The Generation That Shall Not Pass Away

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hello and welcome to this new life you know it is such an amazing time to be a Christian you know why because major Amir chair Fatih is gonna tell us all about it so sit back relax and enjoy the message today hallelujah father we thank you but you our you're our hope this fallen world we have hope we can find joy you can find faith we thank you for all your promises and we thank you Father that we are a generation that shall not pass away in Jesus name Amen [Applause] good morning Church Shalom from a bin in the Philippines for a few days now so I'm already adjusted to the time but I'm not yet adjusted to how beautiful these countries by far the most beautiful country in the world by the way I know this one is a live stream which means a lot of people are angry with me right now but they should go to the islands and understand what I just understood in the past few days it is amazing this morning by the way I shared a different message this 8 o'clock service I will share the same message of the 8 o'clock of the 3 o'clock and the message of the 10 o'clock in the 5 o'clock and it's to confuse the enemy the message that I felt sharing with you today is a message that I believe is a message for our generation oftentimes people take it for granted all the things that are happening all around the world especially where I'm coming from and they don't understand the influence and the ramification of that which happens in that part of the world over all the earth and in order to understand the gospel and in order to understand the Bible we have to disconnect ourselves from traditions and from prior knowledge we have to look at things as they were also 2000 years ago I'm going to ask all of you take your index finger and just press right here and reset your brains right now okay okay because it's important that you understand gee 2,000 years ago came to the world as a Jew to the Jewish people because people I take people around the country and they see Catholic churches Orthodox churches Anglican churches and they were confused is Jesus Catholic Orthodox or Anglican and I sell confuse you even more he was a Jew Jesus taught his Jewish disciples while he was in Jerusalem in Jerusalem and the time was the capital of Israel it still is by the way in the world can say whatever the world wants it's the capital of Israel and it was the capital of the Jewish people 2,000 years ago because it was the capital of Israel even 3,000 years ago when David made it a capital of Israel and the questions that he was asked while he was sitting a man of Olives the questions that he was asked by his own disciples were actually authentic Jewish issues related to the temple to the Jewish temple and the Jewish Messiah in the last days I mean Gentiles in those days were not into all of those things very few of them were but predominantly it was the Jewish people that were talking about the one God speaking of a temple that contains no statue about a day in which you do nothing and of course about the last days in those days Gentiles were not interested in all of those things and then of course Jesus the Bible says in both Matthew 24 in Luke 21 Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives overlooking the temple and he sat there with his disciples and they came to emanate asking genuine questions and he did not rebuke them he did not scold them he actually took the time to explain in details the things of that time as well as of the future it is called the Olivet discourse the teachings on Mount of Olives and if you read Matthew 24 you actually have to divide it into two parts the first portion from verse 4 to 31 is speaking to the disciples as Jews part of Israel so he's speaking about the future of Israel and then he pauses and in he speaks about the future of the church ok now let me tell you what your future is going to be as believers it's very interesting and in that pause of verses 32 to 35 he sings something very significant very remarkable that speaks to you and to me and to all around all believers around the world even today he said now learn this parable from the fig tree when it's branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves you know say you know you don't think you know you don't guess you know so he's saying when you when when when the fig tree when it's branches has already become tender and puts forth leaves you know that summer is near so you also when you see say see not hear nothing no dream of when you see when you see all these things know that it is near at the tours Jesus could have not been clearer than this he's basically saying to the disciples listen guys we talked about all the future of Israel but I want to tell you something now I don't want you to look at yourself as Jews remember Jesus came and broke down the walls and you no longer just use your now family of god you're now the disciples you are now the church and at that time the church was predominately of Jews remember he took them all the way to acts 15 to figure out what to do with the Gentiles can we tolerate them eating bacon in front of me ladies and gentlemen the Jewish people lived in such a dilemma okay we are Jews but now he's talking to us about something else and I have to also every day ask myself in what shoes am I going to or what hat am I going to put on today in order to be able to understand all of these things and I understand one thing the minute I became a believer in Jesus Christ I'm no longer an Israeli I'm no longer a Jew I'm no longer a citizen of this world amen you know the day you become a believer you were getting a new passport not an American