The Third Temple - Amir Tsarfati

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the message called the next Temple the next Temple how many of you heard about the temple Institute in Jerusalem how many of you heard about that good how many of you are excited to see another temple in Jerusalem don't answer because you'll be wrong but this evening we want to try and understand why a temple to begin with and what is the Bible telling us about how it all started how it evolved into where we are today what's the future is going to bring and what is the end game so before we do that let us pray because you really don't want to hear my opinion we want to hear God's word father we thank you for your word your word is true and we ask that you will sanctify us tonight by your truth we ask that your word will go forth and do that which it was set sent for and will never come back void we thank you and we bless you in the name of the word that became flesh in the name of the Holy One of Israel in the name of Yeshua the light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of his people Israel and everybody says amen so the title this evening the temple and we we all know that God desired to dwell among his people from the very get-go in fact the Bible says in Genesis 3 8 that Adam and Eve after they have sinned the Bible says they heard the sound of the Lord God Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God Among the Trees of the garden the Bible tells us that God fellowshipped with his people before sin came to the world and When sin came to the world someone fell ashamed someone was hiding and it certainly wasn't God and the Bible says by the way the Greek translation of the Book of Genesis later on by the uncle's translation actually translate that it is the word of God that was walking in the garden did you know memra in the Aramaic the word logos who is the word of God who is the one that you could actually see and you know that if you see him you see God who is the one that Moses himself saw in the tent and talk to him as a man talk to his friend and he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and Eve sinned and that Fellowship broke but and and not only that Genesis 11 says the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built look it progressed first they had fellowship with God the fellowship was broken and now by the 11th chapter of the same book The Bible said that the Lord said indeed the people are one and all and all have one language and this is what they begin to do globalism started in Genesis chapter 11. and the first thing they wanted to do when they came together is not to worship God globalism is not about true genuine worship it's about replacing God and that look what they said and this is what they begin to do now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them come let us go down in there confuse their language that they may not understand one another's speech and that's how Afrikaans was born it's very interesting Leviticus 20 26 the Lord said I will set my Tabernacle where among you and my soul shall not what abhor you I will walk what among you and be your God and you shall be my people the desire of God to dwell and fellowship with his people has always been there even after sin came to the world even after he had to separate a nation unto himself that's who God is and as I said according to that Uncle stargum the the translation in Genesis 3 8 as I said and they heard the sound of the Lord and again that is of course the uncle is targum it says it the word of the Lord and in John we see in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God you see in the beginning right there when when creation took place he was already there because he's not part of creation he's part of the Creator and he was there and the Word was with God and the word what was God and he was in the beginning with God all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made and the word became flesh two thousand years ago and dwelt Among Us again God is dwelling among his people and we beheld his glory and the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth and again memorize that Aramaic according to the Jewish encyclopedia means the word and so Jewish people reading from a very very famous tagum which is translation because we understand Jews did not all speak Hebrew in those days they needed translations into Greek from Aramaic over to Aramaic and the Hebrew and they really truly 2 000 years ago read that the word of God was walking in the garden and the Lord wanted to have Fellowship even among His People Israel and that is when the Tabernacle was actually built which by the way in Hebrew we don't call it Tabernacle in Hebrew we call it the tent of meeting a tent of meeting it's not even a temple yet Exodus 25 8 and let them make me a sanctuary that I may what dwell among them and in Exodus 26 he goes on and describes what it's going to look like and it's very interesting because we all know after [Music] we we know that Moses came down from Mount Sinai and after he broke the the the two tablets because of the sin of the golden calf it was such a devastating thing and the Bible says in Exodus 33 one of my most favorite chapters in the whole Bible not because it's such a great one it's because you can see in Moses something that I pray every day that I will have Moses took his tent and pitched it outside the camp far from the camp and called it Tabernacle of meeting and it came to pass that everyone who sought the Lord went out to the