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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case i say that because this case is half solved so police do have the killer and they are charged and you know facing sentencing right now but police believe there is more to this case than what they've uncovered so far and they believe there's more suspects and they just need more evidence more leads and things like that so that's exactly why i wanted to do this video because i have a platform to push this case out to i'm not saying that me doing a video on this case is gonna solve the case but if we can make more people aware of it and then those people can inform people that they know and they can inform people that they know you know it just gets it out there a little bit more and it's actually one of the family's kind of goals is to get this case out there and get this kiss solved before we get into it i just want to say a happy new year i know 2020 was not the best um so i hope 2021 is leaps and bounds better than 2020 was for you now before we get into this video i just want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible zuba zoo battle arena zuma is a brand new battle royale game free to download on both ios and android right now using the link down below in the description and if you download right now you'll get 50 free coins and 40 free gems with over 10 million players already on the game and over a 4.6 star rating on the app store you're fighting against up to 45 players in every map pick from a selection of almost 20 warrior animals to compete as each has their own special attacks and abilities you start the game with no weapons or anything and you have to try and take out as many players as you can gaining weapons along the way to become the last man well animal standing the best part of the whole game for me is when you get right down to that last opponent and it's like the final show down between you and the other person the adrenaline in that moment i love that you can choose between different skins for your warrior different emotes and things like that it's a battle game that's also just super cute at the same time so what are you waiting for you can download zuba for free using the link down below in the description and if you do you will get 50 free coins and 40 free gems you're welcome thanks again to zuba for sponsoring this video now let's get into it but before we do i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video so this case takes place in stone island in atlanta georgia in america and as far as i could tell in my research stone island is quite a crime ridden place literally one of the worst places in atlanta which atlanta is notorious for high crime rates anyway honey malone was an 18 year old girl originally born vanessa marie malone but when she was young honey decided that vanessa didn't suit her it wasn't her personality it was too plain in her words and she wanted something more fun and more unique to suit her personality and so she got everyone her family her friends everyone to start calling her honey and the name honey did really suit her sweet personality she was known for being just so kind and so loving her mother said that ever since she was a child she was just so gentle and so caring with everyone of all ages she never wanted anyone to be sad she would always be showing some kind of physical affection to anyone hugging them kissing them and as she got older honey was very high energy she was very outgoing very energetic she was always wanting to socialize she was very positive all the time she was known to have just a very happy disposition she just seemed like such a sweet girl she had an older sister named cassandra and i believe the two of them honey and cassandra were raised just by their mother flora i'm not 100 sure but from my research i couldn't really see a father in the picture at all regardless all three girls were very close the two girls and their mother honey was a beautiful girl and she always received a lot of attention for the way that she looked she had gorgeous curly hair twinkling green eyes and she took great pride in her appearance as well she always did her makeup really nice she did like different eyeshadow looks she was very into fashion and then she dressed very trendy for the time so the time we're talking is like 2012-ish when there was all snapbacks and you know that kind of fashion and she was you know she was very on trend but yeah she just loved fashion in general so much so that she actually got her first ever part-time job at a clothing store at a dress store growing up honey had a lot of friends being this very positive and social bubbly girl this was kind of a magnet that attracted people to her which was kind of a blessing kind of a curse she you know had a lot of people in her life a lot of friends that she could hang out with but a lot of these people weren't very nice people at points but regardless she was very social she would go out nearly every night like i said and on october 23rd 2012 that night was no different she was going out to meet her friends honey's mother flora picked her up from her job at this clothing store and in the car on the way home she said that she was super tired and she was just going to go straight to bed however when the two of them got home honey went to a room to go to bed but then came straight back out and said oh mum i'm gonna go and meet my friends instead which flora thought was kind of odd her mother because you know when honey was tired she was tired she wasn't gonna go out that same night she wasn't gonna change her mind but regardless she told her mother she wasn't gonna be out long because she was tired and she left however just a couple of minutes later honey came back in the apartment to tell her mum that she loved her which her mum thought was kind of odd but not odd because you know honey was the type to tell her that she loved her a lot but she thought why have you come back in the house to say that you know honey was a very loving person but she she'd set off to her friend's house turned around and walked back in the house to come and say she loved her mum which