Bible Prophecy - "God Gave It, Satan Hates It" with Amir Tsarfati

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all right hey welcome Riverside Calvary Chapel we are here with our special guest Amir Sarfatti we are so blessed to have a mere join in with us here today and I know he's got a great word from for us and Amir is calling in all the way from Israel Amir how's the weather over there in Israel actually today cooled it's cooled off and it even rained but we've had a terrible heat wave the the past will McGinnis but overall it was a wonderful wonderful winter great rainfalls to see if gal is almost at its top and we're blessed duper yeah that's awesome well we are super blessed in Marin to have a few agree to join and we were going to have you here at our church live along with pastor Barry Stegner on this Sunday and it just obviously what the events going on in the world didn't happen but we are super excited to have you come in and take time to just share God's word with us here this morning so thank you and I'm going to pass it on to you and then we're going to come back after the message together and have a bit of Q&A time together thank you fasting thank you very much thank you very much thank you guys again show him from Galilee and I'm super excited to be here with you I know that I couldn't you know we can change things look we're from sales not for management you know there is a manager and he orchestrated things the way he wanted but I do want to tell you folks that the topics today is probably the topic I would anyway share with you in Canada and it's Bible prophecy God gave it Satan hates it and basically you and I know that the enemy is always trying to cause you not to deal with Bible prophecy and that's for a very very good reason because he knows that God wants you to deal with Bible prophecy it's very interesting because third of our Bible contains futuristic events events that I haven't taken place yet and this is the heart of God our God is a God that wants us to know the future I mean he's not sending us to psychics and to fortune tellers and to mediums he is giving us his word in Isaiah 46 he says in verses 9 and 10 remember the former things of old for I am God there is no other I am God there is none like me and then he says declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure God is telling his children obviously people who don't read the Word of God don't care about the word of God don't hold the Word of God is anything important they will never even understand this but to us who read and believed his word we are the people that God is interested in revealing his plans to and we must remember that this is something that I believe every person on planet earth wish he had we've got information information is power and not just information I can tell you now what's gonna happen in the near future in the Middle East and what's gonna happen in general all around the world not because I'm smart not because I'm super intelligent it's because I read the Word of God and I believe God's Word is coming to pass and why because I already saw how everything came to pass of past events in such accuracy that I have no doubt that the future thing is will be fulfilled the same way Satan doesn't want you to know God's plans he wants to weaken you you know when you know the plan of God then a you're not surprised be you're holding on to the promises of God because you know his promises are yes and a min and you're not afraid of Satan you're not afraid of scheme's you know the schemes of the devil you know the end of the devil and you know exactly the way he's operating and he doesn't want you to know the plans of God and by not knowing the plans of God he weakens you in weakens you you know because because you won't have the knowledge and you will start believing everything that he said all around you all you need is to know in advance and get ready and prepare and this is exactly what Satan knows he knows that if you will not know the plan of God you will be weakened this is maybe why Isaiah 14 says description of the fallen angel Lucifer he says how you are fallen from heaven o Lucifer the son of the morning how you are cut down to the earth you who weakened the nation's that's his mandate that his you know a life calling that's his you know everything is to weaken the nation's and not only to hide them to hide the plan of God from them let's also deceive them and that's exactly what it did in the Garden of Eden if God says if you eat from this fruit you will surely die Satan the snake the serpent said you will not surely die and that's that's basically it Satan doesn't want you to know God's and he wants to weaken you and John 10:10 says the thief Satan himself does not come except to steal and kill and destroy and I said I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly there's a huge difference there's a huge contrast between what God wants for us through the person of Jesus Christ when he sent him two thousand years ago and what basically Satan wants from you or maybe wants to you not to have you know Jesus wants to give you life and he wants to give you hope and he wants to give you a future Satan wants to kill and to steal and to destroy he's stealing from you what the hope and that hope is what Bible prophecy is all about you see the prophecy a portion of the Bible is predominantly the way of God to tell you how this world is going to or what is going to go on in this world and not to be dismayed there are great promises for the believers and that is exactly why I am so heartbroken when I see churches that are not teaching prophecy because literally they are stealing from their flock the Blessed hope that can only come or you can only have it if you know of it you know a build there's a we all know there's a built in desire in mankind to know the future even in the time disciples when they went up on a mountain say a Levite discourse they themselves approached him after they showed him this amazing structure of the temple which they thought will never be destroyed which they thought will probably be the place where Jesus is now going to rule from and then he they asked him tell us when will these things be after he told him that you know this will be destroyed and then they said what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age is that interesting the sign of your coming and the end of the age the people who live 2,000 years ago already realized we live in tremendous times the writer of the book of Hebrews says these lasts in these last days Jesus Christ has come in God speak through him in other words he considered 2,000 years ago the beginning of the last days already but they already knew even then that there has to be an end of the age very simple you know if the Bible says in the beginning then there's always an end to a beginning in the beginning already renders that which is the fact that there is also in end Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth in a way just by that verse there's almost like an expiration date to this heaven in this earth in the beginning and it's interesting in Janus in 1st Peter 4:7 he says but the end of all things is at hand therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers you know in other words a writer Peter is writing and saying look everything you see all around you is gonna come to an end and you have to be watchful you have to pray and we see the terms together beginning and end first and last many times even in the same verse for example numbers 24 2010 he looked on Amalek and he took up his Oracle and said I'm a liquid first among the nations but you'll be last until that period that he perishes in Deuteronomy 11 12 the Lamb for which the Lord your God cares the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year in Genesis 49 in Jacob's a blessing that Jacob called his sons and said gather together and he's using the term that we're all familiar with and he says gathered together that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days you say when we talk about the last days it's not the the fruit of our