Tabernacle of meeting which was outside the camp so it was whenever Moses went out to the Tabernacle that all the people Rose and each man stood at his tent door now there wasn't a real door it's the tent entrance and every man was standing they saw Moses walking outside of the camp into the most amazing tent they've ever seen in their life and they all look and look what happened with Moses the Bible says and and every man stood at his tent watch Moses until he had gone into the Tabernacle and they knew what's the name of this place Tabernacle it's called What tent of what eating Moses entered because he had a meeting that's what it was all about and all the men were standing looking and he's gone he's inside and when Moses entered the Tabernacle that the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the Tabernacle and the Lord talked with Moses all the people saw the pillar of clouds standing at the Tabernacle door and all the people Rose and worshiped each man in his tent door Moses is inside talking the pillar of cloud standing well so the Lord spoke to Moses how face to face as a man speaks to his friend when was the last time anyone saw the face of God and lived you see who was Moses speaking with the word of God the Messiah the Son of God who was there with God because he is of God he is God and he's there from the beginning and he's there in the tent and Moses is standing and stalking to him face to face as a man speaks to his friend and he would return to the camp but he's servant Joshua the son of none and young men did not depart from the Tabernacle then Moses says to the Lord see now watch Moses here Moses is now talking to the Lord and Moses is now as Jewish as it can be he says say to me bring up these people but you have not let me know whom you will send with me yet you have said I know you by name and you have also found Grace in my sight Moses is literally mimicking God and as he speaks to God you have also found Grace in my side now therefore Moses says I pray if I have found Grace in your sight show me now your way and I may know you that I may find Grace in your sight and consider that this nation is now he's pointing at all the people and they're all they all know what they did Moses is saying these people you see them this nation is your people not mine this is your people he said and the Lord said my presence will go with you and I will give you rest now you would think that by now Moses will be satisfied oh no then Moses said if your presence does not go with us do not bring us up from here for how then will it be known that your people and I have found Grace in your sight except you go with us so we shall be what what is Moses saying and what is God demanding from all the people of God always throughout Generations we shall be separate your people and I from all the people who are upon the face of the Earth now do you think that what Moses just said was making God angry absolutely not this is sweet aroma to the Lord and the Lord said to Moses I will also do this thing that you have spoken God is telling Moses you have a great good talent of the negotiation I'll do what you have spoken for you have found Grace in my sight and I know you by name and he said Moses said please Show Me Your Glory and then the Lord said I will make all my goodness pass before you and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you I will be gracious to whom I will I will be gracious and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion God is sovereign you do not ask God why he did things he is Sovereign and he's a compassionate and he's a gracious God and if you have a problem with that then it's your problem and that was the story of the people of Israel they had a tent of meeting and it was traveling with him and he came to an awkward position where the temp was in one place and the capital of Israel was in another place and it was David who prayed and asked God please let me build a house for you David felt a little bit uncomfortable you know everybody built such a palace for David and God is in attempt she said please and the Lord said to David you have too much blood on your hand David you will not build a house for me but hey your son will and the first physical permanent House of God known as the temple the house of sanctuary bet hamik Dash we know in second Samuel chapter 7 and in First Kings chapter 8 the description of this amazing beautiful building that was standing in even the Queen of Sheba had to come all the way to behold that unbelievable structure people came from all over the world look we're talking about an an amazing structure of those days hi but I have a question for you a beautiful building is that enough is God interested in beautiful buildings is it the building itself or the worship itself that God is interested in because that beautiful building that you're looking at was standing there throughout Solomon and throughout Solomon's sons and slowly slowly the worship inside this amazing building changed from worshiping Jehovah God the Lord God of Israel to worshiping Pagan deities in this Temple they worshiped tamus and they worship the son if you don't believe me Ezekiel chapter 8 the Lord said turn again and you will see greater Abominations that they are doing so he brought me to the door of the north gate of the Lord's House and to my dismay women were sitting there weeping for tamus things the the the god of death and Resurrection the god that marks New Beginnings a new cycle of of of of of of of of sowing and reaping and it's all about