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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime kiss today i'm going to cover one that i've wanted to cover for quite a while and i don't know why i haven't gotten around to it yet requests and things from you guys and from channel members and just odd requests seem to take priority these days and i went back to a case that i don't think i've really been requested too much but i personally want to cover so i hope you guys don't mind this one um but i think that this one's super important to cover just because of a lot of the topics that i'm gonna talk about in this video there's a lot of hard hitting topics to do with gender sexuality um how you wanna present yourself and maybe not being accepted by everyone for those reasons so i'm just going to give a little bit of a warning in the beginning of this video if any of that is super sensitive to you and you don't want to hear about it and you know it might put you in a in a bad headspace then i don't want you to watch it please come back for another one look after yourself by the way this video is also a two-parter two two-parters in a row this actually wasn't my intention but as i started researching this case i found that it was really long i didn't expect this to be a long one but it is so a two-parter i promise i won't take too long uploading part two this time sorry about that one yeah part two will be out in the next few days and this is part one so let's go before we get into this video i just wanna thank our sponsor for making this video possible tennis clash tennis clash is a super fun free pvp game where you guessed it you can play tennis you can play live 1v1 tennis matches against real live players elsewhere in the world in some of the world's most famous tennis arenas and you can download the game for free by using the link down below in the description of this video it has some really cool rpg elements to it high-end graphics and a 4.7 star rating on the itunes app store which speaks for itself in my opinion the game matches you up super fast with someone on your same difficulty level so it's not going to be too hard and then you're off all you have to do is swipe your finger in the direction that you want to send the ball the speed of your swipe determines how far and fast the ball will go and to move your player you just tap where you want them to go this bit's important because you need to predict where your opponent is going to hit the ball in order to get there in time you can play with a bunch of different characters and get a cool battle pass to get you extra rewards for faster progression in the game so if you want to download tennis class you can do so for free by using the link down below in the description of this video and if you do you'll receive a welcome bonus of 2 000 gems and 500 gold you're welcome now before we get into this case i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video and again just before i get into it i just want to give a little warning that this case does involve themes of homophobia hate crimes against gender different genders so you know if that's something that you don't want to watch please do click out right now so the johnson family were a family of four originally from chicago it was a single mother named katrina and her three children two boys and a girl named cedric kadari and niger now the johnson family were pretty hard up for money of course a single mother's wage to cover not only her own food and shelter but three children as well they were struggling for money and a lot of the time they were bouncing between homeless shelters they couldn't afford essentials a lot of the time of course chicago as well is known for relatively high crime rates and katrina always knew that she wanted a better life for her children she really wanted to move away and raise them in a much nicer place with a lot more money but she couldn't do that she couldn't afford to leave chicago they were a really close family the siblings as they grew older they were like best friends not just siblings they wouldn't have many fights but when they did they would recover from them very quickly they were all just super loving super supportive of each other all four of them they were just such a a close knit just a nice family a really nice heartwarming family to read about they were all each other's priorities and their family values were just so strong it was family over everything else they would literally do anything for each other and an example of this is a story that the oldest sibling cedric told about his younger brother kadari one time when they were quite young cedric actually stole a chocolate bar from the local shop and he got caught doing so and there just so happened to be a policewoman in that shop and when cedric got caught stealing this chocolate bar he ran out and this policewoman started chasing after him he was running all the way home he arrived home and he was out of breath he was panicked and so katrina is saying what's wrong what's happened and cedric said to his mother they're trying to say that i stole the chocolate bar but it wasn't me it was kadari kadari wasn't even there at the time but cedric was just blaming his younger brother so that he wouldn't get into trouble and this is just one of those things that kids do they're scared of getting in trouble so they'll try and push the blame on someone else and kadari when he got home later that day he got the punishment for stealing this chocolate bar he was made to stand against the wall and just look at the wall he wasn't allowed entertainment or anything for a couple of hours as his form of punishment for stealing and kadari just took it he just took the fall for cedric he just had this punishment he didn't talk back he didn't try and defend himself and say no cedric's lying he loved his brother he didn't want his brother to get punished and he was happy to take that punishment for his brother and at one point kadari was you know face in this wall just eating a bag of crisps and cedric approaches him and kadari actually offered cedric the boy that had lied and got him into this situation into this punishment kadari just offered him some of his crisps because he wasn't holding a grudge and i think that says a lot about what this family was like they were all like that it wasn't just kadari they were all just so nice to