Asmongold Beats the HARDEST Game He Ever Played & Reacts to SPEEDRUN (World Record) | ALTF4

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i cannot stop how do i do this [Music] get up get up right now it's not over for you yet nobody can stop me and i'm i got stopped damn it i hate this [ __ ] game wow no [ __ ] way what okay guys listen up i work my ass off i try my best i do what i need to do and today we come back inside this game and i am about to one shot this entire [ __ ] game first try in front of everybody right [ __ ] now you all ready let's [ __ ] go i'll put on a good song no no oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah alright let's go let's go there it is oh yeah you know it [Music] all right focusing focusing focusing focusing focusing no mistakes no mistakes how do i go into first person mode how do i go into first person mode i forgot how do i do it oh it's left click okay i got it figured it out okay going down over here no mistakes boys zero mistakes zero [ __ ] mistakes i just go through this and i win i go through this and i win [Music] all right come on there it is easy easy easy easy easiest game of my life the easiest game of my [ __ ] life [Music] literal god literal [ __ ] god [Music] the greatest wizard of all time okay [Music] i was close that was really really close [Music] okay we're good [Music] terrain in this game is kind of annoying so i've got to make sure that i pay attention i'm playing with confidence right now you've got to play like you've got a long dick even if you don't even if you don't you have to play like you got a long dick you can't get trouted or anything that one's totally [ __ ] fine don't wait for him nope [Music] okay all right now we wait for this one that was close that was [ __ ] close boys okay all right i gotta play this game real i gotta play the real way i gotta play it the real way [Music] okay all right i missed it i missed it dude i missed it i know i missed it guys i'm fully aware [Music] okay all right let's watch it's fine it's fine i'm not mad hit me see what happens hit me see what happens [ __ ] okay now we do this i do the next jump okay [Music] okay all right three two one let's go take it home [Music] there it is there it is there it is there it is easy [Music] easy easy the easiest game i ever played my whole life okay this is a bit of a hard part but that's okay no that's not that's not good it's fine i got another try i've never messed that part up i'm not going to hold that against myself it it is one of this i just made a mistake i'm not mad i'm not mad i'm not mad it was a mistake it was a bad bad planning [Music] okay here we go i'm getting a little bit nervous here guys because i just messed it up once like you know like once you [ __ ] something up and then you get it in your head that you're gonna do it again that's where i'm at get up i i dude i have honestly some of the worst i have like the worst ever [ __ ] like the worst ever mental mental tricks i play on myself man like my i there is no game that's harder than my tilted stupid [ __ ] brain like that is the only reason why i ever die in video games is because i'm [ __ ] stupid okay good all right now all right i have never done this wrong i've literally never done this wrong there's never been a time where i choked on it two times in a row that's never happened everything is totally fine i'm not gonna make any mistakes everything's completely chill completely [ __ ] chill and right now i'm probably gonna play better because i know that i have an extra shot at this so because i know i have an extra shot at it i'm gonna play better because i don't feel pressure i don't feel any pressure right now [Music] see see like it's only i can only play well if i don't care about the outcome if i care about the outcome i will i will sabotage myself mentally [ __ ] ass you [ __ ] you piece [ __ ] that was actually just my fault is there another way i can jump up here it's faster no there's not [Music] i have to wait for that one okay [Music] i thought it was gonna i thought i was gonna fall down there i'm okay though everything's fine i just hate having to run all the way back man that's the only thing that [ __ ] tells the [ __ ] out of me is having to run all the way back okay i don't know how i'm gonna do that last part though that's the thing it's like i really don't know [Music] like the part where i have to do like all those things moving at a time like i feel like i'm in [ __ ] tom cruise mission impossible you know we're like he's got to go through like a bunch of lasers and [ __ ] like this part's fine like i i get this part this part is totally okay but like that part is what's really [ __ ] me up oh this is so good for me that's so good for me [Music] okay [Music] i have another shot i have another shot fine it's fine like that was 100 a dick sucking moment and you just have to indulge and appreciate the