imagination this term already existed in the book of Genesis and Jacob himself used it when He blessed his son numbers 24 14 and now indeed I am going to my people come I will advise you what this people I will do to your people in the latter days you see that the end times latter days this it appears four times in the Hebrew Pentateuch in the taurine in the law of Moses Deuteronomy 31 29 for I know that after my death you will become utterly corrupt and turn aside from the way which I've commanded you and evil will befall you in the latter day because you will do evil in the side of the Lord to provoke him to anger through the work of your hands and in Deuteronomy 4 verses 25 to 30 one when you beget children and grandchildren and have grown old in the land and act corruptly and make carved image in the form of anything and do evil on the side of the Lord your God to provoke him to anger I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day that you will soon our early perish from the land which you cross over to Jordan to possess you will not prolong your days in it but it will be utterly destroyed and the Lord will scatter you among the peoples and you will be left few in numbers among the nation's where the Lord will drive you and there will be and there you will serve God's the work of man's hands and wood and stone which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell but from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul and now comes when you are in distress and all these things come upon you in the latter days he says when you turn to the Lord your God obey his voice for the Lord your God is a merciful God he will not forsake you nor destroy you nor forget the Covenant of your father's which he swore to them now we see the term a beginning and end we see the term end times a latter days these are embedded in in the very beginning of the word of God but now we also see the connection between the Messiah and the last things the passages that are pointing to the Messiah and the promise of God in the last days to bring forth the Messiah through the people of Israel so you understand when Satan wants to block you from Bible prophecy he wants to block you from understanding the things that God wanted already in Genesis people to know Genesis 49 verse 1 and Jacob called his sons and said gather together that I may tell you what you'll be fall in the last days and then number says I indeed going to my people come I will advise you these people in the latter days in and in Jeremiah says the days are coming that I will raise to David a branch of righteousness term Jeremiah 25 and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth in his days Judah will be saved in Israel will dwell safely now this is his name by which he will be called the Lord our righteousness Jeremiah 23 2010 Gurov the Lord will not turn back until he has executed and performed their thoughts of his heart in the latter days you will understand it perfectly said Jeremiah 30 but they shall serve the Lord their God and David their King womb I will raise up for them the fierce anger of the Lord will not return until he has done it and until he has performed the intent of his heart in the latter days you will consider it and of course the most amazing Bible prophecy that was granted to Daniel by Gabriel the angel in Daniel 9 the prophecy of the 70 weeks that are to describe the history of Israel and excuse me the future of Israel and of Jerusalem and you see for your people and for your holy city there will be 70 weeks to finish transgressions to make an end of sins to make reconciliation of iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy know there or therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince that shall be seven weeks and six to two weeks and the street shall be built again in the walls even in troublesome time God is revealing to his prophets an amazing portion of history and again he is not only talking about the the in a way near future a few hundreds of years after Daniel directly to the first century which by the way he he prophesied on the day but he also reveals what's gonna happen in the last week which is too and it's all given to the same Prophet which means that look if you don't understand Bible prophecy you don't even understand why Messiah came for you don't even understand what's gonna happen at the very end even with Jesus himself in his coming after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off that's of course for the first coming but not for himself and the people of the prince of not the Messiah the Prince but of course the the the the Ceaser of Rome hid who is to come she shall destroy the city and exact Jerry Rome destroyed the city and it was Titus Vespasian and then of course the end shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined and then you see an amazing thing it says then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week you see there is a separated week that has not been touched yet everything of the seven and the sixty-two which is 69 weeks has been fulfilled and now he's talking about something else of the future and then he says and he shall bring an end to the you shall confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate and until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate look God is telling Daniel look everything has been determined Daniel all I want you is not to ask too many questions take the pen and write down and if you don't understand I'll give you an understanding but you cannot change what I'm about to tell you because I know what's gonna happen look God is not telling us look this is a proposed plan if you will behave I may change it no God is saying look I know the thoughts of mankind I know how they're going to do things I know how they're gonna think I know what they're gonna do God knows everything he knows the end from the beginning and from a sometimes things that are not yet done just as we read in Isaiah 46 so God is already telling us look it's not in your hand that Messiah is gonna confirm a covenant you cannot stop him you're not going to stand outside his door and says it is unrighteous for such a man to do such a thing to the people of Israel therefore stay in your home he won't look that's the beauty of the power of a Bible prophecy we are not to be afraid surprised having anxiety and fear we have that peace that surpasses all understanding in fact every time a prophecy is being fulfilled we need to even smile more and more and more and not all prophecies are of good things yes it's nice that Israel returned to the land yes it's nice that your resilience back in our hand yes it's nice maybe for some people that after a war that will be peace and a temple will be rebuilt but most of what's gonna happen is gonna be very bad and we are being told all of that a to be prepared and be to prepare others and Daniel 10:14 I've come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days eases for the vision refers to many days yet to come is that interest how blessed was Daniel to pray just about the return to Jerusalem after 70 years and God said Daniel I love you you pray about prophecy that was given by Jeremiah but I'm giving you something much greater that every Bible teacher in the future is going to quote you not Jeremiah and and it's amazing because Daniel is being given more and more and more revelations and Bible prophecies God's way to convey and communicate his people what he's about to do in the future he wants his children to know his plans he wants his children to be educated so that they are not scared but they are and we see the promises of the Messiah in the New Testament as well not only in the old in Matthew - to Abraham begot Isaac Isaac begat a look the reason I started with it is because so many people like to disconnect the new from the old as if they don't belong to each other as it's a different ballgame it's a different religion different phase that God now is he's doing know we will always go back to Abraham Abraham begat Isaac Isaac begat jacob and jacob begat Judah and his brothers if you think that