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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime kiss today is part two of the colchester murders if you didn't catch part one it was titled the english eyeball killer i'll leave it up here in the eye because you kind of need to watch that one before you watch this one otherwise this one won't make any sense get all caught up with part one then come back over to part two and we'll carry on together but before we get into it i just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible grand hotel mania grand hotel mania is a time management game app that was actually nominated by google play for the user's choice award in several different countries in the game you get to run your own hotel serving all your customers needs checking them in checking them out serving them food coffee but you have to make sure that you're serving them quick enough and keep your customers happy if you don't they'll get angry they'll leave and then you don't get as many coins and gems you have to make sure you're reacting fast and serving people fast and then you'll get coins and gems that you can spend on upgrades on your hotel to make it look nicer make things run faster so that you can serve your customers faster but don't worry you can get in-game boosters to help you along the way if you are struggling on any particular level i actually moved house this week and i don't have anything with me like my tv or anything so my whole week has just been spent playing games on my phone and grand hotel mania is genuinely my favorite i've got an editor jack into it as well i'm on level 38 he's not as good at the game as me but we're getting competitive now i really like games that are like lightly challenging this one really puts your prioritizing skills to the test making sure that you can serve all of your customers in time you get to travel around the world discover new places meet cool new guests so what are you waiting for click the link down below in the description to download grand hotel mania or you can scan this qr code on screen right now if you're watching this on like a tv or laptop or something thanks again to grand hotel mania for sponsoring this video now let's get into the case before we do i'm just going to give you a little bit of a summary of part one just to jog your memory and then we'll get straight into the rest of the case so two bodies were discovered almost three months apart in a town called colchester in essex which is in southern england these two bodies were of a 33 year old man named jim atfield and a 31 year old woman named naheed al-manaya both of them were killed in a very very similar way they both had a huge amount of stab wounds all over their body and these stab wounds ranged from like deep like 13 centimeters deep to very superficial slash wounds like lacerations on the body on places like their arms and their legs i mean it was very clear that their killer wasn't in a rush to kill them they were just enjoying inflicting pain and terror upon their victims but one of the most significant injuries that both of these victims had in common was that they were both stabbed straight through their eyeball jim matfield was stabbed in just one of his eyeballs whereas naheed almanaya was stabbed in birth of them one of which was so deep that it even entered her brain police did pretty much everything that they could to solve these murders but there were no clues left at the crime scene there were no witnesses there was really nothing for them to go on they didn't give up in these cases but naturally the leads were drying out and they were running out of things to try and then finally a year on they had the tip that they needed a local woman had been walking her dog through the same trail that nahid al-manaya was murdered on just a year previous when this woman noticed a young man hiding in some bushes under a bridge staring at her so she walked straight home from that point she didn't try to walk past him and she called the police police came down they went to that trail where she saw him they were looking all over they couldn't find him until eventually one police officer sees movement in some bushes so police approached these bushes and behind them they found the young man hiding this was the exact man that the woman had described to them he was wearing thick rimmed glasses he had this italian style tan cut all tied around his waist he'd been laying there in weight hiding behind these bushes with gloves on and a knife on his person it seemed as though this was the killer that they were looking for so police arrested this man at the scene and took him straight down to the police station and they were already pretty convinced that they'd found the killer that they were looking for for the past year but what they were surprised to find was this young man that they just put in the police car taken down to the police station he wasn't really a man at all he was a young boy this boy gave his full name and age to them james fairweather 16 years old born august 5th 1998 which would actually make him 15 years old at the time of jim matfield's murder actually at the time of both killings the year before so he was 15 years old when they took place james fairweather had actually been in trouble with the law once before this it was actually a couple of months before the murder of jim atfield when he was just 15 years old jim's fair weather on his way home from school decided to go and hold up a convenience store he went inside with a knife he was still dressed in his school uniform so they all knew that this was a child that was doing this he went up to the till and he demanded some cigarettes and a lighter and he got both of those things and he left now james fairweather didn't even smoke he