each other you know he wasn't angry at cedric he was completely willing to do this for him and he was still willing to share his things even though his brother had gotten him into this so let's talk a little bit about kadari so his full name was kadari pierre johnson he was born july 5th 1999 he was the middle child and kadari had a very loud and proud air about him he was a huge character he was a performer he liked the attention on him not in an attention seeking way but just i don't know he liked to make people laugh he liked to socialize and he was just himself unapologetically himself he wouldn't change himself for anyone now from a very young age kadari johnson knew that he was gay and he had no hesitation with coming out because he knew that his family would accept him no matter what his sexuality was so he was probably one of the only children if not the only child in his year group in school that was openly gay and this was met with mixed reactions of course this was almost breaking into 2010 at this point and you know people's views were still questionable of course his family supported him no matter what but some of the kids at school didn't quite understand different sexualities yet some of them weren't accepting of it and this was met with a lot of teasing which eventually led to just full-on bullying kadari was called names and slurs which eventually actually led to physical violence physical bullying one day his mother remembers kadari arriving home from school and his mouth was just full of blood and he was all quiet he didn't want to talk he was he seemed traumatized and it turned out that kadari actually had a crush on a boy at school and this boy turned out to be straight and not only straight he was also homophobic and kadari had told his friends that he had a crush on this boy and these friends who weren't really his friends they went and told this boy that qadhari had these feelings for him and this boy instead of being flattered and politely rejecting kadari he decided that he was going to react differently and this horrible boy went and found kadari after school and he approached him from behind so kadari had no idea that any of this was about to happen he had no chance to defend himself this boy just walks straight over and punches kadari straight in the face breaking his jaw and as soon as katrina saw her middle child coming home crying floods of tears his mouth full of blood she knew that she had to do something she didn't want to stay in chicago any longer she didn't really have the money to take them elsewhere but she wasn't willing to stay in a place that was violent towards her children what for simply being themselves she didn't quite have the money but they were going to make it work and with that they just upped and left which again i think says a lot about this amazing family is that that they were all just willing to leave their lives in chicago leave everything they knew their friends their you know the mother's job and they were all just willing to go to a completely different state and start over all it took was this one incident for them to say right that's enough we're going somewhere else and so the johnsons moved to a town called burlington in the state of iowa now burlington was a lot smaller a lot calmer than chicago it was a predominantly white town it was very conservative on the whole the johnson family felt better there cedric even said like as soon as they arrived when he was going to the supermarkets and to the shops and things everyone around him was smiling at him and this was something he hadn't really experienced in chicago because chicago is such a busy place it's very much like london if you're in england no one smiles at you in london but then as soon as you go up north leeds is just smiles all around and cedric felt like on his first day in burlington he already felt like he was at home and within just a couple of weeks of being in this new environment kadari began to blossom again he was his old confident jerky outgoing loud and proud self again and he started dancing again which was actually one of his hobbies that he had ages ago that he'd kind of pushed to the side as his confidence was lowering through this bullying at school he he was no longer interested in all of his hobbies and he began picking up dancing again singing again he used to go to this place called the maple leaf center to have like dance classes or dance rehearsals or something like that and he was becoming kadari again and best of all he was once again unapologetically himself and that was one of the values that qadhari held closest to his character was that he was never going to change for anyone and he that was the first advice that he would give to anyone is to not change yourself for anyone and be yourself at his new school he was making a ton of new friends and the teachers recall kadari being literally one of the biggest characters in the school it was like everyone knew who kadari was whether that was because he was singing and dancing down the corridors whether he was cracking jokes and making everyone in the class laugh he was known for being a little bit of trouble in school not you know bad kind of trouble but more in the way that he was doing pranks all the time and talking in the middle of class when he shouldn't have been just because he was such a social such a bubbly person the teachers always had to move him away from his friends and like split them up so that they weren't making noise over the whole class but the teachers did love him when he wasn't getting in the way of their teaching because he just had this positive vibe about him they said that kadari would make all of the other students happy just by being there just by bringing his positive vibe to the classroom but as with every single person on this earth not everyone is going to like you and still even in this new school in iowa the bullying was still there people didn't agree with who kadari was not that there's anything to agree with you know it's none of their business really he was still teased and bullied for his sexuality how he presented himself but it was nowhere near as severe and intense as it was in chicago i don't want to say it as bad because bullying full stop is horrific but it was hard for kadari to deal with but especially at this point in his life now that he was gaining his confidence back he wasn't scared to talk