The Tragic case of Kevin Bacon | CANNIBAL killer

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what is up you guys and welcome back to my channel finally i know i've only missed two videos but it feels like an absolute eternity for me i've been going absolutely crazy um for those of you that are not aware didn't watch my last video i'm in the process of very unexpectedly and chaotically moving um it was totally out of the blue and so that's been a process and i was kind of pushed to move into essentially a tiny home and i'm in the corner of said tiny home this is my temporary setup because i'm building an entirely new building to film in it's going to be a separate office from the home that i'm living in i'm very excited about it but it's just me and one other person building it from the ground up and i have lots of experience flipping houses with my dad my dad was a contractor like i've got a decent amount of knowledge but it's definitely been an experience but i can't wait to actually be in there and for you guys to see it um and kind of have my own little space for work um but that being said this is why i've been gone this little bit of time and i'm still in the process of building that building so this is where i am for the next couple of weeks um so now on to today's video i really felt compelled to talk about this particular subject today because of the last crime after crime episode and if you're not aware crime after crime is the podcast that i host co-host with john lorden and we our last topic of the podcast was uh worst dates like criminal dates and it spiraled me down the scary statistics and information about the dangers of online dating uh particularly the use of dating apps because the story that i told in that crime after crime episode which i highly suggest you guys listen to is about a man that conned women through these dating apps out of thousands and thousands of dollars for over a decade and they had a really hard time capturing this man and figuring out what happened and connecting all the pieces and connecting all the victims because unfortunately when you're dating online or you're using dating apps you don't always absolutely know who you're talking to and you can be on one side of the country or the other side of the world and it makes things much more difficult and if you're not aware there's little to no legislation when it comes to requirements and things set for these apps and basically it ends up becoming a breeding ground for pedophiles sex offenders killers it's a disaster and there's currently an investigation happening through the congress i don't know what stages it's at now because it started right before quarantine happened but it was looking into the dangers of dating apps and specific they're looking into the fact that registered sex offenders can just casually be on these apps most of these dating apps do not screen anybody they do not make sure these sex offenders are not on there they also don't make sure there's no miners using these apps these miners can easily bypass the tiny walls built for them to not get on just how like when myspace became a thing and you had to fake the year of your birth it was literally that easy to get on to myspace um and it's the same kind of situation here i think that's really pissed me off to no end is that there's even some apps that make you pay extra to have the people you're matched with or the people that you see not be sex offenders it's like oh if you don't want to talk to a sex offender you're going to have to pay for that some of these dating apps sell private information about their users there are even some companies that very openly push against new legislation that would force them to do things like check for sex offenders and keep minors off of their apps and it makes it even worse because a lot of the victims because this is such a sensitive and personal nature don't come forward they don't feel com they don't feel comfortable coming forward and reporting any of these crimes studies have shown that in the past five years alone sexual assault has increased 450 percent and its sole contributor is dating apps unfortunately today we are going to be speaking about the murder of 25 year old kevin bacon who was lured in by a man on grindr and it is a devastating story but it's one of those that really shows that this can happen to absolutely anyone on the one off chance that they decide to do something like this um so i figured it would be a great story to talk about now i personally am also a few episodes into the series deadly dates on magellan tv who is also today's sponsor and deadly dates shh it shocked me to my absolute core at the situations that happen and how different they can be for those of you that do not know what magellan tv is it is a documentary streaming service for those of you that are documentary obsessed just like i am it's founded by filmmakers producers and curators to bring premium documentary movies series and exclusives straight to you guys in a wide variety of subjects such as earth science nature obviously my favorite crime and mystery new programs are added weekly and it is all streamed interruption free and even some of the programs you can stream at 4k for no additional cost you can watch anytime anywhere and it's compatible with things like roku amazon fire tv google play from your phone you can stream it from your phone to your tv anything you name it i found the deadly date series again while doing research for the crime after crime podcast and i feel like everyone needs to see at least one of these episodes the first episode in particular was devastating because it was a very smart young woman she actually spoke to this man