never had i think it was just more a power thing for him he wanted power and control over someone he just wanted to rob a star for the sake of robbing a star he was arrested for this because everyone could see his face everyone knew what school he went to from his uniform everything however the charges i think were eventually dropped but this meant that james fairweather was actually one of the people that was questioned in relation to jim atfield's murder right at the beginning if you remember police looked at everyone in the area that ever had a knife crime charge on their record and james fairweather had one of those so he was brought into the police station he was questioned however he had a decent alibi for that night and his mum backed him up she said that he was just in bed asleep as far as she was aware and so police kind of you know dropped him as a potential suspect they just let him go not knowing that a full year later they'd have him right back in front of them in the police station so for a little bit about jim's fair weather like i said he was born in august of 1998. he lived with his mom and dad who had a good relationship as far as i'm aware they loved and cared for james as any other parent would you know they were good parents james and his father particularly had quite a strong bond they would play darts together they actually both went to the same darts club but in general james just had a happy normal childhood a normal school life his attendance was actually really good at school his teachers commended him especially in primary school he was a really good student he was well behaved he was happy he was normal but then things started to go downhill once he hit kind of high school secondary school age once he went to his kind of bigger school where there's older kids fairweather found himself being bullied quite a bit for for a couple of different things mainly his appearance the fact that he wore thick glasses he had sticky out ears and in turn we've seen this happen before this bullying turned james fairweather himself into a bully bullied kids often do this as a defense mechanism they feel powerless hopeless they have no control over their bully so they start bullying other people that are less powerful than them to take back that control not only that but fairweather also wanted his bullies to like him so for example if his bullies were to come up to him and say james go and punch that other kid in the face he would do it no questions asked this was for a couple of reasons one he didn't want to say no to his own bullies out of fear that they were going to do something to him but he also just wanted them to think that he was cool he wanted their approval he would do anything that they wanted him to do so as fair weather's violence is growing in school everything else kind of has a knock-on effect his grades are getting worse he's started talking back to teachers the school started writing home to his parents quite a lot about his behavior saying that he was disruptive one of the teachers even used the word thug in a school report one time there was actually one incident when a teacher had written a school report about james fairweather that was supposed to go home to his parents and it obviously wasn't a very good report james actually went into this teacher's handbag without her knowledge without her consent took this school report out and ripped it up so that his parents would never find it of course he got into trouble for that as well he was just he turned into just a bad kid as a teenager around this same time or actually maybe a couple of years before his behavior got really really bad jim's fairweather had his first experience with loss and death when his grandmother passed away and i think he was quite close with his grandmother he took this very very badly and it had a huge effect on him psychologist kerry nixon said that this was a real turning point in james's life in that moment he realized what life really was and that it includes all of these horrible horrible things like death and loss it's not all just happy all the time like it had been for the last however many years of his childhood he'd never had to deal with anything so upsetting before he's learning that he has no control over life he has no control over loss whoever's gonna die around him is gonna die and he can't do anything about that and it's believed that this kind of sent his brain spiraling in his early teens so as he started acting up at school his grandmother died it's believed that his grandmother's death was a catalyst in his bad behavior here around that same time he became a recluse he stayed in his bedroom just hauled up in his bedroom playing video games watching movies specifically horror films he loved horror films anything true crime like true crime documentaries he barely left his room other than to go to school and even then he didn't really go to school that much his attendance was dropping he didn't really have a major group of friends quickly going back to that true crime thing that he had um an unhealthy obsession with true crime it went we're beyond just watching documentaries you know maybe reading a wikipedia article or a newspaper article he had documents on specifically a couple of serial killers he began worshipping the yorkshire ripper peter sutcliffe as well as the stockwell strangler and like i said it wasn't a very healthy interest of his like he would research and watch documentaries the same ones over and over again non-stop he would write notebook entries about them like he was obsessed with serial killers but psychologists have noted that the thing that james fairweather seemed to like so much about these serial killers was the infamy the notoriety you know how serial killers are practically more famous than