The Goodness Of God - Kevin Zadai

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torch ho the light in his exclusive two cd set kevin will share how you can hear god's voice for yourself and praise impartation prayers over you so that your heart will be open to receiving all that god has for you order this exclusive offer today and you will also receive dr kevin zadai soaking cd awakening this soaking cd will help to create an atmosphere for you to enjoy the presence of god as you learn to hear his voice to order call 1-888-340-1460 with offer code 1001 or go online to order today kevin's brand new study guide and exclusive 2cd set you can hear god's voice and his soaking cd awakening for a donation of 29 don't miss out on this special offer [Music] many people have learned to be generous givers but more than ever god is calling you to become a good receiver as a special thanks to our dedicated warrior notes partners kevin would like to share this first ever partner-only offer the revelation in dr kevin's adi's newest books receiving from heaven and you can hear god's voice we'll build on each other to position you to receive from the heavenly realm god is a spirit and he wants to take what is from his realm and give it to you you were made to hear god's voice in these two books dr kevin zadai will reveal heaven's reward system whereby god rewards you as you diligently seek him and supplies all of your needs according to his riches learn how to walk in your authority as a believer as you partner with god to fulfill every page of your heavenly book order this exclusive partner-only offer and you will also receive kevin's brand new ultrafire cd this cd will create an atmosphere of holy fire in your home where you can encounter the heavenly sapphire order today kevin's brand new books receiving from heaven and you can hear god's voice along with his soaking cd ultrafire for a donation of 35 u.s shipping included to order call 888-340-1460 with offer code 1004 or go online to offer god is not limiting you he wants to partner with you and cause you to walk in the power of the holy spirit on the earth continually receiving from heaven [Applause] are you ready god is building his kingdom i am too and uh i have a couple of things i want to read to you that the spirit of the lord woke me up this morning some things that really fed me so if you would turn with me to hebrews and we'll get in we'll get into what we're talking about today but i went to hebrews chapter 2. um i was uh warned this morning of some other another trend that's going to happen in the body of christ and so i have to since i don't i'm not afraid of anybody i don't really care about what people think i'm gonna i'm gonna have to warn everyone all over the world as you're watching you know on the on the video and also here that the lord warned me that another deception has has been brewing but now he said i want you to come at this thing with full force and what it is is that we have been beaten down by religion for so long that we don't feel we're worthy and we feel rejected and we don't seem to mature from children to adults et cetera et cetera so you know this weekend we've been talking a lot about how we have to readjust ourselves so that we become what god has already done for us it has he's already had us become this through jesus christ but because of religion it keeps us out we're always not good enough so what happens is this happens all the time we go to the we swing to the other way and then we get into extreme grace and now you can do anything because god loves you and you're accepted and uh there's there's a balance between these two and there's only a few people i know that'll actually stand up against certain things so like i said i don't really care about what people think i care about what god thinks and this deception that you know you're never going to encounter the fullness of god's grace you're never going to plumb the depth of it you know you're never going to exhaust it you know as far as god's concerned he's going to continually love you and give you mercy and grace if you ask for it but if you assume you can go to the place where you'll find yourself in trouble and uh i don't believe anybody in this room is is in this position for the most part anyway there might be a couple of people in here that that might need to hear this but i'm doing this for the benefit of everyone so that from now on as you start to see this happen in fullness i want you to stand up against it okay because you have to remember something the book of hebrews like i told you is a very supernatural book and there's some things in there that are neglected in fact no one even knows they're in there because when we get to these parts we skip over them because we don't think they apply to us but as you know if you've if you've ever been in an emergency everything that that people are trained for in an emergency we don't have emergencies every day but when it happens every now and then it's it's nice when someone kicks in and and does what their you know does their training and saves you it saves your life and even though these things don't always happen professionals are trained that if something does happen they do the right thing for you protect you and this is what the this is what this scripture i'm going to read to you does it's going to become very evident now remember that the book of hebrews is written to believers and it says here therefore we must pay much attent closer attention to what we have heard okay lest we drift away from it so we can drift away come on now don't play dumb for since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable and every transgression or disobedience received a just rest retribution how shall we escape if we neglect if we neglect such a great salvation it was declared at first by the lord and it was attested to us by those who heard while god also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the holy spirit distributed according to his will okay so then the author here goes into the fact that it wasn't to angels that god subjected the world to come in other words he didn't make the earth and then put angels on it he made the earth for us and he uh the author quotes psalms 8 here what is man that thou art mindful of him the son of man that you care for him you made him a little lower than the angels you crowned him with glory and honor putting everything subject under his feet okay so it's man it's man but the word angel there is elohim so it's actually he made him a little lower than god moving on now in putting everything under in subject him he left nothing outside of his control at present though we do not see this why because we fell but then he goes on to say that jesus was made a little lower than the the angels or elohim namely jesus crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death so that the grace of god might be he might taste death for everyone for it was fitting that he for whom and by whom all things exist and bringing many sons to glory should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering for he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all one source that is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers that's you guys that's all of us i will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation i will sing your praise okay i wanted to read more but for time's sake i'm i'm going to uh skip to chapter four i mentioned this last night and the spirit woke me up this morning and said you know you needed to go back and do chapter two and then say this again because from now on from right now from now on the battle lines have been drawn and if you really want your country back you're going to have to be able to manage it so if god answers your prayers he gives you your country back then then that means you're you're the one that's on duty and we can never let this happen again what does this happen so chapter 4 says therefore while the promise of entering into his rest stands let us fear oh my gosh can you believe that let us fear let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it for good news came to us just as them but the message they heard did not benefit them did the message you heard this weekend benefit you okay good because because they were not united by faith with those who listened for we have believed who have believed have entered into the rest have said as i swore my wrath they shall not enter my rest although his works are finished from the foundation of the world for he has somewhere spoken of the seventh day and god rested on the seventh day from all his works and again in this passage he said thou shalt not enter my rest therefore since it remains for some to enter it and those who formally received the good news failed to enter it because of their disobedience say disobedience okay what did jesus say if you love me you obey that's the opposite of disobey in case somebody's having trouble today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts okay so so you can hear his voice and it could be softened but some hear his voice and are hardened i see it all the time usually your face doesn't lie so then there remains a sabbath rest for the people of god for whoever has entered god's rest has also rested from his works as god did from his so then it's he says something it's kind of like a it's kind of conflicting it sounds like at first but but hear me out in verse 11 says let us therefore strive to enter that rest so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience so you're you're to work but you're not to work you're supposed to rest in in the promises and you're supposed to rest in the land the promised land but do everything you can i mean strive strive to enter in but then once you enter in rest do you get it okay can you stick with me a little more because what happens next is one of the most profound verses in the scripture right in the same breath i mean author