one not a European one but a heavenly one so you are the citizens of the heavenlies the Bible says this is no longer your place and when you go you go home that's home so he's now talking to them as the citizens of the heavenly and he's telling them when you see those things it is near at the doors and then he says surely I say to you this generation that generation that will see the fig tree blooming that generation I say to you will by no means pass away until all these things take place heaven and earth will pass away but my word will by no means pass away Wow no the disciples are listening to the words of Jesus and they're like wow make sure you understand Jesus has learned this parable a parable is not something real it's something that speaks of something real it a picture of the real thing and so he says to them there is a parable here now we're gonna deal with the parable in a few second but first of all he says a generation the whole question of what is a generation how long is a generation it's a question that so many people around the world have been dealing with there's so many versions and so many opinions some says the longevity of mankind Genesis 17 Psalm 22 Jeremiah 1 acts 13 Joshua 24 speaks of a lifetime of a person a generation is described in Bible begins by the way it Concepcion Concepcion not birth life begins at conception the Bible says in Psalm 139 I formed you I made you before you were even anything I already wrote your name in my book it says there's no pro-life and pro-choice it's deception from hell the opposite of pro-life is pro-death so if you're not pro-life you're protest it's not pro-choice because the choice in the Bible is choose life that's what the Bible says is that a put before you death and life evil and good choose life he says so if you want to be pro-choice choose life but if you want to say I'm the opposite of pro-life and you're protest here generation describes as something that starts with conception and ends at death the average lifespan of a group of people that lives about the same time constitute the length of that generation by the way before the Biblical Flood the average lifespan of a man was about 900 years can you imagine you're looking at someone so how old are you 700 and a Hollis tract and you I'm 850 oh my goodness I'm not sure I want to live that much with this body okay the Bible says that in those days its were 900 years about today we're speaking about if you reach a hundred you're already a sensation now a lot of people are a little bit confused because the Bible talks about the wilderness generation so the people think okay the wilderness generation that means a generation is the time that were in the wilderness no the time they were in the in the desert was not a generation in numbers chapter 32 in Psalm 95 and in Hebrew 3 it says surely none of the men who came up from Egypt from twenty years old and above she'll see the land in other words the forty years in the desert plus you're already twenty years old that's already above 40 that's 60 plus it says because they have not wholly followed me except caleb the son of earphone and the can decide and Joshua the son of noon for they have wholly followed the Lord so the Lord's anger was aroused against Israel and he made them wonder in the wilderness forty years until all the generation that had done evil in the sight of the Lord was gone so a 40-year period was required for the disobedient generation of Moses day to die off in the wilderness but remember it's a forty years of the twenty years and above that's why you cannot say that forty years is the actual length of a generation forty years could have not been the length of that generation but it was the time God allotted for that generation to die off by the way Aaron was 123 Moses was a 120 Joshua was 110 Caleb was over 85 when their generation died off so these people were way older when that generation of that time died off in fact the book of Psalm gives us a bet understanding of the length of a generation some 90 how many of you know that Psalm 90 is the oldest song in the Bible how many of you know that it's the only some that Moses wrote not David Moses wrote a song that makes it the oldest and in verses 9 and 10 you can really know the Moses was a Jew by the way just by the way he speaks for all our days have passed away in your wrath we finished our years like a sigh the days of our lives are seven tears any by reason of strength they are eighty years yet need yet their boast is only labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away eighty is the top that Moses gives to a generation keep that number in your mind anything between 70 and 80 Moses says seventy to eighty that's it by the way the evidence from the Scriptures are that in recent history that this was the life span all the way during the 10th century before Christ and then things got deteriorated you know more diseases and more plagues and more problems in David as he approached his life he was considered an old man when he was actually in his 50s or 60s which generation was Christ talking about jesus said learn this parable from the fig tree and when that fig tree comes to life the generation that lives through that time in sea shall not pass away which generation is speaking of very interesting some suggest that the generation is actually the people of Israel but I will concur with that one actually I will differ from them because in the Bible Israel is the fig tree so you must see them to be that generation you cannot be them you must look at them you must see them you must witness that which is going on with them so in Jesus by the way he's telling them in his entire prophetic teaching