her mum really liked but but why anyway honey set off for a second time after telling a mum that she loved her and she set off walking to this friend's house which was just down the road she literally lived like pretty much on the same street as this friend but not long after honey left flora started to get this really bad feeling inside she called it mother's intuition that she just felt something was wrong she heard what she believed in that moment to be fireworks in the neighborhood a lot of banging of course she couldn't be too sure that they were fireworks and whenever she heard something that kind of worried her a little bit she would always call both of her daughters and just check if they're okay so she called honey who she knew was just on the road so she was in the area that these fireworks were going off so she called honey but she didn't pick up in fact her phone went straight to voicemail so her phone wasn't even on which worried her mother i mean this wasn't so unusual for honey because she would often turn her mobile phone off to kind of preserve the battery charge on it so this wasn't entirely unusual for honey but at the same time her mum knew that she hadn't been on her phone all day because she'd been at work so her phone should have charged but she tried not to worry too much so it wasn't entirely out of character for honey to have her mobile phone switched off but it was still worrying because her mother can't get in touch but she just tried to calm down and not think about it too much however just a few minutes later flora heard sirens coming from the street outside and she saw emergency vehicles speeding past the house in the direction of the place that honey was going that night compared with what she just heard all these banging sounds these fireworks and now emergency vehicles speeding past the house she also can't get in touch with her daughter now flora's really panicking she tried honey's phone again she still can't get in contact with her and so instead she decides to call her other daughter cassandra but a few minutes into this phone call flora receives a knock at the front door when she opens it it's honey's ex-boyfriend de kevin and his best friend chris at this point it was around 11 30 p.m and when flora opened the door to kevin and chris seemed really panicked really on edge and kevin just said something's happened to honey she's been shot so flora ran to the apartment complex where honey had gone to visit friends and she was calling her other daughter cassandra on the phone to come down straight away when the two of them arrived the area was already a cord and off crime scene there were police there there were ambulances there they tried running up to all these police officers asking them but police couldn't actually tell them anything at this point in time they couldn't tell them if someone was injured critically injured if someone had been killed if a body had been found nothing they couldn't tell them the specifics of the crime scene that they were investigating but all flora wanted to know was if honey was okay if honey was alive she was giving police every single kind of identifying piece of information that she could about her daughter her hair colour her eye colour what she was wearing that day her very specific tattoo that she had on her hand that said blessed but despite this police still couldn't tell her anything and so flora had no idea if honey was injured if she was dead or if she was even involved if she was even in that apartment at this time finally at 2 15 a.m the following morning police confirmed that a body was found in that apartment a female body and it was honey malone so now a murder investigation was put into motion and that same morning every single one of honey's friends that was supposedly in that apartment when she died was questioned now this group that honey was with on the night of her murder they were bad news they were they were criminals these crimes included firearms and drugs mostly this apartment that she was in was actually a known drug den where they would sell drugs from the apartment like literally dangerous people coming to the apartment to buy drugs and honey was there she was killed there this group that she was friends with it was a bunch of teenage girls and older men men in their 20s and these older men were rappers by day and criminals by night these these rappers the three main ones were called spoon yak and mercy and honey was very good friends with them she would help them with their music videos like you can see in this clip the two men that owned the apartment were yak and mercy i believe it was in mercy's name so it was his apartment and yak lived there and there was one other girl there in the apartment that night that honey was murdered although i don't believe yak was in the apartment so yak and mercy lived there but yak wasn't there it was mercy and a girl so mercy and this girl that were in the apartment that night told police that they were the victims of an armed robbery that night they said that between three and six men dressed in all black had come and kicked in the door they were carrying firearms carrying guns the two of them claimed that they were beaten up and then tied up and then pushed into the bathroom and kept in there while these three to six men rummaged around the whole apartment and stole things then all of a sudden the two of them claimed that they heard gunshots coming from the living room when they were stuck in the bathroom and they believed that these were the gunshots that killed honey malone because honey hadn't been in the apartment the two friends had no idea that honey was there so they believed that they'd been put in the bathroom and then honey came to the apartment and stumbled into this armed robbery that was going on honey had been shot twice once in the back and once in the chest so from two different angles and one of these bullets had actually pierced all the way through her heart so like i said the initial theory was that honey had walked in as this armed robbery was going on she was shot once and then as she kind of turned to leave she was shot again of course this can't be confirmed