doesn't even take a breath i wasn't there but i'm sure he let us therefore strive to enter into the rest that no one may may fall by the same sort of disobedience and then he says as for the word of god is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and spirit joints of marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart and no creature is hidden from his sight but we are all naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account we must give an account we must give it an account we must give an account it still stands all this stuff now what i just spoke to you can save your life if you find yourself on the fence and the devil starts to draw you further away to where you're you're drawn away by your own desires and you get addicted and then you leave the lord and jesus calls our name and people disappear and you're still standing there you wouldn't want that it's not good and it's not just a movie it's it's the reality of it there is an appearing of the lord there is a time when god will send jesus back and there's a lot of things i don't understand so please don't ask me ask perry stone he understands all that stuff i do not i'm not called to do that i'm called to to just build the body up and get them ready for the for the marriage supper of the lamb to get them ready for you know pre pre-post or mid or whatever it is i'm just getting people ready i'm not worried about the things i don't understand i'm i have enough that i do understand that i need to preach on you know and um anyway there'll be a long dvd series so you can just get these other guys that do this stuff if you're interested in all that then you can you can study the bowls of wrath and all that the dragon and the antichrist you know you know there's there's hints about the antichrist there's hints about who this person will be maybe he doesn't even have a birth certificate [Music] i don't know maybe he doesn't even take zinc you know i don't know maybe his youtube videos don't get edited live [Music] by ai but i want to talk to you this morning about the goodness of god because the goodness of god leads people to repentance and i want people to repent why because i want everyone to go to heaven i don't want to be a doom and gloom prophet i want i want to be a person who speaks of the goodness of god so that people are led to repentance and they come in and they don't fail to enter into the rest every everybody in heaven wants everyone to come to heaven and god designed this wonderful salvation for everyone to come in and we've lost our edge but we don't know it but we're coming back now and it's just like when king david got into the kingship finally there was a new sheriff in town so to speak and so things started to change and he went after the giants so he he developed his military and trained the 30 fighting men and then before you know it he had a big army and it changed israel right and israel would go out and win and it became a world power really okay but then the president before him decreased the military and then had a tea party or ordered hot dogs you know at 1am for 65 000. and so change was needed and david had to be be brought forth when david was brought he was a child and he wasn't part of the system he lived out in the country he wasn't integrated into the system so he sat under a tree and played his harp and target practiced all day because one day he was going to defeat the devil so he was ready just doing his thing out in the country picking targets i i saw this he would pick targets while i was sitting and just practice hitting a tree or a bush or whatever i have a feeling that the squirrels today wouldn't know what a slingshot was so anyway when david because of david's frame of mind just like with you you're hidden now but you you're studying you're praying you're you're you're doing the work of the lord in your own way in your own place and you're obscure but you're getting ready you're building yourself up praying in the spirit uh you're you're developing your relationship with god where you can hear his voice and god is using you developing you in the gifts of the spirit so that you can flow in the spirit and you're developing relationships with people that you know like like the guy that the the pilot that's training me for for the jet right now the jet training i i flew with him for 30 years he was a f-16 pilot for 15 and then he was with southwest airlines for 30 years i saw him all the time i didn't know that someday he was going to be training me and then be my pilot someday but he flies down every month and we go through about six hours of training why because i'm getting ready do you have a jet no but i do i can taste it but but i don't have to have a jet to obey god i just have to do what i'm told to do i do it one step at a time i've waited all my life for this but if the lord say drop it i'll drop it oh you know i really i really don't care i'll buy a mountain bike i won't ride it because i heard there's a dangerous you know but anyway anyway there's relationships that you developed that that are forever and i know that that doesn't seem possible these days but god has permanent relationships and so what happened was even with david he had jonathan what was bizarre was jonathan was saul's son right okay so you can see where god used david even when it wasn't evident he was training him and so don't don't ever despise these insignificant days that that you think are insignificant they're not to god but you have relationships you're developing you're you're learning to work with people you're learning how to flow with god you're learning um you know i make i make mistakes in my training i make mistakes every minute but it they start to whittle down to nothing because you become mature you start to settle into what your call is and you start to do things according to to what works but you're in training you're going to make mistakes but god is developing you and you're you're learning how to love him and you're learning how to receive from him his love and as you do you start to build a confidence not not pride but a confidence in your relationship with god and that becomes your ministry your relationship becomes your ministry jesus told me that he said my relationship with my father was my ministry now when have you ever heard that except through through what jesus told me but this is the absolute truth you saw it all the time the father was working through him and i don't think that we're any better that we can just do it on our own so it's interesting that you know he just played with the harp there under the trees and the sheep just bad bad with him you know and they sang along with him or whatever but you know one day that harp kept demons away from the former king of israel no i don't think that our former president is going to ask me to play the flute for him eve but he might need it it might help him but see david was not thinking about ever playing for a king he wasn't thinking about taking out a giant he probably didn't even understand do you get it so you might not understand yourself you might not understand nancy pelosi he might not understand her but see one day all things are made clear i don't know about her but everything else you're going to start to understand what's going on in your life you still won't have read the thousand page health care package but you will understand everything else god will make it clear to you but but until that time comes you just stay faithful with what you can do if you can sow you sow i'm not talking about money i'm talking about a sewing machine whatever you can do you do it now there's certain things i can do now i've done it for years you you know my wife knows this i i got all my ratings as a pilot and then the lord told me to drop it so i've dropped it for probably 25 years but you know what i did i built a little simulator in my office in my house and i flew two or three hours in a layer 45 because the software is exactly like the real thing so i built this little computer thing and i'd fly all the time i'd crash half the time but i flew mostly all the time i flew about half the time i crashed but but after a while i didn't crash anymore so my wife would actually sit with me in my office because she wasn't scared because i got no no but then you know eventually she'll be able to sit with me on a real jet but see the thing it was is i i didn't i didn't have what it would the time and everything that would be needed to do what i'm doing now with with training but i did what i could i i got microsoft flight simulator which is you know not faa approved like the one i have now but i did what i could and i practiced all the training that i had learned and i just went over it i flew from phoenix to seattle and i flew over to hawaii i did i flew real time on this simulator and just i even made my announcements sit down and shut up you know no i i practiced you know i made sure i had enough fuel i did all the things and i just i did that i've done that for 25 years but you wouldn't have known that unless i tell you that but because i'm like david there's some day god's gonna call my name and promote me and i'm gonna get ready for it so even the instructor said men you've been practicing and i go well there's he goes well you can really taxi good i go well yeah i can do that but it's not as easy as you think but i i would just practice these things and he would i would ask him well what are your stu with your students you know what some of the things that they're they're lagging behind he would tell me and so i would go and i would do that over and over and over again i would take off and lose an engine i would take off and have hydraulic problems i'd be up in the air and lose both engines i would do all these things i would go and have thunderstorms where i couldn't land at the airport i was going to so i'd have to go somewhere else i'd have to manage my fuel i'd have to manage everything like that i'd have