your faith in Jesus has nothing to do with the people of Israel then kiss that thought goodbye because I just read you Matthew 2 - that connects it so tightly and firmly in everything that God has even in Bible prophecy regarding Israel matters to you as well you can't run away from it and by the way Matthew 2 - is paralleled with what's written in numbers 24:17 then there is revelation 19 the famous the famous portion I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and his righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no one knew except himself and he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God and that's a parallel of what is written in genesis 49:11 when jacob was blessing his children regarding the garment that is dipped with blood it's it's amazing you see God is the same yesterday today and forever god of the old testament is the god of the New Testament it is we can see the things that were once concealed now being revealed but it's not a different God it's not a God on steroids it's not god 2.0 this is the same God he cannot change and what he promised through Jacob in Genesis he is now going to fulfill even in the very future for us in Revelation 19 by the way Hebrews 1 versus 1 & 2 says God who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the father's by by the prophets has in these last days look the writer of the Hebrews of the book of Hebrews are acknowledged the fact that they already lived then in the last days what made him write that the fact that so many prophecies are being fulfilled look I always tell people we live in the single most blessed generation since the generation of Jesus Christ look hundreds of years passed before the first century came and Jesus was born the promise of his birth and then the birth and then he's you know the whole him growing up and then he starts the ministry and then the fame of Jesus going all around and then of course comes the trial and comes the the crucifixion the burial and the resurrection all of these things were happening boom boom boom all of it one after the other four of the seven festivals of Israel were fulfilled one after the other in real time in the same year 32 ad it's amazing people live they couldn't believe it this is the first time that those disciples had it Passover like this it's the first time they had a Pentecost like that it's the first time they ever had a feast of firstfruits like this they've never seen anything like that in their life and then is that an interesting that it's not our grandfather is not a great-grandfather's it's us we'll live now in the 20th and 21st century in the transition where another set of holidays is about to be fulfilled the last one the autumn one just like you could have a valley sometime between for example 69 weeks that were fulfilled in the seventy at one between the four festivals that were fulfilled and the last three that are bowed to it's amazing the Bible says that in this this lucien of mankind problem is through the messiah in the last days this is what Genesis 49 talked about this is what numbers 24 talked about the coming king and the background story of God's plan to provide even solution is of course in Genesis we all know that God blessed them Adam and Eve and said to them what did he say to them he said be fruitful multiply fill the earth and subdue it there's a blessing there is a seed and there is a land he is giving them all three this is the separation now between man and God due to disbelief in disobedience that we're watching right now these are the three most important components in God's covenant ever which by the way later on we see that again and we see the first Bible prophecy spoken already in genesis 3:15 when he's not even talking to Adam or Eve he's talking to the serpent I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and the seed and her seed and her she'll bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel Isaiah 7:14 therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel a virgin shall conceive that's the seed of the woman in genesis 3:15 the first ever prophecy in the Bible is already being promised and Satan is already on the defense from day one and we see that the Abrahamic covenant continues that which started in a Garden of Eden when Abraham was 99 years old in Genesis 17 the Lord appeared to Abraham and said I I am Almighty God walk before me blameless and I will make what my covenant between you I will multiply you exceedingly in the neighbor and fell on his face and God talked to him and said as for me behold my covenant is with you and you shall be a father of many nations no longer shall your name be called Abram but your name shall be called ABBA Avraham the father of many I've made you father of many nations I will make you exceedingly fir for look the blessing the seed and I will make nations of you and Kings shall come from you and I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be God to you and your descendants after you also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger all the land of Canaan has an ever lasting possession and I will be their God and why am I so excited because we are the generation we not anyone else we're the generation that is watching that fig tree coming back to life we are the generation that is watching the nation of Israel resurrecting itself look you have to understand something when Jesus talked about the endtime signs he stopped he paused and he says hey learn this parable from the fig tree when the summer is near then then then then it will have leaves come forth and and then he says when these things happen you know that the end is near and he says and then lift up your and then we promised that generation that is going to watch it shall not pass away and why is it so important it's important but because look we're the generation that is you by the way I'm part of the victory so I'm like in both but you guys are the generation that is watching the fig tree coming back to life you can be part of Israel when it comes to religious and spiritual promises but it can never be part of Israel when it comes to our national privileges your capital is not Jerusalem in your nationality is not Israeli and and this is something that belongs to Israel and Israel alone and that has been restored right now before your very eyes seventy-three years ago Israel was born as a state and in just two two years ago President Trump declared Jerusalem as capital of Israel and thus the embassy moved to Jerusalem listen although Jerusalem was our capital from day one finally the world superpower has acknowledged that these are historic things and we not anyone else we're the generation that is watching all of these things happen and there's a great great parallel between the things a lot of people say you know what there is a what whatever happened in the Garden of Eden and whatever happened to the people of Israel two different things don't mix we belong to what happened in the Garden of Eden Israel is Israel no no it is a continuation of everything in innocence I'll show you some peril as Genesis 3:8 they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid himself from the presence of the Lord God among the trees in the garden and guess what in Leviticus 26 12 I will walk among you and be your God and you shall be my people God says the same thing he's the same yesterday today and forever what he was for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden he is for the people of Israel in the tabernacle and there were cherubim protecting the Garden of Eden and the entrance of the Garden of Eden is from the east and we know they were embroidered cherubim on Israel's great veil between the holy in the Holy of Holies and the entrance of the tabernacle and by the way of the temple was also from the east in Genesis 2:15 the Lord took the men and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it and in numbers three seven and eight it says and they shall attend to his needs and the needs of the whole congregation before the tabernacle of meeting to do the work of the tabernacle also they shall attend