because the two people that were in the apartment mercy and this girl claim that they were in the bathroom they were tied up in the bathroom and they saw none of this happen so we can't be sure what the circumstances surrounding honey's murder were but what we do know is that after honey was shot in the living room her body was then dragged through the house through multiple rooms in the house she was dragged through the hallway through the dining room all the way to the master bedroom leaving a trail of blood all across the carpets and then into the closet of the master bedroom where her body was then thrown onto a pile of dirty clothes and just left there so now police had to figure out what exactly happened that night and that would help them figure out who had done this to her name now there was evidence to support the theory of this armed robbery police found huge footprints outside and the same footprints inside the house they were the same footprints that were found on the door that was kicked in so you know possibly an intruder but also easy to stage there were a number of blood drops outside of the apartment that weren't honey's blood so someone else was injured in this incident police spoke with neighbours of this apartment and one of the neighbors claims to have seen the perpetrators fleeing the scene these men in black leaving the scene he said that he saw them in the parking lot he saw one of them kind of limping and the other one helping him into the van that getaway vehicle so this would make sense because maybe this man that the neighbor saw had been injured that's why he was limping that could have been his blood outside the house so more evidence police rang around all the local hospitals and then actually all the hospitals in the state of georgia or maybe it was just atlanta i don't know they ran around so many hospitals in that state to see if these people had traveled to go get treatment for this injury that this perpetrator had but no hospitals had any admissions or anyone coming in with an injury to the leg that seemed to have been from a gunshot wound which could mean one of two things that this person just didn't go to the hospital to get it treated maybe they had this very serious injury kind of treated by one of their friends as best as they could or this person doesn't exist and they weren't injured because they don't exist you know now honey's family don't believe for one second that this was an accidental armed robbery like honey accidentally stumbled in on this armed robbery and disturbed it and got shot in the process they don't believe this story at all and their doubts were backed up when police found out that nothing was actually stolen from the apartment nothing these were armed robbers going in to steal things and they didn't steal anything but to be fair if kind of drugs and drug money and firearms or anything like that was stolen they're not gonna tell police that because that would get them into trouble so maybe they just said that nothing was stolen because nothing that they could claim was sterling you know what i mean but regardless of whether that's true or not the only thing that police could find to have been stolen was honey's phone honey's mobile phone police actually traced the phone and found it lying on the ground around half a mile away from the crime scene so they hadn't even stolen it they'd discarded it why what would be the point of stealing honey's fern just to leave it on the ground half a mile away you know police are still gonna identify this body if they're not wanting to hide who this person was that they killed what is stealing her phone gonna do now going on to mercy and this girl's statements relating to this armed robbery the two of them had very conflicting versions of events one of them said that it was three men that came into the apartment dressed in all black and the other ones said that it was five or six men dressed in all black now you can understand slight differences because these people if this story was true they're going to be very panicked they're not going to be you know trying to take in all of this they're going to be trying to block it out of their mind and try to protect themselves but three and five or six those are very different amounts that's nearly double i just find it hard to believe that two people remember the exact same incident so differently to the point where the number of perpetrators doubles in one person's story but that's not the only difference one of them says that the two of them were tied up with a belt and the other person says that they were tied up with an electrical cable from eraser two very different things once again they would feel very different on your wrists they said that they were tied up together so they weren't tied up with different things this armed robbery even to professionals that have looked into this case everyone seems to think that this is so suspicious the way that it was carried out is just odd honey stumbles into this incident taking place and they kill her why do they then drag her body around the apartment all the way to a closet and then leave her there why this is very unusual behavior because in like 95 percent of cases that are like this one armed robberies that have gone wrong where someone's died in the process the assailants will try to flee the scene as quickly as possible because that's not what they intended to do they didn't intend to kill someone and they want to get out of there so that they don't get caught for that they're not gonna stick around and try to half hide the body in a place where it's gonna be found these people these men in black that just fired these guns knows that the whole neighborhood just heard them fire those guns so why are they sticking around at the crime scene and trying to hide the body a little bit why are they not trying to get out of there as quick as they can honey's family genuinely believe that honey was lured to that apartment for for this to be murdered by someone that she knew by someone that she trusted but what they don't know is why did she know something had she seen something that she shouldn't have were they trying to silence