Must See New Evidence that Proves the Temple was on the Temple Mount Over the Dome of the Rock!

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new discoveries provide overwhelming evidence as to where the original Temple Solomon built was located this evidence can be found on the Temple mount in this video we will be taking you on a unique Journey as we reveal the evidence this evidence is supported by the Bible archeology and historical eyewitness accounts however over the past 25 years or so there has been a growing number of people who are going against this 3 000 year old tradition and are promoting the belief that the original Temple was located in the city of David and the Temple Mount was a Roman Fort called the Antonio Fortress which housed a Roman legion of soldiers we will answer their claims with facts that will leave no doubt as to where the original Temple once stood we will show the overwhelming evidence that the original Temple was on the current Temple Mount by dividing this video into three segments we will show evidence from archeology the Bible and historical writings and eyewitness accounts so climb aboard and stay tuned and see for yourself the evidence that clearly shows where the temple was truly located thank you [Music] now why is the location of the temple so important well I give you three reasons one there is no place in history that has played such a key role as the temple location from Genesis 22 to Revelation 20 the role of the temple has been important God has chosen to dwell there in a unique way and has future plans for the Temple Mount during the tribulation period and Christ will reign from there during the millennial reign of Christ as well two it removes the right the Jews have to the Temple Mount and actually supports their enemies there is a massive movement underway to erase any history the Jews have to Israel and the Temple Mount so this does not help the Jews in any way and three there is also the idea that if the temple is located where the Dome of the Rock is that it will be virtually impossible to build a new Temple there as prophesied but if it's in the city of David they could start tomorrow by locating the original temple in the city of David this would move up God's timetable for end time events however God doesn't need any help from us as he is a god of miracles in fact he Delights in taking what seems impossible and making it possible by doing so he receives all the credit and Glory now let's start with the location of this site and I must tell you that I am really excited to share with you some archaeological discoveries that reveal the location of Solomon zerubbabel and hezekiah's original Temple and Temple platform along with the expansion of the hasmonayan and Herod the Great's Temple Mount platform now when we refer to the Temple Mount platform what we mean is the square box-like shape upon which the temple was built we must understand that the temple was built upon Mount Moriah of which we'll talk more in a bit in order to build a structure upon the top of the mountain a large Foundation needed to be built first it is this Foundation that is referred to as the Temple Mount platform so now let's look at some amazing evidence that shows us the exact location of the original Temple Mount platform and its expansions by the hasmoneans and Herod the Great we begin at the northwest corner of the platform that was built in 691 A.D by the Muslims upon which they built the Dome of the Rock and you can see this platform here today this platform was not part of the original Temple Mount platform and was added specifically for the Dome of the Rock it has eight stairways leading up to this platform and each stairway has arches at the top of the stairway all these stairways are perfectly aligned with the platform except the Northwest stairway interestingly it is not aligned with the platform at all but instead is aligned with the eastern wall of the Temple Mount platform also what is really fascinating about this stairway is the bottom step it is made up of large stones that are completely different from the others these stones are from an entirely different time period and are much larger than any stones on the stairway this is evidenced by what is called the boss outline of the stones a boss is the carved outline around the edge of a stone that is cut away to give it a more pleasing and ascetic look today the boss of these Stones has been filled in by a new layer of tiles however we have photos from 1972 that show the boss of these stones over the centuries different kinds of Boss shapes were used in different periods for example the boss shapes during Solomon Hezekiah Ezra has monaean and herodian periods all have their unique shapes the boss shape of these stones on the bottom step of this Northwest stairway is from Solomon or hezekiah's period these stones are also close to the Bedrock of Mount Moriah which is the mountain upon which God ordered Abraham to sacrifice Isaac upon which David built an altar and upon which the original Temple was built these Stones strongly suggest that they formed part of the original Temple Mount platform of Solomon or hezekiah's time also at the North End of these stones that make up the first step of this stairway a corner is formed a corner can be seen which goes Eastward toward the eastern wall well I wanted to point out some stuff to you this is absolutely amazing this right here is the coroner of the original platform during Solomon's time hezekiah's time that original platform so right here is the line and it runs now where the edge of the Muslim temple Mount so they built another platform up here the Muslims and around the ladder 600 A.D 700 A.D in that time so anyway they follow the same line here but this line here will show you is an entirely different angle so the angle of these stones and the platform of the Muslims is different okay so we can identify this as the quarter of the original platform of Solomon then from here we can follow the line of the platform that exists now to the Eastern Gate we have markers there on the Eastern Gate just north of that we can see a change in the stones there so we know that this is the north part of the platform we know that this right here was the west side of the platform and we know where the Eastern side is because we have Stones there down below are down by the Eastern Gates that are from the time of Solomon Hezekiah that time as well then we can also see the platform on the South Side so unbelievable that here we are right here these are original Stones these Stones would have seen the prophets they would have seen Solomon they would have seen Jesus unbelievable that were right here on these original stones from the time of Solomon in the original Temple Mount platform unbelievable unbelievable now at this point I'd like to introduce you to a couple leading archaeologists one is Lane ripmeyer who has worked as an archaeologist on this Temple mount for around 50 years and he is considered the leading expert another is Joel Kramer these are both leading archaeologists and much of this information that we are using we want to give credit to Lane ripmeyer for his discoveries so now I want you to hear what Joel Kramer says about these steps and this corner section here but but anyways I know lane lane can has continued digging here and in Jordan as well and and he serves as Architects so he points out he really is the expert on the temple and I I do highly recommend his material and uh so he points out this this wall line right here now remember when you're looking at walls or Masonry see them from different periods do you see how different these stones are right on this line right here than the other one yeah these are very old so he has identified this as a wall line from Solomon's Temple okay now according to the mishna which is Jewish writings about different aspects of Jewish laws Customs measurements and so forth it tells us that the original Temple Mount platform measured 500 cubits Square using the Royal Cubit which was the universal measurement of these times it would be 861 feet or 262.4 meters in length amazingly the measurement from the corner of this pre-heronian Stone step is exactly 861 feet or 262.4 meters to the eastern wall so it fits perfectly to be the northern wall of the original Temple Mount platform this Northern edge of the original Temple Mount platform also is in line with the current Dome of the Rock platform additional evidence of a pre-heronian wall can be found underground as well by cistern 29. there is a rock carving where you can see underground the face of this wall now considering these factors we now have strong evidence of where the northern wall of the 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform is next we come to the eastern wall just north of where the northern wall of the 500 Cubit Mount platform meets the eastern wall we find an offset in the Wall located 68 feet or 20.73 meters North to this intersection this offset reveals that there was once a tower at this corner for protection purposes well welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of the eastern wall of the Temple Mount platform this is very very special the Eastern Gate is very very unique it's the gate