a lot of celebrities like singers and actors because everyone talks about serial killers it was found that around the same time that he was developing this unhealthy obsession he also began telling other kids at school that his dream career was to be a murderer which is the red flag of all red flags so anyway now police have this 16 year old boy sitting in front of them in the police station they've just arrested him back at this trail for having gloves and a knife on his person they believe that he was the colchester murderer out looking for a third victim so they just straight up asked him they asked fairweather what were you doing out there in those bushes with a knife and with those gloves and he said i was looking for my third victim he sat there in that police station and confessed to the murders of jim matfield and naheed al-manaya the whole time he was doing this and this is something that might be a little bit more explained later on in the video but he seems to be so unemotional telling these stories if you do get a chance to watch the police station interviews then do because the way that this boy describes the things that he did it's it's unlike anything i've ever seen before he's literally explaining it and even demonstrating it at points as if he's literally telling you how to put together some ikea furniture it's so eerie how unbothered he is about the whole thing so we'll start right from the beginning of his confession with the murder of jim atfield james fairweather said that he left his house on the night of march 28th purposefully looking for someone to murder this was no accident this was no spontaneous thing he went out looking to do this he actually said that he'd been hearing voices in his head every single day building up for a while until this moment and they were telling him that he needed to commit a sacrifice and they were getting more and more powerful and he couldn't bear it anymore so he decided that that night was the night that he was gonna go out and make this kill he said that he waited until his parents were asleep they thought he was asleep as well in his bedroom which makes sense his mother gave him that alibi over a year ago with the police she said that he was in bed on the night of jim atfield's murder and that's because she genuinely believed that he was but instead he snuck out went down to the kitchen got a knife and then snuck out of a window and went to look for his first murder victim fair weather tried a few different locations but he couldn't find an ideal victim you know someone that was on their own and there would be no witnesses so he just kept walking he tried a couple of different places until eventually he ended up in castle park and it was there that he stumbled upon intoxicated jim atfield asleep on the grass and fairweather says that at this point as soon as he notices jim atfield his voices in his head start going crazy they're telling him he's the one he's the one do it do it now or we're gonna come and get you so then fair weather in this interview with the officer as he's confessing this whole story he turns to the officer and says can i stand up and demonstrate the officer says yes and so he stands up and says i was standing over him like this and then he said he just started stabbing him he started stabbing him in the abdomen and then after the first few he actually blacked out and he doesn't really remember anything from that point on all he does remember actually is that the voices in his head were laughing and it was getting louder and louder more maniacal and evil he said that it was as if this kind of uncontrollable rage and frenzy overtook him it wasn't as though he was angry at jim for anything he wasn't he didn't know this man but it was like this emotion just came over him and he just blacked out and he just chucked out all of this energy on jim atfield fairweather said that this murder took about three minutes maximum and once he was completely satisfied he said that he just stood up and walked home again with blood all over him if you remember jim atfield was stabbed a hundred and two times that's a lot of blood when he got home fairweather just took off all of his blood-soaked clothing put it all in a bag and then took it out to a local dog bin and just threw it away he also said that he threw the knife in a local river at the same time now that knife has actually never been recovered but that was it that was the end of the murder of jim atfield and from that point on he'd actually gotten away with murder he was really smart as to wear gloves to do this murder so that he wouldn't leave any fingerprints he knew that his fingerprints were actually already in the database from when he'd committed that knife point robbery like just a month before that murder so he left absolutely no evidence at the scene police had no idea it was him and he got away with murder for a while a few months later was the murder of naheed al-manaya again james fairweather said that he was hearing these voices in his head once again telling him he had to make another sacrifice and that was why he did it he said that he snuck out of the house in the early hours of the morning and he went and hid on this trail that nahid ended up walking on he went and hid in some bushes and waited he said that as soon as he saw naheed the voices in his head were going crazy once again saying that's the one she's the one go do it do it now i don't actually have many details about fair description of nahid al-manaya's murder because i don't believe that part of the police interview is actually online but either way he stood there and confessed to both murders and was charged with the murder of jim atfield and naheed almanaya so police went to search fair weather's home to find any kind of physical evidence that