online for over a year before she was murdered and the entire show just really gives you an idea of how these predators use these apps to lure learn victims and in turn ends up providing you with a ton of knowledge on how to protect yourself and keep yourself out of situations like this if you are someone that uses these apps if you would like to watch deadly dates and dive into the never-ending documentaries that magellan tv provides all you have to do is go to forward slash danielle howland and you will get a one month free membership trial thank you again to magellantv for sponsoring today's video and now on to the rest of the case so you get the gist of this point online dating using dating apps is very very dangerous and unfortunately kevin bacon became a victim of exactly that kevin was such a special human being he was spunky he was the kind of person that always had a smile on his face they described him as joyful that was just like the perfect adjective when you were talking about kevin there was never a time when he wasn't willing to help a friend all the friends that he did have they were so close tight-knit group that lasted forever i believe the roommate that he had before his murder he had known since fourth grade um he grew up in schwartz creek michigan his entire life and it is a small close-knit community as well he lived a happy life he was close to his family um you know loved his friends everything was great he was also very creative from a young age and he was really drawn to hair by the age of 12 if you had long enough hair to braid he was going to braid it period kevin was a was a kind-hearted person who who enjoyed his work his life his work he was a very good hair stylist he had a natural talent for it um he he was a very joyful person very sociable person and everybody who knew him enjoyed being around him the parents of 25 year old kevin bacon remembering the joy their son found in showing off his passion for hair bacon had been working as a hair stylist for close to six years his parents tell us and it's a dream that began at a young age he would try to french braid his mom's hair and and other other family members there he thought about going to hair school and starting early on in high school bacon was near the top of the 2013 graduating class at swartz creek high school and a member of the band but now his parents are left with an emptiness but like many other adults his age aside from his career he had a social life he wanted to look for a partner and have fun and according to his friends he spent a decent amount of time doing this on grindr um unfortunately on christmas eve 2019 this is a very recent case he met the wrong person through grindr at around 5 15 pm on christmas eve kevin headed out of his home with the intentions of meeting a man that he had just spoken to for the first time that day on grindr and he was very excited about this i'm assuming he'd done it just a handful of times before where he'd met up with people he had never seen or really spoken to before um and he was very excited this particular circumstance and was texting his roommate saying oh this guy said you know he's bringing a couple other men over and we're all going to hang out it's going to be a great time he was really excited about this and he said you know i'm not going to be home until way later so if my mom calls just tell her that i'm sleeping um and you know i guess his roommate didn't expect him to be home really that night around an hour later at 6 20 p.m all contact from kevin entirely stopped now again this was not alarming kevin said he was going to be back late kevin was out meeting people for the first time it's not that surprising that he didn't have his phone glued to his hands but by the next morning everyone that knew kevin that knew how responsible he was how much he loved his family how much he loved to celebrate christmas with them you know he didn't show up for christmas breakfast and they were all like oh no something's absolutely wrong now i'm assuming his family spoke to his roommate to figure out what was going on and the second that they heard that he was last known to be with someone he had just met that day on a dating app they decided to go ahead and report him as a missing person and i cannot imagine obviously it's terrible to ever have to report your child is missing but on christmas day i can't imagine what that felt like um so there was a big search for kevin they tried contacting everyone they could they were trying to figure out more information about who this man was but unfortunately kevin didn't really divulge any information about this man where exactly he was going how many people were going to be there he was very very vague about it but this also gave his parents and authorities not really much to work with within that same day something that really turned everyone's stomach was found kevin's car was abandoned near seymour and miller road in schwartz creek and his phone was inside the car his wallet there was a bag of clothes but the only thing missing was the key to the car and there were no other signs around the car or the area you know of kevin i don't know if there was any sign of a struggle i'm assuming there wasn't um but this was devastating because kevin wouldn't just leave his car on the side of the road he definitely wasn't going to leave his phone behind so no one was really sure what exactly this meant just that it had to mean something bad happened to him kevin's family decided to organize a group search where they searched all around where kevin's car was found and other places in schwartz creek while the family also worked with authorities attempting to get grinder to hand over any