this is the most significant endtime sign or prophecy that which is about to happen with the fig tree now Israel in the Bible is likened to be many different things many different trees or shrubs first of all divine divine the Bible says is a symbol of Israel's spiritual privileges that's why the Bible says you have been grafted into that vine you are now as believers you share their spiritual privileges amen then the Bible talks also about an olive tree and the olive tree was the symbol of Israel's religious privileges the law and the fathers and the mothers in all the kings of Israel we're talking about something that you can also be partakers of the same thing father Abraham is now your father and in all and and in the law you know the Old Testament is also your book now so you the Bible says in Romans 11 you have been grafted into the olive tree and you are now partakers of the fatness of the oil but there's only one thing that you cannot be part of there's one thing that you cannot be grafted into and that's the fig tree because victory is the symbol of Israel's national privileges which means the ownership over the land the ownership over Jerusalem the return to their homeland that's something you cannot be you can see you understand you can never be grafted into the fig tree you can see the fig tree coming back to life you can be grafted into the vine you can be grafted into the olive tree you cannot be grafted into the victory the fig tree is Israel by the way the vine you can saw we can fight it in Psalm 80 and Isaiah five in Jeremiah to the fig tree though as a symbol of Israel's national privileges Hosea 9 Jeremiah 24 and Matthew 24 what we just read olive tree is the symbols of Israel's religious privileges in Hosea and Isaiah in more in Isaiah Psalm in Romans it's all over you can later on get this message and go through all those verses and find out but there's one thing that you have to understand you cannot don't even try to be a Jew there's no point I want to be a Jew well first of all if we take you all the way back to the eighth day since you're born it's gonna hurt right now second I can tell you one thing the Bible says that the Gentiles should provoke the Jews to jealousy so why would you be provoked by them to jealousy to become Jews when you are instructed to provoke them to jealousy makes no sense by the way I want to tell you a story when Peter remember Peter was the first apostle called to preach the gospel to a non Jew remember that to a non-jewish family he was taken all the way to a pig eating spaghetti devouring family of Cornelius and here he is looking at how the Holy Spirit comes upon the whole family and now he doesn't know what to do what am I going to do now I see with my very eyes that God in God there is no partiality I see Gentiles filled with the Holy Spirit so he recorded everything because he had to go back to Jerusalem and report and said guys we're in trouble what there's Gentiles right now they also believe what are we going to do so everywhere Paul would go around and preach to the Jews others would tell him and then they will say now if you are a Jew you need to be circumcised but can you imagine a 40 year old Gentile becoming a believer and somebody just when Paul goes out of the church somebody comes in and says by the way it's not only privileges you need to be circumcised really and so Paul had to go all the way back to Jerusalem they summon all the Jewish church the church was Jewish at that time they summoned them all together and they said guys what are we going to do should we tell the Gentiles that I must be circumcised or not and it's very interesting because when you read the account you really understand how the Jew was provoked the jealousy by what God did with the Gentiles you see how Peter and you know Peter always speaks out what he thinks he doesn't hold back anything Peter the Bible says then all the attendants in verse 7 he says when there had been much dispute Peter rose up and said to them men and brethren you know that a good while ago God chose among us that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe Oh God who knows the heart acknowledged them by giving them the holy spirit just as he did to us and make no distinction between us and them purifying their hearts by faith now therefore why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear but we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they he flipped it he said look at how God saves them no works no law no circumcision no tradition pure faith we the Jews should be saved just like them wow so you understand that you understand that the dispute was real and I want you to understand folks that as we already established Israel according to the Bible is God's victory and when he says learn this parable from the fig tree the parable means and we're not really talking about the victory we're talking about the nation represented by the picture and he says look they might be scattered and almost dead and hated surrounded by enemies their land might be completely desolated but I want to tell you something there is coming a generation that he's gonna see say the word see see witness what is very eyes the resurrection of that victory in him I want to tell you look at the picture of what the Land of Israel looked like just about 80 years ago Mark Twain said Eve cactuses didn't want to grow there this is really bad when the cactus that can go everywhere chooses not to grow there also and you know all it took is the Word of God you know the Bible says in in in Ezekiel chapter 36 he says and I speak to you a mountains of Israel should forth your branches and he'll ver your fruit for my people Israel for they