that Christ came through after the triumphal entry came through it repeatedly the Temple Mount sat right up above where the Dome of the Rock sits today it is absolutely very very special to be here there are ancient Stones here that date back to the time of Solomon so what we're looking at on this eastern wall here is we're looking at the original Temple Mount platform that Solomon built and then later would be fortified by Hezekiah Nehemiah and then down through the year so we're looking at this Eastern side of the Temple mount well now we're going to show you the original corner of the Temple mount that Solomon would have constructed how do we know that we can see the corner and the setback in the wall so the wall changes these old Stones change and we can see a corner so I'm going to walk up here and show you this so we're going to move the camera around where you can see it as well so right up here we can see a setback in a corner in these stones and how they change so as a camera walks around here you'll be able to see that there's a difference in the way these Stones they change and that now there's a corner here that is different than the other so we can tell that this is the corner of the original Temple that Solomon built absolutely unbelievable we also see by this Eastern Gate area ancient stones with the kind of Boss shapes that go back to Solomon or hezekiah's period so the original Eastern Gate was built by Solomon or at a later date by Hezekiah where don't exactly know for certain but it dates back to this early first temple period we call it now there's ancient post located inside this Eastern Gate today along with the stones beside the Gate of the eastern wall that date back to this first temple period or this time of Solomon and Hezekiah and so this affirms that the Eastern Gate had an early existence and that its location is at this exact present day site then we know that Nehemiah rebuilt the Eastern Gate when he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in 444 BC now some believe the original gate was then named the Eastern Gate by Nehemiah at this time then later Herod the Great rebuilt the Eastern Gate in around 19 BC and added a Stairway or rebuilt an existing one that led up to this Eastern Gate now this stairway ran alongside the eastern wall it should be mentioned that the eastern wall location was never changed during the entire history of the Temple mount it was just added onto and repaired this is so because of the Kidron Valley and its steep decline on this side so again these ancient Stones reveal that the Eastern side of the 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform dates back to the time of Solomon or Hezekiah now we're going to show you some more of these original Stones these solomonic Stones I'm going to show you why we know that once again you can see they're just massive in size you can see the bezel here the way this sticks out the way this is carved back in it's kind of rustic it's not like the herodian stones which were very smooth these are old old and they were more rustic in the way that they chiseled them out see over here the same thing this is what's called the boss right here so the stone you have this and then the stone sticks out to give it some design and some nice look so anyway we can tell that these are old old stones from the time of Solomon Hezekiah Nehemiah back in the first temple period and then at the beginning of the second period in fact these stones have been here ever since Solomon originally laid them for the original Temple Mount so amazing to think about this amazing to look at these Stones they're just massive here and you can see up above they're going to change these were added on later but these lower ones that are massive in size that are older and have this type of Boss these are from the time dating back to Solomon and that period back there so absolutely amazing to look at this and just to be here and see this unbelievable foreign from this intersection where the northern wall meets the eastern wall we see a curious Bend in the wall at exactly 861 feet or 262 meters so the Eastern side from the intersection of the northern wall measuring 861 feet or 262.4 meters we come to a curious Bend in the wall this Bend in the wall is the result of later construction that was added onto the 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform During the hasmonayan period in around 164 BC now has monaean period briefly was when the Jews reconquered their land and took control back of the temple and Jerusalem now their construction used a slightly different angle than the original platform did also there is a change in the stone Style the stones after the bend have a boss shape that dates to the hasmonayan period the stone positioning and configurations also indicate a corner was once located at this Bend in the wall this archaeological evidence reveals that this point was the corner of the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform again this section of the eastern wall measures exactly 861 feet or 262.4 meters which is 500 cubits next we'll look at the southern wall of the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform measuring 853 feet or 260 meters from the southeast corner of the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform which has the bend in the wall we come to the entrance of Barclays gate this gate was built later by Herod and was butted up against the Southern Wall of the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform now this slightly different measurement of 853 feet or 260 meters amounts to less than one percent and was probably the result that the two coroners could not be seen due to the elevation of Mount Moriah that was between them so once again this is a very slight variation the Western wall section of the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform can be located by establishing the corners of the Northwest and southwest corners and this measures exactly 861 feet or 262.4 meters additional evidence can be seen by a gate called Warren's gate that can be found butted up against the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform and miraculously like I say we can see from here 861 feet to that setback then from that setback going that way to the bend in the wall 861 feet from here down there 861 feet then from that point to over here it's 853 feet less than one percent difference but they believe that's due to the that Mount Moriah was like this and they maybe had a hard time seeing each other when they built that down there so in summary we see overwhelming evidence of the original 500 Cubit Square Temple Mount platform it should be noted that we can also see the evidence of the hasmonan and herodian additions to the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform as well in around 141 BC as we've mentioned the hasmonans added a section to the southern part of the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform again this can be seen in the bend in the eastern wall and the different Stone styles used sometime later in around 19 BC Herod the Great embarked on a massive expansion of the Temple Mount platform Josephus a Jewish historian living around the time of Christ speaks of how he doubled the size of what the Temple Mount was after the hasmo Nan expansion he enlarged it to the South West and North today we see this evidence all throughout the expansion sections one key place is the expansion of the southern part of the eastern wall there is a notable seam in the wall that reveals herod's expansion which was added onto the hasmonan expansion this scene clearly shows the change from the hasmonan to herodian Stone Styles the location and configurations between the hasmon Nan and herodian Stones show this was once a coroner also the herodian stones along the western wall section speak of herod's expansion on this side additionally at the northern wall of the Temple Mount are holes in the wall that show where a portico was once located again the eastern wall of the original 500 Cubit Temple Mount platform was never changed it was just added onto and repaired and we know that the eastern wall was never changed because we see these original ancient Stones dating back to Solomon and Hezekiah in this time period again it was repaired and added on to it and that's why Stones above on the eastern wall are different in style smaller in shape than the ones down at the base lastly the location of the original temples can also be established with certainty inside the Dome of the Rock is the highest point of Mount Moriah on this massive Stone we can see a cut out square that once housed the Ark of the Covenant and its measurements are the exact size of the Ark of the Covenant and to the sides of this Square the foundation of the holy of holies can be seen it should be noted that the altar that David purchased from Aruna the jebusite was just east of the top of the mountain in a flatter area so it was just down below where the high point of Mount Moriah was where the holy of holies was here you can see where the altar would have been located in relation to the Rock inside the Dome of the Rock so what we see today is the Dome of the Rock built over the original place where the