to all the furnishings and the tabernacle of meeting and to the needs of the children of Israel to do the work of the tabernacle if that's not enough in Genesis 3:21 also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin and clothed them in an exodus 29 then you shall take the garments put the tunic on Aaron and the robe of the effort and the ephod and the bread plate and girding with the intricately woven band of the ephod you shall put the turban on his head and put the holy crown on the turban and if that's not enough and you shall take the anointing all pour on its head and anointing then you shall bring his sons and put tunics on them Adam is not only that he was getting the role of the king but of the cue of the creation but also a king yet a priest in Exodus 19:6 and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and these are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel so we see that it started in the Garden of Eden it continued with the people of Israel and then Jesus Christ comes and he's our King and he's our high priest in Hebrew seven seven beyond all contradictions the lesser is blessed by the better he here mortal man received tithes but there he receives them of whom he is witnessed that he lives even Levy who receives ties paid ties for Abraham so to speak for he was still in the loins of his father when little kids addict met him we know that the believers are all down the royal priesthood 1st Peter 2:9 and 10 but you're a chosen generation royal priesthood a holy nation his own print as special people that you you Gentiles you in Riverside Calvary Chapel you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light you once were not people but now are the people of God you had not obtained obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy and I wanted to be very clear in Christ Jesus look he started in the Garden of Eden then he chose through Abraham the nation of Israel to work work through and through them brought the Messiah to the world and now introduce it to the Gentiles around the world and here you are 2,000 years later sitting and studying the Word of God and you are not less than any in fact you are more than the average Jew you're more I mean if if you're now priests there was a very thin sliver of priests in the society in the nation of Israel you don't have to become Jews you are even beyond it now your priestly Kingdom your priests your your gonna reign with him you're gonna rule with him it's amazing and it's interesting because from the moment Satan was put on a notice that his end is coming you know Satan doesn't know everything so he's trying to guess invariably almost every generation is trying to push an antichrist maybe it's work it's gonna work this time and that's why people are confused with some ancient world leaders such as ant if Antiochus Epiphanes or or Nero or others people are confused and that's why they become preterist and they think that everything has already been fulfilled no Satan is trying but it's not happening everything that has to do with the Antichrist has to include the rest of the things that have not happened yet and so the Antichrist cannot buy the wafer still here he cannot be here and so that's another indication that he hasn't arrived yet but the thing is from day one Satan is like hmm okay who is that seed of the woman god I have to get rid of him and Cain killed Abel boy because Abel seems to be the guy that God loves more and so Eve and Adam will have another son called Seth and then through him God is about to establish all of his plans Pharaoh killed all the Hebrew males but Moses was spared Heyman's conspiracy against the Jews but Queen Esther saved the Jewish people if you remember through what she did and then we know that King Herod put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem Ihnen and in all of its districts from two years old and under and we know that according to the time which he had determined from the wise man of course but what happened we all know what happened we know that Jesus was born we know that they fled to Egypt eventually no Satan is trying to stop Messiah from coming forward he's trying to stop everything and then if that's not enough when Jesus already started his ministry then Satan says okay I don't want him dead okay because if he is going to die that's my end because he is going to die for them and in look in Matthew 16 when Peter with such a huge head thinking of well I eyed the one who said that he's the Messiah you know he said to them who do you say that I am and Jesus asked and Simon Peter answered you are the Christ in Hebrew Messiah Anointed One the son of the living god and jesus answered and said to him blessed are you simon barjona not interesting the parallel between Simon Peter and Jonah both of them have surely fled from Jaffa to the author or a were in Jaffa and tried to flee away from God's calling to go to the Gentiles and it says even blessed are You Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father which is in heaven and Peter is like okay I am the chosen one I am the one who heard from God while the others did not and his head got so big and then when Jesus felt comfortable enough to share with him for the first time that Messiah is not the Messiah you have in mind Messiah is to die for you for your sins and he has to he will eventually resurrect but he has to first go to Jerusalem he has to be given to the hands of the priests who will be giving him to the hands of the Romans and they will kill him and he will be and Peter's like what and then he said to him far be it from you lord this shall not happen to you it's not interesting Jesus says I want to die for you and Peter says hey that shall not happen to you and that's why he turned and said to Peter get behind me Satan you are an offense to me for you're not mindful of the things of God but the things of men how can we be mindful of the things of God if we read the Word of God if we know the Word of God the Word of God reflects the heart of God the Word of God reflects the plans of God if you want to be mindful of the things of God then you need to look Satan banks on Bible literal illiteracy he banks on the fact that most Christians don't read the Bible they don't pray they don't have communication with the Lord on daily basis he banks in the fact that they don't hear from God because they don't spend time with God so he is he's banking on I can deceive them easily i-i'll just put online some stuff and output all around stuff I'll put new books and new music that will just brainwash them to think that this is Who I am but I'm telling you folks Satan's actions towards the nation of Israel even didn't didn't help we know that eventually we know we know unfortunately that a lot of Jews will be deceived by the Antichrist and Zechariah 13 is telling us in the most vivid and in in I would even say a little bit tragic way he said it shall come to pass in all the land says the Lord the two-thirds in its in it shall be cut off and die but one-third shall be left in it and I will bring the one-third through the fire and refine them as silver as refine and test them as gold is tested and they will call on my name and day I will answer them and I will say this is my people and each one will say the Lord is my God look in World War two one out of three Jews were killed and then later on 37 out of the 40 nations that have Muslim majority in the world openly refused to recognize the very existence of Israel most of their textbooks in their schools have maps of the Middle East and Israel is not even on the map need to understand the study of Bible prophecy as it has no significance in the Bible if you don't accept the Word of God the Bible as the Word of God Jesus is about to come back but the problem is that is there is so much confusion you know Jesus's disciples even while he was with them they believed that he would fulfill the promises related to his first and second coming at the same time why because they didn't pay careful attention to the Word of God they had absolutely no idea that there are two different comings in two