Bug Brain and Boomkins | Barny's Scarab Lord Adventures | World of Warcraft Classic

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So good, loved the video Haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sleepy_moody πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just finished watching it, this video is genuinely fucking amazing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darksoldierr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Barny is the best classic content creator out there, even if she only uploads once every 4 months :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ishootlazors πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Started following her from the first wow episode and it's probably some if the most entertaining wow/videogame conte t that I've seen. A real genius.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Emilhoistar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video! Thanks for making!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Artful πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Demisex666 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

We’re in the end game now!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AtlasMundi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/52-75-73-74-79 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video made my entire day yesterday. I couldn't stop laughing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kvetcherkit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is sponsored by disc plate um scarab board ak-40 opening event so uh one of the more hardcore goals we have for vanilla is we want to have the most the most skateboards in the world [Music] so [Music] it's just a dream of course that was that was months ago what day is it 2021 2021 well you know what they say another year another [Music] i video like i'm forever apologizing for taking so long to make content but um i play world of warcraft classic for the pc i don't get to have free time what you thought making content was my job and i should prioritize that yeah me too uh then i realized to make good wow content you have to go all in keep it in the video i don't care i've lost my [ __ ] mind at this point you know how long i spend farming consumes just so i can efficiently read log to edit right i read log to edit right wrong to level several raiding alt so i can be as useful as possible in the burning crusade that we don't even know is coming out yet by the way you see to secure the content of the future i have to grind in the now and i'm not going to get glaives of azinoth just by virtue of playing a rogue and being a content creator my guild operates on a very strict merit-based system and honestly i wouldn't have it any other way because it feels good to earn thing in video game crazy concept i know ironic is it not playing world of warcraft has become my true job and making content is just what i do for fun in my free time being a content creator truly is a joker's trick a monkey's poor wish you think you want it but you don't speaking of having no free time do you know what i did on christmas day killed how many bugs welcome to patch 1.12. next is out i got a ring in there last night wait next is if you've got the rep to get in naturally i'm exalted my 72 runs of stratholme to get shadowcraft pants speak for themselves wish i could tell you that was my worst item grind but i suffered through 206 full upper blackrock spire runs before i even saw a shadowcraft chest drop a fate that is statistically improbable but i have the proof and well unlikelier things have happened in upper blackrock spieth the sexual tension between rend and nefarian is awkward and the loot you need seems to never drop what could be worse oh right blizzard introducing spell upgrade books in this patch that only dropped from here i have to go back with this patch we also received an array of new quests which is just classic talk for elaborate vendoring see these quests aren't actually real this is just tier piece vendoring before blizzard figured out how to code this however these quests outside have something very very important that we're going to need the argent dawn taboo sorry i mean consecrated sharpening stones but i am gonna pick up that tablet too because it's [ __ ] this consecrated sharpening stones give plus 100 attack power against undead for one hour making instant poison pretty much obsolete and naxxramus except on the fair lena and miaxena fight because they're not undead by the way rogues on my axle you can vanish the web spray so go go get that 99. because they're so strong in nexramus i'm going to want a lot of these sharpening stones about three per week until classic ends so i don't know let's call that like six months tops that's like 72 stones but then i also need to factor in i'm gonna want these stones in burning crusade for some bosses that we don't even know is coming out yet by the way i'll be clearing those bosses once per week every week since they come out until the end of tbc's life cycle so that's a lot of stones but one single consecrated sharpening stone costs eight necrotic runes and there's only one place to get necrotic runes everyone needs them everyone's grinding for them and they're only around for a limited time because of course they are welcome to yet another virtual hell resource war curated and designed by blizzard entertainment welcome to the grind but it's not the grind people want to see people want to hear about the bug families looking through 300 hours of footage multiple times by the way we've got to edit that we're going to do it now no one wants to hear about necrotic roots i want to hear about display which is this video sponsor they do look good on my wall every couple of hours a