temple once stood the very name Dome of the Rock means just that the rock upon which the original Temple was located in fact in 638 A.D after the Muslims conquered Jerusalem Caleb Umar wanted to build a shrine honoring Allah the god of the Muslims he wanted to build it over the place the temple once stood zafronius the bishop of Jerusalem at that time said to him it is the rock it is the center of the world and was a temple for the Israelites who held it in Great veneration and wherever they were they turned their faces toward it during prayer so the Dome of the Rock was then built over the exact place the temple once stood and has remained there to this day which is around 1 300 years so all of this evidence just reveals the location of the original Temple Mount platform and then the temple that Solomon built and then zerubbabel built and then Herod the Great renovated now what we can clearly conclude from all this evidence is that the Temple Mount platform that we see today existed long before the Romans arrived it was not built by Herod the Great for the Romans as a fort to say that the current Temple Mount was a Roman Fort is to overlook and deny all this archaeological and historical evidence with all due respect this is very unfortunate and irresponsible now let's look at more evidence that proves the current Temple Mount is the true location of the original temples that once stood upon it now it would be good to mention at this point that no licensed archaeologist in Israel believes the temple was in the city of David and the Temple Mount was a Roman Fort those who believe otherwise are not archaeologists we begin with an amazing Discovery called The trumpeter's Stone this was located on the southwest corner of the current Temple mount well here we are at a very special place this is a replica but the original is just exactly like it when Israel does these replicas they do them just you can't tell the difference but anyway this is a replica the the real one is in the Israel Museum but this was positioned up on top of the corner up here you can see a picture of it right here but what it says right here in Hebrew and it can still be read today in Hebrew it says to the place of the trumpeting too so what this did is this is where the trumpeter would come to and it would announce to the shops and everything right here that the Sabbath was coming or holy days so it was a way to announce to the people there were shops all along here there's a street right here that will show you that was crushed but anyway it says to the trumpeters it was an announcement so that the people would know that it's time to shut things down it's time to get ready for the Sabbath or feast or whatever holy days or weeks that they were celebrating so amazing evidence this was recently discovered buried here among all these other Stones this was all excavated it was all underground for many years and then when Israel became a nation they began to excavate here and uncover all this but evidence that the temple was right here right up here we'll show you is an arch that came up as stairways that came up right here and then there were stairways that came down from the pool of Siloam that came up so this was a major entrance right here onto the Temple Mount along with the southern stairs and other places as well but anyway amazing amazing Stone right here just really really unique to see this now Josephus a Jewish historian writing during the First Century A.D writes about a trumpeter's place on the southwest corner of the current Temple Mount so this all matches perfectly now this Trumpeter stone that fell down from the southwest corner of the current Temple Mount provides more evidence that the Temple Mount we see today is the true location of the original temples well just up from this Trumpeter Stone here we can see the old herodian Street here okay and so when these massive rocks you can see them up here these massive building blocks when they fell down they were so heavy when the Romans conquered the city and knocked them down they were so heavy that they just absolutely crushed the city street here and of course this was all excavated and all of this was uncovered right up here once again was Robinson's Arch where pilgrims would come in from the pool of Siloam or wherever so amazing right behind me are shops this was a very very busy area during the time of the Jews time of Christ Christ would have walked up these stairs Christ would have walked on the street right here so absolutely amazing to see this and just to see the evidence of the destruction of the temple and the Temple Mount platform now I just also want to point out that much of the wall was left intact okay some of the base of the Temple Mount platform was left intact because when the stones fell down they reached an equilibrium so the stones couldn't fall farther than what the ones that were already there so they fell down and that that was underneath that they fell down and covered then that was preserved still intact so just amazing to see these Stones some of these stones are just absolutely massive in size huge and finely cut so finely cut that you can't even hardly slip a credit card in between some of these cracks the Precision was absolutely amazing now if the current Temple Mount was a Roman Fort as some claim then why would the Romans destroy their own fort it makes no sense whatsoever it should also be mentioned at this point that in this area of Destruction a pomegranate shaped Golden Bell the priest would have used at the bottom of their garments has been found along with a Jewish ritual Purity token and an etching of a menorah that have all been found right here together at the southwest corner of the Temple Mount these all attest to the current Temple Mount being the true location of the original temples now let's look at more evidence on the current Temple mount that shows why it's the true location of the original temples Perez Ruben published a groundbreaking article in biblical Archeology Society in 2015 wherein he has proven that some of the beams of the all Oscar mosque which is on the Temple Mount date back to two to even 3 000 years old some of them have Islamic inscriptions written on them in Arabic that even indicate they were used and came from the original temples Perez Reuben also recently published an article about a recent discovery in Hebron of a mosque with an Arabic inscription dating to the 8th Century A.D saying that the Dome of the Rock is at the site where the temple once stood more evidence can be found from what is called the sifting project in 1999 the Muslims conducted illegal Renovations on the Temple Mount and disposed of over 9 000 tons of dirt mixed with invaluable architectural artifacts into the Kidron Valley what appeared to be wrong turned out to be miraculous all this material from the Temple Mount is being sifted and unbelievable discoveries are being made that confirms the Temple Mount is the true location of the original temples among these discoveries are thousands of tile fragments that form the ancient tile floor of much of the Temple Mount dating back to the first and second temple periods these tiles were also written about and recorded by Josephus every bucket of earth that is sifted contains fragments of pottery glass vessels metal objects Bones Work stones and Mosaic tesserae Stones these are the most frequent finds from the Temple mount the fines are dated mainly to the first temple period and onwards from the 10th Century BC till today there are some finds from earlier periods but they are scarce in addition to these General categories there are numerous finds of many kinds such as fragments of stone vessels approximately 5 000 ancient coins various pieces of jewelry a rich assortment of beads terracotta figurines arrowheads and other Weaponry weights items of clothing game pieces and dice bone and shell inlays Furniture decorations ornaments bone tools and so forth fragments of elaborate architectural members from the buildings among them pillars Mosaic floors colored wall plaster and gazed wall tiles all of these discoveries prove overwhelmingly that the current Temple Mount is the true location of the original temples and that the Temple Mount existed long long before the Romans arrived therefore there is no way the Temple Mount could have been built for the Romans as a fort other important discoveries include finding two warning inscriptions forbidding Gentiles to enter the inner Court of the temple one was found by the Lion's gate also called Stephen's gate and the other in the northern part of the Temple Mount these reveal further evidence that the current Temple Mount is the true location of the original temples now would be a good time to deal with the claims by some that the current Temple Mount was a Roman Fort the main argument they use is that the traditional site of the Antonia Fortress was too small to house a legion of soldiers however their claim is not based on historical facts during the time of Christ and leading up to the Jewish Revolt in 66 A.D there was never a Roman legion in Jerusalem in 66 A.D the Jews revolted against the Romans and took over the Antonia Fortress which was on the northwest corner of the Temple mount as a result Roman Legions