back to the bullies now he would defend himself this time around if they made digs at him he would make digs at them right back he was known to have a slick mouth so yeah the bullying was still there but he didn't let it you know intimidate him the way that he used it when he was a child but at least in this school in iowa he finally had a group of friends a big group of friends as well that were supportive and caring and they watched him evolve as a person over the years and this included kadari experimenting with his gender identity he began wearing t-shirts with the collar kind of around his head here so that the t-shirt was going down behind his back so it was like flowing down his back kind of like long hair this eventually progressed into him growing his hair out a little bit he got braids he would sometimes wear them flowing down his back just like he would with the t-shirt or he was now experimenting with different updos and ways of wearing his hair he also began experimenting with other parts of his appearance so he would paint his nails he bought a few different makeup products to try he started wearing more feminine type clothes you know crop tops and it was around this time that kadari discovered the term gender fluid and it was as if everything just fell into place for him he was never the kind of person that was desperately trying to label himself he was very happy just being kadari when people would ask him like so what what are you are you a girl are you a boy i'm kadari but on discovering this term gender fluid he felt this enormous feeling of peace knowing that there were so many other people that felt the way that he did and that he wasn't weird or different you know there were a whole lot of people out there just like him and there was a word for it so in his mid-teens i would say around 14 15 i think he decided to come out to his family as genderfluid he told them that some days he wakes up and he feels more comfortable being a little bit more masculine whether that's wearing more masculine type clothes you know the pants and the jumpers and being referred to as he or him and then he said that other days he'll wake up and feel a lot more comfortable being a bit more feminine and on those days he'll wear you know skirts or crop tops headbands he'll paint his nails and on those days he wants to be referred to as she or her it was very much dependent on the day for kadari he was more often than not he him kadari but you know some days he would wake up and want to be a little bit more feminine and want to be referred to as such now every single one of the documentaries and news reports that i read um relating to this case did refer to him as he him all the family interviews that i watched all of his friends he was always kadari he him so that is why this video is done the way that it is i feel like if his family and friends have orchid all the documentaries to be referring to him as he and him then you know that's what the alinonia channel will do as well now i just want to clarify for people that might be slightly less educated on all these different gender terms that kadari wasn't transgender he didn't want to be a female he didn't feel like he was in the wrong body gender fluidity simply means that he was fluid between genders think about how the word fluid kind of makes you feel it's flowing you know it can go between one gender and then the other and kadari would express his gender based on the day so if he woke up one morning and he felt a little bit more on the masculine side of his spectrum then he would be a little bit more masculine that day if he woke up and he felt a lot more feminine he would pin his nails put his hair up you know whatever gender fluid is also not the same thing as non-binary which often means often not all the time means that the non-binary person doesn't want to go either by he him or she her they don't want to be in the binary they feel much more comfortable just being them they want to be them they feel like they don't identify with either of the binary genders whereas that's why genderfluid is different they feel like they identify with both at different times also remember that everyone is different when it comes to gender terms and identities just because i've said that you know one gender term is this way in this video doesn't mean that every gender fluid person that you meet is going to be the same as kadari it doesn't mean that every non-binary person you meet is going to be the same as what i just described some non-binary people prefer to be like she they or he they are you know that's not what we're really talking about right now but i just don't want anyone to come away from this video and have a very concrete thing in their mind of what a non-binary person is or what a genderfluid person is every human in this world is unique and that also means that every human in this world's gender identity and expression is also unique but i felt like sorry this has been a really long lesson on these terms but i felt like it was important just in case some people didn't understand that before we continue with this video you maybe learn a couple of terms so like i said kadari would wake up some days and feel a whole lot more feminine even to the point where he doesn't even want to go by the name kadari anymore because kadari was his birth name that he's had since a child it's always been his boy name and sometimes he would want a lot more feminine name and that is where we introduce candice candice was kadari's she her persona for the days when she just wanted to be referred to or referred as referred to as a girl's name that's what that's where i was going there were two different facebook pages as well for both kadari and for candice so you know he could pick kadari if he was feeling a bit more masculine that day and he could pick candace if he was feeling a little bit more feminine i'm really sincerely hoping that masculine and feminine are the correct words to be using in this instance i'm so sorry if they're not but that was the easiest way that i could find to put it without being like boy girl you know what i mean if not feel free to correct me in the comments now when kadari came out to his family that he was genderfluid and sometimes he wanted to be referred to as she and sometimes he wanted to be referred to as he his sister naija was really happy she was excited to hear about candace