could support his trial they were particularly looking for like blood-soaked clothes or a murder weapon or something like that they didn't find anything like that but they did find all of his serial killer memorabilia is memorabilia the right word to use he had dvds of documentaries on the mall he had documents and papers and his own notes and posters and everything police did actually find a couple of knives in his room however they don't believe any of them to be either of the murder weapons that he used they think that after the murder of jim atfield he did dispose of that knife and then got a new one to murder naheed al-manaya with and then again disposed of that knife both of which have never been found but after speaking to some of the kids from fair weather's school they found that he would actually bring in his knives to show off and sometimes even threaten other children with so anyway the trial began against james fairweather and his defense decided that the best possible thing for them to do in this situation was to try to plead insanity i mean he'd already confessed to the murders in the police station so there was no way of them trying to go back on that well actually he did try to go back on that actually he said that the voices in his head told him to give a false confession at the police station but he actually didn't do any of it his defense knew that they weren't going to be able to get away with that so they just decided to try to plead insanity and in order to get this insanity plea they were going to have to need multiple different opinions from different psychiatrists he was going to need to be tested over and over again and assessed by psychiatrists but also just by like normal doctors as well just to see what was going on in his head and something that they didn't expect to find so they were expecting to find a degree of mental illness but something that they didn't expect was that james fairweather actually had undiagnosed autism all his life we'll get back on to his mental illness and that kind of diagnosis in a minute but he had autism all of his life and had never been diagnosed or supported he'd never he never even knew an autism can affect especially a growing and developing child's life in so many ways in so many social ways and to not even know that he had that must have affected him to a degree he must have felt like there was some barrier there that he couldn't kind of break through no matter what he did and he wouldn't have understood what that barrier was without this diagnosis and while of course autism doesn't lead to anything like this the kind of behavior that james fairweather does people with autism are actually far more likely to become victims of crimes like this rather than be the perpetrators like killers or attackers but psychologists do believe that his autism aided in his obsession with serial killers now i don't know if hyper fixation is the right word to use i believe that's more of a short term obsession and the one that fairweather had was a bit more long-term but the way that he kind of clung to this interest with serial killers and researched it to the degree that he did we're more than any kind of neurotypical true crime fan would they also think that fair weather's autism had an influence on the type of injuries that he inflicted on his victims so the repeated kind of stabbing of the eyeballs that signature thing that his kills had repetition is a common thing among people with autism and the fact that he went out of his way to do that to both victims psychologists think that was probably due to his autism but also a lot of people think that that was james fairweather trying to have his serial killer characteristic you know like the stockwell strangler strangled his victims ed gein skinned his victims you know serial killers a lot of them like to have a thing and a lot of people think this was fair weather's attempt of having a thing so that was one thing that they weren't expecting his autism diagnosis in all of these psychiatric assessments doctors appointments things like that they were specifically looking for mental illness but they just found that along the way as for his mental illness diagnosis jim's fair weather was found to be suffering with psychosis this means that he suffered with delusions paranoia and that coupled with the undiagnosed autism psychologists believe that that's a pretty dangerous combination considering he never received the proper support for either one of these things so with this diagnosis his mental illness diagnosis of psychosis his defense team tried to say that he was in a completely uncontrollable frenzy when both of these murders took place he was in a psychotic episode they said that he couldn't help his actions he wasn't in control of his actions and it was just a result of what was going on in his head but the prosecution weren't taking that excuse so easily the physical evidence just doesn't support the fact that this was a frenzied uncontrollable attack the fact that they were just so drawn out and prolonged especially jim atfield's murder nahi dalmanaya's not so much but still quite a prolonged and dragged out murder the fact that some of the stab wounds were super deep and then a lot of the others were just lacerations like slash wounds shows that there is some degree of control there he is holding himself back and only doing these superficial ones if he was in an uncontrollable frenzy and essentially blacked out then you could expect the injuries to be all in one place all super deep because he's not in control of his body it's all of this energy just being expelled all at once it probably wouldn't manifest in a lot of deep stab wounds and then a couple of light lacerations here and then more deep stab wounds and then a laceration here that's