deities that are not of God it's amazing then he said to me have you seen this son of man turn again you will see greater Abomination than these so he brought me into the inner Court of the Lord's house and there that at the door of the Temple of the Lord between the port and the altar were about 25 men with their backs towards the Temple of the Lord and their faces towards the east and they were worshiping the sun towards the east in Jerusalem at the temple Jewish people at the sanctuary this is exactly by the way Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 19 says take heed lest you lift your eyes to heaven and when you see the sun the moon and the stars all the hosts of Heaven of Heaven you feel driven to worship them and serve them which the Lord your God has given to the old peoples under the whole Heaven as Heritage he says don't worship these things he warned us there it happened Pagan Idols were worshiped Jeremiah chapter 10 verses 1 to 5 here the word which the Lord speaks to you o House of Israel thus says the Lord do not learn the way of the Gentiles do not be dismayed at the signs of Heaven for the Gentiles are dismayed at them I must confess Christians are still falling for it up until today and they're all always disappointed because it's not working for the customs of the peoples are futile for one cuts a tree from the forest The Works of the hand of the worksmen with then with the ax and they decorate it with silver and gold they fasten it with nails and hammers so it will not topple they are upright like a palm tree like a palm tree and they cannot speak they must be carried because they cannot go by themselves do not be afraid of them for they cannot do evil nor can they do any good feudal things you think they worshiped the son just for nothing it's always a counterfeit you have to understand Satan wants to be like God and therefore he is causing the people of God to worship the things that will look like the things of God look what Malachi you know if you're Italian you call it Malachi Malachi 4 2 but to you who fear my name the son of what righteousness shall arise not the son the physical Sun Yeshua the Messiah Shema the son of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings not in the Sun and you shall go out and grow fat like stole fed calves you see and why do you think they worship taemus because life death and Resurrection is in Christ he came to live sinless life he came to die an amazing atoning death and his resurrection is what is driving us today if you don't believe in his resurrection your whole faith is for nothing First Corinthians 15 says so what is he doing telling them to worship a God or a deity that mimics life death and Resurrection Life Death and Resurrection Philippians 3 10 that I may know him Jesus and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of the suffering of his suffering being conformed to his death the death the life the suffering and the resurrection of Jesus is what we need to long for not anything else Galatians 2 20 I've been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me the son will not do anything for you it will Scourge you if you are here in the tribulation first John 2 16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life the pride of life that the Greek word is alazonea empty presumption which trusts in the stability of Earthly things all of these things are nothing and you know what the Bible says that the spirit of God Departed from the temple in Ezekiel 1 it begins in Ezekiel 9 it contains Ezekiel 10 and by Ezekiel 11 that's it it's gone God left the house of God because he's not into buildings and if you think you can build a beautiful church but you're worshiping Earthly things in it God is not going to be there and that brought the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC second chronicles 36 and the Lord God of their father sent warnings to them by his Messengers rising up early and sending them because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place but they mocked The Messengers of God despised his words and scoffed all of his prophets and then of course the Bible says they scoffed the prophets until the Wrath of the Lord arose against his people till there was no remedy therefore he brought against him the king of the Chaldeans who killed their young men with a sword in the house of their sanctuary and had no compassion on the young men of Virgin and you can clearly see the whole place was sacked they broke down the walls of Jerusalem burned all its palaces with fire and destroyed and they burned the house of God the Bible says and then the Jews were there in the diaspora for 70 years exactly who by the way who is the prophet that promised that the Jews will spend 70 years one year per every time they missed the um the um sabbatical year who is the prophet it was Jeremiah and how do I know that because the Prophet Daniel said that towards the end of that time he remembered what Jeremiah wrote and he was extremely encouraged it's coming to an end then the second temple Ezra said that that governor of the region beyond the river and their companions diligently did according to what king Darius had sent so the Elders of the Jewish of the Jewish people built and they prospered through the pros prophesying of khagai the prophet in Zechariah the son of Ido and they built and finished it according to the Commandment of the god of Israel and according to the command of Cyrus Darius and Arctic Xerxes King of Persia now the temple was finished on the third day of the