random invasion will begin somewhere on azeroth signified by a purple skull on the map and giant floating cigarettes appearing in the sky somewhere within that zone if you follow one of the necrotic bolts fired from the ziggurat you will uncover a horde of ghosts and ghouls protecting a necrotic shard these mobs can drop single necrotic runes but the real reason we're here to kill them is to weaken the shard because once you weaken the shard enough four dudes will teleport down from the ziggurat and attempt to repair it using eight necrotic runes you can curse one of these dudes and turn him into an elite shadow of doom these dudes [ __ ] slap by the way but this is what you came here for because these elites drop a guaranteed 30 necrotic runes now i could have busted my balls for days maybe even weeks fighting against players of both factions for some necrotic runes but when i heard my friend only got 34 necrotic runes in one day due to the sheer congestion and griefing i had flashbacks to barney you get it that's your time nope i'm [ __ ] dead haha something and was like yeah [ __ ] that there's got to be a better way at first i thought that better way would be to just farm at 4 11 a.m on a weekday but it turns out even if you are lucky enough to get a shot to yourself which i cannot stress to you enough just how rare that is you still need a group to help you a group that is also going to need necrotic runes and a group that is also probably going to be of a sub-optimal setup because it's 4 11 am on a weekday it took us about one hour to clear this shard and i walked away with 124 necrotic runes that converts to only 15 sharpening stones and it will now be three hours before another invasion starts by then all the dads will be awake so this is likely as good as it gets there has to be a better way now that better way wasn't death rolling this warrior for his last seven gold which he needed to spend on repairs but i did it anyway no the better way was in fact something so obvious i was surprised i didn't think of it sooner all i actually had to do was just wait one whole month to be exact until christmas day 2020. when everyone else was offline spending potentially life-threatening quality time with their loved ones redspawn and i came in and cleaned house [Music] [Music] and that's how i farm 200 carapace fragments i mean sharpening stone wait what the [ __ ] what's wrong with my adventure wait this isn't a shower where the [ __ ] am i what's going on ah [ __ ] ow ow you're right no i just fell asleep i hit my head on my mind oh my god it's only what's that next rammus necrotic runes what the [ __ ] are you talking about we're here farming bugs you have no idea what's going on do you let me catch you up to speed after barista permanent resurrection at the hands of the no changes team the horde in the alliance began warring for the most precious resource of all territory after all he who owns the territory owns the farm within it are you picking up what i'm putting down son as the hours passed and the many battles waged on the territory balance shifted like so somewhere along the way guilds of all sizes and creeds began to put aside their super serious dramas to band together under one banner for the horde this was at least for now not just a guild vs guild affair but rather an all-out faction war and childish infighting was going to have to be put on hold if we were going to get some farm and so a natural ecosystem settled in above ground pvp teams would patrol to keep the alliance out allowing the farmers below ground to safely acquire fragments as someone who spent quite a few hours of time doing both i can attest to you personally that during these hours it truly felt like i was fighting alongside the hoarder's affection really felt like i was like actually a guy in the horde like fighting a real war sounds so lame but it was so [ __ ] cool i might not be very good at world pvp but i sure as heck like to participate anyway just don't let me catch you alone in stormwind god i [ __ ] love being old ow this system of holding mass territory as a faction had proven to be quite successful and after a while the large-scale fights seemed to die down the horde whilst very condensely packed had their territory in hive zora and the alliance whilst not exactly working together as one unit had their territories in hive ashy and hiv regal as a full moon rose and the evening settled in a calm finally swept across silithus and for just a brief moment there was no fighting there was no drama no bad vibes it was just guys being dudes hanging out killing some [ __ ] bugs and then he appeared the one who would put this tenuous horde peck to the test cloaked in a mantle of feathers brandishing a mallet scorched by the sun itself he descended from the cosmic realms the sage of the six moons his teachings rang out in the general chat imparting a most forbidden technique to all druids a highly illegal moonfire scroll wheel macro that can tag mobs on frame one i'm pretty sure people actually got banned for using this by the way with this the druids would have power to completely disrupt the emergent ebb and flow of hyvezora why be cordial with your fellow faction member and let him have that farm when he literally cannot stop you from tagging it before him but true balanced druids they were not and what had taken the horde hours to build up in mere minutes was destroyed forever so now we had a bunch of druids running rampant below ground tagging literally every mob on spawn and pissing everybody off oh no it also didn't help that the druids responsible for this just so happened to be in guilds who had already gained a reputation over the course of the day for farming in the hives whilst not having proper pvp representation outside essentially freeloading