different times the first coming when Rome is controlling Israel and the second coming Jesus will return to bring an end to the Great Tribulation was known as Jacob's trouble which he will come and sit on the throne and judge all twelve tribes of Israel and judge all the world that came against them if a major doctrine of the Bible such as the first and second coming of Christ could be misunderstood this serves as a warning to each and every one of us even today to be mindful of misinterpreting Bible prophecy why did people in the time of the Old Testament and even in the time of Jesus misunderstood Bible prophecy because again they failed to pay attention to the details all the prophecies concerning his first coming in contrast to the details of the prophecies concerning his second coming in an interesting every Jew today in the morning prayer says that the Hazara in a new massive Hallett xeandra honey mayer eyes will behold your return to Zion in mercy how can a Jew say about the Messiah that he's going to return to Zion and mercy if he doesn't believe that he already came I mean that that by itself is a contradiction and the Jewish Talmud by the way says that the Messiah is going to come if the Messiah is going to come riding a donkey the people will not be ready if the Messiah will come riding a horse the people will be ready isn't it interesting Jesus came and fulfilled Zechariah by writing the donkey and indeed Israel wasn't ready and the second coming of Jesus he will come as a man of war riding a horse in Israel then will be saved as Romans 11 says in all Israel will be saved you know it's very simple God wants all of us to have clear understanding of his plans and that's the purpose of the study of Bible prophecy first Corinthians 14:33 says for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all the churches of the saints so let's go over for a few seconds over the time the timeline that we have you know mark twain shows up in the early 1800s to the land that was called an palestine and he writes in called the innocents abroad that was published in london in 1881 a desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds a silent mournful expanse a desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action we never saw a human being on the whole route I mean those Arab callings of Palestinians say they were here first Mark Twain didn't even see a human the whole time that he was here in the early 1800s we never saw a human and then he says there was hardly a tree or shrub look if they were here they would have had trees they would have had agriculture there was hardly a tree or shrub anywhere and look what he says even the olive and the cactus whose that there are the fast friends of the worthless soil had almost deserted the country complete desolation that's why by the way when Ezekiel 36 says in verse 8 but you o mountains of Israel you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit for my people Israel for they are about to come this is a strong amazing word that was set forth by God to the Land of Israel to be fruitful once again not for the return quote-unquote of Arabs to the land but to the return of the rightful owners of the land the the people of Israel and in preparation for the mass return of the Jews to the land the land had to be fruitful and the swamps had to be dried up and the mountains and the valleys it's unbelievable and you are watching now that some you know excuse me uh Ezekiel 36 is now being fulfilled and then okay now on the land is ready we need to bring the people back but the people enjoy Europe too much the croissants and the strudels and the coffee and whatever it is I'm not sure but definitely when they thought about Palestine of those days in the desert and the mosquitoes and the malaria and and there is nothing there that wasn't too appealing to them and ladies and gentlemen little did they know that Europe was going to become their graveyard and as I said the Holocaust to play 38 in 1945 and the Bible says in Ezekiel 37 that Ezekiel was led into a valley full of dry bones and in verses 11 to 14 and he said to me son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel they indeed say our bones are dried our hope is lost and we ourselves are caught up therefore prophesy look at the word prophesied prophesy prophesy prophesy tell them about the future tell them about my plan of the future you know a lot of people call them some prophets no prophets were certain people that God chose and they were moved by the Holy Spirit it's not even a evident interpretation of anything and the prophesy says to Ezekiel and say to them thus says the Lord God behold all my people you're still my people I will open your graves and cause you to come from the graves and I will bring you into the land of Israel he says that's not Palestine its history Allah says and then he said then you shall know that I am the Lord when I have open your graves all my people and brought you up from your graves and I will put your my spirit in you and you shall live and I will place you in your and not only that it's called Israel but it's your own land and then you shall know that I the LORD have spoken it and God is not only talking and performed it says the Lord and this is interesting because a lot of believers are confused about Psalm 83 you know they think that it might be a future event future war but it can't be a future event in the future war because Israel was born as a nation in 1948 and the big thing that happened in 1948 is that the name was changed by David ben-gurion from Palestine to Israel Palestine is a foreign name that was given to the land by Adrian in 135 ad after the Philistines the old testament foes of Israel and just so you understand Jews and Gentiles as alike unions in fact more Jews used it and Arabs the Palestine orchestra is a Philharmonic today that that Palestine poses to Jerusalem Post of today we were using the Palestinian passport until 1940 because that's the name of the area of the time it's not a name of a nation it's not a name of other people it's a name of an a geographical location ok so so now David ben-gurion says when he declares the state he says enough is enough I hereby declare the establishment of this the state of the Jews which is going to be called Israel by the way I saw I saw the paper the President Harry Truman was about to issue to recognize the state now he didn't even know what is gonna be called literally listen he knew it's gonna be the state of the Jews because everybody talked about a homeland for the Jewish people but he didn't know which name is God so he says the state of the Jews and then you see that he crossed it and he says State of Israel when he when he heard ben-gurion says Israel boom he cross and he says Israel now I know and we recognized look what Psalm 83 says do not keep silent or God and do not hold your peace and do not be still or God for behold your enemies make it tumult and those who hate you have lifted up their head and they have taken crafty counsel against your people and consulted together against your sheltered ones and they have said come and let us walk cut them off from being a nation you see Israel is not just the name of a land it's a name of a nation and that the name of Israel may be remembered no more why because now just now ben-gurion declared it as Israel let's cut them off that that name will not be remembered you know Adrienne tried to suppress that name in 2000 years later it floats now the invading powers of Jordan and Egypt and Syria and Lebanon and even Iraq look what it says what they they have consulted together with one consent they form a confederacy against you the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites Moorabbin hacker I give Aleman amalek Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre all the land around us all the immediate countries and Assyria also has joined with them which is Iraq of today and they have helped the children of God ladies and gentleman this is a description of 1948 and then later on nineteen forty sixty seven the two major Wars and it's very interesting