to manage that the passengers be complaining because we landed the wrong airport no no so anyway david did this and you can do this whatever it is you find yourself in what can you do and it it you know like with me i i developed my learning system when i didn't have a book i didn't have an uh you know anything i wasn't known but i used to develop cards with scriptures on them and develop learning systems with study guides i used to do mccathy we i asked if i could teach a sunday school class because no one would ask me to teach no one would ask me to preach but i'd been to heaven and i'm so i just and no one would no publisher would take me so i just became my own publisher i bought these machines and made my own spiral notebooks and they finally after bothering them they let me do a sunday school class and everybody in the church wanted to go in and we had to close it down because there was too many people everybody was waiting to get into that room and and i didn't understand it i would just get up and teach and then people just they would want me to keep going but church is starting so you know but that's how i did it i just i would print my own study guides i would work 10 15 hours on my days off and um this is this is how god develops you so you don't despise these small begin beginnings you know but god is really good and you just have to keep reminding yourself that he's really good and that in that goodness he has the ability to prepare you for something really big and that's what david david did he he was faithful and when he got to the place where he was playing the harp for the king before he was really uh king you know they they he had a he had this demon problem but the the demon would stay away from him when when david would play so he was anointed and of course samuel had anointed him okay with all this in mind david david did all of this with an anointing on him but no ministry he was just as anointed the day that samuel anointed him and it took uh some scholars saying years like 15 years or so before he became the kingship or whatever um you know ask perry stone he's good he knows all that he's really no i rely on him a lot with a lot of that stuff but um but but uh he he was just as anointed when he took out goliath when he when he had the 30 fighting men all the battles he won he was just as anointed when he was a little kid because samuel was told to anoint him and and this is what's happening in the body of christ right now we're all anointed we're all priests we really are and now we don't need someone to take us in the way has been open for us so it's time to enter in and and acknowledge that god is good okay with that being said in second peter chapter one verse three it says everything we could ever need for life and complete devotion to god has already been deposited in us by his divine power by his divine power by his divine power everything we need has been deposited in us for all of this was lavish not just put on us lavished on through the rich experience through an experience through an experience born again experience is an experience the experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness okay so peter understood god's goodness okay so that that cloud that surrounded jesus where moses and elijah appear appeared peter saw that on the transfiguration we talked about this weekend okay going on to romans 8 28 just to remind you of what was said there it says and we know that god causes all things how many things oh okay so no matter what he causes so no matter what's happening you're getting hit you have to keep moving because he causes that word the idea here jesus showed me was is that as you move god starts to arrange the environment so you have to keep moving you cannot stop you cannot be paralyzed please promise me that you're listening to me you cannot allow fear to paralyze you you got to keep moving that the thing that happens the most and i've seen this so many times in all different situations is people getting paralyzed with fear they then the same class as me watched the same videos did the same procedures and yet i find out they get killed in an airplane crash or they don't pull their handle on their chute or in an emergency they don't they run i've seen this happen somebody falls with a heart attack and i'm waiting for the person who is supposed to be the lead to step in and they don't and i see the other go away like go away and i'm like okay i guess it's me so i start to talk to people okay remember your training you go you got to go get the oxygen you got to get the cpr mask you got to call med link got to call the hospital on the ground i need a doctor on the phone right now and they never come back well what happened so you know what i do i just say call for i'm just going to call for a doctor on board or a nurse and then get them up there i work with them and now they're in charge i look at their credentials and it's for real i tell the doctor on the phone i give the phone to the doctor but see don't be paralyzed because somebody's life might be at stake your own might be extinct in other words you've got to train yourself so that no matter what you just go into your training even if there's a gun barrel pointed at you you have to learn that that gun is not dangerous it's the person that's holding it if he knows how to use it but demons can't handle someone that's not afraid because that's their only way of operating and you know this that a demon gets nervous if you're not nervous and i'm being honest with you because they their only hope is that they you don't know their mode of operation they're cloaked so you can't see them and then they they inject fear in a person before they actually do the things they do to you they try to get you brainwashed and in a mode so that you're disarmed and that's what's happening right now that's what's happened right now so the next thing is to disarm you physically which is what they did in germany so the enemy wants to paralyze you so that you don't act appropriately and then it just keeps escalating into physical things do you understand okay so david was promoted and he did all these things but it says here that he causes all things to work together for the good not for the bad well if this is the case then a lot of prophets would would be fired god causes all things to work together for the good to those who love god well what does it mean to love god you obey his commands there's no difference between love and obedience they're both the same i hear heels clicking there's no place like home there's you someone's got to tell you this stuff jesus made it clear made it clear in many places and i i know what you need to know if you're interested in knowing it but it's it's it's really odd how people when they're they got a chance to ask questions they want to know how long jesus's hair was and how what the color of his eyes were but they don't ever ask me what he said and they burned their question on on cosmetic things you know and to tell you the truth when you meet him you won't be able to answer any of those questions because you'll be face flat and you won't remember what his eyes were i don't even remember looking down at his feet once he allowed me to look at his face i couldn't look away and i didn't ever look away i don't even know if there was no there were nail prints on his feet i'm sure there were but i didn't see them i didn't see his feet i just know that all his scars were removed off of his face because he was beaten until he wasn't recognized but people people need to know that if you love god all things are going to work for the good but you got to keep moving you got to keep going toward what god has caused you to see as your high calling your point your destiny whatever that is you're special every one of you are every one of you is needed there's no one that here that is not needed and that's why people don't even like going to church because they don't feel needed they don't feel loved and honored and respected but see we got to change that we got to start ministering to each other and don't put it all on the pastor i mean to be honest with you the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he leads me into green pastures and in still waters he causes me to lie down but he doesn't feed you he leads you to green pastures you feed yourself see this always goes over well but where does this say that a pastor is supposed to feed you he's supposed to protect you thy rod and thy staff they comfort me why because he can use them not on the sheep on the wolves and the bears and the lions i mean we got to honestly stay with scripture if if it that's the scriptural precedent for a shepherd okay now teachers teach you so you should have a teacher in your church but the pastor is looking out for false doctrine then he got the apostle too that does that the apostle is a father he births new work he births bodies of believers everywhere churches but churches are not buildings churches are people it's a it's a group of people believers okay so if you love god all things he causes but causes is that he's influencing you as you keep moving okay he works together with you to make sure everything's good and then he says this to those who are called according to his purpose so we have that calling so we stay diligent we we make that effort to enter in and we we don't want to be just in we don't want to be found lukewarm we want to be hot we want to spend most of our time in the throne room on that sapphire floor we want to stay hot jesus told me this he was broken when he told me he said i didn't hang on a cross and go through what i went through for people to inherit the fence he said i did it so that you can stand on the sapphire floor in the hottest spot in heaven that's what he told me and he was sad he was i didn't die for there was christians all like he showed me and all the christians and migrated to this fence that represented the one side the world and