naija felt like candice was the sister that she never had niger had grown up with two older brothers and now she finally had candice who wanted to play with the dolls with her she wanted to play with all the girlie toys that kadari had never grown up with kadari johnson was 16 years old he had a very typical teenage life he was very happy he had a lot of friends but then march 2nd 2016 came along just before midnight that night a particular neighborhood in burlington was awoken from their sleep to three gunshots now this didn't really happen in burlington so people were understandably very panicked a lot of people in that neighborhood woke up and dialed 9-1-1 and they reported these gunshots that they heard and due to this sudden influx in reports i believe police had about six seven eight calls all reporting these same gunshots so a few patrol officers were dispatched to that neighborhood to go and see what was going on to see what these gunshots actually were at one point these two officers were walking past this dark alleyway in this neighborhood and one of them took a look down and saw something laying in a patch of grass on the side of this alley so these officers went over to check this out and as they were approaching they noticed the unmistakable strong scent of bleach and as they got over there they noticed that what was laying on the floor was quite clearly a human body and this human body had a black trash bag over their head and tied around their neck now police immediately sensed the severity of this scene and so they stepped back they tried not to touch anything and immediately they called forensics to the scene now when they arrive one of the first things that the crime scene investigators notice is that this black trash bag over this victim's head seemed to have scratch marks in it as if they were trying to claw their way out of it and from this we know that this trash bag was placed there when the victim was still alive they were suffocating inside of this trash bag it was one of those trash bags that has the drawstrings you know that you can pull and then tie so it tightens the top of the bag and that was exactly what had been done on this victim these drawstrings had been pulled and tied so not only was it suffocating the victim it was also strangling them around their neck it was pulled super tight so forensics removed this trash bag from the victim's head and when they did they noticed that there was something inside their mouth as well later in the autopsy this thing in the victim's mouth was found to be another trash bag that was balled up and used as a gag there was also a shirt tied around the victim's lower half of their face on their jaw probably to keep this trash bag inside of their mouth and work as a gag now when that first trash bag the one that was over the victim's head was removed police at the scene were able to identify this body straight away because they knew who that was it was 16 year old kadari johnson like i said in this neighborhood kadari was a huge character he was very well known even to the police not because he'd committed crimes in the past but because of how we identified and how he expressed himself he was a unique character in that town no one else was like kadari johnson and everyone knew who he was he was an unforgettable character if you see kadari once in town you're going to remember him the next time that you see him so anyway going back to the forensics now that this body was identified kadari's shirt seemed to have been kind of rolled up all the way up to here all the way up to his neck and at first this was believed to have been because his body was dragged to where it was in that patch of grass if he was dragged across the floor it only makes sense that his shirt would ride up like that however this was exposing his bra and some sources also said that his pants were pulled down slightly exposing his genitals as well now both of these together make his top rolling up seem like less of a accident from when he was dragged whether this was to intentionally humiliate kadari or whether this was some form of sexual assault we'll get more into that later on in the case but he was also found without his shoes and his shoes weren't anywhere near the body either it seemed as though they'd been physically taken away rather than just push to the side or left near the scene now because his top was rolled up all the way to his neck that allowed the forensics team to be able to see his chest and this exposed at least one gunshot wound in his chest and later in his autopsy this would turn out to be one of three kadari was shot three times in the general torso area there was also an empty bottle of bleach laying between his legs it seemed as though his killer had poured the contents of this bleach bottle all over kadari's body that was where the stench of bleach was coming from and then when the bottle had finished it seemed as though the killer had just thrown it on top of his body and that was just where it landed now because of this exact reason all of this bleach all over the crime scene no dna evidence or anything like that could be extracted from the scene and that's how we don't know still to this day if kadari johnson was sexually assaulted when he was killed because any evidence of that was removed with the bleach however this piece of information does tell us something about the murder and how it was carried out because think about it not everyone just carries around a bottle of bleach when they're going about their daily routine so that tells us that this murder was not a spur of the moment spontaneous crime the killer had premeditated this planned it and planned how they were going to cover it up as well and intentionally brought out a bottle of bleach with them when they killed kadari and one of the documentaries that i watched as part of my research on this case actually went down to the crime scene almost four years later and to this day there are still stains on the ground in the gravel where that bleach was where that bleach was poured on kadari the ground is physically bleached as a constant reminder of what went on in that alleyway some of kadari's hair was also found just on the ground it had been physically pulled from his scalp it seemed as though kadari hadn't just been murdered on this day he was tortured he was gagged he was beaten he was partially suffocated and