because now we have peace with Jordan we have peace with Egypt Lebanon is collapsing Syria does not exist anymore all the first tier of countries is gone either have peace with us or gone and Ezekiel 38 and 39 is no longer speaking about the first tier look what it says it says the following thing and III you know you can finish reading Psalm 83 but I want you to know that we fixed now are all over our eyes on Damascus because Isaiah 17 tells us that the masses is going to cease to exist but I want to tell you folks all the forces are aligned together against Israel now in Syria on its on their way to eventually have a salt in Israel the Russia is there and Iran is there in Turkey's they're there physically and this is exactly the countries that Ezekiel 38 come it confirms that they're going to come against us and it's interesting because you know whether it's going to happen before or after we are out of here before the Antichrist is coming we have to according to second Thessalonians chapter 2 we have to be out of here but no one deceive you by means for the day will not come unless the falling away the apostasy comes first the apostasy ah another word apostasy a' is also in the book of Acts the falling away the departure from truth and the man of sin is revealed look he's telling the Thessalonians look the end times the day of the Lord all that is going to happen at the very end will be characterized by two things the fall of the church and the rise of the Antichrist but I'm going to tell you something regarding what going to happened to you he cannot show his face before we are taken out of here in Revelation 19 let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready and to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen clean bright for the fine and is the righteous acts of the saints and then he said to me write blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the lamb and he said to me these are the true sayings of God and I fell at his feet to worship Him but he said to me see that you do not do that I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus worship God and look what he says for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy see how important prophecies that's this testimony of Jesus is I was I am and I will be it's not just I was it's not just I am 2000 years ago I will be I God is you know it's the same yesterday today and forever we need to get ready we need to get ready everything is lined up everything look Ezekiel 36 the restoration of the land the restoration of the people back to the land coming back to the Land of Israel the restoration of the language back to the Jewish people now they took Jerusalem in 1967 now every Jerusalem is recognized in 2018 ladies and gentlemen one thing after the other if you're not ready and if you don't make yourself ready then what's the purpose of Bible prophecy the purpose of Bible prophecy is that you will be ready because we don't know the day we don't know the hour look there's one thing about God that is interesting is that there are things he revealed and there are things that he is not revealed there are days and sometimes there's events we know the days in the weeks and the months we know everything I mean even the return that the coming of Jesus is the first time we we could if we counted the days from the declaration of our tech services to go the decree to go and build it to Jerusalem and the temple we would have known exactly 173,880 days are the stone 69 weeks based on the fact that 69 times seven times 360 days in them it is amazing that's why he says Jerusalem how could you have missed your visitation but yet of course we don't want to miss our visitation in heaven so I pray as we are wrapping it up right now I pray that you understand that prophecies for you to prepare not for you to be scared and I pray that you understand that God is merciful and he wants you he wants you to be saved today is the day of salvation now is the time the high time not to fall asleep as others do so we must remember that and to encourage you to continue to study of the word of God to stay close to the Word of God so you know the heart of God and a plan of God and be mindful of the things of God god bless you alright you to see that's been fulfilled prophecy that's going to be fulfilled and it is exciting to see that as a house I believe I loved what you said prophecy is given to prepare us and for us to prepare others and it's so true how we need to be ready in these days and to be expectant and to be looking up because Jesus is coming soon and we're so excited for that reminder here today that you gave us and what a privilege it's been just to have you with us but hopefully you still got a little bit of energy left and because we want to get into some Q&A time and and we've got a number of questions that have come in and so I'm gonna see if we can kind of run through a number of them many people wrote questions in already and we're thankful for all of you that sent questions in I don't know if we're gonna get to all of them forgive me I apologize if we don't get to yours but we're gonna get to as many as we can I know people are going to be ready you talked earlier about croissants and coffee in Europe and I'm I'm getting hungry and I'm a weak man sorry Ameer but boy we want to kind of move through some of these quickly so let me jump into it there was one question that was posed even right on our live stream here in the comment section that we'll just touch because it's kind of just you know pertinent for today but someone asked how Christianity growing in Israel today are you seeing a revival taking place there well you know every country a revival is a relative thing it's you know what what can be in the millions in China it can be translated to dozens in Israel and it will still be the same we do see an increase in the number of believers there's a roughly twenty-five to thirty thousand believers in Israel which is look when I came to Christ we were two thousand it was 25 years ago it was actually 30 years ago it was a 1990 around this time of the year thirty years ago I'm thirty years old not forty-seven but but the thing is really the the body of Christ is growing but you have to understand this is a very very hard place to just to preach the gospel simply because people they can be as secular as possible when it comes to Jesus they're they're just that's that's not for Jews you know I have it there mind that this is a different religion different people the New Testament is a book for the Gentile Jesus started in your religion and all of that so it's not easy but I I see you know slowly slowly people come to faith we have a revival also in the music in the land and in their infrastructures that we have here we see a lot of good things happening awesome great to hear with that comes also a lot of bad theologies and confusion and all of that which is the diseases that we see all across the world this is one of the signs of the end times the apostasy so we see that unfortunately as well great another question here what will the significance of a shared prime minister government be in Israel it's a it's a solution to make the the the square round basically nobody likes it but hey there was no other way but to go to another set of elections which would have been disastrous a financially it'd be with the coronavirus it would have been almost impossible so that's the only solution we had and time will tell if it's working it's all it's only been less than a week actually exactly a week it's exactly a week from you know today is exactly a week from the swearing-in of the government right awesome here's another question the Feast of the Lord written about in Leviticus were commanded by God for the children of Israel so because the reason to celebrate these feasts of the Lord Passover firstfruits Pentecost etc because they were fulfilled by Jesus and as a Jew who believes Jesus the Messiah how is your celebration of these feasts changed and then it goes on to say for me as a Gentile in what way should I celebrate like the Feast of Tabernacles as commanded by God