month of Adar which was the sixth year of the reign of king dariavesh or Darius then came Ezra Nehemiah then came the hasmunians and then came Herod the Great and the herodian temple was standing there it was unbelievably beautiful and then I want to tell you folks then God came to visit who came in the times of Herod the Great to the temple who was actually later on who was brought to the temple to be dedicated to the Lord who was who was he who was the one that uh someone held in his hand it says you can take me now Lord because I've seen your salvation who was that baby Jesus Is God God came to visit here's at the temple amazing and the Bible says in Luke Chapter 2 the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord and to offer sacrifice according to what he said the law of the Lord the Bible says that amazing and then of course we know that um this is the very amazing uh baby that was held and Simeon that old man said Lord now you are letting your servant depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your salvation why do you think the angel told Mary to call him Yeshua because his name Yeshua in Hebrew means salvation that's Hebrew Yeshua salvation and so Simeon is saying my eyes have seen your salvation and we know that we continue in Luke 2 and we see the excitement of when Jesus was brought to the temple but then it is Jesus himself according to John chapter 4 who met the Samaritan woman and he said to her because Samaritans believe that the temp that the house of God or the Holy Mountain is gerizon not Mount Moriah in the heart of Samaria and Jesus was not supposed as a Jew to walk through Samaria they usually bypass the Marriott through the Jordan Valley and Jesus walks through Samaria to the Samaritan woman and he said our fathers worshiped and she said to him our fathers worshiped on this mountain and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship and Jesus said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship the father and she's like what first of all she's amazed that a Jew is talking to her second she was shocked by his answer and he said to her worse and they said you worship what you do not know we know what we worship for salvation is of the excuse me salvation is off there for salvation is off the Jews Jesus is saying that but the hour is coming by the hour is coming and Jesus Is Telling to the Samaritan woman the hour is coming now is he said Jesus tells the Samaritan woman now when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and Truth for the father is seeking such to worship him God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in what spirit and Truth he basically said to them the hour is coming and now it is when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth and in bloemfontein you don't have to go to Jerusalem to Worship the Lord anymore with the Lord is Spirit God is spirit and if you are a true worshiper then these are the people whom he is seeking those who worship he must Worship in spirit and in truth truth Jesus is the truth Spirit the spirit of God unless you believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit you cannot worship Him in spirit and in truth First Corinthians 3 16 you do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you the temple that was in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans and that's it the temple is still there in you and in you and in you and in you and in all of you if you know him personally now you are the Temple of the Holy Spirit something big happened two thousand years ago Jesus testified of that he said I'm going to my father and he will send you someone else the spirit of Truth the comforter the one who will lead you to alter and and and that Holy Spirit that came on the Feast of Pentecost did not come upon them did not have the option of leaving them the Bible says that now you have been sealed with the Holy Spirit this is wait no need listen to me nowhere in the history at no point in history before that any group of people has ever been sealed with the spirit never for the first time the spirit of God is not coming upon you but is now in you in the indwelling of that spirit in that in the Greek word is arabon you know what Aragon is down payment this is down payment because it is already a down payment for your physical salvation as well that's it you're here the Old Testament people didn't have it that's why David had to be on his knees when Nathan the prophet came and showed him his sin and he says please do not take your Holy Spirit from me this is not a prayer of a Christian nowadays Matthew 24 Jesus went out departed from the temple and his disciple came up to show in the buildings of the temple and Jesus said to them do you not see all these things surely I said to you not one stone shall be left here upon another that shall not be thrown down Jesus knew it's coming Jesus told him that it's coming nearly 40 years before the temple was destroyed and what you see here is the remains of the temple huge Stones the smallest is two and a half tons the largest is 600 tons all of them fell this is the Roman destruction of the Jewish temple we found evidence of it Jesus said not even one stone will stand on top all will be toppled down it's there we found it yesterday we found another ritual bath around the Temple mount guess how many Palestinian ritual bats we found zero guess what the Palestinian Heritage Museum has nothing ladies and gentlemen everything shows the Jewish Heritage in the Jewish history according to the word of God