one side heaven it was i was there with him and all the christians were congregating around the fence it was stretched out and there was very few that were in closer and he said my people are asking where the fence is so that they can live in the world and still go to heaven they want to know where that spot is well they'll just make it in other words instead of asking where the hottest spot in heaven was where which he allowed me to stand on and then he showed me he took me places and showed me what i would inherit because i chose to walk in the fear of the lord in holiness in the separation that i inherited something that he said not no they said people will come here will never know this place exists this part because they did not walk into fear of the lord can you imagine spending eternity in heaven and not knowing that there was more so he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him and he is going to reward those who choose to sacrifice whatever it takes to walk with him down here those people that do that get a greater reward it wouldn't be fair and jesus explained this to me and it was a an experience i can't really talk about but it was a terrible experience with another pastor and the sin that that he was in and i was sent to him to expose him that he had a girlfriend and he's married and when i exposed it he fired me as a and and i i said well you know i don't want to work for somebody like you anyway but jesus appeared to me and he said he said no do you think that it's fair that he gets the same reward as you get when when you get to heaven so because i had this description everybody was equal you know and i'd been brainwashed with some of this stuff and but he would he honored me by appearing to me and then he told me he promised me something that has happened immediately that day it has happened ever since and it's it's it's so favorable that i could just start laughing right now but it was because i stood up for him i stood up for the lord and he said because you stood up for me i'm going to stand up for you and every day i'm reminded of that because i have favor of my life and he's rewarding me even in this life for that very day that i did that that man lost everything okay so if you love god you obey his commands and everything will work out according to his good purpose if you love him you obey him and all things will work together all things no matter what i know this for a fact i get a flight plan i put it in the computer i take off and i start to fly the controller says we're changing your departure now you're going to report to this fix at this altitude then report here then you're going to change to this frequency read it back and so i have to like it's it it's fun in the on the ground when you're not flying to put all that in but now you gotta you're flying and then you got to put this in and it it messes up your day because it was i already had this the way i wanted it but what i found was is that no matter what things are going to change but you got to keep moving and you got to be ready for change you got to be ready for the spirit of god to speak to you and tell you where the good place is because the devil is being tricked when god moves you it's because it's warfare it's a ch it's a chess game now i know this but i got to get this over to you things are not set in stone like you think the angels are very smart and they are directing you the commander is jesus they have this coordinated and when the devil starts to move in a certain way they have ways of of tricking him and that's why you should pray in tongues all the time so things things your plans could get changed but it's warfare okay so according to his purpose has to do with what's written about you he has intentions for you but there's three ways he could do it and you might not know it because you might spout it off and then the devil knows it that's why you don't know everything that's what he told abraham abraham goes where are we going he goes i'll tell you when you get there you just start walking which direction yes right i am totally totally telling you the truth if you encounter resistance it might be because you're doing the right thing you've got to start to really really really correct yourself why do you think the way you think and are you really robbing yourself of joy because you should enjoy the journey too now there are times where i don't feel any resistance i don't feel any resistance now but i also hear i literally right now hear swords clashing right now as i'm talking to you but i don't feel any resistance but the reason i don't is because the army of the lord is fighting battles right now in the in this place but if i did feel resistance i could still speak the same message and i might feel bad the whole time i speak it i might not know what's wrong but when the angels are here i'm speaking the same message and i feel nothing no resistance i don't even feel like i have a body which is how i feel right now i feel i see my father smiling at me because he wants this delivered because it'll play for 30 years for free on youtube and the earth is not flat by the way and so you got to learn that to sense if angels are fighting you're not going to feel any resistance but that doesn't mean you're not you're doing something wrong or right it you have to be in your spirit you have to know that god is good and that he is working with you no matter what no money should never be an option if about obeying god because jesus told me a secret that no one else i've ever heard say this he said kevin we actually provide we we actually provide for a vision before we give the person the vision it's called provision we provide for their vision ahead of time and we call it provision then we give the person the vision then immediately the person thinks how am i going to pay for this but god is good all the time and is already provided before he told you i'm not kidding it's already earmarked and someone else might have your money there there are there are corporations everything was fine they were they become so wealthy billy and then all of a sudden it's not good for billy to have all that money and what happens if if there is a digital mark and the only way you can buy from the amazon jungle i think i slipped through with that one then what what was it really good that they have all that money see everything's fine you let everything go until you can't buy or sell without the mark and then all of a sudden all these people you realize the whole time there was a spirit behind it what about we tube did it work it worked okay i hope you all are taking notes so when you start your ministry you'll remember everything's fine until all of a sudden you can say god but not jesus no i'm serious it's coming that's why the lord told me to buy my own network and we have our own network there's not a lot of people that come to it right now but eventually they'll have to if they want to hear the whole message because my messages look like swiss cheese you know on we tube but my face in spacebook so mine's going to be called we be all that no everything's fine see we we don't we don't we don't listen to titus 2 6. it says be sober minded we let things go but then all of a sudden when things shift you start you say whoa when did this happen well it's been happening for years okay but we have to we have to be sober minded and discerning and know that god is a good god and he's going to lead us in his purpose but how he leads us he might tell you like he did to us two years ago to start my own network it was which is very expensive i mean it's the same one that hillsong and tbn have but they're like who's this kevin zadai guy i mean i'm serious we had to go through they're like he doesn't need this well then they saw the stats like oh my god a lot of people watch him precisely so can we have our network you know but the spirit will tell you things ahead of time and it'll be expensive it'll be inconvenient it'll be like people like why are you doing this but they said the same thing to noah how'd that turn out just like yeah and noah just he reached out the window and he put this led sign and said no vacancy with a big hand but see people had a time to repent but it was going on for a long time there were millions of people on the earth it's on the internet so it must be true but they had time to repent god sent them prophets enoch was a prophet enoch went around prophesying the pending doom methuselah died a year before the flood 969 years but you know what his name means his death shall bring so everything is working to our good if we obey god we love god and we're called according this purpose so we fit all those okay with that confidence you should remind yourself every day that you're going somewhere to happen and you're being trained to be promoted and you're going to be ready when the occasion arises so you practice your cpr because one day you might need to use it and it might be our next president that you save it might be a prophet or a prophetess that you save if you're a lifeguard whatever you if you work it in an ambulance you work in a hospital you might treat someone that has a mouthpiece for god so everything is planned ahead of time we all fall into it it seems randomly but when you get to heaven you'll see that it wasn't random at all so a lot of people they're wondering what my purpose is but it's a good sign that you even ask that but the thing of it is is you are fulfilling your purpose with every breath you take because you're moving you're living and satan satan wants you to stop but god wants you to keep going because he sees what he wrote this is the absolute truth he's he's a good god okay in second timothy 3 12 it says yes all who desire to live godly in christ jesus will suffer persecution okay so once you start moving in a certain direction the persecution is actually spiritual it manifests through people who will yield to it so like if i if i would go right now to