in in Zechariah 14 yeah so first of all we have to understand this is the Feast of the Lord and we we have seen the fulfillment of of them in Jesus so when we come to celebrate Passover we talk both about the story of Passover and about the life of Jesus being the Passover so we're not really religious per se when it comes to keeping all the little half - we understand that the law was the nanny and it introduced us to now the substance and you know what when you walk in the street and you see a person's shadow you don't shake that shadows hands you wait for the person and when the person comes shake his hand you talk to him not to the shadow the feasts were the shadow and the Bible says that in Colossians chapter 2 I mean let no one judge for food and drink or festivals and new moons or sabbath these are the these are the shadows of things to come substance is Christ so celebrate them but we celebrate them with Jesus in the center and I believe that you don't have to worry about celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles because the people that will have to worry are the Gentiles that will have to come every year from the nation that were left of the tribulation we're going to have our glorified bodies already and for us it's not going to be a yes you and that's great and I'm gonna do something here you didn't ask me to do this Samir but I'm gonna give a quick plug here on your latest book we got it right here the Day approaching because in that book here you talk about the different feasts you talk about some them being the shadows and how they point to Jesus and he did a great job in describing that so anybody looking for a good read right here the Day approaching by Mayer Sarfati here he didn't ask me do that but I'm gonna do it anyway so great read there um okay thank you for that now it also says in God's Word in several places that all Israel will be saved can you explain what that means all Israel yeah it means that when Jesus comes back those the the people of Israel that did not receive the mark of the beast and ran away it to the place God prepared for them in the desert they are a people that will be expecting the Messiah to come and then when they seem you can read about it in Zechariah chapter 12 and they look at him whom they pierced and they will mourn and cry they will repent they'll accept him and that is exactly what Romans 11 men that moment all Israel at the time because remember two thirds of Israel will perish we read it in the privy in the following chapter so the people that Israel that remain faithful and that their name are the Bible says those who know that their name look if you go to Daniel to the best of my knowledge Daniel chapter 12 explains it the most allow me to to read it to you because Daniel is my hero when it comes to explaining that particular thing Daniel says the following thing just a second okay so I'm reading from chapter 12 the following thing and look what it says it says and then Michael shall stand up the time aiko system the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people Michael the Archangel the one sign for Israel and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was seen there was an era that wasn't such as never was since there was a nation even to this stuff to that time and at the time your people shall be delivered every one who is found in the book yes yes so we see that and that's wonderful awesome ah here's a great question here what scriptures lead us to believe that we'll be departed ahead of the Antichrist well second Thessalonians chapter 2 basically is giving us the fact that he cannot be revealed until the restrainer first is removed and when you look at the when you sped away I hope I have a whole message on the restrainer but the the restrainer we believe it's the Holy Spirit that is here dwelling and and what it restrains and and also we by the way in many ways because it dwells in us we are part of the restrainer in the sense the Holy Spirit dwelling in the church yeah obviously and we know that and a lot of times people don't know but the restrainer is restraining two things it restrains the judgment of God from happening and many times by the way the pleading of the people of God restrained God from harsh judgment but it's also restraining the of course the supernatural manifestation that will eventually kick off once the Antichrist is going to show up but I believe with all of my heart I believe that if you're not destined to the wrath of God if he is to take you out of the hour of trial that is going to come upon this world and if you're the bride show me one bridegroom that is beating up his wife he protects her so I you know the Antichrist is bad news to the whole world and to Israel and I believe that because by the way pastor Brent there is one one more thing that you may want to use later also another proof that I believe were not going to be there you know in Isaiah 43 Israel was called you are the witnesses of God in Chapter 1 the church is the witnesses hmm so if we're taken then there is a need for two witnesses all right yeah if we were here the two witnesses why would you need two witnesses when there's so many witnesses here yeah so I think it's good yeah I think second Thessalonians 2 is the key passage that really makes that so clear for us and then certainly other passages that that bring that allusion to you know I mean God's appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation and that's certainly going to be a time of the outpouring of God's wrath during that time for sure okay moving along here this is great and here's one I'm going to try to break this question down a little bit recently the the question arose again why did God allow the Holocaust to take place so regarding the Holocaust could the Lord the question is could the Lord have been so you know disappointed with the Jews at that time that he allowed the German people to be led into that terrible act by evil Hitler use him as he did with the Babylonians Assyrians Romans in the past was his plan was God's planned through this to provide the Jews with their own nation so that they might recognize his love and plans for them and be drawn to him through Jesus Christ he goes on to say I know that's lengthy right there maybe take that right there no I'm just saying I'm just going to say there is a Holocaust of the and there is the Holocaust in Rwanda and there there was a genocide in in other places there's so much evil in this world and I cannot even as a Jew I cannot single out only the Jews as why is that one and all the rest I wouldn't wonder as well we have to we have to remember that evil is the product of free will men from day one had the chance to choose good or evil death or life in in in without free choice we thought with without free will there cannot be love also you cannot love it God cannot be loved if there is no free will and I believe that many times evil is rampant and we see that and unfortunately we turn to God rather than turn to the evildoers and to proponent of evil which is Satan you know God could have created robots and he could have he could have programmed pre-programmed all of us and we wouldn't be able to love anyone yeah it may be also not commit evil things as well yeah but all I'm saying is that unfortunately since sin entered the world because of freewill because if Adam and Eve were pre-programmed they would have said no but they yeah because of free will that enables us to love God and fortunately the byproduct of it in a sinful world is that sheer amount of evil and unfortunately the Jewish people had a big portion of it along the course of the years but you know God is righteous gone he's famous and I believe that he will judge things in the righteous way yeah perfect that's great thank you for answering that another one year can one what do you think here can one go too far or spend too much time or energy in following world and time happenings especially if in doing so they become a little bit critical or judgmental of other Christians who for whatever reason don't hold similar use or a passion towards those