and let me tell you when you're on your 17th consecutive hour of pvping the alliance to keep people safe who are in return just stomping all over your goodwill you start to realize that the enemy might not necessarily have a red name the enemy might actually just be certain guilds within your own faction for what is an enemy if not someone going out of their way to hinder your goals this realization came to be known as the people's brief awakening countless memes on the globular subreddit began circulating at this time disparaging the rat way of life whilst praising those who had previously struck a fair balance between fighting and farming these memes whilst very funny world of rat rat unfortunately did very little to dissuade the druids from their path no you can't just steal our tags by using an instant target and cast macro scroll will go and at this point most people had realized the grim reality that even if the druids were to stop it was too little too late the damage was done bad blood was already boiling reputations had begun to form and the once proud horde pact was slowly falling apart [Music] all according to plan i didn't just spend the last 17 hours merely pvping and killing bugs no i was also sneaking around with my rogue crew keeping tabs on everything and everyone i mean it's literally my job to document this event right so by extension i need to know which guild's aware their rough numbers their pvp prowess their allegiances their enemies everything and as the battles waged on and i harvested this data in secrecy i started to realize something the trick to the alliance's strength the reason they were able to hold twice as much territory as us it was just a numbers game a numbers game with a huge flaw you see the alliance didn't have bigger guilds or better guilds they just had more guilds but if these guilds were to start distrusting each other if those guilds were to stop working together well that would be most favorable to final boss a guild no other guild can possibly stand alone against so i admit it it was me that summoned the sage of the six moons why did i do it because after years of baiting a rise out of public server admins on gta 5 and gary's mod i'm sort of like the deprived mind whisperer well cause you're a [ __ ] low iq nut [ __ ] num nuts talking to you it's like talking to a [ __ ] brick wall you're in my ear invading my brain and lowering my iq why don't you shut the [ __ ] up for a change and actually use your lukewarm iq to realize what you've done here and how you are [ __ ] fail and i know druid players to be the most deprived minds of all they try to heal only to be out healed by everyone else they try to tank only to be told they're trolling and to re-roll warrior they try to melee dps only to be told they're trolling and to re-roll warrior and god can only help you if you're trying to play a boomkin re-roll warrior inside the mind of every druid is a complacent beaten-down pathetic loser who only knows how to take orders to be a druid is to be a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none and when you're a master of none you should probably just reroll warrior so when a druid is finally offered not only a way to be useful but a way to unquestionably become the dominant class in a scenario i know they simply wouldn't be able to resist i orchestrated the great druid uprising and i did it to so chaos sure the horde pact was dismantled in the process but more importantly so was the alliances and that was the plan all along quick fact check the alliance have more territory the alliance have more guilds the alliance have more numbers the alliance have more druids i can only imagine the levels of griefing the alliance who are suffering through these hours now was the perfect time to strike and hive regal coveted for its higher drop rates was our prime target everyone that can hear my voice is abandoning their current position and you will move at that time everybody will group up at 37.80 is this for a regal push yes i think it's time we let these [ __ ] rats drown leaving hive zora completely open to attack from the north my guild consolidated their numbers at a secret location alongside every other true and noble guild left we were going to hit the now weakened alliance with the full force of the rat-free horde for the last 24 hours silithus had been the stage to many large and small-scale pvp skirmishes but nothing would compare to the raid on hyde regal [Music] let's go the raid on hyvregal had been a complete success such a success in fact that for the next 24 hours nothing else of note happened or maybe it did i wouldn't know i was in this room the whole time farming bugs my only contact with the outside world during these hours was through general chat but because humans aren't designed to sit in front of a screen for 58 hours at a time killing virtual bugs for clout in a 15 year old video game general chat was even more general chat than usual the populace in their delirium were all suffering from a mass hallucination known only as snakemin a deity-like figure who doesn't seem to have any certain law or single point of origin that i could place he exists only in the delirious scrollings of those who have contracted bugbrain a condition that befores all those who enter silithus with the intent of farming fragments you'll know you have bug brain when you start seeing carapace fragments where you shouldn't be seeing them you start hearing bugs the clicking of their mandibles the howl of the wind as it rolls through the caves and what day is it i'm hearing bugs in real life the [ __ ] is a french type in general i'm severely sleep deprived and you see him snakeman he is a reflection of you his values are your values and and that's comforting praise him bugs praise him however