and let me tell you what the temple Mountain looks like today take a look look that's what a Temple Mount looked like today there is the Dome of the Rock there's the al-aqta mosque down there there is the old city this is the Muslim quarter the Jewish quarter is here and that's what it looks like today a few years ago I'm telling you now a secret please don't tell anyone a few years ago a water hose bursted on the Temple mount and the Muslim authorities asked the municipality to come and fix it so we sent plumbers and the plumbers came with plumbing equipment and when we did some Plumbing there we found out that we actually uncovered a corner of a wall from the time of Solomon that's it and you know the funny thing is the scripture says that in the time of Solomon we know exactly the size of the Temple Mount 500 cubits on 500 cubits all and when you find a corner it's very easy all you need to do is run 500 Cube It's 250 meters 250 meters and guess what we found and now we know exactly why the Muslims build the Dome of the Rock right there why because when the Muslims arrived in Jerusalem they saw the Jews reaping and crying on that ground for the Lost of their Temple and they said what is it this is where our Temple was and that is why they ordered the building of this and did you know that at the very beginning when this building was built in 691 A.D they hired Jews to do the maintenance in it and the Jews were all dressed in white just like as the Levites and the priests were in the temple foreign we knew where the temple was standing and thus where the Dome is standing today is for sure now years went by after Solomon the temple is destroyed and we know that Herod the Great many years later came and he enlarged the Temple mount what we see today is actually the walls of the herodian Temple mount so when today you come and you see the surrounding of the Temple Mount it's from 2000 years ago and if you're asking where is it that the Jewish people are praying at the Western Wall this no no go back this is it little tiny section of the retaining wall not even of the Temple the temple was standing in the center the retaining war was all around the Western Wall is not part of the temple it's part of a herodian retaining one and that's the picture of the western world today the lower part is the herodian stones the upper part is what Muslims later on reconstructed they touch the wall that is only a piece of a retaining wall and they shove notes and prayer requests and if you don't have the money to travel to Israel or you cannot travel to Israel there's a fact service or an email you can send an email somebody will print it and run and then if you are not trusting them there is a 24 hours camera and you can tell him wear a green shirt or something and wave to the camera and they'll put your prayer request right there and few times a year the Jewish rabbis will clean it there goes your prayer request and they bury it in the temple in the Mount of Olives now the Muslims today are saying that there was never a temple on the Temple Mount this is a workplace but let me tell you something this is just the modern days claiming because before Israel was born in in 1920 I think it's 1925. take a look at this leaflet that the Muslim authorities printed from 1925 right here and they themselves on their own leaflet say that this place No Doubt is the place of the solomonic Temple so as you know the lie that the Temple Mount never had a Jewish temple began mostly after the state of Israel was born the Arabs could not live with the fact that we are back in our historic ancestral Homeland and began this uh the whole deception as if there is a Palestinian Nation but that booklet made by the Muslim authorities in 1925 where they themselves acknowledge that the sight of the Dome is where the Temple of Solomon you just saw it right there in that Temple that Herod built was destroyed by the Romans there is no more Temple until today Temple Mount is having a dome of the Muslims until today but the Lord in his own word said that there is going to be another Temple and before you get too excited some of you I donated to it let me tell you what this Temple is all about Daniel chapter 9. 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your Holy City to finish transgression make an end of sins make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in Everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most high know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the prince there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks the streets shall be built again and the wall even in Troublesome time and after the 62 weeks so so Daniel is being given a whole mystery that the history of Israel in Jerusalem are all revealed to it's all revealed to him in a matter of exact number of days weeks months and years and he said Daniel listen from the moment the command goes out to build Jerusalem in the temple start counting 7 and 62. seven weeks and 62 weeks Why seven times seven years 49 years it will take to restore the city in the temple and 62 times 7 it is the time that will pass until Messiah is going to enter altogether 69 69 weeks 69 times seven years times 360 days because it's lunar is 173 880 days and it's exactly the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem on April 6 32 A.D writing the Donkey and then he said to him after this Messiah shall be cut off he's going to enter and guess what they will kill him not because he did anything wrong look what he says and the people and the prince