strangulated by this trash bag he was doused in bleach and then he was shot to death and now police were given the difficult task of informing kadari's family that he had been found murdered in the early hours of the next morning they went down to kadari's house and it was his mother katrina that answered the door the police simply asked her can you tell us what your son kadari was wearing yesterday when he left the house and katrina actually happened to have a picture of kadari from the day before and so she showed them that and as soon as they saw that picture they sat katrina down and they broke the news to her and i'm sure you can imagine how she reacted she just completely broke down this was a mother that was so close with her children they meant the whole entire world to her she would do anything for those children including rerouting the whole family and paying for them to move to a whole new state and make a whole new life just for kadari's safety and now she's learning that even that wasn't enough and he was still in danger of these horrific violent attacks that they desperately tried to escape that morning the news of qadhari's murder somehow seeped into his school people were speculating all morning the rumors were whispered throughout the corridors and everyone was saying no surely not like he can't be and then eventually halfway through the day the school got the all clear from the police that kadari's family had all been informed and now the school could start informing his friends so they pulled his main close friend group into the counsellor's office and told them privately and separately and then after that they made an announcement over the tannoys just to confirm all the speculation and as soon as that announcement was made the counselor remembered walking through the hallways and everyone was crying everyone was hugging everyone was trying to support each other as much as they could everyone was so affected by the loss of kadari johnson kadari had an effect on so many people so many people loved and treasured him and when he passed everyone in the whole school everyone that had known kadari felt that loss in some way or another and for that exact reason kadari's family when it came to hosting his funeral they actually had to change the venue from you know a church a normal place where you would have a funeral to the school gymnasium due to the amount of people that they were expecting to have there the whole school was gonna come he had such a huge family everyone wanted to be there to pay their respects to kadari johnson and the turnout at this funeral was breaking into the thousands so many people wanted to go out and pay their respects to kadari and it was such a lovely service and towards the end of this funeral as i've said so many times in this video kadari was such a happy positive bubbly person and his family wanted to honor that they didn't want to sit around and have this super sad funeral they wanted to do it how kadari would have wanted it and that was everyone singing everyone dancing everyone having a good time and so for one of the last songs of the service all of his closest friends and closest family they all got up went to the front of the room where the casket was laying and they all danced and they all sang and they all hugged each other they all celebrated the whole gymnasium was clapping along to the song and it was how kadari would have wanted it so anyway now the police are looking at this horrifically brutal attack and they're trying to figure out what the possible motive could be this killing seemed very personal it wasn't characteristic with a robbery or some kind of spontaneous killing i mean the killers had physically taken the time to gag kadari beat him tie a bag over his head drag him into a patch of grass this seemed like it was a very personal very angry matter from the killer but who could hold so much anger for such a loved person in the town kadari had no known enemies no one really disliked him enough to do this naturally the thought arose that maybe kadari was attacked and killed because of the way that he identifies and the way that he chooses to express himself he was gay he was gender fluid and still to this day hundreds of people are killed every single year simply for how they identify and for people not accepting them for who they are and they brought this up with kadari's family who agreed that this was a possible motive and police said well if he's bullied in school or was bullied in school which kadari was could it have possibly been any of those people that have shown some kind of anger towards him in the past simply for how he identifies the kids that call him slurs or the kids that have pushed him about in the corridor or that kid that punched him but cedric kadari's older brother said yeah my brother was bullied but he struggled to believe that any of those kids that had bullied him in the past would do something like this they were classroom bullies they weren't murderers so his family tried to help police formulate a timeline of events what was kadari doing on the last day of his life where had he been who had he met up with however before we get into that before we get into the timeline of events police actually already had their first lead a couple of the houses around where this murder actually took place around this alleyway now this wasn't actually close to kadari's home which is another thing that confused the police how had kadari ended up there that was another reason why they were going to have to figure out the timeline of events what brought him to that particular neighborhood but anyway the people in that neighborhood had told police that they had noticed a blue van parked in that exact alleyway where kadari was later murdered and none of them recognized this blue van it was the kind of neighborhood that you don't drive through unless you live there it doesn't lead to anything so neighbors if they see a car that they don't recognize basically random cars don't go up there very often and this one seemed very unexplained they had no idea who was in this blue van and it was very suspicious timing so a lot of them reported it to the police and somehow police were able to identify the driver of this blue van it was a teenage boy so they went and spoke with this teenage boy and it turns out he actually had an innocent explanation as to why he was parked there he