after deciphering several general chat messages it seems that during these hours hive zora went on to become a volatile rat kingdom with no consistent faction balance pretty much no man's land if you were a small guild attempting a scarab lord or just a business person trying to sell bug killing services hive zoro was probably your best bet as for hiv ashy well that's alliance territory and that's all the data i have because i was killing bugs in fact we were able to farm for so long uninterrupted in hybrigal during these hours that we fully farmed not one but two scarab lords worth of reputation which looking back at it now was the peak of our farming efficiency i don't know if it was because people hadn't burned out yet or the fact that we had uncontested free farm for 24 hours or the fact that we just had so many people but we were harvesting fragments at an unbelievable pace it was during these hours that i also managed to complete my personal task of gaining 200 fragments solo just to see how long hypothetically it would take for me to farm scarab lord myself and so just before i went to bed for the first time in three days by the way i went to hand them in but before that displayed metallic posters for your walls with over 1.4 million designs ranging from gaming anime movies to nature you're bound to find something you like in a size that suits the space you have to work with it turns out a lot of artists i follow on twitter have stores on display which made my selection rather easy how could i not go for dreamwalkers incredible warcraft vistas or these beautiful pastel wave cityscapes by elora installation takes literally 20 seconds you just stick it to the wall with magnets it's so easy a paladin player could do it warning browsing this website will absolutely make you want to purchase displays so make sure you're either a content creator capable of using your clout to decorate your apartment for free or using my discount link in the description which if you use will get you thirty percent off your first two disc plates or thirty seven percent off if you get three or more wow i'm currently smelting my thorium that i have been getting from rich thorium veins that i have been sneaking from other people yo barney [ __ ] off i got prepped dude i gotta get those arcane crystals um i'm about to go to bed uh i've been awake for too long but before i go to bed i'm gonna hand in these 200 fragments probably probably my only 200 fragments i've actually farmed like 800 fragments but i've i only kept like one in four reminder to progress past this part i would have to hand in enough fragments to fill this bar and then two more handing in these fragments will give me 200 rep that was i'm going to bed and go to bed i did wherein i caught a delicious six hours of sleep before [Music] now of course some of you might be thinking wait you're still farming bugs but why why you've pretty much seen for yourself that scarab lord isn't gonna happen why why are you still torturing yourself and to that i say i made a promise i promise i intend to keep that i would live up to the mantle of the best horde content creator and make something truly epic on this event and do you really think that this is a good ending right here right now i didn't think so we still have scarab lords to farm we still have quests to help with and i'll be damned if the last three days were for nothing i don't go back on my word i promise you the good content and i'm gonna [ __ ] deliver because that's my ninja way and so that's why i after only six hours of sleep re-awoke and logged right back onto world of warcraft however this was not the silithus i had left behind in my absence the largest alliance guild goof whom we pushed out of hive regardless some 30 hours ago had reclaimed the entire west hive in a similar fashioned raid leaving final boss with the south hive and the surface surrounding and as you've probably already guessed the east high fell to the rats god damn [ __ ] rats goof knowing that it would probably take the entirety of final boss to clear them out had in this moment made a very clever play we can't go and fight them because that would leave our hive open to the rats they can't come and fight us because that would leave their hive open to the rats ah so we have a stalemate right [Music] no unfortunately all the people with pvp sense were at this time asleep and so those that were left decided [ __ ] it let's just fight anyway remember how i said both hives would be left open to the rats if this occurred well that's exactly what [ __ ] happened wow i can't believe it luckily some strategic masterminds were able to log in before me and negotiate a ceasefire and i guess part of that ceasefire agreement was that our best pvp rogue kim possible would be taken hostage by the enemy this is literally what i logged in to see role play from the two sweatiest guilds on the server huh this is how you know bugbrain is a real thing hours passed and it was clear that the easy free farming of yore was over the war between goof and final boss had definitely been a huge blunder for both sides alas this was the new reality a reality of slow farm and rats so many rats so many bugs so many rats and if things couldn't get worse i then heard that one noise no one wants to hear in world of warcraft there was an enemy rogue in the cave so now i had to worry about this [ __ ] rat called literally literally called rap bag in front of me stealing my tags and i also had to be worried about the unknown assassin who is definitely going to jump me at low health for that easy honor kill but then there came so many occasions over the next hour where i was definitely low enough to just be a free kill but i didn't get killed the scenario made no sense the rogue was still here [Music] but