her had there been a disagreement of some sort because if you think back to the start of this case there were a lot of odd things that happened one after another so honey on her way home in the car to her mother said that she was so tired that she was just going straight to bed she wasn't going out that night however as soon as she got home suddenly she changed her mind and she decided she was going out which was unusual maybe the reason she changed her mind was because she got a text from someone telling her to come and meet them or to come to that apartment and that is why she left either way her family just don't believe this robbery gone wrong story because why didn't the assailants kill the other two why didn't they kill mercy and this girl if they witnessed it and honey witnessed it why didn't they kill all three of them if they were gonna kill one person why not kill all three that just watched you do this and honey's family said that she would never walk up to a door that had been kicked in and just you know go in and investigate she was smarter than that her family know her better than anyone they know that she would get the hell away from that because that's a terrifying thing to walk up to is your friend's apartment kicked in she wasn't the type to just hang around and get into danger she would have led if she'd known that something like this was going on and that's why her family thinks she was lured there everything was fine she was in the apartment and then things switched her sister cassandra has also said that she finds it odd that mercy didn't try to fight back because mercy is known for being violent a violent criminal he had firearms you know he's used violence before so why is this incident any different why didn't he try to fight back this is just something that cassandra has said that's not me you know blaming victims in in any way like if this armed robbery was a genuine incident that happened it's understandable why they wouldn't fight back but this is just something that cassandra has said to kind of further her point that she doesn't believe that this was an armed robbery that went wrong mercy said that the two of them waited in that bathroom tied up for a couple of minutes until they were sure that the men had gone and that was when they tried to untie themselves and cassandra just finds it hard to believe that this is the first and only time that this man has been too scared to fight back so mercy and this girl were key people of interest in this case this whole time for obvious reasons but there was absolutely no evidence physical evidence that said that they had a part in honey's murder and so they couldn't be arrested and plus there were things like the blood sample outside of the apartment which pointed towards this being another person that wasn't mercy or this girl police looked into every single lead every single call that came in everything they possibly could however after a couple of years this case went cold police had no more suspects and with very little evidence they couldn't charge anyone at all although they did still have a hunch that mercy knew more than he was letting on he was the main guy in charge of this drug den at this apartment he was the one in charge of the money in charge of the contacts in charge of you know he was he was the one in charge and yak was his right-hand man so police believed that if anyone knew anything it would be mercy even if this armed robbery story was correct he probably knew who it was that had done this and then murdered honey but he wasn't talking he knew who was out to get him he knew who his enemies were he knew who knew where he lived and worked does that make sense basically he could have given police a lot of names but he wasn't a lot of potential names even anyway as a result of this murder investigation of honey malone and of course police spending a lot of time with yak and mercy they managed to charge them with crimes unrelated to this mercy was charged with theft possession of firearms and a bunch of other things that he pled guilty to and served a year in prison for and yak pled guilty to some kind of drugs charge and tampering with evidence and so he served less than a year in prison seven long years went by and there were no developments in this case that's seven years that honey's family had absolutely no answers as to why this happened to their loved one or who did this to honey all that time one of the lead investigators on the case even kept a picture of honey on his desk so that he could see her face every single day and be reminded that this girl needs justice and he said that that really motivated him to keep going through the case files and keep fighting for this girl and then unexpectedly in 2019 so just last year police made an unrelated firearms arrest in that area and when the gun was seized and tested it was found to be the exact gun that had killed honey malean seven years prior and the owner of this gun was mercy his real name is donald ash he was arrested in his mother's home in april of 2020 so just earlier this year he was charged with second-degree murder and making false statements so police went back and looked at honey's case and all of the evidence that they found and they were trying to see where the links were with mercy and that was when they tested the blood sample from outside the apartment and they found that it was a match to mercy now i have no idea why they didn't do this before at the time of the case they just ran this blood sample against the dna database and they found no matches on the dna database of people that had been arrested for violent crimes and mercy obviously hadn't been arrested for a violent crime at this time and so his name didn't come up but i have no idea why police didn't just get a blood sample from mercy when they were suspicious of him he was a person of interest why are you not getting a blood temple and testing it against against the one outside i don't know this could have been solved so long ago i'm sure there's more to it i don't i don't ever like to look back at cases and be like why didn't they do this why didn't they do that because hindsight is 20 20. mercy