The Big Chop w/manipulation

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hey everybody and welcome back today i'm going to do something a little different than i've ever done on my channel i am going to cut my friend janine's hair and i'm going to cut it while it's wet a lot of people always like well why you know what's the best way to cut hair wet or dry but when to me when it's textured hair and you want to get an even cut you should always blow the hair out as straight as possible you don't have to press it but if you blow it out as straight as possible you can get the most even cut possible and then wet the hair back down but because she wants to cut off her heat damage today i'm going to do it while it's wet so that i can see the line of demarcation now if she was getting her hair cut and wanted it straightened again i would have still blown her hair out and then cut it but because she wants to wear natural i'm going to cut it the way it is just so i can get to her curls so i'm just going in and i'm cutting it where i see her curls stop and those stringy and start i actually going to cut it a little bit above the stringy ends because you want those curls to lock i'm going to show you right here see it's straight and just one little little hint of a curl so i'm getting all that off and now i'm just going to do the next section her curls are so nice and tight at the root because she just got a bob cutting it a few months ago so her stringy hair has been cut off more so in the back than the front so what i'm doing is i'm taking it off in the back to get to this curly hair but you'll see that the farther we go up towards the crown that you know her hair is not going to be so tight in the room well actually it'll be the same amount of tightness but it's just longer hair at the top so you're going to see what we're going to do to manipulate that because janine wants her hair in a style she wants it longer at the top and shorter on the sides and around the back so we're going to have to manipulate her hair to get it to look like natural curls on the top today of course i'm using my her strands of hair shears they work with any hair type even if the hair is wet or dry it's just a perfect buttery sheer the haircut's so good and you guys have sold her out of her shears again thank you so much um you also sold me out of my flat irons in 17 minutes guys 17 minutes the irons were gone and i bought i quadrupled my order this time to make sure that they would just stay in stock and i don't know what to do the support from you all is so crazy i couldn't believe it i had to shed a few tears me my marketing director my publicist were freaking out so i just want to say thank you for buying the flat irons and they will be on their way by monday which is tomorrow but i hope you guys love them now here i am turning the hair to the side because now i'm creating shape because the hairstyle she wants it is going to be um you know it's shaped it's going to come in like a taper and i know it looks a little long but once the hair gets wet the curls draw up so it's going to be really cute i'm just going in and i'm cutting the sides the same length as the back i wouldn't you know i know i did a trim video but this i wouldn't necessarily do at home i would look for a very good professional to give myself to give me a big chop if i was going there i see a lot of people give themselves big chops on instagram and they'd be doing kind of good you know i i just i think i talked about this before i hate that they use like kitchen scissors and sew-in scissors like you're supposed to use a good shear and as you get to the top into the crown you want to make it a little bit longer because like i said she wants it short around the sides in the back and longer at the top i see now although her hair that's colored is a lot stronger than even her heat damage was you know we're not really going to cut it all off and that's not really purposely done it's just basically i'm cutting it the same length as the cut that i'm giving her so the fact that it's a little color left is okay because it's going to make her coils pop really cute we were having a really good conversation in the shop so that's why that's why she busting it up the whole time the shop we'd be having the best conversations sometimes i'd be like i'ma leave the the commentary on but i sometimes you just gotta kind of keep it private especially when it's just three friends because that's what it was this day me her and my friend courtney so janine has been pressing her hair for years if you're wondering like why her ends like this you know she's been pressing her hair for years she never wears it natural she just presses it and you know her daughter her and her daughter have been talking about going fully natural and just you know allowing their curls to come in and you know her daughter wants to cut all of her hair off too so janine led which i think is great i wrote a children's book about it i'm not going to tell you to end them but just know that it kind of goes a little something like this you know like as a mom she led and she got her hair cut off first and me and her daughter was talking yesterday and she's like you know i'm really ready to go there so i can't wait i'ma record her daughter's hair too getting her big chop and it's gonna be pretty cool now i know she's looking like frederick douglass right now but just trust me it's gonna be cool okay it's not it's not gonna be frederick douglass um and right here i'm talking to her because what she said to me is that you know she wants the top to be a little longer so i'm just double checking with her now and you're going to see her tell me yes i'm like come on what you want to do with the top you sure you want to cut it longer she's like yeah so you know that's okay because although it's not getting all the damaged hair off at once it's a start and you know this video we filmed a few months ago and yesterday me and her went out and her hair was a lot longer than it was when we cut it this time so the good news is that she wants to cut it some more so that it get you know a lot more of those stringy ends off because right now at the top like i told you before we're going to have to create the curls to match the back so i'm just cutting it to the back first and then i'm gonna pull it up and kind of get it to