other countries if i could get in there and then i could get to a public place without being shot then if i stood up and started talking if i could even do that and find someone to translate that would wouldn't be afraid to die too then it wouldn't be very long before i'd either be in jail or dead because you don't go into another country where they don't allow that but yet but yet here i can walk in here i walked in here and you all were happy to see me okay but that could change if we let it because that's how it happened in other countries it just didn't happen right do you agree okay so so this has been that this agenda i mean every conspiracy theory you're gonna find out when you get to heaven was true there was a part of it that was true i can't believe i just told you that but it shocked me because when when there's a government official telling you there's nothing here keep walking trust me there's a warehouse full of information so i have to mention certain things at certain times and people get nervous when i do it but i have to get you ready because there's going to come a time they've been waiting to do this i know because of the the people that i know that have received the briefings that they're about to let out information and it's it's going to deceive many and i'm i want the at least jesus warned about this he said there there is a deception coming that the even the very elect would be deceived if that were possible well what would that be so i i've known this for years but i'm not allowed to really talk about it but i'm starting to leak it out because i've got to get people's mindset to where it's not such a shock because that's what they want they want shock and awe with this information do you remember that part of the vision of our leadership our president was to make america great again and he was going to do that by bringing back the manufacturing to this country right okay well they fought him and fought him and now it's not a bad idea because what you don't know is they're starting to find things in the products from that country and when you get to heaven you'll find out how this whole thing that just happened happened and you're like you got to be kidding me that's ingenious we're at war not one shot was fired how how how do you defeat a country i was taught how to defeat a country when i was in college there's systematic ways to do it and one of them is is that you run up your debt because then you go to war and it gets canceled and another way is is to come in and buy the assets of the country beforehand and then all the sudden you have their military trucks their personnel you see the president was trying to stop all this because he's three moves i was told that he is so good at business that he's actually three moves ahead three moves ahead of everyone that's why he was so lethal in business and he hires to his weakness whatever weakness he has he hires somebody that's stronger that's another secret so when god chooses you he's choosing you not because of your ability but because of your availability because of your heart and he knows he can work with you and that's what the president of our company herb kelleher said he said i'm not looking for people that do their job well so i can hire them he said i'm looking for people that have a servant's heart that are that are able to be trained and are lifers he said that'll own the vision so his qualifications the way he we that they that we were we were chosen was different than other corporations and he included you in on the vision and he included you in on the profitability and that's where kathy and i got our wealth was because he included the employees in on the profitability if we were part of his vision then he would reward us with the profitability of the company and i would make sometimes more off of my stock in a year than i did off my salary so god has invested a lot in you because he knows he's going to get a return on you but you're sharing in the profitability of the kingdom you get to eat you don't muzzle the ox you get to eat of the kingdom too because he's good right so if i mean god's got to be better than herb kelleher but herb remembered my name every time he saw me and he had to remember 100 000 people but he remembered my name and he would ask me what can i do to help you do your job better is there anything we can do to make it streamline what do you see what do the passengers need he valued his his people and when people would would write in and complain about a uh an employee he goes he would write back he goes you know what we found that it was actually the opposite it was your you you were the problem he said so stop abusing my people fly someone else it was in the reader's digest okay so ii timothy 3 12 confirms that we're going to encounter persecution for doing things right so we cannot personally take it personally if we do something right and something wrong happens because that doesn't mean that you're you've done something wrong you're going to receive resistance but remember what i said put on your refrigerator persecution starts spiritually first demons don't always have access to people but i can think of a couple that they do in this country if they find those people they hoard into them thus the manifestation but until that persecution is an invisible war that goes on around you but if you get close to someone who's a numbskull you'll watch them start to fold before your eyes and become a peter popping off you aren't going to jerusalem and die lord and then you have to say get behind me satan because the lord had already said he's going to jerusalem and die so he was pulling down he was doing warfare anything that exalts himself against the knowledge of god bringing it into captivity to the beings of christ that second corinthians 10 verse 6. because peter allowed a spirit to speak through him that was exalting itself above what was already known as the will of god jesus had to pull it down it didn't matter who it was are you following me okay so god is good but you've got to do warfare now you got to pull it down if it's not god period and if you can accept this please do but jesus told me he says i'm not judging america he said i judge individuals he says there's believers and there's unbelievers there's jews and there's gentiles and he went through the divisions he says there's wise and there's unwise virgins there's tears and wheat there's sheep in their goats he said the separation is happening he said those who are not in my favor are already judged they're under judgment and he went through all the scriptures with me so he said i'm not judging america he said every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that i'm lord that's what he told me so he said the separation has happened he said so individuals that support agenda that is contrary to god are judged period you can't support pagan practices in this country so it's all individual so you can't cup it together because you can't say that this is a christian nation and it's really one nation under small g with an s there's many gods here israel wasn't allowed to tolerate any of this you couldn't even enter mary but that's not racist he said you don't enter mary that was the god that we serve with these people they're pagan but samson had to right well that went well okay did god say this is my land and these are my people well is that fair to everyone else see what i'm saying the devil is trying to destroy this country with this all this stuff it has nothing to do with anything god chooses who he's going to raise up and who he's going to lower he chooses everything and he knows it beforehand we all have blood in us it has dna in us jesus came back with perfect blood perfect dna to redeem human beings didn't matter what color his skin was because he was actually dark very dark did i mention he was dark copper dark like copper tan dark so this whole thing it's the devil god loves every human being so you're either blessed or you're cursed you're either above or beneath you're either you're either lending or borrowing do i need to go through all of 28 of deuteronomy this is how god distinguishes you if you love the lord your god and you obey his commands you can choose this day who you're going to serve and you will have blessings or cursings it's a two-item menu it's even better than in-n-out burger choose this day and then once you do you're either you've judged yourself because you've chosen once you've chosen then you're either blessed or cursed that's it it doesn't matter the color of your skin at all it wasn't it wasn't the races it was the blood do you get it okay so you can see how satan is trying to divide everybody up but america as a country is not following the mayfall or compact that was made but god still honors it because he's a good god but we have not as a nation so i'm telling you if you can handle this jesus has already told me the separation has happened and now the remnant in this country will be made known but it's smaller it's smaller because people will fold under the pressure you you you can't see this unless you pray in the spirit and you meditate on the word of god but you have to be very careful not to depend upon stimulus checks and all this stuff that's being given to you because just like jesse duplantis says it nothing's free you got to find out what's really going on here because it looks too good to be true it is too good to be true you can't you can't watch the debt go to the place where all i can name the countries that own our debt and it's china do you get this at all what happens if we default do you realize how close we are do you think that president trump knows that okay so because god is a good god he's asking his people to step out and be separate so that they don't get judged with the world do you follow me now so it has nothing to do with what the issues are right now it has everything to do was if you hear my voice hear what the spirit is saying that's