times that you suck dick because you know that it's on the path of glory it's on the path of i hate this game it's on a path of redemption it's on the path of progress [Music] that's why that's why it's okay to suck dick if you're picking up what i'm putting down [Music] i hate this game get up it's only a flesh wound it's fine all i need to do is get to the save all i need to do is get to the save guys that's all i need to do okay all right we keep focused we do this right [Music] okay [Music] okay i avoid there it is there it is there it is yep we don't get got okay let's go staying focused staying focused i can still do this i can still do this everything's fine i'm fine totally chill i just do just dudes chilling having fun did not wait did i get it i think i got it right i'm pretty sure i got it okay it's fine i'm not gonna fall off [Music] this one's this part's easy this part's easier [Music] i don't know why the trap's not there now doesn't matter [Music] that's so stupid like i wasn't even like i did what like i didn't even get hit by anything like i i didn't even get hit by i didn't get hit like i'm fine getting [ __ ] if i'm getting [ __ ] but i wasn't getting [ __ ] like that's such horse [ __ ] man [Music] all right i got the safe okay now we play the game where is mr trout i don't see him he's dead okay hoppy boy call me hoppy boy hit it got it i got it i got it no no [ __ ] [Music] i didn't want to do that get up you piece of [ __ ] [Music] gotcha [ __ ] gotcha [ __ ] get the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] up it's time to win the game it's time to beat his ass let's go to work all right where is it there it is [Music] hmm [Music] i hate this game i hate this game i hate i hate everything about my i i literally i i am so i'm so mad at the internet i'm mad at everything can i [ __ ] you stop stop it yeah you like that how about that huh [ __ ] you [ __ ] okay [Music] don't die don't die don't die get up get up get up don't die don't die nope i don't know if he's gonna hurt me come here come here like that huh that's what you get it's totally okay [Music] oh my god i'm so i'm so [ __ ] pissed off i'm so [ __ ] mad i i dude i'm so i'm so mad [Music] okay [Music] i i i'll just get across it's fine it's not bigger deal just get across and get the next one i'm just gonna get the next one i'm just gonna get the next one guys don't worry about it i'm just gonna get the next one doesn't make a difference to me boys it's all the same to me like i [ __ ] hate this i hate this [ __ ] i hate this [ __ ] got it yes yes yes yes all right we're back in the game let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go [Music] let's do this [Music] i didn't even jump on it though like i don't understand like i didn't even it i didn't even jump on it good job rosemary you just [ __ ] me in the ass whatever the [ __ ] your name is god damn it okay let's go all right let me try and do this again okay here we go no mistakes zero mistakes [Music] i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good get up i'm good boys boys yes okay now we think okay now we think so i have to go over these i have to go over these and then land on that 100 that's what i have to do i'm dead nope okay all right so let's talk about how we're gonna do this all right so we have a situation here and the situation is called triangular rock dildos that are programmed to [ __ ] you in the ass [Music] this one there's no way like i don't get it like i don't know what to do okay let's try it again all right let's stay focused here let's do it again you can jump on the red arrow that [ __ ] makes it a thousand times easier i think that's like cheating basically it's pretty much cheating by being able to do that okay wait what does it save get up get okay good i wait i got my save i got my safe what are you doing okay there we go good all right we're fine [Music] i hate this game i hate this [ __ ] of a game this game is such a [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let me go back over to the euro try it again okay now i have two chances of this this is the farthest i've ever been this could actually be me this could be me [Music] okay okay focusing [Music] uh [Music] my god i hate this game so much wow this is such a piece of [ __ ] game i can't believe it wow okay okay [Music] dude this is such [ __ ] this is such [ __ ] man [Music] i think it's right there i'm pretty sure it's right there wait there's boulders okay okay i just need to go across here that's fine i can do that okay [Music] good all right now now we have this part do these fall down once you stand on them yep [Music] okay that sucks that actually sucks that actually sucks dick that that's actually so stupid that really really sucks i i get it [Music] come on i wait i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got i got i got i got i got it yes i hit it man i actually [ __ ] hit it