has since said since his arrest that he was a victim too that night and you know he's still sticking to this armed robbery story however despite saying that he is a victim too that honey wasn't the only victim and that he was a victim he has actually refused to speak with honey's family this is a man that claimed to be close friends with this family's daughter they lose their daughter they're grieving all they want to do is speak to her friend that was with her on the night that she died and he won't speak to them you would think that he would have some kind of sympathy for honey's family because her life according to him was brutally taken in front of him that night in the apartment you would think that he would you know want to speak with them and kind of help them get closure in any possible way if they want to speak to him but he never would speak to the family police believe that mercy didn't act to learn and they are still trying to find as many as two different accomplices from that night these two potential accomplices i don't know their names and they haven't been arrested or charged yet but this just shows that the armed robbery story was alive and i don't want to speculate too much because this case is still unfolding however there was a girl in that apartment that night that also lied about the sound robbery so she could potentially be one of the accomplices because for what other reason would she be there but there's still so many questions surrounding this case surrounding a motive why why was honey murdered that night did they intend to murder her did they lure her there specifically to murder her what was the reason was it an accident did she know too much were they trying to get rid of her was there a disagreement did she deny someone's advances that night one of the theories that i've seen online is that maybe her phone had something to do with it maybe she had a picture on there or a video or something that she shouldn't have had some form of evidence on that phone and maybe that was why the phone was stolen and left half a mile away on the ground maybe they'd brought her to the apartment that night to delete something from her fur and maybe they killed her because she knew too much she knew about this picture or this video and then they disposed of her phone police still somehow maintain their belief of the armed robbery story that honey stumbled in on an armed robbery and she was just caught in the crossfire that doesn't explain why the owner of the apartment shot her with his gun that he earned it just makes no sense to me there's got to be something more to this case honey's family have since said that they want this case to be out there in the public they want people to keep talking about this because they want answers there's still way more to this case that needs uncovering just a little bit of add-on information about the aftermath of the murder truth crime daily actually did uh like a video on this specific case and this book with a young couple that actually purchased the apartment in which honey was murdered they were completely unaware of the apartment's history when they purchased it and as they were moving all their furniture in they noticed this long red stain across the carpet leading to the closet so they called the letting agent or the landlord and they just said what's the deal with with all this staining like what is it and they said oh don't worry it's just some fruit juice that the previous person that lived there hadn't cleaned up but the couple weren't satisfied with this explanation i mean i don't think many people would be this was a very big and continuous stain for it to just be fruit juice it was as if something had been dragged across the carpet you don't just pour fruit juice in a long trail all the way across your house the woman was particularly suspicious that this could be blood after all this was quite a high crime rate area you know no one ever wants to believe that there is blood in that carpet but you know this was an oddly shaped and coloured stain and so this woman went out and got peroxide which if you don't know when you put peroxide on blood it starts to fizzle and form and when she got home she put this peroxide on a section of the carpet where the stain was and it started to form up which confirmed to her that her and her partner had just purchased an apartment that was a crime scene so the couple moved out as quickly as they possibly could and they complained to the letting agent or the landlord for not informing them about this for not making them aware of the history of their apartment but it turns out that the letting agent or the landlord didn't actually have to do that legally in georgia landlords don't actually have to inform you that a murder has taken place in the property that you're purchasing or renting unless you ask about a specific murder so unless you know like a name or you know something very specific about that crime they're not going to tell you if the house you are purchasing is a murder house i thought it was quite shocking and interesting to add on the end there but that is all i have for this case thank you so so much for watching thanks again to zubat zoo battle arena for sponsoring this video remember you can download the game using the link down below in the description it's free on ios and android and if you download right now you'll get 50 free coins and 40 free gems huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed and make sure you leave a big thumbs up you can subscribe using the link right here if you want to subscribe to my brand new second channel you can click the link right here or if you want to watch another video you can watch the playlist right here bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,237,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, eleanor neale makeup, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, honey, honey malone, malone, true crime daily, daily, trap house, rapper, the trap house murder, mercy, donald ash, america, atlanta, georgia, soundcloud
Id: xLPa97-AFkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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