what it has to do with right now there is no division in the body of christ it's impossible for the body to be divided because it only functions together with the head being jesus himself and we are being prepared as a bride the preparer of that is a good god he is the father of all he sent the holy spirit who is grooming us he anointed and appointed the fivefold to build us up in the unity not to pronounce judgment on america so you have to learn to judge things rightly now if i call you out and i give you your social security number and i give you information about yourself and i tell you be blessed and then i pick someone else out and do the same thing what have i done i've done nothing i've done nothing well i have proved that i have a familiar spirit but but besides what have i done to build the body up because then you want to be called out i don't want to be called out because i don't want you to know my social security because then you're going to steal my identity or someone watching here for the next 30 years is going to have it so how could that be god please don't write i'm just saying is this activity really building up the body or does is it true that the sower sows the word and some falls on good ground and it produces a crop of 30 60 and 100 fold i would rather do that and not go to hell because i i've told people just in the last month i've told people i'm backing out i'm backing off because it's not worth going to hell over that's what i've done i've literally told people this is what's happening with me this is why i don't answer my phone because it's not worth going to hell over i'm backing out because i'm not going to hell by being in in like almost consumed into a corrupt system i'll just i'll just go back to being a flight team that prays in tongues which is i mean i am anyway but see you can never stop being you so you don't have to be corrupt you don't have to allow corrupt the corrupt system to come in you can just speak the pure word of god tell people that god is good he's not doing these things and he has offered a way through jesus christ to have your sins forgiven and he's he will surely hear you let me pray for you and if you want to be baptized in the holy spirit so that you can pray in the spirit and pray out the mysteries and the will of god the holy spirit will help you i will pray for that too and you can receive the holy spirit right now and what do you have wrong with your body god wants to heal you and don't worry about the healing part he does that you do the praying and you watch you watch what happens when all you see is jesus's face money will start to come to you the provision will start to come because you're not seeking it but if you seek it it'll always be three feet in front of you it will never let you catch it if you pursue it it will pierce you through and you'll die a broken person but if you look to the face of jesus and you realize that he has already provided for your vision before he gave you your vision i stood at this very pulpit four years ago with just a handful of people different pastor i preached my first sermon officially in the ministry and look at it now went from 55 people to over 500. all i did was obey god i didn't pressure to give people word when i didn't have one for him i didn't do the carnival acts if the lord didn't tell me to which he's not going to anyway because he's not into the carnival act but what i'm saying is is that i'm not here to entertain you and impress you about my spirituality if i do that then i have isolated you from me and i can't help you i can only help you if i get down there on your level and tell you you can do this that's what jesus did jesus didn't separate himself and say i'm the son of god that's why i can do these miracles he said you're going to do the same thing he wouldn't let people call him the son of god he wanted to be called the son of man because he wanted to be equal because it says that he left god left glory and became like man he says that he considered equality with god as nothing and then jesus wanted to replicate himself he wanted the disciples to exceed him now what minister says that but see we're supposed to do that what person does that but see that's how you transfer success to the next generation you groom somebody to take over your company that has your vision in your heart and a whole board of lawyers too to make sure that they do it but did i mention maybe even a sidearm you know no you gotta you gotta like watch people because they don't wanna guard it like you do so we trusted we trusted god to guard us we god trusts us to do his work okay in this country we trust government to protect and serve us and there was all these different fail-safes in case that didn't happen and all of a sudden it seems as though all of congress is also a lawyer and all presidents are lawyers and then before you know it things start changing and they weasel around it are you understanding me you can't do this with your relationship with god you cannot let religion interpret what god is saying to you you let the word and the spirit interpret it do you understand what i'm saying do you see how you can have theologians they can take the power of god out of the original text so do you see that this is a spiritual problem that we encounter as believers in the body of christ but it also goes out these spirits are also going out into governments going into all kinds of leadership all over the world to see who they can get into to influence the direction and accelerate it so that they can bring up their boy the antichrist who may not have a birth certificate but everybody's going to be attracted to him but it even says that he will not have an attraction towards women it actually says that right fact check fact check yep anyway you can but you got to dig to find these things in the prophecies oh you're going to find out a lot of stuff when you go to heaven you're like you got you stuff you didn't even know you're going to find out and you're like man we were messed up down there so much was hidden from us you wouldn't even believe it maybe you would okay so god is a good god and we serve him but what's going to happen is i'm telling you all this because this isn't a political reality i'm telling you this so that you can very quickly within the next couple minutes make sure you have separated yourself from this world because i'm telling you if you don't cut it now there's going to come a time where it's too late you're going to be snagged you have to separate yourself you do it in your heart first then the spirit will start to instruct you on what to do you need to say that i am the healed of the lord every morning you need to go to bed when you take your medicine you say i'm taking my healing because you're not going to need that medicine you're going to be healed you don't depend upon man you don't need people to lay hands on you even though that is scriptural the highest form of faith jesus told me was centurion faith so you can proclaim that god is good all the time you proclaim it all the time and what you're doing is you're giving him permission to cause everything to work out for the good you got it by association okay can i go on how are we doing oh wow oh it's 12 30 already huh you're kidding me have i been preaching an hour and a half i got one page done i did okay all right perry stone mode okay if you'll turn with me i only got 20 minutes now okay everybody listen okay luke 6 22 and 23 says blessed are you when men hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake rejoice in that day and leave for joy for indeed your reward is great in heaven for in like manner their fathers did to the prophets second corinthians chapter 4 verses 8 through 10 says we are hard pressed on every side yet not crushed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed always carrying about in the body the dying of the lord jesus that the life of jesus may also be manifested in our body okay so god god is helping us by giving us these verses to know that there is a persecution and there is a suffering that goes on for his namesake okay and you have to remember that but the price that you pay it's not as great as the reward that comes because god will make sure that you know his normal that he rewarded jesus i mean jesus pointed this out to me and he has me do this to you now after he was he was tempted in the desert it says that angels came intended to him so he had angel visitation so i'm asking you and i'm pleading with you because my father in heaven is pleading through me to you would you please believe for an angel encounter after you've been tempted because they want to minister to you do you hear me he's pleading through me that you should expect payback if you go through temptation and trial you should say okay you should expect angel visitation they want to minister to you amen wow this is good i want this cd second corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 through 10 says we're hard-pressed on every side do you feel that way sometimes i do too i tell my wife i said i feel the breath of the dragon down the back of my neck you know it's not it's not like the the angel but sometimes it happens and i don't move i don't move from my spot i mean i keep moving because he's causing me to triumph but i'm telling you i do not allow that to influence my emotions or my direction of my thoughts i consider not these things because it's light and momentary things change when i grew up in pennsylvania they used to say if you don't like the weather just wait two hours it'll change okay romans 2 4 or do you despise the riches of god's goodness now listen this is another refrigerator verse do you despise the riches of his goodness riches my love to say that in church riches of his goodness forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of god leads you to repentance so his revelation of his goodness changed moses when his goodness he said i'm going to allow