things unless I go too far that guess who wrote it the latter part wrote it sure yeah mostly yeah let me let me tell you this there's always the danger that we believed in the importance of a third of the Bible that is being neglected but then a lot of people what they do they take that third and now they neglect the other two-thirds and then they neglect how to treat one another they neglect how to how to behave how to treat a brother how to love a brother how to restore how to handle a brother in the Lord so I'm saying we all have to be Watchmen we all have to see what's going on we all have to be alert you have to watchful we have to see but at the same time if there is no love found among us then how will we even be known as his followers and I'm saying you know you need to know what's going on you need to understand what's going on but you need to trust the Lord and not get anxious and all freaked out on because of what is going to look you know here we are it's it's we're almost at the end of the coronavirus and instead of leading people to Christ and instead of telling them the truth of the gospel all I hear Christians do is I'm not gonna get a vaccination I'm not gonna get the vaccination but wait a minute this is not let that's not what we need to focus on right now this whole ancient fight of should or should we not be vaccinated why is it now you're the main engine of your yeah you know your focus right now yes I'm sorry I'm saying so yes we have to understand what's going on and Here I am every week I give a Middle East update in order to give people what's gonna but at the same time if we are not focusing on the Word of God and the work of God then it's worth noting well said I agree with you wholeheartedly get ready to come back together next Sunday let's keep the emphasis on Jesus and just serving one another and you know there can be lots of debates over what your view is towards all that's been going on in Kovan 19 but let's keep it about Jesus Moses when Jesus comes to take us how do you want him to find it acting over vaccinations the Word of God there you go that's that's that's basically what I summon it for yeah that's great no that's perfect thank you okay we got maybe just one or two more here we'll cover after after hearing his question after hearing from someone saying the Antichrist comes from Islam now in Daniel 9 the question is that the people that prince will come our Rome they're assuming that it's Rome and the prince is the Antichrist then wouldn't that confirm that the Antichrist comes from the Roman Empire absolutely absolutely I I I never understood the concept of a Muslim Antichrist when the Antichrist will allow the Jews to build a temple on the Temple Mount show me one Muslim on planet earth that will gladly allowed the Israelite the Jews to replace the Dome of the rock with the boat with a a Jewish temple yeah I I don't understand I mean show me one Israeli that will allow an antic Muslim to be his Messiah right so I mean there's it's just it's just not mm-hmm not even making sense for sure yeah yeah no that's good okay last one here I was just wondering about the people being born during the thousand year reign of Christ is there an opportunity of salvation for them if so would they be raised at the great white throne judgment and make it to the judgment or would they be raised some other time look it's a good question this is one of those questions when I said where the Bible is silent we need to be silent because if I'm gonna tell you what I think right now I will need to substantiate it with with Bible verses but simply we do have Bible verses on what is going to happen in the in the Millennial Kingdom but definitely not on this particular thing but I can tell you one thing if Jesus is reigning and people are they believe in him show me one verse in the Bible that says that a person that believes in Jesus at some point in a history will not be saved there is no such thing so I am I am holding on to the truth then anyone who confessed in his mouth and believes in his heart that Jesus is Lord and follows him in his and he's a follower of Christ he has to be saved or else what where where is it that we draw the line now now well I now say to myself I don't need to do it now because I've got a chance most likely you will not have a chance if you never read the book of Revelation let me show you that the chances of you rejecting him now and accepting him then are almost below zero you know God the Bible says that in 2nd Thessalonians 2 because they rejected the love of the truth that might save them God gave them strong delusions so my point is this is something that probably I'm sure there will be a possibility for them then but it has nothing to do or has no effect on any salvation of any person today and so any debate whether I should accept him now or not or do I have another chance that don't even think that way yeah don't wait no because you'll never be there if that's how you think right now yeah so I'm saying you know but I've never heard of Jesus at any given moment rejecting people and saying if they truly believe in him yeah and saying you know what it's expired yeah yeah and we know the Millenium is going to be an exciting time where we're gonna see people they're like the church in their glorified bodies and those people are coming through and and reproduction happening and population growing it's gonna be an interesting time right really yeah there is may be that righteousness reigning people being led to the Lord for sure and then what happens we have ours their resurrected bodies we'll wait and see yes but there is also people don't pay attention to the fact that after the Millennial Kingdom is over Satan will be released for a short while and he will deceive the nations again and the number of those that will join him will be the number of the sands of the sea which means there is a good chance if you live at the very end of the Millennial Kingdom that you might even be joining Satan sure in his new last rebellion there yeah exactly that's great Amir thank you so much for taking time to answer some questions and thank you so much for sharing with us here at Riverside Calvary Chapel today it has been such an honor to have you with us I would love just to kind of close our service and just pray for you and for the ministry I behold Israel you guys are doing just a great work and we're appreciative of all that you guys are doing so if I can't adjust up to pray with you and for you here before we wrap up here lord thank you for this great day here together thank you for letting a mere be with us and be able to share from God's Word about just the the importance and the wonders of prophecy just you sharing Lord what you have in store for us and it is exciting to see that things unfolding today and Lord to know that these are all fitting and according to what you've already said what you've already shown us so i pray lord help us to be prepared and ready help us to prepare others and just to look and live these lives with expectancy and anticipation of what you are doing and of your soon coming again and lord we thank you for a mere we thank you for behold Israel ministries and all that they're doing and how they're reaching out and just ministering and sharing the truth of your word continue to bless them provide for them would you keep a mirror safe Lord and all that he's doing and just guide him in all that you have for him so again we thank you for today Lord be honored and glorified we ask in your awesome name Jesus amen amen amen Ahmir through me bless you and you look forward to one day hopefully having you here with us in person and would be awesome too so here there or in the air in the air amen all right okay we're done and have a great party tonight here and we'll talk again later lor bless bye bye
Channel: Riverside Calvary Chapel
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Id: PueWraYL5bM
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Length: 80min 0sec (4800 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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