information because at this point they're thinking okay the easiest way to solve this is figure out who kevin was talking to who is this man that he was going to meet what is this man's address we'll go there and talk to him since he's the last person kevin was thought to have been with but grinder not shockingly at all didn't want to hand over any information the 28th of december so just a few days after kevin disappeared they showed up at the home of 50 year old mark david latunsky and he lived and i think it's morris michigan is it maurice michigan i don't know if i'm pronouncing that right but he lived right off tyrell road and they basically were doing a welfare check to make sure that kevin was there and he was okay and when they got there they definitely found kevin but he was not alive and the circumstances in which they found him and what mark told them is disturbing so kevin was hanging from the rafters of mark's home he had been bound by his ankles and that is how he was attached to the rafters hanging upside down he clearly had his throat slashed he had been stabbed in the back and it appeared as if his genitals had been mutilated in one way or another now mark from what i have seen and there's not a whole lot of information on this it seems like he just openly said oh yeah i definitely killed kevin i was the one who killed him he started to give over even more horrific information he not only stabbed kevin in the back and slashed his throat but he was the one who mutilated kevin's genitals he not only mutilated them either he then ate them so a date gone wrong turned into a terrifying cannibalistic murder that sounded like something from a horror movie like these things don't happen in real life could you imagine you know you think maybe your son just got carried away by being with someone for a couple of days and instead he's found hanging upside down he's you know been eaten and killed it's just it really is it's something out of a horror movie mark was arrested and the entire town and kevin's family were just knocked off of their feet first of all mark had grown up in this town for his entire life he went to school here he knew people here um you know he was working there and every single person was so disturbed that something so heinous happened right under their nose with a lifetime resident horse ain't that big a town you blink you'll miss it it's the kind of town you either grow up in or settle down in to stay out of the wind we're all just farmers and deer hunters i moved from from atlanta and thinking i was going to get away from the crowds and and you know all this kind of stuff but here yeah i guess you never know where your neighbors are and his family is obviously having to cope with the fact that their son met someone for the first time and this person did something this horrific to him so it was just a lot to deal with mark was charged with murder and mutilation of a body but his trial was put at a standstill pretty much as soon as it started so i believe this happened in early january when mark was arraigned via video chat and the judge tried to confirm his identity that's like a typical process you know you're like are you so so and so um and mark said that he was not mark latunsky that he was actually a man named edgar thomas hill and mark latunsky was his nephew so you can imagine everyone's like okay wait a minute you know you are the same this caused chaos some people questioned if this man was even the same person that was at the home or that kevin met with i'm pretty sure investigators had to you know reassure the family and the public you know this is the same man that we arrested that day this is the man from this home this is in fact mark lotunski but the thing that kind of explained all this that happened after this initial shock period um was his public defender doug corwin so doug corman stated that they were going to seek insanity and what mark just said was essentially the reason why doug corbin stated that mark was living in a false reality or some sort of delusion and he genuinely believed he was a man named edgar hill and he was a descendant from some royal family in wales so obviously he was struggling with his mental health and he had a history of being committed to these different mental health hospitals i believe at least four times he clearly had something going on that needed to be treated needed to be diagnosed needed to be dealt with so the judge decided to order a competency test for mark and he was sent to the center for forensic psychiatry anybody that you have a question about their mental capacity whether they understand the nature of the charges against them or if they even if they don't understand what they did at the time of the offense you send them down there to get checked out by professionals those professionals in our state are at the center for forensic psychiatry in washtenaw county criminal defense attorney nicholas robinson tells me from there two things can happen you can be found competent and the trial continues like normal or be found incompetent to stand trial then they will hold you for a period of time approximately a year and after they feel that you are now competent after they have rehabilitated you so to say then the case can proceed keep in mind robinson says the center isn't a place where you can come and go as you please you're held there for as long as necessary but what if the doctors find the accused killer insane at the time of the crime there's two more options if you are found guilty but mentally ill you still go to prison the judge still sentences you and in that situation you are basically given extra mental health help at the hospital the other outcome if you