to par put the part wherever she wants to so that's a little trick if you don't press a part in it it won't be there permanently until she washes it and that is so annoying when you can't get that one part out [Music] [Music] so you know last we're going to add that glass brilliant shine so it can be silky and shiny for the next two weeks and then we're going to wrap it and put her under the dryer let's do one more question how can i get rid of fairy knots i'm a male with 4c hair and it's tough with these knots in my head i ain't even headed and the rips i hear cause me physical and emotional pain okay um i would say start by sleeping on a satin pillow case because with cotton you may be chafing your hair follicles and creating knots you can also braid or twist your hair before bedtime make sure you're using a microfiber towel and blotch your hair with it don't rub make sure you're getting regular trims and also use the right product with moisture you always want to make sure that your hair is moisturized so that combs and brushes can slip through the hair instead of causing tangles [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's coming down and it's looking like it's going to be pretty isn't it amazing how a haircut just makes the hair so much fuller it just looks like a totally different head of hair that's the part that gets me every time it's like nope this is the same head of hair it's just the healthier hair making the [Music] debut [Music] so all she has to do is wrap her hair up every night with a silk or satin scarf and that's going to keep her hair in place and nice and healthy and she also has to make sure that she gets her hair trimmed again every couple of months just to keep those fresh ends nice and solid all the way from root to tip and other than that i think she's on a great road to recovery and i'm gonna make sure that she stays up on it because she was you know neglecting it for a while but her hair is looking good [Music] [Music] it's looking like she likes it too she over here uh taking selfies that's how you always know as soon as some of my clients they go straight to the bathroom and take them look at her she even got up and gave me a hug thanks for watching guys see you next time
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 3,448,625
Rating: 4.9420972 out of 5
Keywords: hair, hair love, damaged hair, how to grow hair, edges, long hair, bob cut, straight hair, flat iron, silk press, short hair, hair cut, babyliss, natural hair, african american hair, 4c hair, 4b hair, heat damage, blow dryer, shear genius collection, sosheargenius, healthy hair, hair growth, hair breakage, black hair, curly hair, nappy hair, type 4 hair, cut, hot comb, hair dye, baby hair, coils, dark hair, light hair, soft hair, rough hair, bouncy hair, shiny hair
Id: pbrptnxNsgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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