my goodness to pass by you it changed moses his face changed he couldn't die god had to tell him to die he took him up the mountain he's 120 he wouldn't die nothing wrong with him why because he spent all that time with god he became a friend of god his body was transformed see we don't hear these kind of ideas but remember that elisha they always you know people well elisha died of a disease i go yeah but a soldier that was dead that touched his dead body was risen from the dead then they don't have anything to say what was that what was that it was the double portion of elijah's anointing in him that was in his bones which is why satan argued with michael about where they were going to bury moses bones because wherever they buried it he couldn't get near it because of the glory it would be holy ground so where they were going to put it satan didn't want it you're going to find out where that was someday not here i mean perry stoneman very soon he studies a lot my god all right now we're starting uh chapter seven i'm gonna do it very quickly and then we're gonna go to to eat it's still today so i want to talk to you about children of god now what does it mean to be a child of god well what does it mean to be a child of a king what did it mean to be a child of a priest you had the privileges of that office as well um you remember the picture of of john f kennedy and uh little john jfk jr was underneath his desk playing with his fire truck well no one else can go in there i mean you can't go in there and anytime you want but he had privileges right because he was a son okay it was fine right and this is the idea that you have to keep in mind that you you got to get over that you're unworthy to be in the position you are because you really were but he's made you worry and if you go into this thing with jesus i'm just telling you right he's not going to put up with it when you see him and you fall down to his feet you say i'm not worthy and you you you know you cry on his feet he's going to grab you and get you up he said i've made you worthy i didn't suffer and die for nothing he's gonna say lip it up he's gonna he's gonna say no you're you're you're a fellow heir i'm serious he's not gonna let you go down there and do your thing you know you know and then mary did you know is playing in the background you know or alabaster box you know no none of that's gonna happen been hanging around jesse too much okay so the promise is is that john said that we've already quoted john 1 12 says but those who embraced him and took hold of his name were given authority to become children of god so we embrace him and we have been given authority to be those that children and that's what that's what romans 8 15 confirms that we have the spirit of god inside of us who is the spirit of acceptance in aramaic so we have the spirit of acceptance in us so we are accepted and it cries out father father that that spirit of acceptance in us confirms that we are children so it's already built within us to enjoy being a child so anything other than that is your mental realm if you haven't entered into that you don't have to ask to go into the holy of holies you are a child you get to go in for free anytime you want you don't have to set an appointment and when you sit at the table that the lord sits before you in the presence of your enemies to honor you you can eat from anything that's on that table all the benefits he's honoring you it says in aramaic in in your honor he said david said you set a table in your presence in the presence of my enemies in honor of me it says in aramaic honor so he's honoring you as a child have you considered my servant job this is my son whom i'm well pleased in jesus then grabbed john and said there's never been anyone greater in the kingdom up until john that means abraham all the patriarchs all the prophets john is the greatest right that's what he said but he said from now on the least in the kingdom is greater than john that's you jesus said it's in red but you won't hear this because this is god's normal which doesn't work in most churches god's normal is not allowed in a religious system because then they can't control you so when you go to church you go to church to be built up by the fivefold ministry if that isn't happening is it really functioning right is it is it destroying your dreams and your vision well then it's not it's working against god is that is that possible is it possible just like what happened with the pharisees is that is it possible for the institution that god had to become corrupt to where they were they jesus said they were putting bondages on people instead of taking them off he said you're supposed to be setting people free but you're laying them down with with more things breathe kevin breathe you're right i just get upset because i i feel the righteous in the nation of jesus that he never designed the church to be like it is he designed it to be the most powerful institution on the earth his body what can be greater the only thing greater than his body is his head but he is the head we are the body we receive life from the vine ephesians chapter 1 verse 19 through 21 you know this it's an and the passion translation says i pray continually that you would experience the immeasurable greatness of god's power that's made available to you through faith then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you this is the mighty power that released that was released when jesus was raised from the dead so the same power that rose jesus from the dead is the advertisement coming through you your life is full of power immense power that's an advertisement it's the same power that rose jesus from the dead now the nearly inspired version wouldn't have it this way but this is the way it is this is the mighty part that was released when when god rose jesus from the dead exalt him to the place of the highest honor and supreme authority in heaven so that same power that rose jesus from the dead and put him on the throne is within us we are seated with him in the heavenly realms this is exalted above every ruler authority government and realm of power in existence he is gloriously enthroned over every name that is that is ever praised not only in this age but in the age this coming okay continue on down with philippians 2 verse 9 and 10 says therefore god has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name that in the name of jesus every knee will bow of those in heaven and those on the earth and those under the earth oh under the earth oh you'll find out you'll find out soon enough the government knows this too okay romans 8 verse 18 through 19 says i consider that our present sovereigns are not worth comparing with a glory that will be revealed in us for the creation waits an eager expectation for the children of god to be revealed okay so you can see the association that the one who paved the way for us and has already accomplished this has gone before us and now we are fellow heirs co-heirs with jesus joy we are joint heirs with him we're heirs of god joint heirs with jesus so everything that he obtained he bought so that we can sit with him in honor okay in your spirit there will not i encounter this there was no change when i died and went away from my body and was with jesus there was no change in me but i noticed that the veil of the flesh and the soul was obscuring my beauty was obscuring who i was so that i had to be diligent down here in order to walk in it it wasn't something that would just come naturally i had to be diligent to meditate on the word of god and pray and don't listen to crazy people but have crazy friends in god but don't listen to people that were speaking things because it might be the peter syndrome and they they just kind of slant you in a certain direction before you know it you're way off and it's like how did this happen one step at a time but it was one voice at a time and these demon spirits will find the weakest link in your family and in your friends and in your government they will find the weakest link and they will start to deteriorate you so i've had to shut those voices off and you're my family that's what jesus said hey your mom's here and your brothers the ones these are my mom and my brothers the ones who hear my word and obey it well that went over well so you can imagine what an insult that would be to some religions not to mention them okay here here is the one that seals it up for me romans 8 17 it says for as many who are led by prophets of god no it says by the spirit of god they are the sons of god okay so if you're led by the spirit you're automatically a child of god okay so you didn't receive a spirit that caused you to go into bondage right you didn't receive bondage you received freedom okay so the spirit leads you it's a bondage to fear that received the spirit of adoption you've received this spirit of adoption so that you can cry father father the spirit himself bears witness that with our spirit that we are children of god if we are children then we're heirs heirs of god joint heirs with christ i've talked about this already if indeed we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him okay so to reiterate so we can go eat we'll come back tonight to reiterate this remember that god calls us children but he he rigs it in your favor that's this is why i talk about this and everybody either likes it or doesn't like it there's no in between but see he riggs it he he tells you it's like it's like he tells you you've got to pray but then he sends someone that helps you pray perfect prayers and then he answers them so he doesn't just say you need to pray and then walk away he tells you who will help you here's your assistant and then you might want to just let him do it and then you you yield to the spirit and you pray and all of a sudden it's answered and then you're thinking what did i just do you just did it's rigged in your favor you just allowed god to fulfill his desire