match the sides and layer it out and then i'm gonna go in and start these curls now that i've parted out the first section i'm going to take my royalty sprayer and i am just going to use this spray bottle it's a lot less messier than a regular stream spray bottle it is a continuous mister and i am just going to you know mist her hair down and i am going to start these coils i am going to make a cocktail with nairobi setting foam uh i love nairobi because it keeps the hair soft you know sometimes um this is also don't shrink elongating gel it basically stops the hair from shrinking up too too much uh i used to use that with my twist out a lot too but now i think i like african pride a little bit more but uh i do like this on jackie's don't shrink with the nairobi because one thing about it is it's softer so for some people you might want your hair to be softer me i kind of like a cast a hard shell over mine because it helps it last a lot longer and i am just going to take this comb i'm just using a red tail comb sometimes i use a barber comb that's graduated from you know longer teeth to short and i'm just going to go in and i'm just going to grab her hair and i'm going to twist it around and curl them one at a time now i know what you're thinking this is a lot of work it is you don't have to do this you can do finger twist you can just do wash and go and just kind of rake through and just shake the hair but i am trying to give her definition especially because this is her first time having a big chop in her natural curls so i want her to get the most out of this and what we're going to do is over time just try a whole bunch of different methods that way we can see you know what's best for her because everybody is different is to me it's just very relaxing to go in and do all these comb coils or comb twist whatever floats your boat is what you can say i just love them it's just like a really satisfying process so i like going in and doing this and you know most of the time clients are so excited to see what their hair is capable of you know like like i think i've told you on a few videos like i've lived my whole life not knowing what my hair could actually do so you know i'm i love showing people what their hair can do because you live all these years with yourself and you don't even realize like what kind of hair you have so this is the best part is just discovering discovering what you got is now as you see right here is where it's starting to get tricky i'm doing you know the coils with my comb and it's not curling up anymore and this is where the hair is starting to get longer where their damaged hair still is so this is going to have to just get combed back up into the hair and that's going to have to go into the hair that i'm going to create curls with so i'm just going to move around towards the back because there was still a lot of hair that will continue to curl up at the crown and at the top so you know i'm just going to get all those curls out of the way and then we are going to get to this next part so now here is where we're going to start that yellow flexi rod is i think it's the second to smallest or the third to smallest rod and you see how it still kind of curls up a little bit some parts and that's going to help me be able to wrap those you know pieces of hair around the flexi rod a little easier like when the hair kind of curls it just kind of lays right on that roller and rolls up some of her ends aren't like that and they're straighter so you got to do a little more work but at the end the result will make you happy sorry it's a little out of focus i want to show you but see how smooth that is and it's not really um a right or wrong way to twist it at the end you just got to figure out what works best for you because flexi rods can be a little uh pain sometimes trying to lock them but you just want to take a piece every now and then just put a little product on it because you want it to hold really well and just roll it as smooth as possible because you want those curls to be just as shiny and coily as they are in the back so janine has sat under the dryer for about an hour on medium hot air and now we are going to take the rollers out also just like when we're blow drying and combing the hair out you always want to be gentle with any process you're doing with your hair just so you can save every strand you don't want to break your hair or cause any damage that's unnecessary because over time your hair will totally tell on you and you'll have to deal with it um you know because of how you treated it so make sure that you're always gentle with your hair even though they're shiny i'm going to take some glass brown shine just to add some more oil and lock that shine in and now i'm just going to go on to the curls that we did with the flexi rods and i am going to break them up into about maybe six or seven pieces each curl because i kind of rolled them i didn't do thin pieces i did kind of big sections so i just want to break them up so that she can have a nice little amount of curls at the top i didn't have a pic so i'm taking my shampoo comb and i'm just basically going in and breaking those roots up a little bit so you don't see the parts as much um and i'm also using it to lift the top to the height that she wants it to be you don't want to rake through the ends because then you'll end up causing a lot of frizz and you don't want it to be frizzy especially not super early you want to give it time to get older and it helps it last a lot longer let me give her a little swoop-dee-doop on the edge and here we go go ahead janine what's up with you go ahead girl janine got a big chop so i just want to thank you guys for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 623,769
Rating: 4.9444184 out of 5
Keywords: natural hair, hair care, black hair, natural curls, coils, natural coils, hair, hair love, african american hair, 4c hair, 4b hair, hair cut, the big chop, big chop, how to grow your hair, natural hair care, how to achieve natural curls, short hair, long hair, colored hair, good hair, nappy hair, tight curls, straight hair, wavy hair, baby hair, hair shears, edges, how to grow your edges, african hair, hair breakage, silk press, silky hair, shiny hair
Id: rD-ffSBNYsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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