he wasn't doing anything this puzzle weighed heavily on my mental so much so that i ended up losing my first tag to ratbag in about an hour or did i your eyes do not deceive you the gnome rogue ran straight through me to get to ratbag uh the only person not in final boss in this cave by the way and uh unalived him and i mean am i gonna really get involved this is this is a pretty good scenario for me but hold on a second i know that name that rogue is in goof what the [ __ ] is going on so here's what the [ __ ] was going on the reason goof wanted to take kim possible the best pvp rogue we have to offer hostage was because they could then put kim possible to work in their hives killing their rats i love this game and kim had done such a [ __ ] good job as is to be expected that they felt obligated to return the favor by sending rogues into our hives to clear out our rats but now that i knew what was going on i wasn't going to let kim have all the fun i tailed rom wreck back to the deepest recesses of the goof hive and scanned for any target not wearing the goof troop guild tag rant located i then waited for them to do rat stuff where i intervened and did rogue stuff and of course goof let me kill them with no retaliation so i did what i do best and camped them till they logged off the rat exterminator exchange program had formed i and others would periodically cruise through goof hive to make sure it was nice and goof and unalive any non-goofers that were found and on the flip side whenever it was obvious a rat was overstaying their welcome in the final boss hive i would walk into the goof hive and beckon someone to come my way they would then follow me back to the final boss hive and camp every rat until they either spirit revived or in the case of this warlock frywood logged off i do have to give frywood props though out of every rat across this entire event they were the most persistent and the most annoying to deal with they had me on ignore since the moment they showed up here and they grieved my tags for like a week straight almost like they were trying to get in the video or something so [ __ ] you i'm not showing any of it as the days flew by and we ticked off more and more scarab lords it seemed we had finally created the perfect farming ecosystem we had the south hive goof had the west hive we shared the surface and rats were heavily deterred from disrupting this knowing exactly who would be waiting on the other end to camp them and in hindsight it seemed so obvious we should have just been doing this from the start after all final boss and goof have the same goal we both just want to get as many scarab lords as possible and we're both the largest most try-hard guilds of our respective factions this this only just makes sense but this allegiance would never have formed if not for a stupid bit of role play at like 4am and this is why i will never not play on roleplay servers this just wouldn't have happened a silly little roleplay wherein they took our best pvp hostage started events that would soon turn into the greatest farming efficiency module we had had since we controlled all of regal sure we weren't farming as many fragments per hour but they were safe easy rat-free fragments farmed alongside gamers who were striving for the same goal as you absurd numbers of scarab lords what we lost in fragments per hour we made up in morale and team spirit and honestly i really believe that if it wasn't for goof people in final boss probably would have burned out way sooner but of course hypergal is a secluded corner of silithus what happens in hiveregal stays in hiveregal and so for those looking in they didn't see the events that led up to this allegiance they didn't see the war they didn't see the role play they didn't see this collaborative effort as something to praise all they saw was collusion cross-faction collusion evidence collection thread the rats were pissed hello all the past few days i've been collecting and editing down evidence to send to blizzard regarding this recent final boss mastermind slash goof troop collusion now with obsidian counsel it looks like feel free to add any evidence to the collection i'm still going through video and i reckon the more evident emails the better this just ends up making the game worse so hopefully we can do something to push back against it and attached to the thread was just a bunch of clips screenshots of random rants just getting owned and being surprised they couldn't walk in as a solo player and just free farming ivory girl suffice to say we didn't get banned shockingly but it just goes to show how badly bug brain was affecting some players for them it was tough to see that the fact of the matter was final boss and goof had just realized fighting each other at this point was a waste of time and the best course of action to achieve the goal of farming as many scarab lords as possible was to just keep each other happy this was a destined fate it could have gone no other way and the proof of this is that this horde x alliance large guild team up was being mirrored across plenty of other servers more importantly however this was also being mirrored in the [ __ ] law taking place in this event right now the horde and the alliance are canonically teaming up to storm and karaj did you miss that this is peak world of warcraft but as the bugbrain virus spread the collusion statements began to increase in ridiculousness for example collusion on an rp server should be grounds for immediate removal which is just bro you're playing on an rp server how do you think this occurs if not for collusion between factions lol was me not killing cumin collusion hi welcome to did you know idiot the horde in the alliance learning to put aside their differences to work together for a common goal has