are found not guilty by reason of insanity in that situation you are sent to the center for forensic psychiatry to get treatment and to get help you are held there for as long as they deem necessary and then what happens to do you go to prison after that that's right then you go to prison on february 24th 2020 the center of forensic psychiatry announced that mark in fact was not competent at all to stand trial and this put trial on a standstill even more but likely it will never happen so from what i understand the process at this point is that mark is going to and be in jail he is going to be waiting for a bed in this treatment center i am not sure if he's already gone to the treatment center yet this was again in february um i believe he's there at this point i know they were very very backed up but i'm not sure if anything changed once quarantine happened uh but basically this started a 15 month timer so he has 15 months to go through treatment they you know can diagnose what's going on see if they can figure out a good treatment plant and they are going to continuously do tests to see if he is ever at a point where he is competent enough to stand trial now from what i am hearing i do not think that's going to happen i do not think there is going to be a point in time where he is found to be competent in trial and if that is the case they are instead after the 15 months has passed going to take him to probate court and they will figure out then his permanent treatment after this because he is a danger to society he has killed someone and then i've got a couple of other stories i'm going to tell you about in a minute but basically he will just be put in a permanent treatment facility that specializes in high-risk individuals now while all of this is going on and they're trying to even figure out what exactly to do with mark lutonski who thinks he's an entirely different person and may not have even realized what he was doing kevin's parents have directly and very openly stated their anger towards dating apps they've pointed out how grinder being uncooperative in the initial investigation delayed them from finding kevin just think of it this way if he had been held hostage essentially and tortured for a period of a couple of days which is possible we don't know what happened it's possible if grindr had contacted the family contacted the authorities given them the information they needed within those 24 hours when they first realized that kevin was missing there's a huge chance that authorities may have stopped this from happening if he was again being held and tortured and considering the fact that he was mutilated and things like that i think there's a huge possibility that that did happen they've also started a conversation and i spoke about this briefly earlier about the lack of legislation and laws that control these apps there are no laws pretty much at all holding these apps accountable for anything there are just enough loopholes that the small laws that do exist can easily be you know bypassed and there are no laws that i know of requiring these apps to help law enforcement in situations like this because again they say the fourth amendment people's privacy we can't do anything and the crappy thing about this as well and all i could think about was the fact that this extends way past dating apps there are so many apps nowadays things like whatsapp snapchat signal all these different things all these different apps that you know are encoded and you can delete things immediately and they're considered private conversations and they're bound by barely any laws as well and i've even spoken a few times in particular about whatsapp and i know there's a few other true crime youtubers have spoken about whatsapp and how you know these young children that go missing or are groomed you know parents can't get any information authorities can't get any information from these companies because they're like oh well i mean yeah but this was a private conversation despite the fact that there is a missing person an active investigation they still say they will not hand over pretty much anything and then half the time unknown the cases that i've covered at least a year has passed before they're willing to give up anything and at that point they don't really give anything up they're like oh yeah well now that we've agreed to it all the information's lost forever it just makes me think about the fact that authorities and families are contacting these companies relentlessly asking for a name or a message that could prove a murder solve a murder find a missing person and the fact that these companies can just say oh yeah but um we're not gonna help you wash their hands of it and then they sleep at night how so because of all of this kevin's family continues to push for legislation when it comes to controlling these apps and holding these apps accountable and they've also tried to give as many tips as they can to those that want to continue using these apps because there can be safer ways to do it i'm not here saying don't go on dating apps never talk to anyone ever again i'm not saying anything like that i just think that there needs to be a better balance and i think most people can probably agree with that kevin's family has stated that the largest obstacle in the entirety of the investigation was grinder and basically because these companies don't seem to care for you make sure that you care about yourself the biggest tip that his family has given out is that they have encouraged people to give over information about where you're going who you're talking to to someone close to you that does not mean divulge all of your personal information there are still things