who is to come but not for himself he said he will be cut off not for himself his death is atoning for everyone and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary he says right after that the city is going to be destroyed and the end of it shall be in the flood and then look what he says then he shall confirm a covenant with many that's for one week there is one week left from the 70s 69 past then there is a gap for the church age God is not yet back fully on Israel now we see we see Pastor just just uh mentioned and quoted Matthew about the victory coming back to life God is starting to do some amazing things while we're still here to see but he says that same Empire that used to be there and destroy Jerusalem from that same Empire in the future will come the one who will confirm a covenant for seven years for one week but in the middle of that week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering that same man that same ruler that will probably originate from where the Roman Empire was 2000 years ago not only will allow a temple to be built but exactly halfway through will stop the sacrificial ceremonies and will have and we he will actually demand to be worshiped how do I know because second Thessalonians says Brethren concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and are gathering together to him the rapture we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled and then he goes on and he describes the Antichrist the Son of Perdition who opposes and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is in his worship and so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God so there has to be another Temple that Temple has to be in Jerusalem that Temple has to be a product of a peace treaty that the Antichrist confirms and in that Temple the Antichrist is going to establish his kingdom as God do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things and now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time Paul is telling to a very confused Congregation of Gentiles in northern Greece in the city of Thessaloniki he's telling them why are you so confused I told you everything when I was there the first time look don't think that the Antichrist already came don't think that the tribulation has already begun you're still here aren't you hello let me give you the order in which things has to happen he says he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains who is the restraining Force the Holy Spirit where is the holy spirit in us we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit he who now restrains will do so until he is what taken out of the way we are the problem of the world we in our Holy Spirit the holy spirit that is in Us in that restraining power that is in us we are withholding the rise of the Antichrist look at yourself oh I didn't know that how you feel here in bloemfontein we stop the rise of the Antichrist ladies and gentlemen once we all be taken out of the way then the lawlessness the Lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume when when he comes back ladies and gentlemen the Third Temple is not a temple you want to donate for it's going to be the house of the Antichrist it's going to be a source of deception and of complete disaster for the Jewish people they will believe that there is a temple therefore he is the messiah this probably is going to happen right after the Ezekiel 38 war God will supernaturally win the war for Israel on the mountains of Israel everybody will be so excited and from that Devastation comes a new world leader the Bible describes him as the Beast that is rising from the sea someone that is unknown someone that is absolutely not from the nation of Israel someone who is rising in a way that the world has never seen someone who will come to the point where the whole world will say enough with South African government enough with American government enough with German government we can't trust anyone we need someone who is going to govern the whole world and when we see him we will even worship Him and so guess where that Third Temple might be standing take a look at this map north of the Dome of the Rock today there is a vacant area now I'm not a real estate person trying to sell you something wow it's just a nice view and if you want I can give you a good discount no no no I want to tell you that it's very interesting that this vacant plot is actually exactly aligned with today's Eastern Gate so many Jews believe it's okay to have a temple there maybe even the first and the second were there who knows they found some pieces of original Stone and they said probably the holy police was there see the Dome of the chain right here this I I place that round Dot and that man of peace will introduce peace the Bible says that he will confirm a covenant but that's in your English language not in the Hebrew the Hebrew says he will increase the Covenant hegebiel which means he will put on a table something that is far more spectacular than anything that has ever been offered before what have been have we been offered to up until today let's divide the city Palestinian State all people hold hands sing Kumbaya no no we've done that this will be a new thing an ultimate peace deal Jerusalem is probably going to be on the table and because all the radical Islam is eradicated in Ezekiel 38 most likely there will be no more opposition for a third temple on the Temple Mount and therefore there will be a temple standing there but guess what who is going to destroy that Temple who will destroy