only been like the main plot point for like every single [ __ ] wow expenses i don't know like warcraft even existed only together united against the shadow will you be able to save this world from the flame you and i stood side by side on the slopes of mount heijon that world tree did not fall because the horde and the alliance worked together cross-faction collusion consider yourself reported you dirty colluders now i am cherry-picking uh it is worth noting that these rats were definitely in the minority of people but they were a very [ __ ] loud minority so loud in fact that sitting president donald trump was forced to make a statement to combat the fake news regarding the collusion someone commissioned this and put it in my guild discord i had to use it this is for the wow classic server grabulus grabulous okay you need to know that the goof troop goof troop did not collude with the final boss there was zero collusion they are innocent okay everything being said is fake news fake news all judges dropped did you do that all charges dropped with a full pardon from the president of the united states goof and final boss continued to work together towards securing grubulus's legacy together we were going to farm as many scarab lords as possible before the gates would open but time was running out as guilds began finishing up their bug farming and moving on to the next part of this cursed quest don't ruin his moment you idiot they would naturally turn their focus towards completing the war effort after all they want to go an open-end garage and raid it like the whole point of this event at this point in the timeline it's august 8th 2020 a very special date there is currently only one septa bearer typo but that's all about to change for if i were to jump forward one day four other people obtained their scepters overnight i was there and it was quite something but we'll get to that later because that's not why august 8th was special no for that we need to turn our attention to the war effort data between august 8th and august 9th august 8th and august 9th did you see it that's an awful lot of peace bloom handed in on the horde side don't you think 25 380 peacefully to be exact well that's because august 8th was a very special day the day of the peacebloom dkp dawnbreaker peacebloom dkp dawnbreaker invites all grubulans to its first molten core pdkp by gear with peace bloom wow wow time discord see you soon farm peace bloom thanks heavy hoof i will and i did because this post was made like a week before now and when you're sitting in a cave farming bugs for days on end there's a lot of downtime a lot of time to alt tab onto your secret alt no one knows about and pick peace bloom completely anonymously in durotar that's a lot of peace bloom but the real flowers were the friends i made along the way now you might be wondering wait don't you want to prevent the war effort from being completed after all once it completes there are only five days until the gates open and then you can't farm scarab lords anymore and yes you are right but the numbers peace bloom is pretty damn easy to come by so you know those bids are going to get absolutely [ __ ] crazy and if it's one thing gamers like seeing it's big [ __ ] numbers and when else am i gonna get the chance to see someone buy a mage blade with flowers i have no choice but to go however don't get the wrong idea i'm not going to be bidding on any items myself call hound tooth positions blade uh no thanks i'm good with my incredibly sub optimal double gut gore ripper yes i have distracting dagger in the bank and no i'm not going to use it because even with this handicap i'm literally a worldwide all-star and you're all [ __ ] cringe but wait then why are you farming peacebloom for the peace bloom dkp if you're not going to bid on items with your peace bloom with the peace bloom dkp come on guys you know the answer to that chaos after this molten core i'm going to run through the logs and check to see who are the absolute worst players and then i'm gonna give them all my [ __ ] peace bloom i think the true spirit of the war effort is to give everything you have for a greater cause and what could be a greater cause than gearing up some guy who's gonna quit before max rammus hope you like the entrance by the way now as explained last episode a gdkp is a raid wherein the loot is bid on with gold at the end and then everyone receives an even split of that gold with these base rules in mind and knowing that the objective of this raid is to get as much peace bloom as possible for the war effort one can reasonably assume that there is going to be no peace bloom cut at the end of this raid since it's all going to be handed in however there was one more slight quirk to this gdkp that in hindsight i can't help but feel should have been on the advertisement instead this quark was nestled deep inside a discord chat that most people had only just now started gaining access to now because of the events you're about to see i no longer have access to the discord so you're gonna have to put up with my ms paint recreation within this room in this discord was a list of every piece of molten core gear each piece of gear had a number assigned to it and that number indicated the flat price like a base price for bidding right if you wanted gear from this gdkp you would first pay that flat price and then you would wait for it slash roll on the gear along with everyone else who wants to buy a roll does this sound like a gdkp to you no what the hell is that why would they call it a gdkp if you can't even fit on gear this actually is just a free roll pug with extra steps and there's a reason free roll pugs don't exist anymore and that's because they are [ __ ] but there you have it i had joined the world's first gdkp with no