i think people should keep you know private and it can be private for you but when you are putting yourself in a situation where you're meeting someone that you've never really spoken to face to face before you don't know who they are what their background is um make sure there's someone that cares about you that knows your routines and you know all of that make sure they know where you're gonna be the person that you're meeting with absolutely do not go to someone's house meet in a public area and i know i know it's like a heat of the moment thing and you want to have fun you you we and our instincts are to trust people but unfortunately uh the way that these apps are heading it's just they're just riddled with these criminals and it's becoming way too dangerous to simply trust everyone that you meet on there whether they seem like the nicest person in the world or not grindr has since offered their condolences for what happened to kevin and they have stated that they do work with law enforcement but again that user's privacy is of a lot of importance to them which i get but i feel like there needs to be a line and i do not think that these companies should be the ones that are cherry picking where that line is in different circumstances when families and authorities are desperately searching for a loved one and the scary thing as well about this particular case is that there are a couple of instances where i feel like mark should have been arrested before um and authorities have stated they have really had their hands tied in these situations i'll let you guys tell me what you think down below but this came to the public's attention in june that this was not the first time that there were issues with mark and it wasn't just small issues it was pretty large red flags in my opinion there were two times in october and november those are the two times um so the two months just before kevin's murder where men had called 9-1-1 on mark after escaping from his home now both likely didn't press charges and really kept things secret to authorities because they wanted to keep their private sexual life private which again i understand but unfortunately this led to what happened to kevin on october 10th 2019 just months prior to kevin's murder a man named james carlson called 9-1-1 and he said two different versions of the story again the first one was probably a more protected version because he wanted to keep his privacy [Music] okay name one where's your emergency um this is going to sound insane um i'm here in detroit i'm from new york and i met this guy at the bus station who wants to give you guys and i'm not even sure where i am but i broke out of this [ __ ] basement okay i'm gonna get you help are you walking down the street right now yes ma'am i am i'm passing upon it's all right here you're passing why a barn i don't know what street i'm on can you turn around okay it looks like i can what's your name i can't believe i don't know where i am i don't i don't know like i've never ever had anything like this happen i don't either he drugged me i don't know i woke up in the [ __ ] basement okay shined in a basement with a leather thing on hand on my ankle and i cut it with the bucky knife that i have in my freaking hand excuse my drench okay do you have anything on you right now are you carrying anything uh but you're nice until i see a police officer when i say police officer i will throw it until then i don't trust that he's not walking up because i got lost and i don't even know if i'm headed towards his house or not that's why i'm gathering 35 13. send that to me as well okay i just want to get out of here and i want to go home i don't even care about the legal case i was here for i'm sorry i can't help them i'm gonna go home okay all right listen i've got help on the way what were you here for uh i'm a volunteer co-advocate i came here to help on the csc meeting and i was supposed to meet him at the bus station i met this guy i'm bi he was cute he hit on me i don't know we went out to the car we dropped uh we went to the store i had a soda i woke up in a basement okay okay obviously drugged me okay when i get a trooper close to you i'm gonna need you to put that butcher knife down though oh that's not an issue sweetie it will go into the woods okay your officer is in no danger you don't need to throw it in the woods but but i just don't want it on you is there anything else on you at all just um i don't even know if i have my cigarettes okay i don't have a bag or anything else what james told the dispatcher is that he was from new york and he was in michigan for work and when he got to the bus station there was a man there that was flirting with him and asked him out for a drink and this man was mark latunsky he said that after you know meeting this man he all of a sudden woke up in the basement of a home chained up now he can't remember he said he couldn't remember if he was drugged or what exactly happened but he said that he managed to escape these chains and run from the home and call 9-1-1 now if i were to hear that story i'd be like what on you like what on earth um but he said that he didn't want to press charges that he was completely fine he was just lost running around the streets in the middle of the night and michigan and he just wanted authorities to come and pick him up and take him to something like a gas station or the bus station so he could figure out you know what he was gonna do get to you know a safe spot so authorities did just that they picked him up they dropped him off at a gas station i know that they did question him for a little bit probably making sure like are you sure you're okay like is that really all that happened do