are about to come and when they came look at what happened right there from that land their dead land he came alive but we export fruits and vegetables and food to the whole world the land that cactuses didn't want to live there is now a land flowing of milk and honey if that's not enough he says ok that Ezekiel 36 the land let's talk about the people since the nation of Israel is going to go through a terrible time and the terrible time is going to be such that they will be in a valley like dead bones and they will they will ask where are you God and Ezekiel I want you to tell them all my people Israel you say our bones are dry our hope is lost and we yourself have been cut off but I tell you I am going to bring you out of your grave and I will set you and then I was thinking to myself when was Israel feeling cutoff dry bones dry bones is you have bones but there's no much flesh on it it's dry take a look at this picture that I found to describe what it looked like this is a picture when the liberators came to liberate the Jews from whatever left from the Jews from the Nazi death camps look there is no hope in those eyes he believes that his God left him he believes that he's been caught no hope and his bones are dry but God says speak to them Ezekiel and tell them all my people I am going to bring you out of that graveyard and I will set you upon your own soil and take a look at what happened right at the result of this thing right now by the thousands the Jews against all odds there is not even a single person on planet earth that has a rational explanation to the return of the Jews back to their land after 2,000 years and look what God did with his spoken word and by the way it only happens 70 80 years ago this is it in fact we just celebrated last May 70 years how long is a generation 70 to 80 oh how many of you are alive today oh so all of you are alive today while Israel is back in their land all of you see them back in their land all of you see the land back to life all of you see that miracle your gran your grandparents didn't see that you can see that it's a big difference 1948 Israel was born in two seconds later we were attacked by seven Arab armies of which five our countries ladies and gentlemen we were attacked from the north from the Northeast from the east from the south from this sea and from within and when we were attacked we were attacked not for what we had but for who we were Psalm 83 says that the enemies said let us cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel shall be remembered no more that's what they wanted to cut the minute we said this is Israel the new State of Israel they invaded and they wanted the name of Israel to be remembered no more today it's 2019 already and it's no longer Israel is going to be destroyed for who she is now we have enemies all around us coming to take what we have for the last 70 years from having nothing we became the seventh most powerful nation on planet earth we became a leader in cyber technology a leader in financial technology a leader in medicine we found gasps we found oil we are introducing to the world so many amazing technologies we purify water eighty to eighty nine percent of our water waste water are being purified there's no other country on planet earth that can do that in fact we extract I mean we literally extract water from the air you sneeze we drink even your president when he came to Israel first time ever pria Filipino president comes to Israel he says I really want this technology by the way we helped your fight against Amara we we we physically help you with equipment that we make it's amazing it's amazing the transition from Psalm 83 of just being attacked by all of our immediate neighbors for who we were to Ezekiel 38 for about to being attacked by our distant you know Russia is not our neighbor Turkey is not our neighbor Iran is not our neighbor none of them have borders with Israel but where are they right now right our border in Syria all of them when we listen to what is being said on the other side of the border we hear Russian Farsi and Turkish here we are it's amazing Israel for the first time co-exist as a sovereign nation back in the land with the church for the longest time the church was there when Israel were scattered that's why some people in the church thought we are the new Israel no you not no you are not God say not only that you're not you will see what I'm about to do with Israel and that is going to be the most important sign of my soon return to you look at Israel now you know we the Bible says that we really don't know the day and the hour Matthew 24 says in verse 36 no one know the day and the hour not even the angels of heaven but my father only Jesus says look I'm not going to tell you I will come to take you on September 13 2018 you know why because God wants people to be ready at all time God's people to live holy life at all time God people God wants people to live with expectancy to his return the Bible says that he will come to those who are eagerly expecting his return Matthew 25:13 watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming 1st Thessalonians 5 verses 1 and 2 but concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night wow the judgment of God will come as a thief in the night as a thief in the night maybe since it is a dark world according to Romans 13 verse 12 and first Thessalonians 5 we are in the night - Bible says however the night is far spent the day is at hand and we're not of the night but of the day so it will not surprise us as a thief in the night the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 10 let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some but exhorting