were sent to stomp out this Rebellion the Romans would wind up conquering Jerusalem in 70 A.D under the Roman general Titus the historian Josephus writes that in this destruction the Romans destroyed the Antonia Fortress in several days a simple Google search will reveal these facts therefore there was never a Roman legion in Jerusalem during the time of Christ leading up to 66 A.D therefore the claim that the Temple Mount was a Roman Fort is not accurate at all now there was a cohort of around 500 or so Roman soldiers stationed at the Antonia fortress on the northwest corner of the Temple Mount and then more at herod's Palace by the Jaffa gate there could also have been Roman soldiers in encampments around Jerusalem as was their custom an example of this can be seen at Masada as mentioned earlier it would make no sense that if the Temple Mount was a Roman Fort and a legion was stationed there that the Romans would destroy their own fort also if a Roman legion would have been at the so-called Roman fort on the Temple mount the Jews wouldn't have stood a chance and been able to rebel against the Romans in 66 A.D and drive out the Roman soldiers from the Roman fort now some will claim that the mention of a quote by Josephus when referring to the Antonia Fortress indicates it was very large here's the quote from Josephus by having all conveniences that cities wanted it might seem to be composed of several cities but by its magnificence it seemed a palace however in the same description he continues and says and as the entire structure resembled that of a tower it contained also four other distinct Towers at its Four Corners so his description is a little confusing on one hand the Antonio Fortress seems large but then at the same time it seems smaller and resembles a tower and also he used in the description of a palace a city cannot be just a tower or a palace so we must remember that Josephus is using an example not what it actually was he says it might seem again this is just an example if he was speaking literally then the current Temple mount that some claim was the Antonio Fortress wouldn't have fit this description either because it was no way the size of several cities according to Leading archaeologists it's very likely the Romans also had an encampment of soldiers by the Antonia Fortress this could have been what Josephus was referring to as well it is also claimed that a Roman legion was stationed at the Antonio Fortress because Josephus appears to use the word legion in one of his quotes he talks about this Roman Fort and says that they're always lay in this Tower and he uses the word tagma which is a Greek word it must be understood that the original writings of Josephus were in Greek today the English versions We have of Josephus are translations the Greek word Josephus used that some have translated as Legion is tagma this translation is very debatable in other translations of Josephus use the word cohort Josephus uses the Greek word tagma for a unit not necessarily a legion in the Byzantine period atagma was a military unit of around two to four hundred men Josephus calls the Sadducees a tagma or an order and he also called the essenes a tagma so tagma was also used as an order or a unit of people in secular Greek usage tagma means Italian that which has been arranged then placed in order a body of soldiers a corpse banned troops class and so forth it is used in the New Testament in First Corinthians 15 23. but each in its own order Christ the first fruits then after those who are Christ at his coming so to say that tagma definitely was a legion is to take the word far beyond how it was used in many other places so as we've seen all of the evidence supports that the Temple Mount existed long before the Romans arrived there was never a Roman legion in Jerusalem from the time of Christ until 66 A.D so the base that there was a Legion on the Temple Mount based upon one word that is debatable and translated many other ways and most of them as a unit or as an order or as a cohort is truly irresponsible now let's look at a couple quotes by Josephus that state the Antonia Fortress or the Roman Fort was totally destroyed even to the digging up of its foundations Josephus says now Titus gave orders to his soldiers that were with him to dig up the foundations of the Tower of Antonia and make him a ready passage for his army to come up then in another quote he says in the meantime the rest of the Roman army had in seven days time overthrown the foundations of the Tower of Antonia and had made ready a broad way to the temple what we see here is that Josephus records that the Romans destroyed the Antonia Fortress even to digging up its foundations this means total Destruction after digging up the foundations of the Antonia Fortress in seven days they then entered on the Temple Mount platform to destroy the temple now if the Antonia Fortress was totally destroyed then how can those who claim the current Temple Mount was the Antonio Fortress according to Josephus the Antonio Fortress ceased to exist the Temple Mount still exists today so it's impossible it was the atonia Fortress now let's look at a brief history of the Antonia Fortress which will provide more evidence it was not located where the Temple Mount is when the Greeks conquered the land they identified the structure as key to the defense of the city later the hasmoneans in around 140 BC referred to it as the Boris or Baris during the reign of Herod the Great the Barris was completely re-engineered in 35 BC Herod built the Antonia Fortress which he named after his friend Mark Anthony in the very spot where the Barris or the hasmonean Fortress once stood therefore it should be noted that the Antonia Fortress existed long before the Romans arrived Hera just rebuilt what already existed in the exact same location so to say the Romans or Herod the Great built the Antonio fortress on the Temple Mount is extremely inaccurate as noted earlier evidence for the Antonia Fortress and its existence can be seen today in the northwest corner of the Temple Mount exactly where Josephus said it existed we can see the Bedrock upon which it existed according to Josephus and we can see holes in the walls that once supported a portico along it now let's look at some verses from the Bible that make it extremely clear that the original temples were not located in the city of David as some would say and if we would only let scripture and God be our Authority it would clear up this whole matter quickly God says that Solomon built the temple on the threshing floor of Aruna or ornan that his father David purchased this threshing floor was on Mount Moriah second chronicles 3 1-2 say then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah Mount Moriah was north of the city of David where the Lord had appeared to his father David at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of ornan the jebusite he began to build on the second day in the second month of the fourth year of his reign after Solomon built the temple then he would bring up the Ark of the Covenant out of the city of David to the temple on Mount Moriah 2 Chronicles 5 2 States then Solomon assembled to Jerusalem the Elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes the leaders of the father's households of the sons of Israel to bring up the ark notice bring up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord out of the city of David which is Zion so the ark was brought up out of the city of David then from this point on the Ark of the Covenant would reside permanently in the temple that Solomon built which is also referred to as the house of the Lord in second chronicles 6 10 and 11 Solomon States now the Lord has fulfilled his word which he spoke for I have risen in the place of my father David and sit on the throne of Israel as the Lord promised and have built the house for the name of the Lord the god of Israel there I have placed the Ark in which is the Covenant of the Lord which he made with the sons of Israel these verses clearly state that the Ark of the Covenant was brought out of the city of David to be placed permanently in the house of the Lord that Solomon built on Mount Moriah so if the ark was brought out of the city of David to the temple then the temple could not have been in the city of David this is very very clear now some interpret these verses to mean that Solomon just took the Ark of the Covenant out of the city of David for a parade type event and then placed it back in the city of David now why would Solomon build a glorious Temple and then put the ark back into the city of David plus scripture is clear that Solomon placed the Ark in the new Temple he had just built now interpretations like these are truly twisted and misleading now let's look at some other verses in the Bible that some would say support their claim that the current Temple Mount was the Antonia Fortress and the original temples were in the city of David they say that Jesus said not one stone would be left upon another so because there are Stones left upon one another at the current Temple mount it couldn't be the location of the Temple Mount they Point commonly to the stones at the Western Wall as verification and that those who believe otherwise are calling