not how the body would have worked he would have just kept going and going and going at the same pace at the same strength a lot of care was taken throughout his attacks to make sure that all these different little things were done you know it's likely that he wanted to just experience inflicting pain on a person and that's why he was doing all these different things on different parts of the body not only that but care was taken after the murder as well to make sure that all of the clothes that he was wearing were dispersed of the murder weapon was dispersed of and at that point he would be out of this uncontrollable rage frenzy blackout moment and you know it just shows that there's premeditation and effort to cover up what he's done in order to be able to commit a similar attack again one day so the prosecution brought some people in to assess the likelihood that the voices in james fairweather's head were authentic and i say it like this because a lot of them did not think that it was genuine a lot of psychiatrists that looked at him said yay does suffer with mental illness and that's very clear that this is not a very mentally stable person but a lot of them didn't believe that he was hearing evil voices in his head that were laughing as he was murdering someone you know it seemed like he'd read it somewhere you know like it seems like something out of a horror movie that he'd watched and he thought oh yeah that's that's a good idea to pretend that i have that some professionals believe that these voices in fairweather's head were just a defense mechanism for him to be able to distance himself from his actions from the murders it wasn't his fault it was the voice's fault but the kicker piece of evidence for the prosecution to be able to say that the voices in james fairweather's head were not real was that on a search of his computer history his search history they actually found a bunch of searches things like the difference between murder and manslaughter and how to get off a murder charge with an insanity plea so before he's even been caught he's trying to find ways to get a lesser sentence he's trying to come across as insane to get the insanity plea that's possibly where he picked up the voices in his head idea because he dread that that kind of thing can get you off on a murder charge like i said he particularly researched the stockwell strangler who actually managed to get out of a prison sentence and get sent to a psychiatric hospital instead because he had voices in his head so a lot of people think that he was just trying to emulate the stockwell strangler to try and you know get the same results that he did essentially which i think is believable because a lot of different points in this case james fairweather is trying to emulate different killers so for example the stab wounds in the eyeballs peter suckliff did that to at least one of his victims and a lot of people think that's where he got that from at the end of his trial it turned out that the jury agreed with the prosecution they said yes this man is clearly mentally ill this young boy is clearly mentally ill but they thought that he was lying about the way that this mental illness manifested they didn't believe that he had these voices in his head and that this was an uncontrollable frenzied rage where he blacked out they think that he was mentally ill but he was perfectly aware of what he was doing when he planned to go out and murder someone and did it twice through at the end of his trial james fairweather was found guilty of murder not of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility they didn't believe his insanity plea and so he was found guilty of murder he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 27 years although it's very unlikely that james fairweather will ever get out of prison unless they find some improvement in his mental state in his mental illness fair weather clearly displayed this desire to become a serial killer he was trying to emulate all of his favorite ones and he liked the idea of the notoriety and the infamy if his mental state isn't improved by the time he's let out of prison what's to say that he will go back and try and do that again you know if he wants to be a serial killer so bad and he looks up to serial killers then he's just gonna he's just gonna try and do it again if his mental state isn't improved and if he isn't working towards becoming a little bit more mentally stable i suppose but yeah that is all i have on this case thank you so so much for watching this if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below because that really helps me out thanks again to grand hotel mania for sponsoring this video i'm gonna go and play the game now and you should too if you want to download it you can click the link down below in the description there's a qr code on the screen for you to scan if you have your phone at the ready huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below because that really helps me out subscribe if you want to see some more from me montreal crown videos subscribe to this one if you want to see my second channel and video should be going up on there in the next week i don't know um and if you want to see another true crime video you can click this playlist right here bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,779,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, storytime, dateline, colchester, colchester murders, colchester stabbings, stabbings, murders, essex, uk, england, english, eyeball killer, james fairweather, schoolboy, schoolboy serial killer, english eyeball killer, true crime daily, 2021, 2014, fairweather, james, jim attfield, nahid almanea, interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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