the temple of the Antichrist okay a lot of people say when Jesus comes back I want to see his face well that's true if you're in heaven but if you're still on Earth you do not want to see his face when he's coming back to Earth you want to see his back you want to ride the horse behind him okay the people of the world will be judged by Jesus and I want to tell you something when Jesus's feet will stand on Mount of Olives upon his return to Earth his left and his right feet will stand and the Bible says Mount of Olives will split and with it anything that is around it will be a valley from east to west and the whole Temple mount that you see today is going to be gone this is wide in Psalm 24 lift up your heads or your Gates and be lifted up and the king of glory will walk through it everything you said today is of the Antichrist is of the enemy did you know that the authentic original Eastern Gate from the time of Jesus is actually buried underneath lamentation the book you read every day lamentation chapter 2 says Jerusalem I said you read every day you need to laugh in Israel we read it to our mother-in-laws now watch this listen foreign the Bible says in lamentation Jerusalem her gates are sunk under the rubble Isaiah 24 speaking of that great day the moon will be disgraced and the Sun as shame for the Lord of hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his Elders gloriously Ezekiel chapter 40 describing in in chapter he describe a new Temple Jesus Christ will return to Earth and will establish a new Temple not on the authentic original place of the first and the second and the third because it will be gone the measures the dimension of Jesus's Temple are far greater than anything that was standing there before why do we need a temple in the millennial Kingdom for him to Reign from why do we need sacrificial Ceremonies for those who live in the millennial Kingdom to know exactly the price that was paid for them because they were born after it's not going to be a ceremony that will bring them any remission of sins it's going to be a reminder a memorial so take a look please at this chart that I created for you in the Garden of Eden was there a Temple no God was walking in the garden fellowshipping with men and after the fall of men when he separated Israel for himself there was the tent of meeting after the tent of meeting was the first temple built by Solomon that was destroyed in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar and the second temple was built first by Ezra Nehemiah second it was beautified by hasmanian and third it was enlarged by Herod the Great then it was destroyed by the Romans and then comes the Third Temple and take a look we have already established that for the first Third Temple to establish to be built you need the Antichrist for him to rise you need us to be out of the game why are you so depressed okay I ask you the first thing I ask you to do you know the temple Institute and what did you say if there is a temple Institute and everything is already there set and ready for the Third Temple what does it mean if you see Christmas lights on the street in the middle of November you know that Thanksgiving is around the corner if you see the preparation for the Third Temple you know hello not for me and we will be there where are we meeting Jesus where are we going to meet Jesus and the clouds oh I'm not sure about that read your Bible First Thessalonians chapter 4. we will meet him there and while the world is being tested and while the world is being judged and while the world is going through the unbelievable not just birth pants but the actual you know I was never you know I never gave birth but I was sitting there holding her hand and and I felt and my hand really hurt after I think she also suffered after those seven years Jesus is coming and we are coming with him and this Temple will be destroyed and a fourth one that Ezekiel is describing will be built and that fourth one how long will it last 1 000 years the millennial Kingdom wait a minute revelation 21 says something at the end of the Thousand Years what happens God we we know that the ultimate Judgment of God will happen at the end the Great White Throne of judgment every living being is going to stand before the Lord the Bible says there will be a stack of books and there will be one book every person who never believed in Jesus never profess any faith in God who is not justified by faith will be judged according to what he did because everything is written in those books that every person whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life is In This Book the Bible says that if your name is not here you will not be part of the New Jerusalem because the New Jerusalem is going to come and in the New Jerusalem the Bible says John the Beloved says I saw no temple in it for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are it's Temple Temple and I want to tell you folks this evening here in bloemfontein you really need to ask yourself today am I looking forward to a physical Temple am I a religious person have I even exchanged God with the things of this world or do I know that I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit I don't need a temple anywhere and I'm looking forward to the day I will enter the New Jerusalem that has no Temple because the Lord is Temple you see this evening you can either be a person that his name is written in these books or a person whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life there are no other options oh but I'm a good