i'm worried it fell off though halfway slow slow don't you go off the edge i have to jump on it apparently yeah apparently i do [Music] that's so stupid man [Music] got it got it got it no way no way are we still in the game are we still in the game we shoot in the game yes [Music] all right this is the easy part i'm dead i'm actually just dead [Music] okay [Music] there it is come on come on hit it hit [Music] it [Music] no no no okay okay okay or jump on it man bro just jump on just jump on bro dude just jump on the safe side dude just jump on the safe side dude why don't you jump on the safe side as men dude just jump on the safe side bro it's easy just jump on the safe side [ __ ] you [Music] you're so bad wait i'm bad i'm bad you tell me i'm bad for that that's not my [ __ ] fault that was not my [ __ ] fault at all that wasn't my [ __ ] fault at all that was some horse [ __ ] and everybody [ __ ] knows it i'm out of dr peppers [Music] i'm so [ __ ] mad man shut up shut up okay let's go [Music] no trouts this is a no trout zone [Music] there it is hit it hit it you son of a [ __ ] yeah you son of a [ __ ] call you piece of [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [Music] let's go again it's fine honestly if i could i would give this chicken to kfc [Music] i mean it [Music] long dick long dick long dick boys [Music] i was almost a that was almost a big mad [Music] [Music] all right let me try it again [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] hmm [Music] i don't know which one i didn't know which one to go to again i forgot okay this is it what's going on [Music] one two three four [Music] i don't think i simply act i simply exist [Music] [Music] i simply act and i simply exist okay all right where's my safe all right i thought i was gonna be able to i thought i was gonna be able to do something i wasn't able to [Music] okay [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] no way no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way yes dude yes dude there it is dude yes yes yes long dick johnson long dick johnson yes boys there it is oh my god i can't believe i beat it i cannot [ __ ] believe that i beat it man i was about to quit honestly guys i was about to [ __ ] quit and i just did it can you repeat it shut up i'll watch the speed run in a minute guys oh my god alt f4 speed run let's watch it [Music] hmm okay so he didn't even do the thing [Music] jesus holy [ __ ] man this guy's living on the edge wow no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way what what oh my god are you kidding me no no way [Music] no way oh oh my god are you kidding me this is unreal what the [ __ ] [Music] oh my god [Music] okay so this is the same as i think pretty much anybody can do it there's probably not a whole lot of uh of different gameplay you can do here oh my god [Music] oh okay i didn't know you could do that all right that's good to know yeah that's good to know this is me playing the game by the way [Music] okay okay i uh all right like what the [ __ ] dude what i i gotta watch that again [Music] so he just lands right there and he slides right under the house he slides right under the house over there holy [ __ ] that is on that that's so badass [Music] oh wow he jumped right on top of it what the [ __ ] oh my god oh you can jump on top of those i didn't even know that no way no oh wait what the [ __ ] i didn't even know you could do that [Music] is he gonna jump across oh [ __ ] wait what what you can kill them with the chicken you can kill them with them oh my god too much yelling today you can kill them with the chicken [Applause] wow okay and then oh my god oh my and he uses the momentum to throw himself forward no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way [Music] wow you just gotta throw your [ __ ] around yeah apparently that's what you have to do this is insane [Music] because he goes to the red okay so he did the same thing that i did and he's gonna use this here what's he doing no [Music] [Music] what do you what the [ __ ] dude are you kidding me oh my god what a bunch of horse [ __ ] wow [ __ ] wow jesus christ oh my god alrighty boys do we have a good stream today did we have a good fun uh a good little bit of fun i think we did so until next time boys i want to run some ads i'll call today peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 958,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, speedrun, altf4, altf4 rage, altf4 speedrun, getting over it, asmongold alt f4, asmongold rage, asmongold getting over it, asmongold rage quit, asmongold fail, rage quit, rage, ragequit, asmongold speedrun, alt f4 speedrun, alt f4 world record speedrun, alt f4 speedrun world record, world record speedrun, speedrun world record, hard game, hardest game, altf4 world record
Id: HdxyzaLqdz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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