you want to press charges but he said no and they left him at this gas station and that was that now the second occurrence was on november 25th 2019. an unnamed man called into 9-1-1 very out of breath and upset he claimed that he was trying to run away from a creepy man who had tied him up in his basement so we're kind of hearing the same story again michael parks found out a lot about his neighbor michael latunsky back in november when a man running from his house showed up at his front door about four in the afternoon a kid showed up pounding on my door screaming hysterically making a lot of noise he had a rag over his mouth where he was bleeding from his face and he had the phone to his ear and my dog started barking and i ran to the door and i'm like what's the matter what's the matter because he was just screaming hysterically help me help me help me he says the 29 year old was wearing nothing but a leather kilt a gentleman pulls into my driveway and gets out of the truck and he's wearing the same type of get up that this kid is wearing which is a leather skirt and these leather belts and and no shoes no shirt and it's really cold out and very strange that was his first run in with his neighbor accused of killing and mutilating the body of 25 year old kevin bacon witnesses saw this man running away from mark's home dressed in nothing but a leather kilt with blood all over his face when authorities finally reached this man they're again like this is the second man that's run from mark latunsky's home after being locked in a basement um you know they're clearly scared for their lives uh but this man did the same thing that james did and said oh no no he i was just i just you know i was running and he was upset because his kilt was really expensive and um nothing illegal happened everything was consensual everything's fine don't worry about it and he didn't press any charges either now that the news of kevin came out james the first 911 phone caller finally i believe more than likely felt safe enough to come forward now james was now telling authorities more of what actually happened so james said that he met this man named jamie online and this man named jamie claimed to be mark lutunsky's husband and he said that they met online had a few conversations and they decided that he was going to take a bus from his home in new york to michigan for some consensual bdsm now when james arrived in michigan for this planned arrangement he was instead not picked up by jamie but picked up by mark latunsky now i'm assuming he knew mark whitney's husband and he probably felt safe so he got in the car and they drove home and he said he fell asleep in the car on the way to mark's house and when he got there mark was like oh just to let you know jamie doesn't live here anymore we're not together anymore whatever now that probably threw up a few red flags for james mark brought out all sorts of things like chains leather straps locks like you know it's bdsm and i think james realized once he was locked up in the basement and mark looked at him in his face and said you're not going anywhere and left him that okay wait a minute this isn't what bdsm is this is crossing a line of endangerment and like safety issues and um that is not what bdsm is about i know it can seem to be portrayed that way but it's it's not so he panicked and he said that there was a butcher's knife that he was able to cut himself out with which authorities have stated they don't know where this butcher's knife came from i it makes me worried because i feel like mark had it down there and i'm wondering if james almost was another victim but he said he waited until he thought mark was asleep and then he cut himself out he had to go and find his phone in the house so his phone had been taken from him and uh he then left the house running calling 9-1-1 now he said that he spoke to the police he said nothing was wrong and then he went to the bus station to try to go back home this is how terrified he had just been he tried to go back on a bus to go all the way from michigan back to new york the same exact day just hours later disturbing a new twist tonight in the case of an accused cannibal killer another man coming forward saying he also was a victim a victim of mark latunsky at his shiawassee county home 7 action news reporter jennifer ann wilson with what's in this new lawsuit that reads like a scene right out of a horror movie police have said that the suspect met kevin bacon through a dating app and now we're learning that other men may have been tricked with the promise of a romantic encounter it turned out to be anybody's worst nightmare something out of like texas chainsaw massacre alleged cannibal and killer 50-year-old mark latunsky has a master's degree for children and lived in a beautiful home from outward appearances he was a professional professional man which is all the more scary this is like all the serial killer you know bundy dahmer in late december police found 25-year-old kevin bacon in latunsky's basement deceased with body parts missing police say lutonski admitted to eating him he had cut off his testicles and eaten them so i mean this it could have been my client it could have been mr carlson very easily and i think it would have been attorney john marco says his client james carlson was held captive in that very same basement just two months before he was tied up in the basement left there in the basement a lawsuit recently filed says when latunsky had seemingly fallen asleep carlson used a butcher's knife to cut himself out of the leather straps used to tie him down and escaped it was like escaping out of a horror movie and called the police and tried to escape town carlson