person no you're not don't you dare say I'm not I'm not saying God says God says he looks from Heaven to see if there is any person that is doing good he couldn't even find one all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God all must repent the repent is the first word that came out of Jesus mouth repent is the first word that came out of Peter's mouth when he shared the gospel on the Feast of Weeks Pentecost and repent is the first step towards salvation and if you have never repented and if you have never ever turned away from your old ways and if you have never truly invited him into your heart and experience a new birth that unfortunately I must tell you your name is written but in these books and most likely you will be excited by religious stuff but if you are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit if you are the Temple of the Holy Spirit if your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life you have no need for any Temple anymore and some of you might say some of you might say but I'm going to be there in the millennial Kingdom and there will be a temple yes there will be a temple but it's not for you it's for those who that we are ruling over do you know that we're going to be rulers we are going to be embed no now we are ambassadors we will be promoted we will be judges and rulers look at yourself you see everyone here all of you right now are dying you don't believe me put a picture of you 20 years ago next to you you're dying because as much as you are born again in Spirit-filled you are still in this corrupted body but I want to remind you that soon and very soon Paul said behold I tell you a mystery not all of us are going to die but all of us are going to change in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet the dead in Christ will rise and this corruption has to wear incorruption this Mortal has to our immortality and all of us will look good and all of us will take our watches and throw them away we'll never be late again all of us will be able to eat anything you want even even milk tart move but in order to do that you need to know I pray and hope that tonight everyone here is a born-again believer but I will tell you there's a good chance that we are all stuck here because some of you that are not because God is so long-suffering as second Peter chapter 3 says not willing that any would perish but that all will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus and because he's so long suffering we may be stuck here because some of you need to make your mind tonight so as we pray right now and as we close our eyes and bow our heads all of us please if anyone here this evening and no one is looking at you because we're all closing our eyes bowing down our heads if anyone here tonight was moved by the spirit of God to understand that he needs either to be born again or to run back as a prodigal son to his father while our eyes are closed and our heads are bowed down if you can just raise your hand so I can acknowledge that I see your hand yes I see your hand I see your hands yes I see your hands in the center I see your hands wow father I thank you for the hands of the people that were raised you said father that Jesus said that if you will confess me before me and I will confess you before my father If you deny me before me and I will deny you before my father and father I thank you for those who were moved by the spirit of God tonight to lift up their hands and to acknowledge before you father that they need you that they need a new life new heart new spirit and father I pray that tonight they will not sleep before they will go down on their knees confess repent and surrender their lives to you and wake up in the morning as a new creation with the joy of Salvation in their hearts I thank you for these people for the dozens that raised their hands and I know father that there are so many angels right now that rejoice in the heavenlies to see daughters and sons either running or returning to their father I pray father that the rest of us will continue to run the race fight the good fight keep the faith as our days are numbered and as the day is indeed approaching I bless your name this evening from bloomfontaine from South Africa a country that you love so much and I pray that the word end the work of Salvation will continue to prosper from this city from this church from this town from this free state that this state will indeed be free he who has the son is free and I pray for this country I pray for this whole continent Lord we pray that Africa will return to you and we do that in them matchless beautiful name of the Holy One of Israel Yeshua hamashiach the King of Kings the Lord of lords the Lamb of God who later on will return as the lion of the tribe of Judah Emmanuel Prince of Peace he can give you peace today and forever here and everywhere it's in the name of Jesus that we pray in all of God's people say amen God bless you all I don't know if you know that many acknowledge their need for a savior tonight and that is wonderful that they will join the family of God tonight I believe that they know exactly what they need to do and I believe that the angels are rejoicing in Heavens right now all right so let me remove this and clear the place for pastor thank you Hallelujah [Music] hey [Music]
Channel: House of Bread South Africa
Views: 204,790
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Id: ESKdkqQQEyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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