Jesus a liar or untrue so let's look at this important issue Christ's referenced to not one stone being left upon another is found in four places in the gospel let's look briefly at each one and see what they actually say the first is Matthew 24 1-2 says Jesus left the temple area and was going on his way when his disciples came to point out the temple buildings to him but he responded and said to them do you not see all these things truly I say to you not one stone here will be left upon another which will not be torn down we see here that he is talking about the temple buildings that's what the disciples are talking about Jesus responds to that question now the second passage is Mark 13 1-2 it says as he was going out of the temple one of his disciples said to him teacher look what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings and Jesus said to him do you not see these what great buildings not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down so clearly once again Jesus is talking about the buildings on the Temple Mount platform the third is Luke 21 5-6 and while some were talking about the temple that it was decorated with beautiful stones and vowed gifts he said as for these things which you are observing the days will come when there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down once again the central point is they are talking about the temple so when all three of these passages Jesus was referring to the stones of the buildings on the Temple Mount platform not the Temple Mount platform itself this was fulfilled in 70 A.D when the Romans destroyed the buildings on the Temple mount yet those who believe the current Temple Mount is the Antonia Fortress tried to convince us to believe that the retaining walls of the Temple Mount platform were part of the temple and the stones to which Jesus was referring the temple stood on the foundation of the large retaining walls called The Temple Mount platform and they were located well inside the walls themselves so we have a Temple Mount platform that had retaining walls and upon this Temple Mount platform is where the buildings of the temple stood so they will say that because there are still stones and of course they are referring to the Temple Mount platform that it couldn't be the temple because there are still Stones there but once again these stones are of the Temple Mount platform not the temple itself the claim is also made by some that there are no stones of the current Temple mount that are not older than herodian stones this is clearly false on the eastern wall as we have already alluded to earlier in the video by the Eastern Gate there are clearly Stones dating back to the time of Solomon Hezekiah as a rebabel and Nehemiah so they are misleading and only use the Western Wall as an example the current Western Wall expansion was Begin by Herod in around 19 BC so yes these stones are from Herod but the eastern wall which is part of the Temple Mount platform retaining wall has Stones dating back to the time of Solomon now the fourth verse that is used about no stone being left upon another is found in Luke 19 41 and 44. and it refers to the whole city of Jerusalem being destroyed so it says when he approached Jerusalem he saw the city and wept over it this is talking about the triumphal entering saying if you had known on this day even you the conditions for peace but now they have been hidden from your eyes for the days will come upon you when your enemies will put up a barricade against you and Surround you and hem you in on every side and they will level you to the ground and throw down your children within you and they will not leave in you one stone upon another because you did not recognize the time of your visitation so here Jesus is talking about the whole city of Jerusalem so what did Christ mean by not one stone would be left upon another well it was a common phrase used at that time to speak of utter destruction what it didn't mean and we'll show you this is that nowhere in Jerusalem could there be one stone still upon another and we see this evidenced all throughout Jerusalem in its ruins today we see places all over Jerusalem where there are still Stones upon another dating back to the time of its destruction so there is just clearly evidence everywhere of one stone still upon another so it was a phrase talking about utter destruction so Christ talked in a figurative Sense on occasions and this was one of them for example it says in the Old Testament that the nation of Israel would come into the promised land flowing with milk and honey well we know that the promised land didn't literally have milk and honey flowing in it it was a phrase talking about prosperity and blessing also Christ said to those who would be born again that out of their innermost being would flow rivers of Living Water Well we know that literally there are no rivers of living water flowing out of Believers so we have to understand that this phrase when Jesus says not one stone will be left upon another was a phrase talking about utter destruction which did happen however there were still Stones down at the lowered levels that were left upon one another so we have to understand also how cities and buildings were destroyed that were made out of stones when Jesus prophesied that not one stone would be left upon another that was talking about the buildings on the temple some of the base of the Temple Mount platform was left intact because when the stones fell down they reached an equilibrium so the stones couldn't fall farther than what the ones that were already there so they fell down and that that was underneath that they fell down and covered then that was preserved still intact so just amazing to see these Stones some of these stones are just absolutely massive in size huge additionally conquering armies would purposefully leave some wall standing as a living witness to their Conquest so this is what Jesus is talking about now some who use this argument that one stone can't be left upon another turn right around and vile their own argument by claiming they have found walls and places in the city of David that supposedly supports their theory that the temple was in the city of David so on one hand they use the fact that some stones still remain upon one another in Jerusalem and around the Temple Mount to claim the temple couldn't be on the current Temple Mount but then turn right around and use stones that are still standing upon one another in the city of David to supposedly support their claims so they really can't have it both ways they can't argue that no stone can be left upon another but then turn right around and say well we're seeing things in the city of David because we're seeing stones that are still left upon in one another so their claims are very contradictive so in summary there are still Stones upon one another all throughout the old city of Jerusalem and we know this was the case because Jerusalem continued to be inhabited in even after it was destroyed so it was utterly destroyed but yet it continued to be inhabited and rebuilt to literally have dug every stone up in Jerusalem and spread it out it would have taken miles and miles kilometers and kilometers of space to spread all these stones out so that's just not really realistic once again the better interpretation is that it's a figurative statement talking about utter destruction which did happen so the Prophecies of Christ that not one stone would be left upon another that referred to the temple and its buildings were literally fulfilled however the prophecy regarding not one stone left upon another that referred to the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings were figuratively fulfilled now let's talk about the need for water for the temple those who proposed that the temple was in the city of David claim that the current location of the Temple Mount didn't have enough water for temple sacrifices and especially enough Living Water they assert that only the gihon spring in the city of David had enough Living Water to supply the Temple's needs they also mentioned a spring that pours forth from under the Temple Mount referred to in writings by aristaeus tacitus and the pilgrim of Bordeaux so let's look at this important issue biblical law identifies only three instances in which purification is to be accomplished by the use of running water or living water the first is defiled by a corpse found in numbers 1917 to by a non-routine bodily discharge referred to in Leviticus 15 11 or 3 by leprosy found in Leviticus 14 5 and 50. in these instances part of the purification process requires the use of water that flows continuously in all other cases of defilement purification is accomplished by washing in water without any requirement that it be running water or living water for all other ritual cleansing regular water was used so there wasn't a huge need for living water for the Temple's use nonetheless we will see that there was an overabundance of Living Water and regular water on the current Temple mount for example by the Temple Mount there were other large pools with running water going through them there were the pools of Bethesda to the north of the temple and the pool of Siloam to the South just these pools