bidding allowed it was clear many people were expecting this gdkp to be run for use of a better word properly am i reading this uh item sheet correctly there's no bidding wait i thought this was a dkp someone was gonna have to speak to the manager once we had zoned into the instance and we were all inside the same voice chat i decided that someone was going to have to be me if this is to get like the maximum amount of peace bloom as possible for the war effort how come we're not bidding surely it would make more sense to let people just bid because that's what like a dkp is my argument irrefutable my social capital extensive my intellect unmatched the facts and logic were aligned for a perfect ko but the response i got might surprise you or it might not i think we all know how this one ends peace bloom in the end you can still turn that in yeah you're not planning on tearing it in anyway uh no i wasn't i don't think most people here were planning on doing that i think most people were here to buy gear with peace bloom and then just auction house what they didn't use i think expecting fresh level 60 casuals to care about your war effort above their own gold income is [ __ ] insane especially when let's just keep it real most of these players are not going to clear aq40. in fact i think it's a safe bet to say that 50 of these players will probably never even walk into the instance portal but as for me my piece bloom i would rather just delete it and that's what i told them yeah you're not planning on turning it in anyway delete this [ __ ] [ __ ] the lord yeah i would i would sooner delete it than not get it you can sell it you [ __ ] can't kick you with the gamer words in full effect it seemed i had upset the host with my humble suggestion to run this dkp properly and the hosts had evidently not caught on yet to the fact that a lot of people in this raid were feeling pretty pissed off and misled i recognized some of these names in the raid i had seen them on my farming alt they had spent days picking peace bloom alongside me or against me i guess so i knew they definitely had at least as much as me naturally they didn't want to let their farming be for nothing and so they started bargaining what if you pay double can you get an additional roll that's a good idea and that was a good idea if people could pay double their roll fee each time they wanted to re-roll things would at least be more interesting it still wouldn't be a dkp but at least it wouldn't be whatever this is and it wouldn't [ __ ] over the poor noobs who have spent seven days picking flowers for god's sake won't someone think of the noobs with too many people asking too many questions heavy hoof was out of options he was about to explain why there was no bidding why any idea that involved acquiring more peace bloom would be thrown out immediately and that reason was i didn't really want to deal with the logistics of having to deal with bits that go up to the ten thousands [ __ ] isn't that like the point was i wrong i don't think so but i do see where heavy hoof was coming from i wouldn't want to deal with the logistics of trading several thousand peace bloom either but that's why i'm not running a [ __ ] peace bloom dkp am i am i making sense here i don't host super bowl parties either wanna know why because i don't like football also i don't own a [ __ ] tv so don't you think it would be a bit [ __ ] of me to then host one anyway and then when people show up to my super bowl party and start asking where the game is i turn around and say super bowl party this is a superb owl party you read my invitation wrong and then when no one buys that i come clean and say okay guys i know there's no tv but think about this from my perspective okay i don't want to deal with the logistics having to go to television come on man yeah but sure you can agree that it's misleading to say this is a dkp and you're missing the entire point of dkp right yeah i don't want to discuss this right here no the point was to get people to [ __ ] farm peace bloom and then turn it in so if you want to go turn it in go turn it in we're going to raid mc and then have fun so if you don't like it get the [ __ ] out whoa you good now we're good you're just making this [ __ ] take longer okay but one more question do you guys think heavy hoof is acting sauce if you don't like it feel free to leave if i leave will you answer the question it's a stupid [ __ ] question i don't think so perfect well we did we all do all right these vibes were [ __ ] rancid so terrible in fact that given the choice between experiencing my first change of scenery in two weeks and farming bugs i picked the bugs get me the [ __ ] out of here you claim um hi hold on one sec yo barney how was the peace bloom gdkp dude not good you guys not good the peacebloom dkp had been a resounding disappointment in an alternate timeline it was probably a really fun raid with sick loot alas we are here in the timeline where the people who stayed lament to me in real time how [ __ ] the raid is i would be lying to you if i told you that the entire situation had loki pissed me off because my ira was far from low-key two weeks of farming bugs had left my mental on its last thread and this molten core experience had just burned into ash i was about to go from barney beekeeper to barney gatekeeper [Music] in october of 2019 you asked me how i make my gold and i gave you my honest answer and you all laughed at me funny little salesman selling his funny little lucky charms how cute but also stupid role players are so [ __ ] stupid aren't they imagine some random [ __ ] just comes up to you and wants to trade you a white item that does nothing and then you tell him i don't want it he's like no you do want it and he just keeps [ __ ] insisting yeah i can