had traveled to michigan from new york in hopes of a romantic encounter but now he's suing his alleged captor my client is still really i mean this isn't something that like you get over um being tied up in a serial killer's basement latunsky has been found incompetent to stand trial in the case of the murder and mutilation of kevin bacon james carlson never pressed charges but we don't know but we do know that what happened to mr carlson was wrong and we do know that he deserves some type of justice now clearly there's a pattern here where mark lures in these men under this idea of bdsm and that gets them in an even more vulnerable position possibly tied up chained up locked up and then after that he totally lives out his killer crazy fantasies and that's a very very scary situation and i think those two men are very lucky that they managed to get away and i feel absolutely devastated that kevin ended up becoming a victim that was killed now because of all of this authorities think there is a huge chance that mark has way more victims out there that just have not come forward again like i was speaking the beginning of the video because of the sensitive nature of all of this i know that there are no other circumstances where a 9-1-1 phone call has been called in complaining about running for mark lotunski's home um but there are other chances that there are other victims like kevin that did not survive that he potentially got rid of i know that the home has since sold and i'm assuming authorities checked everything that they could and i don't know if they found any other evidence i also know that jeffrey starr whether you love him or hate him i'm not stating any personal opinion here at all but he did donate twenty thousand dollars when all this happened to the families go fund me um to be able to hold a funeral for kevin because they i think were struggling with the money to do that he didn't have any insurance through work i believe and it was a really big deal so they're very thankful for that and all the other people that ended up donating and the family has stated that whatever money is left over uh will hopefully in the future go towards a scholarship in kevin's name which i think is the most perfect thing to do for him he loved school he loved hair that could be a cosmetology scholarship for someone to jumpstart their career which would only take them like a year to do entire situation is just heartbreaking and pisses me off so bad when it comes to these dating apps and i know that this situation may not have been solved per se if these dating apps you know did the few things that i've spoken about i know this may not have been prevented by those things but there are other ways that i think we need to be self-aware when it comes to protecting ourselves and i do think that this does show there's so many things that could potentially be done to help other people maybe not this exact situation but still it sheds light on a very nasty dark side of the internet and then just knowing how scary and dangerous it can be and then that paired with the fact that these companies don't have to answer to law enforcement half the time because of these bs loose laws i don't understand why more people don't see how bad this is going to be and you know 450 percent increase in five years you guys like it's going to just continue from there and that scares the crap out of me and all i can think of too is a lot of people are still quarantined and people can't go out to bars and meet people face to face even though sometimes yeah that's not safer but um i feel like it's really pushing more people towards these apps right now so i really wanted to get this out there with that being said i'm gonna go ahead and go you guys thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to listen to kevin's story i'm hoping this temporary setup works well for everyone me and my little jungle that i have going on and the funniest thing about this is there's probably 40 more plants on the other side of this that you can't see so thank you guys so much thank you for being so patient with me while i move and basically completely flipped my life upside down the past couple of weeks and for the next couple of months i appreciate your patience i appreciate how much you guys support me those of you that follow me on social media and you know more in depth about what exactly is going on um i just want to thank you for the kind messages that you've been sending me and the encouraging words y'all have just been absolutely awesome and i am so i'm gonna cry dang why do i do this to myself um i'm so just thankful to have you guys because a lot of this would not have been possible without you guys supporting me and supporting my channel and i'm lucky to have you because you guys without even knowing it gave me an option out when i thought i was gonna end up homeless so thank you and just know that i'm appreciative i love each and every one of you so much and now that i've like randomly made myself cry at the end of my video i'm gonna go ahead and stop right there thank you guys so much as always if you haven't already subscribed go ahead and hit that subscribe button to become a part of the helen fam so hopefully we can bring them home together and i will see you guys in my next video which will be next week thank goodness so happy to be back i love you guys bye [Music] you
Channel: Danelle Hallan
Views: 359,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grindr, cannibal, Danelle hallan, true crime, podcast, mark latunski, Kevin bacon, michigan, solved, unsolved, mystery
Id: ddQOpS-oTt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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