alone provided over 54 million gallons or 205 million liters of water and these were continually flowing additionally there were aqueducts from Bethlehem that ran to the Temple mount that were in existence in at least 250 BC this was long before the Romans arrived and these supplied living water to the temple many archaeologists believed that the aqueducts even date back to the time of Solomon so the facts are that it wasn't the Romans who initially built the aqueducts and their purpose was for the current Temple Mount platform and you can see today the remains of these aqueducts that led from Bethlehem to the current Temple Mount platform so here we are you can see the Jaffa gate up here we've hiked down here we're going to be going to this amazing Aqueduct that came from Bethlehem to the Temple Mount believed to be built during the time of Solomon and then renovated by Hezekiah Josiah the hazmo names and hair of the great and it runs from right here it would be going right along here we're going to swing around we're going to show you up here where it would have gone okay we're gonna hike up here we're going to show you all this but it runs right up here right above this rock ledge here then we're going to show you right up here so you can see this rock wall right here that was part of what retained the aqueduct and then we're going to hike up here above this wall right here that I'm pointing to and we're going to show you in detail this Aqueduct so we're going to walk along here and we're going to show you the remains of this aqueduct so here you can see it running down along through here it would be coming from up going down because obviously water doesn't run uphill so here it is right along here and you can see it very very clearly so once again proof that the Temple Mount had a canal in aqueduct bringing water from Bethlehem which is about eight or nine miles away all the way to the Temple mount there were also more living water sources and regular water sources in Jerusalem in ancient times than just the gihon spring for example second chronicles 32 1-4 says this after these acts of faithfulness sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah and besieged the Fortified cities this was talking about during the time of Hezekiah in around 700 BC and intended to break into them for himself now when Hezekiah saw that sennacherib had come and that he intended to wage war against Jerusalem he decided with his officers and his Warriors to cut off the supply of water from now note carefully the Springs plural which were outside the city and they helped him so many assembled and stopped up all the springs and the stream which flowed through the region saying why should the kings of Assyria come and find what abundant water what we see here is a lot of water in the Old City Jerusalem there was even a stream that appeared to run down the Kidron Valley so there was plenty of both living and regular water around the current Temple Mount those who make the claim that the gihon spring was the only source of water by the Temple Mount simply haven't looked at what scripture records now as for regular water for the other defilement purposes and for ritual cleansing there were massive cisterns on the Temple mount in fact around 37 and these would hold by conservative estimates more than 10.5 million gallons or over 40 million liters of water many of these cisterns date to the time of Solomon Hezekiah and zerebabel there are also around 16 cisterns that are in the original 500 Cubit dimensions of the Temple Mount platform that Solomon built all these water sources supplied more than enough water for the Temple's use there are also 50 or more mikvahs in the plural form of Mikvah is Nick boat on the southern steps and on the west side of the Temple mount it is also helpful to mention that the temple existed at Shiloh for 369 years this was during Joshua's time and Beyond and it did not have a water source close to it the closest spring to the temple in Shiloh was about one half mile or about a kilometer away this shows that the temple was able to function perfectly without a nearby water source in those days water was just hauled and was very common to do so now regarding the references by aristeas tacitus and the pilgrim of Bordeaux what they say about a spring and water on the Temple Mount doesn't really conflict with the archaeological evidence we find on the Temple mount in fact there are other writings that do reference a spring on the Temple Mount however these writers also wrote about something that are just not true and not factual for example aristaeus also said that the Jordan River flows into the Mediterranean Sea this is certainly not the case and Bordeaux said that the Transfiguration of Christ took place on the Mount of Olives and that the water from the gihon spring stopped running on the Sabbath and more often what they wrote about was second and third hand knowledge what they said wasn't infallible and we should look at the evidence instead of taking what they said as the gospel because much of what they said blessed their hearts just wasn't factual so in summary there was an abundance of both living and regular water available for the temple use on the current Temple Mount also we see that many of these cisterns date back to the time of Solomon that are located on the Temple Mount platform this once again confirms that the Temple Mount existed long before the Romans arrived now let's talk about the possibility that the Jews forgot where their Temple was located over time there's a theme that those who believe the temple was in the city of David and the current Temple Mount was a Roman Fort continually used they say the Jews forgot where the temple was located so phrases like uncovering Jerusalem's Lost Temple the Temple Lost in Time Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews the temples that Jerusalem forgot the Lost Temple Mount and more are continually used now these statements truly reflect a serious lack of understanding of the Jewish culture their writings oral Traditions historical and archaeological facts and the continual presence that the Jews had in Jerusalem here are the facts that debunk this myth the Jews while in Exile in Babylon sang this song from Psalm 137 5-6 if I forget you Jerusalem May my right hand forget its skill may my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you if I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief Joy so the Jews would not have forgotten where their Temple was they were commanded not to and if they did so they were agreeing to a curse upon themselves the temple was the center of the universe for the Jews it's where God resided it's where they met with the Divine it was their whole Center of existence and purpose in light so they did not forget where it was at they were also always directed to pray towards Jerusalem wherever they were located so once again Jerusalem and the temple were the center of their life all Jewish synagogues in Israel and around the world always pointed to Jerusalem where to the Temple Mount because that's where the temple resided in around 132 A.D this was after Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D the Roman Emperor Hadrian built a temple to Jupiter on the site of the original temple on the Temple Mount this has been verified with archeology this Temple was then torn down by the Byzantine Christians in around 324 A.D as mentioned earlier in this video the Muslims built the Dome of the Rock over the exact place the temple stood based on overwhelming evidence provided to them and then from then on the Dome of the Rock has stood on this very site so what we have is an unbroken chain of temples churches and the Dome of the Rock being located on the current Temple Mount platform Additionally the Jews kept extremely strict records both orally and written of their history and the temple location they can be found in the mishnah and talmud these works are basically encyclopedias in volume and size they are massive and they provide clear details about the Jews history and the temple and its location the Jews take great pride in their knowledge of history and they are students of it so they did not forget where the temple was to say that the temple location was somehow lost over time is woefully untrue and reflects a massive flaw in those who claim otherwise of their knowledge of the Jews and their history a simple Google search will reveal there has always been a Jewish presence in Jerusalem so they did not somehow forget where their Temple was today there is no reputable Jew who thinks the original Temple was in the city of David they know exactly where it is and it's where the Dome of the Rock stands today so it's just virtually impossible that the Jews would forget were their most sacred and holy site was located which was the center of their life it was their meaning and it was their significance it was everything to them because it was where God resided and where they met with him they did not forget where it was for those who say otherwise truly reveals a lack of their knowledge of the Jews their history and how important the temple was to them the temple was not lost over time now let's talk about the use of the word Zion in scripture as some