only imagine how annoying that would be [Music] this is the beekeeper fortune depending on who you ask this is either blood money acquired through the peddling of useless items or the life-savings of an idiot commodifying forces above his understanding i personally think my over-exposure to dragons is to blame because more and more i find myself compulsed to hoard gold with each month i seem to double my charm output with no end in sight but i digress up until now i had remained a passive player in the war effort but no more i was going to use every single piece of gold i had to delay that gate from opening for as long as i possibly could starting of course with the peace blue market which i swiftly bought out in its entirety gaze in ore as i deal with the logistics of trading several thousand piece bloom to my bank hold delicious vendor trash yes i could post this all back on the auction house for an easy profit but i don't want anyone handing in anything this isn't money to turn into more money this is money to burn and so i went down the war effort list draining each and every resource from the auction house until it was drier than my bones one thing you should know about me by now is i don't really half-ass anything which is why i then took a flight path straight to gadget sand to clean out the neutral auction house as well as i pulled up alongside a gnome mage and made my search for linen bandages the current hot item i found a bunch of listings for one copper each well that's good timing as i started to buy them i found that someone else was buying them at the same time as me so i instead started from the bottom and worked my way up it was at this point that i got a whisper those are for the alliance dude stop buying them was the gnome next to me buying these auctions from a horde player sounds like collusion to me i'd have to double my purchasing speeds lest off pure role play server full victim to yet more game breaking collusion question mark i responded the linux clocks you just bought for one copper a stack are for the alliance war effort okay cool they can buy them from me for a higher price then this of course was a lie i obviously wasn't planning on reselling anything but i said this because i knew it would piss him off [ __ ] you i tried to respond but they put me on ignore they then went and cried about it on the globular discord stating shout out to barney b from final boss for buying the bandages and raising the price on them 100 to which roxy whom we might meet later said ah at barney b and tagged me uj world buff fanatic king of the colluders and rat royalty then responds yeah don't blind sell any items i can hook you up with some contacts the colluding warlock then says i was coordinating it oh when you guys do it it's coordinating i see the ally i was selling them to was right there buying them as i posted barney b just bought faster and by faster i did i cleaned out the neutral auction house of every single war effort material but somehow i still wasn't sated there was only one thing left to do as i started on my flight to thunderbluff to camp the hoard auction house i alt-tabbed to my guild discord everyone from now until the conclusion of the war effort i will be reimbursing all war effort material purchases with five percent interest please screenshot your tsm ledger purchase history and proof that you've ended or deleted the items to receive payment ideally i'd like people stationed at both neutral and hoard auction houses 24 7 so if you have as much time as i have money to burn please do your part for our most noble goal and stop this war effort however word travels fast faster than a windrider it seems because when i showed up to thunderbluff to do my thing i was swiftly assassinated by two roles it was clear i personally was not safe to show my face near any auction houses ever again but that mattered not i already had my little busy bees out doing the beekeepers bidding so i could get back to silithus to farm bug bugs and then my computer crashed because my hard drive had failed the hard drive containing every single piece of footage i recorded for this event thus far now inaccessible corrupted all gone my roommate and i troubleshooted for hours on end as we tried to get the data off the hard drive but nothing worked we were left with just one option which was to send the hard drive off for data recovery which costs thousands of dollars and might not even yield any results but i didn't have thousands of dollars to spend on data recovery anyway so i was [ __ ] this was a one-hit kill to my morale it had all been for nothing and i wasn't just done with scarab lord i was done with world of warcraft i picked up my phone and opened discord to let my gm know i was quitting but he had already messaged me first a link to the scarab lord list it had been updated my selfless dedication to the cause had not gone unnoticed and given that final boss runs on a merit-based system the scarab lord target list had undergone some renovations i was now no longer number 18 on the list i had been bumped up quite a few places to number 11. holy [ __ ] this might actually be doable i glance down at my computer inside of which layer rotting inaccessible hard drive i may have lost everything that came before but i can still show you how this finishes i plugged in a three terabyte external hard drive and re-downloaded world of warcraft because i made a promise [Music] subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe
Channel: Barny64
Views: 967,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, world of warcraft classic, tbc, tbc classic, classic wow, barny64, barnybee, grobbulus, barny64 asmongold
Id: g19uGH4LC6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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