said that his girlfriend lived in that neighborhood and he didn't really want to park his van on her drive so he just packed it around the corner on this alleyway and then he walked to her house and then they went out in her car it turns out that the couple were actually home before the murder took place so this boy went and got in his van before kadari even got there before kadari was killed and this boy was gone sure the van was not connected to the murder those two suspects ruled out also neither of them knew anything about kadari's case they didn't even really know kadari to be fair i don't think they went to the same school but yeah they couldn't help in the case so as for the timeline of events on march the 2nd 2016. so that morning kadari johnson had actually been suspended from school kadari had been up to his usual pranks that day at school and one of them didn't land so well he'd actually been throwing this hair pick this corm up into the air and it hit another student by accident however this other student didn't really like it maybe it caught them on a bad day and they just didn't find it funny and this student started a fight with kadari and of course kadari wasn't the type to just take it so kadari fought back and the two of them ended up being sent to the principal's office and both of them were suspended so they weren't allowed to come to school for a few days so kadari called his mom and told her the situation and he said well i've been given a load of work to do over the next few days he wasn't just gonna have a few days off school they'd given him some work to do and he said that he was gonna go to the local supermarket to use their free wi-fi and do his homework there and she said okay but don't be home too late so this was a start for police they had a location where kadari had been that night before the murder so they went to this supermarket and they asked if they could have the cctv footage from the night that kadari was killed and sure enough they see him on the supermarket footage he seems completely happy he's just walking around the supermarket he's in the exact same clothes that his body was actually found in that evening he then leaves the supermarket around 10 p.m and makes a call to his mother outside in the doorway which is also caught on cctv in this phone call katrina tells kadari to get home because it was getting late it was like 10 o'clock but following that phone call kadari didn't actually go home we see him leaving the supermarket and walking in the opposite direction of his house cctv in the parking lot catches him walking away and this was around two hours before the murder so he's going to another location and police were gonna have to find out where this was so they spoke to a bunch of his friends tried to figure out where he could possibly be and that was when one of them said oh kadari came to my house that night so this girl who kadari had seen that night at her house her name was amari and the two of them would often trade clothes so kadari at this point actually wanted to borrow a bra from amari because he didn't have any so she said right okay come to my house when you're done with your homework and we'll try some on you and you can keep whichever one you like the best so he came around tried some on found one that fit he really liked it and then the two of them were just having a conversation just having a catch-up after that and amari noticed that kadari seemed a little bit off a little bit nervous and so she said what what's wrong is something bothering you and sir kadari just said look outside so amari got up she looked out of the window and there she saw a car parked outside her house that she didn't recognize this was a red car a red impala with the headlights on and she turned back around to kadari and she said who's that he said that that car had been following him the whole way there from the supermarket it had followed him as he walked all the way there and he didn't know who it was and he was scared to leave amari's house now amari couldn't actually drive her mother could but her mother i think was at work or she was out or something there was some reason that her mother couldn't drive kadari home and so amari just said well i'll walk with you i'll walk you home and i'll bring my dog her dog was apparently quite big but kadari declined he said that he was fine walking home alone however it would be on that walk home that kadari was murdered only like i said it wasn't on his usual route home so how had kadari ended up in this other neighborhood in burlington in this alleyway either he had gone somewhere else after amari's house or maybe he was abducted maybe it was related to this red car that was parked outside of maori's waiting for him to leave and that is where i'm gonna leave it for part one of this case i know this seems a little bit short for a first part however part two is gonna be quite a bit longer than this one i just felt like this was a good place to break it off so thank you so much for watching this one if you want to watch part two in the next couple of days i promise in the next couple of days it won't be as long as last time and then make sure you subscribed with the bell notifications on so you don't miss when i upload thanks again to tennis clash for sponsoring this video remember if you want to download the game for free you can go through the link down below in the description of this video and if you do you will get a welcome bonus of 2 000 gems and 500 gold to kickstart you in the game huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it please leave a thumbs up down below because that really helps me out if you want to subscribe you can click this link right here if you want to subscribe to my second channel you can click this link right here and if you want to watch another one of my videos there'll be a playlist on the screen or right now okay bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,328,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, storytime, forensic files, dateline, interview, horror, kedarie johnson, kedarie, johnson, mtv, oxygen, killer motive, cedric, lumni, west, jorge sanders galves, jaron purham, true life crime, true crime daily, gender fluid, lgbt, catfish, solved murder, non binary, trans, 2021
Id: MdxsxX5p_18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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