claim that Zion is referred to as God's Dwelling Place therefore the temple is in Zion because Zion is referred to as the city of David now let's look at what scripture says about this issue and discover if the terms Zion and Mount Zion always refer to just the city of David the word Zion is used around 178 times in the Bible as we will see it has many more uses than just the city of David in the beginning the city of David is referred to as Zion II Samuel 5 7 says nevertheless David captured the stronghold of Zion that is the city of David however as the city grew and Solomon built a new Temple God referred to the new area as Zion as well and especially as Mount Zion this is because the new Temple was built above the city of David to the north Psalm 48 1-2 saved great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God His Holy Mountain beautiful in elevation the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion in the far north the city of the great king so here we have some descriptors we have that it's a high mountain it's a Holy Mountain it's beautiful in elevation and it's in the north this perfectly describes where Solomon built the temple to the north of the city of David on the Temple Mount which was Mount Moriah Isaiah 2 2 says now it will come about that in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains and will be raised above the hills and all the nations will stream to it once again this would describe the Temple Mount which is Mount Moriah at this time in Israel's history the Temple Mount upon which Solomon built the temple would be referred to as a Holy Mountain the city of David certainly wasn't a mountain it was down below and not that high at all in Zephaniah 3 14 we see that the nation of Israel is referred to as Zion it says Sing aloud o Daughter of Zion shout o Israel rejoice and exult with all your heart o daughter of Jerusalem so here the nation of Israel is referred to as the daughter of Zion and as Israel Psalm 126 1 says when the Lord brought back the Captivity of Zion we were like those who dreamed so here the Captivity of Zion will be talking about the nation of Israel and then in Psalm 146 10 it says the Lord shall reign forever your God o Zion referring to the Israelites to all generations praise the Lord so here we see that Zion once again refers to also as the people of Israel the word Zion can also refer to the land of Israel Psalm 133 3 says it is like the Dew of Herman descending upon the mountains of Zion for there the Lord commanded the blessing life forevermore so here we see that mountains of Zion this is referring to the land of Israel now I could go on for many verses but I think you get the idea so in summary their references to Zion are not just referring to the original city of David as some claim it had many more uses it referred to all of Jerusalem as it expanded to the people of Israel to the land of Israel and more those who claim otherwise are just not looking at the whole of scripture but selecting a few texts to support their Theory this is very poor handling of God's word and therefore is misleading information now let's look at another piece of convincing evidence that supports the current Temple Mount as the true location of the original temples and not as a Roman Fort as some claim Roman forts had four Gates the Temple Mount has at least eight and maybe nine the shape of Roman forts were generally square or somewhat rectangular the Temple Mount is shaped like a trapezoid Roman forts had rounded Corners the Temple Mount has square corners plus the Temple Mount had no Rampart ditch or moat like Roman forts plus the gates of the Temple Mount are very irregular for example on the South Side there are two gates on the West Side four Gates on the North side one gate plus the access from the Antonia fortress on the east side at least one gate and some believe possibly two so in total the Temple Mount had at least eight Gates and maybe nine Roman forts only had four Gates one on each side however there is one entrance to the Temple mount that provides powerful evidence that it was the true Temple Mount and not a Roman Fort it is the southern stair entrance well here we are on the southern stairs going up to the southern side of the temple and these Stones right here that I'm going to show you the ones that are cut into the Bedrock those are the original Stones so I'm going to walk up here and show you these original stones you can see right here this is original these are original right here these are original and then these have been put in later in recent years but this right here all of these are the original stones when Herod the Great enlarged the Temple Mount he designed the stairs in such a way that worshipers entering had to do so in a contemplative worshipful manner to accomplish this he purposefully made the steps uneven you can see this in the design here of the stairs now certainly Romans wouldn't have anything like this leading up to their Roman Fort their steps were always even and consistent now the Temple Mount we see today even fulfills a Bible prophecy found in Micah 3 12. Zion will be plowed like a field Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble the Temple Hill a mound overgrown with thickets we can even see a modern day photo of the Temple Mount being plowed like a field and certainly after Jerusalem's destruction of 70 and 132 A.D this verse was even more clearly fulfilled now let's look at the last big question could the Temple Mount actually fit in the city of David now to begin with there is no archaeologist that believes the temple was located in the city of David in fact all the leading archaeologists have spoken out against this Theory among them is Dr Scott Stripling let's hear briefly what he says every week I'm asked by someone so what do you think about the new theory that archaeologists have that the temple wasn't on the Temple Mount and I immediately respond there's not a single archaeologist who believes that you've got people who are claiming that but there's no archaeologist that would do that because the evidence is overwhelming that that it was but out there in Christendom there are many people who have been exposed to this so I appreciate the opportunity to address it also some have quoted Eli shuk groan one of the most famous and knowledgeable archaeologists in Israel as stating he believes the temple was in the city of David this is completely opposite of the truth recently I ran into Eli in Jerusalem and asked him in his own words to clarify this twisting of his words so just so we know Eli is a very very famous archaeologist he's one of the most significant archaeologists injuries to them so we wanted to get him from Eli's again the temple on Temple Mount period all the other just ideas for people and you know where in the world everyone can say whatever you want but if you go to the evidence like all the evidence that the golden finding the temple or Temple period okay okay thank you thank you thank you thank you bye now those who claim the temple was in the city of David say the Temple Mount platform measured 600 by 600 feet or 183 by 183 meters however in the mishna in medott 2.1 it says the original Temple Mount measured 500 square cubits or 861 feet by 861 feet or 262 by 262 meters and this fits the evidence exactly that we presented earlier in this video so in order to make the Temple Mount fit their Theory they make it very small they do this because the city of David is Tiny in size and is only 12 to 14 acres or seven hectares in size the current Temple Mount is 35 Acres or 17 hectares in size when we really understand how small the city of David is it becomes very clear that a large Temple Mount would not be able to fit there just the Topography of the land reveals this now we know that the Temple Mount was expanded by the hasmoneans in around 140 BC then later Josephus says that Herod then doubled the already expanded size of the Temple Mount platform that has one ends expanded even more as we have already seen in this video we can see the clear evidence of these expansions on the current Temple Mount platform now even though this proposed small Temple Mount goes against the best archaeological and historical evidence will give them the benefit of the doubt and use their own Temple Mount sides nonetheless when this size is superimposed onto the city of David huge problems arise and when you use what is the correct size according to the best evidence Monumental problems surface it just has a hard time fitting somewhere where previous ruins that existed at the same time can be found we'll show you both in this next part of the video additionally as you can see it would have had to extend way out into the Kidron Valley which wouldn't have happened so where would it fit let's look at six options one could the Temple Mount fit on the oval now the oval is the space between the city of David and the Temple Mount well it couldn't have been here because the ruins date back to the time of Solomon up to the time of Christ so there were buildings that existed here so that it couldn't have been located here also Nehemiah 11 21 states that when he repaired the walls of Jerusalem the temple servants lived on the oval he says but the temple