one another and then look what he says and so much the more when as you see say see see not as you hear as you think as you dream it's a very clear verb as you see the Day approaching where where is it that he promised that there is going to be a generation that will see something over there in Matthew 24 you see you are all of you right here you are alive I hope you're not dead here you are the generation all of us that are alive right now witnessing God's most amazing miracle in the history the return of the Jews back to their land the revival of a dead landed and dead nation from nothing no one can explain that we watch we see the fig tree blooming and it's interesting because he see he said when you see those things you know that it is at your door it is so close as you see today is approaching and it's so sad to me that's so many people around the world including the Philippines do not understand that God through his people Israel is actually expecting the church to get ready the church did not replace Israel the church should see Israel the church has not been grafted into the fig tree the church suit should see the fig tree blooming the church has never replaced Israel because we still have promises of salvation for the nation of Israel right after the times of the Gentiles have come in the Bible says in Romans 11 and then all Israel will be saved if God forgot about Israel why wouldn't he forget about you oh because I am perfect now really you want to talk about it are you that perfect well Israel is with disbelief well all of you all of us at some point in our life are in disbelief think about it the Bible says that if you couldn't even fulfill one commandment of the law it's as if you couldn't fulfill all of it the idea that the church was replaced as a replaced Israel is from the devil why so you will not see the Day approaching so you will not see the fig tree blooming so you'll not know that the day is approaching the idea and that's why by the way to the Church of Philadelphia phenomenon mistaken the angel said to the Church of Philadelphia in Revelation he says and some of you who say that you are Jews but you're not nothing but the the house of the devil you're not Jews and you don't need to be Jews you don't need to replace the Jews you are God's chosen people chosen generation holy priesthood you are sons and daughters of Abba Father you don't need a religion you don't need a tradition you don't need all of these things that kept people blinded for the longest time no church and no institution and no tradition and no established religion can ever save you but Jesus and here you are 2019 had just begun and guess what we just started the windows of 17 may be the most 80 remember that's what Moses said I believe Moses there is a generation and you've seen Israel was born 70 years ago as a nation the clock is ticking Jesus is coming we are watching we can see the fig tree coming back to life we are the generation that shall not pass away do you understand what it means it means that many of us here look at you look at you right now take your two fingers and pinch yourself it's a very tragic thing your body is very lowly you're in a state of decay you're dying put a picture of you 20 years ago and understand Jesus is about to replace your body behold I tell you a mystery not all of us are going to die but all of us are going to change how in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the sound of the trumpet you understand all of you be encouraged we live not in the last days we live in the last hour of the last days by the way can anyone tell me when did the term last days start when Jesus came to the world two thousand years ago that's when we first started using the term last days it's interesting because in Hebrews chapter in Hebrews chapter one the Bible says the following thing he says God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the father's by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he appointed heir of all things Jesus came to fulfill everything that was promised by the prophets he came and when that started the last days began and also for North in the last days where in the last hour of the last day and we have been privileged you see neither your grain gray or great-grandfather or mother could see what you see and I love Paul Paul was sure that Jesus is going to come and take him while he was still alive he said to the Thessalonians you know what happened with the Thessalonians the Thessalonians had a visit from Paul and he came and told him about the rapture of the church and he told them hey don't worry you're not gonna die you know death for us is no longer anything so here they are there's a Wow we're not gonna die cool so Paul leaves in two weeks later somebody dies and a week later another person died and three weeks later another one so they writing a letter says you said we're not gonna die people are dying here we're losing how and Paul said to them when he wrote them the Epistle remember he wrote them the Epistle after he visited them he already knows them by name he says brothers in in 1st Thessalonians 4 verse 11 do not I do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep less your sorrow as others who have no hope for I for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus for this way we say to you by the word of the Lord he says Paul says look I'm about to write to you something that the Lord told me it's by the way by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep he said to them for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain he thought that he will be alive and remain because that's the way to live life of a believer to expect him any