in you okay that's grace now why would you want to do it any other way unless you're i can't say the 400 000 words i want to say unless you just want to work hard at yourself i want to keep the hair i have it's coming back now because i've learned not to do things myself i can do all things through christ but i can't do them on my own jesus told me he said without me you can do nothing he quoted himself in john 15 5. he does that a lot he likes to quote himself but he likes it when you quote it back to him because he he it's just like when i'm when i'm with sid or jesse or all these these these big boys these generals when you when you quote them they like that they like it that you are listening they like that you're getting something they like it when you tell them you're that they're smarter than you are you they like to know that what they're doing for you to help you is really working because we're supposed to be having a yoke on our neck with jesus we're supposed to take his yoke upon us and learn from him but he's meek and humble in heart and his burden is easy he's his yoke is not hard but we have to take it on and i'm not joking but you'll feel it you don't you don't have your way you're learning but the problem is i find this everywhere i go i find this with myself i can't seem to find the joy in some situations of having to do certain things i can't find the joy in it and i have to realize that everything that i go through is training and that i can see the good in it that i will believe that i'll never have to visit this again which is why i want to go to the space station for the next three months because i don't want to have to go through another presidential election i just want to go up there with the astronauts and drink tang and eat space sticks duke are you for the lord or against the lord i've just come back from the space station and i have good news that um it just kevin keeps hitting on this and i really feel the lord strongly that um you know when the lord said to come out from among them that the way that we do that is through revelation that's how we pull rank is the enemy doesn't isn't unable to move by revelation so if the lord's given you a word you'll notice like if it's a word from the lord it'll fill in your spirit creamy when you say it those words are powerful and undefeatable unless you back off of them so take those prophecies those words and there's a visual that i've seen of the eagle when it wants to kill a snake it takes it up in the air where it's got the advantage the snakes just like kind of wiggling around so that's what we do when we go into and we move by revelation is we go up into the spirit and that's what peter did jesus commended peter when he said thou art the christ the son of the living god he commanded him because he said blessed are you for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father which is in heaven okay and that's the revelation that the church is built on is the revelation of jesus christ and that's what the gates of hell will not prevail against so we're all created in god's image we're created to move by revelation so take yourself there it's real easy and um you know don't get offended stay out of offense and just move by revelation just keep just check yourself daily and just stay separated amen amen [Applause] so so you'll see we'll be back tonight but you'll see after this is over and and starting starting next week you'll start to notice that you have an ability now to sense the spiritual atmosphere around you in a greater way this is the fruit of of the ministry so what will happen is you see this happens all over the world not in countries where you'd think it wouldn't happen but it's permanent it's literally permanent what you feel in here is permanent but what i'm encouraging you is now that you're walking in this this impartation has happened because um i would actually be taking away from what the lord does in our meetings if i would lay hands on you and prophesy over you individually it would actually take away from the tremendous power that was made available to you because you were exposed to god's normal so i'm encouraging you now when an angel comes he has been to the throne room and he has beheld the face of your father and he comes and he stands beside you when he does come back and stand with you he brings back heaven with him he's energized they actually get energized by being up there so they go back and forth because you wear them out sometimes and they need to be re-energized so they come back in full force and they stand beside you and they watch you start to cook they watch you start to respond to that presence now within that presence you don't understand this now but you will you are in the perfect will of god when that angel is standing there because he is in the perfect will of god by association you might be messed up but it won't take long if you start to yield to god and acknowledge that he's a good god and that this angel has been sent to help you to minister to you if you do that now you might think it's a holy spirit you might think it's a sugar high i don't know but you'll feel this freedom but it's coming from the outside around you that is an angel visitation now at that point you are in the perfect will of god even if it's you're at the wrong job in the wrong house all of a sudden you become in the perfect will of god and from that point on if you acknowledge god that he's good he's going to start to work everything out for your good he's going to cause it because that angel has been instructed in a special assignment to you to make sure that you don't even trip and so it starts to work in your favor so as my wife was talking the lord said please tell them this so that they're aware of it people people don't understand what they come because of the expectations that have already been from other ministries and how they they operate and you know i'm not i'm not in that i'm in the high life i'm seated with him and you are too but you need to be validated you need to be encouraged that you're doing better than you think and these angels have been told to come to you and stand and help you if you yield to them you will start to see from this day forth you'll start to see things working out for your good it's the angel that has been told to do this but people miss this because they thought that the fire tunnel fixed it but jesus didn't have fire tunnels jesus made a throne for you to sit on i think that's a little bit higher and i want everyone to walk in that because you're going to need the fire tunnel again you're going to need another word but see if you have him you have all the word amen so understand i'm not slamming anything what i'm trying to tell you is it's time to mature and i you i all my friends everybody come to church because it was like an amusement park everybody wanted to be touched by god wanted to get a word but they all my friends they would stay the same because the devil would come in and take everything why because they couldn't walk in it see they could encounter it but they couldn't keep it walk in it right why because they were not mature it was because of the lack of word you see the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak but the word of god is sharper than any two-edged sword it divides so that you can see yourself and the spirit then you have to make a choice and you choose life because you choose the spirit you reap life with a spirit you leave you reap death when you sow to the flesh i'm just quoting paul in chapter eight okay so remember this the angels that have been assigned to you some of you need more than one so remember to be a good host honor them let them do their job they want to get you into the goodness of god now all of you will have a testimony the next time i come back because this needs to be preached this is the good news angels hearken on the voice of their father in heaven they hearken unto his voice they do his bidding they could care less what you think or say about what god told them to do but they need you to be in cooperation with them but they could care if you if you say no i don't want that they'll put you back in training again just like in the wilderness and you'll pass that 7-11 every year and you're like hey i think we're going in circles and no one's brave enough to say i think we passed this 7-11 last year and they and the children of israel went through the wilderness of sin for 40 years no one was brave enough to say you know what we might be wrong it was a 11 day journey hello don't be like them hebrews says it was unbelief so would you at least believe in angel visitation so don't worry if they're there or they're not they are there because you're a child you have been written in the lamb's book of life the angels have been assigned to you they see the face of your father which is in heaven that's what jesus said about children you're a child he said don't touch these children because their angels always see the face of their father in heaven it'd be better that you had a millstone tied around your neck and cast in the sea then touch one of these little ones or offend one of these little ones okay so you and your angels go have something to eat and come back tonight amen pastor wayne oh i love you all [Applause] come back um that was easy come back at 5 30 and um if any of you were a little bit on the cold side that's the room to thaw out in you can always go in there amen we love you but just learn to be seated in heavenly places i sit on a fire throne i don't know about you amen but learn to sit in your throne of authority we'll see you in just a little bit just go enjoy some uh some good food we love you guys
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 60,661
Rating: 4.8944726 out of 5
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Length: 114min 16sec (6856 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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