servants were living in the opal and zika and gishba were in charge of the temple servants so the Bible clearly reveals that the temple servants lived here so it couldn't have been on the oval two could it have fit in the upper part of the city of David in the upper part of the city is where King David's Palace was this has been excavated thoroughly and virtually all archaeologists affirmed this as the ruins date to the time of King David and fit exactly what his Palace would have looked like so again there were already buildings here so the Temple Mount can't be placed here but even if it could the city of David is a small Ridge Plateau on either side of it were steep deep drop-offs in order to build a temple platform that could fill in these deep valleys it would have required immense work and Engineering in fact when Herod the Great expanded the current Temple Mount he put large columns with arches on the inside to hold up the floor he didn't use Earth because it would have been too heavy and pushed out the walls so the height of Hera's walls wouldn't even compare to what they would have to be if the Temple Mount was in the city of David number three what about the Temple Mount being over the devati parking lot excavations these ruins date back to the time of Christ and later so you can't have a temple where buildings already existed this is the major problem with locating the temple in the city of David there just aren't any vacant spaces available that don't have ruins dating back to the time of Christ and Beyond number four would it fit over the gihon spring it's amazing how some who proposed the temple was in the city of David do so based upon their belief that the gihon spring gushed up from under the ground onto the Temple Mount yet when you look at their drawings they don't place the temple there but toward the upper part of the city of David nonetheless the major problems still exist of building retaining walls strong enough to fill in the massive depth of the Kidron Valley you can see here how deep the Kidron Valley is and how much of a massive task it would have been to fill it in also the Kidron Valley is a drainage area where water runs during the Rainy seasons and flooding periods this isn't so much today because of drainage management but in biblical times there was a stream that flowed here there is no way the Jews would have built a Temple Mount into the Kidron Valley and blocked off the flow of the water in it and formed a dam that would have damaged the Temple Mount base platform however some of those who proposed the temple was built in this area do just that for those who haven't been to Jerusalem it might seem like those who proposed the temple was in the city of David that it seems reasonable because anyone can draw pictures and make it look good however when you walk the terrain of the city of David and the Kidron Valley you can see why their Theory just doesn't make sense the Topography of the land just prohibits it their Theory looks good in drawings and might seem convincing but when you actually look at the reality of their Theory and superimpose even their proposed small Temple size onto the city of David their Theory crashes down and when you superimpose the more reliable size it's just an impossibility but it's also impossible the Temple Mount could be located over the gihon spring because large trash dumps dating back to the time of Christ and later have been uncovered by the gihon spring in the city of David let's hear what Dr Scott Stripling says about this Scott it is not physically possible a proposal won the Martin original Martin proposal was that it was over the gihon spring now that would be more consistent with their arguments from aristeas and so forth that you have to have a spring but the second proposal that cornuc Advocates doesn't even have it over the gihon spring well the problem with placing a temple over the gihon spring in the second temple period is that there was a garbage dump 70 meters deep that had accumulated there over a couple hundred years how could you possibly get 70 meters of garbage underneath the temple if the temple was standing there so it is an impossibility so just this one fact alone should cause a fair-minded person to reconsider his or her position number five would it fit below the gihon spring toward the pool of Siloam again the answer is no the tombs of David are located there among other ruins dating back to the time of David and up to the time of Christ you can't just place a building on something that was already there number six would it fit over the ritual Temple located by the gihon spring some look at an ancient ritual place by the gihon spring which is believed to be the Temple of Melchizedek as evidence for the original temple being there well here we are at a very very unique place right here and right behind me underneath is a big huge Cavern that has been discovered that is believed to be melchizedek's Temple however these ruins are very small and date to a time before Solomon additionally most of those who use this evidence don't even Place their proposed temples over this site also it's located almost at the bottom of the valley so the mountains on both sides would have had to be removed to have a Temple Mount platform down this low there is certainly no evidence of this and as we have seen Mass trash dumps were nearby which revealed the temple couldn't have been here either it should be mentioned that the city of David has been the most excavated site in Israel for the past 150 years and there has been no evidence suggesting the original Temple Mount platform or Temple were here but just the contrary what we do find in the city of David is more evidence the temple resided on the current Temple Mount there has been discovered a major road called the pilgrims road that led from the pool of Siloam which was a large Mecca up to the southwest corner of the current Temple mount that had stores and shops along the way this reveals the Jews would cleanse themselves in the pool of Siloam and then make their way up to the Temple Mount platform and the Temple located on it there is also a major problem the new theorists have with a very small Temple Mount platform of just 600 by 600 feet or 183 by 183 meters they fail to take into consideration the needed space for the hundreds of thousands and even millions of Jews who would visit Jerusalem and the Temple Mount during the major Feast weeks there is no way a tiny Temple Mount could accommodate these massive crowds also we know that the early church grew rapidly and within a short time 8 000 Believers were meeting on or around the Temple Mount so a small Temple Mount platform just overlooks these facts the current Temple Mount platform is massive in size and was the place that could have handled these large crowds now we have given the new theorist the benefit of the doubt and use their own proposed Temple Mount platform size however if we use the more reliable source of the mishna size then expanded by the hasmonayans and then doubled in size by Herod the Great we get a space exactly the size of the current Temple Mount platform and this is according to the historical and archaeological evidence when we superimpose this size onto the city of David as you can see we have massive problems so in summary here are four closing thoughts one because this is such an important issue I spent around two years of intensive research on it I lead teams to Israel I have written books so I need to know the truth what I have presented are the major evidences supporting the temple being on the current Temple Mount there is much more evidence that I could present but this seems enough for now two this new proposed theory is very young only dating back to around 1999 this in and of itself is problematic if this new theory was viable it would have surfaced long ago the fact that no archaeologist believes in it is significant weight against it three now while those who propose this new Theory might have Noble intentions and sound convincing the evidence just doesn't support their Theory four I will end with this Bible verse from Proverbs 18 17. the one who states his case first seems right until the other comes and examines him what we have done is provide an in-depth examination of this new Theory and we believe when it's brought under the microscopic lens of the evidence that it is just very lacking well thank you for watching this video and may God richly bless you foreign [Music]
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 580,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Temple Location, True Location of the Temple, Evidence that Proves the Location of the Temple, Trumpter's Stone, Muslim Statement Location of the Temple, Sifting Project Evidence Temple Mount, Was the Temple Mount a Roman Fort?, Antonia Fortress Size of Several Cities, Was a Roman Legion Stationed at the Antonia Fortress, Need for Water for the Temple, Jerusalem, Temple Mount, City of David, Old City Jerusalem, Eastern Gate, Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa Mosque, Forgotten Temple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 18sec (5718 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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