moment but how much more we who can see the fig tree coming back to life that Paul didn't see it you see it Paul did not experience that you do how much more and more so as we see the Day approaching and then he said then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words so what if somebody died is he a believer if he is a believer death means nothing he moves home that's why he could say to me to live his cries but to die is gain look I'm here crisis in me I'm dead I'm with him good deal just don't be like those who have no hope and I will say even more so all of you who are alive by the way can you check if you're alive right now just see if you can breathe because if you're alive right now and if you can see what I can see that the fig tree came back to life then all of you should be comforting one another with these words the day is approaching Jesus is soon coming you better get ready and the Bible says until then by the way don't you don't set the day it's not for us you're not like waiting for him to come in your house he says until I come do business do your father's business until I come conquer occupy you know I just spoke in the former service on the book of life and the people that Paul had no problem telling them that their name is in the book of life to the Philippians are the people that are fully engaged with their service to the Lord in these last days he says look all of those people the labor for the gospel and all of them that are helping them all of them are written in the Lamb's Book of Life that's what he said you want your name to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life then you have to be born again you have to be spirit filled you have to be about your father's business you have to be an ambassador of Christ you have to be a Watchmen on the walls you have to be active you have to move in him we move and we have our what our being do not be a passive Christian do not be someone with things that going to church on you know so many people around the world as CEOs it's Christmas and Easter only don't be a CEO you must I bet I hear on Christmas is packed and Easter it's packed but I'm so blessed that today it's back today the Bible says choose today who you're serving father I thank you so much that this generation shall not pass away but even more so that you promised that it is at our doors not even that far father I thank you for the nation of Israel that by your faithfulness you brought them back to life you brought them back to their land you revived the land revived that people revive the language all that were dead for nearly two thousand years to tell your family your sons and your daughters get ready see I'm doing an amazing thing I'm about to come and take you father I thank you that all all of your promises are being fulfilled to the dot all of your promises are so accurate and they're being fulfilled literally thank you Father that this generation shall not pass away heavens and earth shall pass away but your word shall not and we stand on your word the word that you you said I magnify and sanctify magnify my name above my word about my name father I asked that you will keep us sanctified and the Bible says Jesus prayed and says my word your word is truth sanctifies by the truth father please open the eyes of those who departed from your word who started following fables and stories and teachings that are not in your word father I pray that they will learn to understand Israel's central role not so they become Jews but they will look and see and understand that the day is approaching we bless your name today from the Philippines from Manila and to the four corners of the world we say blessed be the name of the Lord the one who created the heavens and the earth the one who is known to be the God of Israel the one who promised that he who watches Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the one who says that Israel is the apple of his eye the one who says that heavens and earth shall pass away but not even a single part of your word will pass away and today all of us right here chosen generation to live in such a time as this we ask that you will help us to search in our lives in our hearts do we live life of such a generation that shall not pass away are we ready with oil in our lamps for the bridegroom to come and take us or are we going to be embarassed when it comes because there is no oil in our lamp today I pray father that if there was anyone here who hasn't fully dedicated his life to you and I know father you're not looking for perfect people David was not perfect and Moses was not perfect Joshua was not perfect none of the greatest heroes of faith were perfect you're looking for people that will worship you in spirit and in truth father today we ask prepare our hearts to be that generation shall not pass away we run or we ran out of excuses the fig tree came back to life already seventy years ago and you said 70 maybe 80 that's the length of a generation in your word so here we are living today in the last hour of the last day's work in our hearts we want to serve you and worship you in spirit and in truth and all of God's people say Amen what an amazing message don't you see it is a glorious time for a believer it is a glorious time for the church and I want you to be excited because God is working in us and through us to be a blessing and so I hope that during this week this message warms your heart and causes you to rejoice in his love and goodness for all of us god bless you
Channel: New Life Media
Views: 153,884
Rating: 4.8390894 out of 5
Id: wwajoO2ick8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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